Acheron Goblin Air Genasi Swashbuckler Arcadian Hippogriff Blood of Vol Cultist Level 2 ✦ Goblin • Martial Level 10 ✦ Elemental • Martial Level 10 ✦ Magical Beast (Mount) Level 6 ✦ Human • Divine

Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M Axe: +8 vs. AC; 10 damage. AC M Cutlass: +15 vs. AC; 15 damage. AC M Claw: +15 vs. AC; 15 damage. AC M Mace and Dagger: +10 vs. AC; 10 damage AND 17 24 26 m M 20 ongoing 5 damage. Powers Powers Dual Talons: Usable on charge. Make 2 FORT FORT FORT attacks against the same target. FORT 15 Goblin Bolstered: +2 Attack, +5 Damage, and +2 22 Opportunity Attacker: +5 Damage with m attacks 24 18 Powers REF to all defenses while adjacent to a Goblin ally. REF on other creature’s turns. REF Powers REF Devotee of Undead: +5 Damage while an Undead 15 22 ❑ ❑ Bounding Assault: Replaces move action: 24 Martial Mount: Can have a Medium or smaller 18 champion ally is in play. WILL WILL Move up to twice its current speed. WILL Martial creature as a rider. WILL Undead Bolstered: +2 Attack and +5 Damage 15 22 ❑ ❑ Lucky: Use after this creature misses with an 24 ❑ ❑ Elude Chance: Use when this creature or its 18 while adjacent to an Undead ally. attack or fails a saving throw: Re-roll that attack roll rider makes a m attack: That attack’s attack roll is a or saving throw instead. natural 10. SPEED SPEED Retributive Strike: Use after an adjacent enemy SPEED ❑ ❑ Smite Evil 10: Use when this creature or its SPEED 5 F6 resolves an attack against this creature: Make 1 M F7 rider declares an attack against an Evil target: +10 5 attack against that enemy as an immediate action. Damage on that attack.

HP HP HP HP 30 70 75 45 From his fortress in Clangor, Maglubiyet sends forth Air genasi are the inheritors of the sky, It strikes with a knight’s conviction The Blood of Vol appears to be a religion devoted to the BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD 15 goblin forces against the neighboring . 35 the wind, and the air of the world. 35 and a zephyr’s grace. 20 literal and gurative meaning of blood.

7 36 37 18 ©2008 Wizards, 28/60 ● ©2008 Wizards, 13/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 1/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 29/60 ●

Bluespawn Stormlizard Bralani Eladrin Celestial Giant Stag Beetle Centaur War Hulk Level 10 ✦ Dragon • Magical Beast • Spawn Level 8 ✦ Eladrin • Fey Level 8 ✦ Magical Beast • Planar Level 12 ✦ Centaur • Fey

Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M Goring Horn: +13 vs. AC; 15 damage. AC M Scimitar: +14 vs. AC; 15 damage. AC M Slicing Mandibles: +15 vs. AC; 15 damage AC M Halberd: (reach 2) +15 vs. AC; 25 damage. 25 24 24 24 ❑ c Lightning Breath: (line 10) +13 vs. Fortitude; r Longbow: (sight) +14 vs AC; 15 damage. AND Immobilized. ❑ c Whirling Blade: (burst 2, enemy targets only) FORT 20 lightning damage. On miss, 10 lightning FORT FORT c Lightning Burst: (burst 1) +12 vs. Fortitude; 10 FORT +15 vs. AC; 20 damage. 23 22 ❑ c Whirlwind Blast: (line 10) +12 vs. Reex; 15 24 24 damage. Q when this creature rst becomes damage AND push target up to 2 squares. On lightning damage. REF bloodied. REF REF REF Powers miss, 5 damage. Q when this creature hits with a Powers 23 c Stormburst: (burst 2) +11 vs. Fortitude; 10 22 r attack. 20 20 Ponderous: Cannot shift. WILL thunder damage. WILL WILL Resist 10 Lightning WILL Powerful Charge: +10 Damage while charging. 23 22 Powers 20 Predatory: +10 Damage with m attacks against 24 Powers De ect Arrows: +2 to all defenses against r Medium or smaller targets. Resist 10 Lightning; Resist 10 Thunder attacks. ❑ Defensive Shock: Use when this creature takes SPEED Gathering Storm: +2 Attack and +5 Damage with SPEED Draw First Blood: +10 Damage against SPEED damage: Make 1 Lightning Burst attack as an SPEED 7 Stormburst while within 5 squares of another F6 undamaged targets. 5 immediate action. 7 Bluespawn Stormlizard. +4 Attack and +10 Damage with Stormburst while within 5 squares HP HP HP HP 65 of 2 or more Bluespawn Stormlizards instead. 65 50 75 Powerful Charge: +10 Damage while charging. Wild at heart, a bralani takes feral pleasure War hulks never lead centaur tribes, but they make BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD 30 30 in the slaughter of the wicked. 25 This sacred scarab answers the call of the valiant. 35 excellent guardians for those who do.

39 35 26 58 ©2008 Wizards, 30/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 14/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 2/60 ◆ ©2008 Wizards, 15/60 ★

DDM-011 Blood War. Page 1 of 8 © 2008 . Permission granted to print for personal use only. Chasme Demonic Gnoll Priestess Doomguard Dragonmark Heir of Deneith Level 11 ✦ Demon Level 7 ✦ Demon • Gnoll Level 7 ✦ Human • Martial Level 9 ✦ Human • Martial

Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M Claws: +17 vs. AC; 20 damage. AC M Axe: +12 vs. AC; 15 damage. AC M Short Swords: +12 vs. AC; 15 damage. AC M Axe: +14 vs. AC; 15 damage. 23 23 21 25 ❑ c Droning Wings: (burst 3, non-Demon targets c Demonic Bolt: (range 5) +14 vs. Fortitude; 10 m Thrust and Rend: +10 vs. AC; 10 damage AND m Covering Attack: +15 vs. AC; 15 damage AND 1 FORT only) +15 vs. Will; Stunned (save ends; also ends if FORT necrotic damage AND Dazed. FORT Followup: +10 vs. AC; 10 damage. FORT adjacent ally shifts up to 2 squares as a free action. 21 a ected creature becomes 4 or more squares 19 21 21 REF away from this creature). Q when this creature REF Powers REF Powers REF Powers 21 rst becomes bloodied. 19 Blindsight 5: Ignores Conceal on creatures within 21 Hide: If this creature has ranged cover other than 21 Sneak Attack 10: +10 Damage against targets WILL WILL 5 squares; treats invisible creatures within 5 WILL from intervening creatures against a nonadjacent WILL granting it combat advantage. 21 Powers 19 squares as visible. 21 enemy, it is invisible to that enemy. 25 Bodyguard: Use when an enemy targets an Resist 10 Lightning Dark Blessing: +5 Damage with m attacks against Sneak Attack 10: +10 Damage against targets adjacent ally with an attack: Redirect that attack to Good targets. granting it combat advantage. this creature as an immediate action. SPEED SPEED Leader of the Pack: (Aura) Gnoll allies have +2 SPEED Press the Advantage: (Aura 2) Allies in aura have SPEED ❑ Protection from Energy: Minor action: This F8 6 Attack and +5 Damage. 6 +5 Damage with m attacks against bloodied 6 creature or 1 adjacent ally gains Resist 10 Acid, targets. Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder until end of battle. HP HP HP HP 65 55 50 65 The drone of a chasme’s wings saps strength and The strength of their demon prince pours forth The members of the Doomguard know dissolution to BLOOD courage from even the stoutest heart. BLOOD from gnoll priestesses, bringing their cruelty BLOOD be triumphant, and hasten the living toward that end. BLOOD 30 25 and savagery to the fore. 25 30 49 28 26 34 ©2008 Wizards, 45/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 46/60 ◆ ©2008 Wizards, 47/60 ● ©2008 Wizards, 25/60 ◆

Dwarf Sniper Earth Element Gargoyle Dragonkith Elf Warmage Level 10 ✦ Dwarf • Martial Level 10 ✦ Elemental • Magical Beast Level 11 ✦ Elf • Martial Level 11 ✦ Elf • Arcane

Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M Axe: +12 vs. AC; 15 damage. AC M Claws: +12 vs. AC; 15 damage. AC M Longsword: +18 vs. AC; 15 + 5 radiant AC M Shocking Grasp: +13 vs. AC or +13 vs. Reex; 22 21 25 23 r Crossbow: (sight) +12 vs. AC; 15 damage. damage. 15 lightning damage. FORT FORT Powers FORT FORT ❑ ❑ r Explosive Bolts: (sight) +10 vs. Reex; 15 r Thunder Lance: (range 10) +13 vs. Reex; 15 20 19 Resist 5 All 23 Powers 21 damage AND each enemy and ally adjacent to thunder damage. ❑ Aid Dragon: Minor action: 1 condition on an REF target takes 10 thunder damage. REF Delayed Appearance: Starts o the battle map. REF REF ❑ c Acid Breath: (blast 5) +13 vs. Reex; 15 acid adjacent Dragon ally ends, or 1 adjacent Dragon 20 19 Ambush: Minor action: Choose 1 enemy that does 23 21 damage. Powers ally heals 10 HP. WILL WILL not have line of sight to this creature. Until end of WILL WILL ❑ c Blast of Flame: (blast 5) +13 vs. Reex; 15 Dragon Bolstered: +5 Damage while within 5 20 Scout 19 turn, this creature has +10 Damage with M 23 21 re damage. squares of a Dragon champion ally. Aimed Shot: Replaces move action: +4 Attack and attacks against that creature. +5 Damage on this creature’s next r attack this ❑ Awaken: Use at start of round: Put this creature ❑ Dragon Rider: Use during your set-up: Choose 1 Powers SPEED turn. SPEED in your start area or in a space containing statue SPEED non-Mounted Large or larger Dragon ally. That ally SPEED ❑ ❑ ❑ Ring of Blades: Use at start of an adjacent 6 F6 terrain (until it moves, this creature can occupy 5 can be a mount for this creature until end of 6 enemy’s turn: That enemy takes 10 damage. battle. that space). ❑ Sudden Empower: Use when this creature ❑ ❑ Earthglide: Use at start of this creature’s turn: declares an attack action: +10 Damage on each HP HP HP HP 50 40 This creature has Burrow until end of turn. 70 45 attack in that attack action. “The dragons have given me a gift. BLOOD Dwarf legions advance under a hail of iron and re. BLOOD BLOOD Feel their wrath in the touch of my blade!”— BLOOD 25 20 35 Ekelior Arazain, elf dragonkith 20 34 23 38 42 ©2008 Wizards, 3/60 ◆ ©2008 Wizards, 48/60 ◆ ©2008 Wizards, 4/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 5/60 ◆

DDM-011 Blood War. Page 2 of 8 © 2008 Wizards of the Coast. Permission granted to print for personal use only. Ethereal Marauder Fiendish Snake Fire Giant Forgepriest Free League Ranger Level 5 ✦ Magical Beast Level 2 ✦ Beast • Serpent Level 15 ✦ Giant • Fire Level 8 ✦ Human • Martial

Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M Hooked Maw: +10 vs. AC; 15 damage. AC M Bite: +7 vs. AC; 5 damage AND ongoing 5 AC M Maul: (reach 2) +20 vs. AC; 25 damage. AC M Greatsword: +13 vs. AC; 20 damage. 19 17 28 19 m Snatch Prey: (Small or smaller target only) +8 vs. poison damage (save ends). ❑ c Flame Wave: (burst 2) +18 vs. Re ex; 10 re r Longbow: (sight) +15 vs. AC; 15 damage. FORT FORT FORT FORT Re ex; 10 damage AND this creature shifts up to Powers damage AND ongoing 10 re damage (save ends) 17 its current speed. Hit or miss, place target in any 15 28 AND push target up to 2 squares. Q when this 17 Powers REF legal space adjacent to this creature after REF Fluid Movement: Ignores the extra cost for REF creature rst becomes bloodied. REF Free League Training: +5 Damage against 17 resolving attack. 15 entering dicult terrain. 24 17 Civilization or Evil targets. Powers WILL WILL ❑ Intensify Venom: Minor action: 1 enemy within WILL WILL ❑ Zealous Follower: Use during your set-up: 1 17 Powers 15 5 squares taking ongoing poison damage takes 10 24 Resist 30 Fire 17 champion ally’s Champion Rating is increased by 1 ❑ ❑ Phase Out: Use at start of this creature’s turn: poison damage. ❑ Hot Iron: Use when this creature hits with a m until this creature is destroyed. (When this This creature has Insubstantial and Phasing until attack: Target also takes ongoing 10 re damage creature is destroyed, that ally loses 1 use of SPEED end of turn. SPEED SPEED (save ends). Q when this creature rst becomes SPEED champion powers if any remain.) 7 6 6 bloodied. 6

HP HP HP HP 40 25 95 45 “What was that? And where’s Lidda?” The denizens of the nether realms are Burning with rage and hard as iron, The Free League is a faction of independent BLOOD —Mialee, adventuring wizard BLOOD the favored minions of conjurers. BLOOD forgepriests bring the might of Surtur, BLOOD Outlanders who keep trade fair in Sigil— 20 10 45 god of re giants, to bear on their foes. 20 by whatever means necessary. 14 5 84 25 ©2008 Wizards, 49/60 ◆ ©2008 Wizards, 50/60 ● ©2008 Wizards, 31/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 16/60 ●

Githyanki Dragon Knight CR Gnoll Barbarian Gnome Trickster Green Level 16 ✦ Dragon • Githyanki • Mounted 1 Level 6 ✦ Gnoll • Primal Level 7 ✦ Gnome • Stealth Level 11 ✦ Slaad • Chaos Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M Greatsword: (reach 2) +22 vs. AC; 20 damage. AC M Greataxe: +10 vs. AC; 20 damage. AC M Hammer: +12 vs. AC; 10 damage. AC M Claw: (reach 2) +16 vs. AC; 20 damage. 29 m M 15 21 25 c Crowd ghter: Make 2 attacks, each against a Powers ❑ Cacophony: (blast 3) +14 vs. Will; 20 psychic FORT dierent target. FORT Powers FORT FORT damage AND push target up to 5 squares. Sneak Attack 10: +10 Damage against targets 28 ❑ c Fiery Breath: (blast 5) +20 vs. Re ex; 25 re 14 Bloodrage 5: +5 Damage while bloodied. 19 23 ❑ a Chaos Hammer: (radius 2 within 5) +14 vs. granting it combat advantage. REF damage. On miss, 10 re damage. Q when this REF Murderous: Cannot move or attack a non- REF REF Fortitude; 15 thunder damage AND Dazed. Bag of Tricks: Replaces attack action: Choose 1 28 creature rst becomes bloodied. 14 bloodied target while adjacent to a bloodied 19 23 ❑ a Fireball: (radius 2 within 10) +14 vs. Re ex; eect: WILL WILL enemy. WILL WILL 20 re damage. On miss, 10 re damage. 28 Powers 14 19 ❑ ❑ Invisibility: This creature or 1 ally within 5 23 Resist 5 Fire squares of this creature is invisible until end of its Powers Cavalry 5: +5 Damage with m attacks against next turn; also ends after it makes an attack. Entropic Spirit: At start of battle, this creature’s SPEED non-Mounted targets. SPEED SPEED ❑ ❑ Slide: Slide 1 enemy or ally within 5 squares SPEED Cacophony, Chaos Hammer, Fireball, and Skein of F8 7 6 of this creature up to 2 squares. 6 Shadow count as used. Champion Powers ❑ ❑ ❑ Snake’s Swiftness: Nearest ally within line of Shape Chaos: Use at start of this creature’s turn: ❖ Use at start of round: Each Dragon ally and each sight of this creature makes 1 M attack as an Roll 1d20. On 1-5, recharge Cacophony. On 6-10, HP Githyanki ally has +4 Attack and +10 Damage HP HP immediate action. HP recharge Chaos Hammer. On 11-15, recharge until end of round. 95 65 50 ❑ Disguise Self: Use during your set-up: This 60 Fireball. On 16-20, recharge Skein of Shadow. ❖ Use before taking your rst turn of a round: At end Gnolls see no tribute to their demon lord more BLOOD BLOOD tting than the blood of a fallen enemy. BLOOD creature is invisible to enemies until after it rst BLOOD ❑ Skein of Shadow: Minor action: This creature 45 of round, the player whose warband destroys the 30 25 makes an attack. 30 has Conceal 11 until start of its next turn. highest-level enemy this round scores 15 VP. 98 21 27 41 ©2008 Wizards, 51/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 52/60 ◆ ©2008 Wizards, 17/60 ◆ ©2008 Wizards, 53/60 ◆

DDM-011 Blood War. Page 3 of 8 © 2008 Wizards of the Coast. Permission granted to print for personal use only. Greenspawn Sneak Half- Spy Hammerer Harmonium Guard Level 2 ✦ Dragon • Spawn • Stealth Level 7 ✦ Half-Orc • Stealth Level 6 ✦ Construct Level 8 ✦ Human • Martial

Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M Spawnblades: +7 vs. AC; 10 damage. AC M Wounding Dagger: +14 vs. AC; 10 damage AC M Hammer: +11 vs. AC; 20 damage. AC M Longsword: +15 vs. AC; 15 damage. 18 r 23 AND ongoing 5 damage. 19 24 ❑ Spit Poison: (range 5) +8 vs. AC; 10 poison Powers Powers FORT damage. FORT FORT FORT 16 21 Powers 17 Immune Dazed; Immune Stunned 20 Awareness: Can make opportunity attacks against REF Powers REF Scout REF ❑ Ready Hammer: Use when an enemy enters an REF enemies for shifting out of an adjacent square. 16 Scout 21 Hide: If this creature has ranged cover other than 17 adjacent square: Make 1 M attack against that 20 Harmonious Defense: (Aura 5) Allies in aura have WILL Hide: If this creature has ranged cover other than WILL from intervening creatures against a nonadjacent WILL enemy as an immediate action. Q at end of this WILL +1 to all defenses. Allies in aura that have not yet 16 from intervening creatures against a nonadjacent 21 enemy, it is invisible to that enemy. 17 creature’s turn if this creature did not attack on 20 taken a turn this round have +2 to all defenses enemy, it is invisible to that enemy. Sneak Attack 10: +10 Damage against targets that turn. instead. Sneak Attack 5: +5 Damage against targets granting it combat advantage. ❑ Harmonious Attack: Use at end of this creature’s SPEED granting it combat advantage. SPEED ❑ Disguise Self: Use during your set-up: This SPEED SPEED turn: This creature does not count towards the 6 6 creature is invisible to enemies until it makes an 6 5 number of creatures you can activate this turn. attack. ❑ Pin: Use when this creature declares an attack: If ❑ ❑ Enemy Battle Plans: Use at start of round: If that attack hits, target is also Immobilized until HP HP HP HP 20 50 this creature occupies a victory area, you roll 1 45 55 end of its next turn. “What we see, so sees the Dragon Queen. What we extra d20 to determine initiative this round. Rocks crumble, geodes crack, and skulls shatter BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD 10 hear, she hears. What we kill, she leaves to us to eat.” 25 20 beneath its iron mauls. 25

6 26 16 27 ©2008 Wizards, 32/60 ● ©2008 Wizards, 6/60 ◆ ©2008 Wizards, 7/60 ● ©2008 Wizards, 8/60 ●

Hellcat Hero of Valhalla Horned Devil Howler Level 7 ✦ Magical Beast Level 2 ✦ Human • Primal Level 11 ✦ Devil Level 8 ✦ Demon

Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M Bite and Claw: +13 vs. AC; 20 damage. AC M Longsword: +8 vs. AC; 15 damage. AC M Spiked Chain: (reach 4) +18 vs. AC; 20 damage AC M Bite: +15 vs. AC; 20 damage. 23 m M 16 27 AND Dazed. 22 c ❑ Pouncing Rend: Usable on charge. Make 2 Powers ❑ Mind-Numbing Howl: (blast 5) +15 vs. Will; FORT attacks against the same target. Q at start of this FORT FORT m Ensnare: (reach 4) +16 vs. Reex; 20 damage FORT Confused (save ends). Q when this creature rst 21 creature’s turn if no enemy is adjacent to it. 14 ❑ Savage Frenzy 10: Use when this creature rst 25 AND Immobilized AND pull target to a space 20 becomes bloodied. m REF REF hits with a attack: This creature gains 10 HP. REF adjacent to this creature. REF 21 Powers 14 ❑ Valhalla Bound: Use when this creature destroys 25 20 Powers WILL Blindsight: Ignores Conceal and treats invisible WILL an enemy: Until end of battle, opponents score 0 WILL Powers WILL Quills 10: Attacker takes 10 damage whenever 21 creatures as visible. 14 VP instead of this creature’s cost for destroying this 25 Resist 10 Fire 20 this creature is hit with a m attack. Spirit Stalk: Has Conceal 6 against adjacent creature. ❑ Dimension Door: Replaces move action: enemies and is invisible to non-adjacent enemies. Teleport up to 10 squares. Q when this creature SPEED SPEED SPEED rst becomes bloodied. SPEED 7 7 F6 8

HP HP HP HP 65 30 90 70 Hellcats are invisible in any amount of light. You see For the wild men of the north, the highest virtue Horned devils give the phrase Only the maddening winds of Pandemonium can BLOOD their glowing outline only when it’s pitch black. BLOOD in battle is ferocity and a reckless disregard BLOOD “give them hell” new meaning. BLOOD drown out the baneful wail of a howler. 30 25 for one’s own safety. 45 35 43 11 83 46 ©2008 Wizards, 33/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 18/60 ● ©2008 Wizards, 34/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 54/60 ★

DDM-011 Blood War. Page 4 of 8 © 2008 Wizards of the Coast. Permission granted to print for personal use only. Ice Devil Karsite Fighter Kobold Monk Kolyarut Level 14 ✦ Devil • Cold Level 8 ✦ Human • Martial Level 2 ✦ Kobold • Ki Level 12 ✦ Construct • Planar • Law

Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M Cold Iron Spear: (reach 2) +21 vs. AC; 15 + 5 AC M Sword: +14 vs. AC; 15 damage AND Magic AC M Iron Fist: +7 vs. AC; 10 damage. AC M Sword: +19 vs. AC; 10 + 5 radiant damage AND 28 22 18 27 cold damage AND Slowed. Drain. ❑ m Jump Kick: Usable on charge. Usable only if this creature heals 10 HP. FORT c FORT FORT FORT m ❑ Cone of Cold: (blast 5) +17 vs. Reex; 20 cold Powers this creature has moved 1 or more squares from its ❑ Mark of Justice: +17 vs. Will; Immobilized 26 damage AND Immobilized. 20 18 starting position this turn. +7 vs. AC; 15 damage 24 (save ends) AND this creature and each ally has +2 Dead Magic Zone: +4 to all defenses against REF ❑ a Ice Storm: (radius 2 within sight) +19 vs. AC; REF REF AND this creature shifts up to 2 squares. Q at start REF Attack and +5 Damage against target until end of attacks by Arcane enemies and allies. Whenever 26 20 cold damage AND Slowed. 20 18 of this creature’s turn if no enemy is adjacent to it. 24 battle. an Arcane enemy or ally misses this creature with WILL WILL WILL WILL r Enervation Ray: (sight) +17 vs. Reex; 5 an attack, this creature heals 10 HP. Powers 26 Powers 20 18 24 damage AND Weakened (save ends). Resist 20 Cold; Resist 20 Poison Magic Drain: (Condition) Aected creature has –5 De ect Arrows: +2 to all defenses against r Damage until end of battle. An Arcane creature is attacks. ❑ ❑ Ice Flow: Use when this creature damages an Powers Weakened until end of battle instead. SPEED enemy or ally with an attack: Slide that enemy or SPEED SPEED SPEED Immune Immobilized; Immune Poison 7 ally up to 2 squares. 5 7 6 Impose Order: +5 Damage against Borderlands targets.

HP HP HP HP 85 55 20 70 As brutal as a blizzard and cold as death, it performs its Incapable of casting spells, karsites relish Few would suspect a mere kobold to have the discipline A dire fate awaits those who break BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD 40 Blood War missions with ruthless e ciency. 25 slaying anyone who uses magic. 10 to walk the path of true enlightenment. 35 bargains and abandon oaths.

74 26 5 45 ©2008 Wizards, 35/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 36/60 ◆ ©2008 Wizards, 37/60 ● ©2008 Wizards, 9/60 ★

Large Water Elemental Lillend Living Flaming Sphere Lord of Blades CR Level 10 ✦ Elemental • Aquatic Level 11 ✦ Planar Level 6 ✦ Ooze • Fire Level 13 ✦ • Construct • Martial (Unique) 2 Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M Slam: (reach 2) +13 vs. AC; 25 damage. AC M Scimitar: (reach 2) +15 vs. AC; 20 damage. AC M Scorch: +9 vs. Reex; 10 re damage AND AC M Sword: +18 vs. AC; 15 damage. 22 25 22 27 ❑ m Drown: (reach 2, living target only) +11 vs. ❑ ❑ r Beguile: (range 5) +14 vs. Will; Dominated ongoing 5 re damage. m Slashing Blades: Make 2 M attacks. FORT FORT FORT FORT Fortitude; 25 damage AND Helpless (save ends). (save ends). c Flashre: (burst 2) +11 vs. Reex; 20 re Powers 24 23 c 20 damage AND ongoing 10 re damage. Hit or miss, 25 Powers ❑ ❑ Entrancing Music: (burst 3, enemy targets Human Slayer: +10 Damage against Human targets. REF REF only) +13 vs. Will; Immobilized. REF this creature is destroyed after resolving all REF 20 Defensive Advantage: Never grants combat 23 20 25 Bladed Carapace: Attacker takes 5 damage whenever this attacks. creature is missed by a m attack. WILL advantage. WILL Powers WILL WILL Powers ❑ Juggernaut: Use when this creature declares a charge: 20 Fluid Movement: Ignores the extra cost for 23 Immune Poison 20 25 +2 Speed and +10 Damage until end of that charge. Q Immune Fire; Vulnerable 10 Cold entering dicult terrain. ❑ ❑ Revitalize: Minor action: 1 ally within 5 when a Warforged ally is destroyed. Blindsight: Ignores Conceal and treats invisible Cleave: Use when this creature destroys an enemy squares of this creature heals 15 HP. End 1 eect or Champion Powers ❑ ❑ SPEED with a m attack: Make 1 M attack as an immediate SPEED condition on that ally. SPEED creatures as visible. SPEED ❖ 5 action. F7 7 Defensive Advantage: Never grants combat 5 Use at start of round: Each Construct ally and each Warforged ally has +2 Attack and +10 Damage until end ❑ Tidal Surge: Use at start of this creature’s turn: advantage. of round. Move up to its speed as a free action. Q at end of Fire Shield 10: Attacker takes 10 re damage ❖ HP HP HP HP Use when a Construct or Warforged ally destroys an 80 this creature’s turn if it occupies river terrain. 75 50 whenever this creature is hit by a m attack. 85 enemy: That ally heals 30 HP. Warband Building: Construct creatures of any faction and BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD 40 35 The lillend are the guardians of the Innite Staircase. 25 40 alignment are legal in your warband.

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DDM-014 Blood War. Page 5 of 8 © 2008 Wizards of the Coast. Permission granted to print for personal use only. Marilith Maug Medium Copper Dragon Mercykiller Level 10 ✦ Demon • Martial Level 11 ✦ Construct Level 8 ✦ Dragon Level 6 ✦ Human • Martial

Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M Scimitar: (reach 2) +18 vs. AC; 15 damage. AC M Slam: (reach 2) +16 vs. AC; 25 damage. AC M Bite: +15 vs. AC; 15 damage. AC M Mancatcher: (reach 2) +13 vs. AC; 15 damage 24 24 23 22 m Shroud of Steel: Make 2 M attacks. Hit or miss, m Pound: (reach 2) +14 vs. AC; 30 damage AND ❑ c Acid Breath: (line 10) +13 vs. Reex; 20 acid AND Medium or smaller target is Immobilized. FORT FORT FORT FORT this creature has +4 AC until start of its next turn Dazed. damage. Q when this creature rst becomes Powers 23 after resolving all attacks. 22 21 bloodied. 20 Powers Killer Instinct: +4 Attack and +5 Damage against REF m Weapon Dance: (reach 2) +18 vs. AC; 10 damage REF REF ❑ c Slowing Breath: (blast 3) +13 vs. Fortitude; REF bloodied targets. 23 AND this creature shifts up to 1 square AND make 22 Immune Poison; Immune Stunned 21 Slowed (save ends). 20 WILL 1 Weapon Dance attack (maximum 6 per turn). WILL Solid Footing: Not aected by forced-movement WILL WILL Murderous: Cannot move or attack a non- 23 22 eects of enemies. 21 Powers 20 bloodied target while adjacent to a bloodied Powers Resist 10 Acid enemy. Hacking Blades: Use when an enemy misses this ❑ Dragon Subcommander: Use during your SPEED creature with a m attack: Make 1 M attack against SPEED SPEED set-up: Choose 1 Dragon champion ally. That ally’s SPEED 7 that enemy as an immediate action. 6 F8 Champion rating is increased by 1 until this 6 creature is destroyed. (When this creature is destroyed, that ally loses 1 use of champion HP HP HP HP 100 85 55 powers if any remain.) 45 Initially cannon fodder for an ancient war, the maug “It’s like this, berk: You break the law, I break you.” BLOOD Many arms, many deaths. BLOOD established a fortress on Thuldanin and now hire BLOOD BLOOD —Dek Drothlek, Mercykiller 50 40 themselves to any who can a ord them. 25 20 73 41 32 17 ©2008 Wizards, 55/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 26/60 ◆ ©2008 Wizards, 20/60 ◆ ©2008 Wizards, 40/60 ◆

Mezzodemon Orc Wizard Rager Phoera Level 11 ✦ Demon Level 8 ✦ Orc • Arcane Level 9 ✦ Magical Beast • Rage Level 6 ✦ Magical Beast • Fire

Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M Trident: +18 vs. AC; 15 damage. AC M Sta : +10 vs. Ac; 10 damage. AC M Ripping Beak: (reach 2) +12 vs. AC; 15 AC M Fiery Touch: +9 vs. Reex; 10 damage AND 27 18 21 20 ❑ c Poison Cloud: (burst 2) +16 vs. Fortitude; 20 r Spectral Ram: (range 5) +12 vs. Fortitude; 15 damage. ongoing 5 re damage (save ends). FORT poison damage. Hit or miss, each adjacent FORT damage AND push target up to 2 squares. On FORT m Hug: (reach 2, Immobilized or Helpless target FORT ❑ ❑ m Fiery Tail: Move up to its current speed and 23 creature takes ongoing 10 poison damage (save 16 critical hit, target is also Stunned. 21 only) automatic hit; target takes 20 damage. 18 make 1 M attack against each enemy occupying REF ends) after resolving all attacks. Q when this REF ❑ c Flame Shroud: (burst 2) +12 vs. Reex; 20 REF ❑ m Rending Grab: (reach 2) +10 vs. Reex; 10 REF squares entered during that move. 23 creature rst becomes bloodied. 16 re damage. 17 damage AND pull target adjacent to this creature 18 WILL WILL WILL WILL Powers Powers AND Followup: +10 vs. Fortitude; 20 damage AND 23 16 Powers 17 Immobilized (ends if target becomes non-adjacent 18 Immune Fire; Vulnerable 10 Cold Resist 10 Poison ❑ Dolorous Edge: Minor action: 1 adjacent ally to this creature). Q if no Immobilized enemy is Fire Healing 5: Heals 5 HP whenever subjected to ❑ Skewering Tines: Use when this creature hits scores critical hits on attack rolls of natural 18-20 adjacent to this creature. re damage. SPEED with a M attack: Target is also Immobilized (save SPEED with m attacks until end of battle. SPEED SPEED Fire Shield 5: Attacker takes 5 re damage 6 ends). Q at end of this creature’s turn if no 6 6 Powers F6 whenever this creature is hit with a m attack. Immobilized enemy is adjacent to it. Bloodrage 5: +5 Damage with m attacks while bloodied. HP HP HP HP 70 50 75 45 No one knows for sure who started the Blood War, but “Would it comfort you if I yelled ‘Grog smash’ A phoera rises from the ashes of a phoelarch, BLOOD yugoloths seem happy to see it continue. BLOOD while you burned beneath my arcane re?” BLOOD When isn’t an owlbear raging? BLOOD but remembers nothing of its progenitor’s 35 25 —Grog of the Third Eye, orc wizard 35 20 proud defense of freedom.

✦ For use with Blood War 41/60: Mezzoloth 42 24 34 19 ©2008 Wizards, 41/60 ◆ ©2008 Wizards, 56/60 ◆ ©2008 Wizards, 57/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 21/60 ◆

DDM-011 Blood War. Page 6 of 8 © 2008 Wizards of the Coast. Permission granted to print for personal use only. Pit Fiend CR Red Hand War Sorcerer CR Shadowdancer CR Skeletal Reaper CR Level 16 ✦ Demon 3 Level 10 ✦ Hobgoblin • Goblin • Arcane 2 Level 7 ✦ Human • Shadow 2 Level 6 ✦ Undead 2 Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M Claw: (reach 2) +20 vs. AC; 10 + 10 re AC M Sta : +11 vs. AC; 10 + 5 re damage. AC M Short Sword: +12 vs. AC; 15 damage. AC M Scythe: +9 vs. AC; 15 damage. 28 damage. 21 c 20 18 m ❑ ❑ Lightning Bolt: (line 12) +13 vs. Fortitude; Powers Deathly Touch: +7 vs. Fortitude; Weakened AND FORT m Tail Sting: (reach 2) +20 vs. AC; 15 damage AND FORT 20 lightning damage. On miss, 10 lightning FORT FORT Immobilized. 27 Followup: +18 vs. AC; ongoing 10 poison damage 19 damage. 19 Hide: If this creature has ranged cover other than 16 from intervening creatures against a nonadjacent Powers REF (save ends). REF c Mantle of Flame: (burst 1) +14 vs. Fortitude; 15 REF REF enemy, it is invisible to that enemy. 27 19 re damage. 19 16 Immune Poison; Vulnerable 5 Radiant Powers Sneak Attack 10: +10 Damage against targets WILL WILL ❑ ❑ a Ice Burst: (radius 1, nearest) +14 vs. AC; WILL WILL Keen Scythe: Deals triple damage instead of Resist 20 Fire granting it combat advantage. 27 19 20 cold damage. 19 16 double damage whenever scoring a critical hit. Aura of Fire 10: (Aura 1) Enemies that start a turn ❑ Defensive Roll: Use when this creature is hit by a ❑ Death Focus: Minor action: Choose 1 enemy in aura take 10 re damage . Powers m or r attack: That attack is a miss instead. within line of sight of this creature. This creature SPEED Champion Powers ❑ ❑ ❑ SPEED Precise Casting: Can ignore any number of allies SPEED ❑ ❑ Shadow Jump: Minor action: Teleport up to SPEED has +2 Attack and +5 Damage against that enemy F6 6 c a 7 F6 ❖ Use at any time during this creature’s turn: Slide 1 in area when making a or attack. 10 squares, must end in space adjacent to a wall. until end of battle. Q when that enemy is level 15 or lower Devil ally up to 5 squares, then ❑ Defensive Flame: Use when an enemy enters an destroyed. adjacent square: Make 1 Mantle of Flame attack HP destroy that ally. Each enemy and ally adjacent to HP HP HP 120 the space that ally occupied takes 15 re damage. 45 including that enemy in its area as an immediate 50 55 ❖ action. This twisted animation of a bralani eladrin was once a BLOOD Use when an ally is destroyed: That ally is not BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD 60 destroyed instead. It is destroyed at end of its next 20 25 Where shadows fall, so do killing strokes. 25 champion of hope and freedom—but is now a scion of turn or if it takes damage. fear and pain. 105 34 28 21 ©2008 Wizards, 42/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 43/60 ◆ ©2008 Wizards, 22/60 ◆ ©2008 Wizards, 58/60 ●

Solar CR Soldier of Bytopia CR Soulknife Infiltrator CR Storm Silverhand CR Level 15 ✦ Angel • Planar 2 Level 5 ✦ Gnome • Martial 2 Level 7 ✦ Human • Psionic • Stealth 2 Level 11 ✦ Human • Arcane (Unique) 2 Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M Greatsword: (reach 2) +22 vs. AC; 20 damage. AC M Gnome Pick: +12 vs. AC; 10 damage. AC M Psiblades: +12 vs. AC; 15 damage. AC M Longsword: +18 vs. AC; 20 damage. 30 21 21 24 r Longbow: (sight) +22 vs. AC; 15 damage. r Hurled Psiblade: (range 10, nearest) +12 vs. AC; ❑ c Silverre: (line 5) Automatic hit; 20 damage. FORT FORT Powers FORT FORT ❑ a ❑ r Slaying Arrow: (sight, bloodied target only) 15 damage. Confusion: (radius 2 within sight) +16 vs. Will; 26 17 Retributive Strike: Use after an adjacent enemy 19 23 Confused (save ends). +18 vs. Fortitude; target is destroyed. resolves an attack against this creature: Make 1 M Powers REF REF REF REF Powers 26 Champion Powers ❑ ❑ 17 attack against that enemy as an immediate action. 19 Hide: If this creature has ranged cover other than 23 Immune Lightning from intervening creatures against a nonadjacent WILL ❖ Use at start of round: If you win initiative this WILL WILL WILL ❑ ❑ enemy, it is invisible to that enemy. Healing Wings: Replaces attack action: 1 adjacent 26 round, each Good enemy and ally has +2 AC until 17 19 23 ally heals 10 HP and has Flight until end of its next turn. end of round. Otherwise, each Good enemy and Sneak Attack 5: +5 Damage against targets ally has +2 Attack until end of round. granting it combat advantage. Champion Powers ❑ ❑ SPEED ❖ Use when an Evil enemy targets an ally with an SPEED SPEED ❑ ❑ Neural Feedback: Use when this creature SPEED ❖ Use after an enemy within 5 squares of this creature uses a F6 attack: That ally has +4 AC until end of round. 5 6 declares an attack: +2 Attack and +10 psychic 6 champion power: That enemy is Dazed. Damage on that attack. ❖ Use at start of round: Each Human ally and each Elf ally has +2 Attack and +5 Damage until end of round. HP HP HP HP Warband Building: Non-Evil Human and Elf creatures of 90 40 50 70 any faction are legal in your warband. The greatest of all angels, Every Bytopian soldier has two sides: one that abhors “What better assassin than one who appears BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD 45 and the pure perfection that evil dreads. 20 violence, and another than embraces it. 25 unarmed?”—Yo red the Black, soulknife inltrator 35

105 12 24 57 ©2008 Wizards, 10/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 11/60 ● ©2008 Wizards, 44/60 ◆ ©2008 Wizards, 23/60 ★

DDM-011 Blood War. Page 7 of 8 © 2008 Wizards of the Coast. Permission granted to print for personal use only. Succubus Thundertusk Cavalry Valenar Nomad Charger Vlaakith the Lich Queen CR Level 10 ✦ Devil Level 10 ✦ Dwarf • Martial • Mounted Level 8 ✦ Elf • Martial • Mounted Level 13 ✦ Githyanki • Undead (Unique) 2 Attacks Attacks Attacks Attacks AC M Raking Claws: +13 vs. AC; 10 + 10 poison damage. AC M Hoof and Tusk: +15 vs. AC; 20 damage AND AC M Double Scimitar: +15 vs. AC; 15 damage. AC M Greatsword: +16 vs. AC; 15 damage. 23 23 24 27 m Kiss of the Succubus: +13 vs. Will; 10 poison damage push target up to 1 square. ❑ m Valenar Bladebearer: +17 vs. AC; 25 damage. ❑ m Doom Touch: +15 vs. Fortitude; 10 necrotic FORT AND Weakened (save ends). FORT m Axe: +17 vs. AC; 15 damage. FORT Q at start of this creature’s turn if no enemy is FORT damage AND Helpless (save ends). ❑ r 23 Beguile: (range 5) +13 vs. Will; Dominated (save 20 22 adjacent to it. 25 ends). ❑ Quick Axe: Minor action: Make 1 Axe attack. Q ❑ r Disintegrate: (range 5) +15 vs. Fortitude; 25 REF REF REF REF 23 20 when this creature rst becomes bloodied. 22 Powers 25 damage AND ongoing 10 damage (save ends). Powers r Lightning Orb: (range 5) +15 vs. Reex; 15 Powers Keen Critical 19: Scores critical hits on attack rolls WILL Resist 10 Fire; Vulnerable 5 Radiant WILL WILL WILL lightning damage. of natural 19-20. 23 ❑ Disguise Self: Use during your set-up: This creature is 20 ❑ Persistent Rider: Use when this creature is 22 25 invisible to enemies until after it makes an attack. destroyed: Put a Dwarf creature with cost 19 or less Mobile Melee Attack 3: Use after this creature Powers ❑ False Tears: Use when an enemy targets this creature in the space this creature occupied before being resolves a m attack: Shift up to 3 squares as an Immune Poison SPEED with a m attack: That attack misses. Recharge this creature’s SPEED destroyed. That creature must be legal in your SPEED immediate action. SPEED F6 Beguile or Lure. 6 warband and is considered activated this round. 7 6 Champion Powers ❑ ❑ ❑ Lure: Use at start of enemy’s turn: If that enemy is within ❖ Use at start of round: This creature and each 10 squares of this creature, its rst action on its turn must Undead enemy and ally, each Githyanki enemy HP be a move action. If it can, it must end that move adjacent HP HP HP and ally, and each Dragon enemy and ally has +2 65 to this creature; otherwise, it loses its move action this 65 70 80 turn. The great boar charges, the hammer falls, The Valaes Tairn value their horses Attack and +10 Damage until end of round. BLOOD BLOOD and blood soaks the battle eld. BLOOD and their ancestors above all else. BLOOD ❖ Use when a Githyanki or Dragon ally misses with 30 30 35 40 an attack: Re-roll that attack roll instead. 40 44 36 79 ©2008 Wizards, 59/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 12/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 24/60 ★ ©2008 Wizards, 60/60 ★

Blood War

Design: D. Garry Stupack (Lead), Michael Derry, Keith Tatroe Development: Peter Lee (Lead), Paul Grasshof Graphic Designers: Joel Broveleit, Kevin Tatroe Special Thanks: Andy Clautice, Jesse Dean, Robert Hatch, Jason Lioi, Patrick Lynch, Steven Montano, Sven Myrin, Louis C. Sacha, Jason Sallay, Kevin Tatroe, Steve Townsend

Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, D&D Miniatures, Wizards of the Coast are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and used under license. All Wizards character names, and the distinct likenesses thereof are property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. © 2009 DDM Guild and Wizards of the Coast. This DDM Guild product contains no Open Game Content. These cards are current as of July 14, 2009.

DDM-011 Blood War. Page 8 of 8 © 2008 Wizards of the Coast. Permission granted to print for personal use only.