Lake Enhancement Working Group Meeting Agenda Thursday, August 1, 2019 at 9:00 AM in the Fire Hall Conference Room Page
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Lake Enhancement Working Group Meeting Agenda Thursday, August 1, 2019 at 9:00 AM in the Fire Hall Conference Room Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA AND LATE ITEMS (a) August 1, 2019 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES (a) Minutes of July 4, 2019 3 - 5 Lake Enhancement Working Group - 04 Jul 2019 - Minutes 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) Budget Discussion (b) Ltr 223 from British Columbia Institute of Technology regarding Letter of 6 Support Ltr 223 (c) Lake Monitoring and Infeed Data Update - Ray Town 7 - 8 Ltr 220 - Lake Monitoring Ltr 219 - Weir Data (d) Verbal Update Weed Management - Heather Larratt (e) Ltr 205 Christmas Bird Count 9 - 12 Ltr 205 5. CORRESPONDENCE FOR ACTION (a) Ltr 208 from Jason Montgomery, KALE Solutions, regarding Logan Lake 13 - 20 Aerator and Spawning Chanel Ltr 208 6. NEW BUSINESS Page 1 of 96 Lake Enhancement Working Group (a) Ltr 206 from Marge Sidney regarding Logan Lake Field Trip August 14, 21 2019 Ltr 206 (b) Ltr 188 from British Columbia Institute of Technology regarding 2019 22 - 96 Winter Limnology Study for Logan Lake Ltr 188 7. CONSIDERATION OF LATE ITEMS 8. NOTICE TO PROCEED TO IN CAMERA N/A 9. RISE AND REPORT TO REGULAR MEETING N/A 10. QUESTION PERIOD 11. ADJOURNMENT Page 2 of 96 3.(a) MINUTES Lake Enhancement Working Group Meeting Thursday, July 4, 2019 - 9:00 AM Fire Hall Conference Room PRESENT: Councillor Bell, Marge Sidney (via phone), Heather Larratt (via phone), Jacqui Schneider (arrived 9:06 a.m.), Bert Parke, Les Mcdonell, and Ray Town ADMINISTRATION: Randy Lambright, Chief Administrative Officer (left 9:45 a.m.), and Jacqui Martell, Administrative Assistant PUBLIC: 1 member 1. CALL TO ORDER Councillor Bell, Chair called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA AND LATE ITEMS a) July 4, 2019 Moved and seconded THAT the Lake Enhancement Working Group meeting agenda for July 4, 2019 be adopted as amended by adding under late Items 7(a) Jason Montgomery Honorarium. CARRIED. 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES a) Minutes of June 6, 2019 Moved and seconded THAT the Minutes of the Lake Enhancement Working Group meeting held on June 6, 2019 be adopted as presented and circulated. CARRIED. 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Wetlands/BCIT Strategy Update - CAO Verbal Report The Chief Administrative Officer informed the committee that Council approved in principal the allocation of up to $10,000/year over 3 years for continuation of wetlands restoration in conjunction with the Logan Lake Enhancement Working Group, subject to establishing partnership agreements with British Columbia Institute of Techonology and a third party. Page 3 of 96 3.(a) Lake Enhancement Working Group Minutes — July 4, 2019 Page 2 of 3 RECOMMENDATION Moved and seconded THAT the Lake Enhancement Working Group allocate five-thousand dollars ($5,000) from its existing budgets to be utilized for soil and tissue sampling as part of the 2019 stream restoration project in the event that the three party agreement is untenable this year. CARRIED. (Randy Lambright, Chief Administrative Officer, left the meeting at 9:45 a.m.) b) Weed Management Update - Heather Larratt Heather Larratt, Larratt Aquatic Consulting, reported that her students sprayed some areas adjacent to the water in the wetlands with a 30% vinegar solution and they will be monitoring the treated areas for weed management. Ms. Larratt also agreed to contact Todd Lang, Thompson-Nicola Invasive Management, regarding scheduling of 2019 invasives management spraying at the wetlands. c) Pine Tree Planting and Lake Monitoring Update - Ray Town Ray Town, Highland Valley Outdoor Association, reported that Teck Highland Valley Copper donated over one-hundred (100) pine tree seedlings and he along with the students from Larratt Aquatic Consulting planted them at the wetland sites. Mr. Town also reported that he and Marge Sidney, BC Lake Stewardship Society, preformed oxygen readings on the lake and the results were good. d) Christmas Bird Count Bert Parke, Christmas Bird Count, reviewed Ltr. 179 Logan Lake Wetland Enhancement Project 2011- June 2019. 5. CORRESPONDENCE FOR ACTION N/A 6. NEW BUSINESS N/A 7. CONSIDERATION OF LATE ITEMS a) Jason Montgomery Honorarium Councillor Bell,Chair, welcomed Mr. Montgomery to the meeting and thanked him for coming. Mr. Montgomery gave a verbal report regarding the work he has done at the compressor shed, for the areator, and the spawning channel. Mr. Montgomery expressed hazard and safety concerns regarding the compressor shed and agreed to prepare a report regarding the hazards and safety concerns of the compressor shed. He advised the report will be forwarded to Councillor Bell for review at an upcoming Council meeting. Mr. Montgomery presented the Page 4 of 96 3.(a) Lake Enhancement Working Group Minutes — July 4, 2019 Page 3 of 3 committee with an invoice for his honorarium in the amount of three-thousand dollars ($3000). (Mr. Montgomery left the meeting.) RECOMMENDATION Moved and seconded THAT the Lake Enhancement Working Group pay Jason Montgomery, Kale Solutions, $50/hour for up to three (3) hours to prepare a report for Council regarding hazard and safety concerns of the compressor shed. CARRIED. 8. NOTICE TO PROCEED TO IN CAMERA N/A 9. RISE AND REPORT TO REGULAR MEETING N/A 10. QUESTION PERIOD N/A 11. ADJOURNMENT The Lake Enhancement Working Group meeting adjourned at 10:52 a.m. Recorded by Jacqui Martell, Administrative Assistant CERTIFIED CORRECT Chair (Councillor Bell) Corporate Officer (M. Miles) Page 5 of 96 4.(b) District of Loga Lake ‘£0.30.LEW(7 '” Received: JU 2 3 2019 BCIT July 10, 2019 Action BRITISHCOLUMBIA Randy Lambright INSTHUTEOFTECHNOLOGY ChiefAdministrativeOf?cer 3700WlllngdanAvenue Burnaby,BritishColumbia District of Logan Lake Canada V563H2 1 Opal Drive Logan Lake,BCVOK1W0 Dear Randy: On behalf of the Schoolof Construction and the Environment at BCIT,I endorse the short and long-term strategies you have proposed with Ken Ashleyto support BCIT’songoing Wetland Restoration Field program at Logan Lakeand explore a long—termstrategy for establishing a BClTFieldStation at Logan Lake.The School of Construction and the Environment is pleased to commit $10,000/year over the next 3 years as per the short-term funding arrangement outlined below: 1. Short-term Strategy— Over the next three years we willcontinue the wetland restoration program under a funding scenario in which BCIT,the District of Logan Lake,and a private funder each contribute $10,000/year (for a total of $30,000/year needed to fund the program). Long-term Strategy - We willexplore opportunities for creating a District-BCITFieldstation at Logan Lakethat could includeenvironmental restoration, fish and wildlifestudies, forest management and mine site reclamation projects in addition to the wetland program, and continue to provide excellentapplied learning for BCITstudents, and bene?ts the community of Logan Lake. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need additional details. We are very excited to support this ongoing partnership?znreally appreciate the support you have provided our students and faculty over the past Sincerel yeam/, Dean, School of Construction and the Environment British Columbia Institute of Technology Cc: Dr. Ken Ashley Dr. EricAnderson Dr. Anayansi Cohen-Fernandez Dr. Steven Kuan Page 6 of 96 4.(c) lake sampling form lake date: 19-05-21 site name: oxygenator air temp: 140 surface h20 temp:13.6 depth:7.75m cloud cover%: 100 wind direction/strength:east,ripples secchi depth:4.5m water level on staff gauge: .52m time:9:00 rain in last 24 hrs? N0 time H20 DO ph 0% depth(m) 2400hr temp(c') (mg/l) (ph units) 0.5 13.64 6.45 8.64 71.5 1 13.52 6.19 8.47 68.8 2 13.43 6.25 8.47 69.0 3 13.40 7.16 8.47 78.3 4 12.17 5.80 8.42 62.1 5 10.20 5.99 8.36 61.8 6 9.45 6.28 8.31 63.0 7 8.70 5.05 8.24 49.1 7.75 8.20 1.38 8.13 13.2 lake sampling form lake date: site name: air temp: surface h20 temp: depth: cloud cover%: wind direction/strength: secchi depth: water level on staff gauge: time: rain in last 24 hrs? Y or N: time H20 DO ph 0% depth(m) 2400hr temp(c')(mg/l) (ph units) 0.5 1 \lO‘\1)1-l>UJ[\) Page 7 of 96 4.(c) District of Logan ake JUL 2 mg 2019 LEWG—weirdata at n end of Ioggfaelk date ht. liters/sec. comments Mar.18 - ? ? hot spe||,snow melting rapidly. stream had overflowed into campsite last month, water running over ice at weir 24-water run around weir,broke a sand bag. stream made new channel through campsite by bridge. 25- 0.110 5.50 water over weir back in channel possible water on edge of lake. Apr. 03- .084 2.80 water on lake edges,geese back 07 .080 2.50 ice 1/3open on lake 12 .090 3.30 ice only in shelter bay 25 .085 2.90 29 .075 2.10 no ice , weir tilt more,add 2 cm. May13 .082 2.60 21 .090 3.30 some rain 24 .095 3.80 stormy days 26 .090 3.30 sunny 2 days 31 .058 1.11 June 05 .070 1.80 18 .060 1.20 week of little rain 24 .085 2.90 3 days of rain July 04 .090 3.30 heavy rain 08 .150 11.90 very heavy rain on weekend 16 .070 1.80 21 .080 2.50 Page 8 of 96 Logan Lake Wetland Enhancement Project Bird Counts: 2011 – 2019 The July 4 and 16, 2011 bird count was taken prior to the Lake Enhancement Westland Project Phase 1.