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A Arendt, Hannah, 62 ‘Abyss, the’, 233–234 Arson, 152–153 Academia, 214–218, 228n83 Aubenas, Florence, Le quai de Acceptance, 139–141, 146, Ouistreham, 218–219 150, 152, 155 Auden, W.H., 62 Accuracy, 51 Auerbach, Jonathan, Addiction, 100 Male Call, 237 Advice, 237 Authority, 36, 42, 49, 69, 71 Agency, 31, 78 Autobiography, 233, 239–240, Alatas, Syed Hussein, The Myth 242, 245, 248 of the Lazy Native, 30–31 Alcohol consumption, see Drink Alcoholics, 76–77 B Allingham, Margery, Albert Campion Backpacks, 110–111 – novels, 207 213, 226n56, Banks, Elizabeth L., 133, 169–186, 227n61 189, 218, 235–236 ‘ ’ Allingham, Philip ( Orlando ), Autobiography of a ‘Newspaper Girl’, – Cheapjack, 210 213, 227n71 179–186 ‘ ’ Amateur Casual , 17, 33, 40, Campaigns of Curiosity: Journalistic – 112 113 Adventures of an American Amateurism, 213 Girl in London, 169–182, – – Ambiguity, 11, 48 49, 111 112 184–185, 225n22 – America, 1, 214 218, 234 ‘How the Other Half Lives’ – Analysis, 200 202, 214 series, 170–174, 185, 187n6, – Anarchy, 108 109 187n16 Anonymity, publishing with, 17, 33 ‘In Cap and Apron’, 175–182, – Anthropology, 19, 213 214, 188n26 228n79, 248 interview with, 174, 181

© The Author(s) 2017 261 L. Seaber, Incognito Social Investigation in British Literature, Palgrave Studies in Life Writing, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-50962-4 262 INDEX

Banksian tradition, 177–178, 186, essays, 120n10 189, 206, 214–218, 224 on irony, 235 Barnett, Samuel, 129 Chicago Tribune, publication Bar work, 161–163 of ‘Wandering Unskilled Laborers Bathing, 23–24 on the Edge of Trampdom’ Beachcombing, 90–91, 250–251, (Franck), 97 256n57 Choice, 177 Begging, 119, 130–131, 139, Christie, Agatha, 207 144–145, 154, 163n3 Church Action on Poverty Belloc, Hilaire, The Path (charity), 219 to Rome, 85, 103–110, 128 ‘Civilization’, 106–109 Bensusan, S.L., 134 Clarity of accounts, 113–117 Bias, 117 Class Bible, 28–29, 54n41 and early incognito social Blake, Nicholas (C. Day-Lewis), investigation, 18, 20–21, Malice in Wonderland, 212 23–24, 30–31, 35–37, 39, Bly, Nellie (Phileas Fogg), 170 42, 60–62 Bohemianism, 62 and low-paid work, 132, 141–142, Bourgeoisie, 62 151, 155, 177, 184–186, Bourne, Frances, ‘A Lady’s 189, 193, 197–200, Experiences as an Organ 208–211 Grinder’, 132, 135–138 and settling, 237, 240, 251 Brecht, Bertolt, ‘Fragen eines lesenden and tramping, 84–89, 96–109 Arbeiters’, 203–204 See also Class passing; Lower middle Bright, Eva, ‘How the Other classes; Middle classes; Upper Half Lives: The Organ- classes; Upper middle classes; Grinder’, 132–138, 164n14 Working classes Brown, Charles, 102–103 Classification, 11, 240, 245, 250, Bureaucracy, 39 255n33 Class passing, 97, 132, 211–213, 240 C as term, 1–2 Calder, Angus, 189, 191, 203 Cleanliness, see Hygiene Casual labour, 83, 96–97, 122n41 Clichés, 143–144 Casual wards, see Workhouses Clothing, 21–22, 37, 66–67, 70, Champlin, Charles, ‘Final Chapter 96–97, 106, 110–112, of Albert Campion’, 207–208 171, 211 Change, personal, 243–244, 252 Coastal areas, 100, 248–252, Charity, 91, 158, 253 256n59 Chatto & Windus (publisher), 17 Cochrane, Charles, 3–9 Chesterton, G.K. Journal of a Tour Made by Señor The Autobiography, 103–104, 108 Juan de Vega, the Spanish INDEX 263

Minstrel of 1828-9, through Delap, Lucy, Knowing Their Place: Great Britain and Ireland, Domestic Service in Twentieth- a Character Assumed by an Century Britain, 194, 198 English Gentleman (published Departure, 223 anonymously), 5–9 De Quincy, Thomas, 103 Coffee-houses, 236 Detective fiction, 207–210, 226n56 Colonialism, 42, 90, 251 Dickens, Charles, Oliver Twist, Communist Party, 189 178–179 Complete participation, Dignity, 39 as term, 2 Dinner lady, work as, 219, 223 Conan Doyle, Arthur, ‘The Man Diprose and Bateman with the Twisted Lip’, 131 (publishers), 113–114 Condemnation, 150 Disabilities, 199–200 Conservative Party, 3 Disguise, 2, 5–6, 9–12, 134, Contemporary Review, ‘Government 149, 156, 241 by Journalism’ (Stead), 17–18 ‘Do-gooders’, 77–78 Costering, 159–160 Dole, the, 92 Council estates, 219 See also Welfare, state Craven, C.W., ‘A Night in the Domestic service, 175–182, 188n26, Workhouse’, 40–42, 79n9 189–198, 200, 204–207 Craven Herald (Yorkshire Doss-houses, 27–28, 59, 74, 146, newspaper), 13, 46–48 176, 236, 239 Cress selling, 142–144 ‘Down-and-outery’, as term, 1 Criminal vagrancy, 101 Dressmaking, 134, 176, 181–182 Criticism, 139–141, 149 Driberg, Tom, 62 Crone, Rosalind, ‘Reading the Driever, Steven L., ‘Geographic Victorian Underworld’, 32 Narratives in the South American Crossing sweeping, see Street sweeping Travelogues of Harry A. Crowds, 68 Franck’, 121n11, 121n12 Cultural capital, 185 Drink, 7–8, 22–23, 64, Culture, 198–200 140, 158–160 Cunningham, Valentine, British Drug addiction, 76–77 Writers of the Thirties, 62 Curiosity, 40, 71, 101, 151 E East End of London, 68, 192, D 234–235, 239–242, 256n57 Dadas, Albert, 101, 123n60 Eccentricity, 4, 48, 104 Daily Telegraph, The, 76, 133–134 Economics, 89, 129, 186, 198, Davison, Peter, ‘George Orwell: Dates 201–202, 241, 245–246 and Origins’, 71–72 Editorialization, 117, 140, 142, Death, 143–144, 151–153 144, 150, 160 264 INDEX

Editors, 174 Esty, Jed, A Shrinking Island: Edwardian era, 46, 84–86, 104, Modernism and the National 120n10, 156, 169 Culture in England, 214, Ehrenreich, Barbara, Nickel and 228n77, 228n79 Dimed: On (Not) Getting Ethnicity, 132, 233 By in America, 97, 149, Etics/eticity 215–219, 224, 229n92, and early incognito social 229n94, 229n96, 230n118 investigation, 19, 27, 30–31, Eliot, Peregrine, 103 38, 41, 46, 67–68, 76 Eliot, T.S., The Waste Land, 62–63, and low-paid work, 128–129, 225n22 144–147, 155, 163, 166n60, ‘Ellen’, early social 172, 222–223 investigator, 37–40, 42 and settling, 252 Ellwood, Thomas, 102 as term, 19 Embankment sleeping, 62, 66 and tramping, 91, 111, 117 Emics/emicity See also Emics/emicity and early incognito social Evidence, 34 investigation, 19, 27, Ezekiel (Bible), 29, 54n41 29–31, 38, 41–42, 46, 67–68, 76–77 and low-paid work, 127–128, F 139, 144, 146–147, 149–153, Factory work, 149, 157–158, 155, 158, 171–172, 187n16, 190, 221–222 199–200, 222–223 Failure, 192–193 and settling, 233, 252 Fasting, 51 as term, 19 Fiction, 131, 204–213, 226n56, and tramping, 91, 94, 111, 117 244–245 See also Etics/eticity detective fiction, 207–210, 226n56 Empathy, 76, 77, 94, 101–102, Fictionalization, 65–66, 71, 179–180, 222–224, 246, 252 205, 226n56, 245 Employment agencies, 96, 122n41 First World War, 60, 62, 83, 109 Employment, see Unemployment; Floor work, see Shop work Work Flower selling, 134, 172–173, 185 English Illustrated Magazine, ‘How Food, 24–25, 38, 40–41, 140, 161, the Other Half Lives’ (series), 166n60, 178 133–137, 170–171, 174, 185 See also Hunger Entertainment, incognito social France and French texts, 230n118 investigation as, 127–128, Franck, Harry Alverson, 86–101, 135–136, 175, 182, 184, 109, 121n11, 121n12, 128, 224, 253 228n83 Epistemology, 27, 38, 196, 206, 223 Foot-Loose in the British Isles, 92–96 Essentialism, 222–223 Four Months Afoot in Spain, 86 INDEX 265

Tramping through Mexico, General Election of 1847, 3–4, 7–8 Guatemala, and Honduras, Genesis (Bible), 29 86–87 Genre, development of, 1, 9–13, unpublished material, 87, 91, 15n34, 28, 31–32, 38, 65, 94–101, 228n83, 250–251 73–74, 127–128, 131–133, Vagabonding Down the Andes, 87 174–175, 186, 192–196, A Vagabond Journey around the 256n62–4 World: A Narrative of Personal Gentleman’s Magazine, publication Experience, 87, 88–92, 94, 98, of ‘The Tramp’s Haven’ 121n18, 121n19, 249–251 (Wallace-Goodbody), 42, 45–46 ‘Wandering Unskilled Laborers on Germany and Germans, 91, 102, the Edge of Trampdom’ 124n81 (thesis), 97–99, 228n83 Giles, Judy, The Parlour and the Zone Policeman 88, 86–87 Suburb, 191–192, 207, 225n22 Freedom, 197 Gold, Raymond L., ‘Roles in Freeman, Mark Sociological Field “Journeys into Poverty Kingdom,” 2 Observations’, 2 Vicarious Vagabonds (with Gillian Government, 17 Nelson), 32, 37, 42, 54n48 Graeber, David, ‘On the Phenomenon Fremlin, Celia, 149, 189–206 of Bullshit Jobs’, 202 Appointment with Yesterday, Graham, Stephen, London Nights: 204–207, 226n56 A Series of Sketches of London ‘The Crisis’, 201–203 at Night, 27–28 The Hours before Dawn, 190–191 Gray, Frank, The Tramp: His Meaning interviews with, 191, 203 and Being, 64 King of the World, 191 Gray’s Inn Road casual ward, 26–27 lost work, 204 Green, Henry, 62 The Seven Chars of Chelsea, Greene, Graham, The Confidential 190–200, 203–205, 207 Agent, 212 War Factory, 190, 203 Greenhill, William, Exposition, 54n41 work for Mass-Observation, 190, Greenwood, Frederick, 18 201–204 Greenwood, James, 11–12, 17–52, Friends accompanying 63, 66, 111, 219 investigators, 18 ‘A Night in a Workhouse’, 1, 9–10, Fugueurs, 101 17–32, 40, 52n3, 54n35, Fun, 175 54n42, 112–113, 175, 219 On Tramp, 111–120, 124n87, 124n89 G Greenwoodian tradition, 11, 63–66, Galliene, Richard le, The Quest 73–76 for the Golden Girl, 85 and low-paid work, 128, 135, Gender, see Women 148–149, 175, 177, 186, 214 266 INDEX

Greenwoodian tradition (cont.) Humility, 38 and settling, 240 Humour, 172–174, 198, and tramping, 83, 87, 93, 95, 102 209, 235 Guardian, The, 218 Hunger, 50–51, 144–145 Guilt, 223 Hygiene, 19, 23–24, 28, 35, 40 Gypsies, 12, 15n31, 135, 210 Hypotexts, 239

H I Hacking, Ian, Mad Travelers: Identity, 11, 101–102, 105, 190, Reflections on the Reality 243–244, 252 of Transient Mental Illnesses, Ideology, 128, 141–142 101–102 Idioliminality, 248–249 Hair, 75, 177, 195 ‘Idleness’, see ‘Laziness’ Harris, Marvin, Emics and Etics: The Immigrants, 28 Insider/Outsider Debate, 19, 31 Imperial War Museum, 60 Harrisson, Tom, 190, 201, 203, 214, Impermanence, 231 228n80, 255n37 Incognito social investigation ‘Worktown’, 214 periods of, 219, 224, 230n118, Harun al-Rashid, walks through 231, 234 Baghdad, 9–10 subtypes, 11–12, 32, 133, Headland, Thomas N., Emics and 178, 224 Etics: The Insider/Outsider as term, 1–2 Debate, 19 See also Banksian tradition; Genre, ‘Heroism’, 18 development of; Greenwoodian Highbrow, the, 127–128 tradition; Journalism; Hinton, James, The Mass Observers: Methodology; Semi-incognito A History, 201, 203 social investigation; Social Hitchens, Christopher, 80n41 investigation Hoboing, 96–99, 228n83, 234 Incognito social investigation Holzach, Michael, Deutschland journalism, as term, 155–156 umsonst, 124n81 Incognito social investigators, Homelessness, 63–64, 128 as category, 35–36, 101–102, as term, 64 130, 152–153 Homosexuality, 20, 23, 24–29, 54n31 Indépendant du Var, L’ (newspaper), Honesty, 119, 190, 194 45–46, 57n106 See also Truth Individuality, 67–70, 78 Hopping, 150–153 Industrial action, 152 Hospitals, work in, 191, 198–200 Ineptitude, 180 Housemaids, see Domestic service Infestation, 24, 38 Housewives, 190, 201–202 Infirmaries, workhouse, 33, 42 Humanity, 223 Intelligentsia, 52, 62, 73, 240 INDEX 267

Interpretation, 21–22, 24, 31 Kennedy, Bart, A Sailor Tramp, 85 Interstitiality, 83, 105, 109, 248–251, Keynes, John Maynard, ‘Economic 256n59 Possibilities for Our Interwar period, 62, 110, Grandchildren’, 202 124n81, 207 ‘King in disguise’ motif, 9–10 See also Nineteen thirties Kipling, Rudyard, essay in The Isherwood, Christopher, 62 Times, 169 Koven, Seth, Slumming: Sexual and Social Politics in Victorian J London, 1, 19–21, 23–29, Jaffe, Audrey, 131 53n35, 232 James, Henry, 103–104, 108 James V, King of Scots, as ‘the Goodman L of Ballangeich’, 9–10 Lambeth, workhouse, 18–26, Jaques, Eleanor, letter from George 37–38, 52n5 Orwell, 72 Lancet, The (newspaper), Jebb, Miles, Walkers, 85–86, on workhouses, 18 103, 110 Lapham, Lewis, 217 Jews, 157 Latta, William J., letter from Jobs, see Work Harry A. Franck, 101 Jones, Julia, Fiction Factory, 210 Laundry work, 184 Journalism Laurie, Annie, 170 and early incognito social ‘Laziness’, 30–31, 37–39, 117, investigation, 15n34, 17–20, 119, 139 48–49, 59–61 Learning, 8–9, 69, 78, 136 and low-paid work, 129–132, 135, Legality, 152–153 153–154, 166n53, 169–170, Leigh Fermor, Patrick, A Time 173–174, 180–181, 184, of Gifts: On Foot to 214–215, 217 Constantinople, from the Hook and tramping, 101, 119–120 of Holland to the Middle Journey, the, 107–108 Danube, 110–111 Joyce, James, Ulysses, 63 Leslie, Marion, ‘An American Judah, Ben, This is London, 256n62 Girl in London’, 174, 181 Judgement, see Moral judgement Liberal Party, 3 ‘Jungle, the’, 233–235 lice, 24 liminality, 248–250 lodging houses, 66, 74, 83 K See also Doss-houses Keating, Peter, Into Unknown London, 3–4, 42–44, 66, 74, 156 England, 234 East End, 68, 192, 234–235, Keats, John, 102 239–242, 256n57 268 INDEX

London (cont.) London Labour and the London Lambeth, 18–26, 37–38, 52n5 Poor, 3, 18–19 London, Jack The Wandering Minstrel, 6 letter to John Spargo, 237 Merrilies, Meg, 170 The People of the Abyss, 233–240, methodology, 2, 21–27, 32, 49, 63, 254n11, 254n29, 256n57 108, 113, 132–137, 147, 155, London County Council, 74 159, 163, 211–214, 223 Los Angeles Times, 207–208 microsocieties, 91 Lot (Biblical story), 9, 29 middlebrow, the, 127–128 lowbrow, the, 127–128 middle classes lower middle classes, 84–86, 135 and early incognito social Lucas, James, ‘Mad Lucas’ investigation, 21, 36, 62 (hermit), 113, 116, 124n87 and low-paid work, 127–129, 135, luggage, 110–111 140–142, 144–145, 189, 191, lumpenproletariat 197–201, 204, 222–223 as term, 2 and the military, 12 Lushington, Charles, 3 and settling, 232 and tramping, 101–103, 106–109, 120 M military, 12, 60 Malvery, Olive Christian, 156–157, Miller, Henry, 90 163, 170 minimum-wage, 219 ‘The Heart of Things’ Minister (Anglican periodical), 137 series, 156–157 modernism, 62 ‘Music in the Byways’, 132 Moore, Dinah, housemaid of The Soul Market, 156–162, Elizabeth L. Banks, 188n26 166n60, 167n77 Moore, Leonard, agent of George Management, 149 Orwell, 72 Margate Rotary Club, 59 moral judgement, 37–39, 41, Massingham, Hugh, I Took Off My 138–141, 150, 163, 165n31, Tie, 240–247 172, 199–200 Mass-Observation (social research moral status, 64, 115 organization), 190, 192, Moretti, Franco, ‘The Slaughterhouse 201–202, 212–214, of Literature’, 87 228n77, 241 Moritz, Karl, 102 The Pub and the People, 214 motivations, 6–7, 9–10, 35, 61, 101, War Factory, 190 136–138, 151, 184, 190 Masterman, C.F.G., From the Abyss, motor traffic, 109 232–234 Mount Street workhouse, St George’s Maugham, W. Somerset, 250–251 Hanover Square, (‘Sinai Mayhew, Henry, 141 Avenue’), 43–44 INDEX 269

N ‘Clink’ (unpublished work), 71–72 National Philanthropic Down and Out in Paris and Association, 3–4 London, 1, 51–52, 61–78, Nelson, Gillian, and Mark 79n19, 119, 127, 130, Freeman, Vicarious 179–180, 204, 219, 233, Vagabonds, 32, 37, 239–240 42, 54n48 as Eric Blair, 64–65 Newbery House Magazine, ‘Inside the Whale’, 121n22 publication of ‘London letters, 72 Street Toilers’ (Sparrow), The Road to Wigan Pier, 62 137, 142, 144, 146–147, Oxford University, 189–190 149, 155 New Left Review, interview with Raymond Williams, 73–74, P 80n41 Page, Robin New York, 28 Down among the Dossers, 75–78 New York Times, The, 215 One Man and His Dog, 76 Nineteen thirties, 62–63, 73–74, 192, Pall Mall Gazette, publication 214, 228n79, 231 of ‘A Night in a Workhouse’ See also Interwar period (Greenwood), 17–18, Nineteen twenties, 62, 232 31, 52n3 Nostalgia, 99 Palm-working, 147–149 Note-taking, 96 Paratexts, 10, 32–33, 215–216, Novels, see Fiction 254n11 Novelty, 24, 175 Parris, Matthew, 253 Paul, Ronald, ‘Beyond the Abyss: Jack London and the Working O Class’, 234, 236 Objectivity, 19, 199–200 Pearson’s Magazine, publication Observation, 31, 42, 78, 91, of Malvery, 156–157, 160 119, 128–130, 173, 196, Pedestrianism, see Walking 242–243 Personalization of texts, 224 Observer and observed dichotomy, 2, Philanthropy, 3–4, 8, 61, 145, 200, 216, 232, 246–247, 252 148, 169–170, 181, ‘the keen observer’, 21–22 184–185 Organ-grinding, 131–142 Photography, 171 Orwell, George, 59–78, 88, 109, Pike, Kenneth L., Language in 219, 234 Relation to a Unified Theory articles for Le Progrès of the Structure of Human Civique, 45 Behavior, 19, 31 A Clergyman’s Daughter, 204 Pilgrimage, 107–108 270 INDEX

Pittenger, Mark, Class Unknown: R Undercover Investigation Race, 90, 233, 251, 256n59 of American Work and Poverty Radicals, 3 from the Progressive Era to the Railton, Reverend David, Vicar Present, 1, 214, 229n87 of Margate, 59–62 Pity, 76 Ramblers, 86 ‘P.J’ (Peripatetic Journalist), ‘Odds Readership, 113–115, 129, 135, and Ends: Peripatetic Journalist’s 141–145, 147, 174, 180, 182 Experience at Skipton’, 46–50 ‘Real Casual’, the, 26–27 Police, 38, 39 Reception Centres, 74, 75, 77 Policymaking, 224 Reform Society, 3 Politics, 3–4, 10, 229n94, 253 Reliability, 49–50 Poor, the, 1–4, 7–9, 11 Reportage, 71–72, 76, 195, and early incognito social 207, 245 investigation, 18–19, 21, 35, Representation, 49, 196 37, 49, 60–64, 78 ‘Residuum, the’, 21, 35, 39, and low-paid work, 127, 140, 53n15, 128 144–146, 155, 158–159, 185, Respectability, 214–215 223–224, 230n117 ‘Rests’ (lodgings), 139 and settling, 239, 246, 252–253 Returning, 8, 252 as term, 2 Reynolds, Stephen, A Poor Man’s Poor Man’s Guardian Society, 3–4 House, 127–128, 164n5, Portillo, Michael, 253 247–249, 252, 255n52 Pound, Ezra, 63, 79n19 Role playing, 24 Poverty, 7, 11, 42, 49, 63, 83, Romanis, 12 185, 246–247 Romanticism, 101–102 Prejudice, 117, 142, 163 Romanticization of the poor, 224 Pretending, 69 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 88, 121n14 Prison, 71–72 Rowton Houses (lodging houses), 66 Professionalism, 33, 155–156, Royal Literary Fund, 44–45, 56n103, 174, 184, 186, 213 153–155 Progrès Civique, Le (newspaper), 45 Runciman, Steven, letter from Proletariat, as term, 2 George Orwell, 64 Prostitution, 37, 145, 187n16 Rutherford, John (‘One of Them’), Pseudonyms, 24, 33, 178 Indoor Paupers: Life inside a Pubs, 159–163 London Workhouse, 17, 46, Punch (magazine), 53n35 57n111

Q S Quiver, ‘The Penniless Poor’ series, Said, Edward W., Culture and 146–150 Imperialism, 252 INDEX 271

St George in the East Slumming, 62, 68–69, 97, 99, workhouse, 37–39 106–107, 148, 232–235 Salvation Army shelters, 66 as term, 1, 13n1, 232 Sandford, Jeremy Social campaigning, 61 Cathy Come Home, 75 Social capital, 185 Down and Out in Britain, 75–78 Social class, see Class Edna, the Inebriate Woman, 75 Social codes, 26 Sayers, Dorothy L., 207 Social criticism, 141 Schriber, Mary Suzanne, 169, 173 Social groups, 1, 36, 90–91, 218, Scientificity, 200–202, 214, 217, 223, 251 229n94 Social investigation, 20, 62–63, 83, Seabrook, David, 62 105, 132–133 Seamstresses, see Dressmaking as term, 11 Second World War, 62, 73, 87, Social mobility, 222–223 124n81, 190, 201 Social reform, 3–4, 31, 34, 37, 38, Self-awareness, 99, 108, 174, 180 60–61, 128, 181 Self-discovery, 107–108 Social work, 75–76 Self-individualization, 67 Society, 10, 24, 27, 29, 78, 91, 193, Self-presentation, 104, 117, 132, 196, 197–198 151, 170, 182–184 Socioliminality, 248–249 Self-promotion, 170, 183–184 Sociology, 2, 8, 97–98, 101, 192, Self-protection, 31 196–199, 201–207, 214–216, Self-reflection, 194 228n83 Semi-incognito social Sodom (Biblical city), 28–29 investigation, 11, 28, 247 Sparrow, T. (Anna Mary; ‘Sensationalism’, 17, 169–170 ‘Tissie’), 153–157, 166n53, Sentimentalization of the poor, 224 169–170 Servants, see Domestic service ‘The Cry of the Canal Settling, 11, 231–253 Children’, 146 as term, 231–233, 240, 245, 250 ‘As One of the Penniless Poor: Sexuality, 20, 23, 24–29, 54n35, I. - Palm-Workers’, 147–150 191, 194–197 ‘In the Heart of Hop- Shop work, 160–163, 170, 176 Land’, 150–153 Short, Clare, 253 ‘London Street Toilers’, 132, Simmons, Chris, ‘Celia Fremlin: 137–142, 146–147, 165n33 A Biographical Sketch’, 190 ‘London Street Toilers: Cress Sims, George R., How the Poor sellers’, 142–147 Live, 235 ‘The Penniless Poor’ Sinclair, Upton, 157 (series), 146–150 Skipton workhouse, 47–48, 50 ‘Spikes’ (casual wards), 69–71, 75, Sleeping, 27–28, 39, 41 77, 95–96 Slum-jungle metaphors, 233–235 Spirituality, 107–108 272 INDEX

Stallard, J.H., The Female Casual publication of James and Her Lodging, 32–40 Greenwood, 17, 52n3 ‘Ellen’, female social Tissié, Philippe, 101, 123n60 investigator, 37–40, 42 Toilet breaks, 216 Stanley, Nick, 190 Tolerance, 139–140, 150, 155 Stead, W.T., ‘Government Tourism, 101–102, 105, 123n60, by Journalism’, 17–18 235, 237–238 Stereotyping, 194–196, 198 See also Travel Stevenson, David, “The Gudeman Toynbee, Polly, 128–129, 149, of Ballangeich,” 10 215, 217, 230n106 Strand Magazine, publication Hard Work: Life in Low-Pay of T. Sparrow, 147, 150 Britain, 218–221, 223–224, Strangeness of the poor, 224, 230n118, 245–247 230n117 interview with, 221–222 Street begging, see Begging A Working Life, 220–223, Street Orderly Brigades, 3 230n118 Street sweeping, 3, 134, 171–172, Tramping, 11–13, 59–61, 64–65, 185, 187n16 83–120, 127–128 ‘Stunt’ journalism, 169–170 See also Walking Sun, The, 4 Tramps, 48–49, 64–65, 69–70, 86, Surveys, 192, 214 93–97, 111–112, 117–119 Swearing, 165n31 Travel, 28, 87, 93–101, 122n41 Sympathy, 77, 94, 154, See also Tourism 247, 252 Travel literature, 9, 11, 86–87, 121n12, 239–240 Trust, 74, 150 T Truth, 10, 19, 49–52, 67–73, 74, – Teaching, 78 76, 143, 145, 179 182, – Thanet Advertiser and Echo, ‘Vicar’s 185 186, 238 Ordeal: As Unemployed Tramp’, Twentieth century, 232 59–61 Typicalizing individualization – Theft, 145 (technique), 67 71 Thomas, Edward, 103 Tickner, Lisa, Modern Life & Modern Subjects, 85, 120n8 U Times, The Undercover investigation ‘The General Election: as term, 1–2 Westminster’, 7 Unemployment, 89 ‘Law Report: Cochrane v. Young’, 4 Upper classes, 107, 127–128, publication of Elizabeth L. 191, 199–205 Banks, 169 Upper middle classes, 42, 85–86, 104 INDEX 273

V Whitechapel workhouse, 37–39 Valverde, Mariana, ‘The Dialectic Whodunnits, 207–208, 226n56 of the Familiar and Unfamiliar: Williams, Raymond, interview with “The Jungle” in Early Slum New Left Review, 73–74, 80n41 Travel Writing’, 2, 233, 241 Wilshire’s Magazine, 234 Victorian era, 1, 4, 84, 140, 169, Winter, James, ‘The “Agitator 192, 233 of the Metropolis”: Charles Visual interpretations, 21–23 Cochrane and Early-Victorian Vorachek, Laura, ‘Playing Italian: Street Reform’, 3–5 Cross-Cultural Dress and Winter cold, 26–28, 31, Investigative Journalism 38, 60–61 at the Fin de Siècle’, 132–133, Women, 11 166n53 and low-paid work, 127, 132–133, 158–160, 169–170, 176, 189, 191, 194, 197–198, 201–202, W 217–218 Waitressing, 215–216 and workhouses, 37–40, 42 Walking, 11, 63–64, 83, 85–86, See also Barbara Ehrenreich; 102–104, 108, 110–111, Celia Fremlin; Elizabeth L. Banks; 120n10 Eva Bright; Frances Bourne; See also Tramping ‘Ellen’; Margery Allingham; Walkowitz, Judith R., ‘The Indian Olive Christian, Malvery; Woman, the Flower Girl, T. Sparrow; Polly Toynbee and the Jew’, 156–157, 160 Work, 11, 127–163 Wallace-Goodbody, F.G., 44–46 low-paid, 169–186, 189–224 ‘Le Paupérisme en France et en and settling, 246 Angleterre’, 45–46, 56n106 as term, 129–130 Rosalba: A Story of the Apennines, 45 and tramping, 89–90, 96–97, ‘The Tramp’s Haven’, 42–46, 118–119, 122n41 56n88 in workhouses, 18, 29–31, Wanderlust, 100–101 38–39, 41 Weekly Sun, ‘In Cap and Apron’ See also Bar work; Begging; Casual series, 175, 178–179 labour; Costering; Cress selling; Welfare, state, 39 Dinner lady, work as; Domestic See also Dole, the service; Dressmaking; Factory Wells, H.G., The History work; Flower selling; Hopping; of Mr Polly, 84–85 Hospitals, work in; Housewives; Westminster (constituency), 3–4, 7 Laundry work; Minimum-wage; Wheen, Francis, Introduction Organ-grinding; Palm-working; to Cheapjack (Allingham), 211 Shop work; Street sweeping; Whigs, 3 Waitressing 274 INDEX

Workhouses, 17–48, 53n35, 56n94, Wyckoff, Walter, The Workers: 57n11, 164–165, 70, 74, 83, An Experiment in Reality, 87, 93, 95, 119 214, 228n83 Working classes and early incognito social investigation, 65 Y and low-paid work, 128, 134–135, Young, Murdo, 4 154, 158, 160, 166n60, 177, Young Woman (magazine), 183, 194–200, 215, 217–218, profile on Elizabeth L. 222–223 Banks, 174, 181 as social investigators, 36–40 as term, 2 and tramping, 85 Writing methods, 179–180 Z See also Note-taking Zink, Abbey, 169, 173