www.ucmp.ug The Uganda Chamber of MINESMINES && PETROLEUMPETROLEUM Issue: 15 April, 2016 A CASE FOR LOCAL CONTENT TANGA, LAMU BOTH GET PIPELINES Uganda Marks Uganda Marks Lessons for Hoima, 10 Years Since 10 Years Since from Aberdeen Oil Discovery Plot 11/13 Lower Kololo Terrace Fax: +256 (0) 312 229 234/5 Website: www.aon.com 2 Bolloré Africa Logistics in Uganda Plot M-611, Ntinda Road Tel; +256 414 336000 I Email;
[email protected] UCMP COUNCIL MEMBERS Hon Elly Karuhanga, Adewale Fayemi, ChairmanCHAMBER COUNCIL COUNCIL Partner – Kampala General Manager, Total E&P, Associated Advocates and Uganda Chairman dfcu bank, Nile Breweries, BAT and other companies Hon Richard Kaijuka, Kellen Kayonga, Vice Chairman COUNCIL Chairman, EA Gold & Africa Managing Director, of Askar Gold Refinery Security Services Paul Sherwen Jimmy Mugerwa, General Secretary COUNCIL Tullow, Uganda Country Manager Jeff Baitwa Matthew Tallarovic Treasurer COUNCIL Partner, Deloitte (Uganda) Ltd Director ThreeWays Shipping Services [Group] Ltd Xiao Zong Wei Irene Nakalyango COUNCIL COUNCIL CNOOC, Uganda, CEO, UCMP President Xiao Zong Wei 44 TheThe UgandaUganda ChamberChamber ofof MinesMines && PetroleumPetroleum UCMP COUNCIL MEMBERS Gordon Sentiba Herman Kasekende ADVISOR ADVISORS ADVISOR Astor Finance Plc Standard Chartered Bank, Managing Director Joshua Tuhumwire ADVISOR Mining consultant, Gondwana Geoscience Denis Kusaasira, Consulting Ltd. Also former ADVISOR Commissioner of the Uganda Department of ABMAK Geological Survey & Mines Managing Partner Igor Markov ADVISOR Semliki Rift Trading Sam Thakkar ADVISOR UHY Thakkar & Gerald Mukyenga Associates ADVISOR Certified Public Accountants Multilines International CEO Daniel Pettersson, ADVISOR Hima Cement, Country Manager The Uganda Chamber of Mines & Petroleum 5 Awakening the Shattered Dreams of Suppliers he second oil and gas convention organized by the Uganda Chamber of Mines and Petroleum comes at a great time.