London Borough of Redbridge COUNTIES AND GROVE ESTATES, WANSTEAD CHARACTER APPRAISAL Draft No. 2 July 2008 Changes in blue For further discussion in red This document has been prepared on behalf of the London Borough of Redbridge by: The Conservation Studio, 1 Querns Lane, Cirencester, Glos GL7 1RL Tel: 01285 642428 Email:
[email protected] Web: Counties and Grove Estates, Wanstead - Draft #2 2 CONTENTS: 1. Introduction 1. 1 The Counties and Grove Estates, Wanstead 1. 2 Purpose of the appraisal 1. 3 Planning policy context 1. 4 Residential Precincts 1. 5 Community involvement 2. Location and Uses 2. 1 Location 2. 2 Activities and uses 3. Historical Development 4. Spatial Analysis 4. 1 Layout and spaces 4. 2 Relationship of Buildings to Spaces 4. 3 Trees and boundaries 4. 4 Public realm 5. Building Styles and Materials 6. Negative Features 6. 1 Loss of architectural details 6. 2 Alterations to the plots 6. 3 Incremental development 6. 4 Modern buildings 7. Comparison to other designated areas 7. 1 Introduction 7. 2 Comparison 8. What can be achieved? 9. Conclusions 10. Recommendations Appendices Appendix 1 Townscape Appraisal map Appendix 2 References The Conservation Studio – July 2008 Counties and Grove Estates, Wanstead - Draft #2 3 1. Introduction 1. 1 The Counties and Grove Estates, Wanstead These two residential estates form part of the suburban edge of Wanstead in the London Borough of Redbridge. They lie to the east of Wanstead High Street and the Wanstead Village Conservation Area, which was designated in 1970. The area was developed from the early 20th century on the former grounds to Grove Park, a large house which has long since been demolished.