MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION MPCA Stadium, Khel Prashal, Race Course Road, INDORE-452 001 (M.P.) Phone : (0731) 2543602 Fax : (0731) 2534653, 2537734, e-mail :
[email protected] /
[email protected] Date : 3rd Aug. 2010 MEETING NOTICE To, All Members, Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association. The Annual General Body Meeting of M.P. Cricket Association will be held at MPCA Stadium, Khel Prashal, Race Course Road, Indore on Sunday, 22 Aug. 2010 at 12.00 Noon as per the following agenda :- A G E N D A 1. Confirmation of Minutes of Last Annual General Body Meeting held on 17 August 2009. 2. Adoption of Annual Report of 2009-2010. 3. Consideration and approval of Audited Statement of Accounts for the year 2009-2010. 4. To consider and approve the Proposed Annual Budget for the year 2010-2011. 5. Appointment of Auditors for 2010-2011. 6. Election of Office-bearers and members of the Managing Committee. 7. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair. (SANJAY JAGDALE) Hon. Secretary Note : 1. If you desire to seek any information, you are requested to write to Hon. Secretary latest by 16th Aug. 2010. 2. The Quorum for meeting is One Third of the total membership. If no quorum is formed, the Meeting will be adjourned for 15 minutes. No quorum will be necessary for adjourned meeting. The adjourned meeting will be held at the same place. THE MEETING WILL BE FOLLOWED BY LUNCH. ANNUAL REPORT 2009-2010 MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION MPCA Stadium, Khel Prashal, Race Course Road, INDORE-452 001 (M.P.) Phone : (0731) 2543602, 2431010, Fax : (0731) 2534653 e-mail :
[email protected] /
[email protected] M.P.