Dorms Will House KS, ATO for Rush Frats to Conduct Rush from Local Hotels by Mike Hall Dormitories

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Dorms Will House KS, ATO for Rush Frats to Conduct Rush from Local Hotels by Mike Hall Dormitories MIT's The Weather Oldest and Largest Today: Sunny, 83°P(28°C) Tonight: Mostly Clear, 65°P (18°C) ewspa er Tomorrow: Sunny, 85°P (29°C) Details, Page 2 Volume 120, umber 29 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Wednesday, July 12, 2000 Dorms Will House KS, ATO for Rush Frats to Conduct Rush from Local Hotels By Mike Hall dormitories. In an e-mail to Bexley ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR residents, Cain said that the fraterni- Four dormitories will house dis- ty members will only be allowed placed members of Kappa Sigma and into the building between midnight Alpha Tau Omega during fall rush, and 8:00 a.m. accordingto Dormitory Council Vice "[The fraternities] will not be PresidentMatthew S. Cain '02. rushing in the dorms," Cain said in The fraternities are homeless the e-mail. ''They'll be be using them during rush following a March deci- as a place to shower and sleep." sion by the Cambridge Licensing Both houses will run their rushes Commission suspending the two out of local hotels. ATO will use fraternities' housing licenses for suites at the Royal Sonesta, while alcohol-related violations. Kappa Sig will operate out of the Bexley and New House will host University Park Hotel. The IFe will ATO, while Kappa Sig brothers will allow the houses to "overnight" reside in Baker and Burton-Connor. freshmen at the hotels. Following rush, Kappa Sig brothers The fraternities will pay all costs will stay with alumni and other, for their hotel rooms, Gunn said. Greek houses during the remainder Phillip M. Bernard, manager of of their 30-day suspension, while undergraduate residence services, freshmen pledging Kappa Sig will said that the Office of Residential stay in dormitories until the end of Life and Student Life Programs will the sentence, according to Interfra- compensate the affected dormitories KARLENE ROSERA-THE TECH ternity Council Rush Chair Dakus S. for their loss of freshmen spaces Light from a myriad of pyrotechnic cannons illuminated the sky over the Charles River Esplanade Gunn '01. during rush. Possible compensations for Boston's "B2K" Independence Day celebration. For more d~tails on how the Hub celebrated Cain said that the brothers face America's birthday, see story and pictures, on page 10-11. stringent rules while living in the Rush, Page 18 1edPosfJJl. Class of 2000 President Settles.Party Charges ITW01lJed in Malicious Damage, Trespassing, Alcohol Charges Stemmed from Post-Graduation Bash By Jon Sheffl pay $500 to' the MIT Athletic Asso- was served from the back of a van been resolved, Carol Orme-Johnson, ciation to offset damage done to the and station wagon, the report states. an assistantdean and the dean on call NMDDebare Charges brought by the MIT athletic fields during the party, The trespassing charges and repara- that night, filed a complaint against Campus Police against Class of according to MIT spokesperson tion to MIT stem from damages Barra on behalf of the Dean's Office. By Sanjay Basu 2000 President Hugo B. Barra after Robert J. Sales. The agreement was done to the field by those vehicles. That complaint has not yet been COD- ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR a post-commencement party will not reached at a clerk-magistrate's hear- Barra said that "the matter has sidered pending the resolution of the The advice on the side of his be pursued following an agreement ing at.the Cambridge District Court. been resolved in a fair manner.... I criminalcharges againstBarra. coffee mug is simple: '''Back off reached yesterday morning. According to a Campus Police acted to the best of my efforts as Interim Dean of Student Life Man! I'm a Scientist." , Barra, who was charged with incident report, Barra provided·alco- senior class president." Kirk D. Kolenbrander said that he But back off they, did not, says procuring alcohol for a minor, wan- hoi for a party which took place on will meet with Chief of Campus Institute ton and malicious damage, disturb- Briggs Field after midnight follow- Barra faces Institute sanctions Police Anne Glavin to determine 'Feature Professor ing the peace, and two counts of ing graduation. Over 200 students While the charges against Barra , .Theodore trespassing by motor vehicle, will attended the party where alcohol in Cambridge District Court have Barra, Page 19 Postol. Indeed, they showed up to his office unannounced - twice. It happened first in 1992, when, he says, they tried to intimidate him Incoming Dean Discusses after he wrote a scientific report detailing the ineffectiveness of Patri- ot missiles used in' the Gulf War. Housing, Mental Health And now; claims Postol, they've By Mike Hall and kins University, where his duties tried it again. , Laura McGrath Moulton included housing, dining, and Greek , In the midst of heated debates . STAFF REPORTERS , life among many other responsibli- on "rogue nations," "national secu- Larry G. Benedict will begin ties, rity threats," and $60 billion "Exoat- serving as MIT's Dean for Student At MIT, Benedict will work with ~ mospheric Kill Vehicles," Postol - Life on August 21. Currently the new Dean of Undergraduate Educa- former science advisor to the Dean for tion Robert P. Redwine and will Departments of Energy and Defense .p t Student report to Chancellor Lawrence S. - has emerged as an outspoken rea ure Affairs at ' Bacow '72. The two new deans will , critic of the proposed national anti- Johns Hop- head up a reorganized office and missile defense system. A key com- kins University, the Worcester will take over the responsibilities ponent of the system failed a crucial native has worked in the field of stu- formerly handled by Metcalfe Pro- test on June 7,'having suffered from dent affairs since, receiving his Ed. fessor of Writing Rosalind H. technical problems that Postol had D. in 1973 from the University of Williams and Margaret R. Bates. predicted. Massachusetts. After attaining the position of FSILG strategic group planned Getting the government's attention Associate Vice Chancellor for Stu- As DSL, Benedict will oversee In criticizing the project, Postol dent Affairs at UMass, Benedict left MIT's disparate fraternities, sorori- first took the position of a scientist: in 1988 to become the Vice Presi- ties, and independent living groups. publishing a detailed report in Sci- dent for Student Affairs at the Uni- Benedict has experience dealing entific American entitled "Why versity of Southern Maine. While at with a large fraternity culture at National Missile Defense Won't USM, he developed a student life Johns Hopkins, where one-third of Work," in which he described sim- program to involve students in the males and one-fifth of females are MIODRAG CIRKOVlC-THE TECH decision-making process. Tall ship Dar Mlodzeizy of Poland parades in Sail Boston 2000. Postol, Page 18 In 1992, he joined Johns 'Hop- Benedict, Page 19 Panhellenic Association sends Comics Orientation 2000 will feature flier to freshmen, upsetting new advising options and a tem- World & Nation 2 WILG, Women's Convocation. porary housing lottery. Opinion 4 Arts '7 On The lbwn 13 Page 18 Page 14 Page 19 Page 2 T July 12, 2000 Bosnian .L"..... u..JJ .......... u..JJ Crimes Site for LOS ANGELES TIMES POTOCARI, BOSNlA-HERZEGOVINA About 3,000 Bosnian Muslims in a heavily guarded convoy of buses passed through jeering crowds of Serbs on Tuesday to pray By John Lancaster terrain. and the late Prime Minister Yitzhak here at the spot where thousands of men and boys were rounded up THE WASHINGTON POST For all the emphasis on secrecy, Rabin began when they signed the for slaughter five years ago. TIlURMONT, MD. both sides are eager to avoid blame ) 993 interim peace deal known as A massive security operation prevented any serious violence as Invoking a sense of history and if the talks fail and, to that end, have the Oslo accords. thousands of Bosnian Serb police officers worked alongside U.S. and hope, President Clinton Tuesday dispatched high-profile emissaries "They have passed the point of other Western troops and United Nations police. opened high-stakes talks with Pales- to Washington to argue their cases no return," Clinton said. "The only But the effort to protect Muslims returning to a region where they tinian and Israeli leaders aimed at on the sidelines of the summit. Even way forward now is forward." once lived showed how difficult it still is for many Bosnians to go settling what he described as the as the talks were getting underway Arafat arrived at Camp David at home five years after the war's end, despite foreign promises to "profound and wrenching ques- Tuesday morning, for example, 1 a.m. Barak showed up around 6 reverse "ethnic cleansing." tions". at the core of their 52-year Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the a.m. after delaying his departure On the eve of Tuesday's memorial service, someone burned down conflict. Palestinian legislature and noted from Tel Aviv because of the Knes- the house of a Bosnian Muslim planning to move back to Srebrenica, Clinton flew by helicopter Tues- human rights activist, was accusing set vote. Clinton' s helicopter landed the town adjacent to this Bosnian village. Only three Muslim civil- day morning to Camp David, where Barak of "extremist" negotiating at 11:25 a.m., after which he met ians have returned and stayed in an area where their ethnic group he plunged into meetings with positions during a Washington news with aides before heading into sepa- made up about 70 percent of the population before the 3 1/2-year war Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak conference. rate, private sessions with each began in 1992. and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat The Israeli press, meanwhile, has leader on the back porch of Aspen Bosnian Serb forces massacred more than 7,000 Muslims in a few that are expected to consume the been filled with leaks suggesting cottage, where the president will days following the fall of Srebrenica on July 1), ) 995, after Dutch better part of his schedule for the that Barak: is prepared to hand over stay during the summit.
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