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Cover Page The handle holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Shehab, B. Title: Unified multiplicities : Arabic letters between modernity, identity, and abstraction Issue Date: 2019-10-24 Bibliography `Abd al-Latif, Muhammad Sadiq, “al-Khatt wal-Khattatun fi Tunis. Al-Madrasa al- Tunisiyya fil-Khatt. Marhalat al-Ta’sis wal-Ish`a`” (Script and Calligraphers in Tunisia. The Tunisian School in Script. Foundation and Radiation Phase). Al- Khatt al-`Arabi. Fa``aliyyat Ayyam al-Khatt al-`Arabi 1997. Carthage: Bayt al- Hikma, 2001, 57-82. Abu-Rabi’, ibrahim M., Intellectual Origins of Islamic Resurgence in the Modern Arab World. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996. Adonis (Ali Ahmad Said), Al-Thabit wal-Mutahawwil: Bahth fi al-ittiba 'wa-al-ibda' 'ind al- 'arab (The Permanent and the Changing: A Study of Arab Conformity and Creativity) 3 Volumes. Beirut: Dar al-'Awda, 1977. Alexander, A., and M. 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