Effect of Habitat Depth on Host Location by Five Species Of

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Effect of Habitat Depth on Host Location by Five Species Of University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Publications from USDA-ARS / UNL Faculty Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska 2002 Effect of Habitat Depth on Host Location by Five Species of Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae, Chalcididae) of House Flies (Diptera: Muscidae) in Three Types of Substrates Christopher Geden USDA-ARS, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usdaarsfacpub Part of the Agricultural Science Commons Geden, Christopher, "Effect of Habitat Depth on Host Location by Five Species of Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae, Chalcididae) of House Flies (Diptera: Muscidae) in Three Types of Substrates" (2002). Publications from USDA-ARS / UNL Faculty. 982. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usdaarsfacpub/982 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Publications from USDA-ARS / UNL Faculty by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL Effect of Habitat Depth on Host Location by Five Species of Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae, Chalcididae) of House Flies (Diptera: Muscidae) in Three Types of Substrates CHRISTOPHER J. GEDEN1 Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology, USDAÐARS, P.O. Box 14565, Gainesville, FL 32604 Environ. Entomol. 31(2): 411Ð417 (2002) ABSTRACT Four species of pteromalid parasitoids [Muscidifurax raptor Girault & Sanders, Spal- angia cameroni Perkins, Spalangia endius Walker, Spalangia gemina Boucek, and the chalcidid Dirhinus himalayanus (Masi)] were evaluated for their ability to locate house ßy pupae at various depths in poultry manure (41% moisture), ßy rearing medium (43% moisture), and sandy soil (4% moisture) from a dairy farm. Searching activity in manure was largely conÞned to the surface (M. raptor, D. himalayanus, and S. gemina) or to depths of up to 2 cm below the surface (S. endius, S. cameroni). S. cameroni was the most effective species at locating buried pupae in manure. All of the species searched over a wider range of habitat depths in ßy rearing medium, although M. raptor and S. gemina tended to concentrate their searching activity relatively close to the surface of the substrate. Host attacks by these species at 6 cm were 30Ð40% lower than on the surface of the medium. S. endius searched uniformly at all depths in rearing medium and S. cameroni had highest rates of host attacks 1Ð2 cm below the surface of this substrate. The parasitoids displayed considerable Þdelity to their search patterns regardless of whether or not they were given a choice of habitat depths in which they could Þnd pupae. None of the parasitoids were effective at attacking ßy pupae that were buried in sandy soil at any depth. The results suggest that ßy larvae that pupate in the sandy soils typical of FloridaÕs coastal plains are relatively impervious to attack by pupal parasitoids. KEY WORDS Musca domestica, Muscidifurax raptor, Spalangia gemina, Spalangia cameroni, Spal- angia endius, Dihrinus himalayanus PUPAL PARASITOIDS IN the family Pteromalidae are im- sitoids. Field studies have shown that parasitism rates portant natural enemies of muscoid ßies on livestock vary in different ßy breeding habitats (Petersen and and poultry farms throughout the world (Rutz and Meyer 1983; Rueda and Axtell 1985a; Smith and Rutz Patterson 1990). Augmentative releases of parasitoids, 1991c, 1991d), and substrate moisture and light levels especially in the genera Muscidifurax and Spalangia, can affect the microhabitat choices made by different can be an effective house ßy management tool when species of parasitoids (Smith and Rutz 1991a, Geden used in integrated management programs (Rutz and 1999). The depth at which parasitoids concentrate Axtell 1979, Cabrales et al. 1985, Morgan and Patterson their search effort is an another important ecological 1990, Geden et al. 1992, Petersen et al. 1992, Petersen characteristic that may vary among parasitoid species. and Cawthra 1995, Crespo et al. 1998). In some cases, Legner (1977) examined the depth at which eight disappointing results with parasitoid releases have parasitoid strains foraged in wheat ßakes in small vials been attributed to selection of appropriate species for and concluded that Muscidifurax uniraptor and M. the target ßy habitat (Rutz and Axtell 1980, Petersen zaraptor concentrated their efforts near the substrate et al. 1983). Surveillance to determine the most im- surface, whereas Spalangia spp. (S. endius, S. nigra, S. portant local species can be conducted to guide the cameroni, S. longepetiolata) were more effective at selection process, but this is labor-intensive and can locating buried hosts. He also noted that the search give different results in different years (Smith and patterns of some species were affected by the moisture Rutz 1991b, Jones and Weinzierl 1997). A better un- levels of the substrate. For example, the Muscidifurax derstanding of parasitoid niche characteristics could spp. and Sphegigaster sp. were more successful in pen- be helpful for matching appropriate parasitoid species etrating dryer than wetter media to locate buried host to different ßy breeding habitats. pupae, whereas the Spalangia spp. search patterns Little is known about the effect of microhabitat were similar at different moisture levels (Legner characteristics on foraging behavior of Þlth ßy para- 1977). Although these tests provided useful compar- isons of different species searching behavior, their 1 E-mail: [email protected]ß.edu. utility for predicting behavior in the Þeld was limited 412 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 31, no. 2 because of the type of substrate used (clean wheat of the fresh manure was 74%, pans of manure were ßakes) and because the parasitoids were restricted to partially dried in an oven at 45ЊC to achieve a moisture single burial treatments in the bioassays. King (1997) level of 41%. Moisture determinations of Þeld-col- reported that S. cameroni was more effective than M. lected manure had indicated that this moisture level raptor at locating buried host pupae in used ßy rearing was similar to that of the dry manure on the manure medium. row margins in the Þeld where naturally occurring ßy Rueda and Axtell (1985b) conducted extensive Þeld pupae were present in greatest abundance (unpub- sampling in two types of poultry houses to examine the lished data). relative abundance of parasitized pupae of six parasi- The second substrate was house ßy larval rearing toid species at various depths in poultry manure. Most medium (Hogsette 1992) that had been used for rear- (Ͼ95%) of the pupae parasitized by M. raptor, M. ing ßy immatures to the pupal stage. The resulting zaraptor, and Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae were found “spent” medium (moisture content, 39%) was frozen within the top 3 cm of the manure surface, whereas within1hofseparation of ßy pupae and frozen in pupae parasitized by S. cameroni, S. endius, and S. airtight plastic containers for up to 2 mo before testing. nigroaenea were most often collected 3Ð10 cm beneath The third substrate was sandy loam soil (moisture the surface. content, 4%) collected from under calf bedding at a In an effort to increase the efÞcacy of Þlth ßy bio- dairy farm in Bell, FL, with a history of high ßy pop- control, we have been evaluating exotic parasitoids as ulations. The soil was sifted to remove any ßy pupae candidates for possible importation and release, espe- present and frozen for up to 2 mo before being used cially in the southern United States. These exotics in the tests. include two pupal parasitoids: Spalangia gemina Bioassays. Two types of bioassays were conducted Boucek, a tropical pteromalid species collected in Bra- to determine the ability of parasitoids to locate pupae zil, and a Moroccan isolate of the chalcidid Dirhinus at different substrate depths under choice and no- himalayanus (Masi). This evaluation has included choice situations. In the Þrst type of bioassay (no- comparisons of temperature-dependent development choice situation), 1- to 2-d-old live ßy pupae were rates, rates of host attacks and fecundity, and the effect placed in small Þberglass screen bags (50 pupae per of habitat (poultry manure) moisture on host location bag) in each of the three substrates at either 0 (on the (Geden 1996, 1997, 1999). The objectives of the cur- surface), 1, 2, 4, or 6 cm from the top of the substrate rent study were to address the following questions in 350-ml plastic cups with screen lids. The height of about host-location behavior in relation to habitat the substrate column was held constant at 7 cm (ßush depth: (1) How do the exotic species D. himalayanus with the top of the assay cup) for all burial treatments. and S. gemina compare with the native species Musi- Five female parasitoids (2Ð4 d old) were introduced cidifurax raptor, S. cameroni, and S. endius, with re- into each cup and the cups were covered with spect to locating pupae at different habitat depths? (2) screened lids and held at 27ЊC, 70Ð85% RH, under Does the type of substrate (poultry manure, soil, or ßy constant light (3 cups per depth per substrate). Pupae rearing medium) affect parasitoid searching behavior? were removed from the cups after 24 h, separated from (3) Do parasitoids adjust their searching strategy any parasitoids present, and transferred to 30-cm3 when given a choice of depths at which hosts are cups with snap-on screen lids for ßy and parasitoid present? emergence. Control ßy emergence was assessed by placing ßy pupae in cups without parasitoids at depths of either 0 or 6 cm from the substrate surface (3 cups Materials and Methods each) per test date. The purpose of this bioassay was Parasitoid Colonies. Five species of pteromalid to assess host location and parasitism by parasitoids parasitoids were tested. Muscidifurax raptor Girault & when they were presented with pupae buried at a Sanders and Spalangia cameroni Perkins were from a single depth in each substrate.
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    Actual and potential host range of Arsenophonus nasoniae in an ecological guild of filth flies and their parasitic wasps by Graeme Patrick Taylor B.Sc., University of Guelph, 2007 A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in the Department of Biology Graeme Patrick Taylor, 2010 University of Victoria All rights reserved. This thesis may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by photocopy or other means, without the permission of the author. ii Supervisory Committee Actual and potential host range of Arsenophonus nasoniae in an ecological guild of filth flies and their parasitic wasps by Graeme Patrick Taylor B.Sc., University of Guelph, 2007 Supervisory Committee Dr. Steve Perlman, (Department of Biology) Supervisor Dr. Will Hintz, (Department of Biology) Departmental Member Dr. Réal Roy, (Department of Biology) Departmental Member iii Abstract Supervisory Committee Dr. Steve Perlman, (Department of Biology) Supervisor Dr. Will Hintz, (Department of Biology) Departmental Member Dr. Réal Roy, (Department of Biology) Departmental Member The gammaproteobacterium Arsenophonus nasoniae infects Nasonia vitripennis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), a parasitic wasp that attacks filth flies. This bacterium kills virtually all male offspring of infected females. Female wasps transmit A. nasoniae both vertically (from mother to offspring) and horizontally (to unrelated Nasonia developing in the same fly). This latter mode may enable the bacterium to colonize novel species and spread throughout a filth fly-parasitoid guild. This spread may be important for maintenance of the bacterium. The ecology of novel hosts may be significantly impacted by infection. The actual and potential host range of A.
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