Minority Group Members, Most-In-Need and Hard-To-Serve Clients, and *********************************************

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Minority Group Members, Most-In-Need and Hard-To-Serve Clients, and ********************************************* DOCUMENT RESUME ED 375 250 CE 067 371 TITLE JTPA: Targeting, Outreach and Recruitment. A Technical Assistance and Training Series. INSTITUTION Employment and Training Administration (DOL), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 93 NOTE 336p. PUB TYPE Guides Non-Classroom Use (055) EDRS PRICE MFO1 /PC14 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Adults; Displaced Homemakers; Educational Legislation; Employment Programs; Federal Legislation; Homeless People; *Job Training; *Marketing; Minority Groups; *Outreach Programs; Publicity; *Student Recruitment; *Vocational Education; Youth IDENTIFIERS *Job Training Partnership Act 1982; *Target Populations ABSTRACT This guide, which was developed with input from more than 120 Job Training Partnership Act (JTP/C programs across the United States, is designed to give JTPA program staff new ideas for conducting their targeting, outreach, and recruitment efforts. Presented first are an overview of the guide's contents and suggestions for using it. The first five chapters deal with system planning, targeting, marketing plan development, outreach, and recruitment. Each chapter contains the following: chapter contents, brief introduction and definition of the concept underlying the activity, description of the activity's purpose and intent, suggested methods/techniques, ideas regarding managing the activity/function, and a complete listing of relevant citations from the JTPA and other regulations. Included in the sixth chapter are ideas for the following: developing posters, logos, and display advertising; obtaining media coverage; and organizing promotional events and other related activities. The final chapter consists of project-specific examples of targeting, marketing, outreach, and recruitment activities that have proved successful with the following client groups: adults, displaced homemakers, ex-offenders, homeless people, minority group members, most-in-need and hard-to-serve clients, and youth. Appended are lists of contributors to the guide, Department of Labor Regional Office contacts, and the project customer focus panel members.(MN) ********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. * *********************************************************************** c- yipik: Targeting, Outreach and Recruitment A Technical Assistance and Training Seal's U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration 1993 I 1 U S EPARTMENT OF EDUCAi ION Of f.cof f dJcannnao Resoatrh and ,ronna- ,ini ED ATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 1 his document has been reproduced as /received from the person or organitation originating it 0 Minor changes hate boon made to improve reproduction qualify Points of viow or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent , official 0E131 position or policy 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE FOREWORD Changing expectations for government are an integral part of our current reality. Changing realities require changing relationships. Within the employment and training community, new partnerships are forming, and new roles are emerging. The traditional process by which we have designed and delivered techr...i_al assistance is a process ripe for change. We have chosen to be active participants in the process of change, and we are grateful to have had the opportunity to test a new process to design and deliver technical assistance. Within our region, we have adopted the following definition: Technical assistance is a quality driven process by which ETA and its customers work in partnership to continually improve Employment and Training programs. This definition served as a credo for us as we worked on the Comprehensive Resource Guide (CRG) for Targeting, Outreach, and Recruitment. Those with whom we have worked have taught us the meaning of these words. To be "a quality driven process," technical assistance must be focused rigorously and continuously on the needs of our customers. Our customer cannot be limited to the layer next up or next down in the chain of command. Our customer is a participant. And the participant's customer is an employer. The Guide puts the needs of the participant first. To be successful "ETA and its customers [must] work in partnership." To develop the Guide "in partnership" meant including state and SDA staff in Guide design, development and delivery decisions; forming and involving an expert panel of state and SDA staff to guide decisions regarding the subject and scope of the Guide; conducting surveys of all regional offices, states and SDAs before determining the content of the Guide; and conducting surveys of all regional offices, states and SDAs to identify exemplary systems and individual experts to be included in the Guide. "Work in partnership to continually improve Employment and Training programs," means learning from one another. To improve, we must find better ways to manage the system strategically, to target more precisely, to reach out more effectively and to recruit more efficiently. To find better ways, we need look no further than our peers. The training which will accompany the Guide is based on the simple premise that we can learn best from the experience and expertise of other employment and training BEST COPY AVAtt rim r professionals. As trainers in the areas of targeting, outreach, and recruitment, our job will be to crate an environment in which employment and training professionals can learn from each other. Today the employment and training community confronts challenges and opportunities of historical significance. We must seek opportunities, both large and small, to become activitists in the change process. By working together and learning from one another, we can change challenges into opportunities and opportunities into improvements. Armando Quiroz Employment & Training Administration Regional Administrator Seattle, Washington July 1993 4 'tf INTRODUCTION 410 PREFACE Why a Guide on Targeting, Outreach, and Recruitment? In the Spring of 1992, the Department of Labor (DOL) announced plans for a technical assistance and training series for JTPA dealing with critical program areas such as Youth and Adult Assessment, Case Management, Out-of-School Youth, SDA Monitoring of Service Providers, On-the-Job Training, Eligibility Determination and Targeting, Outreach, and Recruitment. Officials at the Department of Labor saw the targeting, outreach and recruitment area as a new opportunity for a partnership project between a DOL Regional Office and the field. The Employment and Training Administration's (ETA's) Seattle Regional Office volunteered to take lead responsibility for the project because it personified the agency's vision and mission: To promote new ideas, add value, and make a difference on behalf of America's workforce in partnership with our customers. Based on this philosophy, the Targeting, Outreach, and Recruitment Project created a team of both regional and State people which began early to involve a sample of customers in an information exchange to identify needs, experts and model systems. This Guide is the product of that and other information- generating activities. It is provided to States and Service Delivery Areas to enhance targeting, outreach and recruitment activities necessary to meet the increased emphasis for serving those with serious barriers to employment. All information contained in this guide is the property of the U.S. Government. You are encouraged to copy and distribute any information contained in this Guide for the purpose of improving your targeting, outreach, and recruitment efforts. This Guide has been developed as a result of the changes brought about by the passage of the Job Training Reform Amendments of 1992. The Guide has been distributed to employment and training organizations throughout the country including JTPA Service Delivery Areas, State JTPA Offices, State Employment Security Agencies, and Department of Labor Regional Offices. Requests for additional copies of this publication and any questions concerning information in this Guide should be addressed to: Hugh Davies U.S. Department of Labor rEmployment and Training Administration Room N-4469, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20210 (202) 219-5580 BEST COPYAVAILABLE INTRODUCTIONinomms ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This Comprehensive Resource Guide is the result of a joint effort between the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Region X (Seattle) and the Oregon Job Training Partnership Administration, Economic Development Department. PROJECT TOR TEAM: U.S. DOL SEATTLE Orville Arbogast Michael Brauser Billie Ann Davis Rosemary Kafara-Cowan Joe Valek OREGON, JTPA Bill Easly Pat Newport AUTHORS FOR THE PRINCIPAL CHAPTERS OF THE GUIDE System Planning: TOR Team Members, Seattle Targeting: David Snedeker, Bainbridge Island, Washington Marketing Plan: Pat Newport, Corvallis, Oregon; Robin Widing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Outreach: Robin Widing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Recruitment: Cathy Fyock, Prospect, Kentucky The Project TOR Team is particularly grateful to the more than 120 JTPA Service Delivery Areas who responded to our targeting, outreach, and recruitment questionnaires. Their responses formed the basis for this Guide. We also wish to thank members of our Project TOR Customer Focus Panel, JTPA experts from across the country, who guided Project TOR in its inception and provided valuable input todraft documents to assure that the materials would meet the needs of our customers. Members
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