WinibTington, Townend,1 Bstiwick, Whittlesea parishes in^ or through which the said intended Saint Andrew, Whittlesea Saint Mary, March, railway and works, are proposed to pass, or be Upwell End, Doddington Elm, -Friday Bridge, made, will be depoitsed on or before the thirty-first Wisbeach, Wisbeach Saint Mary,. Wisbeach Saint day of December next, with the parish clerks qf Peter, , , Walpole, Walpole such parishes at their respective residences.—• Saint Peter, Walpole Saint Andrew, , Ter- Dated this 11th day of November 1844. rington', Terrington Saint Clement, Terrington Saint John, Tilney, Tilney Saint Lawrence, Isling- Roy, Blunt, Johnstone, and Walton, 42, ton otherwise Tilney cum. Islington* Tilney All Lothbury, London, Solicitors. Saints', Eau Brink, Bed of the old River Ouse, Saint Mary otherwise Wiggenhall, Saint Mary the Virgin, OTICE is hereby given, that application is , Wiggenhall Saint Germans, Wig- Nintended to be made to Parliament in the genhall Saint. Peter, Watlington, Magdalene other- ensuing session, for an Act or Acts to authorize wise Wiggenhall Saint Mary Magdalene, Setchey the construction of a railway and' branch railway otherwise Setchy otherwise Setch, West Lynn Saint hereafter mentioned, with all proper works and Peteri South Lynn otherwise South Lynn All conveniences connected" therewith, that is to say; Saints', Seech otherwise Seechy otherwise Seeching a railway commencing by a junction with the Pe- Saddlebow, and Hardwick, or some terborough and Brandon Extension of the Eastern of them in the county of , and terminating Counties Railway, as at present authorized to be in a field adjoining or near to the river Ouse, in made, in the parishes of the Holy Trinity in Ely the parish of South Lynn otherwise South Lynn otherwise Ely Trinity, and Saint Mary in Ely All Saints', aforesaid.. otherwise Ely Saint Mary, or one of them, in the And it is intended by the said Act or Acts, to isle of Ely and Bounty of Cambridge, and passing authorize the pm^ehase of houses and lands, by thence from, in, through, or into the several pa- compulsion, and the levying of rates, tolls, and- rishes, townships,, extra-parochial and other places duties, in respect of the use of the said intended1 of Saint Mary in Ely otherwise Ely Saint Mary, railway, and to vary or extinguish all rights and the Holy Trinity in Ely otherwise Ely Trinity, privileges connected with such lands and. houses, New Barns, Chettisham, Downham, Byall Fen, or which would impede or interfere .with the Coveney otherwise Coveney cum Manea, the objects of the said Act or Acts. Wash, Littleport, Manea otherwise Manea cum And it is further proposed by such Act or Acts, Coveney, Stonea, Wimblington, Townend, Ben- to take powers of stopping up, diverting, or alter- wick, Whittlcsea Saint Andrew, Whittlesea Saint ing all roads, highways, streams, rivers, canals, Mary,. March, Chattet'is, Upwell-end, Doddington, railways, sewers, pipes or aqueducts within the Elnij Wisbeach Saint Mary, Wisbeach Saint Peter, the parishes, townships, or other places* aforesaid, Leverington otherwise Leverington SaintLeonard's, which it may be necessary to stop up, alter, or Newton, Leverington Parson Drove, Tyd'd Saint divert for the purpose of making or maintaining Giles's, or some of them, in the isle of Ely and the said intended railway and works> county of Cambridge aforesaid; Tydd Saint Mary, Sutton- Saint Mary, Button Saint Edmunds, Sut- And it is further proposed by such Act or Acts, ton Saint James, Long Suttou, Gedney, Gedney- to enable the Eastern Counties Railway Company, hill otherwise Gedney-fen, Fleet, Holbeach, Whap- -to carry into effect the said intended undertaking, lode, Whaplode-drove otherwise Whaplode-fen, or otherwise to incorporate a company for the Moulton, Weston, Cowbit, Spalding,. Pinchbeck, purpose, with powers to sell, or let, and transfer Surfleet, Gosberton, the Roman-bank, Sutterton, the same, or any part thereof, and all or any of Algarkirke, Kirtori, Frampton, Wyberton, Skir- their powers and privileges in relation thereto, to beck, Sbirbeck Quarter, Skirbeck Quarter-fen, the saicf Eastern Counties Railway Company, and Wyberton-fen, Boston, Boston West, Bro- to enable the said last mentioned company to thertoft, Fosdyke-fen, Fosd}'ke, Pelham's-land, purchase or rent the same, and to use, exercise, North Forty-foot Drain and Banks, Kirton- and enjoy such powers and privileges. fen, Sutterton-fen, Hart's-ground, the ancient And notice is hereby further given, that, on or bed of the river Witham, Chapel-hill, before the thirtieth day of November instant, Swineshead, Holland-fen, Dogdyke, North Gowt, duplicate plans, and sections, describing the line Wildmore-corner, Langrick-ferry otherwise Lan- and levels of the said intended railway, and the gret-feriy, Langrickville otherwise Langriville, situation of the lands proposed to be taken for the Terry-booth, Reed-point, and Old Marsh, or some purposes of the same, together with a book of refer- of them, in the parts of Holland, in the county of ence thereto, containing the names of the owners or Lincoln; Coningsby, Langrickville otherwise Lan- reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and griville, Langrick-ferry otherwise Langret-ferry, occupiers of the said lands, respectively, will be North Gowt, Wildmore-corner, and the ancient deposited, for public inspection, with the^Clefk of bed of the river Witham, or some of them, in the the Peace for the Isle of Ely, in the county of parts of Lindsey, in the county of Lincoln; Kyme Cambridge, at his office in Wisbeach; and with Eau, South Kyme, North Kyme, North Kyme- the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Norfolk, fen, Dogdyke, Billinghay Dales, Billinghay-fen, at his office in Aylsha'm, in the same county; and Walcott, Walc'Ott-fen, Billinghay, Thorpe Tilney that, copies of so much of the said plans, sections, otherwise Timbt-rland Thorpe, Thorpe Tilney-fen, book of reference as relate to the several Martin, Martm-fen, Tini'oerland, Tiinberland-fen,