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Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI (2005) sess45.pdf Tuesday, March 15, 2005 POSTER SESSION I: MARS ICE: LANDFORMS AND PROCESSES 7:00 p.m. Fitness Center Head J. W. III Marchant D. R. Fastook J. L. Regional Mid-Latitude Glaciation on Mars: Evidence for Marginal Glacial Deposits Adjacent to Lineated Valley Fill [#1257] Deposits on plateaus adjacent to mid-latitude lineated valley fill on Mars are interpreted to be moraines and sublimation tills resulting from valley filling with glacial ice and overflow during periods of extensive Amazonian glaciation. Chapman M. G. Soderblom L. A. Cushing G. Evidence of Very Young Glacial Processes in Central Candor Chasma, Mars [#1850] Apparently, ice-formed features occur on the floor of Valles Marineris. The observation that they are associated with dark floor material indicates that the glacier(s?) was relatively young — suggesting late-stage surface ice in equatorial Mars. Parsons R. L. Head J. W. III Ascraeus Mons Fan-shaped Deposit, Mars: Geological History and Volcano-Ice Interactions of a Cold-based Glacier [#1139] The work presented here is a re-examination of the Ascraeus Mons fan-shaped deposit using higher resolution data than has previously been available in order to assess the plausibility of a cold-based glacial origin for the deposit. Chuang F. C. Crown D. A. Martian Debris Aprons: Morphometric Comparisons of the Eastern Hellas and Tempe/Mareotis Populations [#1519] Here we report on a revised compilation of eastern Hellas apron morphometries using MGS and MO data and comparisons to the Tempe/Mareotis apron population. Nussbaumer J. W. Extent and Further Characteristics of Former Glaciated Terrain in Elysium Planitia, Mars [#1949] Here is presented the hypothesis that ice sheets from a retreating and sublimating frozen lake changed the planet’s surface in southeastern Elysium Planitia, Mars. This hypothesis is based on observed morphologies, that are similar to morphologies in terrestrial formerly glaciated environments. Soare R. J. Burr D. M. Wan Bun Tseung J. M. Peloquin C. Possible Pingos and Periglacial Landscapes in Northwest Utopia Planitia, Mars (II) [#1102] The pingo-like mounds and associated crater-floor landforms identified by us in MOC-EO300299 and MOC- EO500113 may be commonplace in northwest Utopia Planitia. If so, this could point to periglacial processes actively having shaped the landscape, as recently as the last episode of high obliquity. Soare R. J. Wan Bun Tsueng J. M. Peloquin C. Possible Thermokarst and Alas Formation in Utopia Planitia, Mars [#1103] Our research evaluates the plausibility of thermokarst formation in an area of Utopia Planitia where thermokarst- like features are highly concentrated: 260–281 degrees longitude and 40–50 degrees latitude. Levy J. S. Head J. W. III Marchant D. R. The Origin and Evolution of Oriented-Network Polygonally Patterned Ground: The Antarctic Dry Valleys as Mars Analogue [#1334] We have examined oriented networks of polygonally patterned ground in Mullins Valley and Beacon Valley, Antarctica, which may provide a time-series of polygon initiation and evolution under Mars-like climate conditions. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI (2005) sess45.pdf Lefort A. Russell P. Thomas N. Ice Sublimation Landforms in Peneus and Amphitrites Patera [#1626] The Amphitrites-Peneus patera complex exhibits surficial features possibly formed by ice sublimation. We use a combination of MOLA, MOC and Themis data to map this region and study the formation and evolution of these terrains. Russell P. S. Lefort A. Thomas N. Modeling Ice Stability with Topography on a Local Scale, Mars [#1554] We model ice stability on a local scale, examining 1) the relative importance of four energy-balance factors introduced by topography, 2) the resulting spatial variation in ice stability, and 3) the resulting cycle in which changes in surface shape depend on shape itself. .