4 –8 JULY 2016

ON TIME DaS gRaDUaTe SChOOl gROOTlaB An Excursion INTRODUCTION Main Programme possible relation with it, an idea of its use that allows us to produce time differently. The summer academy WE LIVE On Time: Reading Sessions and Mala Kline is a performer, choreographer and HERE is a platform for artistic writer. She holds MA in theater (DasArts, Amsterdam) Holger Nickisch encounters initiated by Nicole Communal Dreaming and PhD in philosophy (UL, Ljubljana). She is an artis- Excursion to the Land Art projects tic researcher at a.pass research center in Brussels in the Dutch Flevo Polder Beutler, Marijke Hoogenboom Mala Kline and a volunteer post-doc researcher at Faculty of Arts Starting point: Grootlab and Andrea Božic´. As in previous Location: Grootlab and Philosophy (UG) as well as a member of S:PAM Monday 4 July 11:00–18:00 Tuesday 5–Friday 8 July 10:00–16:00 research center in Gent. She is a certified practitioner editions we invited professionals and teacher of Saphire™ practice (SOI, NYC). All her active in different fields of the artistic and theoretical work is embedded in the prac- performing and visual arts to join On the invitation of WE LIVE HERE Mala Kline sets tice of dreaming. In her author-based choreographic up a study room where we will together explore and works she uses Saphire™ to facilitate individual and this temporary community. With experiment with time to see how and to what extent communal dreaming in order to create unique singu- WE LIVE HERE we want to keep can our perception, experience and ideas we have of lar worlds weaved from and generated through the time, shift and transform time. language of our dreaming. She has a private practice creating space to come together, in Brussels and teaches Saphire™ internationally, in a space to encounter, work and In collective reading sessions we read fictional and diverse educational, research and production contexts no-fictional texts about the subject of time. These are and settings. think together beyond the scope combined with different formats of individual commu- of individual projects or production nal dreaming, which facilitate the collective unfolding agendas. of thought, rather than delivering knowledge. De Groene Kathedraal by Marinus Boezem Next to reading and dreaming we look at artworks During the building of the Flevoland Polder, the engi- The summer academy takes on a that sculpt time in specific ways and there will be neers and planners decided to mark the occasion collective discussions as a catalyst for processing through the realisation of a number of large-scale art slightly different shape each year. the issues, ideas, and images of time. If time is an works, situated on several locations. They opted for an For this sixth edition we invited “agent for subjective, social and political transforma- art form that spoke to their imagination: Land Art. An tion” how do we tap into its transformative potential? art form popular in the United States in the seventies Mala Kline to set up a study room This week will be an exercise in profanation; an exer- and introduced in the Netherlands through exhibitions where we will together experiment cise in profaning time. We think together by dreaming such as Op Losse Schroeven (1969) in the Stedelijk together. We think time, our expropriated relation and Museum Amsterdam and Sonsbeeck Buiten de Perken with time through reading sessions use of time, by feeling and imagining it. Perhaps our ‘Space was out of the question. The only hope for (1971) in . and dreaming exercises. experimenting with time gives us a sense of another survival lay in time.’ (C. Marker, La Jetee) The result is a collection of six Land Art works by Furthermore the program consists world-famous artists such as Robert Morris, Richard of some afternoon lectures wherein Serra and Daniel Libeskind. It makes for a situation that we meet several guests that tackle is unique in the world; six Land Art works that can be experienced in one day: the problem of time from diverse Polderland Garden of Love and Fire (1992-1997) from perspectives and through different Daniel Libeskind; Exposure (2010) from Antony Gormley; media. Observatorium (1971-1977) from Robert Morris; Aardzee (1982) from Piet Slegers; Sea Level (1989-1996) from Richard Serra; This year, WE LIVE HERE is invited De Groene Kathedraal (1978-1996) from Marinus Boezem. to organize the summer academy at Grootlab, the new AHK location Holger Nickisch will guide you along the Land Art works. for DAS Graduate School: DAS Theatre (former DasArts), DAS Choreography (former Amsterdam Master of Choreography) and DAS Holger Nickisch is a Research. visual artist and curator who lives and works in Amsterdam. In addi- tion to his artistic activities, he has been the director of the Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen, a center for contemporary art in a UNESCO world heritage site, the defense line of Amsterdam. For more information, please check www. nickisch.nl Research Group VEEM House for film screening Lecture we live here Curators Performance is interdisciplinary and takes form of live Reading&Research Group on: The Art of Time PETRIFY performance, installation and collabora- tions with the weather and night sky. The work reorganizes perception combining #Accelerationism (R&R #A) Fergus Daly & Katherine Waugh (IE 2009) Amelia Groom conceptual with sensorial and physical, Location: Grootlab Location: Grootlab creates paradoxical situations and asks questions about the effects of attention Extra open session with guest Tony Yanick Tuesday July 5 16:00–18:00 Thursday July 7 16:00–18:00 and imagination, perception of presence, Location: Veem House for Performance the politics of viewing, presentation of Wednesday July 6 19:30–22:00 reality and distribution of authorship. In contemporary culture we are often told that ‘time’ as Amelia Groom is a writer and researcher. She edited Andrea has collaborated with many artists, most notably with Ivana Muller, we have experienced it historically is being obliterated the Whitechapel Gallery Documents of Contemporary presented frequently at conferences The Reading&Research group is part of the discursive by the speed and acceleration of our technology-driven Art anthology on TIME while completing a PhD on and symposia, published texts about program of Veem House for Performance. It is a two- society. The Art of Time explores how leading interna- 'disorderly temporalities in contemporary art' at the her work and given workshops and co-organised artistic labs internation- weekly series of collective readings and discussions, tional practitioners in architecture, video art, film, thea- University of Sydney. She currently lives in Amster- Nicole Beutler Choreogra- ally. From 2012-2015, Andrea was mentor this spring on the topic of Accelerationism. Through tre and philosophy are challenging traditional temporal dam and teaches at the Sandberg Instituut and Gerrit pher and theatre maker Nicole Beutler at the Amsterdam Master of Chore- (Munich, 1969) lives and works in a practice of reading together the group is getting to ideas, questioning the nature of memory and perception Rietveld Academie. ography and since 2012 she is tutor at Amsterdam. After studies of Fine Arts DasArts – Master of Theatre. Together know, trying to grasp and slowly unpacking this excit- today, and inventing new and radical notions of Time. at Münster and München Arts Acad- with visual artist Julia Willms and ing – outside of academia – philosophical paradigm, For this lecture, she considers time in relation to emies and of German Literature at the sound artist Robert Pravda she founded University of Münster, she came to study that is still evolving. The Art of Time shows some of the most innovative stones, as a way of destabilising anthropocentric in-disciplinary platform Tilt in 2009, to Dance and Choreography at the SNDO inspire and support artistic practice and The current participants of the RR #A are graduates/ attempts by contemporary artists, filmmakers, temporalities. She will look at rocks in various artworks at the Theaterschool in Amsterdam thinking beyond disciplines. She is one post-graduates/young professionals from the fields of architects etc to explore multiple Temporalities and and different phenomena, and will try to get beyond where she graduated in 1997. Since she of the co-founders of BAU – space for creates works that are situated on the performing arts Amsterdam. philosophy, visual arts, performance arts, and cultural to counter our uniform sense of time. notions of the 'muteness' and 'immutability' of stone. threshold of dance, performance and theory. Occasionally they invite an expert form the visual arts. Happily oscillating between field of accelerationism to delve deeper into a particu- the disciplines her precise and clear visual language balances content and lar question or theory. Recently they for example had a form cautiously, enabling new perspec- conversation with Patricia Reed, artist, theoretic, and tives on the complexity of the human co-writer of the xenofeminist manifesto. condition. There dwells a socio-political drive underneath all of her projects. Collaboration with artists from other On Wednesday evening July 6 the RR #A is hosting an fields have lead to numerous touring open session with We Live Here and its participants. projects and to several curated events For this special edition Tony Yanick, a young philoso- like the lecture series THE OLD BRAND NEW and Come Together festival. She is pher, film-maker/new media artist and engineer, is one of the cofounders of BAU platform invited to lead the session. for dance and performance. Nicole’s latest pieces include 6: THE SQUARE, LIEFDESVERKLARING with The session aims in Thinking Fictions in terms of Magne van den Berg and fABULEUS, its ideal, futuristic, and even utopian capacities, as 5: ECHO with ICKamsterdam, 4: Marijke Hoogenboom well as fiction's function in relation to philosophy, STILL LIFE with Theater Malpertuis, SHIROKURO with Tomoko Mukaiyama became Professor at the Amsterdam specifically in this case the socio-political philosophy and Jean Kalman, ANTIGONE with Theaterschool in 2012, where she is "platform" of the accelerationist constellation. Yanick Ulrike Quade and 3: THE GARDEN. leading the Performing Arts in Transi- LIBRARY tion research group. Since 2003 she will offer specific texts in order to approach one of is also in charge of the supra-faculty the main symptoms of the failed left projects of the Location: Grootlab Artists in Residence programme AIR present: The inability to belief in any alternative real- of the Amsterdam School of the Arts. Monday 4 July–Friday 8 July: 10:00 - 20:00 Marijke has studied theatre science ity/ lack of imagination/ "No Future" pathologies. The and German philology in Berlin and experimental format of the reading session will be a was one of the founders and part of During WE LIVE HERE: on time we create a temporary mixture of prepared talk, moving and still image view- the artistic management of DasArts/ library. A place where we collect texts, books, movies ing, collective reading, and discussion Master of Theater until 2001. In 2008 she and more on the subject of time. You are very welcome played an active role in the conversion to contribute to the library by bringing your own read- of the programme from a postgradu- ate education towards an international ing suggestions to Grootlab. It could be theory, fiction master. Currently she is also part of or poetry. It could be something you find interesting, the Management Team of de Theat- challenging or perhaps paradoxical. It could be a text erschool and the chair to design the new Amsterdam Graduate School for on time itself, on the use of time in a specific art work Performing Arts. She serves on many or on our use of time in general. Together we hope to boards, is an advisor for the Dutch create a space that is full of thoughts. Fund for Performing Arts, part of the Andrea Božic´ is a chore- council of the Hochschule für Musik und ographer from Croatia, living and Darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt, the Tony Yanick is a co-organ- film, media, and technology interna- working in Amsterdam. Her educational exchange program Transfer International izer of The New Centre for Research & tionally. Tony's research is driven by background includes dance, literature, (Kulturbüro NRW) and on the editorial Practice. Philosopher, media-theorist, transdisciplinary methodologies and English, film, theatre and media art. board of the Routledge journal Perfor- computer engineer, multimedia artist, currently is involved in two projects: In Croatia, she studied modern dance mance Research and the Palgrave book and musician from the United States. He one is focused on the relation between and earned a degree in Comparative series New Dramaturgies. In 2014 she holds a Master of Science in computer fiction and philosophy; another is inter- Literature and English Language at the has co-initiated Het Transitiebureau and engineering with a concentration on ested in the development of platforms University of Zagreb. In the Netherlands, De Agenda, two critical platforms in the mobile robotics and artificial intel- for collaborative research and digital she graduated from the School For New Netherlands with and for a diverse group ligence, as well as an interdisciplinary pedagogy. He is the publisher of the Dance Development and the Amsterdam of professionals from the field. Master of Arts in philosophy and world transdisciplinary journal and publishing Masters of Choreography (2004), both at Science is Fiction, Jean Painlevé literature. He has spoken on philosophy, platform &&&. the Theaterschool Amsterdam. Her work WE LIVE HERE colophon

we live here visits What else to do here Curators: we live here location Marijke Hoogenboom Andrea Božic´ Nicole Beutler JULIDANS FESTIVAL Salamon sets the ancient history of Project coordination: 30 June – 10 July dance opposite the recent conflict Justa ter Haar history and in this way demon- Production: Naomi Wallenburg Julidans is a renowned inter- strates who came out on top. Publicity: national contemporary dance Daisy Benz festival, taking place early in Technical support: July each year. After the twenty Harco Haagsma fifth anniversary edition in 2015, JEFTA VAN DINTHER / CULLBERG Many thanks to: featuring the great masters of the BALLET Sanne Kersten, Nienke Scholts Design program booklet: contemporary dance, Julidans 2016 Protagonist Connie Nijman focuses on the great masters of Thursday 7 July the future. Choreographers who 20:30 Rabozaal SSBA WE LIVE HERE is an ini- already were distinguished in the Julidans Festival tiative of Nicole Beutler, Marijke Netherlands and abroad but who Hoogenboom and Andrea Božic´. It are now on the verge of breaking Van Dinther has a world premi- is produced by NBprojects, DAS IJ through worldwide. That they fit ère at Julidans with his second Research and TILT. For this years perfectly with Julidans applies big work at the Cullberg Ballet. editions we work together with Nienke Scholts, Veem House for to each of these artists: they let In Protagonist fourteen dancers performance and DAS Graduate us see that the dance is not only throw their bodies into battle in School (de Theaterschool). We are beautiful, excitable, touching, but order to make a point. ‘In songs of supported by the Performing Arts furthermore relevant, current and revolution and dances of evolu- Fund (FPK), the Amsterdam Arts in your face. tion we tell a story about how KEREN LEVI The Dry Piece | XL Edition, photo: Anna van Kooij Fund (AFK), Julidans and Goethe www.julidans.nl people come together and take up Instituut. a role,’ says van Dinther. A battle is an inevitable part of this. ‘In the ITAMAR SERUSSI / KEREN LEVI which deviate totally from what battle to belong, the search for Tefer / The Dry Piece | XL Edition our social standards prescribe. ESZTER SALAMON shared meaning and mutual faith, friday 8 July Thus Ingvartsen makes us aware Monument-O: Haunted by wars a community takes shape. Protago- 21:00 Grote zaal SSBA of our physical limitations. She DAS Graduate School, Pussy Galore (1913 – 2013) nist is a story about taking care of Julidans Festival – Moving breaks through the cliché images Grootlab Tolhuis weg 2 tuesday 5 July each other, kinship and connec- Meetings Dance of nudity and sexuality by giving us Overhoeksplein 2 1031 CL a clear view of the body in search 20:30 Rabozaal SSBA tion, but also about alienation, 1013 KS Julidans Festival control and isolation.’ The male body and the female body of pleasure. In a long sensual dance the bodies of the twelve find their way to the stage in this Wi-Fi access Wi-Fi access double bill. Itamar Serussi puts dancers come together, touch each Hungarian choreographer Eszter Network: Netwerk AHK Netwerk: lunchtent Salamon (1970) shines a new light six male Italian ballet dancers on other, melt together, until one Login: t.gastdocent Login: WOOPEN on the peoples that have been stage, Keren Levi works with eight large, enjoying body remains. Password: Gu3$tT Open without a password conquered, invaded and enslaved naked female dancers. The playful, during the past one hundred years light choreographies of Itamar of war with the West. Along with Serussi (Israel, 1978) are never OVER HET IJ FESTIVAL six dancers she went off in search without humour and improvisa- 8 – 17 July of tribes and folk dances that once tion. In TEFER he examines with notes existed in current conflict zones six male dancers from the Ballet The festival which is held from on all of the five continents. She of Rome the gestures of the male 2 to 12 July 2015 takes over the collated fifty dances: ritual dances body, set to original music by NDSM shipyard for eleven days to prepare warriors for battle, Richard van Kruysdijk (inspired by and spreads from there along the peaceful or exuberant dances to sounds of the madcap cartoon La banks of the IJ. Young, talented celebrate the warrior’s victory and Linea from the seventies). In The theatre makers are programmed their return, dances of defeat or Dry Piece | XL Edition by Keren next to famous names on various loss voodoo-dances for example. Levi, performed by eight naked exciting locations to present their While conquering each of these dancers behind a projection screen, stories to the public. The perfor- peoples, the West brutally tried to an important role has been put mances on the Over het IJ Festival eliminate their culture and dance. aside for the voyeuristic spectator. this year have the city and urbani- Levi draws our attention to the gap zation as their central theme. The between beauty and pornography NDSM shipyard is the departure which is inherent to the violent point for the performances and at (male) look on the (female) body. the same the meeting point. The theatre makers enter this urban playground and will be playing their performances there based on METTE INGVARTSEN this central theme. 7 Pleasures www.overhetij.nl saturday 9 July 20:30 Rabozaal SSBA Julidans Festival COLLECTIEF WALDEN Windstilleven: Een Projectie In 7 Pleasures Mette Ingvartsen FRIDAY 8 - SUNDAY 17 JULY zooms in on seven forms of pleas- various times, NDSM ure with a group of twelve perform- shipyard, Over het IJ Festival ers. What gives us and how do we enjoy pleasures, how does our Without the use of electricity, body find joy and pleasure beyond collective Walden makes a short our daily life, while enjoying, can film about time, starring the ship- we escape from the conventional yard, the wind and the IJ waters. behavior expected by society ? To With this piece, Walden brings you what extent are our physical pleas- a scenic experience on vastness ures free, no social links attached? and secrecy, holding on and letting The dancers try out movements go, moving on and standing still. ESZTER SALAMON Monument-O: Haunted by wars (1913–2013), photo: Ursula Kaufmann SCheDUle we lIVe heRe2016

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17:30 18 18:30 19 19:30 20 20:30 21 22

MONDaY 4 JUlY 11:00 – 17.00 17:00 – 18:00 exCURSION welCOMe DINNeR welCOMe Land-Art route through Flevoland Kitchen Grootlab

TUeSDaY 5 JUlY 10:00 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:00 13:00 – 18:00 16:00 – 18:00 18:30 – 20:00 20:30 – 21:45 ON TIMe lUNCh ON TIMe filmscreening DINNeR MONUMeNT-O:MONUMeNT-O: with Mala Kline Pussy Galore with Mala Kline The aRT OF TIMe Kitchen Grootlab haUNTeD BY waR Theaterzaal Grootlab Open Coöp Studios Grootlab Fergus Daly & Katherine Waugh ESZTER SALAMON Studios Grootlab Theater Bellevue Julidans

weDNeSDaY 6 JUlY 10:00 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:00 13:00 – 18:00 16:00 – 18:00 18:30 – 19:30 19:30 – 22:00 ON TIMe lUNCh ON TIMe lecture performance DINNeR Research and Reading group with Mala Kline Pussy Galore with Mala Kline TONY YaNICK Kitchen aCCeleRaTIONISM Theaterzaal Grootlab Open Coöp Studios Grootlab Studios Grootlab Grootlab withTony Yarick Veem House

ThURSDaY 7 JUlY 10:00 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:00 13:00 – 18:00 16:00 – 18:00 18:30 – 20:00 20:30 – 21:30 ON TIMe lUNCh ON TIMe lecture DINNeR PROTagONIST PROTagONIST with Mala Kline Pussy Galore with Mala Kline aMelIa gROOM Kitchen Grootlab JEFTA VAN DINTHER Theaterzaal Grootlab Open Coöp Studios Grootlab Studios Grootlab SSBA Julidans

10:00 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:00 13:00 – 18:00 FRIDaY 8 JUlY 17:30 – 19:30 ON TIMe lUNCh ON TIMe SlOw DINNeR with Mala Kline Pussy Galore with Mala Kline Kitchen Grootlab Theaterzaal Grootlab Open Coöp Studios Grootlab