MARY, MRS. EDDY, / * 1 •lx days each weak. Mr. Whitt said fillur* of HU labor : *r MY ANSWIR (movement to oupport to E#ter- 'I :: jive sufficient she pubUdsjbin was y+l *»My Graham Greet) from Book Pago) . t*r#a «no of the festers figuring in She suspension. tCo«tl*u*4 QUESTION: )w#fiMh Hurt man hat an I ■■ IV •••mm OF NATIONS I BUT. Immortal mil. —■ ■ XEALER ACTUALLY. Tha Bible toys that only Ood and Christ OF MRFECT—THE RIAL NATIONS hava Immortality. UVEALGR Noar, than, tan man hava an eternal soul? y. #. Os THE ONE REAL CREATION AND UNIVERSE ANSWER: I think you should raid tha Biblo a tittle Aid China Ills- rtf INCORRUPTIBLE, INVULNERABLE, OMNIPRESENT -4 jnora carafully. Tha Blbla says, ralarring to radaamad man: (Continued tfrgm Page) . AND ETERNAL LIFE t Bock HEAVEN "Neither can thay die any mora; for thay ara aqual unto tha 1(63—"EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION" I In recent months angals; and ara tha ahildran of God, baing tha China's rulers themselves have comb IMS, Apr MARTYRDOM OF LINCOLN I childran af to they tha resurrection." (Luka 20:36) Again, "And whosoavar realize face mammoth problems. Evan with the 1866, Fab.—EIGHTEEN AND ONE-THIRD powers CEN- livath and baliavath in ma SHALL 11:26). of coercion and monolithic planning at their aom- SINCE THE CRUCIFIXION, NEVER DIE/' (Jo. TURIES RESURRECTION, Tha word Immortality moans "deathless," mand, just to keep the nation from floundering will put AND 'DAY OF or atarnal. ASCENSION, PENTECOST'— Tha Bibla again says: "But now it them to teat. Here are ... big reasons why: Matthow 13:33, 'SECOND' MARY, made manifest by tha "WOMAN," MRS. EDDY, appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, • TOO MANY, PEOPLE ON TOO LITTLE LANG. THIRD DAY' OF who hath abolished ON THE SUPPOSEDLY FATAL death, and brought ,lifa China's population of 6404)00,000,1* burgeoning ht 11,000,- RECEIVES GOD'S HIGH hath and immortality through tha INJURY APPOINTMENT I Gospel/' (2 Tim. 1:10). 000 a year—almost the “figure for New York State. WITH roughly TURNS FROM DEVIL'S MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGY You can destroy your body, but you cannot kill your four-fifths of it rural, each farmer averages only soul. about one-half aero. OF THE FLESH TO KING JAMES BIBLE; Inherent In recent awareness of this human inundation, Peiping READS MATTHEW 9:2*B—AND, LIKE THE MAN within most of us is tha belief that we ara immortal. '1 foal mysalf the Ufa," is VIGOROUSLY PROPAGATING "FAMILY PLANNING." WITH PARALYSIS, RISES IMMEDIATELY ! in future said Viator STRICKEN Hugo. "I never Unable to supply enough manufactured contraceptives, it AND, I, GOD, INCREASE IN INTENSITY 'DICTA- hava seen what seamed to ma an atom of proof that there is a life," has frantically recommended such measures as for women TIONS' TO MY BELOVED DAUGHTER-RE VELATOR, future wrote Mark Twain. "And yet I am strongly expect to swallow live tadpoles. HOW SOON THE BIRTH CON- MARY BAKER EDDY ! AND IN 1875, THOSE YEARS inclined to one." "Soma morning will TROL MOVEMENT WILL PRODUCE A POPULATION OF BIBLICAL RESEARCH, HEALING, TEACHING, you read in tha papers," Moody told a group of friends, "that D. L. Moody is dead. Don't SLOWDOWN IS A CRITICAL BUT UNANSWERABLE WRITING, CULMINATE IN MY MASTERPIECE, QUESTION. believe a word of it. At that moment I shall be mora alive THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TEXTBOOK-IMPERATIVE • * • than lam now. I was born of tha flash SAVIOR OP THE HOLY SCRIPTURES FROM THE in 1637—1 was born of tha Spirit in • RESISTANCE AND INADEQUATE YIELD INVOLUNTARY, M-Y-T-H-I-C-AL, DEVILISH, ANTI* 1856. That which is born of tha flash will die; that which DOWN ON THE FARM. The peasants bear by far (the CHRIST, -, MURDEROUS , is born of tha Spirit shall live forever." JUDAS, heaviest burden af industrialization and gat by far the KNAVES AND FOOLS' SPIRITUAL ADULTERY least from it. Their produce is China's foreign fredo; it OF ALL BIBLES OF THE NON-CHRIST SCIENTIST supplies the factories and feeds the workers. Nettled, end CLERGY I AND MRS. EDDY WAS THE FIRST, Sex Education—- PURE, to hold onto enough to feed their families, they have eon- CHRISTIAN (Continued MAJOR SCIENTIST SINCE CHRIST from Back Page) cealed grains earmarked for taxes and forced purchase. It JESUS—ALTHOUGH ST. PAUL AND MARTIN LUTHER '. was •. probably Mao Tse-tung's desire lo get firm control over MERIT HIGH FOR PERSON WHO WINS THE SEX BATTLE TRIBUTE MARVELOUS APOSTLE- the peasants that caused Communist party workers to push AND REFORMATION, WON SHIP PREPARATION FOR THE HAS ONE OF THE GREATEST BATTLES through collectivization even more feverishly than the Rus- "SECOND COMING" !—MARVELOUS, IMPERATIVE OF LIFE" sians managed it. This, too, was resented. SUPER CHRIST SCIENCE UNIVERSAL MESSIAH ! "t-H-E —Billy Graham m GROWING ESTRANGEMENT OF THE WORKERS. COMFORTER"—CHRIST'S AND JESUS' RETURN- .Production of consumer goods has barely kept up with pop- OF AND C-H-l-L-D-L-E-S-S CAREER OF CHRIST VOID JESUS' MARY'S FLESH—HER MORTAL JESUS. ulation increase. Food rations recently were cut; the cloth THOUGHT ANTI-CHRIST ASPECT S OF ADAM- ration is now sufficient to make only one cotton suit a year. ! THE IDEAL I EVE HERITAGE * * * SUFFERING AND MARVELOUS CHRIST 'RETURN', SUPER SCIENCE, UNIVERSAL MESSIAH, WILL SLOW • THE BROKEN BUBBLE OF THE ONCE-DEVOUT. UP AND TRIUMPH OVER THE POPULATION Apathy reigns among the Party workers, visionaries of a Perpetrates—- INCREASE, SPIRITUAL LUNACY!!! few years ago. Old-line guerrilla leaders are entwined with Devil red tape THE DEVIL'S R. C. OBJECTION TO HUMANE, at their postwar desks and youngsters are squeezed (Continued from Back Page) by vacillating RELATIVELY SCIENTIFIC, BIRTH CONTROL AND orders—"Crack down," "Ease up"—from top NON*CHRIST SCIENTIST CLERGY ARE A-L-L BIRTH PREVENTION WILL BE EXPOSED FOR THE brass. PRISONERS OF THE DEVIL, MORE OR * * * LESS—NOT IN DEMONSTRABLE, DEVIL'S SPIRITUAL LUNACY, OBVIOUS WICKEDNESS, BUT IN • INVOLUNTARY WHICH IT IS ! RESENTMENT AGAINST—AND WITHIN THE ERROR, SAUL OF TARSUS TYPEI JAPAN, CHINA, ARMED FORCES. In food, clothing and shelter, these stal- LIKEWISE, AND COUNTLESS INDIVIDUAL THE NON-CHRIST SCIENTIST LAYMEN ROMAN CATHOLICS HAVE ALREADY AWAKENED wart defenders of the ruling clique are better off than most AND MASSES I MY CHOSEN PEOPLE, CHRISTLIKE FROM THE SPIRITUAL LUNACY OF THE POPULA- of their countrymen. In fact, many, though they were eon- CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS !, ARE THE HIGHEST scriptees, TION AND BIRTH SPREE I —VATICAN, "SATAN have grumbled at forced demobilization as the MANIFESTATIONS OF THE "GOOD SAMARITANS," BOUND" PRIESTHOOD I—NOT IN OBVIOUS WICK- regime has streamlined the services down to about 3,000,- "BROTHER'S KEEPERS" ! Recently EDNESS, BUT IN INVOLUNTARY ERROR I 000. Peiping ordered their rations cut a bit—- . . ordained . . . 1936 after completing training at partly, it seems, to placate the populace.

. * * * Concordia . MY Thaological Seminary, St. Louis." . . (Times) ANSWER SCIENTIST SEMINARIES, By Billy Graham (Free Press, 3/21) ALL NON-CHRIST Question: Why don't you give more.talks on sax educa- IMPURE, IMMATURE, INVOLUNTARILY, tion? Tha growing problem of our nation needs light and Wild DISHONEST I- information, and you would be in a position to give soma Missiles Killed 132- SPIRITUALLY informative massages on tha subject.—E. T. T. (Continued from Back Page) THE SAUL OF TARSUS REBELLIOUSNESS. Answers: Sexual irregularities are all basically moral course," Asafjev problems. God ordained marriage from the beginning and "Os said, "the Russian people were "SATAN BOUND” I never told what caused the accident. Maybe sanctified it for its intended purpose; but He never approved even the sur- vivors still believe the rocket was a the prostitution of such a sacred matter. Education has meteorite." He saw 10 rockets fired from evidently failed to curb the passions of men, for the prob- three sites in Eastern 2 Colliding Siberia. They were made in labs Planes—- lem is basically a spiritual one and calls tor the regeneration and workshops dug into solid rock six miles from the launching sites. (Continued from Back Page) of the whole man. THE UNIVERSE OF OMNIPOTENT, DIVINE LOVE, YOUR Men know all the evils of indulgence and yet they will 'FATHER-MOTHER GOD, ALL-HARMONIOUS," IS indulge. Only when the law of a holy God is upheld and INCORRUPTIBLE, INVULNERABLE TO ILLUSIONS, their conscience is awakened will they discover the answer. Fruehauf Maintains—- DELUSIONS OF "MATTER," DEVIL, HELL "EVER- My responsibility is to a message present that is for the (Continued from Back Page) LASTING PUNISHMENT," SIN, DISEASE, DEATH, changing of men's lives. This alone will solve the problem DEFORMITIES, DISASTERS, 'ACCIDENTS,' WORLD concerning which you speak and which we all recognize. "Tight money also hurt." WARS EVEN 1— There is nothing wrong with sex—it is God ordained. "Purchases were deferred by many of our common and contract "THE THINGS SEEN ARE TEMPORAL [—MORTAL It is the wrong use of sex that is sin. I am convinced that carrier customers because of the cost and non- availability" of THOUGHT M-Y-T-H-S I—), BUT THE THINGS NOT a person who wins the sex battle has won one of the greatest money, the Fruehauf Trailer Cos. head said. On the bright side, he noted: SEEN ARE ETERNAL" ! battles of life. 2 Inventiories were reduced almost S2O million last yoer. COLLIDING PLANES WERE OFF ALTITUDES Bank loans were cut almost 50 per cent—or by (N.Y. Tribune) S2O million—during the 12 months. As of yesterday, bank loans, * * 3 Labor Daily—- he added, were $12.5 million and unused confirmed bank In o strange turn of the cards, tha planes apparently were credit lines were excess of $25 million. seeking greater safety by dipping below an (Continued from Back Page) visibility and The new Fruehauf aluminum extrusion plant In Deca- overcast. tha occupants had no chanca PART 2 Thoy wart so low tur, 111., will be in operation in July, enabling *o parachute. "us to sub- LABOR'S, WORLD'S. LIBERATION- stantially reduce our inventory of costly aluminum ex- One was huge Globemastor based at Hill Air a C-124 POLITICS, CAPITALISM, FOUR EUROPEAN trusions" end providing "a manufacturing flexibility fer force Base, City, Utah. The other was a C-119 Salt Laka CRIPPLES, EDUCATION, CULTURE, quick change over to newer, more modorn designs." c#r g° plane the great RELIGIOUS based at Carswell Air Force Base, THERAPEUTICS, ENTERTAINMENT, RECREATION, The firm's missile products division nearly doubled its Strategic Air Command installation at Fort Worth, forty- CONTROL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE: sales last year—sl7.4 million against $8.3 million 4n the five miles southeast of horo. MARVELOUS CHRIST SUPER SCIENCE. previous year. UNIVERSAL MESSIAH, l-M-P-E-R-AM-V-E !- Immortal Soul—- DEMONSTRATING EXCLUSIVE REALITY OF Bagwell * Will Run—- V INCORRUPTIBLE, INVULNERABLE, OMNIPRESENT ' (Conttnued from Back Pago) (Continued from Page 1) WHEN OF HEAVEN AND ETERNAL LIFE ! THE "NEW YOU MAKE EARLY, DAILY STUDY THE BAGWELL LESSONSERMONS, HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH" !—FLESHLESS, MATTER- WILL RUN AGAINST WILLIAMS INCOMPARABLE C. S. BIBLE By Frank Morris (Detroit Times) TWICE A YEAR, YOU LESS, SPIRITUAL, CHRISTLIKE I COVERING 26 SUBJECTS LANSING, March 20—Paul W. Bagwell, 44/ head of the W,LL CANNOT ESCAPE NEVER A HUMAN BIRTH, AN ADAM, OR AN BVE, IN EVENTUALLY SAY: MAN speech department at Michigan State University, will an- IS N O ALL ETERNITY ! NO REALITY IN SIN, DISEASE, IMMORTALITY BECAUSE THERE nounce «arly in April that he is a Republican candidate this eternally HAR- DEATH, DEFORMITIES, DISASTERS, PESTILENCES, t-E-A-L-l-T-Y other than the year against Gov. Williams. MONIOUS, FLESHLESS, MATTERLESS, SPIRITUAL, 'ACCIDENTS,' CONVULSIONS OF NATURE, WORLD C Bagwell today asked the board of agriculture, governing ! BIRTH, WARS EVEN I— LIKEWISE, THE DELUSIONS OF THE HRISTLIKE CREATION NEVER A HUMAN body of MSU, for a leave until after the primary AN CAIN, NON-CHRIST SCIENTIST CLERGY—"SATAN election ADAM OR AN EVE, A MURDEROUS Aug. 7. His request is expected to be granted promptly. A JUDAS, DISEASE, DEATH, BOUND" !—"EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT," KNAVE OR FOOL; SIN, Bagwell's announcement that he is In the race, ending EVEN, IN THE "ETERNITY OF DARKNESS," "ABYSS OF HELL" I DEFORMITIES, DISASTERS, WARS the party's search fer a candidate, will be made at a Repub- ONE R-E-A-L UNIVERSE I THE HUMAN AND "MATERIAL" ARE MERELY VISIBLE, M-Y-T-H-l-C-A-L, M-O-R-T-A-L T-H-O-U-G-H-T lican rally here. "THE THINGS SEEN ARE TEMPORAL [—M-Y-T-H-l- • • * C A L !I BUT THE THINGS NOT SEEN ARE IMAGES, COUNTERFEITS AND BURLESQUES OF DIVINE ! ETERNAL" | AND SPIRITUAL IDEAS JESUS TRULY SAID: "AND THIS IS LIFE ETERNAL, . "THE THINGS SEEN ARE TEMPORAL! --M-Y-T-H- THAT THEY MIGHT KNOW THEE, THE ONLY TRUE -l-C-A-L—l, BUT THE THINGS NOT SEEN ARE Alcoholic Beverage—- ETERNAL" I—St. Paul. - G°°' AND JISUS CHRIST, WHOM THOU HAST (Continued " Irem Beck Page) SENT | 'LABOR'S DAILY' TO SUSPBND BUT THAT "WICKED AND ADULTEROUS Oates, formerly of Lake Pereet, 111., • peelpresident (N.Y. Tribune, 3/2S) end GENERATION" COULD NOT "BEAR" ALL THAT of Chkage association, spoke af e of E HAD BETTENDORF, lewa, Mar. 24 (APV—"Leboc's Dally" the Bar luncheon tha TO REVEAL I HENCE, THE PROMISE AND National Council on Alcoholism, which concluded itsAnneal PROpHECY OF will sutpend publication of It* "national edition" with Fri- Uii. . "ANOTHER COMFORTER"—"WHO mealing her#. The council is e voluntary koatth agency WILL day'* i**ue and will close down it* plant hero, Ralph (Scoop) con- ABIDE WITH YOU FOREVER AND TEACH cerned with the prevention and treatment of eUohOHsm Os YOU POST- White, editor, announced today. The newspaper has boon m„ ALL THINGS" I—FULFILLED IN THE a disease. 41 estimate* there aeo now 8 amitien tlcohMki in dVIL published hero for the last Eve years. * WAR 'COMPLETE AND PINAL REVELATION'— the United States. / MA * MES- It was established by the International Typographical COM VBLOUS' CHRIST SCIENCE, UNIVERSAL siaI( part V,A "WOMAN," 13:83, MY 'SECOND' Union aa of He Unitype program. It has boon Issued Matthew (Continued (Continued Next Column Top) Next Column Top) DBriIOIT TRIBUNK, SATURDAY. AHUL ITISM 11