(Gr (A) Tr6qffi

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(Gr (A) Tr6qffi SETd onln and GetreraI Knowledce) PART I Cfeach n Ab lity Reas (FITAI ErH) ETFT I (ftRr+ ffid adak \r{ (gr I I 00 il6) (auest on Number I to I00) (vrt t sTliIITt5 gsq TrErfi- i6'r r{irrr iIIEIFH q51 I Teacher uses visual-aids to make leaming- l. rtqc +.rdr (A) Simple frTqtqlct ffitq it i- (A) T.d (B) Quicker (C) More knowledge (B) mq rsri t lfic (c) srRr6 5r{ + RrC @) lnteresting (D) 6i{6r fil-{ *i frC ., The most important cause of failure of 2. srEIIcs' 61 sRilm-fl 6r Hirt {9r ffiq t- teacher lies in the area of- (A) w<tqk6 (qq (A) Interpersonal relationshiP (B) sr{ srdr (B) Verbal ability (c) frsq * uc( qqlq Frraq t rI* (C) Lack of command over the knowledge 1o) srtff d 6t{ Tfr of the subject @) None of these t Which is the least important factor in 3. olqrr{ d rqt sr{rqyffi 6,116 #{ }- teaching- (A) ErdT +1 c's t{T (A) Punishing the students (B) 6e{r fr ugvnm u<r (B) Maintaining discipline in the class (C) c!ilqfl-fr Ar t Eqrqr{ ?-{r (C) Lecturing in impressive way (D) srn-ff t qt{Tfi @) None of these For showing the model in the teaching of a 4. frffi cr6 + Rrstur d qlsm * gqftr t {qq topic teacher should- frRr6 a1 a,€r qtBs- (A) Keep showing throughout the lecture (A) st +€( $ ftn c.nmr f{€-dm qrfrS (B) Stand in front of the mod'el (g) qfsB + mq+ cg Et{r ilBs (C) Show model when need arises (c) qrqrr6-di di vr Rsm ilEs (D) None of these (D) s{t t 6ti qfi Who wrote 'Indica'- 'Ei"sor' +r tg+ dn qr- (A) Kalidasa (B) Kautilya (A) 6rd-ffi (B) dEq (C) Magasthenese (D) None of them (c) +ftq{q (D) srtT*t{ Te 6. 'r\ho is appointed as the speaker of 16th Lok 6. rs-4i **ncr * qqa * w d H frgn Sabha ? frqtTcrt r (A) Arun Jaitly (A) tr6qffi (B) Sumitra Mahajan (B) gkdr qaqi (C) Sushma Swaraj (c) uwfi strq @) Govind Singh Kunjwal @) dh"<ftiE tq-{€ 091503A 7 Annual Ratha Yatra oflord Jagannath takes 7 ql?rFr WrqM dt qrfie- ru ur*r place in which of the following f+ffi state ? {rq + * Effi{ Hq=T (A) Tamilnadu (B) ffr t- Karnataka (A) ilFqF{S (B) 4-riz6' (C) Himachal Pradesh (D) Odisha (c) Fqrcfr ct$ (D) E*flT 8 Who is appointed as the arbitrator in 8. ffi{F{drq*crrfrq qEnE+ Fc E fr;tr Vodafone tax dispute case ? F+$m iqqr rrql B i (A) -Ashok Chawala (B) R. C. Lahoti (A) qrh6. qrqflr (B) srn. ff. di+A (C) K. K. Malhotra (D) M. B. Shah (c) *. +. trGtdr (D) cq. *. $n6 9, An example of audio-visual media is-. TIIEFT fr I E$q{q t5I u(r6(!T t- (A) Charts (B) Television (A) srJ (B) tdf{q" (C) Radio (D) Models (c) iEfr (D) qtsn An example 10. of maturation is when a child 10. cRr€dr q,r sq, 8il6{ur t B' w{ Erc+' +eTr I leams to- t- (A) Wdk (B) Draw (A) *m (B) k{i6-{ 6r{r (C) 2 R€ad @) Ride a bicycle (C) T6{r (D) Rrsfu-fi {drrT 3 11. Which of the following is not a domain of 11. Bq d t St{ m s+' orfuqq ql tr6( Tfi leaming- t- I (A) Cogritive (B) Atrective (A) Eiflqrffi6, (B) qrqmc (C) Conativc (D) Spiritual (c) hqrffi @) erqko 12. Rarn Etumed the pencil, he took from Seeta's 12. {rcifrdr +1 tst d G{qftrqfrs rc ff desk because he was afraid ofpunishment. ffi ut.mg arri qt F6r fffi 6r s( ert q6 qarar : ifhe got caught. This illustrares Kohlberg's- 6lEffi{ * frr wt +t t z I (A) Pre<onventional level (A) Xf-c{qmil R( @) Conventional lwel (B) lREnrRf kr( (C) Post-convcntional level (c) fifi{(llRFrfi RR (D) None of these (D) rtd t 6t$'rfi 13. 'Konkan Rail' directly connects- 13. '6tdq rm' fre ffi t- (A) Delhi to Chemai (A) kd ft 1qg 6 (B) Dehradun to Tanakpur (B) tflr5 sfu E{69{,t'T (C) Jammu to lGnyakumari (c) q{ofu 6-{rE{rt 61 (D) None of these (D) fl{ t 6t$ TS 14. "l)peration Black Board" was the outcome oF- 14. "s[Qw +6 +8" qRqrq qr- (A) Kothari Commission (A) +tdrft en*.r ol (B) National Cuniculam Framework - 2005 (NCF - 2005) (B) rtqq qqqinq (+iI - 2oo5 (C) National Policy on Education - 1986 (c) {rqq *hq *wcr - rgeo (NPE- 1986) (D) National Cuniculam Framework - 2000 (D) irqq crqI6'q {s;fi - 2ooo (NCF - 2000) 0s'!5034 SET-A ls. rrffrr ktrK TA Rfu i """"' * tr5, Rural Development Minisler Nitin Gadkari "r56t 3TIER TR 169 C"T9 Eqt * SIFT-{ * TIE launched the Shyama Prasad Mukherjee sqrqr rfl( IIsq rTff"I fr$q 6r ur{r(Eq National Rural Mission on """' with an 56ff fu'm t allocation of 100 crore ruPees' (A) (A) model ff.ff.ff. f5( PPP {'5d (B) PTP model 1n)fl.8.ff. (c) qfsd (C) VTZ model fi.a.+s. (D) \rfi.a.g{. qtsE @) STS model qRd ri; r50 dm 16. Who is the ArmY Chief of lndia- 16. t<r t- (A) Vikram Singh (A) F{6q ftE (B1fr. (B) B. S. Chauhan \rfl. +drt (C) D. K. Jain (c) S. *. +{ (D)ffi&(fitagum @) Dalbir Singh Suhag qrdfixrE_F{ts Eilrflr 17. When is Anti-Terrorism Day observed ? 17. frq( fi Tffqr t ? (A) 20 MaY @) 23 MaY (A) 20 q{ (B) 2s rd (C) 22May @) 2l MaY (c) 22 sr{ (D) 2r r{ giflIc!-s,i 18. The Education Minister of Uttarakhand is.- 18. frrslrsFfl t- (A) Harish Rawat (A) rtr rr{d @) Dinesh Agarwal (g)Rfu €mqr6 (C) Mantri Prasad Naithani (c) T4 vfrR +qrfr @) Preetam Sineh (o) ftd{ RiE t9. Prcject teaching method is associaGd with- le. *+€ ftlr"r Fdfu 6sl qqljrd t- (A) Frobel @) John DeweY (A) sltd G) dfi+ff (C) Armstrong (D) None of these (c) crTdstr @) E{i t +ti Tfi 20. When the child is ready to learn, he leams 20. qq srir6 ffi + frc tcR rlm t, a-s 16 more quickly and effectively. This principle wd q sqrqflfr et* t trsn t r {6 issr< was given by- ffi sfrrqrkd fuqr I (A) Thomdike (B) Skinner (A) frdsro ERr (g) fufl ERr (C) Pavlov @) None of these (c) cEdf{ Ero (D) F{t t m{ Tfi 2l. A teacher in a classroom should act as a- 21. \16 Frr6. d 6sII + 6,rd 6.rm qlfrC- q (A) Progressive role (B) Boss role (A) y{tdsn 1fu6r d (B) cI( d tF6r (C) Democratic role (D) None of these (c) rdrdffi tk6r d (D) {{t t +ti Te 22. The objective of teaching is to- 22. RisTr 6r Efiyq t- (A) Create good citizens (A) 316r qHfiai5 T{r{r (B) Create persons who are useful for the (e) qfr qffi 6s ffiq cil ffirq * loe society Bqftft El (C) Create socialistic persons fq q+aR-om 6T frqirr s'Fn (D) All the above (D) Efr R1fi 0915034 23. [Iow many individuals were awarded the 23. lfidt qffi +1 ?or4 rFr mU 2014 Raman t#I'* Magsaysay Award ? $eif+rfuqrlrsrt z (A) Five (B) Six (A) fr{ (B) s: (C) Four (D) None of these (c) qn (D) r{t + qiti Tfi 24. World Elephant Day was observed across the 24. Fqr+ €Tff fu{s gh<r x { fu's fuc q-r-.{r world on which day ? qTf,TB ? (A) 1l August (B) 19 July {A) 1l oFrRr (B) le gdr{ (C) 12 August (D) I 0 July (C) t2 iflrRT (D) 10 Edd l 25. An effective teacher is one who can- 2s. 96 eqre frrF6 T6 t, cil s-( E6-dr t- (A) Control the class (A) qm ct frq;TrT (B) Give more information in iess time I (B) 6q'fiTq q irk*, (s"iT i &r (C) Motivate students to leam (c) frqrfrf?it qt f i; toq qF{iitfr tn1ir (D) None of the above (D) F{+t st{Tff 26. The FIBAAsian cup is associated with which 26. FIBAqM6qffifunffi+S'{m among the following sports ? {EFE-d t ? (A) TableTennis (B) Hockey (A) tkm tr{n (B) dm (C) Football (D) Basketball (c) E-itd (D) Er*-dqT€ 27. While teaching a theoretical topic in the slass, 27. 6.a{r d c6 ffis' Rsq c-6ri * fdc Rci6 teacher should proceed from- +1 ftrc m,q + qffiT qrRq- (A) Unknown to known (A) irsrd t 5rd (B) Concrete to abstract (B) Ets + ff(IsT (C) Reasoning to observation (c) ild t fttqlr @) None of these (D) {{{t +{ d 28. A teacher can midmize depression among 2r. Erfr +1 rfffi={dr a1 mq tn'.ti * ftq qqrqq' students by- im nrmrt- (A) trying to understand its causes (A) gtr*ortoil 61ffifr+ +1dfftvt q.nr (B) motivating the students (B) Er* +1 dEte o'cr (C) A and B (c)AsfuB (D) reporting to Principal (D) rqHrsr4 *1qfrd 6lHr 29, Microteaching is most effective for the 29. qrgidn{Erlr EEI-Er{tsir ri roC i6,il 3i-srs q studentr E{t eqr-{wfr +dr t- (A) During the practice teaching (A) Rnrur smlq * +{r+ (B) Afler the practice teaching 18) frrmrr iflqm + sR (C) Beforc the practice reaching (c) fl$rerr qqm + T6ft (D) None ofthe above (D) srirffi q 6t{ TS 30.
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