qlq{. y1oo1o3 ylooyZi www.mofaga. gov.nP {frqqrfrdT stTRFtFtRl-{t Website: rTr

frfr: RoleV. /oc/\E

frsq: qF€Ua

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I Ministry of Fed0ral Affairs and General Administration LocalGovernanceandCommunityDevelopmentProgram(LGCDP)IIFund (UNCDF) United Nations Cupituf Development

of elected replesentatives of local A one-cl n program on capacity 9"ytl-o-qt:nt governments :T;##*:Hff'#lyj*y'ri?:ffi::T3'.'ffi::*entFriendrv (25 Mangsir 2075)

Program Schedule

Venue: Namc of'IIotcl, Btttwal' Rupandehi sub- Officers' Revenue Officers of selected participants, tvtayor. unaCni"ia,i.iti't*tive Expected number of participants: 72 and of Pt"tl;;; t' nretropolitan ",r"iripAities Master of CeremonY:


z4 MaIrBsu s and Registration

LJ Lf\qrr6e' Breakfast 7;30-8:30 8:30-9:30 Inauguratlon

Introduction of ParticiPants of the programme Welcome and highlights on objectives


I 'lea 6teaK 9:30- l0:00 JS Suresh Adhikari 10:00-l l:30 promotion of L)evelopntent (LED) through Jeevan ThaPa Presentation on Sohd wastc lvlanrix6qrrrv 1l:30-13:00 of waste and its importance, process of segregation proper management Luncn 13:00 -14:00 ion of climate 14:00-15:30 importance of ohange and disaster risk reduction environfileot , , ; -rrr-_.:_^-,-anr to the fevlseo vgrsIUII (rr 'LrrY'vrurr\ 15:30- l7:00 [ntroduction FriendlY L 16:30-17:30 Closing: o Mayor o Joint Secretarlof MoFAGA- reg'lations, Seconclly, it contributes to the capacity development of the elected re[qresentatives n and staffs of the local governrnents through tlainings, providing training materials and contents the and generating resources, And thirdly, it contributes in provoking, advocating and lobbying the capitlat based tNcou to invest in projects (related to clirnate change, disaster and SWM) in local govemments. The EfrLG Flamework 2013 had been issued to add value to the environment-friendly local development concept encouraging environmental protection through local bodies, The viiion of this framework is to establish environmental governance and create a sustainable environment-fiiendly society at household, village, and district Ievels'

2. Objectives of theworksltoP 'Ihis rvorkshop has following obiectives:

c To introduce the importance of Local Economic Development through promotion of micro- scale entrepreneurs. proper segregation of o To introcluce the importance of Solid Waste Management through .as different types of wastes and its management through different methods such vermi- composting, r.eusing and recycling of wastes, landfill sites eto. v o To orient on the irnpacts of climate change ancl disasters and their adaptation and mitigation measures. c To orient on the possible clirnate resilient and disaster risk management activities that can be introducecl in their respective LGs.

3. ['articipants 'I'he Mayors *nd Chief executive officers of the below rnentioned sub-metropolitan and rnunicipalities of all the provinces except Province 3 will be tlie participants in this workshop. [n addition to that senioi officials from MoFAGA, representatives fiom I-GCDP' UNCDF such, a total of representatives and other interested DPs will also participate in the workshop, As 400 participants are expectecl in the workshop including drivers and others. A tentative estimate of the participants tiom the provinces are given in the table below:

Sub-metropolitan and rotat il;;; Districts I participa{q l I2 Province I Jhapa Mechi, Damak, BhadraPur, Kankai, Birtamod, Gauradaha Morang Blratnagar, Pathari, Urlabari, Rangeli. r2 I I ----t .S111!g$qf+ 9[q, !_c-l!al l)uhabi,- Ittaruwa, 12 Sunsari i Itahari, Dharan. Reqqh"ni,Baraha -_ Dhankuta Dhankuta, Paakribaas, Mahalaxmi 6 Udaipur Triyusa. Katari, Belaka, Chaudandigadi Khotang Ilnleqi Trrwachuns. Rupakot Maihuwagadi 6 Ilanr Ilarn- Deumai. Survodai 60 Kanchanroop, Shambhunath' r8 Province 2 Saptari Rajbiraj, r r,,*,,'-anno-o" K cnknnlni I l4llurrrqrureh*r + Lw_' Golbazaar, Mircliaiya' 10 Siraha L,ahaan, Siraha, jle]ygnp!r- Laalbandi, Hariban' 10 Sarlahi Maiangawa, Ishwotpur, ft^^maf i

Ganeshmaan r0 Dhanusa Janakpur, Kshireshwornath, r'-ho,-qrh f)hnnrrsharlham. Shahidnagar l0 - .Taleshwor. Bardibas, Gaushala, Matihani' ilor.,"u* D^* l..]^^olnrtr ChandraPur, Gadimai' l0 Rautahat Gaur, Garuda, n-i*.l^.'o- q Bara ei'n'ni Pnkqriva Parsasadi 6 Parsa 11

i--- t-:^-1,h^ Dalrrncfqr 4 i Province 4 Gorkha 8 I Lamjung

8 Tgro!tU_ Gaidakot, Devchuli, 8 Nawalparasi (E,ast) Kawasoti, r /^lL.'^L.inlrr lvl4urrJ 4urrrve - Chapakot, Galyang' l0 Syangja Putalibazaar, Waling, Elhirlrnt 2 Mvaedi Beni 4 Parbat Kusma, Phalebas Ilqolrrn g f)homatan. Galkot' Jaimini 8 -t Baglung 2 Kaski Pokhara 54

b Fr ,, l\2fi r ^.,1^ ^ -o ch iknt Province 5 4 I AllJfrltt r\slrrPr'rr P,qrdqohnt Ramsram. Sunwal 6 t2 Rupandehi

Krishnanagar, Buddha Elhumi' 12 Kapilvastu Kapilvastu. Qhirrerani Maharaisuni I)AaAUEiCLLr5q)o^^^^,,--o rLL' | *L**J) '::--- - - Je J o...^rL:l,t orl,o Qhitecrnnrta- Rhumikasthan 4 4ie!4kt'elery 4 Pvuthan Pvuthan, Swargadwan Tulsipur. Glrorahi, Lamahi

Bansgadi, Bardiya Gulariva. Madhuban' Rajapur, Thakurbaba. BarbardiYa

Banagad Kupinde Province Salyan Sharada, Baghachour, andl RLrkum Mushikot. Chaurj ahar'.4e!b!f!!91 . , Lekbesi, , Naravan.

-E Sileadi, Shikhar l'amki Kailali Dhangadi, Tikapur, Ghodaghodi, Chuha, Bhaiani, Godavari, Gauri , Kanohatrpur Mahakali, , , Krishnapur, Vedakot,

Dadeldhura Amarsadi, Parsuram

4. MethodologY talks and presentations on plenary The orientation program will be mostly conducted through answer, A proceeding report of the program sessions which will be followed up by question and pfogram will be prepared for eacil mentioning the

5. Outputs of the Orientatiorf Programme

end of the progranl' a consolidated entrepreneurship in their local ovenments' By the proceeding of the workshop will b provided'

6. Date and Venue of the WorkshoP rovl The workshon will be conductec different Date Province Venue 23 Manesir 2075 Province I Biratnagar