February 27-March 2, 2019 Hyatt Regency Minneapolis Millennium Minneapolis Conference Program Exhibit Guide SAVE TIME, MEASURE OUTCOMES, AND CATCH PLAGIARISM. LEARN HOW, WITH MIMIR CLASSROOM AT BOOTH 314. _S .PWPM]L  _TZY

S I 2 G 0 C 1 S 9 E MINNEAPOLIS, MN nd FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 2 CONTENTS 2-3 SIGCSE Chair Welcome 4-5 Symposium Chairs’ Welcome 6-7 Symposium Committee 8 At-A-Glance 10-11 Hotel Floor Plans SIGCSE 2019 12-14 Keynotes 16-43 Schedule of Events Conference Program 45-48 Supporter Sessions & Exhibit Guide 50-51 Birds of a Feather 53-56 Poster Sessions 58 NSF Showcase 59 ACM Student Research Competition 60 Lightning Talks 62 Exhibitor Floor Plan 63-70 Alphabetical Listing of Exhibitors 72 Supporter Thank You

Cover photos by Cole Rodger Photographics (excludes top right photo) Minneapolis Welcomes SIGCSE 2019

Welcome to the 50th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (the 2019 Symposium), the premiere technical conference for computer science educators. The 2019 Symposium is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE). SIGCSE has the third largest membership of any of ACM’s Special Interest Groups (SIG), and is among the oldest SIGs. Only ten SIGs were founded prior to 1968 when SIGCSE was formed, and two other SIGs shared their 50th anniversary in 2018 with SIGCSE. The SIGCSE Board and many other SIGCSE volunteers celebrated the 50th anniversary last year, but I would like to give a special thanks to two people. Briana Morrison, who is on the SIGCSE Board, created a series of weekly postings about SIGCSE’s anniversary. These postings were shared on the listserv and published on SIGCSE’s web site, and I know that many of you, myself included, enjoyed them. I would also like to thank Jane Prey, who is a long-time SIGCSE volunteer and previous SIGCSE award winner, for her work as the guest editor of a special issue of ACM Inroads celebrating SIGCSE’s anniversary. However, the celebration for the SIG is far from over. This year marks the 50th Technical Symposium, an achievement that even fewer SIGs share, as only six ACM SIGs have conferences that have been held 50 or more times. Further, the SIGCSE Symposium is thriving. The past several years have seen large increases in attendance at the conference, and this year will be even better thanks in part to the 50th anniversary committee. Adrienne Decker, who is a SIGCSE Board member and chairing the committee, Carl Alphonce, and Kurt Eiselt have worked for more than a year to put together a series of special events at the 50th Symposium. There will be a track focused on anniversary content that includes peer-reviewed papers and panels and invited discussants. Previous conference co-chairs have been invited to attend the conference and will be recognized for their work. The Travel Grant program has been expanded to 50 people for the anniversary, which should bring a new group of educators to our community. There will be special ribbons, stickers, and mementos for all attendees, and there will be a 50th anniversary booth and signage throughout the conference providing information about the conference history. Finally, the committee has worked with a historian, the Charles Babbage Institute, and Computing Educator’s Oral History Project to bring content to attendees and have attendees contribute to the organizations’ initiatives. On behalf of the SIGCSE Board, I would like to thank the 50th anniversary committee for all of their hard work. Of course, none of the activities at the 2019 Symposium would have been possible without the dedicated effort of conference co-chairs Manuel Pérez-Quiñones and Beth Hawthorne. They have spent countless hours ensuring that the 50th Technical Symposium will be an event to remember. They and their committee of nearly 100 people have put together an engaging and innovative program, created opportunities for networking, and handled all the issues big and small that come with a conference of this size. On behalf of the SIGCSE organization and Board, I thank Manuel and Beth for their hard work, innovative ideas, excellent communication, and sense of humor.

2 SIGCSE 2019 Along with everything else you can expect to see this year, the conference provides us with a chance to honor two people for their contributions to computer science education and the SIGCSE community. The annual SIGCSE award for Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education will be given to Mark Guzdial at the University of Michigan. Mark has worked to transform wide-scale teaching practice through contextualized computing education, most notably with the Media Computation curriculum, advocated and supported policy changes supporting comput- ing for all in many states in the U.S., published core research in computing education over decades, and helped to foster the next generation of computing educators through his mentorship. It is difficult to find someone in the SIGCSE community who has not read something written by Mark, including the thousands of regular readers of his long-standing blog on computing education. He has also contributed significantly as an organizer of two SIGCSE conferences and served on the SIGCSE Board. Mark has touched the computing education community and SIGCSE in many ways throughout the years, and our community is better for it. The annual SIGCSE award for Lifetime Service will be given to Gloria Childress Townsend at DePauw University. Gloria has worked tirelessly on behalf of diversity and inclusion in computing. She was a co-founder and co-facilitator of the SIGCSE Committee on Expand- ing the Women-in-Computing Community, a committee that has led birds-of-a-feather sessions at the Technical Symposium annually since 2005. Gloria worked for decades with ACM-W serving on the Executive Board and as ACM-W chair. She conceived of the idea of small regional celebrations of women in computing and worked as a guide and leader for these celebrations as they spread from the United States across the globe. Her extensive service to the computing education community has helped it to reach people who might not have joined without her hard work. Please join me and the rest of the SIGCSE Board in congratulating both of them on their well-deserved awards. The 50th SIGCSE Technical Symposium will be an amazing event. I hope that you enjoy the celebrations, learn something new about computing education, meet new colleagues and friends, and stay warm in chilly Minneapolis.

Enjoy the conference!

Amber Settle SIGCSE Chair, 2016-2019

SIGCSE CELEBRATES 5O SYMPOSIA 3 Message from the Symposium and Program Chairs 2019

Welcome to the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education! Our theme this year is Celebrating the 50 Technical Symposia that has taken us from a small gathering of Computing Education enthusiasts in Texas in 1970 to the largest computing education conference in the world. The first SIGCSE Technical Symposium had over 40 papers submitted, 18 of them were accepted. For the 50th symposium, we received 526 paper submissions and accepted 169. In addition, the program has grown to include the ACM Student Research Competition, posters, demos, birds-of-a-feather, panels, special sessions, pre-symposium events, and workshops. Including all tracks, we received 994 submissions, from over 50 countries, with a total of 2668 unique authors representing over 800 organizations. And the participating organizations cover the gamut of K-12, community colleges, public and private universities and colleges, non-profits, corporate entities, government offices, and national laboratories. The growth of this conference parallels the growth of interest in the understanding and study of computing. We have plenty of reasons to celebrate the 50th gathering of our community.

With the growth of the computing education community, so has grown attendance at SIGCSE. In 1972 attendance was around 300 participants. Last year attendance surpassed 1500, and it was the third year in a row with record attendance. What is often missed is that conferences like SIGCSE are run by volunteers. All reviewers, associate program chairs, committee members, symposium and program chairs, and students are volunteers. All are giving their time to help participate in the dissemination of the greatest ideas and research results having to do with computing education.

The 2019 program continues to grow. This year we have a number of presentations exploring our history - in a special 50th celebration track, alongside of the now traditional coverage of topics in computing education, including active learning, AP exams, CS1, computational thinking, issues of diversity, tools, assessment, curriculum issues, etc. As is customary, we have other events that share our passion for computing education and are co-located with us. RESPECT 2019, the fourth international conference on Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology will take place on Wednesday. We also have the SIGCSE sponsored New Chairs Roundtable as well as a number of pre-symposia, workshops, sponsored and affiliated events to complement our already robust offerings.

We are honored to have Dr. Freeman Habrowski III, President of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County as our opening keynote. Among his many accomplishments, he chaired the committee that produced the National Academies’ report, Expanding Underrepresented Minority Participation: America’s Science and Technology Talent at the Crossroads. He will share a 50-year perspective on American society with a particular focus on technology, student success, and inclusion in computing.

We are also honored to have Dr. Blair Taylor of Towson University who consults with the NSA’s College of Cyber, as a subject matter expert on long-term strategies to build the nation’s cyber workforce. In the closing keynote, Dr. Taylor will share her experiences and perspectives on the future of integrating cybersecurity into computer science education.

The SIGCSE Symposium promotes high-quality Table 1: SIGCSE 2019 Submission and Acceptance Statistics scholarship and community engagement around computer science education. We continued the Track # Submitted # Accepted Acceptance practice of reviewer discussions, an expanded Rate associate program committee, and three paper Papers (CS Education Research, 526 169 32% submissions tracks, recognizing the differences in Experience Reports and Tools, scope and review criteria between (1) CS education Curricula Initiatives) research, (2) experience reports and tools, and (3) Panels 40 18 45% curricula initiatives. In 2019, we changed the paper length up to a full 6 pages of content with a 7th page Special Sessions 28 15 54% available for acknowledgments and references. These Workshops 57 30 53% innovations have made our reviewing process more ACM Student Research tailored and transparent. 797 volunteers provided 35 19 54% each Paper with at least 5 reviews; and all other Competition submissions with at least 3 reviews. Reviewers, along Birds of a Feather 58 30 52% with 69 Associate Program Chairs and 14 Track Demos 24 11 46% Chairs, discussed submissions to come to a consensus. Program Chairs made final selections Lightning Talks 29 22 76% based on recommendations, importance, novelty, Nifty Assignments 53 6 11% and timeliness. Table 1 table shows the number of submissions reviewed and accepted in each category. Posters 144 90 63%

4 SIGCSE 2019 We are privileged to have exhibitors and supporters who champion CS education. This year’s supporters include: Platinum: GitHub Education, Google, and Microsoft; Gold: Codio, Intel, Oracle Academy, Turing’s Craft, and zyBooks; Silver: ABET, IBM, Gradescope by Turnitin, Mimir, and Vocareum; and Bronze:

This year the Program Chairs selected three best papers from each of the paper tracks for their accomplishment of high quality, novelty and broad appeal to reviewers. All best papers received at least one nomination from reviewers, high ratings, and excellent comments from reviewers. The top three papers in each track are shown below and highlighted throughout the printed program.

Best Papers: CS Education Research 1. First Things First: Providing Metacognitive Scaffolding for Interpreting Problem Prompts Fri 11:10 am James Prather, Raymond Pettit, Abilene Christian University; Brett A. Becker, University College Dublin; Paul Denny, The University of Hyatt Greenway J Auckland; Dastyni Loksa, University of Washington; Alani Peters, Zachary Albrecht, Krista Masci, Abilene Christian University 2. Assessing Incremental Testing Practices and Their Impact on Project Outcomes Thurs 3:45 pm Ayaan M. Kazerouni, Clifford A. Shaffer, Stephen H. Edwards, Francisco Servant, Virginia Tech Hyatt Greenway D/E 3. Exploring the Value of Different Data Sources for Predicting Student Performance in Multiple CS Courses Thurs 11:10 am Soohyun Nam Liao, University of California, San Diego; Daniel Zingaro, University of Toronto Mississauga; Christine Alvarado, William Millennium Grand G. Griswold, Leo Porter, University of California at San Diego South

Best Papers: Experience Reports and Tools 1. Computer Science Principles for Teachers of Blind and Visually Impaired Students Friday 2:10 pm Andreas Stefik, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Richard E. Ladner, University of Washington; William Allee, University of Nevada, Millennium Grand Las Vegas; Sean Mealin, North Carolina State University South 2. Developing Soft and Technical Skills Through Multi-Semester, Remotely Mentored, Community-Service Projects Thursday 11:10 am Janet Davis, Whitman College; Samuel A. Rebelsky, Grinnell College Hyatt Greenway J 3. Visualizing Classic Synchronization Problems: Dining Philosophers, Producers-Consumers, and Friday 4:35 pm Readers-Writers Millennium Grand Joel C. Adams, Elizabeth R. Koning, Calvin College; Christiaan D. Hazlett, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign South

Best Papers: Curricula Initiatives 1. `);DROP TABLE textbooks;--: An Argument for SQL Injection Coverage in Database Textbooks Thursday 2:10 pm Cynthia Taylor, Oberlin College; Saheel Sakharkar, University of Illinois at Chicago Hyatt Greenway A 2. A Flexible Curriculum for Promoting Inclusion through Peer Mentorship Saturday 12:05 pm Heather Pon-Barry, Audrey St. John, Becky Wai-Ling Packard, Barbara Rotundo, Mount Holyoke College Hyatt Greenway J 3. PythonSneks: An Open-Source, Instructionally-Designed Introductory Curriculum with Action-Design Research Thursday 1:45 pm Austin Cory Bart, University of Delaware; Allie Sarver, Michael Friend, Larry Cox, Virginia Tech Millennium Grand Central

This event owes many thanks to the SIGCSE Board for their guidance over the years. In addition, many organizations and their representatives had a hand in the success of this event. In no particular order: the planners at dLPLAN Meetings | Events: Dorothea Heck, Peggy Robins, Angelina Palmieri, and Betsy Fenwick; the Symposium Site Coordinators: Bob Beck and Paul Tymann; the ACM staff: April Mosqus and Donna Cappo; representatives from Sheridan: Lisa Tolles; Bill Guckert from WRG Design, Cindy Lathrop from the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis, and Melissa Jetson from Meet Minneapolis. We thank our home institutions for their generous support by allowing us to devote time to serve the SIGCSE community.

Finally, we are tremendously grateful for the engagement and support of the SIGCSE community and countless volunteers over the first 50 Symposia, and we look forward to the continued growth of this vibrant academic community. Let the celebration begin!

Elizabeth K. Hawthorne Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones Sarah Heckman Jian Zhang Symposium Co-Chair Symposium Co-Chair Program Co-Chair Program Co-Chair Union County College University of North Carolina North Carolina State Texas Woman’s University at Charlotte University 5 SIGCSE 2019 Symposium Committee

Symposium Co-Chairs Evaluations Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Union County College Philip East, University of Northern Iowa Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Uuniversity of North Supporter/Exhibitor Liaisons Carolina at Charlotte Dave Musicant, Carleton College Program Co-Chairs Jodi Tims, Baldwin Wallace University Sarah Heckman, North Carolina State University Student Volunteers and Activities Jian Zhang, Texas Woman’s University Sara Melnick, Independent Darakhshan Mir, Bucknell University Special Sessions and Panels Co-Chairs Samuel A. Rebelsky, Grinnell College Christina Gardner-McCune, University of Florida K-12 Liaison Alvaro Monge, California State University, Long Beach Leigh Ann Sudol-DeLyser, CS for all NYC Students Workshops Co-Chairs Ria Galanos, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science Brett Becker, University College Dublin, Ireland and Technology Pam Cutter, Kalamazoo College Community College Liaison ACM Student Research Competition Co-Chairs Cara Tang, Portland Community College Jessica Schmidt, North Carolina State University International Liaison Stephen Hughes, Coe College Jennifer Campbell, University of Toronto, Canada Birds of a Feather Co-Chairs Kids Camp Mary Anne Egan, Siena College Dale-Marie Wilson, University of North Carolina at Mark Sherriff, University of Virginia Charlotte Demos and Lightning Talks Co-Chairs Meghan Allen, University of British Columbia, Canada Lina Battestilli, North Carolina State University Puzzles, Social, & Board Games Peter-Michael Osera, Grinnell College Steven Wolfman, University of British Columbia, Canada Nifty Assignments Co-Chairs Zach Butler, Rochester Institute of Technology Nick Parlante, Stanford University Publicity and Social Media Julie Zelenski, Stanford University Adam Blank, California Institute of Technology Posters Co-Chairs John Lewis, Virginia Tech Laurence D. Merkle, Air Force Institute of Technology Local Arrangements S. Monisha Pulimood, The College of New Jersey Jigang Liu, Metropolitan State University Accessibility Chair 50th Celebration Planning Committee Stacy Branham, University of California, Irvine Adrienne Decker, University at Buffalo Pre-Symposium Events & Affiliated Events Kurt Eiselt, University of California Davis Co-Chairs Carl Alphonce, University at Buffalo John Dougherty, Haverford College International Committee Diana Cukierman, Simon Fraser University, Canada Meghan Allen, University of British Columbia, Canada Registration Miles Berry, University of Roehampton, UK Lynn Degler, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Karen Bradshaw, Rhodes University, South Africa Cary Laxer, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas, UTEC, Peru Laurence D. Merkle, Air Force Institute of Technology Paul Denny, University of Auckland, New Zealand Rita Garcia, Adelaide, Australia Publications Orit Hazzan, Technion, Israel Ruth Anderson, University of Washington Arto Hellas, University of Helsinki, Finland Database Administrators Carsten Kleiner, Hochschule Hannover, Germany Mark Sherriff, University of Virginia Wendy Powley, Queen’s University, Canada Leen-Kiat Soh, University of Nebraska, Lincoln Marco Silva, Federal University of Technology, Brazil Abhijat Vichare, Persistent, India Webmaster Hironori Washizaki, Waseda University, Japan Josh Hug, University of California, Berkeley Gary Wong, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Matt Jadud, Bates College Ming Zhang, Peking University, China Treasurer Paul Tymann, Rochester Institute of Technology

6 SIGCSE 2019 SIGCSE 2019 Symposium Committee

Associate Program Chairs Mark J. Johnson, Central College Eric Aaron, Colby College Maria Jump, Northeastern University, Charlotte Joel C. Adams, Calvin College Carsten Kleiner, University of Applied Science and Arts Rajeev Agrawal, US Army Engineer Research and Hannover, Germany Development Center Andrew J. Ko, University of Washington Meghan Allen, The University of British Columbia, Stephan Krusche, Technical University of Munich, Canada Germany Carl Alphonce, University at Buffalo David Levine, Saint Bonaventure University Christine Alvarado, University of California San Diego Andrew Luxton-Reilly, The University of Auckland, New Ruth Anderson, University of Washington Zealand Barbara Anthony, Southwestern University Bruce R. Maxim, University of Michigan Julio César Bahamón, University of North Carolina at Lester I. McCann, University of Arizona Charlotte Susan Mengel, Texas Tech University Mark Bailey, Hamilton College Laurence D. Merkle, Air Force Institute of Technology Tiffany Barnes, North Carolina State University Craig Miller, DePaul University Brett A. Becker, University College Dublin, Ireland Robert Noonan, William and Mary Marie Bienkowski, SRI International Jody Paul, Metropolitan State University of Denver Kevin Buffardi, California State University - Chico Leo Porter, University of California San Diego Alistair Campbell, Hamilton College Wendy Powley, Queen’s University, Canada Paul Cao, University of California San Diego Samuel A. Rebelsky, Grinnell College Albert Chan, Fayetteville State University Suzanne Rivoire, Sonoma State University Peter J. Clarke, Florida International University Susan Rodger, Duke University Steve Cooper, University of Nebraska, Lincoln Ingrid Russell, University of Hartford Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas, San Pablo Catholic University, Mark Sherriff, University of Virginia Peru Swapneel Sheth, University of Pennsylvania Adrienne Decker, University at Buffalo Simon, University of Newcastle, Australia Leigh Ann DeLyser, CSforALL Melissa Stange, Lord Fairfax Community College Mohsen Dorodchi, University of North Carolina at Ben Stephenson, University of Calgary, Canada Charlotte Jim Teresco, Siena College John P. Dougherty, Haverford College Luther Tychonievich, University of Virginia Maureen Doyle, Northern Kentucky University Paul Tymann, Rochester Institute of Technology Joshua Eckroth, Stetson University Frank Vahid, University of California, Riverside Stephen Edwards, Virginia Tech Jan Vahrenhold, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Matthew Forshaw, Newcastle University, United Münster, Germany Kingdom Abhijat Vichare, Abhijat Research and Software, India Allan Fowler, Kennesaw State University Ellen Walker, Hiram College Michelle Friend, University of Nebraska Omaha Henry Walker, Grinnell College Chris Gregg, Stanford University Charles Wallace, Michigan Technological University Cecily Heiner, Southern Utah University Ursula Wolz, Bennington College Sharon Hsiao, Arizona State University Helen Hu, Westminster College 7 Wednesday • February 27 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Pre-symposium Events See pages 16-17 3:00 pm - 9:30 pm Registration Open Hyatt Nicolett Promenade 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Workshops 101-110 See page 17

Thursday • February 28 7:30 am - 9:30 pm Registration Open Hyatt Nicollet Promenade 8:15 am - 9:45 am Opening Keynote: Dr. Freeman Hrabowski, III Hyatt Nicollet Ballroom 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Exhibit Hall Open Hyatt Exhibit Hall 10:00 am - 10:45 am Break, Demo #1, NSF Showcase #1 Hyatt Exhibit Hall 10:45 am - 12:00 pm Technical Session #1 See pages 18-20 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm First Timer’s Lunch & Lifetime Service Hyatt Nicollet Ballroom Awardee: Dr. Gloria Childress Townsend 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm Lunch Break On your own 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm Technical Session #2 See pages 21-23 SIGCSE 2019 1:45 pm - 5:00 pm ACM Student Research Competition (Posters) Hyatt Exhibit Hall 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm Break, Demo #2, NSF Showcase #2 Hyatt Exhibit Hall Symposium 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm Technical Session #3 See pages 24-26 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm Lightning Talks #1 Hyatt Lake Bemidji At-A-Glance 5:30 pm - 6:20 pm Birds of A Feather: Flock A See page 50 6:30 pm - 7:20 pm Birds of A Feather: Flock B See page 51 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm SIGCSE Reception Hyatt Nicollet Ballroom

Friday • March 1 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Registration Open Hyatt Nicollet Promenade 8:15 am – 9:45 am Outstanding Contribution Awardee: Dr. Mark Hyatt Nicollet Ballroom Guzdial 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Exhibit Hall Open Hyatt Exhibit Hall 10:00 am – 10:45 am Break, Demo #3, NSF Showcase #3 Hyatt Exhibit Hall 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Poster Session #1 Hyatt Exhibit Hall 10:45 am – 12:00 pm Technical Session #4 See pages 28-30 12:00 pm – 1:45 pm Lunch Break On your own 1:45 pm – 3:00 pm Technical Session #5 See pages 31-33 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm Break, Demo #4, NSF Showcase #4 Hyatt Exhibit Hall 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Poster Session #2 Hyatt Exhibit Hall 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm Technical Session #6 See pages 33-35 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm Undergraduate ACM SRC Semifinalists Hyatt Greenway F/G 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm Graduate ACM SRC Semifinalists Hyatt Greenway H/I 5:10 pm – 6:00 pm SIGCSE Business Meeting Hyatt Greenway A 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm CCSC Business Meeting Hyatt Greenway B/C 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm NCWIT Reception Hyatt Northstar Ballroom 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Community College Reception Hyatt Regency 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Workshops 301 – 310 See page 36

Saturday • March 2 7:00 am - 8:15 am Community College Breakfast Hyatt Regency 8:00 am - 11:45 am Registration Open Hyatt Nicollet Foyer 8:15 am – 9:30 am Closing Keynote: Dr. Blair Taylor Hyatt Nicollet Ballroom 9:45 am – 10:35 am Technical Session #7 See pages 38-39 9:45 am – 10:35 am Lightning Talks #2 Hyatt Lake Bemidji 9:45 am – 10:35 am Demo #5 See page 40 10:00 am – 12:30 pm Exhibit Hall Open Hyatt Exhibit Hall 10:35 am – 11:15 am Break, NSF Showcase #5 Hyatt Exhibit Hall 10:35 am – 12:30 pm Poster Session #3 Hyatt Exhibit Hall 11:15 am – 12:30 pm Technical Session #8 See pages 40-42 11:15 am – 12:30 pm Nifty Assignments Hyatt Northstar A 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch & Closing Ceremonies Hyatt Nicollet Ballroom 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Workshops 401 - 410 See page 43

8 SIGCSE 2019 Real-world tools, engaged students.

Find us at Booth ��� in the Exhibition Hall. Hyatt Regency Minneapolis

Level 1





Level 2

10 SIGCSE 2019 Hyatt Regency Minneapolis






Millennium Minneapolis Lobby Level



Thursday, February 28 - Opening Keynote 8:15 am - 9:45 am Hyatt Nicollet Grand Ballroom Pursuing the Dream: A 50-Year Perspective on American Society, Technology, and Inclusion in Computing Dr. Freeman A. Hrabowski, III President University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Rapid and dramatic demographic and technological changes require our nation’s schools, colleges, and universities to work with agility in preparing students – particularly those from diverse backgrounds – for careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, including computer science. Exploring the interplay of technology, education, and inclusion over the past 50 years, Dr. Hrabowski examines what this means for our future work in higher education. Computing education provides a critically important case. As the sector evolves rapidly, many well-paid jobs go unfilled and we must explore ways to draw on talent wherever it is found. Emphasizing themes from his TED talk on student success, Dr. Hrabowski focuses our attention on the importance of high expectations and hard work, building community among students, faculty engagement with students, and rigorous assessment of what works. He assesses the way innovative approaches -- including course re-design, active and experiential learning, research, and partnerships with companies and agencies -- promote student success, inclusive excellence, and achievement for all students both in STEM generally and computer science in particular. Speaker Bio: Dr. Freeman A. Hrabowski, President of University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) since 1992, is a consultant on science and math education to national agencies, universities, and school systems. He was named by President Obama to chair the President’s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for African Americans. He also chaired the National Academies’ committee that produced the report, Expanding Underrepresented Minority Participation: America’s Science and Technology Talent at the Crossroads (2011). His 2013 TED talk highlights the “Four Pillars of College Success in Science.” Named one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World by TIME (2012) and one of America’s Best Leaders by U.S. News & World Report (2008), he also received TIAA-CREF’s Theodore M. Hesburgh Award for Leadership Excellence (2011), the Carnegie Corporation’s Academic Leadership Award (2011), and the Heinz Award (2012) for contributions to improving the “Human Condition.” UMBC has been recognized as a model for inclusive excellence by such publications as U.S. News, which the past eight years has recognized UMBC as a national leader in academic innovation and undergraduate teaching. Dr. Hrabowski’s most recent book, Holding Fast to Dreams: Empowering Youth from the Civil Rights Crusade to STEM Achievement, describes the events and experiences that played a central role in his development as an educator and leader.

12 SIGCSE 2019 SIGCSE 2019 Keynote Presentations

Thursday, February 28 - First Timer's Lunch Keynote & 2019 SIGCSE Award for Lifetime Service to the Computer Science Education Community 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm Hyatt Nicollet Grand Ballroom A Top-Ten List for 50-50 Dr. Gloria Childress Townsend Professor of Computer Science DePauw University Recipient of the 2019 SIGCSE Award for Lifetime Service to the Computer Science Education Community SIGCSE addresses gender issues in computing year after year. At DePauw University, we learned from SIGCSE’s lessons – and those taught by ACM’s Council on Women in Computing – and recently awarded 47% of our computer science undergraduate degrees to women. This talk provides a rapid-fire countdown of ten of our most effective strategies that created our 47% class.

Speaker Bio: Gloria Childress Townsend, Professor of Computer Science, has taught at DePauw University for thirty-nine years and chaired her department for seven years. She founded ACM Celebrations and chaired the ACM-W Chapters project, during her seventeen-year tenure with ACM’s Council on Women in Computing. Her research interests include evolutionary computation and gender issues in computing.

Friday, March 1 - Morning Keynote & 2019 SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education 8:15 am - 9:45 am Hyatt Nicollet Grand Ballroom Computing Education as a Foundation for 21st Century Literacy Dr. Mark Guzdial Professor of Computer Science & Engineering University of Michigan Recipient of the 2019 SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contribution to CS Education

Teaching programming as a way to express ideas, communicate with others, and understand our world is one of the oldest goals for computing education. The inventor of the term ``computer science’’ saw it as the third leg of STEM literacy. In this talk, I lay out the history of the idea of universal computational literacy, some of what it will take to get there, and how our field will be different when we do.

Speaker Bio: Mark Guzdial is a Professor in the Computer Science & Engineering Division and in Engineering Education Research at the University of Michigan. He studies how people come to understand computing and how to make that more effective. He led the CSLearning4U project to create ebooks to help high school teachers learn CS. He was one of the PI’s on the NSF alliance “Expanding Computing Education Pathways” which helped 16 US states and Puerto Rico improve and broaden their computing education. He invented “Media Computation” and has published several books on the use of media as a context for learning computing. He is on the editorial boards of the “Journal of the Learning Sciences,” “Computer Science Education,” “ACM Transactions on Computing Education,” and “Communications of the ACM.” With his wife and colleague, Barbara Ericson, he received the 2010 ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator award. He was also the recipient of the 2012 IEEE Computer Society Undergraduate Teaching Award. He is an ACM Distinguished Educator and a Fellow of the ACM. 13 SIGCSE 2019 Keynote Presentations

Saturday, March 2 - Closing Keynote 8:15 am - 9:30 am Hyatt Nicollet Grand Ballroom Cybersecurity is Not a Fad: Why Cyber is a Game Changer for Computer Science Education Dr. Blair Taylor Clinical Associate Professor of Computer and Information Sciences Towson University First, the bad news - Cybersecurity is here to stay. Threats are escalating and organizations are increasingly vulnerable. Hackers are smarter, there are more of them, and they continue to wreak havoc across critical infra- structure systems. There is a huge, growing shortfall of cyber talent. All students, and especially computer science students, need to learn cyber, but there is an acute shortage of cybersecurity faculty. The good news – Cybersecurity is here to stay. We continue to need skilled cyber workers. Students like cyber. Cyber can draw more students to Computer Science and create opportunities for Computer Science faculty. Dr. Blair Taylor will share her experiences building cyber curriculum from the classroom perspective and from her experience working with NSA to build a National Cybersecurity Curriculum Program.

Speaker Bio: Dr. Blair Taylor is an award-winning educator with 20+ years’ experience in academia. She is a national expert in cybersecurity education and curriculum development. As a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Towson University, she has received over $5 million of external funding. Her projects include Security Injections @ Towson, which provides security modules for integrating security across the curriculum and is a national model for teaching secure coding to introductory programming students, and SPLASH, which offers Secure Programming Logic for college credit to high school girls. Dr. Taylor also works with NSA’s College of Cyber as a Subject Matter Expert on long-term strategies to increase the pipeline of qualified students and build the nations’ cyber workforce. These programs include the National Cybersecurity Curriculum Program and the Cyber Cube. Dr. Taylor has received the University System of Maryland Regents Award for Teaching, the Fisher College of Science and Mathematics Outstanding Faculty Award and the Business Outreach Award. She has been recog- nized as one of 5O Women to Watch by the Baltimore Sun Magazine and one of Maryland’s top female tech leaders by MDBIZNews. She holds a B.A. in Mathematical Science and an M.S. in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University and a doctorate in Applied Information Technology from Towson University

14 SIGCSE 2019

SIGCSE 2019 Schedule of Events

Wednesday, February 27

Pre-Symposium Events - Morning

8:30 am - 12:00 pm Computing for the Social Good in Computer Science Education Associated with RESPECT Room: Hyatt Greenway H Michael Goldweber, Xavier University; Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Lisa Kaczmarczyk PhD Consulting, LLC

8:30 am - 12:00 pm Peer Teaching Summit Room: Hyatt Greenway G Jeffrey Forbes, Duke University; Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, University of Florida; Ketan Mayer-Patel, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

8:30 am - 12:00 pm Teaching Cybersecurity in CSP (or Any CS Class): Introducing the Security Mindset Room: Hyatt Greenway A Maritza Johnson, International Computer Science Institute; Daniel D. Garcia, University of California, Berkeley; Julia Bernd, International Computer Science Institute; Serge Egelman, International Computer Science Institute, University of California, Berkeley; Buffie Holley, Albemarie High School and University of Virginia

Pre-Symposium Events - Afternoon

1:30 pm - 5:00 pm Development and Visualization of Computing Competencies Room: Hyatt Greenway A Alison Clear, Eastern Institute of Technology; Allen S. Parrish, Mississippi State University; John Impagliazzo, Hofstra University

1:30 pm - 5:00 pm What to Teach about Accessibility Room: Hyatt Greenway C Richard E. Ladner, Andrew J. Ko, University of Washington 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm Computer Science Principles Providers and Teachers Forum Room: Hyatt Greenway G Lauren Mock, Michael Ball, Daniel D. Garcia, University of California, Berkeley; Tiffany Barnes, North Carolina State University 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm What!? You Want Me to Include Computing Ethics, Too!??!! Using the ACM Code of Ethics in Room: Hyatt Greenway H Technical Computing Topics Don Gotterbarn, East Tennessee State University; Michael S. Kirkpatrick, James Madison University; Marty J. Wolf, Bemidji State University 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm FREE Cybersecurity Curriculum Room: Hyatt Greenway I Melissa Dark, Purdue University; Blair Taylor, Siddharth Kaza, Towson University; Maureen Turney, National Security Agency

Pre-Symposium Events - All Day 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Department Chairs Roundtable Room: Hyatt Greenway B Mary Lou Maher, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Ran Libeskind-Hadas, Harvey Mudd College 8:30 am - 5:00 pm 2019 CSAB Computing Accreditation Workshop Room: Hyatt Greenway D Mary Jane Willshire-Fairley, CSAB, Inc; Liz Glazer, CSAB, Inc. 8:30 am - 5:00 pm CS Education Infrastructure for All II: Enabling the Change Room: Hyatt Greenway E Clifford A. Shaffer, Virginia Tech; Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh; Kenneth Koedinger, Carnegie Mellon University; Stephen H. Edwards, Virginia Tech 8:30 am - 5:00 pm POSSE Roundup Room: Hyatt Greenway F Gregory W. Hislop, Drexel University; Grant Braught, Dickinson College; Darci Burdge, Heidi Ellis, Stoney Jackson, Western New England University; Cameron Macdonell, MacEwan University; Lori Postner, Nassau Community College 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Professional Development Workshop for Teaching-Track Faculty Room: Hyatt Greenway J Lori Pollock, University of Delaware; Christine Alvarado, University of California, San Diego; Barbara Ryder, Virginia Tech; Mark Sherriff, University of Virginia

8:30 am - 6:30 pm RESPECT 2019: 4th International Conference on Research in Equity and Sustained Participation Room: Millennium Grand in Engineering, Computing, and Technology. Ballroom Jamie Payton, Temple University; Tiffany Barnes, North Carolina State University

16 SIGCSE 2019 Wednesday, February 27

Pre-Symposium Supporter Sessions • 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Google Integrating Cloud Computing into the Computer Science Curriculum: Beginner Level Supporter Session (See page 45 for abstract)

Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A

Google Integrating Cloud Computing into the Computer Science Curriculum: Advanced Topics Supporter Session (See page 45 for abstract) Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B

Wednesday Workshops • 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Workshop 101 Embracing our Future: CS Courses and Curriculum for Non-CS-majors Room: Hyatt Greenway A Paul Ruvolo, Olin College; Darakhshan J. Mir, Bucknell University; Zachary Dodds, Harvey Mudd College

Workshop 102 Exploring Parallel Computing with OpenMP on the Raspberry Pi Room: Hyatt Greenway B Suzanne J. Matthews, United States Military Academy; Joel C. Adams, Calvin College; Richard A Brown, St. Olaf College; Elizabeth Shoop, Macalester College

Workshop 103 Transform Your Computer Science Course with Specifications Grading Room: Hyatt Greenway C James W. McGuffee, Christian Brothers University; David L. Largent, Ball State University; Christian Roberson, Florida Southern College

Workshop 104 Narratives and Evaluation: How to Write Competitive NSF CS Education Proposals Room: Hyatt Greenway D Stephanie E. August, National Science Foundation & Loyola Marymount University; S. Megan Che, Eileen T. Kraemer, Clemson University; Mark Pauley, National Science Foundation; Murali Sitaraman, Clemson University

Workshop 105 Bringing Real-World Data and Visualizations of Student-Implemented Data Structures into Room: Hyatt Greenway E Sophomore CS Courses Using BRIDGES Kalpathi Subramanian, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Jamie Payton, Temple University; Erik Saule, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Workshop 106 Guiding Students to Discover CS Concepts and Develop Process Skills Using POGIL Room: Hyatt Greenway J Chris Mayfield, James Madison University; Debra M. Duke, Virginia Commonwealth University; Margarethe Posch, Salt Lake Community College

Workshop 107 Security Labs for Software Defined Networks in CloudLab Younghee Park, San Jose State University; Hongxin Hu, Clemson University; Xiaohong Yuan, North Carolina Room: Hyatt Greenway I A&T University

Workshop 108 Programming Smart Contracts in Ethereum Blockchain Using Solidity Room: Hyatt Greenway H Debasis Bhattacharya, Mario Canul, Saxon Knight, University of Hawaii Maui College; Mohammad Q. Azhar, BMCC, The City University of New York; Rajiv Malkan, Lone Star College

Workshop 109 Assessing Writing in CS: A Hands-on Workshop Phillip Barry, University of Minnesota; Mia Minnes, University of California, San Diego; Stephanie R. Taylor, Room: Hyatt Greenway G Colby College

Workshop 110 Computing Infrastructure and Curriculum Design for Introductory Data Science Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, Duke University + RStudio Room: Hyatt Greenway F

For a full list of workshops and descriptions visit: 17 Thursday, February 28

Keynote Session 8:15 am - 9:45 am Welcome to the 50th SIGCSE Technical Symposium! Room: Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Union County College; Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, University of North Carolina at Hyatt Nicollet Grand Ballroom Charlotte OPENING KEYNOTE: Pursuing the Dream: A 50-Year Perspective on American Society, Technology, and Inclusion in Computing Dr. Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)

Break, Exhibits & NSF Showcase • 10:00 am - 10:45 am 10:00 am - 10:45 am Break & Exhibits Room: Hyatt Exhibit Hall NSF Showcase #1 (See page 58 for complete listing of NSF Showcases)

Demos • 10:00 am - 10:45 am 10:00 am - 10:45 am Demo Session #1: Room: Hyatt Exhibit Hall Chairs: Lina Battestilli, North Carolina State University; Peter-Michael Osera, Grinnell College Applying Bioinformatics to Assignment Evaluation: A New Approach for Pattern Recognition in Open-Ended CS Assignments Keren Perry-Shamir, Seth Haberman, Sense Education Integrating Computational Modeling in K-12 STEM Classrooms Gautam Biswas, Nicole Hutchins, Ákos Lédeczi, Vanderbilt University; Shuchi Grover, Looking Glass Ventures, LLC.; Satabdi Basu, SRI International

Paper Sessions • 10:45 am - 12:00 pm PAPER SESSIONS 10:45 AM 11:10 AM 11:35 AM Data 4 A Module-based Approach to Embracing the Liberal Arts in A Novel Course in Data Systems with Minimal Chair: Yingjun Cao, University Teaching Big Data and Cloud an Interdisciplinary Data of California, San Diego Computing Topics at CS Analytics Program Prerequisites Undergraduate Level Jessen Havill, Denison University Thomas C. Bressoud, Gavin Room: Debzani Deb, Muztaba Fuad, Thomas, Denison University Hyatt Greenway A Keith Irwin,Winston-Salem State University

Collaboration & 4 Investigating the Impact 2nd BEST PAPER Does Social Sensitivity Communicaton of Group Size on Experience Reports Impact Virtual Teams? Chair: James Vanderhyde, Non-Programming Exercises and Tools Lisa L. Lacher, Cydnee Biehl, Saint Xavier University in CS Education Courses University of Houston - Clear Lake L.D. Miller, Leen-Kiat Soh, Developing Soft and Technical Room: Markeya S. Peteranetz, Skills Through Multi-Semester, Hyatt Greenway J University of Nebraska - Lincoln Remotely Mentored, Community-Service Projects Janet Davis, Whitman College; Samuel A. Rebelsky, Grinnell College

Enrollment & 4 Student Performance in Understanding Who Enrolls Can Sending First and Second Retention Computing Courses in the in Introductory Computing Year Computing Students to Face of Growing Enrollments Courses at Community Technical Conferences Help Chair: Eric Aaron, Colby Retention?: An Analysis of College Daniel T. Fokum, Daniel N. Coore, Colleges Eyton Ferguson, Gunjan Mansingh, Beth A. Quinn, Wendy M. DuBow, National Survey Data Room: Carl Beckford, University of the University of Colorado Boulder; Heather M. Wright, N. Burçin Hyatt Greenway B/C West Indies, Mona David Sul, Sul & Associates Tamer, Computing Research Association

18 SIGCSE 2019 Thursday, February 28

Paper Sessions • 10:45 am - 12:00 pm PAPER SESSIONS 10:45 AM 11:10 AM 11:35 AM Tools 1 4 Stride in BlueJ - Computing for uAssign: Scalable Interactive MYR: A Web-Based Platform for Teaching Coding Using VR Chair: Charles Dierbach, All in an Educational IDE Activities for Teaching the Towson University Michael Kölling, Neil C. C. Brown, Unix Terminal Christopher Berns, Grace Chin, Hamza Hamza, Davin McCall, Jacob Bailey, Craig Zilles, Joel Savitz, Jason Kiesling, Room: King’s College London University of Illinois at Fred Martin, University of Hyatt Greenway D/E Urbana-Champaign Massachusetts Lowell Practice & Problems 4 Exploring the Applicability of Stochastic Tree-Based Exploring the Impact of Chair: Paul Denny, The Simple Syntax Writing Practice Generation of Program-Tracing Worked Examples in a Novice University of Auckland for Learning Programming Practice Questions Programming Environment Antti Leinonen, Henrik Nygren, Anderson Thomas, Troy Stopera, Rui Zhi, Thomas W. Price, Room: Nea Pirttinen, Arto Hellas, Juho Pablo Frank-Bolton, Rahul Simha, Samiha Marwan, Alexandra Millennium Grand North Leinonen, University of Helsinki George Washington University Milliken, Tiffany Barnes, Min Chi, North Carolina State University

Process & 4 Coding Demonstration Videos 3rd BEST PAPER The PyramidSnapshot Performance for CS1 CS Education Research Challenge: Understanding Student Process from Visual Chair: Razvan Alexandru Ben Stephenson, University of Output of Programs Mezei, Saint Martin’s Calgary Exploring the Value of Different University Data Sources for Predicting Lisa Yan, Nick McKeown, Student Performance in Chris Piech, Stanford University Room: Multiple CS Courses Millennium Grand South Soohyun Nam Liao, University of California, San Diego; Daniel Zingaro, University of Toronto Mississauga; Christine Alvarado, William G. Griswold, Leo Porter, University of California, San Diego

Autograders 4 Approaches for Coordinating Autograding Distributed Comparing Jailed Sandboxes vs Containers Within an Chair: Karen Jin, University eTextbooks, Online Algorithms in Networked of New Hampshire Programming Practice, Containers Autograding System Automated Grading, and Evan Maicus, Matthew Peveler, Matthew Peveler, Evan Maicus, Room: More into One Course Stacy Patterson, Barbara Cutler, Barbara Cutler, Rensselaer Millennium Grand Central Margaret Ellis, Clifford A. Shaffer, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Polytechnic Institute Stephen H. Edwards, Virginia Tech

Capstones & Projects 4 Trial by Flyer: Building Redesigning a Software Experiential Learning of Chair: Michelle Friend, Quadcopters From Scratch in Development Course as a Software Project Management University of Nebraska Omaha a Ten-Week Capstone Course Preparation for a Capstone: and Software Development Steven Swanson, University of An Experience Report via Course Collaboration Room: California, San Diego Yekaterina Kharitonova, University Stefan C. Christov, Mark E. Hyatt Greenway F/G of California, Santa Barbara; Yi Hoffman, Quinnipiac University Luo, Harvey Mudd College; Jeho Park, Claremont McKenna College 19 Thursday, February 28

Paper Sessions • 10:45 am - 12:00 pm PAPER SESSIONS 10:45 AM 11:10 AM 11:35 AM Sister Session #1 4 Vlog Commentary YouTube Equity in the Who, How and Teaching Professional RESPECT Influencers as Effective What of CS Learning: K12 Morality & Ethics to Under- Advisors in College and Career School District graduate Computer Science Chairs: Jamie Payton, Temple Readiness for Minorities in Conceptualizations of Equity Students through Cognitive University; Tiffany Barnes, North Carolina State University Computing: An Exploratory in CSforAll Initiatives Apprenticeships & Case Study Rafi Santo, Leigh Ann DeLyser, Studies: Experiences in Room: Hyatt Lake Bemidji Robert Cummings, Morehouse CSforALL; June Ahn, University CS-HU 130 ‘Foundational College; Earl Huff, Clemson of California, Irvine; Anthony Values’ University; Naja Mack, University Pellicone, University of Don Winiecki, Noah Salzman, of Florida; Kevin Womack, Wisconsin-Madison; Julia Aguiar, Boise State University Morehouse College; Amber Stephanie Wortel-London, Reid, Clark Atlanta University; CSforAll Brandon Ghoram, Morehouse College; Juan Gilbert, University of Florida; Kinnis Gosha, Morehouse College

Panel, Special, SIGCSE@50 and Supporter Sessions • 10:45 am - 12:00 pm

Panel Session Rethinking Debugging as Productive Failure for CS Education Yasmin B. Kafai, University of Pennsylvania; David DeLiema, University of California, Berkeley; Deborah A. Room: Hyatt Northstar A Fields, Utah State University; Gary Lewandowski, Xavier University; Colleen M. Lewis, Harvey Mudd College Panel Session Cybersecurity Program Accreditation: Benefits and Challenges Room: Hyatt Regency Rajendra K. Raj, Rochester Institute of Technology; Vijay Anand, Southeast Missouri State University; David Gibson, United States Air Force Academy; Siddharth Kaza, Towson University; Andrew Phillips, United States Naval Academy Special Session Propagating Educational Innovations Room: Hyatt Greenway H/I Heather Bort, Marquette University; David P. Bunde, Knox College; Zack Butler, Rochester Institute of Technology; Christopher Lynnly Hovey, University of Colorado Boulder; Cynthia Taylor, Oberlin College

Special Session Process Skills in Computer Science Room: Hyatt Northstar B Helen H. Hu, Westminster College; Chris Mayfield, James Madison University; Clifton Kussmaul, Muhlenberg College

SIGCSE@50: What Have We Talked About? An Analysis of the SIGCSE-Members Listserv Hot Topics in the Austin Cory Bart, University of Delaware; Clifford A. Shaffer, Virginia Tech SIGCSE Community CS Education Then and Now: Recollections and Reflections Room: Melinda McDaniel, Georgia Institute of Technology; John Cigas, Park University; Briana B. Morrison, University Hyatt Great Lakes A1 & A2 of Nebraska Omaha; Henry M. Walker, Grinnell College

Microsoft Create Classroom Labs in the Cloud (See page 45 for abstract) Supporter Session Ji Eun Kwon, Microsoft Corporation Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A

Google Content, Curricula, and Career Readiness: New Offerings from Google (See page 45 for abstract) Supporter Session Karen Gheno, Emily Kemp, Chris Stephenson, Google Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B

20 SIGCSE 2019 Thursday, February 28

Keynote Session 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm First Timer’s Lunch KEYNOTE 2019 SIGCSE Award for Lifetime Service to the Computer Science Education Community Room: Dr. Gloria Childress Townsend, DePauw University Hyatt Nicollet Grand Ballroom

Lunch Break • 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm

12:00 pm - 1:45 pm Lunch Break (on your own)

Paper Sessions • 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm PAPER SESSIONS 1:45 PM 2:10 PM 2:35 PM Databases A Learning Platform for SQL What to Expect and What to 4 1st BEST PAPER Injection Focus on in SQL Query Chair: James H. Davenport, Curricula Initiatives University of Bath Nada Basit, Abdeltawab Hendawi, Teaching Joseph Chen, Alexander Sun, ‘); DROP TABLE textbooks: Toni Taipalus, Piia Perälä, Room: University of Virginia An Argument for SQL Injection University of Jyvaskyla Hyatt Greenway A Coverage in Database Textbooks Cynthia Taylor, Oberlin College; Saheel Sakharkar, University of Illinois at Chicago

Software Engineering 4 Perceived Benefits and Motivating Students Beyond Active Learning with LEGO for Software Requirements Chair: Suzanne J. Matthews, Challenges of Learning Startup Course Requirements with a United States Military Academy Methodologies for Software Serious Game Stan Kurkovsky, Central Engineering Students Stacey Watson, Nazareth College; Connecticut State University; Room: Jorge Melegati, Free University Heather Richter Lipford, University Stephanie Ludi, University of Hyatt Greenway J of Bozen-Bolzano; Rafael Chanin, of North Carolina at Charlotte North Texas; Linda Clark, Central PUCRS, School of Technology; Connecticut State University Xiaofeng Wang, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano; Afonso Sales, Rafael Prikladnicki, PUCRS, School of Technology

Advanced Topics 4 Effects of a Pathfinding Teaching Android Mobile Allowing and Fully Supporting Chair: Ahmed Abukmail, Program Visualization on Security Multiple Programming University of Houston - Clear Algorithm Development Jean-François Lalande, Languages in a Computer Lake Nicholas Lytle, North Carolina Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Pierre Graphics Course: An State University; Mark Floryan, Graux, Guillaume Hiet, Experience Room: University of Virginia; Tiffany CentraleSupélec, Inria, Univ Amit Shesh, Northeastern Hyatt Greenway B/C Barnes, North Carolina State Rennes, CNRS, IRISA; Wojciech University University Mazurczyk, Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw University of Technology; Habiba Chaoui, National School of Applied Sciences, Ibn Tofail University; Pascal Berthomé, INSA Centre Val de Loire, LIFO 21 Thursday, February 28

Paper Sessions • 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm PAPER SESSIONS 1:45 PM 2:10 PM 2:35 PM Feedback 4 An Approach to Generate Pensieve: Feedback on Experiences Using Heat Maps to Help Students Find Their Chair: Barry Fagin, United Virtual Tutors for Game Coding Process for Novices States Air Force Academy Programming Classes Lisa Yan, Annie Hu, Chris Piech, Bugs: Problems and Solutions Alan de Oliveira Santana, Eduardo Stanford University Bob Edmison, Stephen H. Room: Aranha, Federal University of Rio Edwards, Virginia Tech Hyatt Greenway D/E Grande do Norte

Active Learning 4 On the Effects of Active Supporting Guided Inquiry POGIL in Computer Science: Faculty Motivation and Chair: Brian Railing, Carnegie Learning Environments in with Cooperative Learning in Mellon University Computing Education Computer Organization Challenges Tyler Greer, Qiang Hao, Western Yeajin Ham, Brandon Myers, Aman Yadav, Michigan State Room: Washington University; Mengguo University of Iowa University; Clifton Kussmaul, Millennium Grand North Jing, University of Wisconsin- Muhlenberg College; Chris Madison; Bradley Barnes, Mayfield, James Madison University of Georgia University; Helen H. Hu, Westminster College Gender 4 Living-Learning Community Achieving Gender Balance Gender-balanced TAs from Chair: Arno Pasternak, for Women in Computer through Creative Expression an Unbalanced Student Body TU Dortmund, Science at Rutgers William H. Bares, Bill Manaris, Amir Kamil, James Juett, Andrew Fritz-Steinhoff-Schule Hagen Rebecca N. Wright, Sally J.Nadler, Renée McCauley, Christine DeOrio, University of Michigan Thu D. Nguyen, Cynthia N. Moore, College of Charleston Room: Sanchez Gomez, Rutgers Millennium Grand South University; Heather M. Wright, Computing Research Association Curriculum Issues 1 4 Defining and Designing Developing Implementation 3rd BEST PAPER Computer Science Education Measures for K-12 Computer Chair: Becky Grasser, Lakeland Curricula Initiatives Community College in a K12 Public School District Science Curriculum Materials PythonSneks: An Open-Source, Chris Proctor, Stanford University; Daisy W. Rutstein, Yuning Xu, Kevin Room: Instructionally-Designed Maxwell Bigman, Harvard McElhaney, Marie Bienkowski, SRI Millennium Grand Central Introductory Curriculum with University; Paulo Blikstein, International Action-Design Research Columbia University Austin Cory Bart, University of Delaware; Allie Sarver, Michael Friend, Larry Cox, Virginia Tech Sister Session 4 RecurTutor: An Interactive Digital and Physical Learning IS Child’s Play: TOCE #1 Tutorial for Learning Recursion Fabrication as Multimodal Game-Based Learning in Learning: Understanding Youth Computer Science Education Chair: Chris Hundhausen, Sally Hamouda, Rhode Island Washington State University College; Stephen H. Edwards, Computational Thinking When Hadi Hosseini, Rochester Institute Virginia Tech; Hicham G. Elmongui, Making Integrated Systems of Technology; Maxwell Hartt, Room: Alexandria University and Umm Through Bidirectionally Cardiff University; Mehrnaz Hyatt Lake Bemidji Al-Qura University; Jeremy V. Ernst, Responsive Design Mostafapour, University of Clifford A. Shaffer, Virginia Tech Gabriela Richard, Sagun Giri, Waterloo Pennsylvania State University

Panel, Special, SIGCSE@50 and Supporter Sessions • 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm Panel Session Including Embedded Systems in CS: Why? When? and How? Bill Siever, Roger D. Chamberlain, Washington University in St. Louis; Elliott Forbes, University of Wisconsin- Room: Hyatt Greenway F/G La Crosse; Ingrid Russell, University of Hartford

Panel Session The New NSF Requirement for Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) Plans: Community Room: Hyatt Northstar A Advice and Resources Tracy Camp, Colorado School of Mines; Wendy M. DuBow, University of Colorado Boulder; Diane Levitt, Cornell Tech; Linda J. Sax, University of California, Los Angeles; Valerie Taylor, CMD-IT; Colleen M. Lewis, Harvey Mudd College

22 SIGCSE 2019 Thursday, February 28

Panel, Special, SIGCSE@50 and Supporter Sessions • 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm

Special Session Where Are We Now? Results from a National Study of Computer Science Teachers and Teaching Room: Hyatt Greenway H/I Eric R Banilower, Evelyn M. Gordon, Horizon Research, Inc.

Special Session Shaping Curricular Guidelines for Associate-Degree Cybersecurity Programs Room: Hyatt Northstar B Cara Tang, Portland Community College; Cindy S Tucker, Bluegrass Community and Technical College; Christian Servin, El Paso Community College; Markus Geissler, Cosumnes River College; Melissa Stange, Lord Fairfax Community College

Special Session SIGCSE Reads 2019: Discussion and Q & A Room: Hyatt Regency Rebecca Bates, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Valerie Summet, Rollins College; Nanette Veilleux, Simmons University; Judy Goldsmith, University of Kentucky; Naomi Kritzer, Self

SIGCSE@50: CS1 1:45 pm - 2:10 pm Chair: James Caristi, 50 Years of CS1 at SIGCSE: A Review of the Evolution of Introductory Programming Education Valparaiso University Research Brett A. Becker, University College Dublin; Keith Quille, Institute of Technology Tallaght Room: 2:10 pm - 3:00 pm Hyatt Great Lakes A1 & A2 Discussion Brett A. Becker, University College Dublin; Donna Gavin, University of Wisconsin, Platteville; David G. Kay, University of California Irvine

Turing’s Craft, Inc. Customized Auto-Grading and Homework Project Management with CodeLab (See page 45 for Supporter Session abstract) David Arnow, Brooklyn College Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A

GitHub Supporter Session #Get To Near-total Automation with GitHub: Teacher Stories (See page 46 for abstract) Dan Wallach, Rice University; Paul Salvador Inventado, California State University Fullerton; Vanessa Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B Gennarelli, GitHub Education

ACM Student Research Competition • 1:45 pm - 5:00 pm 1:45 pm - 5:00 pm ACM Student Research Competition - First Round of Competition (Posters) Chairs: Jessica Schmidt, North Carolina State University; Stephen Hughes, Coe College Room: Hyatt Exhibit Hall (See page 59 for a complete listing of ACM Student Research Competition Posters)

Break, Exhibits & NSF Showcase • 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm

3:00 pm - 3:45 pm Break & Exhibits Room: Hyatt Exhibit Hall NSF Showcase #2 (See page 58 for complete listing of NSF Showcases)

Demos • 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm

3:00 pm - 3:45 pm Demo Session #2: Chairs: Lina Battestilli, North Carolina State University; Peter-Michael Osera, Grinnell College Room: Hyatt Exhibit Hall Building Simple Games With BRIDGES David Burlinson, Erik Saule, Kalpathi Subramanian, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Engaging in Logical Code Reasoning with an Activity-Based Online Tool Joseph E. Hollingsworth, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Eileen T. Kraemer, Murali Sitaraman, Clemson University 23 Thursday, February 28

Paper Sessions • 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm PAPER SESSIONS 3:45 PM 4:10 PM 4:35 PM Camps 4 Camp or College?: Student A Middle-School Code A Middle-School Camp Chair: William H. Bares, Perspectives from College Camp Emphasizing Digital Emphasizing Data Science College of Charleston Computer Science Humanities and Computing for Social Departments & Coding Boot Yesheng Chen, Zhen Chen, Good Room: Camps on Skills Learned Shyamala Gumidyala, Annabella Caelin Bryant, Yesheng Chen, Hyatt Greenway A Quinn Burke, Digital Promise Koures, Seoyeon Lee, James Zhen Chen, Jonathan Gilmour, Global; Cinamon Sunrise Bailey, Msekela, Halle Remash, Nolan Shyamala Gumidyala, Beatriz College of Charleston Schoenle, Sarah Dahlby Albright, Herce-Hagiwara, Annabella Samuel A. Rebelsky, Grinnell Koures, Seoyeon Lee, James College Msekela, Anh Thu Pham, Halle Remash, Marli Remash, Nolan Schoenle, Jonah Zimmerman, Sarah Dahlby Albright, Samuel A. Rebelsky, Grinnell College

Story & Video 4 Podcast Highlights: Targeted Student-Generated Videos for Story Programming: Explaining Computer Science Chair: Caroline Budwell, Educational Videos From Promoting Better Attitudes Virginia Commonwealth Repurposed Lecture-capture towards Cryptography Before Coding University Footage Ana I. González-Tablas, Pablo Jennifer Parham-Mocello, Mia Minnes, Christine Alvarado, Martín-González, Universidad Shannon Ernst, Martin Erwig, Lily Room: Max Geislinger, Joyce Fang, Carlos III de Madrid Shellhammer, Emily Dominguez, Hyatt Greenway J University of California, San Diego Oregon State University

Games & Gamification4 OneUp: Engaging Students in Program Wars: A Card Game Analyzing Gamification Impact on a Mastery Learning Chair: Kalpathi Subramanian, a Gamified Data Structures for Learning Programming University of North Carolina at Course and Cybersecurity Concepts Introductory Programming Charlotte Darina Dicheva, Keith Irwin, John Anvik, Vincent Cote, Jace Course Christo Dichev, Winston-Salem Riehl, University of Lethbridge Rafael G. de Pontes, UFCG; Room: State University Dalton D. Serey Guerrero, Federal Hyatt Greenway B/C University of Campina Grande; Jorge C. A. de Figueiredo, UFCG

Testing 1 4 2nd BEST PAPER Pragmatic Software Testing Software Testing in Chair: Mohsen Dorodchi, CS Education Research Education Introductory Programming University of North Carolina Maurício Aniche, Delft University Courses: A Systematic at Charlotte Assessing Incremental Testing of Technology; Felienne Hermans, Mapping Study Practices and Their Impact on Leiden Institute of Advanced Lilian Passos Scatalon, University Room: Project Outcomes Computer Science; Arie van of São Paulo (ICMC-USP); Jeffrey Hyatt Greenway D/E Ayaan M. Kazerouni, Clifford A. Deursen, Delft University of C. Carver, University of Alabama; Shaffer, Stephen H. Edwards, Technology; Rogério Eduardo Garcia, São Francisco Servant, Virginia Tech Paulo State University (FCT-Unesp); Ellen Francine Barbosa, University of São Paulo (ICMC-USP)

Computation 4 The Zones of Proximal Flow Infusing Computational Building Computational Thinking 1 Tutorial: Designing Thinking Across Disciplines: Creativity in an Online Course Chair: Debzani Deb, Computational Thinking Reflections & Lessons for Non-Majors Winston-Salem State University Cliffhangers Learned Markeya S. Peteranetz, Leen-Kiat Ashok Basawapatna, State Lori Pollock, Chrystalla Mouza, Soh, Elizabeth Ingraham, Room: University of New York, College Kevin R. Guidry, Kathleen University of Nebraska-Lincoln Millennium Grand North at Old Westbury; Alexander Pusecker, University of Delaware Repenning, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland; Mark Savignano, Minnesota State University, Mankato

24 SIGCSE 2019 Thursday, February 28

Paper Sessions • 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm PAPER SESSIONS 3:45 PM 4:10 PM 4:35 PM Assessment 1 4 Facilitating Course Development of a Lean On the Fairness of Multiple- Variant Multiple-Choice Chair: James W. McGuffee, Assessment with a Computational Thinking Christian Brothers University Competitive Programming Abilities Assessment for Examinations Platform Middle Grades Students Paul Denny, Sathiamoorthy Room: Daniel N. Coore, Daniel T. Fokum, Eric Wiebe, North Carolina State Manoharan, Ulrich Speidel, Millennium Grand South University of the West Indies, University; Jennifer London, Giovanni Russello, Angela Chang, Mona London & Associates; Osman The University of Auckland Aksit, Dhahran Ahliyya Schools; Bradford W. Mott, North Carolina State University; Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, University of Florida; James C. Lester, North Carolina State University

Teaching Practice 1 4 Teaching Explicit Programming Teachers’ Experiences of Survey Results on Why CS Faculty Adopt New Teaching Chair: Diana Franklin, Strategies to Adolescents using PRIMM to Teach The University of Chicago Andrew J. Ko, University of Programming in School Practices Washington; Thomas D. LaToza, Sue Sentance, King’s College Christopher Lynnly Hovey, Lecia Room: Stephen Hull, George Mason London; Jane Waite, Queen Mary Barker, Vaughan Nagy, University Millennium Grand Central University; Ellen A. Ko, Juanita University of London; Maria Kallia, of Colorado Boulder High School; William Kwok, Jane King’s College London Quichocho, Harshitha Akkaraju, University of Washington; Rishin Pandit, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology

Panel, Special, SIGCSE@50 and Supporter Sessions • 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm

Panel Session Broadening Participation in Computing: Putting Our Work in Context Jennifer M. Blaney, Utah State University; Linda J. Sax, University of California, Los Angeles; David Feldon, Room: Hyatt Greenway F/G Utah State University; Ann Gates, University of Texas at El Paso

Panel Session The Reality of Inclusion: The Role of Relationships, Identity, and Academic Culture in Inclusive Room: Hyatt Northstar A and Equitable Practices for Broadening Participation in Computing Education Jamika D. Burge, black computHER; Jamie Payton, Temple University; Jill Denner, Education, Training, Research; Yolanda Rankin, Florida State University; Celine Latulipe, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Panel Session CS Principles Higher Education Pathways Room: Hyatt Regency Crystal Furman, College Board; Owen Astrachan, Duke University; Daniel D. Garcia, University of California, Berkeley; David Musicant, Carleton College; Jennifer Rosato, College of St. Scholastica Special Session AI for K-12 Guidelines Initiative Room: Hyatt Greenway H/I David Touretzky, Carnegie Mellon University; Fred Martin, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Deborah Seehorn, CSTA; Emily Reid, AI4All, Miles Berry, Roehampton University Special Session ACM Task Force on Data Science Education: Draft Report and Opportunity for Feedback Room: Hyatt Northstar B Andrea Danyluk, Williams College; Paul Leidig, Grand Valley State University; Lillian (Boots) Cassel, Villanova University; Christian Servin, El Paso Community College

SIGCSE@50: Negotiating Varied Research Goals in Computing Education Research Computing Education Mark Guzdial, University of Michigan; Colleen M. Lewis, Harvey Mudd College; Lauren Margulieux, Georgia Research State University; Greg L. Nelson, University of Washington; Leo Porter, University of California, San Diego Room: Hyatt Great Lakes A1 & A2 25 Thursday, February 28

Supporter Sessions • 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm

zyBooks Supporter Is Your CS Course Too Complex? How Are You Handling Growth? (See page 46 for abstract) Session Smita Bakshi, zyBooks; Frank Vahid, zyBooks/University of California Riverside; Roman Lysecky, zyBooks/University of Arizona; Alex Edgcomb, zyBooks/University of California Riverside Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A

Google Supporter Session Teaching with the Cloud (See page 46 for abstract) Laurie White, Google Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B

Lightning Talks • 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm

3:45 pm - 5:00 pm Lightning Talks #1 (See page 60 for complete list of Lightning Talks) Room: Hyatt Lake Bemidji Chairs: Lina Battestilli, North Carolina State University; Peter-Michael Osera, Grinnell College

Birds of a Feather • 5:30 pm - 6:20 pm 5:30 pm - 6:20 pm Birds of a Feather Flock A (See page 50 for complete list of Birds of a Feather) Room #s: See page 50 Chairs: Mary Anne Egan, Siena College; Mark Sherriff, University of Virginia

Supporter Sessions • 5:30 pm - 6:20 pm

ABET Computer Science Accreditation - What You Should Know (See page 46 for abstract) Supporter Session John K. Estell, Ohio Northern University; David S. Gibson, United States Air Force Academy; Rajendra Raj, Rochester Institute of Technology Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A

Mimir How FLCC Uses Mimir Classroom and OER to Improve Course Outcomes (See page 47 for abstract) Supporter Session Prahasith Veluvolu, Mimir; Dave Ghidiu, Finger Lakes Community College Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B

Birds of a Feather • 6:30 pm - 7:20 pm

6:30 pm - 7:20 pm Birds of a Feather Flock B (See page 51 for complete list of Birds of a Feather) Room #s: See page 51 Chairs: Mary Anne Egan, Siena College; Mark Sherriff, University of Virginia

Supporter Session • 6:30 pm - 7:20 pm

IBM Shortcuts for keeping your CS Curriculum Current (See page 47 for abstract) Supporter Session Misty Decker, Valinda Kennedy, IBM Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A

Thursday Reception

7:30 pm - 9:30 pm SIGCSE Reception Hyatt Nicollet Grand Ballroom

26 SIGCSE 2019

Friday, March 1

Keynote Session 8:15 am - 9:45 am General Information Room: Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Union County College; Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, University of North Carolina at Hyatt Nicollet Grand Ballroom Charlotte KEYNOTE: Computing Education as a Foundation for 21st Century Literacy 2019 SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education Dr. Mark Guzdial, University of Michigan

Break, Exhibits & NSF Showcase • 10:00 am - 10:45 am

10:00 am - 10:45 am Break & Exhibits Room: Hyatt Exhibit Hall NSF Showcase #3 (See page 58 for complete listing of NSF Showcases)

Demos • 10:00 am - 10:45 am

10:00 am - 10:45 am Demo Session #3: Room: Hyatt Exhibit Hall Chairs: Lina Battestilli, North Carolina State University; Peter-Michael Osera, Grinnell College Hands-on Cybersecurity Exercises that are Easy to Access Richard Weiss, Evergreen State College; Jens Mache, Lewis and Clark College Gamifying Computer Science Courses with OneUp Keith Irwin, Austin Hodge, Darina Dicheva, Winston-Salem State University

Poster Session • 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Poster Session #1 (See pages 53-56 for complete listing of Posters) Room: Hyatt Exhibit Hall Chairs: Laurence D. Merkle, Air Force Institute of Technology; S. Monisha Pulimood, The College of New Jersey

Paper Sessions • 10:45 am - 12:00 pm PAPER SESSIONS 10:45 AM 11:10 AM 11:35 AM Online 4 Understanding Learning Captioning Online Course Facing Backwards While Stumbling Forwards: The Chair: Bernd Bruegge, Curves and Trajectories in Videos: An Investigation into Technical University Munich CSS Layout Knowledge Retention and Future of Teaching Web Meen Chul Kim, Drexel University; Student Perception Development Room: Thomas H. Park, Codepip; Ruixue Michael Whitney, Winthrop Randy Connolly, Mount Royal Hyatt Greenway A Liu, Worcester Polytechnic University; Bryan Dallas, Northern University Institute; Andrea Forte, Drexel Illinois University University

Mistakes and Errors 4 The Error Behind The 1st BEST PAPER The Error Landscape: Chair: Ben Stephenson, Message: Finding the Cause CS Education Research Characterizing the Mistakes University of Calgary of Error Messages in Python of Novice Programmers Tobias Kohn, University of First Things First: Providing Rebecca Smith, Scott Rixner, Room: Cambridge Metacognitive Scaffolding for Rice University Hyatt Greenway J Interpreting Problem Prompts James Prather, Raymond Pettit, Abilene Christian University; Brett A. Becker, University College Dublin; Paul Denny, The University of Auckland; Dastyni Loksa, University of Washington; Alani Peters, Zachary Albrecht, Krista Masci, Abilene Christian University

28 SIGCSE 2019 Friday, March 1

Paper Sessions • 10:45 am - 12:00 pm PAPER SESSIONS 10:45 AM 11:10 AM 11:35 AM Instruments 1 4 How Many Abilities Can We (Re)Validating Cognitive A Topical Review of Evaluation Instruments for Chair: Steven Bogaerts, Measure in Computational Introductory Computing DePauw University Thinking? A Study on Bebras Instruments Computing Education Challenge Ryan Bockmon, Stephen Cooper, Adrienne Decker, University at Room: Ana Liz Souto O. Araujo, Federal University of Nebraska - Lincoln; Buffalo; Monica M. McGill, Knox Hyatt Greenway B/C University of Paraíba; Wilkerson L. Jonathan Gratch, Texas Woman’s College Andrade, Dalton D. Serey University; Mohsen Dorodchi, Guerrero, Monilly Ramos Araujo University of North Carolina at Melo, Federal University of Charlotte Campina Grande

Testing 2 4 Automating Systems Course Gamifying a Software Testing Measuring Unit Test Accuracy Chair: Clifford A. Shaffer, Unit and Integration Testing: Course with Code Defenders Kevin Buffardi, Pedro Valdivia, Virginia Tech Experience Report Gordon Fraser, Alessio Gambi, Destiny Rogers, California State Dee A. B. Weikle, Michael O. Lam, Marvin Kreis, University of Passau; University, Chico Room: Michael S. Kirkpatrick, James José Miguel Rojas, University of Hyatt Greenway D/E Madison University Leicester Teaching Practice 2 4 An Analysis of Using Many Reducing Instructor Workload Frequency of Instructor- and Chair: Matthew Hertz, Small Programs in CS1 in an Introductory Robotics Student-Centered Teaching University at Buffalo Joe Michael Allen, University of Course via Computational Practices in Introductory CS California, Riverside; Frank Vahid, Design Courses Room: Alex Edgcomb, University of Devon J. Merrill, Steven Swanson, Christopher Lynnly Hovey, Lecia Millennium Grand North California, Riverside & zyBooks; University of California, San Diego Barker, Margaret Luebs, University Kelly Downey, Kris Miller, of Colorado Boulder University of California, Riverside

Assessment 2 4 Harnessing the Wisdom of An Assessment of Oral On the Effect of Question Ordering on Performance and Chair: Eileen T. Kraemer the Classes: Classsourcing Exams in Introductory CS Clemson University and Machine Learning for Peter Ohmann, College of Saint Confidence in Computer Assessment Instrument Benedict/Saint John’s University Science Examinations Room: Generation Brian Harrington, Jingyiran Li, Millennium Grand South Sam Saarinen, Shriram Mohamed Moustafa, Marzieh Krishnamurthi, Kathi Fisler, Preston Ahmadzadeh, Nick Cheng, Tunnell Wilson, Brown University University of Toronto Scarborough

CS1 1 4 Beauty and Joy of Computing: Implementing EarSketch: Food for Thought: Supporting African American Women’s Chair: Eric Fouh, University of 2016-17 Findings from an AP Connecting Classroom Pennsylvania CS Principles Course Implementation to Student Computational Algorithmic June Mark, Kelsey Klein, Outcomes Thinking in an Intro CS Course Room: Education Development Center Tom McKlin, Dana Wanzer, Yolanda A. Rankin, Florida State Millennium Grand Central Taneisha Lee, The Findings Group; University; Jakita O. Thomas, Brian Magerko, Doug Edwards, Auburn University; India Irish, Sabrina Grossman, Jason Georgia Tech Freeman, Georgia Institute of Technology

Sister Session 4 Real-Time Motion Capture for Creating Compelling Virtual Groovy Graphics Assignments SIGGRAPH Education Performing Arts and Stage Reality and Interactive Andrew Duchowski, Clemson Approaches Serguei Mokhov, Amandeep Kaur, Content for Higher Education University Chair: Erik Brunvand, The Mehak Talwar, Keerthana Ralph Vituccio, Entertainment University of Utah Gudavalli, Miao Song, Sudir Technology Center; Jaehee Cho, Mudar, Concordia University Tsung-Yu (Jack) Tsai, Sarabeth Room: Boak, Stitchbridge, Inc. Hyatt Lake Bemidji 29 Friday, March 1

Panel, Special, SIGCSE@50 and Supporter Sessions • 10:45 am - 12:00 pm

Panel Session This is What Diversity Looks Like: Making CS Curriculum Culturally Relevant for Spanish-speaking Communities Room: Hyatt Greenway F/G Joseph Carroll-Miranda, University of Puerto Rico; Patricia Ordóñez, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras; Edusmildo Orozco, Milagros Bravo, Michelle Borrero, Luis Lopez, Gerriann Houser, Eliud Gerena, University of Puerto Rico; Dale Reed, The University of Chicago; Brenda Santiago, Agustin Corchado, Andreshka Santana, University of Puerto Rico

Panel Session Civic Engagement Across the Computing Curriculum Room: Hyatt Greenway H/I Mark Goadrich, Hendrix College; Michael Goldweber, Xavier University; Matthew Jadud, Bates College; S. Monisha Pulimood, The College of New Jersey; Samuel A. Rebelsky, Grinnell College Panel Session Four Models for Including Community Colleges in Broadening Participation: A Call to Action Room: Hyatt Northstar B Amardeep Kahlon, Austin Community College; Deborah Boisvert, University of Massachusetts ; Louise Ann Lyon, Education, Training, and Research; Melanie Williamson, Bluegrass Community and Technical College; Wendy M. DuBow, University of Colorado Bolder Special Session Exploring our Privilege: Activities and Discussions Room: Hyatt Northstar A Miranda Parker, Georgia Tech; Jason T. Black, Florida A&M University; Helen H. Hu, Westminster College; Colleen M. Lewis, Harvey Mudd College Special Session A Discussion of Research Practice Partnerships in CS Education Room: Hyatt Regency Leigh Ann DeLyser, Joshua Elder, CSforALL; Alan Peterfreund, Stacey Sexton, Sagefox Consulting Group

SIGCSE@50: Equity Going Beyond the Platitudes of Equity: Developing a Shared Vision for Equity in Computer Science Education Room: Hyatt Great Lakes A1 & A2 Jean Ryoo, University of California; Los Angeles; Gail Chapman, Exploring Computer Science; Julie Flapan, University of California, Los Angeles; Joanna Goode, University of Oregon; Jane Margolis, University of California, Los Angeles; Christine Ong, CRESST; Cynthia Estrada, University of California, Los Angeles; Max Skorodinsky, University of Oregon; Tiera Tanksley, University of California, Los Angeles; Jamika D. Burge, black computHER; Ryoko Yamaguchi, Plus Alpha Research; Frieda McAlear, Allison Scott, Alexis Martin, Sonia Koshy, Kapor Center; Kamau Bobb, Lien Diaz, Georgia Tech

Intel Jump Start Parallel Programming Education in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and More Supporter Session (See page 47 for abstract) Henry Gabb, Intel Corporation Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A

Vocareum Delivering Cutting Edge Compute Resources to the Classroom - Jupyter, Clusters, Container Supporter Session Networks, & More (See page 48 for abstract) Sanjay Srivastava, Vocareum Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B

Friday Afternoon Events • 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm Lunch (on your own) 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm International Committee Lunch Room: Millennium Loring 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm SIGCSE Volunteer/Conference Info Room: Hyatt Northstar A

30 SIGCSE 2019 Friday, March 1

Paper Sessions • 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm PAPER SESSIONS 1:45 PM 2:10 PM 2:35 PM Professional Tools & 4 Interactive Peer-Led Code Static Analyses in Python Using GitHub in the Classroom Practice Reviews In CS2 Curricula Programming Courses Predicts Student Learning Outcomes and Classroom Chair: Roberto Hoyle, Oberlin Ryan Rybarczyk, Butler University; David Liu, University of Toronto; Experiences: Findings from a College Lingma Acheson, Indiana Andrew Petersen, University of University-Purdue University Toronto Mississauga Survey of Students and Room: Teachers Hyatt Greenway A Courtney Hsing, Vanessa Gennarelli, GitHub Education Student Success 4 Early Programming Education The Academic Enhancement Speed and Studying: Chair: Craig Zilles, University and Career Orientation: Program: Assessing Programs Gendered Pathways to of Illinois at The Effects of Gender, Designed to Support Student Success Urbana-Champaign Self-Efficacy, Motivation and Success Iman YeckehZaare, Paul Resnick, Stereotypes Diana R. Cukierman, Donna University of Michigan Room: Efthimia Aivaloglou, Open McGee Thompson, Wayne Sun, Hyatt Greenway J University of the Netherlands; Simon Fraser University Felienne Hermans, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science

Instruments 2 4 An Item Response Theory A Gap Analysis of Electronic Textiles in Computer Science Education: Chair: Emily Lovell, Berea Evaluation of a Language- Noncognitive Constructs in College Independent CS1 Knowledge Evaluation Instruments A Synthesis of Efforts to Assessment Designed for Computing Broaden Participation, Room: Benjamin Xie, Matthew J. Education Increase Interest, and Deepen Hyatt Greenway B/C Davidson, Min Li, Andrew J. Ko, Monica M. McGill, Knox College; Learning University of Washington Adrienne Decker, University at Gayithri Jayathirtha, Yasmin B. Buffalo; Tom McKlin, The Findings Kafai; University of Pennsylvania Group; Kathy Haynie, Haynie Research and Evaluation Security 1 4 Evaluation of Peer Instruction From Midshipmen to Cyber Topological Scoring of Concept Maps for Chair: Sotirios Kentros, Salem for Cybersecurity Education Pros: Training Minority Naval State University Pranita Deshpande, University of Reserve Officer Training Corp Cybersecurity Education New Orleans; Cynthia B. Lee, Students for Cybersecurity Pranita Deshpande, University Room: Stanford University; Irfan Ahmed, Naja A. Mac, University of Florida; of New Orleans; Irfan Ahmed, Hyatt Greenway D/E Virginia Commonwealth University Kevin Womack, Morehouse Virginia Commonwealth College; Earl W. Huff Jr., Clemson University University

Misconceptions 4 Automated Critique of Early A K-8 Debugging Learning Learning to use Functions: The Relationship Between Chair: Stephen H. Edwards, Programming Antipatterns Trajectory Derived from Virginia Tech Leo C. Ureel II, Charles Wallace, Research Literature Misconceptions and Self- Michigan Technological University Kathryn M. Rich, Michigan State Efficacy Room: University; Carla Strickland; Maria Kallia, Sue Sentance, Millennium Grand North University of Chicago STEM King’s College London Education; T. Andrew Binkowski, Diana Franklin, The University of Chicago 31 Friday, March 1

Paper Sessions • 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm PAPER SESSIONS 1:45 PM 2:10 PM 2:35 PM

Accessibility 4 Educational Experiences of 1st BEST PAPER Accessible AST-Based Programming for Visually- Chair: N. Burçin Tamer, Blind Programmers Experience Reports Computing Research Catherine M. Baker, Creighton and Tools Impaired Programmers Association University; Cynthia L. Bennett, Emmanuel Schanzer, Bootstrap/ University of Washington; Computer Science Principles Brown University; Sina Bahram, Room: Richard E. Ladner, University of for Teachers of Blind and Prime Access Consulting; Millennium Grand South Washington Visually Impaired Students Shriram Krishnamurthi, Brown Andreas Stefik, University of University Nevada, Las Vegas; Richard E. Ladner, University of Washington; William Allee, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Sean Mealin, North Carolina State University

Curriculum Issues 2 4 From Clusters to Content: Applying Machine Learning to The Relationship Between Prerequisite Proficiency and Chair: Afonso Sales, PUCRS, Using Code Clustering for Improve Curriculum Design School of Technology Course Improvement Robert Ball, Linda Duhadway, Student Performance in an David A. Joyner, Ryan Arrison, Kyle Feuz, Joshua Jensen, Upper-Division Computing Room: Mehnaz Ruksana, Evi Salguero, Brian Rague, Drew Weidman, Course Millennium Grand Central Zida Wang, Ben Wellington, Weber State University Sander Valstar, William G. Kevin Yin, Georgia Institute of Griswold, Leo Porter, University Technology of California, San Diego

Sister Session: 4 The Charles Babbage Archives in STEM Education The SIGCSE Story – Getting Incorporating History in Institute: An Overview of its Amanda Wick, Charles Babbage the Scoop STEM Education Resources for CS Education Institute and University of Barbara Boucher Owens, Jeffrey R. Yost, Charles Minnesota Southwestern University; Room: Babbage Institute and University Vicki Almstrum, Texas State Hyatt Lake Bemidji of Minnesota University

Panel & Special Sessions • 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm

Panel Session Wrestling with Retention in the CS Major: Report from the ACM Retention Committee Alison Derbenwick Miller, Oracle; Christine Alvarado, University of California, San Diego; Mehran Sahami, Room: Hyatt Northstar B Stanford University; Elsa Villa, University of Texas at El Paso; Stuart Zweben, The Ohio State University Panel Session Why and How to Spend a Sabbatical in Industry Room: Hyatt Regency Ryan McFall, Hope College; Zachary Kurmas, Grand Valley State University; Phillip T. Conrad, University of California, Santa Barbara; Dennis Frailey, Raytheon Company (Retired), University of Texas at Arlington

Special Session ACM Code of Ethics: Looking Back and Forging Ahead Marty J. Wolf, Bemidji State University; Don Gotterbarn, East Tennessee State University; Michael S. Kirkpatrick, Room: Hyatt Greenway F/G James Madison University

Panel Session Computing Curricula 2020: Introduction and Community Engagement Room: Hyatt Greenway H/I Alison Clear, Eastern Institute of Technology; Allen S. Parrish, Mississippi State University; John Impagliazzo, Hofstra University; Ming Zhang, Peking University Special Session Leading Conversations about Microaggressions, Bias, and Other Difficult Topics Room: Hyatt Northstar A Colleen M. Lewis, Harvey Mudd College; Wendy M. DuBow, University of Colorado Boulder; Kyla McMullen, University of Florida

32 SIGCSE 2019 Friday, March 1

SIGCSE@50 and Supporter Sessions • 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm

SIGCSE@50: CS0 1:45 pm - 2:10 pm Chair: Leigh Ann DeLyser, Punch Cards to Python: A Case Study of a CS0 Core Course CSforALL Thomas Babbitt, Charles Schooler, Kyle King, United States Military Academy Room: 2:10 pm - 3:00 pm Hyatt Great Lakes A1 & A2 Discussion Victoria Eisele, Front Range Community College; Daniel D. Garcia, University of California, Berkley; Henry M. Walker, Grinnell College

Microsoft Microsoft MakeCode Arcade (See page 48 for abstract) Supporter Session Jacqueline Russell, Microsoft Corporation Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A

CODIO A Powerful, Flexible Platform for Instructors to Deliver and Assess Student Learning Experiences Supporter Session (See page 48 for abstract) Elise Deitrick, Codio Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B

Break, Exhibits & NSF Showcase • 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm

3:00 pm - 3:45 pm Break & Exhibits Room: Hyatt Exhibit Hall NSF Showcase #4 (See page 58 for complete listing of NSF Showcases)

Demo Session • 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm Demo Session #4: Room: Hyatt Exhibit Hall Chairs: Lina Battestilli, North Carolina State University; Peter-Michael Osera, Grinnell College Code Defenders: A Mutation Testing Game Gordon Fraser, University of Passau An Interactive, Graphical Simulator for Teaching Operating Systems Joshua W. Buck, Saverio Perugini, University of Dayton

Poster Session • 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Poster Session #2 (See pages 53-56 for complete listing Posters) Room: Hyatt Exhibit Hall Chairs: Laurence D. Merkle, Air Force Institute of Technology; S. Monisha Pulimood, The College of New Jersey

Paper Sessions • 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm PAPER SESSIONS 3:45 PM 4:10 PM 4:35 PM Physical Computing 4 Designing a Middle School One Size Fits All: Designing CS0: Introducing Computing with Raspberry Pis Chair: Barbara Anthony, Science Curriculum That for Socialization in Physical Southwestern University Integrates Computational Computing Brian Krupp, Andrew Watkins, Thinking and Sensor Gabriella Anton, Uri Wilensky, Baldwin Wallace University Room: Technology Northwestern University Hyatt Greenway A Alexandra Gendreau Chakarov, University of Colorado Boulder; Mimi Recker, Utah State University; Jennifer Jacobs, Katie Van Horne, Tamara Sumner, University of Colorado Boulder 33 Friday, March 1

Paper Sessions • 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm PAPER SESSIONS 3:45 PM 4:10 PM 4:35 PM Professional Skills 4 Usage of Hints on A Collaborative Practicum Understanding CS Undergraduate Students’ Chair: Victoria Hong, Coding-Based Summative Targeting Communication St. Joseph’s College Assessments Skills for Computer Science Professional Development Jennifer K. Olsen, École Researchers through the Lens of Internship Room: Polytechnique Fédérale de Lori Pollock, University of Delaware Experiences Hyatt Greenway J Lausanne; Armando Fox; Amanpreet Kapoor, Christina University of California, Berkeley Gardner-McCune, University of Florida Attitudinal 4 Assessing the Attitudes Are You Game?: Assessing Factors That Influence Students’ Motivation and Chair: Bob Edmison, Virginia Towards Computing Scale: Students’ Perception of Tech A Survey Validation Study Learning, Instructors’ Perception of Studying Dana Wanzer, Tom McKlin, The Perspective, and Learning Computer Science Room: Findings Group; Doug Edwards, Attitude Merilin Säde, Reelika Suviste, Hyatt Greenway B/C Jason Freeman, Brian Magerko, Hadi Hosseini, Laurel Perweiler, Piret Luik, Eno Tõnisson, Georgia Institute of Technology Rochester Institute of Technology Marina Lepp, University of Tartu

Security 2 4 Introducing Practical SHA-1 Teaching Cybersecurity with Fakesbook: A Social Networking platform for Chair: Carlos Cabrera, Collisions to the Classroom Networked Robots Miami Dade College Monique Mezher, Ahmed Ibrahim, Ákos Lédeczi, Miklós Maróti, Teaching Security and Privacy University of Virginia Hamid Zare, Bernard Yett, Nicole Concepts to Secondary Room: Hutchins, Brian Broll, Péter School Students Hyatt Greenway D/E Völgyesi, Michael B. Smith, Maximilian Zinkus, Oliver Curry, Timothy Darrah, Mary Metelko, Marina Moore, Zachary Peterson, Xenofon Koutsoukos, Gautam Zoë J. Wood, California Biswas, Vanderbilt University Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Computational 4 Primary School Teachers’ PRADA: A Practical Model for Computational Thinking in Thinking 2 Conceptions of Integrating Computational the Danish High School: Computational Thinking Thinking in K-12 Education Learning Coding, Modeling, Chair: Meg Ray, Cornell Tech Megean Garvin, University of Yihuan Dong, Veronica Catete, and Content Knowledge Room: Maryland, Baltimore County; North Carolina State University; with NetLogo Millennium Grand North Heather Killen, Jandelyn Plane, Robin Jocius, The Citadel; Line Have Musaeus, Peter David Weintrop, University of Nicholas Lytle, Tiffany Barnes, Musaeus, Aarhus University Maryland, College Park North Carolina State University; Jennifer Albert, Deepti Joshi, Richard Robinson, Ashley Andrews, The Citadel

WatDFS: A Project for Computer Organization and Systems 4 3rd BEST PAPER Understanding Distributed Design Course with FPGA Chair: Gursimran S. Walia, Experience Reports Systems in the Cloud North Dakota State University and Tools Undergraduate Curriculum Ke Zhang, Yisong Chang, MIngyu Room: Michael Abebe, Brad Chen, Yungang Bao, Zhiwei Xu, Visualizing Classic Millennium Grand South Glasbergen, Khuzaima Daudjee, State Key Laboratory of Computer Synchronization Problems: University of Waterloo Architecture, ICT, CAS; University Dining Philosophers, of Chinese Academy of Sciences Producers-Consumers, and Readers-Writers Joel C. Adams, Elizabeth R. Koning, Calvin College; Christiaan D. Hazlett, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

34 SIGCSE 2019 Friday, March 1

Paper Sessions • 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm PAPER SESSIONS 3:45 PM 4:10 PM 4:35 PM CS1 2 4 Up or Down? An Insight Into Can You Teach Me To Machine Self-paced Mastery Learning Learn?: An Exploration of CS1 Chair: Ria Galanos, Thomas Programmer’s Acquisition of Pedagogical Content Jefferson High School for Iteration Skills Jennifer Campbell, University Knowledge for Teaching Science & Technology Cruz Izu, Cheryl Pope, Amali of Toronto; Andrew Petersen, Machine Learning to Non-Majors Weerasinghe, University of University of Toronto Room: Adelaide Elisabeth Sulmont, Elizabeth Mississauga; Jacqueline Smith, Millennium Grand Central Patitsas, Jeremy R. Cooperstock, University of Toronto McGill University Sister Session 4 Students’ Experience of Classroom-based Research Taking a Studio Course in TOCE #2 Participation in a Discipline – Projects for Computing Distributed Software A Longitudinal Study of Teachers: Facilitating Engineering from a Large Chair: Chris Hundhausen, Computer Science and IT Professional Learning Local Cohort to a Small Washington State University Global Cohort Engineering Students Sue Sentance, King’s College; Room: Anne-Kathrin Peters, Uppsala Jane Sinclair, University of William Billingsley, Rosemary Hyatt Lake Bemidji University Warwick, Coventry; Carl Simmons, Torbay, Peter R. Fletcher, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk; University of New England, Andrew Csizmadia, Newman Armidale; Richard N. Thomas, University, Birmingham Jim R. H. Steel, Jörn Guy Süß, The University of Queensland, St Lucia

Panel, Special, SIGCSE@50 and Supporter Sessions • 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm

Panel Session Community College Transfer Pathways Jeffrey Forbes, Duke University; Jumee Song, Siegel Family Endowment; Louise Ann Lyon, Education, Room: Hyatt Northstar B Training, and Research; Leslie Maxwell, California State University, Monterey Bay; Cindy S. Tucker, Bluegrass Community and Technical College Special Session Microteaching: Recursion, Coding Style, Creative Coding, Inheritance and Polymorphism, Loops, Room: Hyatt Northstar A and the Internet Colleen M. Lewis, Harvey Mudd College; Daniel D. Garcia, University of California, Berkeley, Helen H. Hu, Westminster College; Saber Khan, Packer Collegiate Institute & Processing Foundation; Nigamanth Sridhar, Cleveland State University; Bryan Twarek, San Francisco Unified School District; Chinma Uche, Academy of Aerospace and Engineering Special Session Curious about Student Participation in Humanitarian Open Source Software? Room: Hyatt Regency Darci Burdge, Nassau Community College; Gregory W. Hislop, Drexel University; Grant Braught, Dickinson College; Josh Dehlinger, Towson University; Christian Murphy, University of Pennsylvania; Joanna Klukowska, Courant Institute, NYU; Lynn Lambert, Christopher Newport University; Patricia Ordóñez, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras; Karl R. Wurst, Worcester State University

SIGCSE@50: Broadening 3:45 pm - 4:10 pm Participation “You Don’t Have to Be a White Male That Was Learning How to Program Since He Was Five:” Chair: Alison Derbenwick Computer Use and Interest From Childhood to a Computing Degree Miller, Oracle Mathilde Collain, Deborah Trytten, University of Oklahoma Room: 4:10 pm - 5:00 pm Hyatt Great Lakes A1 & A2 Discussion Owen Astrachan, Duke University; Lecia Barker, University of Colorado Boulder; Barbara Ericson, University of Michigan

GitHub ## CS50’s GitHub-Based Tools for Teaching and Learning (See page 48 for abstract) Supporter Session David J. Malan, Brian Yu, Kareem Zidane, Harvard University; Chad Sharp, Michigan University, Vanessa Gennarelli, GitHub Education Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B 35 Friday, March 1

ACM Student Research Competition • 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm

3:45 pm - 5:00 pm ACM Student Research Competition - Undergraduate: Final Round (See page 59 for complete ACM Room: Hyatt Greenway F/G Student Research Competition listing) Chairs: Stephen Hughes, Coe College; Jessica Schmidt, North Carolina State University 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm ACM Student Research Competition - Graduate: Final Round (See page 59 for complete ACM Room: Hyatt Greenway H/I Student Research Competition listing) Chairs: Stephen Hughes, Coe College; Jessica Schmidt, North Carolina State University

Friday Evening Events • 5:10 pm - 8:00 pm 5:10 pm - 6:00 pm SIGCSE Business Meeting Room: Hyatt Greenway A 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm CCSC Business Meeting Room: Hyatt Greenway B/C 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm NCWIT Reception Room: Hyatt Northstar Ballroom 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Community College Reception Room: Hyatt Regency

Friday Workshops • 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Workshop 301 Adopting, Integrating, and Evaluating Computational Creativity Exercises to Improve Student Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B Learning Leen-Kiat Soh, Markeya S. Peteranetz, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Workshop 302 Using Raspberry Pi as a Platform for Teaching Cybersecurity Concepts Room: Hyatt Lakeshore C Andreea Cotoranu, Li-Chiou Chen, Pace University

Workshop 303 Using Subgoal Labeling in Teaching CS1 Room: Hyatt Greenway A Briana B. Morrison, University of Nebraska Omaha; Lauren Margulieux, Georgia State University; Adrienne Decker, University at Buffalo Workshop 304 Micro:bit Magic: Engaging K-12, CS1/2, and Non-majors with IoT & Embedded Room: Hyatt Greenway B/C Bill Siever, Washington University in St. Louis; Michael P. Rogers, Northwest Missouri State University

Workshop 305 Integrating Agent-based Modeling in STEM Classes: From Blocks to Text and Back? Room: Hyatt Greenway D/E Connor Bain, Gabriella Anton, Northwestern University

Workshop 306 SciGirls Code: Creative Robotics for Tween Girls in Out of School Time Room: Hyatt Greenway J Joan Freese, Twin Cities PBS; Heather Benedict, Heather Benedict Consulting; Sarah Carter, Katie Hessen, Rita Karl, Twin Cities PBS; Karen Peterson, National Girls Collaborative; Cassandra Scharber, University of Minnesota Workshop 307 Competency-Based Education: The Future of Learning Room: Hyatt Greenway F/G Amardeep Kahlon, Ann Kennedy, Linda Smarzik, Austin Community College

Workshop 308 Playing with and Creating Practice Spaces for Equitable Teaching Room: Hyatt Greenway H/I Joshua Littenberg-Tobias, Amanda Aparicio, Justin Reich, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Workshop 309 Code Crafters Curriculum: A Textile Crafts Approach to Computer Science Ursula Wolz, Bennington College; Seoyen (Stella) Lee, Grinnell College; James Mulligan, Paulina Valdivieso, Room: Bennington College Hyatt Great Lakes A1 & A2

Workshop 310 Make and Take an Ethics Module: Ethics Across the CS Curriculum Darakhshan J. Mir, Bucknell University; Iris Howley, Williams College; Janet Davis, Whitman College; Evan Peck, Room: Hyatt Lake Bemidji Bucknell University; Deborah Tatar, Virginia Tech

For a full list of workshops and descriptions visit:

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Saturday Morning Event • 7:00 am - 8:15 am

7:00 am - 8:15 am Community College Breakfast Room: Hyatt Regency

Keynote Session 8:15 am - 9:30 am General Information Room: Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Union County College; Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, University of North Carolina at Hyatt Nicollet Grand Ballroom Charlotte CLOSING KEYNOTE: Cybersecurity is Not a Fad: Why Cyber is a Game Changer for Computer Science Education Dr. Blair Taylor, Towson University

Paper Sessions • 9:45 am - 10:35 am PAPER SESSIONS 9:45 AM 10:10 AM Professional 4 Assessing In-service Teaching Accessibility: A Development 1 Teachers’ Development of Design Exploration of Faculty Computational Thinking Professional Development at Chair: Diana Cukierman, Simon Fraser University Practices in Teacher Scale Development Courses Saba Kawas, Laura Vonessen, Room: Siu-Cheung Kong, The Education University of Washington-Seattle; Hyatt Greenway A University of Hong Kong; Andrew Andrew J. Ko, University of Chan-Chio Lao, University of Washington Macau

REU 4 Utilizing the Affinity Research Hello Research! Developing an Chair: Aarathi Prasad, Group Model in a Summer Intensive Research Experience Skidmore College Research Experience for for Undergraduate Women Undergraduates Program Suzanne Menzel, Katie A. Siek, Room: Ben Jelen, Indiana University; David Crandall, Indiana University Hyatt Greenway J Julia Dunbar, University of Washington; Susan Monsey Indiana University; Olivia K. Richards, Pennsylvania State University; Katie A. Siek, Indiana University

Expectations 4 Collaboration Versus What Do CS1 Syllabi Reveal Chair: Brian Harrington, Cheating: Reducing Code About Our Expectations of University of Toronto Plagiarism in an Online MS Introductory Programming Scarborough Computer Science Program Students? Tony Mason, Ada Gavrilovska, Brett A. Becker, Thomas Room: David A. Joyner, Georgia Institute Fitzpatrick, University College Hyatt Greenway B/C of Technology Dublin

Outreach 4 Computational Thinking Applying Self-Determination Chair: Alison Clear, Eastern Bins: Outreach and More Theory towards Motivating Institute of Technology Briana B. Morrison, Brian Dorn, Young Women in Computer Michelle Friend, University of Science Room: Nebraska Omaha Allison Mishkin, University of Hyatt Greenway D/E Oxford

38 SIGCSE 2019 Saturday, March 2

Paper Sessions • 9:45 am - 10:35 am PAPER SESSIONS 9:45 AM 10:10 AM Theory & Math 4 A Survey-based Exploration Impact of Steps, Instruction, Chair: Shannon Reckinger, of Computer Science Student and Motivation on Learning University of Illinois Chicago Perspectives on Mathematics Symbolic Reasoning Using Nikki Sigurdson, Andrew an Online Tool Room: Petersen, University of Toronto Megan Fowler, Michelle Cook, Millennium Grand North Mississauga Kevin Plis, Tim Schwab, Yu-Shan Sun, Murali Sitaraman, Clemson University; Jason O. Hallstrom, Florida Atlantic University; Joseph E. Hollingsworth, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Pair Programming 4 Hybrid Pair Programming - In Their Own Words: Gender Chair: Juan Chen, National A Promising Alternative to Differences in Student University of Defense Standard Pair Programming Perceptions of Pair Technology Hans Yuan, Yingjun Cao, Programming University of California, San Kimberly Michelle Ying, Lydia G. Room: Diego Pezzullo, Mohona Ahmed, Millennium Grand South Kassandra Crompton, Jeremiah Blanchard, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, University of Florida CSP 4 AP Computer Science An Examination of the Chair: Joshua Elder, CSforALL Principles’ Impact on the Correlation of Exploring Landscape of High School Computer Science Course Room: Computer Science using Performance and the Millennium Grand Central Maryland as a Model Development of Heather Killen, University of Programming Expertise Maryland, College Park; David Steven McGee, The Learning Weintrop, University of Maryland; Partnership; Ronald I. Greenberg, Megean Garvin, University of Loyola University; Randi McGee- Maryland, Baltimore County Tekula, Jennifer Duck, The Learning Partnership; Andrew M. Rasmussen, Lucia Dettori, Chicago Public Schools; Dale F. Reed, University of Illinois at Chicago

SIGCSE@50 & Supporter Sessions • 9:45 am - 10:35 am

SIGCSE@50: Historical 9:45 am - 10:10 am Perspectives The History of the SIGCSE Submission and Review Software: From Paper to the Cloud? Henry M. Walker, Grinnell College; John F. Dooley, Knox College Room: Hyatt Great Lakes A1 & A2 10:10 am - 10:35 am Discussion Author(s) of the Top SIGCSE Technical Symposium Paper of All Time

Gradescope by Turnitin One Platform for Paper, Online, and Programming Assignments (See page 48 for abstract) Supporter Session Ibrahim Awwal, Gradescope Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A 39 Saturday, March 2

Demos & Lightning Talks • 9:45 am - 10:35 am

9:45 am - 10:35 am Demo Session #5: Chairs: Lina Battestilli, North Carolina State University; Peter-Michael Osera, Grinnell College Room: Hyatt Greenway F/G NetsBlox and Wireless Robots Make Cybersecurity Fun Ákos Lédeczi, Hamid Zare, Gordon Stein, Vanderbilt University Room: Hyatt Greenway H/I Blocks4All: Making Blocks-Based Programming Languages Accessible for Children with Visual Impairments Lauren R. Milne, Macalester College; Richard E. Ladner, University of Washington Room: Hyatt Northstar A CodeBuddy (Collaborative Software Development Environment): In-and Out-Class Practice for Remote Pair-Programming with Monitoring Coding Students’ Progress Teerapong Leelanupab, Tiwipab Meephruek, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang

9:45 am - 10:35 am Lightning Talks #2 (See page 60 for complete listing of Lightning Talks) Room: Hyatt Lake Bemidji Chairs: Lina Battestilli, North Carolina State University; Peter-Michael Osera, Grinnell College

Break, Exhibits & NSF Showcase • 10:35 am - 11:15 am

10:35 am - 11:15 am Break & Exhibits Room: Hyatt Exhibit Hall NSF Showcase #5 (See page 58 for complete listing of NSF Showcases)

Poster Session • 10:35 am - 12:30 pm

10:35 am - 12:30 pm Poster Session #3 (See pages 53-56 for complete listing of Posters) Room: Hyatt Exhibit Hall Laurence D. Merkle, Air Force Institute of Technology; S. Monisha Pulimood, The College of New Jersey

Paper Sessions • 11:15 am - 12:30 pm PAPER SESSIONS 11:15 AM 11:40 AM 12:05 PM Professional 4 “I Impressed Myself With How Reflective Diary for Helping K-12 Teachers Get Development 2 Confident I Felt”: Reflections Professional Development of Unstuck with Scratch: on a Computer Science Novice Teachers The Design of an Online Chair: Valerie Summet, Professional Learning Rollins College Assessment for K-8 Teachers Martin Ukrop, Valdemar Švábenský, Hannah E. Chipman, Rhodes Jan Nehyba, Masaryk University Experience Room: College; Fernando J. Rodríguez, Paulina Haduong, Karen Brennan, Hyatt Greenway A Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Harvard Graduate School of University of Florida Education

Mentorship 4 Perfect Match: Facilitating A Structured Mentorship Study Partner Matching Model for Computer Science 2nd BEST PAPER Chair: Janet Davis, Whitman Curricula Initiatives College Tam Nguyen Thanh, Michael University Students in Kenya Morgan, Matthew Butler, Kim Chao Mbogo, Kenya Methodist A Flexible Curriculum for Room: Marriott, Monash University University Hyatt Greenway J Promoting Inclusion Through Peer Mentorship Heather Pon-Barry, Audrey St. John, Becky Wai-Ling Packard, Barbara Rotundo, Mount Holyoke College

40 SIGCSE 2019 Saturday, March 2

Paper Sessions • 11:15 am - 12:30 pm PAPER SESSIONS 11:15 AM 11:40 AM 12:05 PM Engagement 4 Student Engagement is Key Evaluating the Impact of Non-Programming Activities Chair: Gloria Washington, to Broadening Participation Combination of Engagement for Engagement with Howard University in CS Strategies in SEP-CyLE to Foundational Concepts in Beryl Hoffman, Elms College; Improve Student Learning of Introductory Programming Room: Ralph Morelli, Trinity College; Programming Concepts Shuchi Grover, Looking Glass Hyatt Greenway B/C Jennifer Rosato, College of St. Mourya Reddy Narasareddygari, Ventures, LLC.; Patrik Lundh, Scholastica Gursimran S. Walia, North Dakota Nicholas Jackiw, SRI International State University; Debra M. Duke, Virginia Commonwealth University; Vijayalakshmi Ramasamy, James Kiper, Miami University; Debra Lee Davis, Florida International University; Andrew A. Allen, Georgia Southern University; Hakam W. Alomari, Miami University

Access 4 A Teacher Workshop for An Analysis through an Equity Increasing Capacity for Chair: Jennifer Parham-Mocello, Introducing Computational Lens of the Implementation of Computer Science Education Oregon State University Thinking in Rural and Computer Science in K-8 in Rural Areas through a Vulnerable Environments Classrooms in a Large, Urban Large-Scale Collective Impact Room: Jocelyn Simmonds, Francisco J. School District Model Hyatt Greenway D/E Gutierrez, Cecilia Casanova, Jean Salac, Max White, Ashley Jayce R. Warner, Carol L. Fletcher, Cecilia Sotomayor, Nancy Wang, Diana Franklin, The Ryan Torbey, Lisa S. Garbrecht, Hitschfeld, University of Chile University of Chicago University of Texas at Austin

Culture & Language 4 The Role of Translanguaging A Cultural Computing Stitching the Loop with Chair: Andrew J. Ko, in Computational Literacies: Curriculum Electronic Textiles University of Washington Documenting Middle School James Davis, Rensselaer Yasmin B. Kafai, University of Bilinguals’ Practices in Polytechnic Institute; Michael Pennsylvania; Deborah A. Fields, Room: Computer Science Integrated Lachney, Michigan State Utah State University; Debora A. Millennium: Grand North Units University; Zoe Zatz, William Lui, Justice T. Walker, Mia S. Sara Vogel, The Graduate Center, Babbit, Rensselaer Polytechnic Shaw, Gayithri Jayathirtha, City University of New York; Institute; Ron Eglash, University of University of Pennsylvania; Christopher Hoadley, New York Michigan Tomoko M. Nakajima, University University; Laura Ascenzi-Moreno, of California, Los Angeles; Brooklyn College, City University Joanna Goode, University of of New York; Kate Menken, Oregon; Michael T. Giang, Queens College & The Graduate California State Polytechnic Center, CUNY University, Pomona

Inclusion 4 How Faculty Negotiate Infusing Cooperative Learning Computer Science Educators Chair: Durga Suresh-Menon, “Inclusive Educational into AP Computer Science Stack Exchange: Perceptions Wentworth Institute of Practice” in Computer Principles Courses to Promote of Equity and Gender Diversity Technology Science Engagement and Diversity in Computer Science Heather Thiry, Golden Evaluation; Jeff Gray, University of Alabama; Sukanya Kannan Moudgalya, Room: Sarah Hug, Colorado Evaluation Kathy Haynie, Haynie Research Kathryn M. Rich, Aman Yadav, Millennium Grand South & Research Consulting and Evaluation; Fran Trees, Rutgers Matthew J. Koehler, Michigan University; Owen Astrachan, Duke State University University; Chinma Uche, Academy of Aerospace and Engineering; Richard Kick, Newbury Park High School; Siobhan Cooney, Cooney Collaborative 41 Saturday, March 2

Paper Sessions • 11:15 am - 12:30 pm PAPER SESSIONS 11:15 AM 11:40 AM 12:05 PM Blocks 4 Defining Tinkering Behavior Using Rubrics Integrating Block-based Comprehension: Chair: Denise Case, Northwest in Open-ended Block-based Design and Coding to Assess Exploring and Explaining Missouri State University Programming Assignments Middle School Students’ Student Outcomes from a Yihuan Dong, Samiha Marwan, Open-ended Block-based Read-only Block-based Exam Room: Veronica Catete, Thomas W. Programming Projects David Weintrop, University of Millennium Grand Central Price, Tiffany Barnes, North Satabdi Basu, SRI International Maryland; Heather Killen, Carolina State University University of Maryland, College Park; Talal Munzar, University of Maryland; Baker Franke,

Sister Session SIGCAS: 4 Rethinking Values in the Computer and Network The Politics Behind Internet Values in Internet Security: Design of Security Security: Understanding Routing Security and Design and Governance Technologies Communities of Ethical Insecurity Research Practice Chair: Alyssa Moore, Canadian Farzaneh Badiei, Georgia Institute Bradley Fidler, Stevens Institute of Internet Registration Authority; of Technology Quinn DuPont, Megan Finn, Technology Bradley Fidler, Stevens Institute University of Washington of Technology

Room: Hyatt Lake Bemidji

Nifty Assignments • 11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Room: Hyatt Northstar A Nifty Assignments Chairs: Nick Parlante, Julie Zelenski, Stanford University 11:15 am - 11:27 am Nifty #1: Post-It Pandemonium Jeffrey L. Popyack, Drexel University 11:27 am - 11:39 am Nifty #2: Hawaiian Word Phonetic Generator Kendall Bingham, University of Missouri-Kansas City 11:39 am - 11:51 am Nifty #3: Motion Parallax Benjamin Dicken, University of Arizona 11:51 am - 12:03 pm Nifty #4: CS1/2 Assignment: Computing Gerrymandering Allison Obourn, University of Arizona 12:03 pm - 12:15 pm Nifty #5: Code Crusher Ben Stephenson, University of Calgary 12:15 pm - 12:27 pm Nifty #6: Blocky Diane Horton, David Liu, University of Toronto

Panel and Special Sessions • 11:15 am - 12:30 pm

Panel Session Making K-12 CS Education Accessibility a Norm, not an Exception Maya Israel, University of Florida; Shireen Hafeez, Deaf Kids Code; Emmanuel Schanzer, Bootstrap/Brown Room: Hyatt Regency University; Rebecca Dovi, CodeVA; Emma Koslow, Programming Pals; Todd Lash, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Special Session Women and Girls of Color in Computing: Exploring Current Trends, Emerging Opportunities, and Room: Hyatt Greenway F/G Strategies for Meaningful Impact Frieda McAlear, Allison Scott, Kapor Center; Kimberly Scott, Arizona State University; Jamika D. Burge, black computHER; Sonia Koshy, Kapor Center

Special Session Demystifying Language about Students’ Varied Identities Room: Hyatt Greenway H/I Jason T. Black, Florida A&M University; Kamau Bobb, Georgia Tech; April Browne, Butte College; Phillip T. Conrad, University of California, Santa Barbara; Colleen M. Lewis, Harvey Mudd College; Cheryl A. Swanier, Claflin University; Sheila Tejada, University of Southern California

42 SIGCSE 2019 Saturday, March 2

Lunch & Closing Ceremonies • 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch & Closing Ceremonies Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Union County College; Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, University of North Carolina at Room: Charlotte; Jian Zhang, Texas Woman’s University; Mark Sherriff, University of Virginia; Sarah Heckman, Hyatt Nicollet Grand Ballroom North Carolina State University; Alvaro Monge, California State University, Long Beach; Pamela Cutter, Kalamazoo College

Saturday Workshops • 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Workshop 401 Using and Customizing Open-Source Runestone Ebooks for Computer Science Classes Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A Barbara Ericson, Jaclyn Cohen, University of Michigan; Brad Miller, Runestone Interactive, LLC

Workshop 402 To Dissemination... And Beyond!: Building Better Propagation Plans for Computer Science Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B Education Innovations Christopher Lynnly Hovey, University of Colorado Boulder; Cynthia Taylor, Oberlin College; Heather Bort, Marquette University; David P. Bunde, Knox College; Zack Butler, Rochester Institute of Technology

Workshop 403 Architecting Serverless Microservices on the Cloud with AWS Room: Hyatt Lakeshore C Ariel Ortiz, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México

Workshop 404 NSF Interactive Discussion: Computer Science Undergraduate Education in 2026 and Beyond Room: Hyatt Greenway A Stephanie E. August, National Science Foundation & Loyola Marymount University; Alexandra Medina-Borja, Mark Pauley, Michael M. Rook, National Science Foundation

Workshop 405 CyberPaths: Cyber Security Labs for Liberal Arts Institutions Using the NSF Global Environment Room: Hyatt Greenway B/C for Network Innovations (GENI) Xenia Mountrouidou, College of Charleston; Vicraj Thomas, Architecture Technology Corporation

Workshop 406 Modernizing Early CS Courses with Parallel and Distributed Computing Room: Hyatt Greenway D/E Sushil Prasad, Georgia State University; Sheikh Ghafoor, Tennessee Technical University; Charles Weems, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Alan Sussman, University of Maryland

Workshop 407 An Afternoon with an AP Computer Science A Exam Reader Room: Hyatt Greenway J Ria Galanos, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology; Timothy Gallagher, Winter Springs High School; Briana B. Morrison, University of Nebraska Omaha

Workshop 408 Interactive Programming Environments for Teachers and Students David J. Malan, Doug Lloyd, Kareem Zidane, Harvard University Room: Hyatt Greenway H/I

Workshop 409 Big Data Analytics with Spark Mark C. Lewis, Trinity University Room: Hyatt Greenway F/G

Workshop 410 Booting Into AI: Startup Instructions for Teaching Artificial Intelligence Brian K. Hare, University of Missouri-Kansas City; David Heise, Lincoln University of Missouri Room: Hyatt Northstar A

For a full list of workshops and descriptions visit: 43 HOMEWORK PROGRAM AUTO-CHECKING MADE EASY ••• REAL EASY

1 Assemble your ingredients: • provide instructions for students Write a program that ... • supply at least one solution 2 Pour Into CodeLab: import*; ... copy-paste into a web form • specify the input for at least one test case 4 87.5 69.0 98.5 78.0

That's it! There's no step 3 – 3 CodeLab does the rest.

An ON-LINE, AUTO-CHECKED Homework Program: • Command-line interface specs automatically generated • Easy to understand feedback diagnostics for students • Gradebook and LMS (Canvas, Moodle) integration • Plagiarism checking • Support for instructor comments, including scoring and communication with students

For More Details:! Come to our supporter session, Thursday 1:45pm, Room: Lakeshore A OR! Drop by our booth (329) OR! Email: [email protected]

Turing's Craft, the company behind CodeLab and MyProgrammingLab – offers hundreds of online, instant feedback coding exercises in each of Java, C++, C, C#, VB, Javascript, Python. To date, over 140 million student code submissions have been checked. With plagiarism checking, LMS integrations, easier-than-ever customization tools, and an attractive introductory adoption discount, there's never been a better time for trying us out ( Supporter Sessions

Wednesday, February 27 usage of the machines. Students go to a single place to access all the virtual machines they are given across multiple labs, and Presented courtesy of Google connect from there to do day-to-day work, short-term projects, or classroom exercises. Integrating Cloud Computing into the Computer We will provide live demos and open the room for discussions. Science Curriculum: Beginner Level u 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Presented courtesy of Google u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A Cloud computing makes a wide variety of computing resources Content, Curricula, and Career Readiness: New available to every student. In this workshop, faculty will have the Offerings from Google opportunity to get hands-on experience with a variety of cloud technologies, from Infrastructure as a Service launching a Virtual u 10:45 am - 12:00 pm Machine in the cloud to Software as a Service, using pre-trained u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B Machine Learning Models. Participants will have the opportunity Presenters: Karen Gheno, Emily Kemp, Chris Stephenson, Google to discuss how these can be used in classes. No previous cloud This session focuses on three free Google resources to address experience is assumed. This workshop will be coordinated with challenges CS faculty and departments are facing. Attendees will the Experienced-level workshop so participants can move to it if learn about programs and opportunities including Applied those sessions are more appropriate for their needs. Examples Computing Science: our on-campus introductory computer and will be drawn from a variety of courses. data science courses and a 10-week immersive machine learning Presented courtesy of Google summer program. We will share information on Google’s AI-First mission, providing a holistic overview of our strategy to Integrating Cloud Computing into the Computer democratize machine learning education for tech and non-tech Science Curriculum: Advanced Topics audiences, and in multiple formats to meet different learning needs. And, we’ll describe V3.0 of the Guide for Student u 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Technical Development, including new content on Machine u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B Learning and Computing in the Cloud. And as always, we hope you will come and meet with Googlers and share with us how we Cloud computing makes a wide variety of computing resources can better help you and your students. available to every student. In this workshop, faculty will have the opportunity to get hands-on experience with a variety of cloud technologies, from Infrastructure as a Service launching a Virtual Presented courtesy of Turing’s Craft, Inc. Machine in the cloud to Software as a Service, using pre-trained Machine Learning Models. Participants will have the opportunity Customized Auto-Grading and Homework Project to discuss how these can be used in classes. This workshop will Management with CodeLab be coordinated with the Intro-level workshop so participants can move to it if those sessions are more appropriate for their needs. u 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm Examples will be drawn from a variety of courses. u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A Presenter: David Arnow, Brooklyn College CodeLab is an online, automated, interactive learning tool for Thursday, February 28 students in programming courses. The CodeLab service provides hundreds of very short, focused coding exercises that help Presented courtesy of Microsoft students gain mastery over the syntax, semantics and common usage patterns of language constructs and programming ideas. Create Classroom Labs in the Cloud Code submissions for each exercise are automatically checked u 10:45 am - 12:00 pm for correctness and students are given relevant hints in case of u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A incorrect code. Presenter: Ji Eun Kwon, Microsoft Corporation Building on this platform, Turing’s Craft has introduced a highly Hands-on learning is often the best teacher, especially for computer flexible, comprehensive, easy-to use system that allows faculty to science students who need exposure to various systems and create their own auto-graded homework programming projects, software. Come join this interactive session to learn how easy it is with support for individualized grading and student-instructor to create classroom labs in Azure. Azure Lab Services is a service communication. It’s easier than ever for instructors to build, that enables educators to easily create labs of virtual machines in assign, establish due dates for, and optionally review any Azure, without having to master the complexities of setting up programming assignment. Projects may vary from fragments of cloud infrastructure. code to full programs that involve both interactive and file i/o. As educators, you can specify the exact machine setup you want This session completely illustrates the process of creating, to roll out to your students. You can spin up/tear down classroom deploying, and grading homework projects. labs on demand. Minimize costs by monitoring and controlling the 45 Supporter Sessions

Thursday, February 28 Presented courtesy of Google Presented courtesy of GitHub Teaching with the Cloud # Get to Near-total Automation with GitHub: Teacher u 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm Stories u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B u 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm Presenter: Laurie White, Google u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B Cloud computing makes many different resources available to Presenters: Dan Wallach, Rice University; Paul Salvador students in a variety of courses. Learn from professors who use Inventado, California State University Fullerton; Vanessa Gennarelli, cloud tools to support their courses in programs from community GitHub Education colleges to PhD programs in both cloud-specific courses and as part of other subject areas. This session will also include a brief Dan Wallach was looking for a scalable, reliable solution for his overview of the Google Cloud Platform Education and Research course: In 2015 the peak loads from his students’ work crashed Grants program which makes Google’s cloud resources free for their campus Subversion server, forcing them to extend their higher education classroom use in the US, Canada, and deadlines and ultimately run a private server, requiring significant numerous countries around the world. assistance from Rice’s IT group. So he tried GitHub Classroom in 2017, and now uses for his 200-level course at Rice University. Presented courtesy of ABET Paul Salvador Inventado has 60 - 120 students per semester at California State University, Fullerton, and that’s a lot of checking. Computer Science Accreditation - What You Should Inventado combines the use of a unit-testing framework with GitHub Classroom to automate the automatables: problem Know assignment, feedback, and checking. His research focuses on u 5:30 pm - 6:20 pm problem set generation, unit-testing, and machine learning. He is u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A also a certified GitHub Campus Advisor. Presenters: John K. Estell, Ohio Northern University; David S. Gibson, United States Air Force Academy; Rajendra Raj, Presented courtesy of zyBooks Rochester Institute of Technology This session will describe ABET’s recently updated program Is Your CS Course Too Complex? How Are You evaluation criteria for computer science and related programs. Handling Growth? Attendees from currently accredited programs will learn about u 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm significant changes to ABET’s program evaluation criteria u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A impacting computer science program reviews conducted in the 2019-2020 academic year and beyond. Attendees from Presenters: Smita Bakshi, zyBooks; Frank Vahid, zybooks/ institutions considering program accreditation will learn about the University of California, Riverside; Roman Lysecky, zyBooks/ value of ABET accreditation to schools, students, and employers. University of Arizona; Alex Edgcomb, zyBooks/University of California Riverside. ABET’s updated computing criteria reflects recent developments “Programming is hard, but all the logins are harder” -- Said by a in computing disciplines as reflected in ACM and IEEE Computer UCR student Society curriculum guidelines, including the Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Programs in Computer Science (CS2013). Instructors often don’t realize how complex CS courses have While focusing on criteria specific to computer science programs, become (“feature creep”). zyBooks provide an outstanding we will also touch on the changes affecting all computing interactive textbook, auto-grading homework system, and programs in general. We also will offer advice on transitioning program auto-grader, all seamlessly integrated into ONE platform from ABET’s current criteria to its new criteria for programs (with only one login -- or none via LMS integration). That’s a key seeking reaccreditation in the next few years. reason nearly all faculty come back, and why students ask to access our zyBooks even if their professor is using a different book. We’ll show how our comprehensive solution leads to smooth courses that students love -- even if hard. “I enjoy grading programs” -- Said by nobody CS is experiencing explosive growth, which pushes our grading resources to the limit. Auto-grading saves huge amounts of time. Students get more practice and immediate feedback, so they can improve quickly. We’ve learned how to do auto-grading even better, like with automated hints in homework problems, or using many small programs in CS1. We’ll show how easy it is to create auto-graded programming assignments, and tell you about our large set of zyBooks-maintained labs -- so you can focus on the parts of teaching you really enjoy.

46 SIGCSE 2019 Supporter Sessions

Thursday, February 28 Friday, March 1 Presented courtesy of Mimir Presented courtesy of INTEL

How FLCC Uses Mimir Classroom and OER to Jump Start Parallel Programming Education in Data Improve Course Outcomes Science, Artificial Intelligence and More u 5:30 pm - 6:20 pm u 10:45 am - 12:00 pm u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A Presenters: Prahasith Veluvolu, Mimir; Dave Ghidiu, Finger Lakes Presenter: Henry Gabb, INTEL Community College Henry Gabb is a senior principal engineer at Intel Corporation. Assistant Professor of Computing Sciences, Dave Ghidiu of Finger Among other things, he is the editor of The Parallel Universe, Lakes Community College (FLCC), has been using Mimir Intel’s quarterly magazine for software innovation. Henry first Classroom to automate grading, reduce plagiarism, and efficiently joined Intel in 2000 to help drive parallel computing inside and teach computer science. Ghidiu also pairs open educational outside the company. Prior to joining Intel, Henry was Director of resources (OER) with Mimir Classroom to improve course Scientific Computing at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and outcomes. Since 2014, thousands of students, like Ghidiu, have Development Center MSRC, a Department of Defense been using the platform at more than 75 universities and have high-performance computing facility. Henry holds a BS in seen an 11% boost on average in final exam scores. biochemistry from Louisiana State University, an MS in medical informatics from the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine, To open this session, CEO Prahasith Veluvolu will explain how and a PhD in molecular genetics from the University of Alabama at Mimir is helping instructors, like Ghidiu, meet class size demand Birmingham School of Medicine. He has published extensively in while offering free, pre-loaded curriculum through Mimir Class- computational life science and high-performance computing. room. Ghidiu will elaborate on his user experience, the 3-minute Henry recently rejoined Intel after spending four years working on average response time he receives from support, and how he a second PhD in information science at the University of Illinois at utilizes 40 languages, frameworks, and databases to teach his Urbana-Champaign. students. Veluvolu will highlight features in Mimir Classroom that have helped universities like Northern Kentucky University, Solving the biggest challenges in science, industry and society Quinnipiac University, and Michigan State University optimize their requires dramatic increases in computing efficiency. Today’s courses. applications must be parallelized to unlock the benefits of current and future hardware with the use of key software enablement Learn more about Mimir Classroom before the conference by tools. In this session, we will share resources that address visiting educating the next generation of programmers, researchers, scientist, etc. through providing attendees with information Presented courtesy of IBM focused on the different Intel architectures, programming models, algorithms, etc. Including, the sharing of resources for accessing Shortcuts for Keeping Your CS Curriculum Current various hardware, free software licenses offered to educators and students, educational content for teaching Parallel Programming, u 6:30 pm - 7:20 pm Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (machine and deep u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A learning). By the end of this session, attendees will receive training Presenters: Misty Decker, Valinda Kennedy, IBM materials for K-12 STEM initiatives, academic curriculum CS Technology changes so fast, it’s impossible to keep your (undergraduate and graduate levels), and scientific research using curriculum current with technologies such as: - Artificial Intelli- real case study examples for hands-on experiments. gence - Data Science - Blockchain - Cloud - Cybersecurity - Open Source technologies Did you know that companies like IBM need to educate our clients on these new technologies and you can use many of the same resources in your classroom free of charge? Join us for a tour of the wide variety of resources available including Course Materials, Open Badges, Case Studies and Cloud Resources. Bonus: You’ll find many of our courses are also useful for educators looking to upgrade their own skills and earn official credentials. Bring your phone or your laptop so you can easily save links to your favorite materials. 47 Supporter Sessions

Friday, March 1 Presented courtesy of GitHub

Presented courtesy of Vocareum ## CS50’s GitHub-Based Tools for Teaching and Learning Delivering Cutting Edge Compute Resources to the Classroom - Jupyter, Clusters, Container Networks, u 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm & More u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B u 10:45 am - 12:00 pm Presenters: David J. Malan, Brian Yu, Kareem Zidane, Harvard u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B University; Chad Sharp, Michigan University; Vanessa Gennarelli, GitHub Education Presenter: Sanjay Srivastava, Vocareum CS50 at Harvard has developed a suite of GitHub-based tools In this session, we will discuss (1) the growing variety of compute to help students with the writing, testing, and submitting of resources needed to support courses in programming, machine programs. Among them are: check50, a Python-based API for learning, data science, engineering and IT; (2) how top universities functional testing of programs (themselves written in any are using Vocareum to configure and deploy interactive computing language); submit50, a command-line tool that submits students’ (Jupyter, RStudio), cluster computing, distributed databases, work via Git and prepares it for web-based commenting; and container networks, and cloud infrastructure; and (3) how CS50 Lab, a web app that enables teachers to create step-by- Vocareum cloud learning labs tightly integrate compute, storage, step programming lessons, providing incremental feedback at LMS and cost management to provide students with an optimized each step. Learn more in this session about each of these tools learning experience. and how you can use them (for free!) in your own courses.

Presented courtesy of Microsoft Saturday, March 2

Microsoft MakeCode Arcade Presented courtesy of Gradescope by Turnitin u 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A One Platform for Paper, Online, and Programming Presenter: Jacqueline Russell, Microsoft Corporation Assignments Come join us to learn about the new Microsoft MakeCode Arcade u 9:45 am - 10:35 am platform - a 2D game development environment entirely online u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore A and free. In this workshop, attendees can expect to get hands-on Presenter: Ibrahim Awwal, Gradescope creating simple sprite-based games using Microsoft MakeCode, download their games to hardware, and get access to open- Gradescope is a single place for grading paper-based exams, source curriculum and resources they can use in the classroom. programming projects, and online assignments. You will learn No prior experience required. how to use our rubric-based grading interface to grade your exams and homework, faster, without compromising on quality. Additionally, you will see how to build your own autograders to Presented courtesy of CODIO automatically grade programming projects, in any language, at scale. We will also show our new feature this year, where we Codio: A Powerful, Flexible Platform for Instructors to automatically run an updated version of MOSS on your students’ Deliver and Assess Student Learning Experiences code. u 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm u Room: Hyatt Lakeshore B Presenter: Elise Deitrick, Codio Codio introduces their newest pedagogical tools built-in to the platform, including quality content, an auto-graded assessment library mapped to learning objectives, and the ability to customize student learning experiences. All of these features are on top of a platform designed to scale: (1) LMS integration including support for courses run on MOOC platforms such as edX or Coursera, (2) cloud-based IDEs/boxes the instructor configures, (3) integrated content-delivery to allow a variety of pedagogical approaches from blended/flipped to self-paced learning, (4) multi-modal content and assessment delivery, and (5) free support, including access to trained computer science professionals.

48 SIGCSE 2019 The MIT Press

Introduction to Deep Reinforcement Learning Foundations of Machine Robotics Through Learning An Introduction Learning Science Fiction Eugene Charniak Second Edition Mehryar Mohri, Artificial Intelligence Explained A project-based guide to the basics Richard S. Sutton Afshin Rostamizadeh, and Through Six Classic Robot Short of deep learning. and Andrew G. Barto Ameet Talwalkar Stories $35.00 | £27.00 | cloth The significantly expanded and up- Fundamental topics in machine learn- edited by Robin R. Murphy dated new edition of a widely used text ing are presented along with theoretical Six classic science fiction stories and on reinforcement learning, one of the and conceptual tools for the discussion commentary that illustrate and explain Model Checking most active research areas in artificial and proof of algorithms. key algorithms or principles of artificial Second Edition intelligence. $85.00 | £66.00 | cloth intelligence. Edmund M Clarke, Jr., $80.00 | £62.00 | cloth $25.00 | £20.00 | paper Orna Grumberg, Daniel Kroening, The Little Typer Doron Peled, and Helmut Veith Mathematics of Big Data Daniel P. Friedman and David Urban Computing An expanded and updated edition of Spreadsheets, Databases, Matrices, Thrane Christiansen a comprehensive presentation of the Yu Zheng theory and practice of model checking, and Graphs Illustrations by Duane Bibby An authoritative treatment of urban a technology that automates the Jeremy Kepner Foreword by Robert Harper computing, offering an overview of analysis of complex systems. and Hayden Jananthan Afterward by Conor McBride the field, fundamental techniques, ad- $75.00 | £58.00 | cloth foreword by Charles E. Leiserson An introduction to dependent types, vanced models, and novel applications. The first book to present the common demonstrating the most beautiful $85.00 | £66.00 | cloth mathematical foundations of big data aspects, one step at a time. Decision Making Under analysis across a range of applications $38.00 | £30.00 | paper Uncertainty and technologies. Essential Logic for Theory and Application $80.00 | £62.00 | cloth Computer Science Mykel J. Kochenderfer Rex Page and Ruben Gamboa An introduction to decision making An introduction to applying predicate under uncertainty from a compu- logic to testing and verification of soft- tational perspective, covering both ware and digital circuits that focuses on theory and applications ranging from applications rather than theory. speech recognition to airborne collision $50.00 | £40.00 | cloth avoidance. $78.00 | £60.00 | cloth Visit our booth to receive 30% off Supporter Sessions Birds of a Feather

Flock A: Thursday, February 28 A Town Meeting: SIGCSE Committee on Expanding the Women-in-Computing Community 5:30 pm - 6:20 pm Room Hyatt Regency Chairs: Paula Gabbert, Furman University; Wendy Powley, Queen’s Mary Anne Egan, Siena College University; Gloria Childress Townsend, DePauw University Mark Sherriff, University of Virginia The Problem of Packaging Curricular Materials Towards a More Inclusive Tech Culture: Promoting Room Hyatt Great Lakes A1 & A2 Professionalism in CS Classrooms and Labs Austin Cory Bart, University of Delaware; Michael Hilton, Carnegie Room Hyatt Greenway A Mellon University; Bob Edmison, Virginia Tech; Phillip T. Conrad, University of California, Santa Barbara Ursula Wolz, Bennington College; Stephanie R. Taylor, Colby College Modernizing the Mathematics Taught in Computer Science AI for K-12: Making Room for AI in K-12 CS Curricula Room Hyatt Lake Bemidji Room Hyatt Greenway J Barbara Anthony, Southwestern University; Mia Minnes, University of Christina Gardner-McCune, University of Florida; David Touretzky, California, San Diego; David Liben-Nowell, Carleton College; Carnegie Mellon University; Fred Martin, University of Massachusetts Peter-Michael Osera, Grinnell College Lowell; Deborah Seehorn, CSTA Teaching Human-Centered Design in CSE Programs Toward an Anti-Racist Theory of Computational Curricula Room Hyatt Lake Minnetonka Room Hyatt Greenway B/C Tamara Peyton, Harrisburg University; Aarathi Prasad, Skidmore Matthew Jadud, Bates College; Jamika D. Burge, black computHER; College; Sa Liu, Harrisburg University; Joslenne Pena, Pennsylvania Jeffrey Forbes, Duke University; Celine Latulipe, University of North State University Carolina at Charlotte; Yolanda A. Rankin, Florida State University; Kristin Searle, Utah State University; Ben Shapiro, University of Incorporating Computing for Social Good in Computing Colorado Boulder Education What to Make of Makerspaces Room Millennium Grand North Room Hyatt Greenway D/E Gregory W. Hislop, Drexel University; Darci Burdge, Nassau Community College; Michael Goldweber, Xavier University; Samuel A. Michael P. Rogers, Northwest Missouri State University; Bill Siever, Rebelsky, Grinnell College; Stewart N. Weiss, Hunter College of the Washington University in St. Louis City University of New York

Can Game Elements Make Computer Science Courses More How Can We Make Office Hours Better? Attractive? Room Millennium Grand Central Room Hyatt Greenway F/G Kristin Stephens-Martinez, Duke University; Brian Railling, Carnegie Darina Dicheva, Christo Dichev, Keith Irwin, Elva J. Jones, Winston- Mellon University Salem State University; Lillian (Boots) Cassel, Villanova University; Peter J. Clarke, Florida International University Supporting Students Living With Mental Illness Discussion of Integrating Hands-on Cybersecurity Exercises Room Millennium Grand South into the Curriculum in 2019 Christian Murphy, University of Pennsylvania; Linda Duhadway, Room Hyatt Greenway H/I Weber State University; Matthew Hanson, University of Minnesota Richard Weiss, Evergreen State College; Jens Mache, Lewis and Clark College; Blair Taylor, Siddharth Kaza, Towson University; Ankur Chattopadhyay, University of Wisconsin at Green Bay

Teaching Track Faculty in CS Room Hyatt Northstar A Chris Gregg, Stanford University; Shawn Lupoli, Texas A&M University; Laney Strange, Northeastern University

Computing Competencies and the CC2020 Project Room Hyatt Northstar B Alison Clear, Eastern Institute of Technology; John Impagliazzo, Hofstra University; Ming Zhang, Peking University

50 SIGCSE 2019 Supporter Sessions Birds of a Feather Birds of a Feather

Flock B: Thursday, February 28 Undergraduate TA and Mentor Programs in Computer Science 6:30 pm - 7:20 pm Room Hyatt Regency Chairs: Diba Mirza, Phillip T. Conrad, University of California, Santa Barbara; Mary Anne Egan, Siena College Colleen M. Lewis, Harvey Mudd College; Cynthia B. Lee, Stanford Mark Sherriff, University of Virginia University

Auto-Graded Programming Labs: Dos and Don’ts for Academic Cybersecurity Disciplinary Foundations and Less-Stressed Higher-Performing Students, Reduced Accreditation Grading Time, and Happier Teachers Room Hyatt Greenway A Room Hyatt Great Lakes A1 & A2 Allen S. Parrish, Mississippi State University; Rajendra K. Raj, Frank Vahid, University of California, Riverside & zyBooks; Roman Rochester Institute of Technology; Lawrence Jones, ABET Lysecky, University of Arizona

Sponsoring Girls Who Code Clubs POGIL in Computer Science for Beginners and Experts Room Hyatt Greenway J Room Hyatt Lake Bemidji Pamela Cutter, Kalamazoo College Debra M. Duke, Virginia Commonwealth University; Margarethe Posch; Salt Lake Community College Developing a Contemporary and Innovative Operating Systems Course Broadening Participation in Computing: A Call to Action for Universities and Community Colleges Room Hyatt Greenway B/C Room Hyatt Lake Minnetonka Saverio Perugini, David J. Wright, University of Dayton Amardeep Kahlon, Austin Community College; Deborah Boisvert, Co-Curricular Activities in Computer Science Departments University of Massachusetts Boston; Cheryl Calhoun, Santa Fe College; Louise Ann Lyon, Jill Denner, Education, Training, Research; Room Hyatt Greenway D/E Wendy M. DuBow, University of Colorado Boulder; Melanie Kathleen Freeman Hennessy, University of Oregon; Jennifer Parham- Williamson, Bluegrass Community and Technical College Mocello, Oregon State University; Henry M. Walker, Grinnell College Enriching Courses on Computers and Society and Computer Access to Computing Education for Students with Disabilities Ethics Room Hyatt Greenway F/G Room Millennium Grand North Richard E. Ladner, University of Washington; Andreas Stefik, Ronald M.Baecker, University of Toronto; Elliot B. Koffman, Temple University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Andrew J. Ko, Brianna Blaser, University University of Washington Exploring Programming Instruction in Multidisciplinary Building Bridges for Data Science Education Contexts Room Hyatt Greenway H/I Room Millennium Grand Central Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, Duke University + RStudio; Andrea Danyluk, Leo C. Ureel II, Michelle Jarvie-Eggart, Melanie Kueber Watkins, Williams College; Jeffrey Forbes, Duke University; Michael Posner, Russell Louks, Briana Bettin, Michigan Technological University Villanova University How Can We Engage in Inclusive, Culturally Responsive Birds of a Feather Who’d Like to Share Software Together: Computer Science? Teaching Tools that Improve Efficiency and Outcomes Room Millennium Grand South Room Hyatt Northstar A Eileen T. Kraemer, Murali Sitaraman, S. Megan Che, Clemson Doug Lloyd, Erin Carvalho, David J. Malan, Harvard University University

Bringing Reflection into Computer Science Education Room Hyatt Northstar B Paul E. Dickson, John Barr, Ithaca College 51 0W_ _W]TL aW] ][M Q\'






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Come by and see us at the IBM Booth #413. Visit us at And join our session on SIGSCE Booth 118. Shortcuts for Keeping your CS Curriculum Current Thursday, February 28th from 6:30 pm - 7:20 pm Poster Sessions

Chairs: Boxes, Bumps & Breakfast: Object Lessons for Teaching Laurence D. Merkle, Air Force Institute of Technology Undergraduates the Importance of Human-Centered S. Monisha Pulimood, The College of New Jersey Research & Analysis Tamara Peyton, Harrisburg University Poster Session #1 Situated Learning in Systems-Level Coursework Jeremiah Blanchard, University of Florida Friday, March 1 Messy Learning: When Problem-based Learning Just Isn’t 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Enough Paul E. Dickson, John Barr, Ithaca College Hyatt Exhibit Hall Evaluating the Effect of Follow-up Questions in an Online Coding Pedagogy for the Liberal Arts: An Online Publication Exercise Jeremy H. Sarachan, Sean O’Leary, St. John Fisher College Yefei Dong, Michelle Craig, Jennifer Campbell, University of Toronto Online or In Person? Student Motivations in the Choice of a What Can the Reid List of First Programming Languages CS1 Experience Teach Us About Teaching CS1? Melinda McDaniel, David A Joyner, Georgia Institute of Technology Robert M. Siegfried, Adelphi University; Diane Liporace, Katherine G. Herbert-Berger, Montclair State University viCyber: An Intelligent Curriculum Design Tool for Cybersecurity Education Game Engines Construction to Motivate Computing Shamim Khan, Shuangbao Wang, Rania Hodhod, Columbus State Concepts: Build from Scratch or Leverage Existing Systems University Christopher A. Egert, Rochester Institute of Technology

Establishing Computational Thinking as Just Another Tool in An Analysis of Upper Elementary and Middle Grade the Problem Solving Tool Box Teachers’ Perceptions, Concerns and Goals for Integrating Hillary Fleenor, Columbus State University CS into Classrooms Mehmet Celepkolu, Erin O’Halloran, Jamieka Wilkinson, Kristy Questioning the Board in Computer Science Education Board Elizabeth Boyer, University of Florida Games Caroline Hardin, Alexander Brooks, Joshua Gabai, Anthony Pellicone, Integrating Computational Thinking in Informal and Formal Isaac Sung, University of Wisconsin-Madison Science and Math Activities for Preschool Learners Shuchi Grover, Looking Glass Ventures, LLC.; Ximena Dominguez, Creating a Tech-in-Residence Corps of Industry Adjuncts: Danae Kamdar, Digital Promise Global; Phil Vahey, SRI International; An Academic/Government/Industry Partnership Savitha Moorthy, Digital Promise Global; Ken Rafanan, Sara Gracely, Susan P. Imberman, City University of New York; Robert J. Domanski, SRI International NYC Tech Talent Pipeline Undergraduate Computer Science Student Perceptions of Encouraging Reflection in Support of Learning Data Their Own Field Structures Katelyn Manzo, University of Maine; Stacy A. Doore, Sarah Harmon, Cheryl Resch, Christina Gardner-McCune, University of Florida Bowdoin College The Development and Validation of Survey Items on Upper Overcoming Doubt: Workshop Aimed at Giving Students Elementary Students’ Perspectives and Attitudes on CS Strategies to Build Their Authentic Self-Esteem Within Their Jessica Vandenberg, Jennifer Tsan, Zarifa Zakaria, North Carolina Computing Major State University; Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, University of Florida; Rachelle Kristof Hippler, Baldwin Wallace University Collin F. Lynch, Eric Wiebe, North Carolina State University Debriefing Lab Content Using Active Learning Fostering State-level Change In CS Education: Michael J. McCarthy, Joseph Mertz, Martin L. Barrett, Michael The Expanding Computing Education Pathways Alliance Melville, Carnegie Mellon University Jeffrey Xavier, Alan Peterfreund, Rebecca Zarch, SageFox Consulting Group; William Richards Adrion, Renee Fall, University of Graduate Curriculum Initiative -- COSMIC: Change Massachusetts; Mark Guzdial, University of Michigan; Barbara Opportunity - Start Masters in Computing: COSMIC Ericson, University of Michigan, Sarah Dunton, University of Gary Krenz, Thomas Kaczmarek, Marquette University Massachusetts; Tom Mcklin, The Findings Group An Investigation of Learning Outcomes Between Two Teaching and Assessing Debugging, Testing, and Coding Teaching Modalities to Improve Student Learning in Online Style with Recursive Pedagogy using Spinoza Courses Fatima A. Abu Deeb, King Saud bin Abulaziz University for Health Audrey Rorrer, Julio César Bahamón, University of North Carolina at Science; Timothy J. Hickey, Brandeis University Charlotte Towards Learning Analytics in Cybersecurity Capture the Flag University-Industry Collaboration in Curriculum Design: A Games Case Study of Curriculum Design for Early Undergraduate Valdemar Švábenský, Jan Vykopal, Pavel Cˇ eleda, Masaryk University Computer Science Coursework with an Eye on Equity Lauren Provost, Simmons College; Christopher Harrington 53 Poster Sessions

A Peer Based Tutoring and Mentoring Model for First Year Benefits of Physical Interaction with Array Elements and Computer Science Courses Based on Strategies Used by Code Consolidation on Student Comprehension of Sorting Songbirds for Learning Algorithms Ashwin Satyanarayana, New York City College of Technology; Lior Anisha Kaul, Julia Ann Pinedo, Scripps College; Anya Wallace, Baron, City University of New York Harvey Mudd College Changing Teaching Assistant’s Behavior Based on Learning An Investigation of Conflicts Between Upper-Elementary Support Strategies for Programming Exercise Pair Programmers Yuuki Yokoyama, Hironori Egi, The University of Jennifer Tsan, Jessica Vandenberg, Xiaoting Fu, North Carolina State Electro-Communications University; Jamieka Wilkinson, University of Florida; Danielle Boulden, North Carolina State University; Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, University of Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Write Effective Programming Florida; Collin F. Lynch, Eric Wiebe, North Carolina State University Questions for Autograding Tools Lina Battestilli, Sarah Korkes, North Carolina State University; Olivia Job Placement Experience of Alumni from a 3-year CS Smith, University of Minnesota; Tiffany Barnes, North Carolina State Program University Miguel Lara, California State University, Monterey Bay; Kathryn Cunningham, University of Michigan; Bude Su, California State Utilizing Participatory Design to Develop a Culturally Relevant University, Monterey Bay Computer Science Curriculum Merijke Coenraad, University of Maryland, College Park; Jen Palmer, Creating Co-curricular Programs to Improve CS Student Diana Franklin, The University of Chicago; David Weintrop, University Identity and Sense of Belonging of Maryland Cynthia Y. Lester, Georgia State University; Pamela Leggett-Robinson, PLR Consulting Why are Linked List Operations Daunting to some College Students?: Exploring the Mental Models of Undergraduate Engaging Alumni Mentors in Software Engineering Project Programmers Courses Harrison Chotzen, Claremont McKenna College; Alasdair J. Johnson, C.F. Larry Heimann, Sara Moussawi, Jeria Quesenberry, Raja Parth M. Desai, Pitzer College Sorriamurthi, Carnegie Mellon University Lessons Learned in 10 years of Distributed Systems Capstones Poster Session #2 Carsten Kleiner, Arne Koschel, University of Applied Sciences & Arts Friday, March 1 Improving Programming Skills Through Classroom Presentation of Assignments 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Abhimanyu Ghosh, Keith Wojciechowski, Daniel Sinkovits, University of Wisconsin-Stout Hyatt Exhibit Hall Mobile App Development: Android or iOS? An Experience Enhancing Essential Data Skills for College-wide Students Report from Teaching Both Platforms Qiong Cheng, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Gina Sprint, Gonzaga University Data Protection with SMSD Labware Building Trust in Computer Science Research-Practice Hossain Shahriar, Kai Qian, Md Arabin Islam Talukder, Reza Parizi, Partnerships: A Theme Study Kennesaw State University Todd Lash, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Stephanie Wortel-London, Leigh Ann DeLyser, Lauren Wright, CSforALL Applying Project-Based Learning for An Online Object-Oriented Systems Course Understand the Emerging Demands of Computing Education Kalpathi Subramanian, Kiran Budhrani, University of North Carolina at for Non-CS Major Students Charlotte Meng Han, Zhigang Li, Jing Selena He, Xin Shirley Tian, Kennesaw State University Use Bots to Improve GitHub Pull-Request Feedback Zhewei Hu, Edward Gehringer, North Carolina State University Infusing CS Graduate Transition Curriculum with Professional, Technical and Data Science Competencies Student Debugging Practices and Their Relationships to Katherine G. Herbert-Berger, Nina Goodey, Stephen Ruczszyk, Scott Project Outcomes Kight, Montclair State University; Thomas J. Marlowe, Seton Hall Ayaan M. Kazerouni, Rifat Sabbir Mansur, Stephen H. Edwards, University Clifford A. Shaffer, Virginia Tech Towards Encapsulated Cyber Security Labs: A Container Using Interactive Visualization and Programmed Instruction Based Approach to Teach Formal Languages Selvarajah Mohanarajah, University of North Carolina at Pembroke; Mostafa Mohammed, Clifford A. Shaffer, Virginia Tech; Susan H. Gregory Ross, SPAWAR; Shan Suthaharan, University of North Rodger, Duke University Carolina at Greensboro

54 SIGCSE 2019 Poster Sessions

The Institute of Coding: A University-Industry Collaboration Poster Session #3 to Address the UK Digital Skills Crisis James H. Davenport, Rachid Hourizi, University of Bath Saturday, March 2 Computer Science Problem Solving Course: Practical and 10:35 am - 12:30 pm Technical Thinking Skills for CS Majors Margaret Ellis, Virginia Tech Hyatt Exhibit Hall

Design of a Gateway for Open Source Software Development Introducing Theoretical Computer Concepts in Secondary in a Traditional CS Curriculum Education Stewart N. Weiss, Hunter College of the City University of New York Rafael del Vado Vírseda, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Inclusive Experiences Using HFOSS in a Senior Computer Girls in Engineering Draw a Computer Scientist Science Elective Sabrina Tsui, University of California, Santa Cruz Becka Morgan, Western Oregon University What Does It Take to Teach K12 Computer Science? A Neural Network Model for a Tutoring Companion Exploring Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Teaching CS K12 in Supporting Students in a Programming with Java Course Georgia Melissa Day, Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez, Arizona State University Alfredo Perez, Hillary Fleenor, Columbus State University Assessing Middle School Students’ Computational Thinking Implementing CS0 with Computer Science Principles Through Programming Trajectory Analysis Curriculum Bita Akram, Wookhee Min, Eric Wiebe, Bradford W. Mott, North D. Cenk Erdil, Darcy Ronan, Sacred Heart University Carolina State University; Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, University of Florida; James C. Lester, North Carolina State University Linear Data Structures: A Comparison of Novice and Expert Evaluating Student Engagement Towards Integrating Parallel Teacher Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Distributed Computing (PDC) Topics in Undergraduate Aleata Hubbard, WestEd Level Computer Science Curriculum SciGirls Code: Computational Participation for Middle School Mary Smith, Hawaii Pacific University; Srishti Srivastava, University of Girls Southern Indiana Cassandra Scharber, Yu-Hui Chang, Sarah Barksdale, Lana Peterson, Dynamic Recitation: A Student-Focused, Goal-Oriented Angelina Constantine, Ramya Sivaraj, Jennifer Englund, University of Recitation Management Platform Minnesota Joseph A Boyle, Georgiana Haldeman, Andrew Tjang, Monica Every Little Bit Counts: Experiences and Lessons Learned Babes-Vroman, Ana Paula Centeno, Thu D. Nguyen, Rutgers Building a Community Outreach Program from the Ground Up University Brian Krupp, Paul Peters, Tyler Hardy, Sydney Leither, Zach Egler Sentiment Analysis across the Courses of a MOOC Baldwin Wallace University Specialization Machine Learning: An Introductory Unit of Study for Kenny Wong, University of Alberta Secondary Education Using an Art Museum Field Trip to Spark Classroom Ramsey Young, Jonathan Ringenberg, Millard West High School; Discussions about Mobile App Design University of Nebraska Omaha Aarathi Prasad, Skidmore College Comparing the Effects of Using a Tangible Object or a Lichen: Customizable, Open Source Plagiarism Detection in Simulation in Learning Elementary CS Concepts: A Case Submitty Study with Block-Based Programming Matthew Peveler, Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute; Tushar Gurjar, Grégoire Fessard, Ilaria Renna, Institut Supérieur d’Électronique de ITT Kanpur; Evan Maicus, Andrew Aikens, Alexander Christoforides, Paris; Patrick Wang, Institut Supérieur d’Électronique Barbara Cutler, Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute Collaborative Coding and Composing of JazzHands: Facilitating Discussion-Based Grading and Private Channels Integrating the Learning of Advanced Computational via an Integrated Forum Concepts with Electronic Textiles to Make Music Wearables Andrew Aikens, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Gagan Kumar, Gayithri Jayathirtha, Yasmin B. Kafai, Debora A. Lui, Mia S. Shaw, Indian Institute of Technology Patna; Shail Patel, Evan Maicus, University of Pennsylvania; Ji Yong Cho, Cornell University Matthew Peveler, Barbara Cutler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Collaboration: Developing and Piloting a Cybersecurity Curriculum for Middle School Hillary Fleenor, Yesem Peker, Columbus State University; Ebone Cutts Muscogee County School District

Building Computer Science K-12 PLCs in Rural Communities Allison Sauppé, Samantha S. Foley, Thomas Gendreau, Joshua T. Hertel, Mao Zheng, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse 55 Poster Sessions

Computational Thinking in the Making: Lessons for Second Using an Intelligent Tutoring System to Teach Red Black Trees Graders in a STEM Computer Science Immersion School Chun Wai Liew, Lafayette College; Huy Nguyen, Carnegie Mellon Lindsey Scheppegrell, Elyse Hiatt, Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools; University Johanna Okerlund, David Wilson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Code For Her: Exploring Female and Gender-Diverse Computing Workshops for Faculty; Staff; and Students CodeNC: Integrating Computational Thinking into K-12 Joslenne Pena, Carmen Cole, Mary Beth Rosson, Pennsylvania State Instructional Activities using Animated Videos University N. Rich Nguyen, University of Virginia; Iuliia Poliakova, Sahithi Meduri, Joshua Hutcheson, Ryan Ke, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Rubric to Evaluate Programming Learning of Elementary School Students An Interactive Teaching Tool for Introducing Novices to Daisuke Saito, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Waseda Machine Translation University; Mariko Tamura, Yuki Sakuragi, D2C inc Huda Khayrallah,Rebecca Knowles, Kevin Duh, Matt Post, Johns Hopkins University Giving Students Canned Code using Typing Exercises Adam M. Gaweda, Collin F. Lynch, North Carolina State University Teacher Beliefs in Student Capabilities as a Mediating Factor in a Novel Understanding of Enactment of CT Curriculum Using an Art Show in CS1 to Spark Interest in Computer Science Paige Prescott, University of New Mexico, Irene A. Lee, Massachusetts David L. Largent, Ball State University Institute of Technology; Kersti Tyson, University of New Mexico

Exploring the Definition of Computational Thinking in Research and the Classroom Tony Lowe, Sean Brophy, Monica Cardella, Purdue University

Curated Pathways to Innovation: Personalized CS Education to Promote Diversity Natalie Linnell, Santa Clara University; Phil Gonsalves, YWCA Silcon Valley; Mayank Kakodkar, Purdue University; Vanessa Martinez, YWCA Silicon Valley; Tim Urdan, Santa Clara University; Bruno Ribiero, Purdue University; Janice Zdankus, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Using Music to Foster Engagement in Introductory The latest Computing Courses Fatemeh Jamshidi, Daniela Marghitu, Auburn University Computer Science Sorting Out Algorithms: What Makes One Better than Another? textbooks Connor Bain, Uri Wilensky, Northwestern University from Oxford University Press Four Scope-Related Misconceptions Held by Computer Science Students Wynne Becker, Kayley James, Scripps College; Maya Minier, Harvey Mudd College

Snap! A Look at 5 Years, 250,000 Users and 2 Million Projects Michael Ball, University of California, Berkeley; Jens Mönig; Bernat Romagosa; Brian Harvey, University of California, Berkeley

ECS4Alabama: A State-Wide Effort to Provide Access to Authentic Computer Science Education in Predominantly Rural and High Minority Schools Mohammed A. Qazi, Tuskegee University; Jeff Gray, Melody Russell, David M. Shannon, Auburn University

Don’t Forget About Us: Understanding Rural and Small Town Principals’ Values Toward Computer Science Chris Shively, Sarbani Banerjee, Neal Mazur, Joseph Zawicki, SUNY College at Buffalo State To see this text at SIGCSE, email [email protected] Integrated STEM+C Learning for K-2 Aged Children: CT Competencies as a Precursor to K-2 Computer Science Education Order now at: Tikyna M. Dandridge, Hoda Ehsan, Elizabeth Gajdzik, Tony Lowe, Carson Ohland, Ibrahim Yeter, Sean Brophy, Monica Cardella, Purdue University

56 SIGCSE 2019 Turing's Craft and the Paradigm In 2001, interactive on-line programming exercises were not only NOT part of the CS teaching paradigm– they simply didn't exist. Turing's Craft changed that.

Turing's Craft introduces CodeLab: online, interactive programming exercises focused on basic language forms and programming patterns. The Great CS1 200 exercises per course. Enrollment Trough

2002 Graduated Complexity: topics with "Can online exercises exercises incrementally moving from really be an important part the simplest to the more sophisticated. of a programming course?" 300 exercises per course. 2004

"Hmmm. Can I Faculty-authored Era of the Brave write some too?" unit exercises. 2006 Early Adopters

Automated markup of code errors. 2007 Interactive test The Exercise Explosion– case tables. many hundreds per course and new languages. 2008 The CS1 enrollment 2010 CS1 enrollments explode, recovery begins. publishers show interest, the Paradigm Shift Starts

Faculty-authored snippet exercises and support for full program projects. Support for instructor review of student 2012 submissions, after correctness checks; flexible grade sheets– with instructor overrides of lateness; plagiarism checking; Canvas integration; extensive student-instructor communication and tools. 2017- • CodeLab Notes With 2018 Checkpoint Exercises— Free! • Unparalleled support for 2019 Homework Programs. The Paradigm Has Shifted, The Imitators Come and Go, • And more— come to booth The Leader Remains. 329 to find out more. Supporter Sessions NSF Showcase

NSF Project Showcase Sessions feature recipients of education-related National Science Foundation grants NSF Showcase will take place in The Hyatt Exhibit Hall.

NSF Showcase #1 Pencil Puzzles as an Inclusive Domain for Learning Computer Science Concepts Thursday, February 28 Zack Butler, Rochester Institute of Technology 10:00 am - 10:45 am BRAID: A Mixed-Methods Longitudinal Study of 15 Collaborative Learning in Cloud-based Virtual Computer Labs Universities Engaged in Efforts to Diversify Undergraduate Xiaolin Hu, Hai Le, Yuan Long, Anu G. Bourgeois, Yi Pan, Georgia Computing State University Linda J. Sax, Kathleen J. Lehman, University of California; Los Angeles Online Interactive Learning Platforms in STEM Education: A Study of Motivation and Engagement Darina Dicheva, Keith Irwin, Christo Dichev, Breonte Guy, Winston- Salem State University; Lillian (Boots) Cassel, Villanova University NSF Showcase #4 Friday, March 1 PRIME: Engaging STEM Undergraduate Students in 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm Computer Science with Intelligent Tutoring Systems James C. Lester, Bradford W. Mott, Eric Wiebe, North Carolina State Secure Mobile Software Development University; Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, University of Florida Fan Wu, Cassandra Thomas, Tuskegee University; Kai Qian, Hossain Promoting a Growth Mindset Using Automated Feedback Shahriar, Kennesaw State University; Emmanuel Agu, Worcester Matthew Jadud, Bates College; Stephen H. Edwards, Virginia Tech; Polytechnic Institute Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Using to Improve Research and Evaluation for Pre-college Computing Education Adrienne Decker, University at Buffalo; Monica M. McGill, Knox NSF Showcase #2 College Thursday, February 28 On Writing Competitive NSF CS Education Research 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm Proposals Stephanie E. August, National Science Foundation & Loyola Understanding the Implications of Gamification on Women Marymount University; Mark Pauley, National Science Foundation; Computer Science Students’ Engagement and Women-CS Fit S. Megan Che, Eileen T. Kraemer, Murali Sitaraman, Clemson Monique Ross, Leila Zahedi, Jasmine Batten, Florida International University University Retaining and Engaging CS Majors Using BRIDGES Collaborative Research: Transforming Computer Science Kalpathi Subramanian, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Education Research Through Use of Appropriate Empirical Jamie Payton, Temple University; Erik Saule, University of North Research Methods: Mentoring and Tutorials Carolina at Charlotte Jeffrey C. Carver, University of Alabama; Mark Sherriff, University of Virginia; Sarah Heckman, North Carolina State University Scaling Project-Based STEM Learning Through Novel NSF Showcase #5 Interactive Systems for In-Class Peer Feedback Saturday, March 2 Amy Cook, Jessica Hammer, Carnegie Mellon University; Steven 10:35 am - 11:15 am Dow, University of California San Diego Computational Creativity to Improve Computer Science Education for CS and non-CS Undergraduates NSF Showcase #3 Leen-Kiat Soh, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Friday, March 1 LEGO for Software Engineering 10:00 am - 10:45 am Stan Kurkovsky, Central Connecticut State University; Stephanie Ludi, University of North Texas Living-Learning Community for Women in Computer Science at Rutgers Broadening the Path to the STEM Profession Through Rebecca N. Wright, Sally J. Nadler, Thu D. Nguyen, Cynthia N. Cybersecurity Learning Sanchez Gomez, Rutgers University; Heather M. Wright, Computing Kaiqi Xiong, Mohamed Rahouti, University of South Florida Research Association

58 SIGCSE 2019 ACM Student Research Competition

2019 ACM Student Research Competition Chairs: Stephen Hughes, Coe College Jessica Schmidt, North Carolina State University

The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) at SIGCSE awards prizes to the top three graduate and undergraduate students determined by faculty judges. Initially, students use the interactive nature of visual presentation to highlight different aspects of their research to individual evaluators. These presentations are evaluated on their quality, the significance of the works, and the clarity of the informal discussion. The semi-finalists present their contributions using the standard forum of conference presentation during two conference sessions. The venue provides selected audience attendees with another platform for evaluation, the student with the experience in formal presentations, and conference participants with the opportunity to learn of ongoing, current research in computer science. The winners will be announced and receive their awards during Saturday’s Closing Lunch session.

UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE Posters: Posters: Thursday, February 28 • 1:45 pm - 5:00 pm Thursday, February 28 • 1:45 pm - 5:00 pm Hyatt Exhibit Hall Hyatt Exhibit Hall

Subgoals, Problem Solving Phases, and Sources of Improving Student Self-efficacy in CS 1 Using Examples of Knowledge: A Complex Mangle Erroneous Code Kevin Lin, David DeLiema, University of California, Berkeley Adam Koehler, University of California, Riverside

Young Aspirants Developer Contest A Corpus-assisted Discourse Analysis of Chiptune-related Petterson Nguyen Pham, Jordan Fite, Jacob McInite, Vinitha Practices Discussed within Subburaj, West Texas A&M University Jared O’Leary, Arizona State University

Problem Decomposition in Introductory Computer Science Analyzing User Interactions with Cybersecurity Games and Spatial Reasoning Valdemar Švábenský, Masaryk University Ka Ki Fung, Claremont McKenna College; Thitaree Tanprasert, Harvey Mudd College Applying Alignment to Improve the Effectiveness of CS Education Accessible American Sign Language Recognition with the Noha Elsherbiny, Virginia Tech Leap Motion Controller Sarah Garanganao Almeda, The College of New Jersey Reinforcement Learning: Improve Feedback Mechanism with Indicator based Reward, VirtualTA towards Growth Mindset Visualizing Classic Synchronization Problems: Dining Zhiyi Li, Virginia Tech Philosophers, Producers-Consumers, and Readers-Writers Elizabeth Koning, Joel C. Adams, Calvin College; Christiaan D. Engaging African American Elementary School Children in Hazlett, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Code Understanding Olivia Mambo Nche, Clemson University Understanding the Usage and Familiarity of Home Network Terminology Using Open Card Sorting Analysis Empirical Assessment of Software Documentation Strategies: Jackie Chan, Kirby Mitchell, Carleton College A Randomized Controlled Trial A Qualitative Analysis of Students’ Understanding of Scott Kolodziej, Texas A&M University Conditional Control Structures Shannon Collier, Mara Downing, Harvey Mudd College Online Mob Programming: Effective Collaborative Project-Based Learning The Adventures of ScriptKitty: Teaching Middle School Sreecharan Sankaranarayanan, Carnegie Mellon University Students Cyber Awareness with Comics on the Raspberry Pi Ovidiu-Gabriel Baciu-Ureche, Carlie Sleeman, Karlee Scott, William Deconstructing Successful and Unsuccessful CS Moody, Suzanne J Matthews, United States Military Academy Undergraduate Interns Amanpreet Kapoor, University of Florida A Qualitative Study of Wisconsin Computer Science in K-12 Darren Jefferson, Tina Boyle Whyte, Marquette University Using Touch and Sound to Program Scratch Zirui Wang, Birmingham-Southern College Semifinalists: Friday, March 1 • 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm Semifinalists: Hyatt Greenway F Friday, March 1 • 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm Hyatt Greenway H 59 Supporter Sessions Lightning Talks

Chairs: Lina Battestilli, North Carolina State University Peter-Michael Osera, Grinnell College

Lightning Talks #1 Lightning Talks #2 Thursday, February 28 Saturday, March 2 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm 9:45 am - 10:35 am Room Hyatt Lake Bemidji Room Hyatt Lake Bemidji

Building a Community of Undergraduate Women: Micro-Volunteering and Virtual-Volunteering as Pedagogical Ambassadors for Computing Outreach Tools in Computer Science Instruction Kathryn Laurel Atchison, Jandelyn Plane, University of Maryland Valerie Summet, Rollins College

Introduction to Ipsative Assessment 5 Lessons on Supporting CSforAll in K12 School Districts Jared O’Leary, Arizona State University Rafi Santo, CSforALL

Every Marathon Starts with the First Mile: Early Successes in Promoting Mastery Learning in an Introductory Programming Broadening Participation in K-12 CS Course Carol L. Fletcher, University of Texas at Austin Paul Salvador Inventado, California State University, Fullerton

Thinking about Computational Thinking: Lessons from Teaching RSA: What Happens When One of Your Primes Education Research Isn’t? Shuchi Grover, Looking Glass Ventures, LLC. Barry Fagin, United States Air Force Academy

Sports Analytics as a Context for Computational Thinking in Recognizing and Questioning the CT Education Paradigm K-12 Education Vance Kite, Soonhye Park, Eric Wiebe, North Carolina State Steven Paul Floyd, Western University; Luigi Sorbara, Boston Celtics, University Fanshawe College Consistency when Teaching Multiple Sections: Live Lecture Adapting Mob Programming for Collaborative Project-Based Recordings Reviewed and Discussed with Students Learning in the Classroom Olivera Grujic, University of Southern California Michael Hilton, Sreecharan Sankaranarayanan, Carnegie Mellon University Improving Access to Internships with an On-Campus Software Development Center Programming Politics: Using p5.js to Create Interactive Art Zachary J. Oster, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Connected to Current Events Increase K-12 Cyber Competency to Prevent Cyberbullying Jeremy H. Sarachan, St. John Fisher College Rachel Stange, Sherando High School & Lord Fairfax Community College Assessing the Impact of Sustainability-Themed Programming Assignments Historical High School Computer Science Curriculum and Jeffrey A. Stone, Pennsylvania State University Current K-12 Initiatives Steven Paul Floyd, Western University More than a Bootcamp, Less than a Degree: A One-Year Program to Retrain Industry Employees as Developers Improving Retention through Team-Based Learning Finch Gail Carmichael, Shopify Labs and Peer-Educators in Intro to Programming Experiences using Discord as Platform for Online Tutoring Sotirios Kentros, Manish Wadhwa, Lakshmidevi Sreeramareddy, and Building a CS Community Komalpreet Kaur, Salem State University Kenrick Mock, University of Alaska Anchorage A Research-Oriented EPIC Course - Applying Mobile Technologies to Biomedical Research Questions Chen-Hsiang Yu, Wentworth Institute of Technology



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Demo 2

Turing’s Craft,329 Inc.

NCWIT ACM-W SIGCSE225 2020 Jones 427 ACM SIGCSE Oracle & CCECC 50th Bartlett Celebration 326 CSTA 124 426 NCWIT 525 BPC AnitaB. Alliance org 523 CCSC 421 Sense Food & Beverage Franklin Vocareum 622 Beedle Education Food & Beverage 521 322 422 Temple 620

Code Grade ABET 618 Mercury scope HS Posters 118 217 318 417 CODIO INTEL NSF Cengage ICCP 216 Virginia 315 Mimir IBM Showcase 616 Tech 215 115 314 413 114 MIT AdaCore Press 414 Wiley 614 213 113

Auburn Data 111 Cabinet 612 Piazza Pearson Tech GitHub Microsoft 410 109 Google Education 108 308 Springer 208 107 Demo 1

ZyBooks 102


Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth Exhibitor Booth

ABET ...... 417 Franklin, Beedle & NSF Showcase ...... 414 AccessComputing ...... 421 Associates, Inc...... 322 Oracle Academy ...... 326 AccessCSforAll ...... 421 Github Education ...... 208 Pearson ...... 410 ACM-W, ACM CCECC ...... 525 Google ...... 108 Piazza Technologies, Inc ...... 109 AdaCore ...... 614 Gradescope by Turnitin ...... 217 SciGirls Code ...... 421 ...... 523 IAAMCS ...... 421 Sense Education ...... 422 ARC Network ...... 421 IBM ...... 413 SIGCSE 2020 ...... 225 ASSECT ...... 421 ICCP ...... 215 SIGCSE 50th Celebration ...... 124 Auburn University jGRASP...... 111 INTEL ...... 315 Springer ...... 107 CCSC ...... 622 Jones & Bartlett Learning ...... 426 STARS Computing Corps ...... 421 Cengage ...... 616 Lighthouse ...... 421 Temple University, Department CodeHS ...... 318 Mercury Learning ...... 118 of Computer & Information CODIO ...... 216 Microsoft ...... 308 Sciences ...... 620 CRA-W/CDC ...... 421 Mimir ...... 314 Turing’s Craft, Inc...... 329 CSTA ...... 525 MIT Press ...... 213 Virginia Tech ...... 114 CS Unplugged ...... 421 NCWIT ...... 421 Vocareum ...... 521 DataCabinet ...... 612 NCWIT EngageCSEdu ...... 427 Wiley ...... 113 zyBooks ...... 102

62 SIGCSE 2019 SIGCSE 2019 Guide to Exhibitors

SILVER SUPPORTER ACM CCECC Advancing the Successful IT Booth 525 Student through Enhanced ABET Computational Thinking 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701 Booth 417 New York, NY 10121 (ASSECT) 415 N. Charles Street Booth 421 Baltimore, MD 21201 The ACM Committee for Computing BATEC Center for IT Education in Community Colleges University of Massachusetts Boston ABET is a nonprofit, non-governmental (CCECC) serves and supports community 100 Morrissey Boulevard organization that accredits college and and technical college educators in all Boston, MA 02125 university programs in applied and natural aspects of computing education. The science, computing, engineering and Committee engages in curriculum and Advancing the Successful IT Student engineering technology. Our approach, assessment development, community through Enhanced Computational the standards we set and the quality we building, and advocacy in service to this Thinking (ASSECT) is a project of guarantee, inspires confidence in those sector of higher education. Broadening Advanced Technological who aim to build a better world—one that Education Connections (BATEC), an is safer, more efficient, comfortable and NSF ATE National Center of Excellence sustainable. ACM-W for Computing and Information Booth 525 Technologies. ASSECT has developed 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701 arubric for computational thinking in AccessComputing New York, NY 10121 Information Technology and industry- relevant scenarios bundled into an entry Booth 421 level course to help students envision ACM-W supports, celebrates, and what it is like to be an IT Professional. University of Washington advocates internationally for the full Box 354842 engagement of women in computing. Seattle, WA 98195-4842 With a wide range of programs and BRONZE SUPPORTER services to ACM members, ACM-W AccessComputing, with over 30 partner works in the larger community to advance organizations and institutions, uses the contributions of women in technology. evidence-based practices to increase the Booth 523 participation and success of people with 1501 Page Mill Road disabilities in computing. It supports AdaCore MS 1105 communities of practice, minigrants to Booth 614 Palo Alto, CA 94304 fund activities that promote computing careers for students with disabilities, a 150 W. 30th Street At, we envision a future where searchable knowledge base with case 16th Floor the people who imagine and build studies and effective practices, and New York, NY 10001 technology mirror the people and societies mentoring and internships for students with disabilities. for whom they build it. We connect, inspire, Adacore is the leading provider of and guide women in computing, and commercial software solutions designed organizations that view technology AccessCSforAll to help developers build safe, secure and innovation as a strategic imperative. Our Booth 421 reliable software. Products include a social enterprise supports women in compilation solution for native and cross technical fields, the organizations that University of Washington systems, a code generator, as well as employs them, and the academic Box 354842 tools for testing, code coverage, institutions training our next generation. Seattle, WA 98195-4842 debugging, static analysis and formal We offer programs to support women proof. AdaCore is committed to technologists as they grow, learn, and accesscsforall encouraging safe and secure develop to their highest potential. AccessCSforAll works to increase the programming in academia and offers a participation of students with disabilities free GNAT Academic Program (GAP) to in K-12 computing education through educators and graduate students accessible tools and curricular units. wanting to use Ada and SPARK. Visit Through a research practitioner Booth #614 to learn more about AdaCore partnership with schools that serve and GAP, or to register for membership. students with disabilities, we are testing the effectiveness of an accessible version of AP Computer Science Principles. 63 SIGCSE 2019 Guide to Exhibitors

Association for Women in CCSC CodeHS Science – The ARC Network Booth 622 Booth 318 Booth 421 Huntington University 1328 Mission Street, Suite 8 1667 K Street NW 2303 College Avenue San Francisco, CA 94110 Suite 800 Huntington, IN 46750 Washington, DC 20006 CodeHS is a comprehensive teaching The Consortium for Computing Sciences platform for helping schools teach The ARC Network creates and in Colleges (CCSC) sponsors ten regional computer science. We provide web-based cultivates a broad community that conferences offering a high-quality, curriculum, teacher tools and resources, bridges the gap between researchers affordable venue for faculty to share and professional development. There are and practitioners. As the STEM equity research including pedagogical over 800,000 students using the platform brain trust, the ARC Network works approaches, meet colleagues, and and 10,000 classrooms on CodeHS every to promote systemic change for publish their work. Papers are double- month. Come visit our booth to learn faculty in higher education. The ARC blind, peer-refereed and published in more about our newest courses and Network is funded by the National the Journal of Computing Sciences in professional development opportunities Science Foundation, Award Colleges included in the ACM Digital including Cybersecurity and HRD-1740860. Library. Conferences include keynote Interdisciplinary Coding Projects. and banquet speakers, papers, tutorials, Auburn University- jGRASP panels, vendors, nifty assignments, and Booth 111 workshops. GOLD SUPPORTER Computer Science and Software CODIO Engineering Cengage Booth 216 3101 Shelby Center Booth 616 Auburn, AL 36849-5347 177 Huntington Avenue 303 Second Street Suite 1703 #45670 Suite 500 South Boston, MA 02115 jGRASP is a freely available integrated San Francisco, CA 94107 development environment with visualizations for improving the Codio is the leading web-based learning comprehensibility of software. Cengage is the education and technology platform for CS education. We raise the Features include: Control Structure company built for learners. As the largest performance of CS programs, giving Diagrams (CSDs) for Java, C/C++, US-based provider of teaching and faculty & instructors the tools to teach Objective-C, Python, Ada, and VHDL; learning materials for higher ed, we offer more effectively & creating a more UML class diagrams for Java; and valuable options at affordable price points. engaging learning experience for dynamic viewers and canvas Our industry-leading initiatives include students. Used globally by universities integrated with a visual debugger, Cengage Unlimited, the first-of-its-kind and MOOCs, Codio saves faculty time, workbench, and interactions for Java. all-access digital subscription service. We reduces IT costs, boosts student A new jGRASP plugin for Eclipse embrace innovation to create learning engagement & unlocks new previously includes the dynamic viewers and experiences that build confidence and inaccessible learning insights. Learn canvas integrated with the Eclipse momentum toward the future students more about Codio at debugger for Java. want. Visit us at and visit the team at booth #216.

CSTA SIGCSE Booth 525 332 S. Michigan Avenue, 9th Floor Chicago, IL 60604 2O2O 50th TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM on The Computer Science Teachers COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION Association (CSTA) is a membership organization that supports and promotes the teaching of computer science. CSTA provides opportunities for K-12 teachers March 10 -14, 2020 and their students to better understand computer science and to more Portland, Oregon successfully prepare themselves to teach and learn.

64 SIGCSE 2019 SIGCSE 2019 Guide to Exhibitors

CS Unplugged Accessibility PLATINUM SUPPORTER SILVER SUPPORTER Laboratory for Education and Assistive Technology (LEAT) GitHub Education IBM Booth 421 Booth 208 Booth 413 Auburn University 88 Colin P. Kelly Jr St 2455 South Road 338 Shelby Technology Center San Francisco , CA 94107 Poughveepsie, NY 12601 345 W. Magnolia Street Auburn, AL 36830 Real-world tools, engaged students. IBM University Programs include the CS Unplugged aims to make CS easier to Academic Initiative, Skills Academy and access by avoiding using computers. University Awards. The Academic However, students with disabilities (e.g., Initiative focuses on making it easier for mobility, learning, cognitive or intellectual) you to teach the latest technologies, face additional challenges with these PLATINUM SUPPORTER providing access to open source and IBM kinesthetic activities, so the Auburn software, hardware, course materials, and other resources. The Skills Academy is an University Laboratory for Education and Google Assistive Technology has been improving integrated program providing faculty the accessibility and inclusiveness of the Booth 108 training, cloud infrastructure for labs, testing, and badge credentials. The activities. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Awards Program provides funding and Mountain View, CA 94043 resources for approved research. DataCabinet advanced Booth 612 There’s a reason why it’s called higher 404 Bryant Street education. It elevates people - their ICCP San Francisco, CA 94107 aspirations, and potential. Google Cloud provides an intelligent suite of tools that Booth 215 powers IT, researchers, faculty, and 224 South Randall Road, #116 DataCabinet provides a social browser- learners. based programming environment for Elgin, IL 60123 computer classrooms. Using DataCabinet, Stop by our booth 215 and learn how computer classrooms can develop and ICCP’s outcome assessment program for share complex programming environ- Computer Science and Information ments as assignments. Students get SILVER SUPPORTER Systems, based on ACM Model access to programming environment curriculum, can help your school with a through industry standard notebooks. Gradescope by Turnitin national benchmarking performance Instructors can manage grading and Booth 217 evaluation. Sample reports will be reporting and can also detect plagiarism. 2101 Webster Street #1800 available to look at. ICCP is a non-profit For more information about DataCabinet, Oakland, CA 94612 organization based out of Chicago, IL. please visit booth number 612. Gradescope is the leading assessment Franklin, Beedle & and feedback platform in higher education. By leveraging AI, we help reduce grading Associates Inc. times by up to 80%, increase grading Booth 322 consistency and quality of feedback, and 2154 NE Broadway, Suite 100 dramatically improve workflow versus Portland, OR 97232 traditional pen and paper grading. Gradescope was founded by former UC Berkeley TAs who were trying to reduce Established in 1985, Franklin, Beedle is an the pain that instructors experience with independent publisher of computer grading while also increasing the quality science textbooks and course materials. and timeliness of feedback for students. 65 SIGCSE 2019 Guide to Exhibitors

Institute for African American Jones & Bartlett Learning PLATINUM SUPPORTER Mentoring in Computing Booth 426 Microsoft Sciences (iAAMCS) 5 Wall Street Booth 421 Burlington, MA 01803 Booth 308 University of Florida One Microsoft Way Department of Computer and Information Jones & Bartlett Learning is a Redmond, WA 98052 Science and Engineering world-leading provider of instructional, 301 CISE Building assessment, and learning-performance Microsoft’s mission is to empower every Gainesville, FL 32611 management solutions for the secondary person and organization to achieve more. education, post-secondary education, Our strategy is to build best-in-class html and professional markets. Our platforms and productivity services for a educational programs and services iAAMCS pronounced “i am cs” the Institute mobile-first, cloud-first world. We develop improve learning outcomes, enhance for African-American Mentoring in and support a wide range of products, student achievement, and increase Computing Sciences aims to significantly services, and devices that deliver new career readiness. increase the number of Black/African- opportunities, greater convenience, and Americans pursuing and completing the enhanced value to people’s lives. PhD in computing fields through a national Lighthouse mentoring model. iAAMCS is synergized by previous NSF BPC Alliances (ARTSI, A4RC Booth 421 and EL) interventions and activities. Program in Science, Technology & Society SILVER SUPPORTER Department of Engineering & Society University of Virginia Charlottesville, Mimir GOLD SUPPORTER VA 22904 Booth 314 INTEL Lighthouse is focused on developing 10 W. Market Street, Suite 820 Booth 315 effective educators who promote diversity Indianapolis, IN 46204 2111 NE 25th Avenue in computing. Tapestry uses face-to-face Mail Stop: JF5-202 learning workshops with high school Mimir is a software company that grows Hillsboro, OR 97124 teachers to increase the number and the software engineering workforce. diversity of enrollments in HS computing. The company’s core product, Mimir

® Lighthouse CC provides online and Classroom, helps computer science Intel Corporation (booth #315) is face-to-face diversity-focused professional instructors scale and automate curriculum redefining what it means to be an development for community college without compromising quality for students. innovator, by ensuring the next generation computing instructors. Lighthouse EC For more information about Mimir or of innovators are empowered, diverse and promotes diverse engagement in Mimir Classroom, visit booth 314. inclusive in harnessing the full power of undergraduate computing courses using technology to enable the best future enhanced collaborative learning strategies. possible for everyone. Intel® will share training materials for K-12 STEM initiatives, MIT Press academic curriculum (undergraduate and Mercury Learning and graduate levels), and scientific research Booth 213 using real case study examples for Information One Rogers Street hands-on experiments. Booth 118 Cambridge , MA 02142 22883 Quicksilver Drive Sterling, VA 20166 The MIT Press is a leading publisher of books and journals at the intersection of MERCURY LEARNING AND science, technology, and the arts. MIT INFORMATION provides content in the Press books and journals are known for areas of science and health, technology their intellectual daring, scholarly and computing, engineering, and standards, and distinctive design. Visit mathematics (STEM disciplines) booth #213 and receive 30% off all books. designed for the professional/reference, trade, library, higher education, career school, and online training markets. Our affordable and up-to-date texts are flexible and professor-friendly.


Visit Us at Intel Booth #315 Intel is redefining what it means to be a technology innovator by working to ensure the next generation is empowered, diverse, and inclusive to enable a better future for everyone. Intel will share training materials for K-12 STEM initiatives, academic curricula, and scientific research using real case study examples for hands-on experiments.

Join Our SIGSCE 2019 Workshop

© 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. SIGCSE 2019 Guide to Exhibitors

National Center for Women & NSF Showcase Piazza Technologies Information Technology (NCWIT) Booth 414 Booth 109 Booth 421 85 Engineer’s Way 101 University Ave. Suite 300 University of Colorado Box 400740 Palo Alto, CA 94301 Campus Box 320 Charlottesville, VA 22904 Boulder, CO 80309-0320 Piazza is the premier social learning Every year, twenty projects that are platform used by 2.5 million students The National Center for Women & currently being sponsored by NSF are helping them learn beyond the classroom Information Technology (NCWIT) is a asked to present their work in an in more than 2000 universities in 90 non-profit community of more than 1,100 interactive, personal format during the countries. Students from all areas of universities, companies, non-profits, and break sessions and open slots at STEM can work together collaboratively government organizations nationwide SIGCSE. The goal of the showcase is to despite differences in gender, ethnicity, working to increase girls’ and women’s share information about programs and or socioeconomic status. meaningful participation in computing. research opportunities that attendees NCWIT equips change leaders with might not otherwise hear about. resources for taking action in recruiting, SciGirls Code retaining, and advancing women from Booth 421 K–12 and higher education through industry GOLD SUPPORTER Twin Cities PBS and entrepreneurial careers. Oracle Academy SciGirls Code uses principles of Booth 326 NCWIT EngageCSEdu connected learning with partners Oracle Corporation Headquarters nationwide to provide middle school girls Booths 427 500 Oracle Parkway and their educators with computational National Center for Women & Information Redwood City, CA 94065 thinking and coding skills. The program Technology (NCWIT) features: a nine-month curriculum; role-model training; professional University of Colorado As Oracle’s flagship philanthropic Campus Box 417 UCB development for STEM educators; educational program, Oracle Academy and research that investigates girls’ Boulder, CO 80309 advances computing education globally computational thinking and attitudes to drive knowledge, innovation, skills toward computer science. Foster diversity in your introductory development, and diversity in technology computer science courses with quality fields. Through Oracle Academy, students content and engaging pedagogy. receive hands-on experience with the EngageCSEdu is a platform for CS faculty latest technologies, helping make them Sense Education teaching introductory level courses to college and career ready in the era of big Booth 422 data, artificial intelligence, machine find and share engaging materials for 1 W 85th Street learning, cloud computing, Internet of their courses. All materials in the New York, NY 10024 Things, and beyond. collection make use of at least one “Engagement Practice”: Research-based techniques for engaging ALL students. The future of education lies in preserving Because it is peer-reviewed, being the learning dynamics of a small class, published in EngageCSEdu offers another Pearson while accommodating massively more way for faculty to demonstrate teaching students. Sense lets educators virtually excellence. Booth 410 review and analyze every student’s 400 Center Ridge Drive, Suite F open-ended work, regardless of how Austin, TX 78753 many students there are. - Students receive the personal feedback they need to flourish - Faculty delivers assessments Pearson, the world’s leading learning that are precise, unbiased, and fast - company, partners with K-20 institutions Educators continuously gain insights into and educators to provide educational what students understand. Courses solutions and services that help to improve. Outcomes improve. Everyone improve learning outcomes. Pearson wins. serves learners of all ages around the globe, employing 41,000 people in more than 70 countries. For more information, visit

68 SIGCSE 2019 SIGCSE 2019 Guide to Exhibitors

SIGCSE 50th Celebration STARS Computing Corps Temple University, Department Booth 124 Booth 421 of Computer & Information 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701 Director, STARS Computing Corps Sciences New York, NY 10121 Associate Professor and Chair Booths 620 Department of Computer and Information Sciences Temple University, Department of Come celebrate the 50th SIGCSE with Temple University Computer & Information Science your fellow attendees. Reminisce about 1925 N. 12th Street (SERC 304) conferences past and discuss what the Philadelphia, PA 19122 1925 N. 12th St. future of the conference should become. Philadelphia, PA 19122 View the historical information gathered while preparing for this year’s celebration. The STARS Computing Corps is a national The Department of Computer and alliance of over 50 academic institutions Information Sciences at Temple University that develops college students and faculty SIGCSE 2020 is committed to excellence in computer as leaders who take action to broaden science research and education. CIS has Booth 225 participation of underrepresented groups in made significant strides in recent years, computing. STARS members work with 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701 tripling annual research expenditures and regional K-12 schools, industry, and New York, NY 10121 ranking among the top 50 computer community partners to inform, engage, and science departments in the US in terms of prepare future students for entry and research productivity (ARWU Shanghai) The 51st Technical Symposium will be held success in college computing programs. and degree programs (ComputerScience. March 10 -14, 2020 on Portland, Oregon. Since 2006, STARS students have reached org). We are hiring to expand our over 140,000 K-12 students in workshops, strengths in research and education and camps, and after school programs that to support future visions of computing. Springer introduce computer science concepts. Booth 107 Sustainable Diversity in the 233 Spring Street GOLD SUPPORTER New York, NY 10013 Computing Research Pipeline (CRA-W/CDC) Alliance Turing’s Craft Springer Nature is one of the world’s Computing Research Booth 329 leading global research, educational + Association 671 E. 17th Street professional publishers, home to respected Brooklyn, NY 11230 + trusted brands providing quality content Booth 421 via a range of innovative products + 1828 L Street NW Turing’s Craft, the company behind services. Springer Nature is the world’s Suite 800 CodeLab and MyProgrammingLab – largest academic book publisher in over Washington, DC 20036 offers hundreds of online, instant 50 countries. feedback, coding exercises in each of The Sustainable Diversity in the Computing Java, C++, C, C#, VB, Javascript, and Research Pipeline (CRA-W/CDC) Alliance Python. To date, over 140 million student offers programs at the undergraduate code submissions have been checked. through mid-career levels aimed at With the best student feedback in the increasing and retaining the number of industry, along with plagiarism checking, women, underrepresented minorities and LMS integration, homework grading tools, people with disabilities participating in easier-than-ever customization tools, and computing research and education. low pricing, there’s never been a better time for trying us out. 69 SIGCSE 2019 Guide to Exhibitors

Virginia Tech Wiley GOLD SUPPORTER Booths 114 Booths 113 zyBooks 2202 Kraft Drive 111 River Street Blacksburg, VA 24060 Hoboken, NJ 07030 Booth 102 41 Main Street Hear the latest developments from CS For over 200 years Wiley has been Los Gatos, CA 95030 education researchers at Virginia Tech, helping people succeed. We develop and ask for live demonstrations of digital education solutions to help zyBooks is pioneering a new kind of projects including CodeWorkout (small universities and individuals move between learning content, created specifically for programming exercise), OpenDSA education and employment and achieve the modern web. A zyBook is web-native (eTextbook system), Web-CAT (automated their ambitions. In Education, we bring interactive content that helps students program grading), BlockPy (transitioning learning to life, delivering content learn challenging topics, with auto-grading from block-based to Python program- solutions in new and innovative ways to that saves instructors time and leads to ming), and more. Learn about next-gen- enrich the learning experience. Wiley is a better-prepared students in class — eration efforts in student feedback, proven leader in strategic higher putting the fun back in learning. Our including how feedback can encourage a education consulting, partnering with mission is to help STEM students gain the growth mindset, support students, and educators and institutions globally to confidence and skills they need to graduate encourage better time management. achieve success. and succeed beyond the classroom. Learn about community infrastructure efforts for CS education tool builders.

SILVER SUPPORTER Vocareum Inc. Booth 521 2025 Gateway Place, Suite 205 San Jose, CA 95110 Vocareum offers the leading cloud-based learning and assessment labs for a broad range of courses that require computation. Trusted by top tier universities, online MOOCs and industry partners, our platform capabilities include grading automation, plagiarism detection, team projects, and peer reviews for improved assignment management, assessment efficiency and student engagement.

70 SIGCSE 2019 Two of Princeton’s most popular courses ...also reaching millions of teachers and learners worldwide. Thank You to our generous supporters for helping make SIGCSE 2019 a success!




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