Journal of the British Dragonfly BDS?\ Society � Volume 25 Number 1 April2009 The aims of the British Dragonfly Society (BDS) are to promote and encourage the study and conservation of Odonata and their natural habitats, especially in the United Kingdom. The jO/lnlal of Ihe Brilish Dragollfly Society, published twice a year, contains articleson Odonata that have been recorded from the United Kingdom and articles on European Odonata written by members of the Society. Articles for publication should be sent to the Editor. Instructions for authors appear inside the back cover. Trustees of the British Dragonfly Society jOllma/AdvisoryPalld Chairman: P. Taylor T.G. Beynon Vicc-Chainnan: D. E. Gennard S.l. Brooks Semlal)': H. G. Curry D. Mann TreasHrn: B. J. Walker 1. Pickup COllllf1l0rof Dragonf!y COflsemation Group: D. Smallshire Ordinary Tmslees: Back numbers of the loumal can be purchased from the S.l. Brooks LibrarianlAr chivist at £2.75 percopy to members or £5.50 per copy S.c. Davidson to non-members. D. Goddard P. Reeve ADDRESSES Editor. P.1. Mill 8 Cookridge Grove Leeds LS l6 7LH Ordinary membership annual subscription £15.00. e-mail;
[email protected] Overseas subSCription £20.00. All subscriptions are due on 1st April each year. Secretary: H.G. Curry Other subscription rates (library , corporate) on application to the 23 Bowker Way Membership Secretary, who will also deal with membership Whittlesey enquiries. Peterborough PE7 I PY e-mail:
[email protected] Ubranan/A rchivist. D. Goddard 30 Cliffe Hill Avenue Stapleford Nottingham NG9 7HD email:
[email protected] B.O.S.