Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 15, No. 1 Elizabeth Clarke Kieffer

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Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 15, No. 1 Elizabeth Clarke Kieffer Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Pennsylvania Folklife Magazine Pennsylvania Folklife Society Collection Fall 1965 Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 15, No. 1 Elizabeth Clarke Kieffer Amos Long Jr. Synnove Haughom Don Yoder John A. Burrison See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: Part of the American Art and Architecture Commons, American Material Culture Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Cultural History Commons, Ethnic Studies Commons, Fiber, Textile, and Weaving Arts Commons, Folklore Commons, Genealogy Commons, German Language and Literature Commons, Historic Preservation and Conservation Commons, History of Religion Commons, Linguistics Commons, and the Social and Cultural Anthropology Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Kieffer, Elizabeth Clarke; Long, Amos Jr.; Haughom, Synnove; Yoder, Don; Burrison, John A.; and Valletta, Clement, "Pennsylvania Folklife Vol. 15, No. 1" (1965). Pennsylvania Folklife Magazine. 22. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Pennsylvania Folklife Society Collection at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Pennsylvania Folklife Magazine by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Elizabeth Clarke Kieffer, Amos Long Jr., Synnove Haughom, Don Yoder, John A. Burrison, and Clement Valletta This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: , " / ./ , / '/ .. ' ~/ ~/ ; 1 .' / ( ,/ (' Cover: Collegiate R omance, ilIars/zall College, ilIercersburg, 18-11. EDITOR: Dr. Don Yoder DEPARTMENTAL EDITORS: AUT UMN 1965, Vol. 15, N o.1 Dr. Earl F. R obacker, Antiques Edna Eby H eller, Cookery Olive C. Zehner, CTafts LeR oy Gensler, Design Dr. J. William Frey, j\1usic EDITOR E:-1ERITU : Dr. Alfred L. hoemaker Contents SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 4.00 a year in the United States and Canada. Elsewhere fifty ce nts ad ditio n al for postage. Single 2 T he Year of the Rupjonjim copies S1.00. ELIZABETH CLARKE KIEFFER ISS AND PHOTOGRAPHS: 10 Pennsylvania Summer-Houses and The Editor will be glad to co nsider Summer-Kitchens MSS and photographs se nt with a Al\IOS L ONG, JR. view to publication. 'When unsuit­ able, and if accompanied by return 20 Religious and Educa tional References in pos tage, every ca re will be exer­ Lancas ter County Wills cised toward their return, although no responsibility for their safety is SYNNOVE HA UG HOl\I assumed. 24 Genealogy and Folk-Culture PEN YLVANIA FOLKLIFE, DON YODE R Autumn 1965, Vol. IS, No.1, pub­ lished quarterl y by the Pennsyl­ 30 Pennsylvania German Folktales: \'ania Folklife Society, Inc., Lan­ An Annotated Bibliography caster, Pennsy lvania. Subscriptions JOHN A . B URRI SO, ane! bu in ess corres pondence: Box 1053, Lancaster, Pennsyh·ania. Edi­ 39 Italian Immigrant Life in Northampton toria l corresponden ce: Dr. Don County, Pennsylvania, 1890-191 5. Part II. Yoder, Bennett Hall Box 19, Uni­ versi ty of Pennsyl van ia, Phi ladel­ CLEl\lENT VALLETTA phia 4, P e nnsylvania. Contents co pyrigh ted. Entered as second class malleI' at Lancaster, Pennsy lvania. THE ----- --- Tille1Jage of " The RU1Jjonjim." Colored Tille-Plate of "The RuJJjonjim" (Mer­ cersburg, 1841), with lifelike POl-ITaits of the three editors: Oliver Hartley (" RuP"), Jeremiah Good ("John"), and James R eynolds ("Jim"). Illustrations from " The Rupjonjim" courtesy of Fackenthal Library, Franklin and Marshall College Profiles from Marshall College, 1841. Note long hairdos, not really excelled by the 1Jresent collegiate generation. A co lle.gian in the dress of the 18-IO's entertain­ ing his girlfrien d with a {lute solo. "Jared" (jere­ miah Good) drew this sketch and put in a Penn­ sylvania "snake fence" at the edge of the woods to the left. 2 The Year of the Rupjonjim By ELIZABETH CLARKE KIEFFER Two of the characteristic phenomena of the 1840 decade The prese nt a rticle will adopt the curren t student practi ce in the U nited Sta tes, were the burgeoning of small news­ and ca ll the la tter journal the A ide. O f the R anala a nd the pa pers and the bl ossom ing of small coll ege. It was inevit­ Aide onl y a few tray copies are extant; but of the R U/Jjonjim a bl e that these two movements should meet and merge, and the Frankl in and farsha ll College Archives possess a com­ soon every small co ll ege had at least o ne student newspaper. plete bound volume, recording a whole coll ege year as it At Ia rsha ll Coll ege, fo unded a t Merce rsburg, Pennsy l­ passed in the Seminary Building on the hill below !\fount vania, in 1837, chi fl y as a prepara tory in titution for the Parnell. Theologica l Seminary of the R eformed Church (which vVe owe the preserva ti on of this uniq ue volume to the sha red its o nl y building) a nd spoken of with co ntempt as historica l sense of Emanuel V. Gerh art, graduate of the cl ass " the little Dutch coll ege in the hills," the student bod y of of 1838, then a tutor in the ramshackl e building across the forty had no spare cash to support a ny printing ventures, but town, which house d th e Prepara tory School, and later to be­ this in no way discouraged them from joining the modern come the first Pres ident of Fra nklin and Iarshall College, in trend. Theodore Appel, of the cl ass of '42, in his R ecollec­ Lancaster. Probably beca use of his close connection with the tions of College L ife (1886) reports that there were fiv e stu­ Good family, in whose house in M ercersburg he roomed and dent pa pers in his day. These were handwritten by the with whom his future life was closely united , he preserved editors, as ma ny as ten copies of each iss ue, and were passed a nd bound the entire fil e, together with the illustrati ons ([or from room to room by the subscribers. which subscribers paid extra) signed JaTed, the pen name of Of only three of these pa pers have the names survived, the junior editor, J eremiah Good. poss ibly because of their oddity. The first, begun in 1840, The frontispiece of the volume is an allegorica l composi­ was the Ranala,n am ed (or Aristophanes' "Frogs" ("H e croaks tion in black a nd white entitled "H ope Dece ived ·' which de­ like a true R ana," says a rival editor revi ewing one of its picts a d ying Cupid, wearing a garden hat and nothing else leading articles). The second, which we shall disc uss, was except a weed which rises [rom the grass around him to serve the RujJjonjim; and the third, which began in Februar y, as a fi g- leaf. Many of the other illustrati ons are also repre­ ] 841, rejoiced in the title: A Id eborontilJhosciphomiosticos se nta tive of the co ntemporary cl assical revival, but of little (a title borrowed from H . Carey's Chron onhotol1th ologos) . other interest to the social historia n. The title page, which is in water color, is not only of greater artisti c merit, but far more interesting. It would seem to h ave been do ne exclu­ sively for the bound volume, as it would have be<:n a com­ p lete revela tio n o f the names of the ca refully a nonymo us editors. Instead of the title it is merely headed THE; and c.-:- _-_ -: . benea th, three college boy editors eated a t a ro und table in order of their edi tori al p seudonym s: " Rup," "J o n" a nd "Jim"; a nd a t the bo ttom, " l'vl ercersburg, I 8'11 ." The boy at the left, a cheerful red-head with a cowli ck, is writing on a pa per labeled "Criticism." The o ne in the ce ntre, looks straight fon va rd, as if doing a se if-portrait from a mirro r, while the boy a t the right, somewha t older a nd more so phisti­ ca ted in a ppearance th an the o thers, distingui shed by a .~.:::..:- c __ R oman nose a nd side-burns, stares into space, as if contem­ pla ting· his next editoria l. It took co nsid erable resea rch to identify these gentlemen, but a fairly defini te co ncl usion was reached. "Jim," to begin at the right, ,,·as the se n ior editor, J ames Reynolds. His fa th er was the edi tor of the Lancaster J ournal, a nd a n inti­ mate fri end o f J ames Bucha na n. Jim, with jo urna li sm in his bl ood, had been th e origina tor of the newspa per (ever a t l\Iarshall. H e with George Staley o f the class o f '42 had started the R anala a year before. They were the o nl y ones of th e perso nnel who used their own first names instead o f pse udo nyms. In the fa ll o f 18,10, they seem to have agreed tha t a little riva lry would ma ke the adventure more (un. G eorge therefore a nno unced tha t he had fired Jim fo r drink­ ing, and Jim started a new pa per, beginning with a violent deni al of the " libell ous charges." H e took in to partnership his roomma te, Olive r Crom we ll H artley of Blood y Run (now Evere tt), Pennsylva nia, who was known as " Old Blood y" to (( f onny Peep/' curls and all.
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    Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 2008-09 The thI acan: 2000/01 to 2009/2010 4-30-2009 The thI acan, 2009-04-30 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 2009-04-30" (2009). The Ithacan, 2008-09. 23. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 2000/01 to 2009/2010 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 2008-09 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. OPINION STUDENTS SHOULD HAVE MORE INPUT, PAGE 12 BACK TO THE DIAMOND ACCENT PROFESSORS STRESS FASHION AND STYLE, PAGE 15 Senior infi elder returns for fi nal season, page 27 PHOTO FINISH BLUE AND GOLD TOP HARTWICK, PAGE 32 Thursday Ithaca, N.Y. April 30, 2009 The Ithacan Volume 76, Issue 28 College gathers Hidden in the to remember life promisedland of active student BY ELIZABETH SILE Migrant workers in Central New York NEWS EDITOR More than 100 students, faculty, staff choose lives of loneliness and fear and community members gathered at Muller Chapel yesterday to mourn the loss of junior Andrea Morton. Morton passed away yesterday morn- ing because of a sudden medical condi- tion. Dave Maley, asso- ciate director of media relations, said Morton went to the Health Center last Th ursday when she fi rst felt ill. She was transported to Cayuga Medical Center and then on Friday was transferred MORTON passed from CMC to SUNY away suddenly Upstate Medical Uni- yesterday morning at the hospital.
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