January 23, 2017

VIA HAND DELIVERY The Honorable Benjamin J.F. Cruz. Senator and Legislative Speaker Chair of Committee on Appropriations and Adjudication Thirty-Fourth Legislature Ste. 107, 155 Hesler Place Hagatfia, Guam 9691 O

Hafa Adai Speaker Cruz:

Buenas yan Saludu! In accordance with Public Law 26-66, the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority is hereby submitting its new fee package for legislative fiiing. ~

A public hearing was conducted on December 14, 2016, and we are submitting the documents as follows: 0 1 Board of Trustees Official Resolution on new fees °"" 2. Minutes of Public Hearing 3. Summary of New Fees/Services 4. Press Release Notice of Public Hearing 5. Newspaper Notices of Public Hearing 6. Fax/Electronic Mail Confirmations Notice of Hearing to Legislature and news media 7. Letters Sent Inviting Third Party Payors to Public Hearing 8. Press Release - Notice of Public Hearing posted on GMHA Website 9. Public Hearing Agenda 10. Public Hearing Attendance Sheet

Please feel free to contact me if further information is required.

Dangkulo Na Agradesimient yan Si Yu'us Ma


Benita A Manglona. CPA CGMA Chief Financial Officer BM/cc Attachments cc GMHA Trustees GMHA Hospital Administrator/CEO 0 0 GMHA

Table of Contents

1. Board of Trustees Official Resolution

2. Minutes of Public Hearing

3. Sun11nary ofNe\v Fee Items/Services

4. Press Release - Notice of Public Hearing

5. Newspaper - Notices of Public Hearing

6. Fax and En1ail Confirmations - Notice of Public Hearing

7. Letters Sent Inviting Third Party Payers to Public Hearing

8. Press Release Notice of PubJic Hearing displayed on GMHA Website

9. Public Hearing...., Agenda'-'

I 0. Public Hearing Attendance S

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. AUTHORITY PUBLIC HEARING ON HOSPITAL FEES 16 2:00 M. A Manglona, Chief Financial Officer/ Refer to attached Presiding Officer Attendance Sheet Room Assistant Chief Financial Officer Hospital QI


Ms. Benita introduced herself at the public Financial Officer and the Hearing Officer for this Informational announced the commencement of this public hearing at 2:06 p.m.

II. the Hospital and welcomed the attendees at this public hearing. I nformationa I to follow and the public would be given

111. the Public Informational

The via facsimiles and electronic mails to the Office, the of the Guam Legislature. In payers via electronic mails inviting

and the list of new fee items

Library. He

December 2016.

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Official Resolution No. 2017-19


WHEREAS, Public Law 26-66, places the rate making authority of the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority under the GMHA Board of Trustees; and

WHEREAS, the GMHA Board of Trustees has reviewed the Public Law 26-66; and

WHEREAS; a Public Hearing \vas held on December 14, 2016 and oral comments and written testimony have been solicited for the thirty-six (36) new fees comprised of the following Hospital departments: Labor & Delivery, Radiology, Phannacy and Respiratory; and

WHEREAS, the GMHA Board of Trustees has reviewed the list of new fees and found the same to be in order; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the GMHA Board of Trustees directs the Hospital Administrator/CEO to continue to proceed with the adjudication process of these 36 new fee items;, and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Chairperson certifies and the Secretary attests to the adoption of this Resolution.


Certified By: Attested By:

Eloy S. Lizama Chairman, Board of Trustees Secretary, Board

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. these new fee items were as follows

to list of new fees provided at the hearing)

TOTAL: New Fee Items

Testimonies from Ms. Manglona noted that no attendees from the public at this public hearing Public up for TQ<:Ttrr1n Informational She stated that the public could submit a written testimony to the Hospital Administrator/CEO within five days after this public hearin~ These testimonies would be incorporated into the submission package to the 33r Guam Legislature. VI. Questions and Answers on Ms. Manglona commenced from attendees for any questions they Informational rooosE~a Fees the new fee items presented. It was noted that there were from the attendees at the public hearing. l">'""''"m"' for making their time to attend this public hearing. Informational be scheduled in the next quarter.

Recorded and

Benita A Manglona Administrative Assistant Chief Financial Officer Hearing Officer

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. GUAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AUTHORITY SUMMARY OF NEW FEE ITEMS/SERVICES for Submission to the 33rd Guam Legislature Public Hearing on December 14, 2016

FEE MODEL ~RGEODE DESCRIPTION RATE DEPARTMENT 0291 LARYNGOSCOPE FIBEROPTIC $ 254.99 LABOR & DELIVERY 1463 PRESSURE INFUSOR BTA $ 105.87 LABOR & DELIVERY 3 20-42405 INCISIONAL BX SALIVARY GLAND $ 491.24 RADIOLOGY 4 20-43756 DUODENAL INTUB/ASPIRATE W/IMG $ 100.69 RADIOLOGY 5 20-47380 OPEN ABLATE LIVER TUMOR, RF $ 2,982.80 RADIOLOGY 6 20-47381 OPEN ABLATE LIVER TUMOR, CRYO $ 2,849,44 RADIOLOGY 7 20-47382 PERC ABLATE LIVER TUMOR, RF $ 4, 118.23 RADIOLOGY 8 20-47383 PERC ABLATE LIVER TUMOR, CRYO $ 4,118.23 RADIOLOGY 9 20-47542 PERC BAL OILA TE BILIARY TREE $ 271.40 RADIOLOGY 10 20-47543 PERC ENDOLUM BX BILIARY TREE $ . 342.66 RADIOLOGY 11 20-48400 INJECT INTRAOP PANCREATOGRAPHY $ 222.68 RADIOLOGY 12 20-49082 ABO PARACENTESIS W/O IMAGE $ 482.83 RADIOLOGY 13 20-49446 CONVERT G-TUBE TO G-J PERC $ 1,088.00 RADIOLOGY 14 20-49450 REPLACE GASTRO/CECO TUBE PERC $ 482.83 RADIOLOGY 1S 20-49451 REPLACE DUOD/JEJ TUBE PERC $ 482.83 RADIOLOGY 16 21-08S03 CATHETER P/F SF 110CM 10708503 $ 114.28 RADIOLOGY 17 21-09406 CATHETER PIG 4FR 70CM G09406 $ 85.47 RADIOLOGY 18 21-09489 NEEDLE YUEH 5FR ?CM G09489 $ 146.97 RADIOLOGY 19 21-09490 NEEDLE YUEH 5FR 1OCM G09490 $ 170.50 RADIOLOGY 20 21-09803 CATHETER P/F SF 100CM 13709803 $ 651.34 RADIOLOGY 21 21-10050 SET DRAIN GATH 10.2FR G10050 $ 766.92 RADIOLOGY 22 21-14045 CATHETER VER 4F 100CM 10714045 $ 114.28 RADIOLOGY 23 21-18502 CATHETER C-2 4FR 65CM 10718502 $ 114.28 RADIOLOGY 24 21-19503 CATHETER HH1SF100CM 10719503 $ . 114.28 RADIOLOGY 25 21-19708 CATHETER C2 SFR 65CM 10719708 $ 114.28 RADIOLOGY 26 21-20405 CATHETER S0-2 SF 80CM 10720405 $ 114.28 RADIOLOGY 27 21-20408 CATHETER S0-0 5F 80CM 10720408 $ 114.28 RADIOLOGY 28 21-22102 CATHETER BER 5FR 65CM 10722102 $ 114.28 RADIOLOGY 29 21-32201 CATHETER O/F 5FR 65CM 10732201 $ 114.28 RADIOLOGY 30 21-32702 CATHETER KMP 5FR 40CM 10732702 $ 114.28 RADIOLOGY 31 21-43870 SET INTRODUCER 5FR G43870 $ 289.52 RADIOLOGY 32 21-88882 CATHETER MAHURKAR 12FR 13CM $ 647.37 RADIOLOGY 33 42-33210 MOXIFLOXACIN 400MG TABLET $ 45.12 PHARMACY 34 42-46305 MELATONIN 5MG TAB LET $ 0.91 PHARMACY 35 53-19250 VEST SPU WRAP-MED $ 426.05 RESP IRA TORY 36 53-19251 VEST SPU WRAP-LGE $ 426.05 RESPIRATORY

**********************************************************~~~ f'TErvt************************************************************v

Page 1 of 2 12/2/16 Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. I certify that this listing of items comprises all fees required law for submission at this time to be as presented here.

Frumen A Hospital uality Improvement Specialist

1st Endorsement of Concurrence I concur and further certify that this listing of items are exempted under Section 9301 (i) to Article 3, Chapter 9, Division 1 of Title 5 of the Guam Code Annotated and in compliance with Title10 GCA Part 2 Division 4 80 §80109

Benita A. Manglona Date Chief Financial Officer

Page 2 of 2 12/2/16 Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - December 5. 2016


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) will be conducting a Public Hearing on hospital new rates, fees and charges. Documents relating to this proceeding are available on our website at www.gmha.org under Public Information - GMHA Press Release - GMHA Public Hearing. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Frumen Patacsil, Hospital Quality Improvement Specialist at 648-7945 or Ms. Benita A. Manglona, Chief Financial Officer at 647-2367.

Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 Time: 2:00 p.m. Place: GMHA Daniel L. Webb Conference Room, 1st Floor, Administration Wing, 850 Gov Carlos Camacho Road, Oka Tamuning, Guam.

Individuals requiring special accommodations should contact Toni Tenorio, ADA Coordinator, at 64 7-2218/2367 to make appropriate arrangements.

DISTRIBUTION: Board of Trustees Governor Edward J.B. Calvo Congresswoman Speaker Judith Won Senator Dennis G. Rodriguez. Jr. Committee on Health, Economic Development. Homeland Security, and Senior Citizens Office of the Attorney GMHA President of the Medical Staff GMHA Medical Staff GMHA Departments I Units Pacific Daily News - Observation Daily News Newstalk K57 I 98 KUAM TV I Radio KTWG KOKU KPRG KHMG KGTF GMHA Website

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Guam Memorial Hospital Authority @ Aturidat Espetat Mimuriat Guahan : . 850 GOV. CARLOS CAMACHO ROAD OKA, TAMUN!NG, GUAM 96913 TEL: (671) 647-2544 or (671) 647-2330; FAX:. (571) 649-0145 This Public No11ce is paid for by government funds, and is paid for by Guam Memorial Hospital Authority. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GWEN that the Guam Memorial Hospital Auttiority (GMHA) wiU be conducting a Public Hearing on hospttal IJ!!W rates, fees and c:hargeS. Documents relating to this proceeding are available on our website at www.amtia.am under Public lnfonnation - GMHA Press Release- GMHA Public Hearing. Should you have any questions, please feel tree to contact Mr. Frumen Patacsil, Hospital Quality Improvement Specialist at 648-7945 or Ms. Benita Manglona, Cllieffloanclal Officer at647-2367. Datil: Wednesday, December 14, 21116 Tune; 2:00 p_m. Place: 6MHA Daniel L Webb Conference Room, Administration \'{mg, 850 Gov C3rlos Camacho Road, Oka Tamuning, Guam. Individuals requiring special accommodations should contact Toni Tenorio, AOA Coocdinator, at 647-221812367 to make appropriate arrangements.


SEASON OF ADVENTURE '"9stige Aatamobiles SALES EVENT m &m Mlar.ii!teCG;pslllt1il&e~ t. ~Guam.~ T 671 6D 215.95

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. r r·~ "All the -id's a smge, and llll 1he men and woman merely p!ay9JS. •-Jaques. Keep up Wltl1 nonliclfonal world players and ewnts In this section. Send us your lliougbl8 Ill contenlOposfguacom. <•~'. '«-~c• '" " ·~;'.;",:;' ~ ••7,;- ~· ",--;• ;:::,~ -~,:__,,-,,-·_-:-• - '.'." ~~~-; Twin bombing outside lstan ul I s cer stadium kills .29, wounds 166 ~ ISTANBUI: (Reuters) - : . . said Omer Yihriaz, who i Two bombs exploded less works as a cleaner at A. than a minute apart, killing . the nearby Dolmabahce ,.. 29peopleandwoundingl66 mosque,. directly across I outside a soccer stadium in the road from the stadium. ! Istanbul on Sa. turday night, "People ducked under I in a coordinated attack on the tables, women began police shortly after a match crying. Football fans drink· between two of Turkey's ing tea at the cafe sought top teams. shelter, it was horrible,~ he First a car bomb exploded told Reuters. outside the Vodafone Turkey is a member of Arena, home to Istanbul's the NATO military alliance Besiktas soccer team, leav~ and part of the U.S.-led ingflamingwreckageonthe coalition against Islamic street. Forty-five seconds State. It launched a mili­ later, a suspect wearing tary incursion into Syria in explosives detonated them August against the radical while surrounded by police · lslamist group. It is also in an adjacent park, Deputy fighting a Kurdish mili· Prime Minister Numan tant insurgency in its own Kurtulmus told a news ·southeast. · conference. Victims were President Tayyip Erdo· mainly poffce gan described the blasts as a terrorist by thousands of people, had been God's will, we as a country and a Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu attack on police and civilians. He said to cause the maximum number of nation will overcome terror, terroriSt said the first explosion, which came the aim of the bombings, two hours casualties. organizations ... and the forces behind around two hours. after the end of after the end of a match attended · "Nobody should doubt that with them," he said in a statement. the match between Besiktas and The attack shook a soc11er·mad Bursaspor, was at an assembly point nation still trying to recover' from a for riot police officers. The second series of deadly bombings this year came as police surrounded the suicide ~fillkm in cities including lstanbur and the bomber in the nearby Macka park. ·~ Public Notice Announcement capital Ankara, some blamed on the Two of those killed in the blasts were Islamic Statejihadist group and others civilians. The other 27 were police claimed by Kurdish militants. officers, including a police chief and There was no immediate claim of another senior officer, Soylu said. He responsibility. But the blasts came said 17 of the wounded were under­ Tl1ls ad was paid for by the GV8 Membership Fund less than a week after Islamic State going surgery and another six were in urged its supporters to target Turkey's intensive care.

Tha-...ie "security, military, economic and Soylu also said 10 people had been RAYT!NORIO media establishment.n detained based on evidence from the Lt.Go¥ernor ult was like hell. The flames went all detonated vehicle, but gave no indi· the way up to the sky. I was drinking cation of who the authorities thought ~lllilllilDIPUBLIC NOTICE~~ tea at the cafe next to the mosque," might be behind the attack. The Board ofDircCtors of the A.B. Wea ht IatcniatlollalAirportA11tlu11ity, Guam (GIAA) will convl!!le its Regnh!r Board meeting on Wedaesday, Deum&er 14, 2016 at 3:80 p.m In Tcrminid Conference Room No. 3. In addition to n>gUlar mattm, pursusnt to S G.CA. §8lll(c)(2), Executive Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Session will be held lo di!CUIJS pending litigation to which GIAA Is a party. Parking is available in the Aturidat Espetat Mlmurlat Guahan Public Parking Lot 850 GOV. CARLOS CAMACHO ROAO t.·· OKA, TAMUNING, GUAM 96913 For special llCCOtnn\odatiOM or agenda items, please call the Board Oflke at 642-4717118. TEL: (671) 647-2544 or(671) 647-2330; FAX: (671) 649-0145 (This ad Jl"ld fur by GIAA) This PtJbifc NolJcO IS paid tor by government funds. and Is paid tor by Guam Memorfal Hospftal Aulhorlty. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE fS HEREBY GIVEN that tfle Guam Memortal Hospttal Authority (GMf!A) will Ile condllcilng a Public Hearing on hOspi!.al oow rates, fees and cl!arges.. OOcumentll ralattng to tl1ls prnceedlng are The Guam Developmental Disabilities Council (GODC) will hold its avallable on our websHe at www omit& om under Public lntormatlon - GMHA Press Releaslt- GMHA General Membership Meeting on Wednesday, December 14, 2016, Publfc Heanng. Should you have any QUGSUons, pleas$ feet free 1D contact Mr. Frumen Patacsll, 11 :00 am to 2:00 pm at the Hilton Guam Resort & The Gallery Room. Hospllal Qual!ty I~ SpeClallst at 648-7945 or Ms. Benfla Manglona. Chief Rnancial Officer All Council members are urged to attend. The meeting is open to the at 647-2367. public. For persons requiring special accommodations, please Dalli: Wednesday, December 14, 2018 Time: 2:llO p.m. contact 735-9127 to make arrangements With the hotel. Place: GMHA 08lllel L. WeblJ Conference Room, Admini8lr3llon Wing, 850 sew Carlos CamachO Road, Oka Tamuning, Guam. This Ad was paid by the Developmental Disabilities Assistance lndtviduals 18QUlrtng special accommoda11ons should contact Toni Teoorto, ADA coordinator, at and Bill of Rights Act, Federal Law 106-402. 647-221812367111 make appropriate arrangements. •

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturidat Espetat l\1imuriat Guahan 850 CARLOS ROAD OKA. TAMUNING. GUAM 96913 TEL (671) 647-2544 or I J FAX (671) 649-0145


TO: Honorable Eddie Baza Governor of Guam Fax No.: 477-4826 Lieutenant Governor of Guam email to: =cc===""====.o. Madeleine Z. Bordallo Fax No.: 477-2587 Speaker, Judith T. Won Pat, Guam Fax No.: 472-3589 Vice Speaker, Benjamin lF. Cruz, 33•d Guam Legislature Fax No.: 477-2522 (via email to:~"""'~~~~~~~ instead) Secretary, Tina Muna-Barnes, Fax No.· 472-3400 Senator, Dennis G. Rodriguez, Jr., Fax No.: 649-0520 email to~"""'~~·'"'"~=~~~

Atty. Charles Kinnunen, Office of Attorney General Fax No. 477-3390

Pacific Daiiy Observation Post Marianas Fax No.: 472-4641 Fax No.: 648-2007

Newstalk K57, Power 98 KUAM TV/Radio Fax No.: 477-3982 Fax No. 637-9870

KTWG KOKU KSTO No. Fax No.: 477-641 l KHMG 88.l FM KPRG Fax No.: 136 Fax No : 734-2958

FROM: Guam Memorial

December I 20 l 6



Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Activity Report

Date/Time 12-12-2016 01:33:52 p.m. Transmit Header Text Local ID 1 6490145 Local Name GMH ADMIN

Start Time

12-12-2016 12-12-2016 12-12-2016 12-12-2016 12-12-2016 12-12-2016 12-12-2016 12-12-2016 12-12-2016

Abbreviations: HS: Host send PL: Polled local MP: Mailbox print CP: Completed TS: Terminated by system HR: Host receive PR: Polled remote RP: Report FA: Fail G3: Group 3 WS: Waiting send MS: Mailbox save FF: Fax Forward TU: Terminated by user EC: Error Correct

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Candy Chan

From: Sent: To: Subject: RE: GMHA Notice of Public Hearing on New Fees Attachments: Press Release for web page.pdf; List of 36 New Fees for 12.14.16 Public Hearing.pdf

To: The Honorable Lieutenant Governor Tenorio

We were unable to transmit the Press Release and the new fee listing to your office via facsimile on Monday, December 12 and are therefore transmitting through electronic mail. The Hospital is having public hearing every quarter to introduce new fees. This is the first public hearing of FY2017. Attached is the Press Release and the list of 36 new fee items to be introduced at the 2 p.m. public hearing on December 14, 2016 in the Boardroom.

Thank you for your attention.

Candy Chan Administrative Assistant Fiscal Services Guam Memorial Hospital Authority 850 Gov. Carlos G. Camacho Road Tamuning, Guam 96913-3128 Web Site: www.gmha.org Ema ii: ~~'-'-=~""'-.U....C..~~-= Ph: 671-648-7958 Fax: 671-647-2214

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Candy Chan

From: > Sent: To: Subject: on New Fees Attachments: Press Release for web List of 36 New Fees for 12.14.16 Public

To: The Honorable Vice Speaker B.J. Cruz

We were unable to transmit the Press Release and the new fee listing to your office via facsimile on Monday, December 12 and are therefore transmitting through electronic mail. The Hospital is having public every to introduce new fees. This is the first public hearing of FY2017. Attached is the Press Release and the list of 36 new fee items to be introduced at the 2 p.m. public hearing on December 14, 2016 in the Boardroom.

Thank you for your attention.

Candy Chan Administrative Assistant Fiscal Services Guam Memorial Hospital Authority 850 Gov. Carlos G. Camacho Road Tamuning, Guam 96913-3128 Web Site: www.gmha.org Email: [email protected] Ph: 671-648-7958 Fax: 671-647-2214

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Transmission Report

Date/Time 12-12-2016 01 :34:39 p,m, Transmit Header Text Local ID 1 6490145 Local Name 1 GMH ADMIN

This document : Confirmed {reduced sample and details below) Document size: 8.5"x11"

Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturidat Espctat Mimuri:it Guaban lWALl


TO: Honorabre , (-3uvcmoi of Gurun Fa>. Nu.: 477-48~6 Honorable Lieutcnunt Governor ufGtrnm Fax No,:

Cruz, Fax {\'ia em.:til JQJ!fil!lr@,t~!Ql]:i£!:!JL£im Secretary, Tina Muna-Barnes, fox Na,: 472-340tl Senator, Dennis G, Rodriguez_, Jt,, JJ'd Guum LcgisJaturr rax No,: 649-0520

Charles Kmnunen, Office nf Attorney Gentiral 477,3390

Marianas Variety ra,, 648,2007

New,;alk Power 95 KUA}vl TV1Radio Fax No, 477-3982 fax No, 637-9R70


KPRG KGTF Fax No,: 734-2958

Fax No: 477~7136

DA TS: December 12. 20 I6



Total 2 Remote Station Duration Line 6714723400 6 00:00:22

Abbreviations: Host send PL Polled local MP: Mailbox print CP: Completed TS: Terminated by system HR: Host receive PR: Polled remote RP: Report FA: Fail G3: Group 3 WS: Waiting send MS: Mailbox save FF: Fax Forward TU: Terminated by user EC: Error Correct Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Candy Chan

From: Sent: To: Subject: on New Fees Attachments: Press Release for web page.pdf; List of 36 New Fees for 12.14.16 Public

To: The Honorable Senator Rodriguez

We were unable to transmit the Press Release and the new fee listing to your office via facsimile on Monday, December 12 and are therefore transmitting through electronic mail. The Hospital is having public every to introduce new fees. This is the first public hearing of FY2017. Attached is the Press Release and the list of 36 new fee items to be introduced at the 2 p.m. public hearing on December 14, 2016 in the Boardroom.

Thank you for your attention.

Candy Chan Administrative Assistant Fiscal Services Guam Memorial Hospital Authority 850 Gov. Carlos G. Camacho Road Tamuning, Guam 96913-3128 Web Site: ~~~~"-=-.0 Email: [email protected] Ph: 671-648-7958 Fax: 671-647-2214


Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Transmission Report

Date/Time 12-12-2016 01:36:10p.m. Transmit Header Text Local ID 1 6490145 local Name 1 GMHADMIN

This document : Confirmed (reduced sample and details below) Document size: 8.5"x11"

Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturidat Espetat Mimuriat Guah:m 850 GOV CARLOS CAM:\CHO RG_,\D

TO: Hnrwrnb!t Eddie Bazu Calvo, Governor of Guam Fax No.: 477 -4826 Lieutenant Governor of Guam

Senator1 Dennis G, Rodriguez, Jr., 33rn Guam Legislature Fax No.: 649·0520

Atty" Charks Kinnunen, Ot11ce uf Attorney Genera! fax

Observation Pnst

Newsrnlk K571 Power 9& KU;\Jvl TV:Radio fax Nu'" 477-3982 Fax No, 637·9870


KPRG KG1F Fax No.: N

Dcccmh;;:r 20 ! 6



Abbreviations· HS: Host send Pl Polled local MP Mailbox print CP: Completed TS: Terminated by system HR: Host receive PR: Polled remote RP: Report FA: Fail G3: Group 3 WS: Waiting send MS: Mailbox save FF: Fax Forward TU: Terminated by user EC: Error Correct Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Transmission Report

Date/Time 12-12-2016 01:37:07 p.m. Transmit Header Text Local ID 1 6490145 Local Name 1 GMHADMIN

This document : Confirmed (reduced sample and details below) Document size: 8.5"x11"

Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturidat Espetilt Mirnuriilt Gulihan 850 GOV. CARLOS ROAD TAMUNING, GUAM %913


TO'. f-lonornblt Eddie Baza Calvo, Governor elf Gunm Fax Ne.: 477·4826 Lieutenant Governor of Guam

Fax {via

Atty. Charies Kmnunen, Office af Attorney General 477-3]90

Pacific Fax No.:

KUAM TV/Rudio Pax 637-9870 KOKU KSTO


KHMG88.I Fax No : 417-7 \36

December 20 J6


Station Line

Abbreviations: HS: Host send Polled local MP: Mailbox print CP: Completed TS: Terminated by system HR: Host receive PR: Polled remote RP: Report FA: Fail G3: Group 3 WS: Waiting send MS: Mailbox save FF: Fax Forward TU: Terminated by user EC: Error Correct Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Transmission Report

DateiTime 12-12-2016 01:38:11 p.m. Transmit Header Text Local ID 1 6490145 Local Name 1 GMHADMIN

This document : Confirmed (reduced sample and details below) Document size: 8.5"x11"

Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturidat Espetilt Mimuriat Guaban 850 GOV. CARLOS


TO: I Iunurab!e Eddie Baza Cnivo, Gov cm or of Gimm Fax Ne.: 477-4826

l'ax No.: Senator, Dennis G, Rodriguez,, k, 33'u Gt1am Legislature Fe.,, No.; 649-0520

Atty. Charles Kinnutnm, Office of Attorney Genc1·aJ No.

Pad fie Fax No.:

Ncwstafk K57. Power 98 KUAM TViRudio No 477~3982 Fax No, 637~9~70



KHMG FM Fax 477~7!:36


December 12, 2016




Abbreviations: Host send Polled local MP: Mailbox print CP: Completed TS: Terminated by system HR: Host receive PR: Polled remote RP: Report FA Fail G3. Group 3 WS: Waiting send MS: Mailbox save FF: Fax Forward TU: Terminated by user EC: Error Correct Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Transmission Report

Date/Time 12-12-2016 01 :47:46 p.m. Transmit Header Text Local ID 1 6490145 Local Name 1 GMHADMIN

This document : Confirmed (reduced sample and details below} Document size: 8.5"x11"

Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturid:lt Espetat Mimuriat Guahan C-A!HJlS TAMGNING,

Honombk Eddie Bazn Calvo, Governor Fax No.: 477-4816

Charles Kinnunen, Office of Attorney General 4?7~3390

Pacific Observation Post l'a.x No,:

98 KU1\M TV!Radfo Fa__t.: No. 637~9870


KPRG KG1T Fax No": 734-295&

KHMG88.l fM Fax No:

December 20 l 6



Abbreviations: HS: Host send PL: Polled local MP: Mailbox print CP: Completed TS: Terminated by system HR: Host receive PR: Polled remote RP: Report FA: Fail G3: Group 3 WS: Waiting send MS: Mailbox save FF: Fax Forward TU: Terminated by user EC: Error Correct Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Transmission Report

Date/Time 12-12-2016 01 :40:02 p.m. Transmit Header Text Local ID 1 6490145 Local Name 1 GMHADMIN

This document : Confirmed (reduced sample and details below) Document size: 8.5"x11"

Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturidat Mhnnriat Guuhan

Honorable fakfo: Baza Calvo, Governor cf Guam Fax No.: 477-4&26

Chades Kimmnen, OITitc uf Attorney General 477-3390

Pacific Observation Post Fax No:

K57, Power 98 KUAM TVilwdiD fax No. 477-3982 Fa:•(No" 6J7-9S7C


Kf'RG KGTF Fax No. 734-2958 Fax No,:

KHMG FM FaxNo.:477-7136

lJA TE: December 12,



Total Confirmed : 2

Abbreviations: HS: Host send PL: Polled local MP: Mailbox print CP: Completed TS: Terminated by system HR: Host receive PR: Polled remote RP: Report FA: Fail G3: Group 3 WS: Waiting send MS: Mallbox save FF: Fax Forward TU: Terminated by user EC: Error Correct Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Transmission Report

Date/Time 12-12-2016 01:42:14 p.m. Transmit Header Text Local ID 1 6490145 Local Name 1 GMHADMIN

This document : Confirmed (reduced sample and details below) Document size: 8.5"x11"

Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturidat Espetat Mimuri!t Guahan 850 GOV. CARLOS CAMACHO ROAD

TO· Honornble Eddie Buza Calvo, Governor ofGuctm Fax No.; 477«4826 Hono:.e.blc Lieutenant GO\'emor of {foam

Fax No.; Scnawr. Dennis G. Rodriguez, Jr., 33'4 Guam Legisfature Fax No.: 649-0520

Chades Kinnuncn. Ofi1ce of Attorney Gt:'ncra\ No

KUAM TV/Rudio Fax No. 637-9870


KPRG KGTF Fax Nu.: No:

KHMG 381 FM Fax No_: 477~7!36

December 20 t 6

DECEMBER 14. 2016.


Scanned: 2 Total Confirmed : 2 Remote Station Line 6716482007 12-12-2016

Abbreviations: HS: Host send Polled local MP: Mailbox print CP: TS: Terminated by system HR: Host receive PR: Polled remote RP: Report FA: Fall G3: Group3 WS: Waiting send MS: Mailbox save FF: Fax Forward TU: Terminated by user EC: Error Correct Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Transmission Report

Date!Time 12-12-2016 01:44:05p.m. Transmit Header Text Local ID 1 6490145 Local Name 1 GMHADMIN

This document : Confirmed (reduced sample and details below} Document size: 8.5"x11"

Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturidat Mimuriat Guahan

TO· Honorable Edditi Bal:il Calvo. Governor of Guam

Senator, Dennis G. Rodriguez~ Jr. 33rd Guam Lcgt:;fature Fax No.: 649·0520

Charles Kinnunen, Office of AHurney 477-3390 ,

Pilcific Fax No.:

KlJAM TV!Radic


Kf'RG Fax No . 7J.t.295~


Total Confirmed . 2 Line 12-12-2016

Abbreviations: Host send PL· Polled local MP: Mailbox print CP: Completed TS: Terminated by system HR: Host receive PR: Polled remote RP: Report FA: Fail G3: Group 3 WS: Waiting send MS: Mailbox save FF: Fax Forward TU: Terminated by user EC: Error Correct Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Transmission Report

Date/Time 12-12-2016 01 :45:04 p.m. Transmit Header Text Local ID 1 6490145 Local Name 1 GMH ADMIN

This document : Confirmed (reduced sample and details below) Document size: 8.5"x11"

Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturidat Mimnriat GmH1an

TO: Honorable Eddle Bazu Calvo, Governor of Guam Fax No.: 477·4S26

Sc11awr1 Dennis Rodriguez:, Jr,. 33d Guam Lcgislarure Fax No.: 649-0520

Charles Kinnunen, Office of AHornev General Fax 477-3390 •

Pncific Observation Post Marianas Fax No.: I'ax No.:


No.; 7J4-295H No_:


Host send local MP: Mailbox print Terminated by system Host remote RP: Report . Group3 NS: Waiting send MS: Mailbox save FF: Fax Forward TU: Terminated user EC: Error Correct

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Transmission Report

Date/Time 12-12-2016 01:41.14 p.m. Transmit Header Text Local ID 1 6490145 Local Name 1 ADMIN

This document : Confirmed (reduced sample and details below} Document size: 8.5"x11"

Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturidat Espet:lt Mimuriat Guahan 850 GOV CARLOS CAMACHO ROAD TA"lv'Nl>IG, GUAM

TO: Hmmrabl~ Eddie Baza Cah10. Governor of Guam Fax No.: 477~4826

Senator, Dennis G. Rotfrlgua. Jc 33r'1 Guam Leglslature Fax No,: 649·0520

Pacific Mar!anns Fax No.: Fax No.·

Newstalk K.57, Pmver 98 TV:Rndio No.: 477-398:1 No. 637·9870


KPRG Fax No.: 734·2953 fax No.:

December !2, 20!6



Abbrev Iat Ions: Host send PL: Polled local MP: Mailbox print CP TS: Terminated by system HR: Host receive PR: Polled remote RP: Report FA: Fail G3: Group 3 WS: Waiting send MS: Mailbox save FF: Fax Forward TU: Terminated by user EC: Error Correct

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturidat Espetat Mimuriat Guahan 850 GOV. CARLOS CAMACHO ROAD OKA, TAMUNING, GUAM 96913 TEL: 647-2444 or 647-2330 FAX: ) 649-0145

December 5, 2016

VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL AND MAIL Ms. Chen Y. Mack President STAYWELL GUAM, INC. P.O. Box CZ Hagatria, Guam 96932

Dear Ms. Mack:

Please be advised that the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) will be conducting a Public Hearing at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 in the GMHA Daniel L. Webb Conference Room on the hospital's new rates, fees and charges. The listing of the proposed new rates, fees, and charges is attached, which is also available on our website under Public Information GMHA Press Release GMHA Public Hearing.

Individuals requiring special accommodations should contact the Administration Office at 647- 2367 to make appropriate arrangements.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Frumen Patacsll, Hospital Quality Improvement Specialist at 648-7945 or Ms. Benita Manglona, Chief Financial


Benita A Manglona, Chief Financial Officer

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturidat Espetat Mimuriat Guahan 850 GOV. CARLOS CAMACHO ROAD OKA, TAMUNING, GUAM 96913 TEL: 647-2444 or 647-2330 FAX: ) 649-0145

December 5, 2016

VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL AND MAIL Mr. Frank Campillo Plan Administrator CALVO'S SELECTCARE P.O. Box FJ Hagatna, Guam 96932

Dear Mr. Campillo:

Please be advised that the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA.) will be conducting a Public Hearing at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 in the GMHA. Daniel L. Webb Conference Room on the hospital's new rates, fees and charges. The listing of the proposed new rates, fees, and charges is attached, which is also available on our website under Public Information - GMHA Press Release GMHA. Public Hearing.

Individuals requiring special accommodations should contact the Administration Office at 647- to make appropriate arrangements.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Frumen Hospital Quality Improvement Specialist at 648-7945 or Ms. Manglona, Chief Financial at


A. Manglona, Chief Financial Officer

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturidat Espetat Mimuriat.Guahan 850 GOV. CARLOS CAMACHO ROAD GUAM 96913 TEL: 647-2444 or 647-2330 FAX: ) 649-0145

December 5, 2016

TAKECARE INSURANCE COMPANY INC. P.O. Box 6578 Tamuning, Guam 96931


Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) \v'\fill conducting a on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 in the GMHA Daniel L Webb Conference Room on the hospital's new rates, and charges. The listing of the proposed new rates, fees, and charges is attached, which is also available on our under Public - GMHA Public Hearing.

Individuals requiring special accommodations should contact the Administration at

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturidat Espetat Mimuriat Guahan 850 GOV. CARLOS CAMACHO ROAD OKA, TAMUNING, GUAM 96913 TEL: 647-2444 or 647-2330 FAX: (671) 649-0145

December 5, 2016

VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL AND MAIL Mr. Jerry Crisostomo Plan Administrator Netcare Life & Health Insurance Company Suite 200, Julale Center 424 West O'Brien Drive Hagatna, Guam 96910

Dear Mr. Crisostomo:

Please be advised that the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) will be conducting a Public Hearing at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 in the GMHA Daniel L. Webb Conference Room on the hospital's new rates, fees and charges. The listing of the proposed new rates, fees, and charges is attached, which is also available on our website under Public Information - GMHA Press Release - GMHA Public Hearing.

Individuals requiring special accommodations should contact the Administration Office at 647- 2367 to make appropriate arrangements.

Should have questions, please to contact Mr. Hospital improvement at 648-7945 or Ms. Benita A Manglona, Chief Financial Officer at 647-2367.


Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturidat Es tat Mimuriat Guahan ROAD GUAM 96913 TEL: 647-2444 or 647-2330 FAX: 649-0145

December 5, 2016

& of Health Care Financing Administration Division of Public Welfare Department of Public Health & Social Services 1 Chalan Kareta 96913

be advised that Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) will be conducting a Public Hearing at ·oo on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 in the GMHA L on the new and charges. The of the proposed new and charges is attached, which is also available on our website under Public Information - GMHA Press Release - GMHA Public Hearing.

accommodations should contact the Administration Office at 647- appropriate arrangements.

Frumen Patacsil, Hospital

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Guam Memorial Hospital Authority Aturidat Espetat Mimuriat Guahan 850 GOV. CARLOS CAMACHO ROAD OKA, TAMUNING, GUAM 96913 TEL: 64 7-2444 or 64 7-2330 FAX: (671) 649-0145

December 5, 2016

VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL AND MAIL Mr. Luckie Sakamoto Health Manager NANBO INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS P.O. Box 2980 Hagatria, Guam 96932

Dear Mr. Sakamoto:

Please be advised that the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) will be conducting a Pubiic Hearing at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 in the GMHA Daniel L Webb Conference Room on the hospital's new rates, fees and charges. The listing of the proposed new rates, fees, and charges is attached, which is also available on our website under Public Information GMHA Press Release - GMHA Public Hearing.

Individuals requiring special accommodations should contact the Administration Office at 647- 2367 to make appropriate arrangements.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Frumen Patacsil, Hospital Quality Improvement Specialist at 648-7945 or Ms. Benita A. Manglona, at


Benita A Manglona, CPA, CGMA Chief Financial Officer

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Candy Chan

From: Candy Chan < Sent: Monday, December 05, 2016 1:52 PM To: Chen Mack Updated Cc: 'Anthony Mendiola' Subject: RE: GMHA Public Hearing on New Fees Attachments: Ltr to Re 12.14.16 Public Hearing on new fees.pdf

Good afternoon Ms. Mack,

Attached for your attention is the letter announcing our quarterly public hearing on new fees on December 14, 2016, the original of which will be sent via mail.

Thank you. Candy Chan Administrative Assistant Fiscal Services Guam Memorial Hospital Authority 850 Gov. Carlos G. Camacho Road Tamuning, Guam 96913-3128 Web Site: www.gmha.org Email: [email protected] Ph: 671-648-7958 Fax: 671-647-2214

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Candy Chan

From: Chan< Sent: Monday, December 05, 2016 1:56 PM To: Frank Campillo Cc: 'Alexy Dacanay' Subject: GMHA Public Hearing on New Fees Attachments: Ltr to Selectcare Re 12.14.16 Public on new

Good afternoon Mr. Campillo,

Attached for your attention is the letter announcing our quarterly public hearing on new fees on December the original of which will be sent via mail.

Thank you. Candy Chan Administrative Assistant Fiscal Services Guam Memorial Hospital Authority 850 Gov. Carlos G. Camacho Road Tamuning, Guam 96913-3128 Web Site: www.gmha.org Email: [email protected] Ph: 671-648-7958 Fax: 671-647-2214

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Candy Chan

From: Sent: To: Cc: 'Iseke, Alicia I.' Subject: GMHA Public Hearing on New Fees Attachments: Ltr to Takecare Re 12.14.16 Public Hearing on new fees.pdf

Good afternoon Mr. Larsen,

Attached for your attention is the letter announcing our quarterly public hearing on new fees on December 14, 2016, the original of which will be sent via mail.

Thank you. Candy Chan Administrative Assistant Fiscal Services Guam Memorial Hospital Authority 850 Gov. Carlos G. Camacho Road Tamuning, Guam 96913-3128 Web Site: www.gmha.org Email: [email protected] Ph: 671-648-7958 Fax: 671-647-2214

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Candy Chan

From: Sent: To: Cc: 'Brihinia Subject: GMHA on New Fees Attachments: Ltr to Netcare Re 12.14.16 Public i--l<>::inr1ri on new

our on new fees on December

Thank you. Candy Chan Administrative Assistant Fiscal

G. Camacho Road Guam 96913-3128

Email: =~~=>;;;:-0~=~ Ph: 671-648-7958 Fax: 671-647-2214

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Candy Chan

From: Chan < > Sent: Monday, December 05, 2016 2:02 PM To: Subject: on New Fees Attachments: Ltr to Public Health Re 12.14.16 Public on new

Good afternoon Ms. Gonzalvo,

Attached for your attention is the letter announcing our quarterly public hearing on new fees on December 14, 2016, the original of which will be sent via mail.

Thank you. Candy Chan Administrative Assistant Fiscal Services Guam Memorial Hospital Authority 850 Gov. Carlos G. Camacho Road Tamuning, Guam 96913-3128 Web Site: ~~~~~...... Email: [email protected] Ph: 671-648-7958 Fax: 671-647-2214

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. Candy Chan

From: Chan< Sent: Monday, December 05, 2016 3:13 PM To: [email protected] Subject: GMHA Public Hearing on New Fees Attachments: Ltr to Nanbo Re 12.14.16 Public Hearing on new fees.pdf

Good afternoon Mr. Sakamoto,

Attached for your attention is the letter announcing our quarterly public hearing on new fees on December 14, 2016, the original of which will be sent via mail.

Thank you. Candy Chan Administrative Assistant Fiscal Services Guam Memorial Hospital Authority 850 Gov. Carlos G. Camacho Road Tamuning, Guam 96913-3128 Web Site: www.gmha.org Email: [email protected] Ph: 671-648-7958 Fax: 671-647-2214

Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100. About Guam Memorial Hospital Page 1 of 3


Home Patient Portal Physician Portal Employee Portal '*' GMHA Finances Employment Public Information o/ GMHA Press Release

GMHA BOT Meetings

& Public Hearings Public Hearing - Wednesday Smoke Free Policy ·='-"o"''·"·'··.:c.:.~.~- Press Release Pertussis December 14, 2016 Press Release List of 36 New Fees for Public

Board Of Trustee Meeting -

Press Release No. 2015-050 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome

Press Release No. Eliminating Mosquito Breeding Sites and Protecting Against

http://www.gmha.org/gmha new/Press Release.htmDoc. No. 34GL-17-0100. l'"J/J/!(\1?.. PUBLIC HEARING HOSPITAL NEW RATES, FEES AND CHARGES

VVednesday, December14,2016 GMHA Daniel L. Webb Conference Room 2:00 p.m.


L Introduction of Public, GMHA Management and Staff

11. Opening Remarks

Ill Purpose of the Public Hearing

IV. Presentation of Fees

V. Testimonies from the Public

VL Questions and Answers on Fees

VIL Closing Remarks by the Presiding Hearing Officer

VIII. Adjournment

Thank You For Your Active Participation


Wednesday, December 14, 2016 GMHA Daniel L. Webb Conference Room 2:00 p.m.

Attendance Sheet



Doc. No. 34GL-17-0100.