National Press Foundation honors Dr. Sanjay Gupta for his coverage of COVID-19 Dr. Gupta shares his ‘lessons learned’ from the past year


One year ago this month, on March Lessons learned: know; but, as in this case, some things 11, 2020, the World Health Organiza- Humility, honesty and hope are new – and we are not always comfort- tion used the word “pandemic” to de- He cited his three “lessons learned” able with that. We have to be transpar- scribe the spread of COVID-19; two days during the pandemic. “Humility is al- ent about that, honest. But being honest ways important. Sometimes there’s a and direct, and telling people the truth desire to think of science and expect cer- is sometimes hard. I deal with this as a tainty. It’s clearly harder to describe what doctor all the time.” you don’t know, but you have to be trans- He paraphrased poet, writer and Civil parent. Remember, COVID is a novel Rights activist, the late Maya Angelou, virus – something new,” he said. “All these firsts make me think about the significance of the word “novel,” he “When was the last time we, as adults continued. “When was the last time we, and as a society, truly experienced any- as adults and as a society, truly experi- enced anything for the first time, or have thing for the first time, or have been in a been in a situation for which we had no situation for which we had no context?” context?” He said too often people try to under- prior it was the term CNN chief medical stand a new entity by comparing it to who, among others, said: “It’s not what correspondent DR. SANJAY GUPTA used what we already have experienced, look- you say that people remember, but how on the air. ing for patterns. “We have a tendency to you made them feel – that’s what people At the National Press Foundation’s put things in a box, as something you remember.” He said as a communicator (NPF) Awards Celebration, held virtual- and physician, he tries to achieve a bal- ly on Feb. 18th, Dr. Gupta, a practicing ance. “Transparency and honesty must neurosurgeon, was among the honorees, lead the way. Whether you are talking to and received the Chairman’s Citation your patients, or family or a TV audience award for 2020. “Sanjay Gupta’s ability to – find the humanity but be transparent.” translate the complexity, nuance and art In addition to his work at CNN, Dr. of medicine to make it understandable Gupta is the author of “Keep Sharp, Build for a broad audience has made him the a Better Brain at Any Age,” a New York nation’s doctor,” said NPF Chair Donna Times bestseller. His new book, “World Leinwand Leger. He was recognized for War C: Lessons from the Pandemic and his “tireless and distinguished coverage How to Prepare for the Next One,” will of COVID-19.” be published this fall. He also hosts a In brief remarks following the presenta- podcast: Coronovirus: Fact vs. Fiction. tion, Dr. Gupta, speaking from his home Dr. Gupta is an associate professor of in , described life during the pan- at Hos- demic. “We’re living in a bubble – all of pital and associate chief of neurosurgery us. When it’s data, facts and evidence, it’s at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta. easier to be sure what we are reporting, He serves as a diplomate of the Ameri- telling patients, or family, but it is chal- can Board of Neurosurgery and, in 2019, lenging when we are dealing with uncer- was elected to the National Academy of tainty, and when demand for information Medicine. v is immediate. What do you do then?”