See Which Films Received Mass. Tax Credits — and How Much They Got - the Boston Globe
See which films received Mass. tax credits — and how much they got - The Boston Globe 12PIT 0 7:30 PM BOS 0 See which films received Mass. tax credits — and how much they got 12 BARRY CHIN/GLOBE STAFF Actor Jake Gyllenhaal portrayed Jeff Bauman in “Stronger.” By Matt Rocheleau and Matt Stout GLOBE STAFF JANUARY 09, 2019 The largest film tax credits issued in Massachusetts in recent years[3/10/2019 8:05:02 PM] See which films received Mass. tax credits — and how much they got - The Boston Globe This list includes data for credits issued between 2011 and 2017. The state began releasing such data in 2011. Figures are from the state Department of Revenue. Year Film title Who received it Amount 2016 Ghostbusters Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. $26,702,552.00 2012 R.I.P.D. RIPD Productions, LLC $26,597,083.00 2012 Grown Ups 2 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. $24,176,060.00 2011 That's My Boy Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. $16,594,256.75 2016 Patriots Day CBS Films Inc. $15,738,698.00 2014 Equalizer Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. $15,546,926.00 2015 Joy Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation $14,775,351.00 2016 The Finest Hours Nor'Easter Productions Inc. $14,408,518.00 2014 Ted 2 Raging Bear, LLC $14,043,474.00 2013 The Judge Warner Bros. Pictures $12,514,447.00 2015 Black Mass Charlestown Productions, LLC $12,041,344.00 2011 Here Comes The Boom Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.
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