Marshall County Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
Appendix A. Meeting Minutes Marshall County Hazard Mitigation Meeting Minutes Meeting #1 – Marshall County Sherriff’s Office Administrative Building April 21, 2015 – 11 AM Meeting attended by: Jeff Bunn, State Center Police Chief; Jim Eckhardt, State Center Fire and EMS Chief; Maren Williams, City of LeGrand City Hall Deputy Clerk; Jodi Abrahams, City of LeGrand Clerk/Treasurer; Dale Thompson, City of Ferguson Mayor; Glenda Thompson, City of Ferguson Council; Susanne Sietmann, City of Laurel City Council; Brian Batterson, Marshalltown Police Captain; Andrew Nickell, Beck’s Hybrids Site Manager; David Daters, City of Marshalltown Public Facility Superintendent; Scott Johnson, Marshalltown Fire Department Deputy Chief; David Rierson, Marshalltown Fire Department Fire Chief; Leah Cox, Lennox Industries Health Care Specialist; Steve Sincox, Marshalltown Water Works General Manager; Mike Stagmann, Marshall County Conservation Board Director; Brandon Hilstrom, American Red Cross Disaster Program Manager; Pat Thompson, Marshall County Public Health; Robert Douglas, Central Iowa Health Care; Mark Stephens, IDOT Highway Maintenance Supervisor; Mark Kingery, Hearland Coops LEPC Representative; Kimberly Elder, Marshall County Emergency Management Coordinator; Robert Monroe, Melbourne Fire Department Chief; Deb Mercer, City of Melbourne Deputy Clerk; Hank Penner, City of Liscomb Mayor; Tom McWilliams, Green Mountain Fire Department; Matt Tullis, Marshalltown Community School District Director of Equity/District Safety. Meeting started at 11:05 AM The Marshall County Hazard Mitigation Committee met for the first time on April 21, 2015. Julie Whitson and Stacy Lentsch facilitated the meeting on behalf of Region VI. Marty Wymore, Executive Director of Region 6 Planning Commission, explained the purpose of the meeting and mitigation plan, what the mitigation plan was intended to do for the community, and what the planning process would look like.
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