PLANS TO PURCHASE CITY HALL BUILDING MOVE FORWARD NEWS: PAGE 2 LINDA UPMEYER WILL NOT SEEK RE-ELECTION IN 2020 NEWS: PAGE 3 MAILING LABEL ONLY WWW.BUTLERCOUNTYTRIBUNE.COM THURSDAY, OCT. 3, 2019 VOLUME 46 • ISSUE 40 FFourour vvieie forfor seatsseats Each candidate was given these questions to answers respectively: 1. Have you held an elected position before? If so, what position did oonn ClarksvilleClarksville CCouncilouncil you hold and for how long? Football contest 2. How long have you lived in Clarksville, and what is your occupation? BY BETHANY CARSON seats on Nov. 5. 3. What is the most important issue facing the council/board today? winners announced
[email protected] The following are answers from all four candidates to eight ques- 4. What can the council/board do to resolve that issue? In last week’s football contest, 5. What perspective do you believe you bring to the council/board? two contestants guessed all the win- ollowing Jeff Kolb’s tions given to each candidate. The 6. What is your vision for Clarksville/the School District? ning teams correctly. Brian Jacobs decision not to run Clarksville Star has not vouched won first place by guessing the tie for re-election, and support for any candidate and does 7. Why have you decided to run in this election? breaker point spread between the Kenneth Smith’s de- not endorse the opinions of the 8. Is there anything you would like to add? Vikings and the Bears closer than cision to become a candidates as expressed in these that of the second-place winner, candidate for mayor, profiles.