Rochford District Council Minutes
INDEX 1975 January - December r I! IIII ATEIYIgN NOTICES (i) 165 Downhall Road, Rayleigh 450 (ii) 18,36 and 46 Sutton Court Drive, Rochford 606 (iii) 1 and 4 West Cottages,High Street, Canewdon 606 (iv) 30 Sutton Court Drive, Rochford 606 (v) 1 Scotte Hall Parm Cottages, Canewdon 959 (vi) 26 Sutton Court Drive, Roohford 1116 (vii) 3 and 5 Ohuroh 5treet, Rayleigh 1116 (viii) 16 Oakwood Road, Rayleigh 1116 (ix) 2 London Road, Rawretb 1117 (4 White Heather, London Road, Rawreth 1121 Accidents involving Council vehicles S6, 1217 r1218 405 784 801 Annual Local Authority Allotments and Garden Competition 54 Provision of Allotments, Hulibridge 494 Rawreth Shot Allotment Site, Grazing rights 987 ANGLIAN WATER AUTHORITY Capital Schemes 222 Estimates and Charges 223,506 Appointment of Members 295 Technical Schemes 634 Fthnanoial Arrangements 649 Recreational Waterways, Private Bill 786 Collection of General Services Charge 915,1046 Programme of Capital and Minor Works 1170 Unsewered properties l19 Cesspool emptying 223 Antorial Bearings, Grant of Arms 303 Ashingd.on and E.Hawbrell Memorial Hall 203,989 Awarc of Certificates, Royal Society of Health Food Hygiene Course. 507 9N r'!'!1!7'!' 11 '!'•'f BRMIERFON ROKI) - Purchase of 3 acres of land for Community use purposes 664,797,806, 907,1156 BRiTISH RAIL Proposed closure of alternative entrances to Rochford and Hockley rail stations 1016,1181 Broadcasting — Commercial 1086 Budget — 1975 533 BDILDING REGUlATIONS - RThAXATION (i) Meadowside, West Avenue, Hu.llbridge 4 ii) 6 Rookery Close, Rayleigh 5 iii) Southend. Municipal Airport 113 iv) 17 Ferndale Road, Rayleigh 310 v) Ill High Road, Rayleigh 389 vi) 5 Stuart Close, Great Wakaing 471 vii) EEB, London Road, Rayleigh 471 viii) 8 Warwick Road, Rayleigh 471 ix) Southend.
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