FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 20, 2016 Media Contact: Elisabeth Dunbar Landmarks Illinois 815.549.6467
[email protected] COL. JENNIFER PRITZKER, THE NEAL FAMILY, AND W.E. O’NEIL TO BE HONORED MARCH 7th AT LANDMARKS ILLINOIS’ LEGENDARY LANDMARKS CELEBRATION CHICAGO – Landmarks Illinois will mark its eleventh annual Legendary Landmarks Celebration by awarding ‘landmark’ status to three civic and cultural leaders: Col. Jennifer N. Pritzker, IL ARNG (Ret.), The Neal FaMily (Isobel Neal, Jeanette Sublett and Langdon Neal), and construction firm W.E. O’Neil. They will be honored at the Legendary LandMarks Celebration Monday, March 7, 2016 at the Hilton Chicago Grand Ballroom, 720 South Michigan Avenue. Cocktails begin at 5:45 p.m. followed by dinner at 7 p.m. and a live auction. “Our three honorees have made significant contributions in cultivating Chicago’s cultural heritage as the sustaining pivot for the city’s growth,” said Bonnie McDonald, President and CEO of LandMarks Illinois. “Not only does Jennifer Pritzker value historic preservation, she willingly acts as a catalyst for change. W.E. O’Neil is a leader in sustainable building practices including completing an impressive portfolio of renovation projects, and the Neal Family continues to leave a legacy of community service and dedication to preservation and stewardship in Chicago.” Mike Faron, representing W.E. O’Neil will be introduced at the celebration by Dan McCaffery, CEO of McCaffery Interests, Pritzker will be introduced by President Emeritus of the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) Lew Collens, and The Neal Family will be introduced by Joan Harris, president of the Irving Harris Foundation.