1959-06-07 Commencement.Pdf
One Hundred Fourteenth Annual Commencement JUNE ExERCISES THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME NoTRE DAME, INDIANA THE GRADUATE ScHOOL THE LAw ScHooL THE CoLLEGE oF ARTs ·AND LETTERS THE CoLLEGE bF SciENCE T~E CoLLEGE OF ENGINEERING THE CoLLEGE OF CoMlHERCE. In the University Stadium At 2:00 p.m. (Central Daylight Time) l~...<:..21~J~?lt PROGRAM PROCESSIONAL THE CoNFERRING OF HoNoRARY DEGREES, by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of the University CoMJ\fENCEMENT ADDREss, by John A. McCone, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission THE CoNFERRING OF DEGREES, by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of the University CLOSING REMARKS, by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President of the University THE BLESSING, by His Eminence Franz Cardinal Konig, Archbishop of Vienna -.., i Degrees Conferred The University of Notre Dame announces the conferring of: The Degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, on: His Eminence Franz Cardinal Konig, of Vienna, Austria Reverend John A. O'Brien, of Notre Dame, Indiana Mr. Harry C. Hagerty, of New York, New York The Degree of Doctor of Letters, honoris causa, on: Mr. John Walker, of Washington, D. C. Sir Hugh Stott Taylor, of Princeton, New Jersey The Degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa, on: .I Mr. John A. McCone, of Washington, D. C. Dr. Frederick D. Rossini, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania I IN THE GRADUATE SCHOPL The University of Notre Dame confers the following degrees in course: The Degree of Doctor of M ediacual Studies on: James Joseph John, Browerville, Minnesota B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1948; M.A., ibid., 1950.
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