

llcgistm'i'H.1l'ol' 'Prll nHlI1j~:;if)n 118 1\ ~ew!S}lalhll'. A Weekly, Social, Commercial, Theatrical, and Literary Journal. NAT J. BARNET EDITO R.

YOL I.- o. 9. PEI'TII: S.\TUR1L\Y, :'L\Y S, 1897. [PRJ E THRLEI'b:' E.

invokc the p~w 'rs of he,wen and earth in vain in his attempts to secure ItEFLECTIONS. the desired post. There are many things done, tU L', in this sen'ice which to overlook cDnstitut..:s a breach of Illor:tiill', It would not be {j\'erslL'ppiqg the truth to ali'irlll that l"Jfruplion :lnd ('ollusion are bUl \\'e noll' know the reason II'h\' the :.tenzies and Kano\\,n:, rail· too rampalH. Th.;re is a "QU ,d .. plank" for our 11 .- 1\' l11elllUerS in w.ly~ ha\'e nOl been procceee I wilh 'ere this. Sir .I0h:1 Furres., in f.lct, for all our members wIllI arl.! true to their o.,ths. Wltat better reply lU a deputation from r ano\\'n:l urging the imt11etllate t·OIl:·.LrUl' : n ice could .1 man ti ll the C ,lImol1w.;al than use hIS enerbics. timt:, tlun of the line stated that there wen:: 110 funds a\'ailable at pn.:selll, anJ t'llt::nh fearles.ly and ulll'ea"lI1tily in combating allt! ,rat!l\'ating bUl that he hoped while on his visit to I ~nglnnd lO :secure the tit lse abus ~ , whi.'h deform our I'ublil' Sen·i('..: like callc~rous , rL'q ul~I,\; supplies by loan. The loan must necessaril) be a large ~r'JOI"h:, :1nd tI ·gr.ltle us In the eYes oi other colollic:s. ~uch a man Olle. There \\'ill be required lll' and a half millions for thl: gold· ~I lui I be b:t keZl with the mlJr.ll·:lIhl r.ttillnal SUjlpdrt of t,'e public, tH;lds \I.Her supply, thel1 the money. fo r the two abuvc mentioncd P r-:s~l1t dlsgr.l "'s would bt! re:l1Jv..: I and futur.; en!,; oln-i:lted. It is r,lI W.IYS also fUl1ds for the compn:hensi\'L' deep drainage sehellle, trtl t ',at it :tiways requires a great amount of coura"e in tlhlse who and luI' all the olher myrind public \lorks. This loan will b..: :\ large come fOfl\';1f(1 to assail e\i-;,ing .,bu~ '., • \·cessarily thl.! p:ltruns and addition to the nallonal dcbt of lhis t'olony. I';\'en now this t'OIOIlY, thl.! pllro lis d will e\hib:t the utmost ranco!!r and h Istihty, but wc de.plte its presenl p:'osperity, has upon it· b:1ck a debl larger p..:r feel sure lint. let but th' l1Ien ~huw thLillsell'e" re,ld\' to ulH.lcrtake head th.111 any single une of the other colonies. Fortunatdy \\'estern the Us: of applying the a\l.! to thl! root of the lree, an~l the)' will filld ,\ustr.ll!:t's Lredil s"ln c),; high in England al the pn.:selll time. despite su icielll "ujJlhJrt to enable th ' 11I tv l':ury O'Jl this much·needed lhe IJugus mining lIotallons and the pn:v:lience of lI1inin~ ., slump " refvrm, so dIS luielillg lv the Engli sh capitalist. It s~ellh almost assun:d lhat Sir j ohn will raise the requisit, money. thou :~h \\,. m:ly fed quite .. .. • pO:iIlive 111 our minds that there will be SOI11!:: lillie question over lhe auvlsability of 3dvancin<; the t\\'o an I a half milliuns for the dubious The meeting of the Early 'losing .\ssociation held in the Town glll I"elds water supply seh me. Hall on . londa)' e\'ening la t was no doubt the means of bringing n. ray of hop_ for betler lime ' into the hearts of many of the poor shop· men and shopwomen of our city, who work about 70 hours a week for a miserable pitt:1nce : f.lr les: than a 'ivil sen'allL recei\'es for work· \\'hen we consider the two leading 'i\·il ~el'l'ic..:s of the colonies ing 34 hour" a wee". This is division of labor and capitnl in the \ ·icLOria and Nell' 'outh Wales - we find that in those olonies:l \'er\, highest 5..:n>' that the women of Perth will s..:riously COI1- Intdligence nnd unquesti onable probity. 1I1aking th ..: bcsl men Sid 'r th l.; 1l11tter in thiS light for we feel assured that it is not f r the secure the best positions, merit is the touchstone OJ qu.,lity and th..: \\'a 1t of sympathy Ih:1t lhe)' 'hop larc, as they knoll' too well thaL innumerable abuses whi 'h ccur elsellhcre nrc for nil prnctical pur· lh~ OI1U-i lI'elg h m::>:;t h:avily upon their own :iC\. who are t'vmpelled poses non ·e ~istent. 'ntloubtedly the finesl 'i\'il :(nit'e in the to sl,lIll b::h nd a ('o~lIll:r all day, till tea time. doin~ t'll11luratively world is lhe tn lian Ci\'il ::ie n 'ice ,\ ppoinll11 'nh to lhis ,'en'ice are nol hing. an I iro 11 that hour till clo:ing time they work Ii I'e sl;wes made by o mpetiti\'e examinalion, and Ihe le"ts are lll1CUlllpro· I, et" ta~e lh.-ir nlJr..: fortunate sisters Will not shop early. We trust rnisingly severe, but the 'onsequen 'e is thal fo r a hi"h grad!.! 01 in· th.lt h' r,;s:JltIli JI1S IXhs ~d at tht: meeting will find the [;,,'or of thl.! telligcnce and character th - I" is no othe r i\'il 'en 'i 'e in the world L .:,.: isbtur~'. and, if it is the wish of thal h dy to hdp to benefit nil that can compare Wilh it. I l wuuld be :1 gn.:nt boo II to this t'olon~ ali ·L'. th.: limiting oi the hours of labor in shops and other pia es while it is yel in its )outh. if in mediate measures were taken to ~lt o~ l l d n I: III :et \I'ith ,Ill, dis:entient voice, remodel the II hoi- Ciy:l :el \ ice, inslitllte :1 S) ,kill of cOl11petiti\e examination for appointments, cstablish :l Public .\'n'ire Board uf • ,. m\?n wilh the requi site qualities, and sO elerminate ill its e.uly 'ro\\ th the canker which threatens in tim ~ to destroy the. 'en' ice's We are hearing a 'reat deal of talk just no\\' about a system of efficiency and probilY. Technical Education being ~hortly e'tablished in Perth but we notice that the ),stem confines itself to talk and newspapcr paragraphs, and * does not culminate into anything definite. One secret of a country's greatness is the education of its people, Even an eduC'ated \'illnin is Patronage is perniciously rife in our Pu blic Sen'ice, In thl'or), bearable in sO'iet)', whilst an uneducated one is :1 thing too vi le ,to 1\0 doubl patronage promises to work out wd l, uut, unfortun.llely, in be touched, e\'en though his rimes do not equal hi, educated actual pm 'li 'e there seems to f 1I0w 1'1' 0 111 it, as surely ns the night .. contemporary's" in wicketlnes or in de\'ilry, It is a cause for the day, 'oulHles:i abuses anti in 'mediable e vi ls. 1 I' 1I'l! could fed regret thnt th 'r' are no night.schools in Perth conducted by the sure thal the ml:n who possess the pow 'r of making the various :tate nor classl.!s of any description which young men could app0lntlllents were actuated by 11 0 III ' ives other than flawlL'ss im· attend, T he ble 'sings and ach'anlages of classes in all subjects­ partiality, un~wl.!rving rectitud.) and irrepro:lchable public spirit, both technical and cl:h~ical would soon makl.! itself felt, much t then, and not till then, should wc be justified in sanctioning lhe the admntage of the colon), Per,:;on who wi:h to improve th ir praclicl.! of appointment by patronage. . \ Ill eril'a furnishes mnn) slendl:r educations. and :0 bL'come of some use to society haye Instances of the c1eplulable e\'lls lh:, t result 1'1'0111 the "patronage" either to pny 5s, pcr hour per subjt:ct, ur .. fag" by themseh'e ; a systt!1ll of alloting the ollices ill the Civil .. ·r\·icc. lL is a I ' 'r)' sy.tem of working that requires an c\trnortlinary intellect antl extra­ dangerous weapon in th l.! hands of p,lrti:i:1I1s and the unscrupulou . ordinary perse\'erancl;! to undertake, This matter is of pressing to Wl.!s tern Australia, in it s own slll:tl l W:1Y, SL' 'ms olll\'ie e\'en ur 'ellcy. and WI! hope that the new Parliament will gi\'e it, with manr ,\nlt:rica. It is a Ill dancholy lhough nOll,rius f.lt'l th,lt. as a con· others of equal or more importance, their early and just consider::t. st:quence of the s)'~ t em in vogu ' in lhis colon)" we hal'e hundr(;ds of tion, Inen installed in the diO'erent dep:trtillents of the sen 'ire, smuggled 1I1? the back stairs lhrough infi ucllle-men who, on the plain score .. of ~, erit ) have not a jot of right to lhese posilions, onsider the vanous branches, H o\\' bewildenng are the illustrntions Wl.! find \\' e do not think th:1t many of the citizl:ns of Perth anti Fremantle then: of blundering incnpacity and pu ·rile incapnbilit). n the will rej"i.-,· to hear that there arrived on ~(()nday Inst, b) the" 'ttltan,' other hand, how mall)' hun lreds of llI en ale lhere \lho, though which hails from .'ingapore. sC\'ellken 'hinl.!:·, seven ,\fl.'hans, and pOssesing all the neressary qualifit', lions to fill lhese posts with twenty thr..:.: .IapnnL'se, three of whom are wom .; n, The influ . into all tntelligencl: nnd 'redit, can find no open se:ame" who. as a of the ,\ustralian colonics uf ,tia k" is thil)' becoming mOle nlarlll­ ~:ttter of t:'t 't, actually lind their sup"rior :llt:tinment:i and undoubled in~. and if tlw most string:nl measure. are not taken, the,' Will somt.! Intc 'ril), Il bar rath'r t!un a bene lil t lh 'm, nless an applic:lI1t thy outnumb ~ r liS. We like to be lib··ral·min(kd, to e:-.il.!lId to all be IOrtunate enoueh lO POSSL'SS Lh l.! gulden key of inJlul!nce, hc may men. of all n .. ttolls, the pril'ilt'''e to tran:1 all I . ellie whdt: dllY \lill.

- l ~I.\ y 8, 1897

prm;ded, however, that they will be a benefit, and not a curse, to " business" or a "syndicate," each . tnvll1g for the largest (trade" the country in which they settle. We ask the question of any sane and share of public patronage. There is one thing e sential for th€ man in the colony to-day, " How will the e people who landed here Church to do, and that is, to practise the theory it teache : not to 1a t lUonday benefit u as a people or as a country?" and the answer rate guld a dross and the love of it as the blackest of sins, while its is given emphatically, "NO/lOW." They will be a source of continual (the Church's) whole effort is to gain a large bank account, maani- nuisance not only to the populace, but to the police authorities. To ficent buildings, and an officiolls and opulent clergy. 0 lO ur mind the arrival of these forty-four men mean several more gambling hells in our city, and the arrival of the e three Japanese * women means but the establishment of three more houses of (( Paint me, warts and all," said Oliver Cromwell to the arti t. ill-repute in our midst. Ye gods! as if we had not already Rhodes would say the ame thing: 'ir John Forrest would too: but 111 ore than enough for the size of the cit). We are a long­ reflecting on the former Governor of \V.A., who i no\\' lying dead in !suffering people, to allow this kind of thing to continue in London, we bow to the old Roman sentiment, (( de lIIortuis llilllisi our country, but some day we, like the proverbial worm, will bOllulIl-" of the dead nothing but good." He was a gifted member turn, and drive these people out of the land-drive them out with of a gifted family. He was both practical and artistic, he had tact all their disea e, immorality, and filth -drive out tho e who cannot and taste, was enthusiastic, warm-hearted, and wa imbued with that live in our midst as respectable Christian citizens, those who are but fatal ver atility that needs such a strong moral control. If ht:: had parasites and vermin, worse even than the fever plagu~. gone to the bar, he would have made a great pleacler; if he had "one !nto the Church, he would have been a great pre.'lcher: ifhe had 30ne 111tO the army, he would have been a great oldier; and if he had Has the "Unspeakable" Turk seen the error of his ways in gone on the tage, he would have been a great actor. Hi name will always be a sociated with the making of We t Au tralia, and ~ \.rm enia and elsewhere, or i it that in Greece he is more directly his memory will linger long in the hearts of many a man and woman under tbe eyes of civili ed Europe? Whatever may be the reason for the change, his conduct in protecting the per 'ons and property at home and in Australia to whom he has 0 often proved such (great company ' and so true a friend. -of the vanquished is so opposed to the character he receive' from Armenia, that it goes far to secure him a place in public e timation that hitherto has been deemed beyond his reach. The mea 'ures 'taken by the Turki~h commander for the protection of the inhabitants AN ELECTIO L.\Y. of the conquered cities are de erving of the highe t praise, and are 'worthy of the most civilised nations. (Oh, fill up a bumper and drain it Then fill up again while I pay' And clink ev'ry cup nor di dain it, There is no que tion as to the brayer)' of the Turkish troops, For I've been elected to-day . .and, under efficient leader, there are no better fighting men in the Hooray! world. Their stolid imperturbability, induced by their implicit beli ef For I've been elected to·day! in " Ki met," stands them in good stead, making them indifferent to the risks, and cheerful under the discomfort and vicis itudes of (( Oh, shake up the harp and piano "life on the tented plain, ' " 'midst the hurtling hail of bullets and And wake up the fiddl er too; the shri ek or crashing shells." In the Rus o-Turkish war their H ere under the conqueror's banner bravery was conspicuou, even when in comparison with troops \ hat ho! for a ( bit of the blue' , under such men as kobeloff. How transcendently their discipline :and fortitude stand out in comparison with the de, enerate Greek , (( When speaking before the election is now the comment of onlooker the \I'orld wide. I told you I lived but for you, And behold in your final election The proof that ye know I am true. " How have the mighty fall en ! ' Is it poss ble that the mighty, ·dead heroes of Thermopylre and Marathon can re t quietly in their " And out in the future before me .graves while the sound of battle reigns over their nati\'e land, and You'll see that m)' heart is the same; their degenerate descendants are pro\'ing themseh'es the veriest And tho' ev'ry elector fore. wore me, poltroons and dastards, fleei ng from their own shadows and ruth­ I'd work for you still and die game. lessly trampling under foot weak and defencele women and chil­ dren, who 'e safety should be their fir t care. Hitherto the halo of (( Then fill up a bumper and drain it, the deeds of yalor of their ancestors has kept the Greeks enthroned Then fill up again while I pay' in the e timation of more modern nations. The events of the last _\.nd clink ev'ry cup nor disdain it, few weeks hAA'e gone far to disillusionise the rna t ardent Phil· For I 've been elected to-day. H ellenes and also Turco·phobes, for we find the Greek abandoning Hooray. their trongholds and flying like frightened heep, utterly panic­ For I 've been elected to·day ~" . tricken, and in their panic turning their guns on their fellow­ ·countrymen, and trampling their own women and children under foot in their mad endeavors to secure their own afety. To the They drink and make merry: to·morrow average British mind this craven cowardice and e1fi hness in aving The member awakes with a thir t . them eh'es at the expen e of the weak and helple s will at once But he smiles when he think of the sorrow relegate thi decadent race to their proper po ition amongs: the Of the other who didn't run fir t. nations of the world, fit only to make and ,'end cigarette and fight for baksheesh in the gutter. While on the other hand the Turks _-\nd he lau gh~ , with a gayne's decei\-ing, have done much to disarm their mo t bitter opponents. . \t the fo ols who had voted for him _\.nd wonders if still they're belie\;ng :ot: The ante-electionist hymn.

" ith regard to reli gion, we always like to be neutral, as religion And he dreams of a futun· consoling is one of those subjects which get more and more complicated by Of banquets and" boodle" and pelf' discu sion and argument; but, there are circum. tances under which Of doing a Ii llle log-rolling we are con trained to utter .ome objection to certain practices of That'll turn in a bit for himself­ religious bodies-practice for which the great majority of people, Political, pleasant log.rolling church-gael'S and others, hold a decided antagonism. The That'll turn in a bit for him elf, (Puritanic" section of Perth ha\'e received a shock this week by .\. substantial pile for himsdf.-E. .E. learning that ~r iss Hilda Harman a singer of some reputation, who sang so sweetly and charmed so many .. God-fearin"" persons on unday e\'ening last.at the Wesley 'hurch, 'ang \\'ith the ame weet * voice and charmed so many of the" Godle 's ., crowd at the acred (?) The appointment of the Re\·. Lindon l'arkyn to the DcanefY concert at Osborne during the afternoon. Thi breach of church of Ballarat ha created some amount of .'lir in . \ noTlican Circles. etiquette and propriety has callsed much di. cu ,ion amongst the because it hapPt!l1s that he is a recruit from the rank. of lht:! Di ·sc.!nt­ sceptical portion of the inhabitant, and much fear and many prayers ing clergy, having bt::en a 'ongregational mini ter. This exclusin;­ amongst the" uncoo guid." \Ve do no infer that the Pastor of the nes eems peculiar, to say lhe h:asl of it. It is well known that Wesley Church has his eye open to large congregations and large many of the Anglican clergy arc conn;ns from dissent, and it is also collections by preaching on subject that .. draw,' and allowing well known that very many of the leading Episcopalians in _\. mt.:rica, actresses to swell the choir, but one would think that he i a man of including several of their Bishops, were once bright and shining some knowledge of this world, and should avoid e\'en the lights in unorthodox churchl!s. Can it be that our .\mcric.'ln cousin ' appearance of e~'il , and not give ceptical people an opportunity to are so far ahead of us in shaking off the thraldom of bi O'otry and fin d more inconsistencies than already exist in tht:: Church. We prejudice, and that they acknowledge merit and ability in whatever hould de ire to ee the union of the Church and tage but union cut of coat or hat it is garbed, while Briti hers at home or abroad under hypocritical conditions would only result like a bad marria Te­ are too narrow·minded or pril!st-ridden to think or act for them­ all strife and contenti on. ~[ en are, each day being comjelled to believe selves? It is time that this uitra,eol1scr\'atism especially,ul1ong't that the Church, like all other institution' , is rapidly lap'ing into a religious bodit!s, wa consignl!d to the lim bo of obscurity. 3

Mr. Cha rl es A, Cooper, editor of the Scotsmall who is vi, itil'g LAD Y'S LETTE~. Australia, says of colonial newspaper ' :- " It seem to' me that you are keeping up in a very high degree the tradi tions of good journal­ ism as we know it at home, In the meantime, in ew, outh Wale, Victori a and outh Australia, particularl y in the paragraph news, I DC,\ll L'sIE,-1'ho ne\\' piece c, Trllckrd Down," played at the ha ve :een greater ncatnes and feli city of ~xpression th~n is u, ually 1'h ,ltro i{o.'al i n great impl'ol'o mcnt 011 "Par. on Thorn.') Judg­ inn b\' the Illl'a and fa hiolllible audience tbat attended on utUl'day found in th e newspapers at home," omlllg from a Journahst of o , 0 , h fift y yea rs' ex peri ence thi, is no fain t praise, nicrht I tbink it would be IlltH'h nicer if people who patroUl e t e bo~e ' and dre s 'ir'le would weill' vening dre -,.nd why will ~ h ey weal' hat,; : How I'el', thi is II \l~ject that has been 0 mucll di - cu d that I duro not IIppr()!lcb it, I do hope that when the Opera peaking of the impartiality of th e pres, ;\Ir. 'ooper says :­ Company COll1l11el1~e th il'sell 011, which I he',I' will bo in about a "I be li eve that the business of a nell', paper is to report every­ fortnight, ladie will don protty theatro frocks, thing, I t ca nnot report everything at full length, but it hould 1'ho relnl'l1 cricket match between G ifTon' Australian Eleven report its opponents as well as its fri end~ , I n the Scotsman and the ' V,A.' twonty-tllo wus plllyerl on theA sociationGroundou we have always made it a point of being as careful to report lIlnrda\', The weather "'II dl'lightful. Aft !'Uoon tea boing pl'O­ Our political opponents and those who mi ght differ from us I'id d added grently to the afLomoo,,; enjoyment. Th I'e 11'01' a great most widely in other spheres than politics at a great length as those number preSl'nt, Among L tho c I notic('d \l'ore- II', and 1\11 , with wh om we agree, We compensate for this by making it quite Al pin-Thomson, ;\11' -, ..d.rthul' WilliuUls with her two si ,tel's, the clear in our leading columns that we do differ, but the great thing ~ I i " ,.e~ Lerroy, looking "01',1' well in black, Mi s n low looked is that these opponents have got a mean through the medium of our wcet in" twc d costume, wilh H IlIl'ge hat, Mr:5, unliffe (ac 'om- columns of stating their argum ents to the public, As we belie e pllni t.I b,l ~ll s, Onl), :\11", Dl'ltnold (in a "nllu't 1i cuit colol'ed cloth that their arguments are unsound we do not con ider they can do cOlll and kin), :.\Ii-, Lockllill,t, Bunbur), (ll tllilor Il1Rde co tume,) any harm, and in any case i ~ is only ri ght that the general public ;\ 11' ", Frank :\l ongel' 11'01' II \,(~ I',I' prctty picture hllt which suited bel' hould have an opportunity of judging them, I n aying what i to perfection, the .\li, ' e~ LOne (pink frocln,) , ;\Jis Ro e Pllrk ,who Our p r ~v'ti ce I have not th e lightest intenti on of re fl ectina on the "'liS with her i t I' :?III'" 1)l' \\' ordur of' thing, I do \I i h the ,D" would milk hi s "ppPII'IIIlCe omcli me, " Then 1 hn" , "COli h il1l in attendall(:e on hi " Ex,Plt it rllth 'I' remind mo uf that well-knownollg of hel'llli'I";:; PLIGHTED TROTHS, ,C The Li ttl' ;\ipper,"--you knoll' the chol'tl , Thero were a great number pre ellt at the opening of tho 'on- I'ale cent HOIU, otte;.loe, on ,atul'day, Lady mith of course, Miss LILLI E P EET wa tbel'e a he performed the opening Cf'I' mon,l', ir :rel'ard was (Principal of the Hn.y Street West Girl. ' Scbool lLnd Kinderl;'llrteu\ tllr're and vouched for all he ' aid in n few well cho on words, ir Alexander and Lndl' Ou lo\\', olonel und ~lt " , Phillip, :'I Ii", Wi lson TO und 111 Lerro,l' were umong,;t tho e pre' ent, 11uch pmi e i du Mr. JOHK R \YHOUitNE to '111 1' , H olme", who ha I'ork ,I ' 0 eal'ne ' t1y in Lb ill tere t - of (Of the Cnnuill!: J nrmh Company'" office, Per th,) thi excellent in litntion, .A friend of mine,.iu t f\'OllI PUl'i~, tell me about the nell' kilt, wh ich i$ ull tbe ruge: it i · Illnde orollle flilUsy mlitorilll-nccord on Miss TRUSWELL (Vi ctori a) pI lit" abo ut fo ul' inche \\'ide, The Il't~ct I beli I' i, charming, TO But \\'hllt II lot of mutel'illl it will \' quir, _\11(1 th n, of' CO ll t' e, it lU ll t be "try well IUl\de, 'hiffon i till I' ry IU lI ch WOI'll, ulmo t Mr, G, ARN I3.E RG (Perth), vel'y m,u't eire 1U 1I bt hn\' ollle clLiftOIl nbout it, .A I'el'y pI' tty bl ou e T Il\V lh oth l' dllY \\'lI whit> glace ilk covel' d In chiffon, • • • again 0 1' I' that wa pretty Cl'ealll lac, It looks I' r'y pretty, Arc \\'e oing to h[\I'o th new dllUl~e-c, Th ' Va hington 1\1 1 AD ELINI:: ~ II T H (Perth) Post "-iutroduc d in P I'th: It i Il I'el'y jolly UI1I1' , ,uHl I' I',\' TO popular in London, The American iutl'oduced it in London, and MR, ARTHUR W .... TSON (Perth,) it hit, tak n the pine of tho bill'll dance, Good-bye for lo-dtt)', delll' u i ,-Yo "II'. ltffi ctionat IJ , 'I' IE.

The Dampier Tbeatrical ompany are playing to excellent \\' , would dir ct the SPl'Cilll lilt ulioll of' ladie,' to th cia ' e houses on the fi elas, no\\' b 'iug' conduct 'd in the Y,:\1. ',_L Building, Porth, !tllrl III a in At the baJJ in the K algoorlie l\liners' Institute, in aid of the oLh I' to\\'n~ in till' !Ii trict, ill 'ODIH'ction with lIr 's", 'lilting and Mount harlotte Fund, the Mayoress had the music and dancing mokin CT by the cOlupn . -ytClll, .\11 infol'mation will bo gil' 11 on stopped in the middle of a fi gure to announce 'he had lost her appliclltion 10 Lhe instl'uctl" >0, :\1 i"" :\Ic ltus]lInd, whoc II lll'l , ap- braCelet. peul" in 0111' column " Latlil" are inl'ikd to c.ll1and inspect, WEIDENBACH'S SIXTY CASES DRAPERY, ClO HING, &C. OJ' £2, 000 wm·th, Bough t at 011 E HOJ'HlOIl8 Di;;('Olfllt. aJld To be Sold fit, Le~ than Half tll nat Pri e . REl\rEMBER, 'l'RfS I I ADDITIO '1' WEIDE£ BA. H' flU E A.LE K \\ n PR GRE ALL l\1U'l' BE L1- R G I\~N AWAY WI'l'llIN A. FEW WREK, REMEMBER-We are Pricing only a Few L ines OUL of Thousands. Stacks Door M lLt~ , 4~ d eaoh 1,500 l\I n's olol'ed ~I I'ino nd nlhil'Ls, h . (ill; 200 Ilozl'n Lalliu,;' Ribb d Ildl'I', .. ~ts, 3d each 1000 Yards avy 'nnvfl,s , 9d Yftl'll ; WILS 1s lid wo,' 3 ' ta 'k,; vf t.lLCl', aUtI Embl'Oid'ril's, .. E l'EN ' Y 200 Pi c s PlL i ~ l ('y hints, 3s Hd d o~e ll ; was ~ (iu [I' n's ilk ' lt'ip hit'!,;,lsllullIld:! lldunch ~·ill'd tacks (;1' lOll n s, 1S fl, nd Is llll doz n nIon's oft Ii' I Hntti, Bd Mh :!,OOU yllrd Flot'lll ... ilk,;, Is Gd yard; WOl' as lld t!lc k ~ D tl blo Width r t Olln s, IV 'ul'tai n l\! 'n'8 Pith lints, 1 ~ uneh; WI'" J Ud , 0 signs, !)~d ; W l 'e 1s lld Boys' anu AI n's tntw, 3d, 6tl, 1~, and Is REAlEmmn, rHJ. IN ADDI'I'r N ']' backs 010" d Quilts, I s ad neh lld; W!' I' 181.0 ,J8 lid WEIDE,' HAl'I!" 11 'ALl'.; r WIT l ,,5uO 1\1 n's B n" I' ;\101 ,2s 1 hI pili I' REME MBER, 'rRl IS I . ADD!'l' l '1' PH 200 Men's ood Hl'lw,v 'r l e d UitS,!lii lld l'HCh WEIDE DL\ II' Il U E AT,E X \\' Ti\ \'t'ral 'J'hollsllnu Yard, Drc'· )[o.t rilll, ),\E ~tnd. s Wh i t"~ '1'11 ill ~hl,,'(ill", li 11,\ lIrd PI,;X :-- y \u, '(ad, 1o'lallu,'l ,tt '. 1.. lid ,IUI.L· II l' l l'l'aJ 'l'ho1l>!!u;d Yllnl. L'I' ttlll\nC~, 3d Pl'l YI\ru; :Llck "'hitl' ( ali,'''' h,I. lld,2, 1 hI, ati lld ,hJI.I1I 1,5 M ' n", H 'Il I Ooud Hll lbr il("fU1 Illh'rbhif'is, 1\ L'r' 1. :III ' 1'1, I. , "hit 'l'lll'l.i h 1,>\\ "Is, a \11 l.ach 2 flu ILch; TV r ' 28 1,(1 !lor.'1\ Lltdi a' l[v~ , :!,ll'ltir :-;(,1 'k, . Ir" I1 ~ Lill.'n ·hirtin';, 31.1 (\!ld ll~d OOu .)[ 11 ',; BI'O IVII 'UUOIl lltlt.H'rih.i "I." Illl Itch; 1,:WUDul. Llluic'StmwUnh _\ll~"".thi~ b Oll'S " 1'1, \I t'll' t;.1 and 1 W ' 1'0 l!s Od 'hnpcs,'l'liBEEior(kl; w rOlll't'03s11til'ach Inc).. tl'll,,<1 'l'ickin,.;, 3!u y rei J. WEIDENBAOH 00. A T E'l Ji-1 Rlii. 4 Wsstsrn q;aoZs q;aZ1t. rlVl.\ y 8, 18g 7

(J/embers / lite Stock Swan Land and Building Agency Co. E.xcltange oj Perllt) SaOoing & WilKinson, Auction Rooms: William and Mlll'ray Slreots tthrough their Auctioneer) Stock and Sharebrokers and Mining Agents. Direct cOlllllllmieatiolL will, Londoll &' A1tStraiiall Jllarl.:ets. T' :r J r1.' U HE, Telephone No. 381. Box 145, G.P.O. ST. GEORGE'S TERRACE, PERTH. hipments of Japanese Ware and Ornament, inger' Machine (new), CODE8-~roreillg &; 'cars, Bedford McNeil. Oable Address-" WILLI ·GJJY." Bedswads, Beddiug, Chest DrawerH . Drnwing.room uite, Din.inO' Room Suites, Chiifonniere, Ta hlC's, Side bOil I" Is, 'Mpet8. l'te., amples of G~oc.ries. ProjessiOllalACCOIlJltallt, Audilol Au 'l'ION ::iALEi:l EVERY 'l'HURSDAY. A,-bitrator, Val1lator, ere. RI JI KNOX PEDEN , Fi1l(l1Iclal a lid Estate Agent. .i11il1lagell/e1It of Public alld Private. COII/janies Undertaken. Driffield, Russell & Co., FEDERAL BIlGS .. WILLIAM & NIl! \RAY STS, PERTH . Shw'ebJ'okeJ's ana jlIiniu,(J A g ents, WEST ,\ USTRALL\~ CHAMBER, PERTH FALLSHAVV BROS. Special facilities for dealing on London M al'ket. WJ:;;l..£.1t:NiGTONI STR.EET', P~RT· ll'. (oPPosITe STATlUX.) WARDROP & COOPER, BILLiARD TABLES AND REQCiSITES. GEXERAL HOUSE .-\.cco ~T \'~T , ' HORTHAKJ) \rRITER ' '. '1'\"P1 ''1'' FURNiSHINGS. BARBER'S CHAiRS, BEDDi.VG, el,.. REST V..JLUE iN THE TRADE. ST. GEORG ::'S TERR ,\ CE. PERTH (nt!)o,t A:\DS.\: :\lcDOUG.\LL·,, ). PERTH SCHOOl or SHORTH AND AND HPEWRITIHS, CLA E D,\fLY, AL 0 TUE DAY A.'D FRIDAY En:XIXG at 7.30.

High Street, Fremantle. 'M DS AITKEN CERTI:ICATED PUI'IL .1. '.I. A.." • 01' :\IADA~IE RJ:;NRY RQSENTIIAJ;... ,ClI],I T1AX, 1'.,.1..:\1. Late of Kalgoorlie. PROPRIETOR. Gives Lessons in VOICE PRODUCTION.

When FatIgued by Business or oppressed c' Co., A1\n PERTH BOOK DEPOT. by the Weather Take a lrip to Fremantle and yisil the ST· GEORG E'S Melville Cafe where you can rely lIpon obtaining the best of LUl'CHEOi'\ TEA, LUNCHEON, or a CliP' of pure Ceylon Tea, combined with an unadulterated ozone A 0 bree~e from our Balcony Lounge. !fours-from 8 :1. m. to I I p. m. SUPPER RO OMS Note the addre :;-:\II SSE BYRNES. l\leh'ille Cafe. Cliff Street, Have opened their beautifully :lppoin(eJ 'YIXl:, )fOKE ASD COHEE (opposite Station and Adelaide . . Co' . office.) SALOON, and have slill llH1Ue <~ further ad,l.t:on to their m\d fashionable and popular rooms, in tho shape of a " ~ONYERSAZI0NE" EVERY \\EDSES- DAY, in which It number of the Leading Artists of Perth are taking part SGHRUTH'S ROYAL HOTEL, Tickets at Nicholson'S, Banack treet, and al 0 at the above. . FIRE & MARINE (Nearly oppo,ite Railway Station). I SOliTB BRITISH INSURANCE CO. Is the Largest and Best in Perth, 1f . .!l. CAPITAL £1,900,000. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION . Paid· Up Capital and .\ccnmulatctl Fund, c)o,ccet! 233,000. U:\LI~IITIW LIABILITY F IIAREIIOLDERS. :f :f :f MOD~RATE WJ;;S't' AV&',['R.~I.~d.1:{ QFF'IC&S. T ELEPHONE '0. 250. ELECTRIC LIGHT. F . SCHRUTH, Proprietor. TOWN HALL BDGS., HOWICK ST .. PERTH.

DIR",-OTORS: ALEX. FORREST, •. R. G. S., )1. L. A., Chairman. E. Y. H. KEASE, EQ JAS. E. BARRATT & SONS T. F. QUIXLA:\. E 'Q. Manager: W. A. HUGHES. Fire & Marine Insurances accepted at lowest current rates F 'F'?'P6'T b, fjUfcefBmen . and . l eedcmen, I J. SHEPHE D'S Kursery: 20 DOURO ST. City Branch: 92 HAY ST. I Eureka Harness & Saddle ~ Ol'ks, Floral De. iqns of nU deso1'iptions 71wde up on the shol'test notic·e· WILLIAM STREET, PERTH, - Wedding and Presentation Bouquets a Speciality.- IS THE BEST AND CHEAPE6'I I N" THE CITY.

O UR EW STOCK OF FLOWER A'D VEGETABLE EED JU '1' '1'0 HA D. Extensive and well-assorted up-to-date Stock. Put Plallh ill elldless vartcly obtaillable at lite Nllysery.


~ iT., PERTH, & CO., HAY CAN .~r O I~ ~ ASD

e> a,lZ§PS, a.tt~~ Ie

AUTUM & WI TER SEA ON, 1897.-JU T to hand all lhl: Latlo t Londun -' 0'- Iti . 't' t' t t BeatSt...lf ofCUl

SOCIETY NEWS: The :'If elropolitan ,\ ~$e mbl)' Cinderella held in t. George's Hall, on \\"edne day :\pril 28th wa a decided success.

" I'ha rlll1k is but lhe ~uinon. StlllLl}>; tllo tntl.ll 'g lhe gold {or u' that," :'Ilr. and :'Ifrs. Henning (Coolgardie) have purchased Mr. "'right's hou eat Cottesloe, where they are now residing.

His Excellency entertain ed 800 children of the \Yesleyan Church in the demesne. The hurch of England children also have been invited. M1'. ~orman Ewing, the Independent and successful candidate for the wan constituency, is a rising young barrister. Lady Forrest gave her farewell reception on Wednesday last. • Mr. W. G. Brookman, who returned from Kalgoorlie last week, ir .\bmnder and Lady Onslow entertained His Excellency the contracted a severe chill which neces itated him keeping to his room Governor and Lady Smith at dinner last week. for a few days. • Mis Isabel Reid has kindl . consented to take the ' li on's share" T he Anglican Bishop was accorded a very warm farewell re~ep­ at the next social evening, to be held on Wednesday, May 12th, in tion at the Town Hall on Thursday night, when a purse of overelgns 2'lfi s ~rartin ' tea room, Barrack treet. was presented to him amid general regret at his departure. He will be absent six month ......

;'o.lr. Francis Pa ' more i spending a holiday at Bunbury. The Mi s l1aud tone is staying with l r. and Mr . Cowie, at ~ue . numerou fri ends of this very popular young gentleman sincerely hope that he will return much improved in health.

Mr . Willis and family have returned to Perth from ottesloe. The members of the Savage Club ha\'e been invited en lIIasse to a musical at home" at Government House. A there are over two hundred ' a\'age , there ought to be plenty of talent between them. ?lIr ·. Christie has takt! n up her residl!n in the new Bank of Australasia.

~lr. \rolff, architect, is seriously ill. Perth can scarcely do without one of such marked ability, for even a short time, when so Mrs. J. T. Monger and the Mi sses Monger have returned lO many buildings are in course of erection. \\'c wish him a speedy York from Europe. recovery_ • .. . Mrs. \rhitby, of "Whitby Lodge," has taken Mr . Gale' house in St. George' Terrace. The Daphne Quadrille A embly intend holding a select Ball in the Oddfellows' Hall, Oxford treet, Leederville, on :\[onday, the 24th lay. Double ticket- 55., single 3s. 6d.: lady' TS. 6d. The music will be under the upen'i ion of M1'. uill, with Mr. J. Very few people know that H er Majesty the ueen can trace ] ordan as 11. '. pecial bu e ' will run at the close. her lineage from David.

Mrs. A. \\T. Hassell (Albany) has been sta:-ing a few days with Mr. Franci :'ILaxwell (Engineering Department), late of Edward - her neice, Mrs. H. P. Woodward. town, outh Au tralia, and elde t son of Mr. :'Ilaxwell, sculptor, of that province, who ha render d him elf famous for his statue of Bobbie Burn, the cotti h poet, ha just married Miss Humphries, daughter of ~lr. Humphries J.P., of Yongala, .. A. We wilih them long life and happine s. !.fi ss Helmes is leaving her house lJ1 t. George' Terrace, and has taken a house in Mount street.

t. George' Literary ociety commenced their season's work on Mr. and Mr . Bagot, of otteslo, have started on a six month. ' Tuesday evening la t, May 4th. A debate was introduced, between visit to hri tchurch, Tew Zealand. :'lIes r . Hamer and Webb- . Does the Forresl Government deserve suppOrt at the general election." ;\la)' 1 Ith is in the hands of Mr. Tottenham M.. pon thi occa ion the society will be entertained with this gentleman'S 'Remini cences of \\ ell,known Authors." We are glad to hear Mrs. Arthur Hassdl' little daughter, who ha been seriously ill , is much better. .. . Among tho e from W. A. who will attend our beloved Queen's Jubil e festivitie arl! ;\1r. and 11r".] u lice tone and family, Mr. 'AI r. . E. Morgan, who has been r turned for oolgardil!, is F. tone and family. al 0 ~1r. holl olicitor, and family. The the most sen ible mining man on th fi Ids. Premier of outh Australia and ~Ir. King ton are now en rOlltf. "" ,.. During their stay in England the Australian guests will tay at the H otel ecil, a ma ' nificl.!nt hotel on the Thames Embankment M1'. Marsden, who is the ro\\'n Prote ·tor of the Aborigines of where ac oJ11modati on ha. been provided for them by the Home \V.A., has returned from a fourteen months' lour. Go\·ernmcnt.

AOME OY OLE S, L adies Machines in Great Variety. - The Only Vis i bJe 'J ype I'i LeI'S. v\ ill· ! it

\i\ e ha th e best I(EPAIR SHOP Il1 the 10m .

The Acme Cycle Co. 4 H 1 tre t, Perth. 6

}Ir. Wentworth-Dilke, son of Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, Mr. ancl Mrs. F. D. North. The Misses Onslow. intends returning to this colony some time in July. Mr. anrl Mrs. S. H. Parker, the Misses Parker, Mr. and Mr. H. C. Prin· sep, the Mi ses Prinsep, Colonel ane! Mrs. Phillips, the Misses Phillips, Re\·. and .\Irs. F. J. Price, Mr. ane! Mrs. . J. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Piesse. Captain and Mrs. Russell, the Mis~es Ru


.-\ I::trge ,tock of \'chicles nlwa)'~ on h,'lml and to arri,·c. l'cpair~ executed with IcspJ.tch, and in first·cla ~tyle and workman,hip. A Trial olicited. I-l ead Office E. B. WHI T E, St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. ~ran ager. T

The unday School children of the W esleyan d.enol11inatio~, the opposite sex? " ' W hat will be the charactistics of the Australian and their teachers, numbering over 700, were entertallled. by HIs race? II , I: compromise of principle justifiable in politics?" " an Excell ncy the Governor and Lady ,'mith, at Government H ou e on the' Referendum' be applied practically in rational affairs?" and Thursday. On a count of the inclement stale of tht:! weather, .the " hould the GO\'t:!rnor of the Federal Commonwealth be elected, or fete had been po ·tponed from the lay b~fore, and a plea ant alter appointed by L1l.! 'n)wn?' The discu sion which followc:d each nOOll crowned the fe tivities. The children were treated' 0n the answer was sp;rit..:d an':! hiCThly interesting, and showed that the lawn, the te;;chers in the ballroom. 'l'he entertainment being given members an I visitors who took part posse sl.:d a wiele range of know­ in honor of the forthcoming " Jubilee" of H er M ost Craciou ' ledge and a faeilt: capacity for expre. :ing it. On ,\pril 28, a large Majesty's reign. uitablc speeches were made and ;esponded to, and appreciatiye audiencl:! btened with great interest to an address and His Excellency said he hoped to meet them agaIn on a future by l'IIr. Walter H. Jame, ::'ILL.A., on "A 'W .. \' .' J) e~e6ate's Impres- occasion ; so the little one. will be looking forward to ' plea ures in ions of the Federal onyention." Hi Honor the Chief Justice pre' store." \Villing workers, including some from the 'Lodge," t. ided. The ubject wa handled in :\1r. James' well-knvwn style, and George's T errace, attended to the om fort of the gue t who his audience showed by wrapt attention and the hearty a r c1amations separated after a very happy time. They marched to Government accorded to him, their appreciation of the instruction and enjoy­ H ouse singing 'God S:1 \" the Oueen." Tht:! Boys' Brigade ment they had obtained from it, On \\" ednesday, :\by 5, the Rev. accompanied them. George Herrington, of Bunbury, It: 'tured on "The .\merican Civil War." Owing to the lecture hall ueing othc:mise ensaged, the lecture was gi\'en in the chur 'h to a largt! assemblage of members and vi itors. :\I r. Herrington treatccl, exhausti\-e!y, the caUSeS One of the PI' ,ttiest a nd best appointed billiard rooms in which led up to the war, :l.l1d then followecl more particularly the \\\: tern .\.ustralia was thrown open to the public on ).Ionday evening foot teps of ;ener:t1 C~rant. 'the _ -apoleon of the ~ortherll States," la:t. T he rooms are connected with ]a aby s H otel, in l'IIurray who wa ' enlirel)' rt:spon ible for che success of tht.! Fedelal armies, ·tred, l't:!rth, and the proprietor ( II'. J aeoby) is to be congratulated T he h::cture was inter ' pt!~:t:!d WIth anecJote:, the gener:t1 hUIlIor of Uplln tlw venture. The ball s rolled on the tablt:! for the fir t time whi 'h el'okeu hear y laughter. :\1:'.1 ierrington's ol~casional bursts of last :'Ilnnday, when 11'. Lindrum played ::'\[r. 'am Grimwood a game eloquence fairly LOO:~ his audience by >ororm and I"ere rt!Cl:ived with of noo up, the fo rmer giving the latter a tart of 300. About one well merited applause. );'e\c Wednesday en;ning, :\Iay ) 2th, I', ill be hundred gentlemen, at the im'itation of 1\1r. J acol y, witnessed the game, uevoteel to ' Parliamt:!ntary 'andidates 'peeches," whL'n the l ;01 ern· wh ich ended in a win fo r i\[r. Grimwood. Light refreshments were ment policy will be treated by Illembl..'rs n.:pres-!nting the .1Ilinisterial . en'eel to the guests, < nd the health of the worthy host was lrunk in and pposition sides of the Hou·e. The pl'L'sident lk'sires that it bUl11per~. Mr. J acob)' is to be congratubted upon pre~elltil~g the may be known th t the 'ociety meds erer)' \\'edne 'day ~t 8 p,m.,. l\!rL h publi c with slIch a lovely billiard saloon, and we WIsh hIm the and that visitors ar\! always we1col11L!. SlIe.'!,;" hI.! (k:Sl!n' ·S. • ,\ very enjoyable e\'ening wa.' spent in the \lOW awtilablc drawingroom of De Baun's Palac~' Hotd un Wednesday, 28th ulL, The Irish Nati n:11 Fore·ters g, ve their Third .\ nnual Ball the occasion being a .. senJ ofr' n )1 r. :Jlc('lay (so well known in In Fremantl~ T own I-bll on Wednesday evening. when about one conncction with Queen.1anu :'1~nl.ies). who leaves Perth for a fe ll' hundred couples wert,! in :1 ttendance. The dee;)I-.1tions were very months' yi 'it to Queensland. During the el'ening 'inging and musir: tasteful. :l. nd induued the Banner of the oeiety. The cateri ng wa ' were indulged in, and many and heart)' were the good wi~hes offered attended to by the foll owing ladies : ?\fesuames. Foley K enny, to the guest oi the e\'ening toward a pleasant trip and speedy Lyneske)" Nugent, Flannag, n, I' i I.ger. ld ant! ::'II is,es r enny and return. Amongst tho (! present {all re idents of De Baun's H otel) 'urnicks, who had thl-! table laid with the ddicacies of the eason. were Dr. and :'lr5 . Denington, Dr, and :!\Ii s ::\"yu!::ts)', ~rr. and if,. :'[e ·srs. J. F oley, Sine)" I-elly, Lyon, SlIlhmn, and Doul Ter formed Law, :'lrs, Hugh and )1r. Frank Pa - 'more, :J1r. a nd Mrs. Jacobs, the gentlemen's ~o mmitt e, with J. E. Flannagan as . 'ecretary 11r. and )11'. H erb~rt Bond. \Y . Kenny as :'l.c. kept the com pan)' rroing merrily until the wee h ur 0' the morning, some twenty-follr dan 'es bein T on the pro­ gl'amme. Backhouse' l3:1nd suppli L! u the music. ome of the The members of the Ll letropolitan .\. sscmbly held their in­ lo l1 owing dress s \I' re very handsome :- augural danCe in St. George's Hall on ;\ pril 28. .\lthough the weather was very wet, thi did not deter some fift}, coupk's from ~ti·s ~I nlone}', hbck \'ell'cl, p:d e blue hiffon, ri bhon ,treamer, lO \1lntch; i\ li.,s Nugenl, pale grcen c\'ening C(Hl ul1\ c, lrimmed wilh rihhnn Ince nnd flowers; attending. ;\ l11on CT those pre em were Frank Wilson, I ~sq. (the ~ I i" ~I c~ra h o n, pnle pink si lk Iuslre :Inti crenm I ~ce: ~rr ,. Brereton, while snlin, ,\ ssembly's patron) Lyall Hall, E q. (president), H. Yisbord, Esq (I'ice­ pearl trimming:; ond violets; ~Ii " Kenny, pink silk, cre:tm Inc" nntl penrls ; iU bs pre ident), and \\" H,: effort to mlkt:! tb~ initial dance a suece. s, _\ pt'ogrnmme of 1+ ~Ii s. H enne s)" black silk and cnnlinal lulled trimming : :-li s B. ~Iurr nr, red dances \\' 're gone thrclu ,h. Thl..' music, in the h:1nd~ of ~rJ'. ~ilk, cream tri tntning; i\fi!,s K. O"ttcl1c, h1.lCk ~alin and jel, while chifTun Kraetzt.!r, lefl nothing l\) be desired, he stewards ples:r~;, C. I L 'Iceves ; ~l iss McGillivray, hlack :l nd pink »ilk ercpoll Irilllllled wilh chiffun Parkinson and \\". Ll11ncler) recci\'t.!d numerous eongrntu1ations for flOwer.; nne! jel ; :-li 's I [nyc:s, pink crepon, green trimmings ; ~Ii s liller, pink n~ln' \'cilillg, li berty silk ; ~Ii " Fay, crenlll serge cvcning co» tllmc: ~I i" (;riflin, lhe \'err pll.:as:lI11 c\'l..'nin·' pro\'iued. The :uccess ·.. :hieh :tttended pInk silk, black chilTon; ~I rs. Fl a nnolg:tn, e \ '<:lI in ~ COSlllme ; ~ I " Fuley, hlnck the fir.,t d:tn(' ~pcal;~ Y.~r)' \I'd 1 for the prosperity or the a,scmblv,. e \' ~ning coslllllle ; !\Irs. Kenny. c\'eni ng C""IIIIIIC : ~Ir. L)'Ihk.:y, c\·"ning which is without ,Ioubt one of the best in the citl-. The next CO~tunlt: * f r... fugent , c\ 'n ing cO ..;lll tn c: 1\(1'."1* Fitlgcr:-dd, c,*(.·nin' co ... l\l1nc ; .. l;in lerelln .. is ;1nnouncecl to take place on Tuesday, :\Ia)' T I. ~l i.s J. Cav:\lIn

t Tel //Itct th.' TillltS, mId fo be ill Il iv.lIIet of olhers in the 'l'rndc, llC 0 , , T E e 0 11 () 111 C , ' t 01/1' /wi fit)' is to elltel' for Ihe express i.'m/ls (If Ol//' C ust(1j:/t!l". FREt\llANTLE, i I so well-k nown n II' that we need no special effort to lead the People to make pun.hase~ with U.·, E 'vnomic I P rict!s all round, and Goods heaper thnn any the l' I-louse. We in\'itl..' all to see our J.\. J' ETS and ?If.\.'TLE ur :'IIILLL T ERY and Ul:DER- CLOTHI G j our II LT' E FL' R 1JSl1lN' ~ and 'tock of BL \. "TKET~; our ::'lIE. ";-;, YOl"l'lI." and BOL' LO 1'1£1 (;; bur 'lll RT and TIE " e c., ett', :\Ianufacturt.:r:;' :tock Pureha'es at Enormoll· })i~count.;, ArT! E & CO. Fremnntl e. A fashionable, though quiet wedding, was celebrated at St. SHOWS OF THE SEASON · ·George's Cathedr~l, Perth, by the Rev. Dean Goldsmith, on Thursday .afternoon at three o'clock-the contracting parties being \\'illiam England

The following is from Melbourne Table Talk:- c Littlc:minded­ "" 'ness seems to be the distinguishing characteri ·ti cs of the We t LOI'er of thin« have noll' It splendid opportunity of in pectinO' Australians. Mr. McDougall, the Melbourne stationer, visited the their" hobby " at :Messrs. II cki'ort! and Lncll '. wh~ are disphl\' iu~ , Vest recently, and on his return wrote a depreciatory letter to the in theil' how-room sO lli e exquisi te :pecimcn of DOlll on "Ii e~ newspaper of the prospects in the Western colony. traight away which shoDld 'atis!y the 11l 0~ t lit;,tidiou bnycr of tIl. warc. the Perth ity Council decided to take their custom away from and, and McDougall. Zangwill, notwithstanding the poor opinion entertained of his literary ta te by the 'atll1'da)' R evie1tJ, knows Messrs. platt, \\ all , and Harrison are importinO' the Ii t . quad " human nature, and the petty vindiclivenes of the Perth City coun­ into IV.A. this week. b, cillors will remind readers of 'I The Children of the Chetto" of .Any ladie wanting a really first-class mount hould inspect tho 'e Melchizedeck Pinhea, who, wh en anybody cri ticise him, says, at iessrs. Armstrong's depot. The c. Rover," ladies bicycle has been ., Did the wretch say dat? I viII shoot hilT'.' " tested and not found wa nting in any respect. MARTIN & co., HOMCEOPATHIC A 0 DISPENSINC CHEMISTS, 111 B.·LRH.d.CR' ·TREET. PERTH. ana at H 'unptolb treet,Fl'ema.ntle.

E TADLL RED I~ 'OLL I~ :3 TImET, :\IEL80 ' RNE, 1 611.

M. and Co. have lately receil-ed a on.iQ1llDent of TEAR ' PREPARATIO J from t.h h e'h K Ill. r lit ",hi ·h. Ul America and other part' , ha,o gained ueh a crood reputarion as a BRAIN, NERVE and MU CLE TI~1f LAN'I". They are also rlcommended a an ANTI--\LCOHOLIC.

,K o la Yin 5 5, Kol a Ext ract 4 5 6 d, a nd Cyle5 3 5 6 d per bottle. M. &GO.' 5 Coug h Mix~ ur e 2 s d. 9

Notice to Contributors. In 1 73 Mr. 101101' mluTilld .Mi ' ':; Ameli,\ BOOTS! BOOTS ! ! Littlejohn, of Tiverton, D evonshire, England. Tremendous Clearing Sale. He thfln went to AdelLlide for u couple of The Editor will at all tiln s bo glad to reeeivo year, and, 011 hi return, WII engnged by tbe contribution, couched in cri ' P and pithy style, and ..:\..CRIFICK proprietor of the Jlom ing lIerald at it in· denling with live topics. ception, a uccountant and general bu iness Items of fro h social now, duly authcnticatcd, Goods must be cleared, as premises are to be munager. From thut office he transferred to ·will be specially accoptable. enla.r!{ed. the We t Auslmlian, occupying the arne Contributions should, fl~ a rulo, reaoh th onico Buyers of two or more pairs will have po ition ' 011 the taff of that paper. \\ hile not lator than Tuesday in aoh wook; a limitoel there he helpel to tart the TJlestem llIail. quantity of lat,o matter can, howover, bo tn,ken on them below Wholesale Wednosday. All intel'\'i IVB with the Editor must be by appointm nt. ince thell MI'. :Molloy hu been in bu i· BOOT • HOP 'rho Editor cannot undortnkc to return M S. ne ~ for him elf. principlllly in the hotel line sent on approval; nevert helcss every rca onablo reo a n bo llpplicd n.t En ~ li h Fact ory Pric s. and i pOl' hap best kno\\'n us th' proprietor . quest will receivc dne attcntion. COM:E EA.RL.y. of the Metropole, and the owner of the All literary contribntions s honld bc addrc cd Thea tre RoylLl. to tho Bditor, n,nel not to n,ny indiYidual mombor of the staff. ~ CCO~, KEE:& &: About thin ell Y ; [1' ago he was elected IL ouncillor of the \\' tWitI'd, ,mc\ cver since Notice to Advertisers. HOWICK STREET. then hu be n l' gulru'ly retnrned by th mtc­ pnyer ' a their I'cprc'entlltive n~ltin t nil Tm;: PubliRher ' of the WItS'l'.EltN 'I'ABLF. TALK COllieI' . will not r ecognL 0 n,ny og-rcem nt betwc n can· S. VISBORD, va SCI' and nelvorti ~ or s , unl ss writton on the In 1 9 ~ )11' . .. 101101' wa electcd a the order form accompanying tho "chortie mont. CLOTHIER AND OUTFITTER, melllber fot· l-' erLh in t~ Hou e of' A . embk '"For tho [utnro it i. to be tn,k n as nn illjlcxililc ,."le At th I ction 'ub 'equ l1t to the di ol~. that 1111 ndv l'ti Olll nts int nelod for illS rtion Corner of Will iam and \\ cll inglon ' lreets, Perth, t mll t l' aoh thiH offie not later than 'J. p.m. on tl on of thal P,lrlialllen he Wit · d feated by W dnosdo.y. 1 /07' Tailor .lJade ·Io t hing. :Mr. Raudell . Prices amI )uali ly ' nequall cd in Wehlern .\ lIslralia. Tho following 11.1' th s nb ~ cription rntos of Mr. Molloy" political opil1io;~ It!' of a WESTERN TABLE 'l'.I.LK inolnding postage to liberal chnrltcter, ILnt! hi past career 11 'i ty any part of 'Vet Anstrali,, : oUl1cillol' llucl M.P. is ' v well known tlwt TlTF. YE:AR ... JSs, Od. WILLIAM PADBURY, it ne d' no comme ut. IX MON'l'II B 6 ~ . Sel. Subsoriptions mnst bo paid ill n,dvan . Postal lVIel'ahant and Genel'a i Impol'tel', In the \\' t P rth lectioa on May 5th Orders should be mado payablo to tho Mn.nager. IRa :uo GER, DlU.:E ER, GROCER, A n la t .Mr. Molloy contested the West P rth LO'l'HIER. con tituency against .Mr. B. C. "\ ood and }\Ir. Knox Peden. Mr. Molloy uft'ered defellt, but think that had Government Large Assor~ment of Boots & Shoes. HAROLD & CO. influellce not been exertecl he would have, (Lonrlan and Pa7'is), Agen for Yates' Garden ceds. at lea t made a better light. Be ide thi ' , thc ab ence of the 1V0rking clas fit tile poll A D LADIES' (they being tll people on whom ho relied GUILDFORD 1'0[' a majority) al 0 militated ilgltin t hi GENTS' TAILORS. ncce ~ . Had it not b en for the tilct that ovel' a thou and votet' did not com ncar the Experienced LOlldoJl alld Paris Workllletl EDICAL ~rA , Married, with Large Healthy polling booth Mr. Molloy fe el It sured that Ollly Employed. House, ood Garden, overlooking wan M the re ult would havc been 1'(;1'), differ nt. River, receives L adies for their Accouchements, etc. Apply M.D., 'GLENDOVAN, " Forrest Avenue, 27 HOWICK STREET. East Perth. Answers to Correspondents, Mr. W. H. GOUPLAND, ORGA I T AND CHOIRMASTER, ·St. Mat! evv's, Gt..1.ild~ord. guesfern ~ablc ~al1i. " )! I-;S FISHER," (.\ Ih:my). - You certainly should PIA OFORTE. ORGAN. VIOLIN. hal"<' taken inlO cUIl,i,;eralion the facl lhal his CdUC.1ljon '''t. inferio r lo lhal ,.f Ihe olher. tUllelit. COIlch.'d le I' 1.''';uity olleg" E~,"".i" nti o ll " . prcscBl. I Ie undouhlcdly meanl well , Inn we For Terms nddrcss 'f. GE R E'S TEHRA J::, ~ :\T Rl AY ilIAY 8, 1897. mU,1 conr"" he ple:ulcd hi, causc ,·cry hlulllly. (LI .. l u Dr. '('l'lltmllll 'S R CK ido ll L pl ~ nTa. \\'e ,,·ould recollllllend your forgi"inl! him. . 1)1\11:," (Perth). \ e, therc arc lwO Crcal Weslern L. LE.:F' VI) E, hOlel- in I'crth. PERTH LABOUR t,GE I L y. BIOCRAPHY. .. l·\t:" B." ( Ilull ,treet). \ uur )1 '. i" 100 per·

o ,onal for acceplance. Only thoroughly reli ahl e persons engaged. I louse .rnd Geneml Agent. Rlisine. scs bought and hold. •. YH,: roRI \," (Frcmalllle). Wc ha,·c no I>olan;,l on ourist ' Tickets b lI ghl and sold. our . tafT, and in concqcnce arc nUl capabl" of elliing Ihc poiBl. PE~TH CHAMBERS, T. G. MOLLOY, Esq. 42 lIA \' TREET. " r. GEOR(;F.." (I'crth),-L:tdy Forre l with her u. ual COUrle. y " ill undoll ,tcdly answer your ------._------query. ONE of the be't known ti gure in P rth i ' J. II. , (Wdd Club). - Il i.- fa ther li as a Il'adcsll1 an in lhc Ea'l End of London, hUl ncverlhde" a vcry thnt (If 1'. TholUll ' T orge :'Il oilo,\', the ub· much re. pected cilizen. jeel of OUI' art Dn of'thi w k P ItIl.Il' BRtl. 'TO:> (L:lInb strcct). Plca,c ca ll upon the Ediwr of Ihi" journal any li me on Friday or Born n '['01' nto on lhe 4tb Ot'lob 1',1 5:l, 'aturda),. his fntb l' h in g It " I'g IlIlt in til '):3rci. " 1" 11 nE. " If you ,end your name and ndd rch', ami VICE.REG AL EED ME ROYlll \\' Ish 1( 11 . ili er. , it mlly 1\ >11 b 'aid com·incc u thal \,ou r contrihution is authenlic, tll! ~t 11 hll l'i ~ 1'1l from lhe I'unk,. 'I'he w" shall be l'lca,~\l to ])uhli, h the ,ame. " E :> QUlI:;;R ,. (Gcraltlton).- Wc cannot say it "ith FL RI '1' . ET ., F .A., po ition tbnt h now hold .. ill th - C01l1mrr· cinl wol'ld ('If \\'.A, l1 e d; no endOl"cment. any :luthority, hUI we helic'·c the ~1 c1hou rn c .·' rl! circulatc larqcr than the )Idhournc .-I I'J,'ItS • .H. i kno\\'n by,' r."b d.,' lind by" I',Y­ body lik d. Tr o ttill ~ mntchl'll ill W (- ,t ' I'1I All tmlia AI'O oming \\'. A . II I the II l'1 .,· II g of't n Rav th Lal'" st and f certaill ly IInui l', t o bo l\ \" oidc'll. ir !ill.« '/I.Y such YCIlI" aft rllll nliillg th ' Ilt'i~tilln Broth I'S .P " It ln t (It 'nl1l1 i'lI g 111'0 . low l' and V IS tabl s ds in W.A. Pot planls, h ' '1) p~ll c d ~ n tl1l' d n ' PUI'k . clio I in Penh, li e fhq ~ tllrl rl on his hll i. Irk-Iy I rl··tIr. ,J l1 d ~ l' III t hl' lr o ~, lind eycl'y­ Including som of tho latest n" I ti 'S. Frll i t. n S CIII' CI' iu lh olli e of' the Ill te ~r r lhinJ,{ III Ou lt'I·. Thl' cOIll Jll'lito r ' for Iho JUdo Trees,f ov r 100' 0 t scI ,t froll1 , 1)0. k d and Hili'" SII\\', Aft -I' thut h 1I'0l'k ,(I lind l' find II hu H mutch II rc ,1t~pI L t chl- d ; til - 11111/ ­ orWnl'd d to all parts of t.h olony. F loral A l't 1\ [ 1'. J. rr. Hil 'yoI'. ' t. ; 01" ",. '[' ~ I Tn' , LInd /,/1'/11';11 dOL'S Hot ,,·t t lt' dO\\1\ rLl irly until thl' la~t ·h ulf-m ile. ll ll tl by It bpll'lIdid turn of sp('l'li a sp ciality, iTl (; llldin ~ F ral D signs of v L'Y wh en th ll t griltl{'ll1l1n fll ilcd, LO ok Illnnllgc· pa,,,'" tIll' W ln l1 ill ~ po t . til',,!. flit) judge, nItt·r deSCription, Bridal uit..,s, FUlloml D signs, 111 at f the P 'l·th o-opel'uli,' OC I ty. \\ hil in this pos itiol1 he ]1111'chl1,. d for the

SPORTING NOTES. . N eckersgat, the celebrated stallion and sire of carpia Tarquin, farpeian, Gonda, &c., well-known in this colony, was found dead in his box at 6 o'clock on the morning of the 26th ultimo. Death was supposed to have been caused by an enlargement of the heart and [By HER~IIT.] the sudden toppage of the circulation. It was quite unexpected as he had eaten up all his feed and hay during tht: Ilight. He was by Talk 0' the Hills out of :Miss Giraffe by and \\'a foaled Our anticipations for to-day at Canning Park are :- on November ISt, 1873, at Mr. Gerard's place in Rapid Bay. His sire, Talk 0' the Hill, was by Wild Dayrell from Ayacano by Bird. ( Bain Marie ... I FL\'I/I:(; H .\NDI C.\ P: catcher-Pocohontas by Glencoe-i\Iarpesa by Muley. ( Loch Isle Trio ... BRUSH ~TEEPLE H.\:E: Gipsy Queen 2 { Mr. Von D.oussa est!mates that I8,000 people were present at Mando ... 3 the last Onkapannga meetll1g. It wa tht: most ucce sful meeting ever held there. \ Blac~ Diamond'"' :'I.-\ DDl:"

Owners and trainers are warned again t puttin up" Johnny :'Ir. \\' R. Wilson has decided to ell that beautiful colt Aurum Arm. trong," as he has not been granted a licence in this colony yet. if he can get his prict! for him in England so would·be backer' of Auraria's brother for the next Derby should hold off.

Me . r.. ;jtratford Strettle, Albert Clnrk, :,ralcolm Fraser, E. 1.' * .. Hooley, George Ler·ke, M.L.A., and Clayton ~ I ason ha~'e bt::en nomi­ For withholding e\'idence Tommy Shrimpton ha been entenced nated for re-election as \V A.T.e. committeemen \\"hd e :,[e ·~rs . E· to tll'.) months imprisonment. This all come thrOU took committt!c. the . money, but he wa~ the scapegoat. As a sprint race rider hnmpton stands out t!asdy first in this colony, and the only boy who can get to the bottom of the Duke of York. To be regretted. \\" e are pleased to ~ee ;\[ r. R. B. :,[ hor, the well-k,no.wn train r, is on the com·ale. cent hst. He I,ad a bad attack of typnOld. ;-'[1'. P il. i\Iiiler has openl:J a mo~t charminu billiard room in Barrack 'treet, opposite the entrance to the Public \\' ork . Thert: The nominatiOlls totalled I.p for the \Y. A. T. Club's meetl11g are three .of :\lcock:s uest tab!t!s litted with Imperial ReITi ter lo\\,­ nn the nnc1 and :::4th of thi~ 11I0nth. Side cu~hlOns. A " nIt room Will be added shortly for the onvenience uf those who are engaged in the city and are unable to

Black Diamond, who is a favourite in this quarter, \" by Pacific out of [artha, a . tation mare. . The ~\\'ner of Maud. ., the celebrated trotter, give o:ue inter­ estlllg partIculars about hiS purchase of the mare. As a two-rear-old, aptain tone's trainer took a great fancy to her, and induced the \\'ellshot wilt, alt going well with him, fulfil his ~or eman aptain to buy her, ~\' h!ch he did to please him for 50, and named engagements. her Maud ., after hIS little daughter. For some time she would not set~le down to the trotting gait, but by dint of patience, Bair her tramer, at la t succeeded. he for ome time held the mile record First Bolt (r [ st. 12 Ibs.) has been sh~mefully ill-treated ,in the of 2 m. 8f.l.' s., accomplished in the old·fashioned SUlky. Bru h teeplechase to be run to.day, and hiS owner ~Ir .. J. Copley, had no altenlati\'c but to cratch hm1 . Cressy beat hm1 111 \'ery ea y , and then came out and \\'on the Welter at the ]a t mceting, Iltuminata, dam of , ha visited Royal Hampton by and yet he only receives one pound for being a poor. econd. 1 :ampton, who is sire of Ladas.

The Victorian Amateur Turf Club's committee ha\'t: raised the That celebrated mare, Atalanta, dam of :\yrshire, Troon Kil­ value of the Debutant takes from £500 to £ rooo. marnock and Melanion is dead.


~""2' G ADE ~

Cy LES. ~ I E . T Wsstsrn I I

Carbine has been given the best of chances Dllililllu'c (:\l'dlllliou-Galultlu) II'hile rlluning List of Guests at Principal Hotels in Perth. by the Duke of Portland, who has put him on ir G. H. Clifford" mn in iT ell' Zealand fell to the best of his brood mares at Wei beck, o\"e r the cliff' and "'n. killed. WI:.EK EI'Dt1'>G WEn:-iESVAV, 5TH MAY• • • The H orseman (American) considers it A \,ell. known racing !.'stablishment in Poland absolutely necessary to raise the calibre of UNITED ER ICE HOTEL. lla~ br II burnt to the ground. One hundred the A merican jockey, The only lVay it is ;\[r. and ~lrs . ewell, ;\Ir. and Irs. Hoffmann, lind [hirt.I' hoI' os p ri ' hed in the flame thought this can be done is by raising the ;\Ir. and ~Ir s . \\ allace, T. F. Brimage, C. Higgs, weight to such an extent that men, not boy, ;\lrs. Calch\cll, Mrs. !lester, Miss Ilesler, Irs. and ca n have a chance of obtaining daily mounts. • • ;\Iiss Crawford and child, ~!rs. i'.lacGregor and two "There can be no ha rdship," the writer con­ tinues, " in doing this, for any horse who children, ~J es r -. Kirke, C. Denny, chlapp, Banks, cannOl 'arry a man's weight in short cutS ha A PERTH STREET STORY. 1 'icol:ts, Pater.on, 1ledge s, Dempster, F . Craig, J. no business on arace track." n. Joseph. CRITERION HOTEL. A FACT. Messrs. J. Cocks, J. Hare, A. M. Wise. W. 11r. H. Levoy, the South African manager Akhurst, E. White, A. J. Finnerty, J. lcDowell, of the Gladiator firm, has just import d the :,lis5 Hi lop, ;llr. and :llrs. O'N eill, Messrs. W. It was about half'pruot eight on a 'tarlighl night, first quadruplet that has yet visited Johannes ­ Da\'is, A. LoeHler, :l1rs. imons, Me rs. Granger, J. burg. The fir t day the machine was out it about a fortnight ago, when a bdy and gentleman, Coleman, G. II. Ma -sey·Baker, Ramsay, M. made quite a stir in town, and on the follow­ :.trolling along Beaufort·,treet, heard the .ound ()f McDowell,_McHarry, G. A. Moss, Pierce, J. Harford, IIlg dJy fou r well-known wheel men rode the \\ eeping a . hort distance in front of them. H ruotening big machine out to Rosebar.k, whither the Capt. I ossellcr, ~\Ir. Piggott, Mrs. BOOlh, Mrs. to the spot to ascertain the cau e of 0 much woe, \\.L. '.c. had gone for their usual fortnightly Hollis, and Mi s Coombe. they found a woman of about middle age ,eated on run. This was the most succes ful run the GREAT \ E TERN. ladies' club has yet had, the unique feature what in other towns would ha"e been the kerb.tone being the 0' quad." • obbing as though her heart would break. Anxiou: ll.es.rs. Harris, Albert, 'immonds, cott, A. Harris, to ruocertnin thc C:\llSC of hcr tribulation they ~c· Kimbery, Pascoe, Capt. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs . • costed her, enquiring the cau.e of her trouble. Williams, Mr. and Mr •. Condon, Messrs. anki\'ille, Their 'Ylllpathy was "cry greatly increased upon Feel)', Codd, Watson, Gutman, Mr. and ?Ir, . J, c Thomp,on had It go d tilllo 01' t· t ho l!:ng. being told that the cau.e of her grief 1I'n., that her Robinson, :'Ilr. and :'Ilr •. Mitchell, MCl>.rs. Claringbold, li , 1t Grand .0ntionnl. H o til, s A U.,tlftiiltll hoI" 's mother \\' a.~ dend. This naturally induced further 'hcr\\ ood, llaine., llloom, Capl. and Mrs. Newland. to be lti;{ ldy fau ·ied 1'01' lJiK )'/lUO ' in lit Id e~pressions of sympathy. By this time other pedes· nd thrce I.hildrcn, Mes"r•. - clman, lUark", Clughton, country. H e ItlwnJ stands tltcnl, allu will luy trian. attracted by thc sounds of grief, appeared on COli. again i them till the co\\'s come h omc. Kirk. the sccne, and quite a small crowd collected. omc DE BAU .' PALACE II TEL. ham and Narellan did Ilim a good LUI'l1 in the of the charitably dispo.ed, in their kindly wi.h to act Mi,s McGrath, Me:.srs. Alex Matheson, B. F. G. D orby, and 11 0 h a. nel-er [ol'goLtcn it . There the good amaritan, enquired where he lived, and upon North, 1 ' . W. Judell, \ . T. Boyd, Tardiff, A. W, Inuat be omething in it. WeIJ, ono thing i , it learning the locality of her residence, offered to take her lIIcDonald. J. Louis, F. Middows, Dr. Parker, made him. home; to tni ome demur was made. In the meantimc lIIes.rs. Hocking, Le.'Umonth, C. F. Ellis, \ . Rum· the crowd had largely increased. Amongst the new. mell, II. Lawrence, TrOll, aker, A. M. Leosl)" Bern'l.Id, E. 1 id.dale, J. K. mith, F. E. Fi on Gcorge SlIlaIJ ha a vCl'y kong kennel of comers was one of those objectionally inquisiti\'c persons who, utterly careless of the feelings of sllfferer~ A. J. Rus.ell, hrader, Shimnon, W. E. Clarke, gr yhounds this ~en~on. In all he has 25 in persi,l in asking impertinent and earching que.tion,. Curwood, 1'. Cutler, R. McCracken, F. F. :Iol cAlpine, work. Witchcraft, by BhlCkbird-The \\'it.uh, ' \ ho is she?" he ,aid-no ont! knew her nanll'. G. F. \Vitton, ~lrs. Pa . more, :-'lessrs. Passmore, and Polonnis!.', by Pat (son of R oyal D ane), from "What is the mailer with her?' he then a.,ked McKechnie, Alis .. Paync and two children. Mr. :md Repentance, stand out very prominently, ",hil t ' Iler mother is dead" re ponded one of th~ ~lr. A. :\{ayrhofet, [e::..rs. . B. chlan, 'V. W. Mr. J. . Jeromc ha ' n \rery nice, handy snplillg first arrival ·. The object of all this sympathy J ile)" Birkbeck, A. T. \ halley, Evan, Miss Bening­ by Lilld~ay Gordon from Lady ibyl. In this at this junctllrt:: raised her wecping eye, and .ecmcd ton, Dr. Benington, :II r. 1:::. Perkins, ~I is Northmore. nine k nn!.'1 al'e It few good puppi s by t.h sumcwhal di concerted at finding herself the cyno,ure }Ir. Rnd Mrs. . A. a\\ and nurse, Mes r . J. Boyce, Greentick dog, Royal Dane. of so many eye·, and the recipient of '0 much II. Boan, J. G. Demp ter, IS. Buan, H. Kemt en, J. grai uitous symp,\thy. At thi, moment he hcard the II. Grainger, A. K. Brown, ' . G. Gihson, F. Clowel>, neht qucstion of the ~c ri es, ' \ hen did she dic?" . A. ' -. Butler. F. outhcombe, J. Brown, J. W. :rreymonth racecourse was flood ed Oil lhe quruoh, John Ta ,ie, 'teven , John Gordon, \[urray, ,he , taggered to her feet "he rcplicd, o. Eightt!en 10t.h of last month. The caretaker took refuge year. ago you (adjectivc, adjecth'c) foob; what the .\'scher, ::Ilis. \ all ace, Captain \ allace, Messrs. on the grnnd tond. Mr. Gieseking" table, (blank, blank, blank), arc YOll all staring at YOll (more J amc>, Garling c:lmmall, J. L. Jacob, E. 1I neal' by, ",a II I. 0 undrr watel', and hi adjective) fool s?" and she roll ed off to the ncare.,t (affon De Baun, Nonh, E. [oore, Haymes, Mis nnd 'peoulator, hor 4;s-':"BaDlle r, Tongnnini, hotel. The re.ult beggars de.,cription. The croll'd 'yul:bY, Dr. ~yulasy, auel Mr. Harkness. \\'el' standinK in it a long tim before th!.'y oould dissoh'ed as if by magir , and silence reigncd, s ~e I' Inoy<'(1 especially bctween the disco\'ercr of the weeping one, H\ THE. BALLYI100LE\, POLl E COURT. to who they pursued their l>tn>ll in unbroken ,ilence with Judge: •. Who is it that bring. the allegation their charitable feelings outragt:d, and \\ ith a deter. against the prisoner at the bar ?" The followiug iucidont (v!.'ry plellsing to tho mination to pas by on the other side in future. uch on table 92 1X : "PI'17e your wa hup, Oi'm the u 1\"l1er) occurred a t the recent meeting held at is life. alligator. " Judge: .. \~ hat's the charge?" Lucknow. In the Trial takes Alnn won 11 hard Constable 921, : "\Vell, pla1c your wn,hup, Oi rUe from N vermore, when it turned ut that t. oorge Literary ooiety began its wint I' wa on my bate usual, \\ hen Oi saw a man drunk and eli'orderly, with a ho.x, creating a di,turb~ncc on hCB~ion ill It I"'rl batibfnclol'l mnnn I' In l Tued y tho judg \\-a. not in lht' box, lIud 'onsol[ " nlly the thoroughtnrc. vening. good alt ndullc or members, wilh 80UIIl th I'ne wns dcclul'cd void. "h 11 it was l'\lJl ., . What are you doing there ?' .np, i. yiRi tOt·,;, ass m bled for 11 dob,tlll on tho qllcHtiou of .. , i'm going to lea"e that box here,' ~a)'. hc. Ol'er again, r\· \\' 011. Inll ~c 'ond, lind N ver · t h de. rving of tho Forrest llo\'l:rnm 11 of BUPIJOrl nt ,., hun: ye can't lease it here,' ay_ Oi. mol" thid. lhe genom.1 election. The .ubjllet wns nbly open d .., Well, Oi'\,c left it there,' says he. ," omu out of it,' says i. in the nffirmlLtiv by Mr. W bb, wbo wns furni b d " 'Oi'm not in it,' s:\)'S he. ,,·ith COpiOll8 not >, and ;\1r. A. H. Hnmer r plied in .. ' It's agin thc law,' says Oi. John Hobert. ,,' ho was bentcn by Penll in th neglltive witb a sla bing indiclmtllt of tho ro. You're R liar,' says he. • It's agin the windo",. ' .. With that, Oi truck him and mis_ed him. Then ov rnm Ilt. Tho d bato being th n d olar d the l' 'ellt pol- bal'l'E'd gl1me wll II con ·eding Oi ~truck him again in the . ame place. Then he the lalter }JIlt)' r 12,OOU in 24,000, put togethrr op n ~le ~~l'ri . "r' 'ullooh, Roon~y, Konl, E. H. gave me a look thnt turned me black in the face nnd I'll as Oi .lipped 1 ack for fear of bcin' ,hot, he hit on lhe following big brllkos :-707, 70:3, 611,601, J on , lind H . P. }<'orcl hed into the fral ~e the no. e with hi naked fi,t. 49- with ~pe eh s of vigour flnd ability. The Dean of 0, -I 6. -I 6, ,120, .U .I-, Itlld ·LOl; whilo Peall't; " , And: cay_ he, 0 a friend in nadc is a friend in· P rth, Il PI' sid nl, lh 11 umm d up "ilb triol bllst w I' 425 aH5, :110, 24.:J, 232, 2:H, 228, 2] , d:ltk.· " impa1'liali ), IUld lb voting being by ballol, p rhaps Fined 'I and 0 t,. 212, and 210. ou of l nd l' t'on.idcr lion for lh 'iYil ,crv/lnj~ p1' ent, II> majorily d clared for ' ir .] ohu .i"orrc"t. ev r 1 now member \\ rll 1 el d, /lnd lh" llltWt" Frllm Ji~II~lnnd ,'omt'S n\'\\ of thl' d ath "f Qf 01 h r pot into nomillllliou. 'l'h PI IHit! lit thnt lwantilullllRrc L'AhLl" (' d JOllRl're, UY . The Aucl.lanu Raoing 'luI) t~.Z.) is ngllged Trappi. t fr 1Il F!' ItI'!' ,'h,' "a... in.llll'd fo'r R.nnollnccd thR.1 n xt I'll dsy 'ning ~Ir . :E. ll. ~n thr ~ L illg out th question vf tlo alle ed £3,000 by Iler \I ner. Lurd DlluTaxen. hl' Tolt nbam, 11 . ., will gi 0 bi. .. I' r50nal hnd llirf.'(· lIRI, twu being by ~ t. im n nd ~Ockeys ring. llnd will doubtl S8 pI' v inl l' st· R mini~ccn e of w H·kno,,"1l Author ," "nd IlX· oUO by 'alopin. Racing mell from h m ill tng, a ' lh wriler hilS good oause t l' m mb I' PI' 8 ed lh hope lh l ther \lould be ~ood" roll nom mber .. Ab ·CC·. 011 Lhl' ,J IIW," a: th· booki It one of lhe a 'cu cd, viz., J osrph DuR·. up " of mel bur and ,.i.,it(lrK. ll' d to eRll bel'. I2 Westsrn I \L\\' 8, 1897

~I r-. Oli,-er, who has gone to the" continong" for A songstress, extremely well-known in the Eastern TilE FOOTLIGHTS. the benefi t of her health, has left the Cremorne Colonies, is now beer-slinging behind a Perth bar Theatre in charge of Mr. Charle Harper. under the name of Thom on. he is such a good .. The play'. the thing."-HAMLET. .. .. actress that the Johnnies hm-en't found it out yet.

rEy <. THE DEAD HEAD."] !lIr. Harper intend to introducp a company of his • • own at the conclusion of the Tivoli season at the The Brough Co. is in Bri bane doing fair bu iness. Cremorne. SHOWS FOR THE COMING WEEK:- .. • .. .. Theatre Royal ,.. .. Ha.na the Boatman." Mr. H arper's Co. will be one of the best that has The takings for the fir. t three nights of • Charley' ever vi ited W.A., and will include many Eastern per­ Aunt" at the Criterion, ydney, exceeded by 1..53 formers of high standing. those of the original production. They also stand as During this week "Tracked Do\\ n" has been a three-night record for any of Mr. Thornton's pro­ dr:a.wing large crowds to the Theatre Royal. This ductions. Considering the times, < Charley' Aunt" play shows the tan ford-Barnes Co. off to much better has every cause to be proud of her attractiveness. effect th:a.n either of its predecesors, .. The Silver King" and " Parson Thorn." In an ab olutely new ~Ir. Oliver intends bringing from England the .. .. theatre the high literary tone ancl unflagging pres'ure best jubilee talent she can secure, no matter wh at may be the cost. of the first, and the general disconnectedness of the The SlIlIda), Times ( 'ydney) prints the following:­ latter, would probably hm'e left far >tronger combina­ " An actress in toekholm lost her power of ,pecch and tions in the mire. In "Tracked Down," however, memory through sudden grief, and could not take her there being no high flights of imagination, no great part. She was accordingly hypnotised and Ihe lessons or truths to be expounded, and the play itself The Ti"oli Company will visit the goldfields next week. operator having suggested that she hould proceed 10 running along smoothly, Ihe train upon the per­ the thearre and go through her part, -he did '0 quite fJrmer is not great, and in all cases they proved unconsciously, and in "uch a natural manner that the ti1emseh'es equal to the demands made upon thEm. audience remained in ignorance of what had laken <. Tracked Down " mOl'es through no mountainou, ~lr. Charle Godfrey and the other members of the place." \Veil, now, what do you think about it? paths of thought, it travels acro'S plains and gentle "fi"oli Co. will re-appear at the Cremorne in a fort­ slopes, and there are many grcen and '-erdant places night. • • pas ed through. Thc humor of it is light and airy, .. .. and some of the IOI-e pa sages are vcry human. The plot of the piece, hO"'e"cr, is shaky, and the " An Al pine Romance," a farniful mu ical play is the 1 esult of a collaboration of Uadd Chri,tie ,\1 urray II1sati:a.ble desire for blood evinced hy thc " yillun," is a George Darrell has \\ rittcn 2 dramas :tml come­ dark spot onan otherwise creditablt!, if im probable, pro­ dies, and has played in all of them. and Charles " mold. duction. \ illains in actual life don't go hunting around with revoh'ers, kniye , shovel s, musket, daggers, poisons and numerous othcr things seeking victims for . the altar of Cain. Besides, what does an Australian Carl Hertz cleared .£800 after paying all ex's, as Frank Thornton finishes up a three month's criminal know of St. Helena and New Caledonia, the fruit of his Auckland ·eason. sea on in ydney, nex t Friclay night. Report" ay unless he had \ 'isited them previous to hi conviction this is the most successful of his tour. in the colonies? One might as well look for an emu at the North Pole, or a mob of brumbies in the streets of Perth. Taken on the whole, however, "Tracked To solve the theatre hat problem a New \-ork :'I1i:.s :ll aggie ;\I oore has returned to Australia hy Down " is as good as hundreds of other melo-dramas theatre has posted a notice requesting "all ladies the . < I\l ari po:ia." he i in b t of health and which please and gratify Australian play-goers. under 35 to kindly remove their hats. ' It may be spirits. As "Han the Boatman" will be staged to-night taken for granted that l::tdie, do not wear their hats it would be useles to dissect so complicated a plot a in that theatre. " that of" Tracked Down," but a word or two of praise is due to many of the performer . The bright Kyrle Be ::C\\ is tiaitl tu be writing a play. particular star of th e company is undoubtedly Miss \Ve beat her that night in the stalls, .. w Rosa Conroy, and the pity is that at times she should And quickly he pulled off her bonnet, shine so brightly. When Rosa gets full steam into \Vhen we ",hi pered the news in her ear her po ture , declaims in that musical VOIce of hers, The Carl Hertz New Zealand tour ends at ','-el­ That a bloomin' black beetIe wa ~ on it. or, in her lighter moods, sencls forth peals of sil'-ery lington nex t month. Carl then tours Australia for six laughter which rings through one's ears like the < pop' months and returns to ou th Africa_ of a champagne cork when listening to a wearisome after-dinner speech, the audience on Iy sees Ilcr upon the stage, ahcl other members of the company Carl Hertz, tile pre tidigateur and other things, with imilar hard name~, i ' doing good busine 5 in suffe.r in consequence. ,\1 r. Mat '\Iaxwell, a Dick The takings at «~Iiss Brown" (ydney riterion) the Coiner, struck me as being exceedingly well ca t, and New Zealand. one week were £416. There is e\'ery probability it ga"e a very happy rendering of a not too difficult will pro"e ibelf tu he the biggest financial surcess yet part. Mr. C. H. Stanford and ,\Iiss !\lay Elli in the • • produced in Australia. .. Charley's Aunt " was as . love pa sages before mentioned, had the audience big a draw certainly, but its royalty was about six al ways with them, and the Irishisms of the former The highe t priced drama which ;lIe, rs. William­ times that of the present production, which makes were enjoyed immensely. Mr. Stanford seemed very on, Garner and ?\I usgroye ha"e yet purchased for rather a big difTerence in the profits. much more at home in the garb of a police trooper prvduction on the Australian stage is .. Two little T he salari e paid star "ariet)' arti,t in America are than in the white choker of Par on Thorn. ~Ir. Vagabond".. , almo t fabulou. About eighteen month, ago Y"eue Fitzmaurice and ~rr. Townsend too were seen 10 Guilbert. the French arti,t, did an eight \\ eek '. cason better ad"antage Ihan hitherto and the olher mem­ .. . • t O,car llammer, lein';, Olympia at a salary of £ bers of the Co., as before . tated, rose equal to their a wcek. he then visited Pari, and on concluding opportunities. ;\Iis Juliet Wray, of the perfect understandings, there wa snapped up by Ko,tt!r and Bials to retum to " llan ° the Boatman' is announced for this ( atur­ ha married an Auckland, N. Z., medico. It is said Ncw \ 'ork at a _alary of £ I, tOO a week. Y"eue day) c,·ening. she i about to reti re from the stage. Guilbert isa "ery plain-looking woman, nc,'er "makes up, " wears ordinary street dre~ c while "inging, and .. abhors jewellery. Through many changes-plea ing changes-of The "Flying J ordanAmerican" Vaudeville. appeared * programme, the Tivoli Co. has at l;u t sung, danced, for the fir t time before an _\u tralian audience last and frolicked it way to the final performance of I he -aturday night at the T heatre Royal, ydney. Their J. II. E., i\[elb.:- In ight of ·t. Paul' ," at pre -ent season. To-nighl ( 'alurday) a special pro­ performance was a great success. the Theatre Royal, is a great succe s from a spectacu­ gramme will be introduced in which lr. L.h:b . lar point of ,·iew. The city walb are re plendent tjodfrey, Miss Amy Dc\\hurst, ~Iy Fancy, '\[r. .. with huge po ters wbich t;ve forth in glaring color " :\lannix and others will appear in many new lurns, .. scene from an up-to-date (very up-to-date) ari to­ and many old fa'·orites. Doubtle" the Cremornc cot Inglis is doing good work in the title role cratic London Club and the ad. i, so atlracti"e and will be packed llgain ju~t a it has heen c"ery evening of . < The ilvtr King" in the K. . \V. Provinces. He the staging so good that the I'o)'nl Treaurr hould Ihroughout the season, and wh en this crowd of merry­ }, \\ ith ~l ac ;\r aho n s' Dramatic Company. soon be filled with 'oof." I \\ en! to the Brough makers leave W .A. its member ougJ-t to carrY"ery farewell the other night. The hou. e was crowded at pleasant footlight memories with them. They have • • • 7 '30 . To one who had 'pent man)' many happy been famurites all round, and no duubt on their re­ hours in front of their representation - il was rather a appearance here, after their fortnight's trip 0 the Frank Thornton open. at the Brisbane Royal, painful parting. Brough in his speech howe"er goldfield" will be welcome I back heartily, and fin .tlly after the close of hi, pn: ent Sydney Season. cxpre sed the hope of coming back to u at some parted from with feeling' of deep sarine,,· . Weslralian future time_ It will be a long time though, I think can appreciate good things when they t,;ct them. for in the e days of high pre" ure, intellectual pieces They al. 0 han! a \\ ay of Ica,"ing :.c'crcly alone • have no hope, people want omething light or en­ anything mediocre. AmI thc sucee" 01 the Ti"oli ill r. H enry Bracy's, 'ew Comic Opera Company, ational. \Vhen the Tanqueray season was on the Co. hows in what high esteem it is held by the l'erth being well supported at the Melbourne Bijou. Broughs were playing to half-filled houses, while at public. Mr. VV. A. J inkins, the manager. has made the Opera lIou e and the Royal one could _carcely a very fayorable impn;ssion upon us, and press and it get a eat. The bu lk of the Au. tralian theatre-goers public alike will long remem ber the courteou, treat­ • ar,. not a highly educated class and it doesn't care :t ment wh ich has heen meted out by him. ~[rs. Brown Potter and 1'-yrle Bellew commenc­ tinker's benediction ahout the knotty que tions of the ed a three week 's season at :l1 elbourne Princ 5, on day. April 22. Their next move will be for W.A, calling in at Adelaide by the way where they will ,ucceed _\lfre,1 D,ull pier pruduces " Robbery Under Arm II .. :11 at a" at the Theatre Poyal. Thu 1 ndiall bors llIarkel i very Bat ju t at Haack's Hall, Kanowna, ne'l :\Ionday evening. 1l 0 ~. eY (.' l'al bipment arriv d in alcutta The admission fees are set down at 7/6 and 5-. lat Iy, and btty 1'8 could not d o bu ine ~ even Many a play has been hought for less than that. at R .250, The Sydlley Bulleti" :-" The moot refreshing item .. in the late amateur perfllrmanc(' of " I oh Roy, ' at Tbe Air d,ll(.' dog. Rin 'mit t er, hn, bel n old ;)Jclh. _\lexanclr.l, wa, I'w,"itI.,d on tht: Ia,t night. by 21 11'. tallley J ack-on ro :\1r. mith, of 'vol­ '\[dha says that Wagner's Jl1u5ic ruin, the "oic ', when a pri"ileged 'pectatur. f.. recd by the ulllicen. ed lCardie, who int Dr!.. I b(.'lie'e. going itt n:l n­ whereupon ~ordica puJ,li"he. her Ilpini.m that" \\-.1g­ crowd behind the ,cenes, broke through the scenery, , iv Iy I or the breed. I n Lb •• dog 1fr mith n~ r 's mu ic h:u; no effect on the voice, of tho,e who and stood di,clo,cd to the au lience in the midst of has the corner roue of a good stud_ H e has know how to "ing it." IIow the,e inger do love the boiling torrent, more une lI1cerned than ever a exc ptionallll rit, a good COlt, titulion, and ha one another to he sure! Scotchman wa, bcfore in .0 much w.lter." won in the Lest company in Yictoria. 13

H u w i ck 8fJ'eet. Lateo/Dauid J onCl rn '1"'1 H EA T R E :R 0 Y A L _t . _t MISS BOULTON and Co , Sydney ar T ELEPHO:-lE No. 177 · m: @lor sopoH tlt.7.1i) , <';0111 111 llCCIILS }lJU . thoroughly renovaOOd, and fiLted ,,-ith the electric Box 1>111) n.t Nicholson's wb '1'0 I)cuts cnn be rOhcn'cd SIX light. '1'he Fr mantle Branch will continu~ to be in nU v<1llce. n i ~ h ts conducted in tho am6 popular manner. CIL\I'GE )IODERATE. TERM. -CASH. CR EMOR NE A TBIAL SOLICITED. F. BBontoIO ana Go. LIVERY & BA IT STABLES. (Late of 74 Swan ton treet, :'I lel bournc), Te/~phollt I f()().

THE PRE"UER FLORISTS, UGGn~s I\nd 'AR' al\\'nys on Ilirp; also B Ladies' and Gpnts' ADDLE HACK. Have upened in Horsps old on olllUlission 01' Exchanged. SnaIU'S Brauau Bnggi sand n.bs on HiI' any Houl', DRy or H A V TREET, PERTH. ight. Is consumed largely by the WEDDING ORD E RS A ' PE 1AL1Y & Engli 11 T Fr n h Aristocracy. FO UR F lI' T ORDER O F :'I IEI' IT C. I. E.~ f. T . DAVIES CO., 1888. ODERT ~H ~'l'HBET PERT II PPo ITE HEllORNE GARDENS. A.M.D.G.-LORETT O CON VE NT, liair Orllaments, Frill,res, tlr., of thr Latat St)'/r. Sole Agent, W .A. : " A.LBAREDO ." 1 2 ~ A DE LA.IDE-TERRA E, P ElfJ'H. K. ~ S. WEBB, HI H 'H OOL F 1 YOUNG I.Ant]:; . H AIRI RE EP, PERFU:\IER , ETC. ARTHUR NIGHOLL$, Coudncted lip thij i'Lers of lbu i n.tituto l)f the BI .00 V, gin :Mllry. IUld open to P upils of llUl' 'eliKiouij d no· 10 H ay- st. , Perth. Ut illn.tioll. S and Term OIll Ulon coS April 21. e il l ALL BRANCIIES 'I'AUGHT. I l:we Opened a BeaUliful Ladies IIairdres:.ing Term .. on AlII' iCILtlOIl to 'rR E LADY S PERlOB. Dcp. rtment under the management of ;\ I o~ lEUR C. O. m: :'IIO~GAILLARJ), LLIAJvr TREET, ------the welI·known Parisian Artist, where ladies c:m Fashionable Tailoring. henceforth ha\'e their hnir wm'ed with the WORLD· PERT H . FA ~ I ED 'ATURAL DEEP \\ A\'E which last , for a ~r J. BRESSLER 'I~ fo rtnight and Lake no more time thnn an ordinary CIVIL d ID MfL['l'ARY 'l'AILOR. hairdressing. D o y o u want a Bicyclp ? (Lilte of Poole·s. Loudon.) K . &; S. " 'EBD inventors of the Celebrated Lotiou KEPUAL£. Ladies' Habits and Costumes a Specialty. Note add res .-108 HAY T., PERTH. Then remem ber ...... THE Nicholl's Buildings, Wellington St ., Perth. At PEET & OO.'S, WILLIAM ST., Tetebpone 379. "RED' BIRD" Is the Best. A "TERBURY PARK- Ele\'l!.ted Blocks from DRAKE & WHITW£LL, .£10 each, _1 monthly. Plans r ady. You can buy one at OUl'H PERTH- ity View Estat. hoice A RCHITECTS &> ENGIN EER , Blocks Rt low filtur .£10 upwlU·ds. .£2 depo. it, THE PERTH CLE AGENCY. .£1 monthly. Plans ready. St . G eorge's T er r ace, Perth, Property List Ready. WILLIAM STREET. -AND- J H T OO .. Bayley Street, Coolgardie. R T AM LY BUTCHER. H HE. &: HOTEL BROKER , Ynlun.t

TOW T HIP OF APPLECRO DI·. Boxwell's F male PiUs l' sOO r regul arity, &ny cause; safe, sure. old by all t h principal (Canniug Humps). Chemists in Perth, Fremantl , Coolgardie, Kal­ )[AG ' IF ICE ' T DUILDI 'C BLOCK , OU RT HOTEL, goodie, the Goldfi Ids, and ill all the East I'n 0 1\ the ball 8 of lhe wan Ri. cr. Colonies. Price, 5s., by post 5s. 2d. Beaufort Street, Perth, Twenty minutos (row Perth. If you cannot obtain '01'. L l' n's Vitn.lity 0 1' Dr. Boxw U's Pills froll! yom' h l1Ii sL, s nd dil· C' t SlelWl "e.. ic~ GlUll'Imleed. }'. I3RI 'G , ProprioLlll'. to us, a. nd box will b I'orwardcd by l'etllm posL. £50 PER QUARTER·,\ CRE ALLOT)lE 'T. Proprietors: £5 deposit. bnlnu e 'xtcndJng ovor t 11'0 years FRED. CARRIGHAN & CO., without iuterest. 11 1'0 1Il0cks whi] ll.llillllllc llt f1r.t 00.1. T HE B E T HOTEL IN P E RT H. l!anufacturinlJ' h mists, M Ibourn ",nd P ' rth. P lnn Ilnd furtber I rtklllar from \V .A. Fa.ctory ~ Hay-st1'e t West (n arly opposite E. J. RODOREDA, Estatc Agent, W . Zilllpel's). Earle bnmbers. ITsy lr ct. ------GOOD BILLIARD TABLE. BUSINESS FOR SALE. J _ E _ :KI N"'"O ., FIR ST -CLASS AU CTIONEERING ANO LIV ER Y BU SINESS O. 'LY THE BE '1' BRA ... '0 F GO LDFIELDS . EAGLE CHAM B E R S, W'INES A~D SPIRIT S T UR 'OVER-£I,ooo PE l, WEEK. Importer of Havana & Continental Oigrlls, I las the L:ugc_t Variety of ample' to . elect KEPT I T 'r CJ. THEw hole to be sold, or will ta!{c Working Part· . nero First·c1ass Busi ncs> Prcmi. e., centrally from in " '. A. SItuated. ll dd on Ilnll,unll y gOl d tCl'lllS I'roflts r\cb'Ular and ccrt.lin. Libcral te ll'" ('"n be arranged. A gent for A insley 's Glcnforg. John Dunn, Gharles alson ~ Harry Haines i Pply Ben Royal Spocial Scotch W hisky (con~ul11t1l only in th" be. t lwtcb). Brandies and European WILL l. I I Il ('0 '">~II)X" U.· JOHN HU RST & CO., P or t and Sherry. _\I, }. 1- Y 1:.. 1. tln'vughOUl till 'ULONIE ·. GENERAL B IN.ill GEr ~" ule l'eprc.cntati\·e for the Celebrateu ... ·OTE ADDRESti- 5S H O ICK STREET, PE I'Tn. COOLALT,\ \\'I.,'E . 263 St. George's Terrace, Perth. THROUGH A WOMAN'S SPECTACLES.

In cases of violent headache it is recommended to sponge the forehead with wa ter as hot as one can bear it, which, it is aid give ~£~ 1tit s t at lIt ~afC . great reli ef.

Some of the advanced woman's rights champion uggest DEATH comes equally to u all, and makes us all equal when it retaining their maiden names after marriage, and not take the name!! comes. During life, h"'l'ever it is another matter, and it is of their husbands, which, of course, is an absurd idea. Another sug­ our right to admit that we have our superiors a well as our gestion was that a woman should retain her maiden name, hyphened inferi ors. The dust of great person ' gra\'e i peechless-it on to that of her husband. say nothing, and it di stingui hes as much. As a consequence it is the duty of Journalist a nd Layman to bring before the public, as well as possible, the di tinguishing points of tho e who have gone One occasionally meets with rather funny announcements in " From the world';; dim twilight, t~e paper, which would be better if expressed differently. I will To endless .:lay." gtve yo u an example that I came acros!. It ran thus:- " Wanted, a lady to undertake th ale of a patent medicine IR WI LLI.\~I CLEAVER FR.\l\' CI · R OB IN. ON , K.C. :'ItG. the advertiser guarantees it will be profitable to the undertakcrs." has pa ed away to realm ' above. We-tern Australia is in mourning-it has 10 t it · parent, its patriot, it pride. There are those who have vi ited our shores and have achieved larger things than our departed friend, and there may be tho e I was much surpri ed to hear that the young 1 uche of :'IIar!­ to whom we owe more than to Sir William' but no gentleman borough is a most careful housekeeper. 'otwith tanding her great has departed from Western Au tralia more beloved than our wealth she devote a certain time daily auditing her dome tic late Governor. ir \i'illiam wa what might be termed of the accounts, and while spending her money with a liberal hand i Old chool of Governors. H e c!e\'erly truck the happy determined to know where it goe . medium between dignity and sociability. H e was es entially our hail·fellow-well-met Governor, yet, in every detail he .. tudied the etiquette proper to our Queen' representati\·e. The most remarkable characteristic of the late ex- ;overnor s nother perfect craze of to-day is amateur photography. life' hi tory wa hi ocial career. By tbis it mu t not be ::-oJ early everyone has their own special camera or Kodak and mo t implied that hi executive ability wa ever in doubt. There women pos es a book in which they pa te photo of each place they are many in Western Australia who recall the tediou ' care and have vi ited, with autograph signatures of all the diffe rent people minute scrutiny the late ir William gave before attaching hi. they have met-a really very happy method of remembering pleasant signature to Parliamentary bill. We admired our departed parties. Also it is very fa shionable for ociety people to collect friend for his gubernatorial ability, and loved him for hi remark about themselves in print. deljghtful ocial and home life. ociety at Government Hou e in ir \\ illiam Robinson's time meant a delightful congregation .. of ladies and gentlemen, with at their head a host who I believe that in ell' York quite a number of girl about 17 instinctively put everyone at ease, who showed that all \\'a years of age have ~ot a new fad- that i ', for culti ating lock of sailS souci, yet who allowed not one iota of freedom to creep in. grey hair. The idea is to appear very intellectual and thoughtful. ir William Cleaver Francis Robinson, K.C.M.G. was in life They manage it by leaving a lock of their own hair at a wig maker s, dear to Western Au tralia, and in death hi memory i with instructions to somewhat match it by shade of grey hair-not cherished with a love that is ever binding. If it were possible too pronounced a grey at first. A toupee affair can be purcha ed, to to learn the last words of the departed, it would be little specu­ be worn ii la false hangs. The grey hairs are carefully mixed with lation to guess that they I\ere in eulogy of \\ estern ustralia. the dark lock, and then one is perfect ly up to date. For, as we loved him, so did he love us. We deplore the temporal removal of ir William from .. us j for we believe that- I n the fourteenth century the breakfast hour was 5 a.m., dinner " lIe is not lost! though closed thost! lustrous eyes, 9 a.m., and supper 4 p.m. Jellies, tart and cakes then came into Though mute tho e lip, and cold th"t clru;sic form:' fashion, and in . ociety the di .. hes were sometimes numbered by the The late ex-Governor of Western Australia will for ever thou and, and their con. umption occupied the greater part of the be with U ' in spirit, and while our ~ ction and regard for twenty-four hour in country houses. nder H enry Y1. the meal were many notables who have passed away i · great, we can truth­ increased to four a day-breakfa tat 7, dinner at la, upper at .. to lully say of 'ir William- and a meal termed "liverie ," from "livrer" to deliver or give, " We "hall nel'er look upon hi~ like again." which was . erved to the guests in bed bet~' ee n 8 and 9 at night. Fork were not used at the table until the reign of ] ame 1. ir William had some friends in Perth. Ina letterhandedto us by a friend of the deceased we clip the fol ­ lowing:- 'I hall never forg t the pleasant hours I spent at Mr. and i\Ir . ---, of the de: ightrlll conversations I have Biking is still the fashionable craze, so I hear from London. It had with Mr. --- in day. of yore 1 am ever mindful of. i voted rather frunlpey and old-fashioned not to be able to bike. I n I learned from my host many matters which I consider country house parties, the member who cannot join in the inevitable imperative for a Governor to knoll'. Through Mr. --­ bicycle excur ions, and keep up for a good many mile is decidedly I felt the pulse of the We tern Au tralial1 public and I can , out of it " when that xerci 'e is down on the programme of the a sure you that the knowledge I gained through him was day. There ar two developments of a highly de irable nature invaluable. There are many familie. dear to me in what i which will, no doubt, be brought about in th cour e of time. It i noll' ~nown as the" Golden , \ est," yet there are none 0 dear !S uggested to suppre s the " cor her j" the other i! the extinction of as Mr. and Mrs. - - - and their family. " the way ide idiot. The" scorch 1' '' is the one \I'ho devours the way" amid traffic, and rides to the peril of life and limb-if not hi In reading betw en the lines of thi letter one can per­ own, at least of other. The wayside idiot, on the other hand i the ceive the chara ter of our late ex-Governor. ir William never pede trian who mOOt~S along looking neither to the right nor left, and forgot a kin In c. s, a nd while one mu t acknowledge the uperi­ dart intu fhe road without a thought that it might be alive with orit\' of hi - L' xccuti \'t! ability, it l1lU"l be admittcd that his bicycle. attc'ntion to detail ' in p rimle life, and hi appn.: ciation of hi true fricnds weill mol' toward ' gain ing for him an elwiable 'lOLLIE. name in this 'olony than all else. A t11ulticycle race is to take place hortly and it i rumored that the prize will be ' 100. number of multic),cle, including a quad, three triplet ·, and several tandems, are expectl:.d to tart and hould dralr a record gate." The di tance ha not been fixed, but it i ex pected to be 25 miles. This unique race ,,·ill be open to an . multicy Ie team in W .. \.

WELL MATU RE D AN D SOU DJ Jacoby's No. 1 Clat1et H A. !; TUt: BOTl'LING CELLARS-WI LLIAM srL'REET, wsstsrn q;abZs CJ;alli. rs

The mighty, Iawle~" force which hides ORIGINAL VERSE. .\ nt! creeps along with stealthy. trides In alley, ,him, and lallc, I, like thc glassy rapids, clear [\VRITTE:-': EXPRESSL\' F n ' \\'J;STER:-i T"nLE TALK."] Just \\ here the fateful fall draw, ncar, When come, the plunge of r:lgc ane! fear, l\'au~ht human can restrain. EUTERPE. Xiagara's wondrous ('.Haraet, \ so>;;\ ET. On my su 'gestive thoughts did act r trembled on the brink of ~n abyss, . \s object les.;on clear, Whose "heel' dc"cent led to the halls of death; I ~aw tremcnt!ou. force portray't! J trembled, fearful, for the precipice T felt nnd thought like IInc dismay'd Lured 111)' weak stcps and scizo:dupon 111)' breath; \\'h"n slIch gr.;at force cannot bu .tay'd And, o"erwhelmccl with fear, Ill)' faiming feet .>\11(1 what might thell appear. Seemed pow'r1css to resist, when, through the gloom, 1 herc came ~ souncl -:1 ca

That touch'd with hallo",'d fire this ,oul of Illine, Ru. h through the iron l'n. <>11 g:lle, l\ nd hraced my limbs to trace her way along, Turn monUlllcnb tu ruin ~rc~l, Till, love inspi red, J knelt \\ ithin hcr shrine, .\nd .\ hheys uld and grey. And felt her power with c"ery impulse twine! Roll on~ ru~h on thou nuL y stream, PERTIJ. E ... E. Thy mCllll>ry!i geTs like a dream, . \ Ilightmar,' of the.: p."t ;

FR ;\[ 'I'll E Hl LLTOP OF VARNA Rc.:cnllin;: thee I ':"Ill til ,t:\I1,1 (A ,"'lnOl.) Clo,,, ul1 the.: "crgc of p'rit 1:111.1. _ IIl'crnal p()\\er, dh';ndy ~ral1cl, Omnipotentl)' '·ast. A maiden reclined Oil the bmw uf a hill, ZET.\ . I [cr lap ovcrl a,kn with nower" Which deftly she worked int garlands, until Tight s shadows enveloped the hours. AOELAIOE (S.A.) In the morning no trace of the maiden was there, But the garlands lay hlooming alonc : Yet nen;r an eye snw their beauty so rare, (By \ E 'TERN TABLE 'l'.\LK' PE JAL ··ORRF!lI'ONDENT.) For the hilltop was almost unknown.

And slowly they faded and wither'd and died, Dr. E. tirling was expected to arrive at .\dt:laide by the Their fragrance all fruitlessly shed; "Polyn sien" on the 23rd of .\.pril. Till a tempest arisin g scnttercd them wide, The Univer ity of Edinburgh ha conferrt:d the degree of Each onc t a different bed. Doctor of Laws, llolloris cal/sre, upon various hief Jus iCt:s, includ­ But one of them fel l in a gardener's ight, ing the Right Hon. . J. Way, of .. \delaide. In a garden well cultured and kept, 'ir Jarne Lee teerc, when in ~\ delaide paid a vi. it to Mr. lIe hook out n seed that was born to the light T homa lIardy' vineyard at' Bank ide,' and afterwards to his And it blooms where its pnrent hnd slept. cellars at ~lile End. H e wa accompanied by ;\Ir. and :\[rs. Piesse, Penh. E .. E. res rs. Hassell Loton, and Pad bury. , ,olden _\utumn" a painting by harles tuart, a leading JIA ",\R \.. member of the ayage lub ha been pre ented to the National allery Adelaide, by ~rr. J. . F. John 'on. The picturc.! repre. ents a grand and rugged loch cene in cotland, and is much admired . [T he writer of the following "erses "isitcd the world· famed 'ingam Falb, . \t Heathpool, ~r r. J. W. Rl!ed'. re idencl!, a curiou tTrowth has 'Ihen on a visit to A mcricn SOnH! time ago, and \\ rotc his impres ions as herein been >xhibited. To all appearance it i like a green tomato but it embodied, specinlly fur thi., pnper. - EIlITOR W. T. T. ) re~lily i. a quince, the .Cl!nt proving this. The fruit is e\'idently hybridised, probably by bees, or they may bl! haped with its abnormal growth. Ni:1.garn, I thundering wntcrfnll ," _\t a meeting of the. Ocid)' of _\rt·, lk .\rchibald .\. Hamilton N ame which thc white man did recall lectured on " The Eye." .\. vote of thank. was I~iven him, econded From ancient J Ildinn lore; ancl carried with acclamation. .\nd when a member of that noble No wonder that thy startling sound profes ion here lectured to the Y.~r. ' ... \. upon the 'Rontgen (X) Is fam d the wh Ie wide world around, Ray.-," it was deemed unprofe. ional by cLrtain other members of F or now the secret T have found that ame fraternity. ".\la5 ~ for the rarity, of 'hri ·tian charity, under r nen!r knew before. the sun !" 1. At kngth I 've found the ~ec r ct why Thl! '-l!n·ice at Peter'.- 'athedral, . \ddaide, in onnectioll with the Diamond ] ubib.! is to be imposin r; the mu ·ic, of the Thy thunders wake the startle,! CIY, most daboratl.! fl.!stal ~haracter" is under the dire tion of the f human awe and fear; organist, ?lfr. J. ~r. Dunn, with probably or hcstr:ll assist:lJlce, .\ sound of thl! ,\ poc:1.lypse, H einl!ckt.:'s n:lebrate

In wearied, "i"lent moo,i-. J 1rs. 1·l:1.rmer left . \dt:1aidL' b\ the .. Ophir" for L"ndon I(\!it \\ eclnesday weLk. HarIlllr. wi hing to anlit! the J [ere, in :1. pnrahlc I sec ~[rs. heat of the Rl!tl . '(;:1, prl!cedc.- the IIi. hop, who, attcnding the The drend which once cnmc on:r me Lambeth (onfernce, i.- im'itl:d by he Ri~ht R.:\" (;eorge Forrest I n lllmiern Thbylon, Browne, I ishop of ~1t:Jlney, and canon in rt:"idenCl! at '1. Paul's When first one night T pac'd the streel, athedr:tl, to pr ':1ch thl! aft moon .t:nic{' nt that place of worship •\ noi.,e uf doom m)' cars did greet, n :unda)" ~oth J Ulle. Tlw Bishop of . \delaidl' acc<:pting the It wns the tramp of million feet, il1\ Itation, pr weeds ttl EnnJa nd by the .. Orizaba," which !Laves ('ingara, ,·t"hing 011. .\ ddaid· 0:1 the I ~th of this I11olllh. 16 ~'LDestern q;abZs q;aZli. [\by 8, 1897


(B\' "\YESTElll> T.\BLE TJ.LK' , " til'l:CI If. CURaE~l'O X DJo:X r,) A GERALDTO. T ',\~J)IJ),\TE. The re is a small alluvial rush Ilt:ar K anoll'na, nnd ome I't:ry fair lug ha\'e been brought in, Twe nty allotment. have been set aside for the jJurpo e of erect­ The fact that in spite of olr cil·ilisation WI! still breed among ing buildings for the i\ fine Department at 'oolgardie, me n fools and asses of the purl!~t kind, was . trongly impressed upon W e regret to announce the death of :\1r. ,\.rthur J enkins the me one evening a fell' weeks ago while in the wI,'n of Geraldton, well,kno wn mine manager at the (~ o l 'ermellt H ospital, Coolgardie, This partic ular e venillg of which 1 speak, ha\'ing nothing in par­ ticular to do, I strolled Ollt to see the si ,hts (yuu ob er\'e .. the l\[r. R, B, Gleisberg, late General \Tanager of the H alf,:\1ile sight "), and hearing loud laughing :.!nd cheerill" ill a hall opposite R eef, is leal'ing for a six months' holiday in Europe, H e will return to where I stood, I crossed the street a nd entered, o.;ten ' ibly to find to W,,\., 'i)ia British Columbia" the cause of so much hilarity in so quiet a town, It I\'a a meeting of one of the loc:.!l candidatl!s, who lI'a' addres,in,.; his con tituent-, '1'well'e acres han~ been gr.l lHed t~ the committee of the His name-well, that lo e~n' t matter but he is a \\'est .\u tralian 'oolgardie \1ining ExhibitiOn on the condition that tht! exhib:tion native and a well-known fruil erer of Cl:raldton, buildings shall rel'ert to th municipal locillcii. \Yhile I was present he conrln ed his remarks to tho:: .. inikitou " "\. petition has been presented to the \J ini~ter of • fines asking duties on food, as he expressed it, and it seem.:d the only subject that public batteries sh uld be erected at Hl)'t! " nell' find, which that he knell' anything about, and ",Iut he knell' of t!ut one wouldn't promi-es to become one of tht.: richest localitie ' 011 the fields, make a paragraph, .. \\'hy should th:.: p:)or ma '., !o:)d be taxed ?" he a 'ked, " 'hy should all th necessaries uf a poor man's -ub, IY The (;reat Boulder fortni I1l1y return is 1,06 I tons for 3, I j r OZ .. sistencl: be taxed 0 he:.!I')'? Look :It paurid,;c.:," hl: continued; al'erage 3 oz, The total wei

being confined to" honio ns" and I paurid<'e," _\ fter much thinkincr on A the day of electio n draws near. the parliamentar), candidates his part and much yellillg on the pall of the audiel ec, he murmured are redoubling their efforts, • \s all the ~peakers adl'ocate the same something about 1I0t ha l'ing S'Udlld the sub)eLt, bur he kne(\' hi measures, it is ,omewhat I\'e ari~ome and confu ing to try and di ' policy and that that policy II'.IS .. "gin" the CO\"t,;rtlIllLnt, Thi ' latter tinguish between them and J, tor Onl: shall be heartily glad when remark was received with a "igorous c heerin T, t which the c1ndidate the 4th is QI'er. replied that he had paid three guin..:as for th ~ h:lll and he .. wan t

\. strike has take n place at the C ener[ I \\'obeley, consequent goin' to be put down by I no one.' ' upon an attempt on the part of the man:1gel11t:nt to reduce the wage This incide nt is a L1ct though it may :eem incredible, I for work in the wet shaft fmlll £4 55, to 1.:4, _\s this is an i,-;olaled wonde r if the re are an\' l1lort! such candidates for Parliamen ary action, and not the begillning of an attempled reductiull all along honors as this one, (;0(\ help W est .-\ustralia if the re are ~ Xo the line, as many of the papers hal'e declared, the Illen a re almost wonder that intellige nt and e\p.: ri enccd I , t'otht! rsidus " long for a certain to win the day, reformation of the eiectoral lall's, and find it gallll1 CT to wait allll look on at such intellig.:nce a: Illi:.- cl liming the pri\'ilege of framing our The \[ount 'harlo te Relief Fund Ball :H a'erooriie was n:ry r law~, This is not the onll' on.: of his class; there are hundred ' ucce , ful. The Elel'en were there, and nearly el'eryone of n(, te in whose presumptio n ami s if·c,mfiJence are only exeelled by their the di, tric t. There were many pretty irocks which I am not com- c heek and ignorance. petent to describe, and the :ll'erage ct.:rtainly ::;truck me a being con~iderably smarter than one ll!-.ually sees on the field' where, to be ab 'ol ut, 1)' candid, the ladies as a rult.: dre: abominably, ' 1' g<,colllllr), j,)clw),s in Vi l' lurin 111'0 :l~illltin~ ful' the 10,ing mount Of cour;w, the en:nt ref the lI'eek i5 the I'isit of the Premier to at C'nillfil'ld Illid FII'lIli'l"WIl 10 UC nti~ed hom £3 t £,5 , on account of lhe fields; but as Sir J hn's li ght dues n.>t hine under a bu hel, and the severity of lite juml;'", Th j ' lire ~n ti sncd "'ith tioe IIsunl fee O,'er oth r COUI'~I', ill Yictorin, Tt i~ II Ot hl'cause tlll'Y un' IiI' fene 'und as h\.: i: being stalked by reportt.:rs II'h\.:r~'I ' er he "oe::; a fuller report hal'e ,gI'OWIl bigger, bllt T funcy he('OIlSI' the cr'o, 'l'olliitry jockey i thall we call give in these columns uf the banquets, reception dct riol'Utillg, Hoy do not Sl'!'I'C the ~"l id 8 PPl'l'lIticc 'fl ip that rhey petitionings, and other weariso me penances that a man in his position llscd Lo do, and l1UI'e 11 t !!ot lhe Jiln 'k, A. kid Il"ho once ride {\ ha to undergo, will hal'e appear 'el ill the Perth dailies before we go wi Iluer on the flat IIOIV/ltl,lY' i, un A rehel' in ono oct, o"ing to the to pre s, ndd n dl'rallgemcnt of his Blind, Too much liccn c and not no ugh l elll'l1ing, \.S most of my re:lcil: rs knoll' by nOli', the match at Kalgooriie between an .-\ ustralian Elel'en and a lucal eighteen ended in a draw, No,4 HAY STR~ET, X",,, To u:" There \\'a: a good attendance, especially o n \\'eclne day, which was THE" CITY" PHARMACY, H all, 0". (Ioor "'.,'" Bai'rad: trttl declared a Gf)l'ernment holiday in honor of the el'ent, The eighteen (X"",! Piaggio &: .llcKinlay. Ji".n .... ga\"e a somell"hat disappointing dlspi:J.y, (;, \\'oodhou e alone :howing Dr, .Tam~s' Little Pink Liver and Kidney Pills, Is Dr, Oliver's Red Aperien Drnut!,!lC any pretensions to first,cla, fo rm with the bat, The weather was 28 . 6d. ArmsttoDC"S Diol"rllma \Villd nnd Spiism ~dxtl1rc, :l . tid . el ~ '""'aline Mit· atrocious, at times the dust being ' 0 thick a to re nder the players turc for the Kidneys, Lh·cr. Illltl J.o'emllic omplnints, &c., liS I'd. Dr. Jam 's 001' pound, arsnpnrillll With Potush, 8s, rd, nnd'-, ., Se oc, Barc 0 Blood Purifier ("lfecti<~l absolutely ir.\"isible to the spectators, 2s, 6<1, "nd ~s. lkl, The" CIlVI"'" H eu.lillg Ointlll It, Old L elC re, 'c' , I, D r , Olin,r' Cough Elixir (Throllt IlJ ld H "d), ~s, Arlllstrong'. EfT ctil'e '0 gb :Mixture, ~~, fu, Great 'e recy is being kept a~ to tho:: outlook at the Ge neral A rmstrong's A thma I owderN (Instnnt He lief), 18, eloes ,. La Grippo" I ufi"e .. z.~ lI!ixturc, ~., 6<1, Dr, MeT,cncc's Pho s ph"t~d \rmstrOIl~'S, 0,:i"ill.1 ydney Rewedi ,)I~ci',e" an.~ good one when machinery and water diftcultie ' are Ol'ercome, other W::Ults, to be Sill'O and uu.d th \ IUl tJalH of lUii nawe to nll corumuntCJ.bous. c ••


OLE AGE T FOR .\LL THE .\1.: TR.\'LI,.\).' OLOXIE 'L\:\1 \ TI \ 1\ D EW ZE.\.L \. D- N CHOLSO & c -, B RRAC STREET, PERT ( \ nd at YD EY Supplement to the WESTERN TABLE TALK. Ma7 15th. 1897.


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" He is complete in feature r.nd in mind, with ..u ,ood &1'aoe to ,race a ,entlemAn." J. C. H. JAMES. ESQ. - •..• -, .",' ..'!~-, - :: .. ', .' ,'. ,,", '~~~~-'

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