UBC Okanagan Starts Up
2004 REPORT ON GIVING | BEHIND THE CORPORATION | UBC OKANAGAN STARTS UP The Magazine of The University of British Columbia | Spring 2004 Published by Publications Mail Agreement # 40063528 The University of British Columbia Alumni Association 2 Trek Spring 2004 sp RING 2 0 0 4 The Magazine of The University of British Columbia Editor Christopher Petty, mfa’86 Designer Chris Dahl Assistant Editor Vanessa Clarke Board of Directors Chair Jane Hungerford, bed’67 5 Take Note Vice-Chair Martin Ertl, bsc’93 Treasurer David Elliott, bcom’69 6 Integrating Alumni Services Members at Large ’02 – ’04 An historic agreement means enhanced alumni ser- Darlene Marzari, msw’68 Colin Smith, basc’65 vices. By Chris Petty Members at Large ’03 – ’05 Raquel Hirsch, ba’80, mba’83 11 People Connect Mark Mawhinney, ba’94 The Learning Exchange brings UBC to the Downtown Doug Robinson, bcom’71, llb’72 Eastside. And the Downtown Eastside to UBC. Committee Chair Appointments ’03 – ’05 By Ellen Schwartz Don Dalik, llb’76 Tammie Mark, bcom’88 Jesse Sims, bcom’00 15 Bringing “Law” to the Downtown Eastside Yvonne Yuan, bsc’87, msc’90, phd’95 A UBC Law student thinks the Faculty has a lot to University Representatives ’03 – ’04 offer the Downtown Eastside. By Vanessa Clarke Richard Johnston, ba’70 Jim Rogers, ba’65 17 Mad Cow Disease and the Fear of Death Amina Rai, ams President Is the fear of Mad Cow more dangerous than the Executive Director Leslie Konantz disease itself? By Scott Yates Trek Editorial Committee Insert: Report on Giving Vanessa Clarke Scott Macrae, ba’71 Chris Dahl Christopher Petty Your gift to UBC pays big dividends.
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