Literacy Tree Curriculum Overview 2021/2022 Cycle B

Nursery will explore the following texts as part of their structured communication, language and literacy learning, throughout the year:

Monkey and Me , It was a cold, dark night, Twinkl, Twinkl , Jasper’s Beanstalk , The Three Little Pigs, The Great Explore

Reception Text Covered Phonic Coverage Learning Outcome Curriculum Links Cycle A Autumn 1 Peace at Last by Jill Murphy RWI Set 1 Sounds PSHE: Personal, Social and (Transition text- starting school) Emotional Development Where the Wild things Are RWI Set 1 Sounds Oral re-telling, developing a Understanding the World: History – Past and Present phonemes/graphemes ‘s’ ‘a’ ‘t’ ‘p’ ‘I’ ‘n’ new character, own version (past and present events in own life) sequences/download/where-the-wild- ‘d’ ‘g’ ‘o’ narrative Geography – People, Culture and things-are/ Communities (similarities and differences between places/ talk about own environments) Theme: don’t judge a book by its cover Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain by Verna RWI Set 1 Sounds Labels and captions, re-tellings, Understanding the World: History – Past and Present Aardema, illustrated by Beatriz Vidal phonemes/graphemes ‘k’ ‘e’ ‘u’ ‘r’ ’h’ simple explanations, Tourist (past and present events in own life) digraph ‘ck’ information leaflet Geography – People, Culture and sequences/download/bringing-the-rain-to- Communities (similarities and differences between kapiti-plain/ places/ talk about own environments)

Theme: cultural differences Autumn 2 I am Henry Finch by Alexis Deacon, RWI Set 1 Sounds Timetables, thought-bubbles, Understanding the World: History – Past and Present illustrated by Viviane Schwarz phonemes/graphemes ‘j’ ‘w’ ‘x’ ‘y’ ‘z’ lists, commands, letters of (past and present events in own life) ‘qu’ advice, Guidebook - How to Geography – People, Culture and sequences/download/i-am-henry-finch/ Think Communities (similarities and differences between places/ talk about own environments) Theme: knowing yourself

Halibut Jackson by David Lucas RWI Set 1 Sounds Signs and labels, captions, Understanding the World: History – Past and Present Words using the four consonant invitations, thought bubbles, (past and present events in own life) sequences/download/halibut-jackson/ digraphs ‘ch’ ‘sh’ ‘th’ ‘ng’ advertisements, letters of Geography – People, Culture and advice Communities (similarities and differences between Theme: being yourself places/ talk about own environments)

Spring 1 The Magic Paintbrush by Julia Donaldson, Tricky Words Thought bubbles, labels, oral Understanding the World Geography – People, Culture and illustrated by Joel Stewart re-telling, writing in role, thank Communities you letters, Own version (similarities and differences between Theme: good v evil ‘overcoming’ tale places/ talk about on environments) Being imaginative and Expressive: Creating with Materials Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function Little Red by Lynn Roberts RWI - Application of Set 1 Sounds Labels, notes of advice, adverts Understanding the World History – Past and Present (Revision) Alternative character version (past and present events in own life) sequences/download/little-red/ Geography – People, Culture and Communities (similarities and differences between Theme: bravery places/ talk about own environments)

Spring 2 The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle RWI Set 2 and 3 Sounds Labels and captions, advice, re- Understanding the World Science: The natural World- Explore the Words using the digraph ‘ai’ ‘ee’ ‘igh’ telling, writing in role, natural world around them, making sequences/download/the-tiny-seed/ ‘oa’ ‘oi’ ‘oo’ ‘ow’ narrative, letter, Advice leaflet observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants

Theme: never give up/ strength

I Will Not Ever Never Eat A Tomato by RWI - Application of Set 1, 2 and 3 Statements, writing in role, Personal, Social and Emotional PSHE: Managing Self - manage their Lauren Child Sounds shopping lists, Own story about own basic hygiene and personal needs, (Revision) a fussy eater including dressing, going to the toilet sequences/download/i-will-not-ever- and understanding the importance of healthy food choices never-eat-a-tomato/

Theme: healthy lifestyles

Summer 1 The Night Pirates by Peter Harris and RWI – Set 2 and 3 sounds th r – Writing in role, letters, labels Understanding the World Geography: People, Culture and Deborah Allwright controlled vowels ar, or, ur and captions ‘How to be a Communities - Describe their digraphs /er/ and /ow/ pirate’ guide immediate environment using sequences/download/the-night-pirates- trigraphs /air/ /ear/ and /ure/ knowledge from observation, discussion, stories, non-fiction texts and by-pete-harris-and-deborah-allwright-2/ digraph /oi/ maps

Theme: strength of mind Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy by RWI - Application of Set 1, 2 and 3 Character description, writing Expressive Arts and Design Creating with Materials - Safely use and Lynley Dodd Sounds in role, letters, leaflet, explore a variety of materials, tools and (Revision) Alternative version narrative techniques, experimenting with colour, sequences/download/hairy-maclary-from- design, texture, form and function donaldsons-dairy/

Theme: strength of mind

Summer 2 So Much by Trish Cooke, illustrated by Adjacent consonant blends e.g Past tense sentences, writing in Understanding the World History: Past and Present - Know some Helen Oxenbury ‘sp’ ‘cr’ ‘bl’ ‘sc’ role, performance/ narrative similarities and differences between poetry, Own ‘So Much’ things in the past and now, drawing on sequences/download/so-much/ narrative poem their experiences and what has been read in class

Theme: family and friends

Oi Frog! By Kes Gray and Jim Field To be able to use phonic knowledge to Rhyming flip-books, questions, Understanding the World Science: The Natural World – decode regular words and read them captions and labels, Own Explore the natural world around them, sequences/download/oi-frog/ aloud accurately version rhyming narrative making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants Theme: love and family Identify, read and write words containing split vowel digraphs

KS1 Text Covered Spelling /phonic application Learning Outcome Curriculum Links Cycle A Autumn 1 I want my Hat Back by Jon Klassen Heroes and Questions, speech bubbles, Villains letters, lists , Story sequel sequences/download/i-want-my-hat-back/

Theme: honesty and integrity

The Magic Bed by John Burningham Setting description, additional scene, description of magical piece of furniture, lists Own sequences/download/the-magic-bed/ version story

Theme: Imagination & creativity Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish by Michael Letters, setting descriptions, Science (Y1 Materials): Distinguish Foreman instructions, narrative between an object and the material (retelling), poster, Pamphlet from which it is made; Identify and name a variety of everyday sequences/download/dinosaurs-and-all-that- materials, including wood, plastic, rubbish/ glass, metal, water, and rock

Theme: Nature & environment Autumn 2 Julian is a Mermaid by Jessica Love Instructions, writing in role, advertisements Three-verse poem sequences/download/julian-is-a-mermaid-by- jessica-love/

Theme: gender non-conformity Yeti and the Bird by Nadia Shireen List of rules, letters, postcards, Geography (Y1 Locational character descriptions knowledge): Identify seasonal and Own version narrative about daily weather patterns in the United sequences/download/yeti-and-the-bird/ an unlikely friendship Kingdom and the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to Theme: Friendship & kindness the Equator and the North and South Poles Spring 1 Billy and the Beast by Nadia Shireen Summary, emails, recipes, own version narrative sequences/download/billy-and-the-beast/

Theme: heroes and villains

Jim and the Beanstalk by Raymond Briggs Narrative re-telling (including dialogue), sequences/download/jim-and-the-beanstalk/ thought bubbles, informal letters Sequel story Theme: imagination and Discovery

Spring 2 Tadpole’s Promise by Jeanne Willis and Tony Simple explanations, speech Ross bubbles, setting descriptions, thought bubbles, extended explanations Own-version sequences/download/tadpoles-promise/ narrative

Theme: relationships & acceptance

The Great Fire of London by Emma Adams and Non- fiction text incorporating History (Y2: Events beyond living James Weston Lewis different text-types, including a memory that are significant guide to London buildings (non- nationally or globally): The Great Fire chronological report), warning of London sequences/download/the-great-fire-of- posters, writing in role, Diary london/ entry in role as the cat

Theme: overcoming disaster

Summer 1 Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty Short explanations, writing in Design & Technology (Y2: Make: role, reports, adverts Leaflet select from and use a wide range of for a local landmark materials and components, including sequences/download/rosie-revere-engineer/ construction materials, textiles and ingredients, according to their Theme: invent and innovation characteristics), Geography (Y2 Name, locate and identify characteristics of the four countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom), History (Y2 Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally). Astro Girl by Ken Wilson-Max Writing in role, commands, ‘how to’ guides, Fact file about being an astronaut sequences/download/astro-girl/

Theme: dreams and goals

Summer 2 If All the World Were… by Joseph Coelho Writing in role, optional diary, letter of advice, short sequences/download/if-all-the-world-were/ explanation, Non-narrative read-aloud poem Theme: Relationships and acceptance

Lower KS2 Text Covered Spelling Learning Outcome Curriculum Links Cycle A Autumn 1 Odd and the Frost Giants by A spelling seed for Odd and the Frost Narrative recount, character History (Y4): The Viking and and Chris Riddell Courage Giants and setting descriptions, letters, Anglo-Saxon struggle for short explanations Retelling - the Kingdom of England to sequences/download/odd-and-the-frost- seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for-odd- alternative perspective the time of Edward the giants/ and-the-frost-giants/ Confessor

Theme: taking courage

Flotsam by by David Wiesner A spelling seed for Flotsam Setting descriptions, narrative Geography (Y4 Place retelling, non- chronological knowledge): Understand sequences/download/flotsam/ seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for- reports, letters (informal) geographical similarities flotsam/ Sequel (mystery narrative and differences through the Theme: exploration & Discovery study of human and physical geography of a region of the United Kingdom, a region in a European country, and a region within North or South America Cinnamon by Neil Gaiman Stories from A spelling seed for Cinnamon Diary entries, informal letters, other cultures dialogue, adverts, limericks and seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for- other poetry forms Own version Theme: stories from other cultures cinnamon-by-neil-gaiman/ mythical tale

Autumn 2 Shackleton’s Journey by William Grill A spelling seeds for Shackleton’s Journey Packing lists (justifications), History (Y4 A study of an letters (formal and informal), aspect or theme in British sequences/download/shackletons- seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for- interviews, diaries Newspaper history that extends pupils’ journey/ shackletons-journey-by-william-grill/ report chronological knowledge beyond 1066): Age of Theme: exploration & discovery Exploration The Tear Thief by Carol Ann Duffy A spelling seed for The Tear Thief Shared poem, persuasive poster, discussion Letter of sequences/download/the-tear-thief/ seeds/download/the-tear-thief-1/ explanation

Theme: dreams and curiosity Spring 1 The Tin Forest by Helen Ward A spelling seed for The Tin Forest Formal letter, description, Science (Y3 Plants): Explore explanation, information the requirements of plants sequences/download/the-tin-forest/ seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for-the- (poster) for life and growth (air, tin-forest/ light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and Theme: resilience & Determination (Recycling) how they vary from plant to plant, Investigate the way in which water is transported within plants & explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold A spelling seed for Tar Beach Character descriptions, formal Geography (Y3 Place letter, book review, dialogue study): Understand sequences/download/tar-beach/ seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for-tar- (direct speech), retellings Own geographical similarities beach-by-faith-ringgold/ version narrative (written as a and differences through the playscript) study of human and Theme: freedom & captivity physical geography of a region of the United Kingdom, a region in a European country, and a region within North or South America

Spring 2 The Heart and the Bottle by Oliver Jeffers A spelling seed for The Heart and the Character descriptions, Bottle narrative retelling Own version sequences/download/the-heart-and-the- ‘dilemma’ narrative bottle/ seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for-the- heart-and-the-bottle/ Theme: magic & wonder

The Story of Tutankhamun by Patricia A spelling seed for The Story of Non-chronological reports, History (Y4): the Cleveland-Peck Tutankhamun instructions, character achievements of the descriptions, diary entry, earliest civilizations – an sequences/download/the-story-of- seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for-the- newspaper reports and posters overview of where and tutankhamun/ story-of-tutankhamun-by-patricia- Biography of Tutankhamun when the first civilizations cleveland-peck/ appeared and a depth study of one of the following: Theme: exploration & discovery Ancient Sumer; The Indus Valley; Ancient Egypt; The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China Summer 1 Leon and the Place Between by A spelling seed for Leon and the Place persuasive poster, setting McAllister Between description, thought bubbles / diary entry, dialogue own sequences/download/leon-and-the-place- seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for- version fantasy narrative between/ leon-and-the-place-between/

Theme: magic and wonder

The Pied Piper of Hamelin – version by A spelling seed for The Pied Piper Writing in role, information Michael Morpurgo and Emma Chichester reports, adverts, formal letter, Clark, alongside Robert Browning’s poem seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for-the- poetry analysis Own version of Pied Piper illustrated by Kate pied-piper-of-hamelin/ myth/legend Greenaway sequences/download/the-pied-piper/

Theme: pride & downfall Summer 2 The Lion and the Unicorn by Shirley A spelling seed for The Lion and the Letters, diary entries, character History (Y4 A study of an Hughes Unicorn and setting descriptions, non- aspect or theme in British chronological reports Own history that extends pupils’ sequences/download/the-lion-and-the- seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for-the- version historical narrative chronological knowledge unicorn/ lion-and-the-unicorn-by-shirley-hughes/ beyond 1066): WW2

Theme: courage and bravery

Upper KS2 Cycle A Autumn 1 Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo A spelling seed for Beowulf Letter of advice, diary entry, History: changes in Britain dialogue, character and setting from the Stone Age to the sequences/download/beowulf/ seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for- description, action scenes, Iron Age; Britain’s beowulf/ obituary Own version legend or settlement by Anglo-Saxons Theme: strength and courage missing chapter and Scots; the Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor

The Man Who walked Between the Towers A spelling seed for The Man Who Walked Information writing (Wikipedia Geography (Y5 Place by Mordicai Gerstein Between the Towers page), letters of advice (formal), knowledge): Understand persuasive speeches, first geographical similarities sequences/download/the-man-who- seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for-the- person recounts, interviews and differences through the walked-between-the-towers/ man-who-walked-between-the-towers/ Biography / autobiography study of human and physical geography of a Theme: ambition and desire region of the United Kingdom, a region in a European country, and a region in North or South America; Anne Frank by Josephine Poole and Angela A spelling seed for Anne Frank Short descriptions, extended History: the lives of Barrett diary entries, obituary, significant individuals in the seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for- newspaper article past who have contributed sequences/download/anne-frank/ anne-frank/ to national and international achievements; Theme: hope and isolation a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066 Autumn 2 Children of the Benin Kingdom by Dinah A spelling seed for Children of the Benin Informal letters, contrasting History: a non-European Orji Kingdom diary entries, survival guides, society that provides eyewitness reports, story contrasts with British sequences/download/children-of-the- seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for- summaries Non-chronological history – Benin (West benin-kingdom/ children-of-the-benin-kingdom/ report Africa) c. AD 900-1300

Theme: migration and movement The Odyssey by Gillian Cross A spelling seed for The Odyssey Speeches (proclamation, History (Y5 Ancient persuasive, soliloquy), diary Greece): A study of Greek sequences/download/the-odyssey-by- seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for-the- entry, dialogue, missing scene, life and achievements and gillian-cross/ odyssey-1/ postcard, advertisement Epic their influence on the adventure story western world Theme: power v principals High Rise Mystery by Sharna Jackson A spelling seed for High Rise Mystery Character Description, Police Geography: understand Report, Setting Description, geographical similarities sequences/download/high-rise-mystery/ seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for- Newspaper Article, Dialogue, and differences through the high-rise-mystery/ Formal Persuasive Letter, study of human and Theme: mystery and truth Extended Narrative Extended physical geography of a Narrative region of the United Kingdom, a region in a European country, and a region within North or South America Spring 1 Some Places More Than Others by Renee A spelling seed for Some Places More Letters, diaries, information History (Y6 Local History Watson; Young, Gifted and Black by Jamia Than Others leaflets, instructions Poetry Study - relevant to Harlem): Wilson and Andrea Pippins a study of an aspect of seeds/download/some-places-more- history or a site dating from than-others-1/ a period beyond 1066 that sequences/download/some-places-more- is significant in the locality than-others/

Theme: racism and equality Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare A spelling seed for Romeo and Juliet Diaries, letters, narratives, (Real Reads version retold by Helen Street, character descriptions, balanced illustrated by Charly Cheung) seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for- argument Playscript romeo-and-juliet/ sequences/download/romeo-and-juliet/

Theme: good v bad Spring 2 Suffragette: The Battle for Equality A spelling seed for Suffragette Formal letters, diary entries, History (Y6 British History): balanced arguments, speeches, A study of an aspect or sequences/download/suffragette-the- seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for- short news report Persuasive theme in British history that battle-for-equality/ suffragette-the-battle-for-equality/ campaign extends pupils’ chronological knowledge Theme: gender equality beyond 1066; changes in an aspect of social history; a significant turning point in British history. Kaspar, Prince of Cats by Michael A spelling seed for Kaspar, Prince of Cats Character descriptions, reports, History (Y5 A study of an Morpurgo letters, advertising leaflet, aspect or theme in British seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for- balanced report Newspaper history that extends pupils’ sequences/download/kaspar-prince-of- kaspar-prince-of-cats/ article chronological knowledge cats/ beyond 1066; Changes in social history): Theme: loyalty and friendship Entertainment in the 20th Century Summer 1 The Unforgotten Coat by Frank Cottrell A spelling seed for The Unforgotten Coat Diary entries, explanations (sci Geography (Y6 Boyce experiment), dialogue, non- Geographical skills and seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for-the- chronological reports Own fieldwork): Use maps, sequences/download/the-unforgotten- unforgotten-coat-dev/ version ‘issues and dilemmas’ atlases, globes and coat/ narrative digital/computer mapping to locate countries (Mongolia) and describe Theme: diversity and refugees features studied The Boy in the Tower by Polly Ho-Yen A spelling seed for Boy in the Tower Journalistic writing, formal Science (Y6 Evolution and letters, non-chronological inheritance): Recognise that sequences/download/the-boy-in-the- seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for-boy- reports Own version narrative living things produce tower/ in-the-tower (past and present tense) offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary Theme: safety/ entrapment and are not identical to their parents; Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution; The Promise by Nicola Davies A spelling seed for The Promise Experimentation with figurative Science (Y6 Evolution and Summer 2 language, report Sequel to inheritance): Recognise that sequences/download/the-promise/ seeds/download/a-spelling-seed-for-the- continue the cyclical story living things produce promise/ offspring of the same kind, Theme: protecting environment but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution