Heritage Cities
DISCOVER SPAIN’S WORLD HERITAGE CITIES Alcalá de Henares Salamanca Ávila San Cristóbal de La Laguna Baeza Santiago de Compostela Cáceres Segovia Córdoba Tarragona Cuenca Toledo Ibiza/Eivissa Úbeda Mérida reinvented CITIES Heritage, culture, art and history are an indivisible part of Spain’s development. For this reason, we have been honoured with the privilege of being among the countries with the largest number of registrations on UNESCO’s World Heritage list. The World Heritage Cities of Spain Group began joining the forces of the cities involved in 1993, to create a non-profit-making association with the purpose of acting together to protect the historical and cultural heritage of the cities in it: Alcalá de Henares, Ávila, Baeza, Cáceres, Córdoba, Cuenca, Ibiza, Mérida, Salamanca, San Cristóbal de la Laguna, Santiago de Compostela, Segovia, Tarragona, Toledo and Úbeda. The Wold heritage Cities are becoming benchmark, must-see tourist destinations. They combine the best of a rich past with the present, projecting an image Santiago de Compostela of quality and offering a number of historic-artistic, cultural, gastronomic attractions, as well as the Tarragona Salamanca necessary services. Segovia Alcalá de Henares Ávila Cáceres Cuenca Toledo NIO M O UN IM D R Mérida T IA A L • P • W Ibiza/Eivissa L O A I R D Úbeda L D N H O E M R I E TA IN Baeza G O Córdoba E • PATRIM Organización Patrimonio Mundial de las Naciones Unidas en España para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura San Cristóbal de La Laguna ALCALÁ DE HENARES reinvented I would invite you to go out into the pure spring air to walk around, together, these spaces and these successive times –Architecture and History– symbolised by stones that are part of World Heritage.
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