QUO' Republican, Or Democratic Party Phl- No Sense, ! Said Fiorenza, •• •, • Springfleld." ,' Very Large Office Buildings Like, the Institute of Technology
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B16 — THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1989 — COUNTY LEADER'NEWSPAPERS Seven Union County freeholder On candidates prpjtledr , Munohar Wadke, Ph.D. has been assistant manager of the Fanwpod appointed technical 'consulum**' in office./- ''. • •.••-•"""-" •;.• microbiology .for Biogericlics :,Corp, ,,-» Berkeley Federal Savings is a of Mountainside, a leading center for • billion-dollar financial institution llUllltUI »pblll! UiUlKJIIJg OJld "with 13 branches in six"New Jersey live diagrloslic testing. counties. Wadke, an. Edison resident, assumes overall responsibility fqr the CarolT. WortmannoMJnionhas, development and implementation of joined the law firm of Rikcr, Danzigi- the company's anonymous donor test- Sehcrcr and Hyland Of Morristown. ing program, jnc|uding the rovlow and Wortmann is a 1989 gradual^ of coordination of its microbiological COUNTY LEADER-NEWSPAPERS VOL.61 N0.06--SPR1NQF1ELD, NJ.,THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1989—2*, TWO SECTION? — 50 CENTS Sctdn Hall Law School. • -..'.• screening of donors according to -guidelines established by the Ameri- r Founded more than a, century ago; -. can Association of Tissue Banks, the . Rikcr, Danzig is one, ol New jerseys American Fertility '^Society and Iho oldest and largcs't general practice law Centers for. Disease Control. firms. .>.-.- finish line • Wudko's expertise as a microbiblo-. gist includes'14 years' affiliation with Susari Saucr of Elizabeth has b^ccn '• the Department of Puihology atMuh- MAIUA VAZQUEZ CHRISTINE M. ALEIXO appointcd'product manager/cash man-. Eisen arid^ Forman\ offer agcrticnt of the National Slate Bank> • lenberg Regional Medical-Center in By DOMINICK- CRINCOLIJR. losophy. Ralher, the Meisel Avenue Mnrlu Vazquez has been 'honored Clirlstlne M. Alclxo of Linden has Ac.ininis.Tflt ion Division. 401 I.Pttl -Plainficld Jle-has-bccn involved-in . Certified Public Accountant and. resident-Said he will ignore partisan-' as sales associate of, the month, at the been appointed manager of-TScrkclcy Aye.,' Linden. the .fields oljnicrobiology urid immu-: GOP.candidate for -Township Com- shrp and make decisions as he sees fit By D0MiNI(CK CRINCOLI JR. CorrirmJnting on the withdrawal or Union office of Degnan.Boyle Real- Federal Savings and Loan Associa-, nolqgy since 1966."'' '" Referring to the 3-2 GOP majority ""Democratic candidates for Town- John Frieri from ihe GOP ticket this. '.' 1 lion's pffico,in the' Fivc'Points Shop- mittee Dominick Fiorenza this week tors in recognition' of her salcY ™ presently serving on the local govern- ship Committee Lcc Eisen and,Marcia ' November, Formarr said, ;"The'rer- Wadfco has co-autprcd 12 papers ping Center- on Chestnut. Street, Carol.-Pfahler,. a resident of Cran- died his professional expertise -and ; volume. ','"•—-! . ~~ • • . • ford, has' been appointed ibrpofote., , ing1 panel, Fiorenza said,' "I agree With Forman trust '.that'! their substantial ought l<> have been room for Frieri's published in a variety of medical jour-. Unipn, '• _ ',. •• '•'• .-'. •;. genuine concern for the needs of the ^,_. <—I...,:— « -i—--***-~* .Medicine A resilient of Elizabeth, she is a ' mist administrator..of the National town he grew up in as reasons why the Republicans oh committee, but I records Of community experience and feelings of developing the quarry. This 1 and .the -Journal.. of Clinical member of the Greater Eastern Union' She joined Berkeley from Statew-- State Bank's ; Trust Diylsiqn, voters should iack him oh Nov. 7. will vote nry pWn views and values, service will persuade voters to elect. Republicans'simply can not handle, them ori Nov.-7. • .- • • • ~any"opposjlioit.'fTom~within~thepariy." • Micrbfiiology. , ; Cqunly Board 6f Realtors. '•• '• '. '••..• Idp Savings Bank; where she. was Morris ^VQ.',. Springfield. ••;" ' The Republican hopeful had origi- not necessarily those of the Repiibli- 'During an: •interview, with. the. Referring jo GOP candidate Domi- . Maple Avenue resident John Frieri, Asiced about the possibiliTy of plac-" Springficl(fX^2lfci' ilils'wcclr, the'can-. rtick Fi6rcnza*s in3nTcrchcc"'fo two- _ who; dropped, put of the race earlier . ing an ampitheater at the quarry some-.' didatcs stated that thc_!iclub house . party govcrhmcririn Springfield, For- sll l Mountainside firm this month Tor what he said'were busi- time in the futurerJPibrejKa said he appointments, arrogance and land use rhan i l>''In an ideal world wewould ness and ideological reasons. was "in total agreement" with his ' abuseV of the current Republican haVC non-partisan elections, but in ' : Democratic counterparts, and favored majority on tho.Township Committee SpringficUVlhc way things are now.;- Frieri said he did not sec eye to eye. - DOMINICK FIORENZA LEE EISEN CAPEDCRUSADER IN UNION —'Batman, here Ibok- ;. Ihe present use of the land as a leaf must slop. "''•',• . wo need to balance things out."' .'• • .. -; ingbvercameras at Carnera'Video (nc;, 1350 Gallop- expansion With members of the local Republican' , > party and backed out of the race after composting facility built to serve the .- Asked' about the '4-1 Republican Formarrsaid-it has taktn her more, ing Hill Road, Union, with,Leonard Ginsberg, right, will Cryodynamics; Inc., of Mountain-' aiso pcnelrato industries that rely on Headded;"Look at (Jo Ann)Piper refusing' to abandon his unpopular 21 municipalities in Union County. • domination of Township Committee, ' ihan_2fl_y.cars_tQLTgcl involved: The be aHhe.Five Points-A&P majlatthe same'address-on side, a pioneer in the hold of environ- ' refrigeration and/or air conditioning, and K!atz when they were in the position of wanting Springfield's _'!}'& like to see i"plrk or-walking which will result if both Democrats actions of tho present administration. • • '' . Sunday, bcf. 29, from 11 a.m. to' 4 p.m.; Monday, Oct. 'mentally safe cryogenic coolers and such us home refrigeration, transport nunority on council, they were fight- Houdaille Quarry tract to be' trail' there: We need the open space,'.' are not elected, Fbrmah said, "I reel necessitated her candidacy, she; said. 30, from 4 p.m. to 7jD.m.; and Tuesday, Oct. 31, from 3 commercial refrigeration systems/has rcfrigcraiion, mobilo air conditioning ers, they agreed, and disagreed, but developed." ' , • • ' . Fiorenza added. ' ; ;' ' . p.m; to 8 p.m. The Caped Crusader will be available to retained Advcst; Ina, of: Hartford, and stationary refrigeration." •• I'm afraid maybe the DemocratsTre"" on :—rFlorenarandhisrRepubllcancolr7 ~~TrfMarch, the six members of the . merit. 'Only since the current admi- take pictures with children, and special consideration-' Conn., a'lcading regional brokerage In addition jo funding iLs defense/ there just as a stop gap."; ;. affordable housing," the _ 20,-ycar leagues on Township Committee — Republican-controlled Planning ; nistrmton got into office have I scon will be given to schools and gr'oui3S..Jnte.r.est9.d-persons'-_l:- .aerospace and commercial market Asked about the Democrats'charge member and five-iimc president of the shbuld contact CamerarViaeo In advan,ce at 851-0920. ilefense/aqfospacc business and to activities, capital raised for Crybdy- Jeffrey Katt, Phil Kumos and Marc Board voted against the opinion of '.. .Pi? Wf pp '-Leaguer of Woman- Voters.soj'd. "The-• Tdwnshlp Engineer Leo Eckmann in . that the present administration has design, maiuifacturc and market its namics will bo used for.pluhl develop- ' Marshall—have voiced their support "inanerforttoravordcvclopment, current administration has made no , for recreational or open space use. of a particular instance, when Eckmann offered only spot solutions, Fiorenza for example;—they have not re- 1)0x111014 to commercial industries. ment and additional personnel. ' said, "It's true,-there have been some attempt to inform the public. They've J said that approval of'the application appointed mo to the Environmental : "Our'products address two critical . Cryodynamics coolers arc, used' in . the 168-acre quarry tract. ' misled the community on their Mt. would mean "going back 30 years in spot solutions. The reason for this is Commission or the Planning Board," Engineering contest S?et issues facing Amprica.loday — ener-' piany aerospace and defense applica- Frieri,: however,„• could not be Laurel plans! In fact they have,none, the planning of this jcommuniry." because the Republicans, have only . • The ; Awards Committee , of the 26, 1090,. •;',•. ' . ' . '...',..'.. gy. conservation and environmental tions, including NASA's Skylab arid reconciled to this position, ststinglhat leaving us wide open." ..,-•' "•'•" Fiorenza maintained, however, that ' been in the majority these past two "That's why \yo need two-party • Coasullihg'EngincersfCouncil of. New, . Winning entries on the state level safety," said Manfred E, Bimbauifi, space shuttle projects and the mili he preferred to "take a more tradition- ho would not necessarily be swayed years. We have had to correct the government," Eisen added, "this 'Plan4., TForman also criticized the present Jersey^ based in", Springfield, has will be entered in iho'naiiorial'cbmpot- president and' ehief executive officer.!. Uiry_> in'fraKd.rddjniionJcjecjion sys- al Republican stance on issues such as by the majority voting pattern in such errori of the past administration." ning Board is imperiling various administration for. not appointing a. announced, its , 1090" Engineering 1 ition in Washington,,D.C. — nl Cryddyiurhics^ _•' _ietns. Cu'rroni flcvclopmcnt acti'viii'cs development" ' .-•••- a situation but 'Vpuld Vote the way he "We