Loading Analysis Plan and Supporting Data

Acquisition Needed for the Stillwater River Basin Total Maximum Daily Load Development

Ludlow Falls in the Stillwater River Watershed on March 13, 2013.

Ohio EPA Technical Report AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Division of Surface Water Assessment and Modeling Section January 2021


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Table of Contents Introduction ...... 3 Aquatic Life Use ...... 3 Evaluation of Biocriteria ...... 3 Proposed Targets ...... 16 Recreation Use ...... 16 Evaluation of Criteria ...... 16 Proposed Actions ...... 18 References ...... 20 Appendix A ...... 21 Appendix B ...... 30 Appendix C ...... 35


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Introduction This document provides an overview of the information considered in proposing the strategy to address water quality impairments in the Stillwater River watershed. These recommendations are based on data collected as part of a biological and water quality study in 2013. A description of the project area, sites, data types and methods can be found in the Stillwater River Basin study plan document at epa..gov/Portals/35/tmdl/StillwaterRFinalStudyPlan_06052013.pdf.

A summary of the study results can be found in the biological and water quality report at epa.ohio.gov/Portals/35/documents/Stillwater_River_Basin_TSD_2013.pdf.

Sites in the Stillwater River watershed were assessed for aquatic life use, recreation use and water supply use. The attainment of aquatic life and recreation use is based on specific restoration targets. This document examines those targets and lays out proposals for addressing each impairment. Where appropriate, methods are outlined to develop total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for specific pollutants.

The Stillwater River watershed was previously assessed in 1999 and the results of that survey are published at epa.ohio.gov/portals/35/documents/Stillwater1999TSD.pdf . A TMDL report was developed based on the results in the first survey and published in 2004 (epa.ohio.gov/portals/35/tmdl/StillwaterTMDL_final.pdf). Subsequent to the 2004 report Ohio EPA decided to recompile the report at a finer resolution. The finer resolution gave results that were more reliable to predict the amount of pollution the watershed could assimilate while still maintaining water quality standards. The finer scale TMDLs were approved and published in 2009 epa.ohio.gov/portals/35/tmdl/StillwaterTMDL_final_aug09.pdf.

Aquatic Life Use Evaluation of Biocriteria Attainment of Ohio EPA’s biocriteria are based on fish and macroinvertebrate scores, as measured by the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI), Modified Index of well-being (MIwb) and Invertebrate Community Index (ICI). Numeric goals for those indices are codified in rule (Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 3745-1-07, Table 7-1) for exceptional warm water habitat (EWH), warm water habitat (WWH) and modified warmwater habitat (MWH). The numeric criteria that apply to the Stillwater River watershed are shown in Table 1.

The 1999 assessment evaluated 141 sites with 77 (55%) meeting the expectations for aquatic life use (ALU). The remaining sites were either in partial or non-attainment of the designated ALU. The attainment status for each site is shown in Table A1 and the scores for impaired sites are shown in Table C1. The basin was re-surveyed in 2013 and 96 sites were assessed, with 67 (70%) meeting the designated ALU. Again, the remaining sites were either in partial or non-attainment of the designated ALU. The attainment status for each site is shown in

Figure 2 and scores for impaired sites are shown in Table B1. The reduction in sites between the two surveys was principally due to a reduction in sampling of small headwater sites (~<3.0 mi2). The purpose of sampling these sites in the earlier survey was to document the appropriate ALU designation. The recommendations made in the previous survey were incorporated into the water quality standards beneficial use designation rule OAC 3745-1- 21.


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Table 1 – Biological criteria applicable in the Stillwater River watershed for aquatic life use designations.

Biological Criteria for the Applicable Aquatic Life Use Biological Assessment Ecoregion Designations1 Index Method2, 3 EWH WWH MWH4 Headwater 50 40 24 IBI Wading 50 40 24 Eastern Boat 48 42 24 / 30 Cornbelt Wading 9.4 8.3 6.2 Plains (ECBP) MIwb Boat 9.6 8.5 5.8 / 6.6 ICI All5 46 36 22 1 Aquatic Life Use (ALU) designations: warmwater habitat (WWH); exceptional warmwater habitat (EWH); modified warmwater habitat (MWH) 2 The assessment method used at a site is determined by its drainage area (DA) for headwaters (<20 mi2) and the split between wading sites and boat sites being defined by the necessary sampling equipment, but generally sites with DA >500 mi2 being boat sites 3 MIwb not applicable to drainage areas less than 20 mi2 (headwater sites). 4 Biocriteria depend on type of MWH. MWH‐C (due to channelization) is listed first and MWH‐I (due to impoundment) is listed second. 5 Limited to sites with appropriate conditions for artificial substrate placement.

AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Figure 1 – Map summarizing ALU attainment status in the Stillwater River watershed in 1999. 5

AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Figure 2 — Map summarizing ALU attainment status in the Stillwater River watershed in 2013.


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Proposed Actions Ohio EPA considers many factors when deciding how to address impairments. For some projects, no TMDL is required. The sites within the watershed may be in attainment, or the impairment is being addressed by another program or entity so no further action by the Division of Surface Water (DSW) is necessary. Additionally, the cause of impairment may be natural (i.e., flow or habitat), in which case no action is required. For those needing a TMDL, the complexity of each impairment — including the primary origin of the pollutant, its delivery mechanisms and the waterbody kinetics involved — will determine the complexity needed in a model. Ohio EPA must also take into consideration ongoing efforts in the watershed, previous TMDL analyses, the questions to be answered by a model and the amount of effort required to complete the model. Depending on the method selected, the Agency may be required to return to the watershed and collect additional data, and it is possible the modeling approach may change. A summary of Ohio EPA’s preliminary modeling approaches is presented in Table 3.

Watershed Updates The assessment detailed in this loading analysis plan was follow-up to a survey that was completed in 1999-2000 (Ohio EPA, 2001). The earlier assessment culminated in a final TMDL report published in 2004 (Ohio EPA, 2004) and revised in 2009 (Ohio EPA, 2009). The efforts resulted in total phosphorus (TP) TMDLs to address nutrient impairment and an analysis of habitat where channelization was a cause of impairment. The 2013 assessment mirrored the earlier conditions as far as the types of impairment but with incremental and statistically significant improvement (Ohio EPA, 2015). Given the existing TMDL for nutrients, mirrored impairment due to nutrients and positive progress identified in the new assessment, new TMDLs are not going to be calculated for the basin. Continued and further implementation of agricultural best management practices directed at minimizing soil and nutrient losses are encouraged. The HUC-12s in the survey area that had nutrient enrichment identified already have TP TMDLs in place.

Additionally, subsequent to the 2013 survey, the following upgrades and changes have been made to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitted facilities and unsewered communities that further support the recommendation to conduct resampling at affected locations to get a more accurate depiction of current water quality conditions. Table 2 shows a summary of NPDES facilities with phosphorous limits and proposed actions, if necessary. It is important to note that not all upgrades and changes were completed as a result of the 2009 TMDL but are nonetheless significant in their potential effects on water quality.

 Impacts from a 2013 manure spill overshadowed the completion of wastewater treatment improvements at Versailles Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in 2011, that included phosphorus removal. For this reason, revisiting sites in Swamp Creek is recommended to determine the role Versailles WWTP plays in nutrients entering the watershed.  Bradford WWTP completed the separation of their combined sewer system (CSS) in July 2015. Revisiting the sites on Harris Creek is recommended to determine if these changes, in addition to operational modifications in Spring 2015 to the WWTP, have improved water quality conditions. It is also worth noting the WWTP recently achieved compliance regarding their phosphorus limit.  The Village of Arcanum completed construction of their new WWTP upgrade in Summer 2019, having switched to a mechanical plant with best available demonstrated control technology (BADCT) limitations from a two-cell facultative lagoon. The effluent is expected to improve dramatically as a result of this upgrade. Additionally, the site downstream of the WWTP was not assessed during the 2013 survey and


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

follow-up/resampling is recommended to see how water quality conditions have changed since these upgrades were implemented.  There are no upgrades to report for the Ansonia Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) at this time; however, the 2013 survey found the site downstream of the WWTP in full attainment and no further action regarding the phosphorus limit is recommended at this time.  The organic enrichment present in downstream from the Greenville WWTP was addressed by the 2009 TP TMDL; however, this site was not assessed in the 2013 survey and follow- up/resampling is recommended to determine water quality conditions.  Three small WWTPs, or package plants, on Bridge Creek, including Darke County Jail, Darke County Home and Markwith Tool Co.), have been decommissioned as of 2015. All three have connected into the City of Greenville sewers.  City of Union is currently undergoing an upgrade, which will provide enhanced biological phosphorus removal and allow for complete secondary treatment of flows up to 5.0 million gallons per day (MGD).  The Village of Covington WWTP is undergoing phases of improvement; the first phase was effluent pumping with UV disinfection.  The Village of Phillipsburg was sewered in 2015. Revisiting the sites on Brush Creek is recommended to determine if these changes have improved water quality conditions.  The unsewered Village of Ludlow Falls will soon be provided with a sewage collection system and will be connected to West Milton’s sewerage system.  The unsewered Village of Palestine is in line to construct a sewage collection system that will transport their wastewater to a joint wastewater facility also receiving wastewater from the Village of Hollansburg and ultimately discharging into the Whitewater River watershed.


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Table 2 – Summary of NPDES phosphorus permit limits and next steps for NPDES permitted facilities in the Stillwater River basin.

WLA in HUC‐12 Receiving Stream (RM of Existing Permit Is the current limit Ohio EPA Permit Facility Concentration Next steps (05080001) Discharge) (mg/l) based on TMDL? (mg/l)

1PB00005*ND Ansonia STP 09 03 North Fork Stillwater (0.1) 1 1 Yes Continue with current limit 1PD00005*ND Greenville WWTP 11 02 Greenville Creek (19.3) 0.14 (1.0 initially) 1 Yes Reassess 1PB00033*KD Versailles WWTPa 12 02 Swamp Creek (2.1) 0.25 (1.0 initially) 1 Yes Reassess 1PB00008*JD Bradford WWTPa 12 04 Ballinger Run (1.3) 0.87 (1.0 initially) 1 Yes Reassess 1PB00000*JD Arcanum STPa 13 02 Painter Creek (15.0) 0.29 (1.0 initially) 1 Yes Reassess 1PB00013*JD Covington WWTPa 13 03 Stillwater River (32.2) None None NA No further action at this time 1PB00026*MD Pleasant Hill STP 13 03 Stillwater River (26.2) None None NA No further action at this time Ludlow Creek (5.7) via Hog Run 1PB00045*ED Laura WWTP 14 02 None None NA No further action at this time (0.3) 1PA00030*BD Pitsburg WWTP 14 02 Ludlow Creek NA 1 No No further action at this time 1PC00011*JD West Milton WWTP 14 04 Stillwater River (16.5) None None NA No further action at this time 1PB00030*HD Union STPa 14 05 Stillwater River (11.7) None None NA No further action at this time 1PD00001*PD Englewood WWTP 14 06 Stillwater River (8.8) None None NA No further action at this time a Facility has completed upgrades or changes since the 2013 survey or upgrades are currently in progress.


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Table 3 – Summary of ALU impairments from 1999 and 2013, including Ohio EPAs prior efforts to address impairments and the strategy to address continued impairments.

Attain. Attain. HUC‐12 River Actions Actions Station Location Status Causes (1999) Status Causes (2013) Method (2013) (05080001) Mile (1999) (2013) (1999) (2013) Stillwater River at West H06P09 90 02 17.45B None NA NA PARTIAL Direct habitat alterations Other Follow‐up Milton at St Rt 571 2004 Nutrient/Eutrophication 2009 TP Hydromodification Habitat South Fork Stillwater River biological indicators TMDL Update 203744 09 01 5.5H PARTIAL Analysis NON at Young Rd Implementation 2009 TP 2009 TP Enrichment Organic enrichment TMDL TMDL 2004 Hydromodification Habitat South Fork Stillwater River H06W24 09 01 1.26H NON Analysis None NA Other Follow‐up @ Coletown‐Lightsville Rd Organic 2009 TP Enrichment TMDL Nutrient/Eutrophication 2009 TP Stillwater River SW of Organic 2009 TP biological indicators TMDL Update 203707 Lightsville, upstream of 09 02 65.0H NON NON Enrichment TMDL 2009 TP Implementation Young Rd, upstream trib Organic Enrichment TMDL N. Fk. Stillwater R. NW of Organic 2009 TP H07K46 09 03 8.78H NON None NA Other Follow‐up Rossburg @Riegel‐Bell Rd enrichment TMDL Nutrient/Eutrophication 2009 TP N. Fk. Stillwater R. NW of Organic 2009 TP biological indicators TMDL Update H07S34 Rossburg @ Rhynard‐Fink 09 03 7.56H NON NON enrichment TMDL 2009 TP Implementation Rd Organic Enrichment TMDL Nutrient/eutrophication 2009 TP Sycamore Ditch S of biological indicators TMDL Update H07K47 09 03 0.15H FULL NA NA NON Rossburg at St Rt 118 2009 TP Implementation Organic enrichment TMDL 2004 Trib to Boyd Ck (2.46) @ H07K45 09 04 1.16H NON Hydromodification Habitat None NA Other Follow‐up St. Rt. 118 Analysis Trib. to Stillwater R. Organic 2009 TP H07K09 09 05 0.85H NON None NA Other Follow‐up (55.45) @ Beam Rd enrichment TMDL Nutrient/eutrophication 2009 TP Stillwater River E of biological indicators TMDL Update H07K04 09 06 52.36W None NA NA PARTIAL Beamsville at Steffen Rd 2009 TP Implementation Organic enrichment TMDL


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Attain. Attain. HUC‐12 River Actions Actions Station Location Status Causes (1999) Status Causes (2013) Method (2013) (05080001) Mile (1999) (2013) (1999) (2013) Nutrient/eutrophication 2009 TP Stillwater River at biological indicators TMDL Update H07S29 09 06 50.23 None NA NA NON Beamsville‐Webster Rd 2009 TP Implementation Organic enrichment TMDL 2004 Nutrient/Eutrophication 2009 TP Stillwater R. S of Darke Sedimentation Habitat biological indicators TMDL Update 203705 County Airport @ St. Rt. 09 06 47.8W PARTIAL Analysis PARTIAL Implementation 121 Nutrient 2009 TP 2009 TP Organic enrichment enrichment TMDL TMDL Dismal Creek downstream 2004 203732 of Union City WWTP at 10 01 3.8H NON Hydromodification Habitat PARTIAL Ammonia (total) Other Follow‐up Worth Rd Analysis Trib. to Kraut Creek (7.25) Not 203730 10 02 0.2H PARTIAL Unknown None NA Other Follow‐up @ Hillgrove Southern Rd addressed 2004 W. Br. Greenville Creek @ H07K34 10 03 10.66H PARTIAL Hydromodification Habitat None NA Other Follow‐up Hollandsburg‐Arcanum Rd Analysis Greenville Creek upst. Natural conditions (flow or H07K27 Dismal Creek @ Palestine‐ 10 04 30.24 FULL ‐ ‐ PARTIAL NA NA habitat) Union City Rd. 2004 Greenville Creek at Natural conditions (flow or H07S30 10 04 26.5 PARTIAL Hydromodification Habitat PARTIAL NA NA Coletown @ Wagner Rd. habitat) Analysis 2004 Greenville Creek NW of H07K26 10 04 24.6W PARTIAL Hydromodification Habitat None NA Other Follow‐up Greenville @ Wildcat Rd Analysis Lake Branch @ Organic 2009 TP 203746 11 01 4.1H NON None NA Other Follow‐up Hollandsburg‐Arcanum Rd enrichment TMDL Mud Creek near H07K32 11 01 2.13H None NA NA PARTIAL Direct habitat alterations NA NA Greenville at Bishop Rd Prairie Outlet at Fort Organic 2009 TP H07S39 Jefferson @ Weavers‐Ft. 11 01 0.8H PARTIAL None NA Other Follow‐up enrichment TMDL Jefferson Rd 2004 Greenville Ck at Hydromodification Habitat H07K21 Greenville, UPST U.S. Rt. 11 02 18.9W NON Analysis None NA Other Follow‐up 127 Organic 2009 TP enrichment TMDL


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Attain. Attain. HUC‐12 River Actions Actions Station Location Status Causes (1999) Status Causes (2013) Method (2013) (05080001) Mile (1999) (2013) (1999) (2013) Greenville Creek E of 2004 18.33 Natural Conditions (flow or H07W17 Greenville @ Jaysville‐St. 11 02 NON Hydromodification Habitat PARTIAL NA NA habitat) Johns Rd. Analysis Organic 2009 TP enrichment TMDL Indian Creek @ H07G13 12 01 6.11H NON 2004 None NA Other Follow‐up Greenville‐St. Marys Rd Hydromodification Habitat Analysis Nutrient/eutrophication 2009 TP biological indicators TMDL Update 203738 Indian Creek at Brown Rd 12 01 5.2H None NA NA NON 2009 TP Implementation Organic enrichment TMDL Organic 2009 TP 203737 Indian Creek @ Wolf Rd 12 01 3.1H NON None NA Other Follow‐up enrichment TMDL Swamp Creek at Organic enrichment H07S40 12 02 8.85H None NA NA NON Other Follow‐up Versailles‐Yorkshire Rd (manure) Swamp Creek North of Organic 2009 TP Organic enrichment 203735 Versailles at Pittsenbarger 12 02 6.5W NON NON Other Follow‐up enrichment TMDL (manure) Rd Organic 2009 TP enrichment TMDL Swamp Creek North of Organic enrichment H07S02 12 02 4.43W PARTIAL 2004 NON Other Follow‐up Versailles at Long Rd (manure) Hydromodification Habitat Analysis Swamp Creek at Versailles Organic 2009 TP H07K44 12 02 2.85W PARTIAL None NA Other Follow‐up @ Reed Rd enrichment TMDL Swamp Creek upstream of Organic 2009 TP Organic enrichment H07S01 Versailles WWTP, adj. to 12 02 2.3W NON NON Other Follow‐up enrichment TMDL (manure) Grant Ave Swamp Creek SW of Organic 2009 TP Organic enrichment H07W04 12 02 1.58W PARTIAL NON Other Follow‐up Versailles at St Rt 121 enrichment TMDL (manure) Swamp Creek near Organic 2009 TP Organic enrichment H07P06 12 02 0.28W PARTIAL NON Other Follow‐up Versailles at Martz Rd enrichment TMDL (manure) 2004 Harris Creek @ Bradford‐ 2004 Habitat 203721 12 04 3.8H PARTIAL Sedimentation Habitat NON Direct habitat alterations NA Bloomer Rd Analysis Analysis 2004 Ballinger Run W of H07W39 12 04 2.77H NON Sedimentation Habitat None NA Other Follow‐up Bradford @ Zerber Rd Analysis


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Attain. Attain. HUC‐12 River Actions Actions Station Location Status Causes (1999) Status Causes (2013) Method (2013) (05080001) Mile (1999) (2013) (1999) (2013) Harris Creek W of Organic 2009 TP H07S05 Bradford @ Greenville 12 04 2.02H PARTIAL None NA Other Follow‐up enrichment TMDL Falls‐Clayton Rd Organic 2009 TP enrichment TMDL Organic enrichment Ballinger Run UPST H07S09 12 04 1.4H NON Not NON (sewage) biological Other Follow‐up Bradford WWTP lagoon Toxics addressed indicators

Ballinger Run DST Organic enrichment Organic 2009 TP H07W08 Bradford WWTP @ 12 04 0.58H PARTIAL NON (sewage) biological Other Follow‐up Enrichment TMDL Bradford‐Bloomer Rd indicators Trib. to Harris Ck (9.23) E Not H07K15 12 04 0.24H NON Unknown None NA Other Follow‐up of Horation @ Martin Rd addressed 2004 Nutrient/Eutrophication 2009 TP Stillwater River N of Sedimentation Habitat biological indicators TMDL Update H07K02 Bradford at Versailles 12 05 41.3W PARTIAL Analysis PARTIAL implementation Southeastern Rd Nutrient 2009 TP 2009 TP Organic enrichment enrichment TMDL TMDL Trib. to Stillwater R. Organic 2009 TP 203710 (32.60) @ Rangeline Rd, N 12 05 0.6H PARTIAL None NA Other Follow‐up enrichment TMDL of U.S. 36 Trib. to Stillwater R. Organic 2009 TP H06K05 12 05 0.1H NON None NA Other Follow‐up (38.30) @ Mouth enrichment TMDL Painter Ck at Arcanum, Organic 2009 TP H06S06 13 02 16.2H NON None NA Other Follow‐up ADJ Invester Park enrichment TMDL Painter Ck at Circle hill @ Organic 2009 TP H06K11 13 02 4.38W PARTIAL None NA Other Follow‐up Sugar Grove‐Circle Hill Rd enrichment TMDL Painter Creek upst. L Natural Conditions (flow or H06G06 13 02 3.50 None NA NA PARTIAL NA NA Painter Creek habitat) Painter Ck ADJ Sugar Organic 2009 TP H06S17 13 02 1.0W PARTIAL None NA Other Follow‐up Grove Rd enrichment TMDL Canyon Run SW of Natural Conditions (flow or H06G01 Pleasant Hill @ Range Line 13 04 0.92 None NA NA NON NA NA habitat) Rd. Brush Creek near Nutrient/Eutrophication Organic 2009 TP H06P21 Phillipsburg at County 14 01 7.17H NON NON biological indicators Other Follow‐up Enrichment TMDL Line Rd Organic enrichment Ludlow Creek S of Laura Natural Conditions (flow or H06K16 14 02 6.40 FULL ‐ ‐ PARTIAL NA NA @ Wright Rd. habitat)


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Attain. Attain. HUC‐12 River Actions Actions Station Location Status Causes (1999) Status Causes (2013) Method (2013) (05080001) Mile (1999) (2013) (1999) (2013) Mill Creek @ County Line Not H06K06 14 05 2.62H NON Toxics (deicers) None NA Other NPDES Rd addressed Mill Creek at Kessler‐ Not 203712 14 05 1.2H NON Toxics (deicers) PARTIAL Natural Conditions NA NA Frederick Pike addressed

1 Due to space limitations there are several abbreviations used to describe the analysis or remediation method. Those abbreviations are defined as follows: Abbreviation Definition/interpretation

2009 TP TMDL A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for total phosphorus was completed for the impairment in 2009. Follow‐up Follow‐up assessment is required to determine if the attainment status has changed or to clarify if the listed cause of impairment is appropriate. Based on survey findings, the listing will be updated in a subsequent Integrated Report and a TMDL or other action will not be required (i.e., a category 5 could be revised Revise listing to a category 4c—not a pollutant). NPDES The impairment will be addressed through Ohio EPA’s permitting and compliance programs. Update Implementation Site is still impaired and implementation of the existing TMDL is needed.


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Seven of the 29 impaired sites were not meeting expectations due to natural causes, therefore exempting them from TMDL requirements. The remaining 22 impaired sites were impaired with identified non-natural causes and sources. These causes include direct habitat alterations, nutrient/eutrophication biological indicators, organic enrichment, and ammonia.

Several sites were initially identified to have “nutrient and organic enrichment” in the 2013 assessment (Ohio EPA, 2015). However, this condition was elaborated on as follows:

“Organic enrichment and nutrient enrichment are often two sides of the same coin. Manure is rich in carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen, and those nutrients can be acted on or liberated during decomposition. Conversely, excessive algal growth fueled by sources of inorganic or re‐mineralized nutrients can cause organic enrichment if the algae senesce and decay. Collectively this phenomenon is commonly referred to as eutrophication, and waters that show effects from over‐ enrichment are termed eutrophic or hypertrophic, depending on how strongly effects are manifested. Typically, when exogenously‐derived, putrefying organic matter is directly responsible for water quality disturbances like low dissolved oxygen, organic enrichment is assigned as the cause of water quality impairment. However, when the disturbance is related to decomposition of endogenously‐derived organic matter (e.g., algae), nutrient eutrophication is assigned as the cause of water quality impairment. Both forms of enrichment are evident in the water quality data, but it is equally evident that spills do not completely explain the scope of enrichment observed in the northern catchment. ………. Collectively this demonstrates that the overarching mechanism driving water quality is best placed under the rubric of nutrient eutrophication.”

When this cause was translated to Ohio EPA’s 2016 Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report the Integrated Report (Ohio EPA, 2018) it resulted in both “Nutrient/eutrophication biological indicators” and “organic enrichment (sewage) biological indicators” being listed. The narrative supporting the causal assessment does not support the cause of organic enrichment linked to sewage. The causes of impairment have been changed to reflect the updates in the 2020 Integrated Report and will read as “nutrient/eutrophication biological indicators” and “organic enrichment”, thus removing sewage as the specific source of the organic enrichment.

During or since the 2013 assessment, there were several sites influenced by either temporary perturbations or active mitigation of long-standing water quality issues. The temporary perturbations include spills to both Dismal Creek and Swamp Creek. These two streams had other causes of impairment when surveyed in 1999 and TMDLs for TP completed. Though ammonia levels spiked after the spill to Dismal Creek in August of 2013, high ammonia values were recorded from samples collected earlier in the survey, suggesting either another undetected source, or a more chronic problem with the upstream fertilizer plant in . Those causes were overwhelmed by the impact of the spills in 2013, therefore, resampling should occur to evaluate the continued impact of other potential causes. Also, a project to remove the West Milton low head dam was completed in 2014 to mitigate a long-standing water quality issue ( Foundation, 2015) on the Stillwater River. In this case the driver, or at least complicating factor, affecting the biological condition during the survey has been mitigated. Ohio EPA will resample the sites to evaluate the effect of the mitigation that took place after the survey was completed.

The 1999 assessment identified several toxicity issues associated with point source facilities. One was ammonia toxicity in Ballinger Run that was linked to the village of Bradford’s combined sewer overflow (CSO) and WWTP. A TMDL was not developed for ammonia, because there were other actions in progress to reduce or eliminate the source. Acute ammonia toxicity was not identified in 2013 but the separation work was still ongoing. There were continued impacts from organic enrichment from the CSOs. The village has since completed its long-term control plan resulting in complete separation and elimination of the CSOs. The mitigation of this source should lead to an 15

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improvement in the stream biology and the stream should be reassessed before further planning can occur. The second instance of toxicity was in Mill Creek from deicers used at the Dayton Airport. The airport has since completed a project to mitigate the impact of deicing activities. In 2013, Mill Creek was still in partial attainment, but the toxicity signature was not observed. The stream struggles to achieve a complete recovery due to natural conditions related to flow and habitat.

Two streams, Mud Creek and Harris Creek, have causes listed for direct habitat alterations due to channelization. In the 2004 TMDL report, an analysis of habitat was completed for the Harris Creek site, the specific site on Mud Creek impaired in 2013 was not monitored in 1999. U.S. EPA does not approve the analysis as a TMDL because habitat is not a pollutant. Still, Ohio EPA continues this analysis and encourages activities that improve habitat through 9-element non-point source implementation strategies. However, due to the non-pollutant nature of habitat the Agency has started to recategorize habitat related impairments within the Integrated Report to category 4C (not a pollutant), a category that does not require a TMDL be completed.

Proposed Targets No new TMDLs are proposed to address ALU impairments in the project area. Targets for existing TMDLs are discussed in the prior TMDL report (Ohio EPA, 2009). Recreation Use Evaluation of Criteria Attainment of recreation use goals is based on numeric criteria for Escherichia coli (E. coli) as an indicator bacterium. These criteria, shown in Table 4, are also the targets used for TMDLs. Table 5 – Recreation use attainment information for impaired sampling locations in the Stillwater River watershed, 2013. lists attainment of recreation use based on criteria at the time of assessment, which were different than the current standards. However, any TMDLs created for those assessment units will use the updated values in Table 4. Recreation use impairments were not addressed in previous TMDL reports.

The recreation use impairments in the Stillwater River watershed, listed in Table 5 below, will be included in the Multi-watershed Bacteria TMDL project with the exception of the sites within the large river assessment unit (05080001 90 02). The project entails the development of TMDLs for over 400 watershed assessment units throughout the state of Ohio to address recreation use impairment. Additional information regarding this project is available at: epa.ohio.gov/dsw/tmdl/index.

Table 4 – Water quality criteria for recreation use Escherichia coli (colony forming units per 100 mL) Recreation Use 90‐day geometric mean Statistical threshold value1 Bathing water 126 410a Primary contact recreation 126 410 Secondary contact recreation 1030 1030 1 These criteria shall not be exceeded in more than 10 percent of the samples taken during any ninety‐day period. a A beach action value of 235 E. coli colony counts per 100 mL shall be used for the purpose of issuing beach and bathing water advisories.


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Table 5 – Recreation use attainment information for impaired sampling locations in the Stillwater River watershed, 2013.

Geo. Max. Attainment Station Stream Name HUC‐12 (05080001) River Mile # Samples Action Method Mean Value Status H06P03 Stillwater River 90 02 27.86 9 142 1000 NON TMDL LDC H06P09 Stillwater River 90 02 17.45 9 168 3400 NON TMDL LDC H06W11 Stillwater River 90 02 16.23 9 158 2300 NON TMDL LDC H06S11 Stillwater River 90 02 11.39 9 185 950 NON TMDL LDC 600110 Stillwater River 90 02 8.94 9 310 2500 NON TMDL LDC H06P20 Stillwater River 90 02 7.94 9 323 8900 NON TMDL LDC H06W30 Stillwater River 90 02 5.78 9 142 200 NON TMDL LDC H06K01 Stillwater River 90 02 1.5 9 211 1500 NON TMDL LDC H07G01 S. Fk. Stillwater River 09 01 0.4 9 449 1100 NON TMDL LDC H07G03 Boyd Creek 09 04 0.81 9 1109 3300 NON TMDL LDC H07P07 Stillwater River 09 05 62.97 9 368 720 NON TMDL LDC H07S35 Stillwater River 09 05 61.8 9 657 1800 NON TMDL LDC H07S29 Stillwater River 09 06 50.23 9 211 480 NON TMDL LDC H07K38 Dismal Creek 10 01 4.71 9 595 2500 NON TMDL LDC H07G04 Dismal Creek 10 01 0.1 9 438 3600 NON TMDL LDC H07G05 Kraut Creek 10 02 0.6 9 526 4200 NON TMDL LDC H07G06 W. Br. Greenville Creek 10 03 0.3 9 221 710 NON TMDL LDC H07S27 Greenville Creek 10 04 34.48 9 1242 8000 NON TMDL LDC H07K27 Greenville Creek 10 04 30.24 9 466 3800 NON TMDL LDC H07S36 Mud Creek 11 01 0.06 9 971 3800 NON TMDL LDC 302240 Prairie Outlet 11 01 0.01 3 811 2100 NON TMDL LDC H07S25 Greenville Creek 11 02 22.35 9 417 1300 NON TMDL LDC H07S24 Greenville Creek 11 02 19.55 9 1210 26000 NON TMDL LDC H07W17 Greenville Creek 11 02 18.33 9 296 4200 NON TMDL LDC H07P03 Bridge Creek 11 02 0.27 9 483 7200 NON TMDL LDC H07S21 Greenville Creek 11 03 16.22 9 219 2700 NON TMDL LDC H07S17 Greenville Creek 11 03 6.1 9 314 1300 NON TMDL LDC 600060 Greenville Creek 11 03 1.46 9 360 2000 NON TMDL LDC H07S03 Indian Creek 12 01 0.5 9 733 5100 NON TMDL LDC H07S40 Swamp Creek 12 02 8.85 9 933 2500 NON TMDL LDC H07P06 Swamp Creek 12 02 0.28 9 218 600 NON TMDL LDC H07S04 Harris Creek 12 04 0.9 9 749 2500 NON TMDL LDC H07K39 Trotters Creek 12 03 0.39 9 754 6300 NON TMDL LDC H07K02 Stillwater River 12 05 41.3 6 424 3100 NON TMDL LDC H07G07 Stillwater River 12 05 33.5 9 205 390 NON TMDL LDC H06K15 Little Painter Creek 13 01 1.2 9 1040 120000 NON TMDL LDC H06S06 Painter Creek 13 02 16.2 9 1701 23000 NON TMDL LDC H06S01 Painter Creek 13 02 0.25 9 1011 8900 NON TMDL LDC H06P22 Brush Creek 14 01 0.45 9 867 10000 NON TMDL LDC H06P11 Ludlow Creek 14 02 2.33 9 784 8700 NON TMDL LDC


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

H06S13 Brush Creek 14 03 2.35 5 492 4200 NON TMDL LDC H06G02 Brush Creek 14 03 0.12 6 185 1100 NON TMDL LDC H06K08 Jones Run 14 04 0.46 9 325 3500 NON TMDL LDC H06G08 Pigeye Creek 14 05 0.6 9 757 4800 NON TMDL LDC

Proposed Actions Concentrations of E. coli exceeding the water quality standard are due to both pervasive and direct sources. Two predominant pathways exist for pathogen delivery to water bodies. The first pathway is pathogen-rich discharge, including material such as poorly treated or untreated effluent from wastewater treatment plants, combined sewer overflows, sanitary sewer overflows, household sewage treatment systems and livestock access to streams. This is delivered to the stream by direct discharge. The second pathway is pathogen-rich runoff/drainage from nonpoint sources. The associated delivery mechanism is precipitation-driven wash-off. This type of transport involves the delivery of pathogen-rich material by overland flow during precipitation and runoff events (e.g., summer storms, snowmelt, etc.).

Due to these mechanisms of delivery, the sources of pathogens in surface waters can be determined to a certain extent via the level of stream flow observed. Therefore, Ohio EPA proposes using the load duration curve (LDC) framework for recreation use TMDLs. LDCs are an empirical method of determining TMDL pollutant loading and needed reductions. The main advantage of the use of LDCs is in this method’s ability to differentiate loads from various types of sources based on stream flow regime. While this is a fairly basic modeling method, relationships between bacteria source contributions and flow regimes are straight forward. In-stream processes and interactions between pathogen sources are assumed conservative (i.e., not occurring) in this method. Figure 3 shows an example LDC with corresponding TMDL calculations represented in Table 6.


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Figure 3 – Example load duration curve.

Table 6 – Example TMDL table calculations (from above load duration curve).

High Wet weather Normal range Dry weather Low TMDL and duration intervals 0‐5% 5‐40% 40‐80% 80‐95% 95‐100%

Samples Per Regime 2 4 5 3 2 Median Sample load 66807 781 209.25 7.72 2.99 Total Load Reduction Required 98.9% 82.8% 84.7% NA NA Total Maximum Daily Load 1036.68 182.09 43.25 17.26 8.35 Margin of Safety: 20% 207.34 36.42 8.65 3.45 1.67 Allowance for Future Growth 62.20 10.93 2.60 1.04 0.50 Load Allocation 740.71 127.29 27.63 8.98 2.58 Wasteload Allocation Total 26.43 7.46 4.37 3.80 3.60 MS4 23.01 4.04 0.96 0.38 0.19 Example Town WWTP XPX00XXX 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

References Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA). 1999. Association Between Nutrients, Habitat, and the Aquatic Biota in Ohio Rivers and Streams, Appendices. Ohio EPA Tech. Bull. MAS/1999-1-1. Division of Surface Water Ecol. Assess. Section, Columbus, Ohio. Published at: epa.ohio.gov/portals/35/guidance/assoc_load.pdf

___2000. Legal and Technical Basis for Nutrient Target Values Used in TMDL Project, Water Quality Standard Guidance 4. Ohio EPA Division of Surface Water. Columbus, Ohio. Published at: epa.ohio.gov/portals/35/guidance/wqs4.pdf

___2001. Biological and Water Quality Study of the Stillwater River Watershed. Darke, Miami and Montgomery Counties, Ohio. Division of Surface Water. Ecological Assessment Section. Columbus, Ohio. Published at: epa.ohio.gov/portals/35/documents/Stillwater1999TSD.pdf

___2004. Total Maximum Daily Loads for the Stillwater River Basin. Ohio EPA Division of Surface Water, Columbus, Ohio. Published at: epa.ohio.gov/portals/35/tmdl/StillwaterTMDL_final.pdf

___2009. Total Maximum Daily Loads for the Stillwater River Watershed. Ohio EPA Division of Surface Water, Columbus, Ohio. Published at: epa.ohio.gov/portals/35/tmdl/StillwaterTMDL_final_aug09.pdf

___2015. Biological and Water Quality Study of the Stillwater River Basin, 2013. Darke, Miami and Montgomery Counties, Ohio. Division of Surface Water. Ecological Assessment Section. Columbus, Ohio.

___2016. Ohio 2016 Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report. Ohio EPA Division of Surface Water. Columbus, Ohio. Published at: epa.ohio.gov/dsw/tmdl/OhioIntegratedReport#1766910392‐ report

___2018, Ohio 2018 Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report. Ohio EPA Division of Surface Water. Columbus, Ohio. Published at: epa.ohio.gov/dsw/tmdl/OhioIntegratedReport#1798510016‐ report

Ohio River Foundation. 2015. West Milton Low-head Dam Removal and Stillwater River Restoration Project. Published at: ohioriverfdn.org/stewardship/ecosystem_restoration/WestMiltonLow‐ headDamRemoval.html


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Appendix A

Table A1. Summary of ALU attainment status from 1999 and 2013, including Ohio EPAs prior efforts to address impairments.

(For more information regarding the sites specified below, please see Appendix B and C)

Attain Attain Station Location RM Status Causes (1999) Actions (1999) Status Causes (2013) (1999) (2013) 05080001 90 02 ‐ Stillwater River Mainstem (Greenville Creek to mouth)

H06P03 Stillwater R. Near Pleasant Hill @ Lauver Rd. 27.86 FULL NA NA FULL NA

Stillwater R. upst. Ludlow Creek @ Horseshoe H06G04 21.50 FULL NA NA FULL NA Bend Rd. H06P09 Stillwater R. at West Milton @ St. Rt. 571 17.45 ‐ ‐ PARTIAL Direct habitat alterations

H06W11 Stillwater R. dst. West Milton WWTP 16.23 FULL NA NA FULL NA

H06S11 Stillwater R. Near Union @ Martindale Rd. 11.39 FULL NA NA FULL NA

600110 Stillwater R. @ Englewood Dam 8.94 PARTIAL Hydromodification 2004 Habitat Analysis ‐ ‐

H06P20 Stillwater R. dst. Englewood @ I‐70 7.94 ‐ ‐ FULL NA

H06W30 Stillwater R. at Irvington @ Dog Leg Rd. 5.78 ‐ ‐ FULL NA

H06K01 Stillwater R. at Dayton @ Siebenthaler Rd. 1.50 FULL NA NA FULL NA 05080001 09 01 – South Fork Stillwater River Nutrient/Eutrophication biological Hydromodification 2004 Habitat Analysis 203744 S. Fk. Stillwater R. @ Young Rd. 5.50 PARTIAL NON indicators Enrichment 2009 TP TMDL Organic enrichment H07G01 S. Fk. Stillwater R. @ Washington Rd. 0.40 FULL NA NA FULL NA Hydromodification 2004 Habitat Analysis H06W24 S. Fk. Stillwater River @ Coletown‐Lightsville Rd 1.26 (NON) ‐ ‐ Enrichment 2009 TP TMDL

H07K49 Trib. to S. Fk. Stillwater R. (0.94) @ Young Rd. 1.56 PARTIAL Hydromodification 2004 Habitat Analysis FULL NA

05080001 09 02 – Headwaters Stillwater River PARTIAL/ 203708 Stillwater R. @ Brooks Rd. 65.80 ‐ ‐ FULL


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Attain Attain Station Location RM Status Causes (1999) Actions (1999) Status Causes (2013) (1999) (2013) Stillwater R. S of Lightsville @ Coletown‐Lightsville H07K07 63.83 FULL NA NA FULL NA Rd. Nutrient/Eutrophication biological Stillwater R. SW Of Lightsville, upst. Young Rd, 203707 65.00 NON Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL NON indicators Upst Trib. Organic enrichment

H07K12 Trib. to Stillwater R. (64.96) @ Brock‐Cosmos Rd. 0.34 (FULL) NA NA ‐ ‐

203711 Trib. to Stillwater R. (64.96) S of Ellis Rd. 1.10 (FULL) NA NA ‐ ‐ 05080001 09 03 – North Fork Stillwater River Nutrient/Eutrophication biological N. Fk. Stillwater R. NW of Rossburg @ Rhynard‐ H07S34 7.56 NON Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL NON indicators Fink Rd. Organic enrichment N. Fk. Stillwater R. NW of Rossburg @ Riegel‐Bell H07K46 8.78 NON Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL ‐ ‐ Rd. N. Fk. Stillwater R. S of Rossburg @ Brock‐Cosmos 203742 4.40 NON Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL FULL NA Rd. N. Fk. Stillwater R. Upst. Ansonia WWTP @ St. Rt. H07S15 0.39 NON Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL FULL NA 118 H07K47 Sycamore Ditch S of Rossburg @ St. Rt. 118 0.15 FULL NA NA NON 05080001 09 04 – Boyd Creek 203739 Boyd Creek @ Horatio‐Harris Creek Rd. 3.50 PARTIAL FULL NA

H07G03 Boyd Creek SW Of Beamsville @ Woodington Rd. 0.81 FULL NA NA FULL NA

H07K45 Trib. to Boyd Creek (2.46) @ St. Rt. 118 1.16 NON Hydromodification 2004 Habitat Analysis ‐ ‐

Trib. to Boyd Creek (2.67) @ Horatio‐Harris Creek 203740 0.50 NON Hydromodification 2004 Habitat Analysis FULL NA Rd. 05080001 09 05 – Woodington Run‐Stillwater River

H07G08 Stillwater R. @ Ansonia Water Treatment Plant 58.97 PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL FULL NA

H07W37 Stillwater R. 0.03 mi Upst. N. Fk. Stillwater R. 58.00 FULL NA NA ‐ ‐

H07P07 Stillwater R. dst. South Fork @ St. Rt. 49 62.97 NON Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL FULL NA H07G09 Stillwater R. Just dst. N. Fk. Stillwater R. 57.90 FULL NA NA FULL NA


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Attain Attain Station Location RM Status Causes (1999) Actions (1999) Status Causes (2013) (1999) (2013)

H07S35 Stillwater R. NW Of Ansonia @ Zumbrum Rd. 61.80 NON/ FULL FULL NA

203706 Stillwater R. upst. Boyd Creek, upst. Union City Rd. 54.40 NON/FULL FULL NA

H07K09 Trib. to Stillwater R. (55.45) @ Beam Rd. 0.85 NON Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL ‐ ‐

Woodington Run at Town Of Woodington @ 203743 3.30 FULL NA NA ‐ ‐ Woodington Rd. Woodington Run W of Ansonia @ Elroy‐Ansonia Hydromodification 2004 Habitat Analysis H07K48 0.72 PARTIAL FULL NA Rd. Enrichment 2009 TP TMDL 05080001 09 06 – Town of Beamsville‐Stillwater River Nutrient/Eutrophication biological Stillwater R. at Beamsville @ Beamsville‐Webster H07S29 50.23 ‐ ‐ NON indicators Rd. Organic enrichment Nutrient/Eutrophication biological H07K04 Stillwater R. E of Beamsville @ Steffen Rd. 52.36 ‐ ‐ PARTIAL indicators Organic enrichment Nutrient/Eutrophication biological Stillwater R. S of Darke County Airport @ St. Rt. Sedimentation 2004 Habitat Analysis 203705 47.80 PARTIAL PARTIAL indicators 121 Nutrient enrichment 2009 TP TMDL Organic enrichment

H07K03 Stillwater R. SE Of Beamsville @ Schroeder Rd. 51.25 FULL NA NA FULL NA

H07G10 Trib. to Stillwater R. (51.02) upst. Sr 121 1.20 FULL NA NA FULL NA H07K08 Trib. to Stillwater R. (51.02/2.46) @ St. Rt. 121 0.38 05080001 10 01 – Dismal Creek

203732 Dismal Creek dst. Union City WWTP @ Worth Rd. 3.80 NON Hydromodification 2004 Habitat Analysis PARTIAL Ammonia (total)

Dismal Creek SE Of Union City @ Hill Grove‐ H07K37 1.80 PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL FULL NA Southern Rd. Dismal Creek SE Of Union City @ Palestine‐Union H07G04 0.10 FULL NA NA FULL NA City Rd. 05080001 10 02 – Kraut Creek H07K35 Kraut Creek at Nashville @ Nashville Rd. 4.38 FULL NA NA FULL NA H07G05 Kraut Creek near Union City @ Bickel Rd. 0.60 FULL NA NA FULL NA 203729 Kraut Creek SW Of Nashville @ Stingley Rd. 5.90 FULL NA NA ‐ ‐ 23

AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Attain Attain Station Location RM Status Causes (1999) Actions (1999) Status Causes (2013) (1999) (2013) H07K36 N. Fk. Kraut Creek @ Hillgrove Southern Rd. 2.10 FULL NA NA ‐ ‐ 203731 N. Fk. Kraut Creek @ Wildcat Rd. 0.80 FULL NA NA FULL NA Trib. to Kraut Creek (7.25) @ Hillgrove Southern 203730 0.20 PARTIAL Unknown Not addressed ‐ ‐ Rd. 05080001 10 03 – W. Br. Greenville Creek

H07K50 Spring Branch E of Palestine @ Clarks Station Rd. 0.25 FULL NA NA FULL NA

W. Br. Greenville Creek @ Hollandsburg‐Arcanum H07K34 10.66 PARTIAL Hydromodification 2004 Habitat Analysis ‐ ‐ Rd. H07G15 W. Br. Greenville Creek @ U.S. Rt. 36 5.78 FULL NA NA ‐ ‐ W. Br. Greenville Creek SE Of Palestine @ Byrket 203728 7.40 FULL NA NA FULL NA Rd. W. Br. Greenville Creek W of Greenville @ Heller H07G06 0.30 FULL NA NA FULL NA Rd. 05080001 10 04 – Headwaters Greenville Creek

H07S30 Greenville Creek at Coletown @ Wagner Rd. 26.50 PARTIAL Hydromodification 2004 Habitat Analysis PARTIAL Natural Conditions (flow or habitat)

Greenville Creek at Ohio/Indiana Border @ State H07S27 34.48 FULL NA NA FULL NA Line Rd.

H07S26 Greenville Creek at Sharps Crossing @ Fisher Rd. 28.88 PARTIAL Hydromodification 2004 Habitat Analysis FULL NA

H07K26 Greenville Creek NW Of Greenville @ Wildcat Rd. 24.60 PARTIAL Hydromodification 2004 Habitat Analysis ‐ ‐

Greenville Creek upst. Dismal Creek @ Palestine‐ H07K27 30.24 FULL NA NA PARTIAL Natural Conditions (flow or habitat) Union City Rd 05080001 11 01 – Mud Creek 203745 Bitch Run @ Mouth, adj. Bishop Rd. 0.10 (FULL) NA NA ‐ ‐

203746 Lake Branch @ Hollandsburg‐Arcanum Rd. 4.10 NON Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL ‐ ‐

H07K33 Lake Branch @ Weavers‐Ft. Jefferson Rd. 0.40 FULL NA NA ‐ ‐ H07S36 Mud Creek at Greenville @ St. Rt. 502 0.06 FULL NA H07K32 Mud Creek Near Greenville @ Bishop Rd. 2.13 ‐ ‐ ‐ PARTIAL Direct habitat alterations H07S37 Mud Creek S of Greenville @ Byrket Rd. 4.66 FULL NA NA FULL NA


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Attain Attain Station Location RM Status Causes (1999) Actions (1999) Status Causes (2013) (1999) (2013) Mud Creek W of Fort Jefferson @ Fort Jefferson H07S38 5.86 FULL NA NA ‐ ‐ Rd. Prairie Outlet at Fort Jefferson @ Weavers‐Ft. H07S39 0.80 PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL ‐ ‐ Jefferson Rd. 05080001 11 02 – Bridge Creek‐Greenville Creek Bridge Creek Near Greenville @ Jaysville‐St. Johns H07P03 0.27 FULL NA NA FULL NA Rd. Hydromodification 2004 Habitat Analysis H07K21 Greenville Ck at Greenville, upst. U.S. Rt. 127 18.90 NON ‐ ‐ Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL NON/ Hydromodification 2004 Habitat Analysis H07S24 Greenville Creek at Greenville @ Ohio St. 19.55 FULL NA PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL Greenville Creek E of Greenville @ Jaysville‐St. NON/ Hydromodification 2004 Habitat Analysis H07W17 18.33 PARTIAL Natural conditions Johns Rd. PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL

H07W14 Greenville Creek Just dst. Greenville Wwtp 19.34 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

PARTIAL/ H07S25 Greenville Creek upst. Greenville @ WTP Intake 22.35 FULL NA FULL

H07K24 Greenville WTP Impoundment 22.60 NON/ FULL Hydromodification ‐ ‐

05080001 11 03 – Dividing Branch‐Greenville Creek Bolton Run @ Horatio‐New Harrison Rd. (Lower 203726 0.60 FULL NA NA ‐ ‐ Crossing) H07G17 Dividing Branch near Jaysville @ St. Rt. 49 3.87 FULL NA NA ‐ ‐ H07G14 Greenville Creek @ Arcanum‐Bears Mill Rd. 13.70 FULL NA NA ‐ ‐

H07K19 Greenville Creek at Gettysburg @ Mill Rd. 10.87 PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL FULL NA

H07S21 Greenville Creek E of Greenville @ Willis Rd. 16.22 PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL FULL NA

600060 Greenville Creek Near Covington @ Range Line Rd. 1.46 FULL NA NA FULL NA

H07S17 Greenville Creek S of Bradford @ St. Rt. 721 6.10 FULL NA NA FULL NA

H07K16 Greenville Creek SE Of Bradford @ Croft Mill Rd. 3.74 NON Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL FULL NA

H07K30 Mcquay Ditch SW of Gettysburg @ Miller Rd. 1.56 ‐ ‐ FULL NA


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Attain Attain Station Location RM Status Causes (1999) Actions (1999) Status Causes (2013) (1999) (2013) H07K29 Mcquay Ditch SW of Gettysburg @ Spidel Rd. 0.49 FULL NA NA ‐ ‐ H07K31 Poplar Ditch SW of Gettysburg @ Spidel Rd. 0.52 FULL NA NA ‐ ‐ 05080001 12 01 – Indian Creek Nutrient/Eutrophication biological 203738 Indian Creek @ Brown Rd. 5.20 ‐ ‐ ‐ NON indicators Organic enrichment Hydromodification 2004 Habitat analysis H07G13 Indian Creek @ Greenville‐St. Marys Rd. 6.11 NON ‐ ‐ Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL 203737 Indian Creek @ Wolf Rd. 3.10 NON Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL ‐ ‐

H07S03 Indian Creek near Versailles @ St. Rt. 47 0.50 PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL FULL NA

H07S28 Indian Creek NW Of Versailles @ Conover Rd. 1.93 ‐ ‐ ‐ FULL NA

05080001 12 02 – Swamp Creek H07S40 Swamp Creek @ Versailles‐Yorkshire Rd. 8.85 FULL NA NA NON Organic enrichment (manure)

H07K44 Swamp Creek at Versailles @ Reed Rd. 2.85 PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL ‐ ‐

Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL H07S02 Swamp Creek N of Versailles @ Long Rd. 4.43 PARTIAL NON Organic enrichment (manure) Hydromodification 2004 Habitat Analysis

203735 Swamp Creek N of Versailles @ Pittsenbarger Rd. 6.50 NON Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL NON Organic enrichment (manure)

H07P06 Swamp Creek Near Versailles @ Martz Rd. 0.28 PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL NON Organic enrichment (manure)

H07W04 Swamp Creek SW of Versailles @ St. Rt. 121 1.58 PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL NON Organic enrichment (manure)

Swamp Creek upst. Versailles WWTP, Adj. Grand H07S01 2.30 NON Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL NON Organic enrichment (manure) Ave. H07G12 Trib. to Swamp Creek (3.54) @ St. Rt. 47 0.45 FULL NA NA FULL NA 05080001 12 03 ‐ Trotters Creek H07K41 Bennett Ditch N of Covington @ St. Rt. 185 0.02 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

H07K42 Bennett Ditch N of Covington @ Union Church Rd. 0.62 NON Organic enrichment ‐ ‐

H07K40 Sigmon Ditch N of Covington @ Mcmaken Rd. 1.23 FULL NA NA ‐ ‐


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Attain Attain Station Location RM Status Causes (1999) Actions (1999) Status Causes (2013) (1999) (2013) H07K39 Trotters Creek N of Covington @ Perry Rd. 0.39 FULL NA

H07W41 Trotters Creek N of Covington @ Piqua‐Clayton Rd. 0.97 FULL NA NA ‐ ‐

05080001 12 04 – Harris Creek Ballinger Run dst. Bradford WWTP @ Bradford‐ Organic enrichment (sewage) H07W08 0.58 PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL NON Bloomer Rd. biological indicators Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL Organic enrichment (sewage) H07S09 Ballinger Run upst. Bradford WWTP Lagoon 1.40 NON NON Toxics Not addressed biological indicators

H07W39 Ballinger Run W of Bradford @ Zerber Rd. 2.77 (NON) Sedimentation 2004 Habitat Analysis ‐ ‐

203721 Harris Creek @ Bradford‐Bloomer Rd. 3.80 PARTIAL Sedimentation 2004 Habitat Analysis NON Direct habitat alterations

H07S04 Harris Creek NW of Covington @ Rangeline Rd. 0.90 FULL NA NA FULL NA

Harris Creek W of Bradford @ Greenville Falls‐ H07S05 2.02 PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL ‐ ‐ Clayton Rd.

H07K15 Trib. to Harris Ck (9.23) E of Horation @ Martin Rd 0.24 NON Unknown Not addressed ‐ ‐

05080001 12 05 – Town of Covington‐Stillwater River H07S31 Stillwater R. at Webster @ Barnes Rd. 44.17 FULL NA NA FULL NA Nutrient/Eutrophication biological Stillwater R. N of Bradford @ Versailles Sedimentation 2004 Habitat Analysis H07K02 41.30 PARTIAL PARTIAL indicators Southeastern Rd. Nutrient enrichment 2009 TP TMDL Organic enrichment H07K01 Stillwater R. NE of Bradford @ St. Rt. 185 37.76 FULL NA NA FULL NA Stillwater R. Near Covington @ Covington‐ H07G07 33.50 (FULL) NA NA FULL NA Bradford Rd. Trib. to Stillwater R. (32.60) @ Rangeline Rd, N of 203710 0.60 PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL ‐ ‐ U.S. 36 H06K05 Trib. to Stillwater R. (38.30) @ Mouth 0.10 NON Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL ‐ ‐ 05080001 13 01 – Little Painter Creek Heller Ditch at Union Corners, adj. Gettysburg‐ 203720 0.10 FULL NA NA FULL NA Pitsburg Rd. H06K15 L. Painter Creek @ Patty‐Circle Hill Rd. 1.20 PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL FULL NA 05080001 13 02 – Painter Creek


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Attain Attain Station Location RM Status Causes (1999) Actions (1999) Status Causes (2013) (1999) (2013) NON/ H06S17 Painter Creek Adj. Sugar Grove Rd. 1.00 Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL ‐ ‐ PARTIAL H06S06 Painter Creek at Arcanum, adj. Invester Park 16.20 NON Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL ‐ ‐ Painter Creek at Circle Hill @ Sugar Grove‐ Circle H06K11 4.38 PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL ‐ ‐ Hill Rd.

H06W05 Painter Creek near Arcanum @ Albright Rd. 14.64 NON Toxics (NH4) Not addressed FULL NA

H06S01 Painter Creek near Mouth @ Owens Rd. 0.25 FULL NA

H06W25 Painter Creek NW of Arcanum @ Littles Rd. 17.87 FULL NA NA

Painter Creek NW of Town of Painter Creek @ St. H06S03 9.61 NON Organic enrichment FULL NA Rt. 571 Natural conditions (flow or H06G06 Painter Creek upst. L. Painter Creek 3.50 ‐ ‐ PARTIAL habitat) 05080001 13 03 ‐ Canyon Run ‐ Stillwater River

H06G01 Canyon Run SW Of Pleasant Hill @ Range Line Rd. 0.92 ‐ ‐ NON

H06K10 Opossum Run N of Ludlow Falls @ Stitcher Rd. 1.47 FULL NA NA

H06P01 Stillwater R. at Covington @ Bridge St. 32.12 FULL NA NA H06S12 Stillwater R. S of Covington near Falknor Rd. 30.71 ‐ ‐ FULL NA H06P05 Stillwater R. S of Pleasant Hill @ Penny Rd. 25.12 FULL NA NA FULL NA 05080001 14 01 – Brush Creek Nutrient/Eutrophication biological H06P21 Brush Creek Near Phillipsburg @ County Line Rd. 7.17 NON Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL NON indicators Organic enrichment

H06P22 Brush Creek W of Ludlow Falls @ Ellerman Rd. 0.45 FULL NA NA FULL NA

05080001 14 02 – Ludlow Creek 203716 Hog Run at Laura @ Wright Rd. 0.20 FULL NA NA H06K17 Ludlow Creek @ Gettysburg‐Pitsburg Rd. 12.64 FULL NA NA

H06P12 Ludlow Creek near Ludlow Falls @ Rangeline Rd. 3.48 FULL NA NA


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Attain Attain Station Location RM Status Causes (1999) Actions (1999) Status Causes (2013) (1999) (2013) Ludlow Creek near Ludlow Falls, Dst. Brush Creek H06P11 2.33 FULL NA NA FULL NA @ Davis Rd. Ludlow Creek near Ludlow Falls, Upst Brush Crk @ H06S14 2.95 FULL NA NA Ellerman Rd Natural conditions (flow or H06K16 Ludlow Creek S of Laura @ Wright Rd. 6.40 FULL NA NA PARTIAL habitat) Trib. to Ludlow Creek (11.80) Near Pitsburg @ 203715 0.40 FULL NA NA FULL NA Oakes Rd. 05080001 14 03 ‐ Brush Creek H06G02 Brush Creek @ Frederick‐Garland Rd. 0.12 ‐ ‐ FULL NA H06S13 Brush Creek N of Frederick @ Frederick Rd. 2.35 ‐ ‐ FULL NA 05080001 14 04 – Jones Run‐Stillwater River

H06K08 Jones Run S of West Milton @ St. Rt. 48 0.46 PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL FULL NA

H06S21 Stillwater R. Dst. West Milton Dam 18.20 FULL NA NA ‐ ‐ 05080001 14 05 – Mill Creek‐Stillwater River H06K06 Mill Creek @ County Line Rd. 2.62 NON Toxics (deicers) Not addressed ‐ ‐ 203712 Mill Creek @ Kessler‐Frederick Pike 1.20 NON Toxics (deicers) Not addressed PARTIAL Natural conditions H06G03 Mill Creek near Mouth @ Karns Rd. 0.34 ‐ ‐

H06G08 Pigeye Creek @ St. Rt. 48 0.60 PARTIAL Organic enrichment 2009 TP TMDL FULL NA

Stillwater R. upst. Englewood lowhead dam (free‐ 301212 9.50 ‐ ‐ ‐ FULL NA flowing) 05080001 14 06 ‐ Town of Irvington ‐ Stillwater River H06S09 Stillwater R. @ Philadelphia Rd. 4.96 FULL NA NA ‐ ‐ Hydromodification, H06S20 Stillwater R. dst. Englewood WWTP @ Mixing Zone 8.85 (NON) NA ‐ ‐ organic enrichment Hydromodification, H06S19 Stillwater R. dst. Englewood WWTP 8.60 PARTIAL NA ‐ ‐ organic enrichment


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Appendix B

Table B1. Aquatic life use attainment information for impaired sampling locations in the Stillwater River watershed, 2013.

Drain. Ecoregion1/AL River Attain. Station Location Area IBI MIwbb ICIc QHEI Causes Sources U2 Milea Status (mi2) 05080001 90 02 – Stillwater River Mainstem (Greenville Creek to mouth) Stillwater River at West Direct habitat H06P09 ECBP/EWH 17.45B 602 56 10.1 38* 82 PARTIAL Dam Milton at St Rt 571 alterations 05080001 09 01 – South Fork Stillwater River

nutrient/eutrophication Agriculture biological indicators South Fork Stillwater River 203744 ECBP/WWH 5.5H 3.6 42 NA P* 48 NON at Young Rd organic enrichment (sewage) biological Agriculture indicators 05080001 09 02 – Headwaters Stillwater River

nutrient/eutrophication Agriculture Stillwater River SW of biological indicators 203707 Lightsville, upstream of ECBP/MWH 65 H 6.6 48 NA P* 32 NON organic enrichment Young Rd, upstream trib (sewage) biological Agriculture indicators 05080001 09 03 – North Fork Stillwater River

nutrient/eutrophication Agriculture North Fork Stillwater River biological indicators H07S34 NW of Rossburg at Rhynard- ECBP/MWH 7.56 H 4.1 46 NA P* 43.5 NON organic enrichment Fink Rd (sewage) biological Agriculture indicators


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Drain. Ecoregion1/AL River Attain. Station Location Area IBI MIwbb ICIc QHEI Causes Sources U2 Milea Status (mi2)

nutrient/eutrophication Agriculture biological indicators Sycamore Ditch S of H07K47 ECBP/MWH 0.15 H 5.0 32 NA P* 34 NON Rossburg at St Rt 118 organic enrichment (sewage) biological Agriculture indicators 05080001 09 06 – Town of Beamsville‐Stillwater River

nutrient/eutrophication Agriculture biological indicators Stillwater River E of H07K04 ECBP/EWH 52.36 W 98 51 9.3 40* 51.3 PARTIAL Beamsville at Steffen Rd organic enrichment (sewage) biological Agriculture indicators

nutrient/eutrophication Agriculture biological indicators Stillwater River at H07S29 ECBP/EWH 50.23 107 ‐ ‐ 34* ‐ NON Beamsville-Webster Rd organic enrichment (sewage) biological Agriculture indicators

nutrient/eutrophication Agriculture biological indicators Stillwater River S of Darke 203705 ECBP/EWH 47.8 W 114 51 9.6 30* 71.5 PARTIAL Co Airport at St Rt 121 organic enrichment (sewage) biological Agriculture indicators 05080001 10 01 – Dismal Creek Dismal Creek downstream of Other spill 203732 Union City WWTP at Worth ECBP/WWH 3.8 H 12.4 46 NA HF* 52.5 PARTIAL Ammonia (total) related Rd impacts 05080001 10 04 – Headwaters Greenville Creek Greenville Creek upstream Natural conditions Natural H07K27 of Dismal Creek at Palestine- ECBP/EWH 30.24 W 26.4 53 8.77* 44ns 63.8 PARTIAL (flow or habitat) sources Union City Rd


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Drain. Ecoregion1/AL River Attain. Station Location Area IBI MIwbb ICIc QHEI Causes Sources U2 Milea Status (mi2) Greenville Creek at Coletown Natural conditions Natural H07S30 ECBP/EWH 26.5 H 72 43* 9.6 50 74.8 PARTIAL at Wagner Rd (flow or habitat) sources 05080001 11 01 – Mud Creek Mud Creek near Greenville Direct habitat H07K32 ECBP/WWH 2.13H 25 42 6.4* 48 34 PARTIAL Channelization at Bishop Rd alterations

05080001 11 02 – Bridge Creek‐Greenville Creek

Greenville Ck E of Greenville Natural conditions Natural H07W17 ECBP/WWH 18.33W 142.0 42 7.55 42 60.8 Partial @ Jaysville-St. Johns Rd (flow or habitat) Sources 05080001 12 01 – Indian Creek

nutrient/eutrophication Agriculture, biological indicators manure runoff 203738 Indian Creek at Brown Rd ECBP/MWH 5.2 H 10.1 40 NA P* 45.3 NON organic enrichment Agriculture, (sewage) biological manure runoff indicators 05080001 12 02 – Swamp Creek Organic enrichment Swamp Creek at Versailles- Agriculture, H07S40 ECBP/MWH 8.85 H 11.6 34 NA P* 403 NON (sewage) biological Yorkshire Rd manure runoff indicators Swamp Creek North of Organic enrichment Agriculture, 203735 Versailles at Pittsenbarger ECBP/MWH 6.5 W 23.6 20* 5.43 42 48.8 NON (sewage) biological manure runoff Rd indicators Organic enrichment Swamp Creek North of Agriculture, H07S02 ECBP/WWH 4.43 W 28 17* 3.74* 38 59 NON (sewage) biological Versailles at Long Rd manure runoff indicators Swamp Creek upstream of Organic enrichment Agriculture, H07S01 Versailles WWTP, adj. to ECBP/WWH 2.3 W 58 18* 6* LF* 44.8 NON (sewage) biological manure runoff Grant Ave indicators Organic enrichment Swamp Creek SW of Agriculture, H07W04 ECBP/WWH 1.58 W 58.5 26* 5.3* HF 56.3 NON (sewage) biological Versailles at St Rt 121 manure runoff indicators


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Drain. Ecoregion1/AL River Attain. Station Location Area IBI MIwbb ICIc QHEI Causes Sources U2 Milea Status (mi2) Organic enrichment Swamp Creek near Versailles Agriculture, H07P06 ECBP/WWH 0.28 W 63 27* 6.2* 34ns 47.5 NON (sewage) biological at Martz Rd manure runoff indicators 05080001 12 04 – Harris Creek Harris Creek at Bradford- Direct habitat H07W39 ECBP/WWH 3.8 H 10.10 28* NA F* 52.8 NON Channelization Bloomer Rd alterations Combined organic enrichment sewer Ballinger Run upstream of H07S09 ECBP/WWH 1.4 H 4.9 22* NA P* 51.8 NON (sewage) biological overflows, Bradford WWTP lagoon indicators failing HSTS discharge Ballinger Run downstream organic enrichment Combined H07W08 of Bradford WWTP at ECBP/WWH 0.58 H 5.8 22* NA P* 58.5 NON (sewage) biological sewer Bradford-Bloomer Rd indicators overflows 05080001 12 05 – Town of Covington‐Stillwater River

nutrient/eutrophication Agriculture Stillwater River N of biological indicators H07K02 Bradford at Versailles ECBP/EWH 41.3 W 187 51 9.3 MG* 77.3 PARTIAL organic enrichment Southeastern Rd (sewage) biological Agriculture indicators 05080001 13 02 – Painter Creek Painter Creek upstream of L. Natural conditions Natural H06G06 ECBP/WWH 3.5 W 32.5 35* 7.5* 42 80.3 PARTIAL Painter Creek (flow or habitat) sources 05080001 13 03 – Canyon Run‐Stillwater River Canyon Run SW of Pleasant Natural conditions Natural H06G01 ECBP/WWH 0.92 H 4.6 32* NA ‐ 65 NON Hill at Range Line Rd (flow or habitat) sources 05080001 14 01 – Brush Creek


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Drain. Ecoregion1/AL River Attain. Station Location Area IBI MIwbb ICIc QHEI Causes Sources U2 Milea Status (mi2)

Nutrient/eutrophicatio Agriculture Brush Creek near n biological indicators H06P21 Phillipsburg at County Line ECBP/WWH 7.17 H 4.4 36ns NA P* 41.5 PARTIAL organic enrichment Rd (sewage) biological Agriculture indicators 05080001 14 02 – Ludlow Creek Ludlow Creek South of Laura Natural conditions Natural H06K16 ECBP/WWH 6.4W 26 35* 7.8ns VG 70.8 PARTIAL at Wright Rd (flow or habitat) sources 05080001 14 05 – Mill Creek‐Stillwater River Mill Creek at Kessler- Natural conditions Natural 203712 ECBP/WWH 1.2 H 5.5 34* NA G 60 PARTIAL Frederick Pike (flow or habitat) sources


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Appendix C

Table C1. Aquatic life use attainment information for impaired sampling locations in the Stillwater River watershed, 1999.

Drain. Ecoregion1/ River Attain. Station Location Area IBI MIwbb ICIc QHEI Causes Sources ALU2 Milea Status (mi2) 05080001 90 02 – Stillwater River Mainstem (Greenville Creek to mouth) Stillwater River @ Englewood 600110 ECBP/EWH 8.94B 650 28* 7.5 ‐ 52 PARTIAL Hydromodification Impoundment Dam Stillwater R. dst. Englewood Hydromodification None listed H06S20 ECBP/EWH 8.85 B 650 ‐ ‐ 40* NA NON WWTP @ Mixing Zone Organic enrichment None listed Stillwater R. dst. Englewood Hydromodification None listed H06S19 ECBP/EWH 8.6 B 652 53 10.3 MG* 88 PARTIAL WWTP Organic enrichment None listed 05080001 09 01 – South Fork Stillwater River Trib. to S Fk Stillwater R. H07K49 ECBP/MWH 1.56H 3.7 32 NA F* 46 PARTIAL Hydromodification Channelization (0.94) @ Young Rd South Fork Stillwater River at Hydromodification None listed 203744 ECBP/WWH 5.5 H 3.6 36ns NA F* 30 PARTIAL Young Rd Enrichment None listed South Fork Stillwater River @ Hydromodification None listed H06W24 ECBP/WWH 1.26 H 9.9 32 NA F* 28.5 NON Coletown‐Lightsville Rd Enrichment None listed 05080001 09 02 – Headwaters Stillwater River Stillwater River SW of 203707 Lightsville, upstream of Young ECBP/MWH 65.0 H 6.6 18* NA F 31 NON Organic Enrichment AFOs Rd, upstream trib 05080001 09 03 – North Fork Stillwater River N. Fk. Stillwater R. NW of H07K46 ECBP/MWH 8.78 H 2.2 12* NA VP* 21.5 NON Organic enrichment AFOs Rossburg @Riegel‐Bell Rd N. Fk. Stillwater R. NW of H07S34 ECBP/MWH 7.56 H 4.1 ‐ NA VP* ‐ NON Organic enrichment AFOs Rossburg @ Rhynard‐Fink Rd


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Drain. Ecoregion1/ River Attain. Station Location Area IBI MIwbb ICIc QHEI Causes Sources ALU2 Milea Status (mi2) N. Fk. Stillwater R. S of 203742 ECBP/MWH 4.4 H 10.9 20* NA F 25 NON Organic enrichment AFOs Rossburg @ Brock‐Cosmos Rd N. Fk. Stillwater R. UPST H07S15 ECBP/MWH 0.39 H 18.7 27 NA 12* 36 NON Organic enrichment AFOs Ansonia WWTP @ St. Rt. 118 05080001 09 04 – Boyd Creek Trib to Boyd Ck (2.46) @ St. H07K45 ECBP/MWH 1.16 H 3.2 30 NA VP* 46 NON Hydromodification channelization Rt. 118 Trib to Boyd Ck (2.67) @ 203740 ECBP/MWH 0.5 H 3.5 30 NA VP* 26.5 NON Hydromodification channelization Horatio‐Harris Ck Rd 05080001 09 05 – Woodington Run‐Stillwater River Stillwater R. DST South Fork @ H07P07 ECBP/MWH 62.97W 28.3 34 5.3* F* 37.5 NON Organic enrichment AFOs St. Rt. 49 Stillwater R. @ Ansonia Water H07G08 ECBP/WWH 58.97 W 51 30* 7.8ns 32 ns 42.5 PARTIAL Organic enrichment AFOs Treatment Plant Trib. to Stillwater R. (55.45) @ On‐site H07K09 ECBP/MWH 0.85 H 1.4 26 NA P* 47.5 NON Organic enrichment Beam Rd sewage

Woodington Run W of Hydromodification None listed H07K48 ECBP/WWH 0.72 H 11.2 44 NA F* 51 PARTIAL Ansonia @ Elroy‐Ansonia Rd Enrichment None listed 05080001 09 06 – Town of Beamsville‐Stillwater River

Stillwater R. S of Darke County Sedimentation None listed 203705 ECBP/EWH 47.8 W 114 48 9.6 38* 74.5 PARTIAL Airport @ St. Rt. 121 Nutrient enrichment None listed 05080001 10 01 – Dismal Creek Dismal Creek downstream of 203732 Union City WWTP at Worth ECBP/WWH 3.8 H 12.4 27* NA 42 44 NON Hydromodification None listed Rd Dismal Creek SE of Union City Land H07K37 ECBP/WWH 1.8 H 16.5 35* NA MG 53 PARTIAL Organic enrichment @ Hill Grove‐Southern Rd application


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Drain. Ecoregion1/ River Attain. Station Location Area IBI MIwbb ICIc QHEI Causes Sources ALU2 Milea Status (mi2) 05080001 10 02 – Kraut Creek Trib. to Kraut Creek (7.25) @ ECBP/Und. 203730 0.2 H 1.1 46 NA F* 55.5 PARTIAL Unknown None listed Hillgrove Southern Rd (WWH) 05080001 10 03 – W. Br. Greenville Creek W. Br. Greenville Creek @ H07K34 ECBP/WWH 10.66 H 3.1 42 NA F* 37 PARTIAL Hydromodification None listed Hollandsburg‐Arcanum Rd 05080001 10 04 – Headwaters Greenville Creek Greenville Creek at Sharps H07S26 ECBP/EWH 28.9 W 69 45* 8.36* 50 48.5 PARTIAL Hydromodification channelization Crossing @ Fisher Rd Greenville Creek at Coletown H07S30 ECBP/EWH 26.5 W 72 48ns 7.94* 46 56.5 PARTIAL Hydromodification channelization at Wagner Rd Greenville Creek NW of H07K26 ECBP/WWH 24.6 W 76 50 8.52* 50 71.5 PARTIAL Hydromodification channelization Greenville @ Wildcat Rd 05080001 11 01 – Mud Creek Lake Branch @ Hollandsburg‐ On‐site 203746 ECBP/WWH 4.1 H 2.4 46 NA P* 30 NON Organic enrichment Arcanum Rd sewage Prairie Outlet at Fort Jefferson On‐site H07S39 ECBP/WWH 0.8 H 3.4 36ns NA 28* 39.5 PARTIAL Organic enrichment @ Weavers‐Ft. Jefferson Rd sewage 05080001 11 02 – Bridge Creek‐Greenville Creek Greenville Ck at Greenville @ Hydromodification Urban H07S24 ECBP/WWH 19.55 W 139 39ns 7.48* 34ns 45 PARTIAL Ohio St Organic enrichment Urban

Greenville Ck at Greenville, Hydromodification None listed H07K21 ECBP/WWH 18.9 W 141 ‐ NA 30* NA NON UPST U.S. Rt. 127 Organic enrichment Sewer line Greenville Ck E of Greenville Hydromodification None listed H07W17 ECBP/WWH 18.33 W 142 36ns 7.16* F* 53 PARTIAL @ Jaysville‐St. Johns Rd Organic enrichment WWTP 05080001 11 03 – Dividing Branch‐Greenville Creek Greenville Ck E of Greenville H07S21 ECBP/EWH 16.22 W 153 37* 8.63* 54 71 PARTIAL Organic enrichment WWTP @ Willis Rd


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Drain. Ecoregion1/ River Attain. Station Location Area IBI MIwbb ICIc QHEI Causes Sources ALU2 Milea Status (mi2) Greenville Ck at Gettysburg @ On‐site H07K19 ECBP/EWH 10.87 W 184 48ns 8.87* 50 86 PARTIAL Organic enrichment Mill Rd sewage Greenville Ck SE of Bradford On‐site H07K16 ECBP/EWH 3.74 W 196 38* 8.22* NA 75 NON Organic enrichment @ Croft Mill Rd sewage 05080001 12 01 – Indian Creek

Indian Creek @ Greenville‐St. Organic enrichment AFOs H07G13 ECBP/MWH 6.11 H 7.6 32 NA P* 38.5 NON Marys Rd Hydromodification None Listed On‐site 203737 Indian Creek @ Wolf Rd ECBP/MWH 3.1 H 15.3 20* NA 32 30 NON Organic enrichment sewage Indian Creek near Versailles @ On‐site H07S03 ECBP/WWH 0.5 H 19.7 41 NA F* 47 PARTIAL Organic enrichment St. Rt. 47 sewage 05080001 12 02 – Swamp Creek Swamp Creek North of 203735 ECBP/MWH 6.5 W 23.6 17* 4.8* 30 35.5 NON Organic enrichment AFOs Versailles at Pittsenbarger Rd

Swamp Creek North of Organic enrichment AFOs H07S02 ECBP/WWH 4.43 W 28 32* 6.5* G 42 PARTIAL Versailles at Long Rd Hydromodification None Listed Swamp Creek at Versailles @ H07K44 ECBP/WWH 2.85 W 38 27* 7.24* 42 39.5 PARTIAL Organic enrichment AFOs Reed Rd Swamp Creek upstream of H07S01 Versailles WWTP, adj. to ECBP/WWH 2.3 W 58 34* 7.1* 26* 34 NON Organic enrichment AFOs Grant Ave Swamp Creek SW of Versailles H07W04 ECBP/WWH 1.58 W 58.5 32* 6.36* 34ns 43 PARTIAL Organic enrichment AFOs at St Rt 121 Swamp Creek near Versailles H07P06 ECBP/WWH 0.28 W 63 42 6.75* 42 48.5 PARTIAL Organic enrichment AFOs at Martz Rd


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Drain. Ecoregion1/ River Attain. Station Location Area IBI MIwbb ICIc QHEI Causes Sources ALU2 Milea Status (mi2)

Grassy Fork @ Yorkshire‐ Drought None listed H07G11 ECBP/MWH 0.82 H 2.0 ‐ ‐ P* ‐ NON Osgood Rd Habitat None listed 05080001 12 04 – Harris Creek Ballinger Run W of Bradford H07W39 ECBP/MWH 2.77 H 3.1 20* NA ‐ 30 NON Sedimentation None listed @ Zerber Rd Ballinger Run UPST Bradford Organic enrichment CSOs H07S09 ECBP/WWH 1.4 H 4.9 25* NA 0* 57 NON WWTP lagoon Toxics CSOs Ballinger Run DST Bradford H07W08 WWTP @ Bradford‐Bloomer ECBP/WWH 0.58H 5.8 34* NA 32ns 62.5 PARTIAL Organic Enrichment CSOs Rd Harris Creek @ Bradford‐ 203721 ECBP/WWH 3.8 H 10.1 35* NA 44 31 PARTIAL Sedimentation None listed Bloomer Rd Harris Creek W of Bradford @ H07S05 ECBP/WWH 2.02 H 16.8 30* NA G 58.5 PARTIAL Organic enrichment CSOs Greenville Falls‐Clayton Rd Trib. to Harris Ck (9.23) E of ECBP/Und. H07K15 0.24 H 0.9 34* NA VP* 44 NON Unknown None listed Horation @ Martin Rd (WWH) 05080001 12 05 – Town of Covington‐Stillwater River

Stillwater River N of Bradford Sedimentation None listed H07K02 ECBP/EWH 41.3 W 187 50 9.15ns 36* 75 PARTIAL at Versailles Southeastern Rd Nutrient enrichment None listed Trib. to Stillwater R. (32.60) @ On‐site 203710 ECBP/WWH 0.6 H 1.7 34* NA G 64 PARTIAL Organic enrichment Rangeline Rd, N of U.S. 36 sewage Trib. to Stillwater R. (38.30) @ H06K05 ECBP/WWH 0.1 H 2.2 28* NA P* 71.5 NON Organic enrichment Livestock Mouth 05080001 13 02 – Little Painter Creek H06K15 L. Painter Ck @ Patty‐Circle Rd ECBP/MWH 1.0 H 10.7 34 NA F* 44 PARTIAL Organic enrichment Livestock


AMS/2013‐STILR‐3 Loading Analysis Plan – Stillwater River Basin January 2021

Drain. Ecoregion1/ River Attain. Station Location Area IBI MIwbb ICIc QHEI Causes Sources ALU2 Milea Status (mi2) 05080001 13 02 – Painter Creek Painter Ck at Arcanum, ADJ H06S06 ECBP/MWH 16.2 H 4.4 16* NA 10* 32 NON Organic enrichment CSOs Invester Park Painter Ck near Arcanum @ CSOs; sewage H06W05 ECBP/MWH 14.64 H 6.7 12* NA 4* 28 NON Toxics (NH4) Albright Rd lagoon Painter Ck NW of Town of H06S03 ECBP/MWH 9.61 W 25 24 5.65* 26 41 NON Organic enrichment CSOs Painter Ck @ St. Rt. 571 Painter Ck at Circle hill @ H06K11 ECBP/WWH 4.38 W 32.1 33* 6.76* G 78 PARTIAL Organic enrichment CSOs Sugar Grove‐Circle Hill Rd H06S17 Painter Ck ADJ Sugar Grove Rd ECBP/WWH 1.0 W 47.1 33* 6.3* 44 63 PARTIAL Organic enrichment CSOs 05080001 14 01 – Brush Creek Brush Creek near Phillipsburg On‐site H06P21 ECBP/WWH 7.17 H 4.4 38ns NA VP* 40.5 NON Organic Enrichment at County Line Rd sewage 05080001 14 02 – Ludlow Creek Baker Ditch W of Potsdam @ 203717 ECBP/LRW 0.6 H 0.9 ‐ ‐ VP* ‐ NON Dry ditch None listed Rex Rd 05080001 14 04 – Jones Run‐Stillwater River Jones Run S of West Milton @ On‐site H06K08 ECBP/WWH 0.46 H 2.5 28* NA G 57 PARTIAL Organic enrichment St. Rt. 48 sewage 05080001 14 05 – Mill Creek‐Stillwater River H06K06 Mill Creek @ County Line Rd ECBP/WWH 2.62 H 3.0 22* NA F* 47.5 NON Toxics (deicers) Dayton Airport Mill Creek at Kessler‐Frederick 203712 ECBP/WWH 1.2 H 5.5 26* NA G 57 NON Toxics (deicers) Dayton Airport Pike Septic; H06G08 Pigeye Creek @ St. Rt. 48 ECBP/WWH 0.6 H 5.8 36ns NA F* 36 PARTIAL Organic enriched livestock