EBARA Group History and Corporate Profile / Stock

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EBARA Group History and Corporate Profile / Stock EBARA Group History Corporate Profile / Stock Information (As of December 31, 2017) Corporate Profile Major Shareholders 1912 to 1940s 2000s Building our foundations Constructing foundations for growth Company Name: EBARA CORPORATION Name Shareholding ratio (%) 1912 Inokuty Type Machinery Office was founded. Issey Hatakeyama 2000 Ebara Techno-serve Co., Ltd., was formed to combine sales and Foundation: November 1912 Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account) 8.4 (Nov.) was appointed general manager under the supervision of Ariya (Apr.) maintenance services for the standard pumps business. Inokuty, a professor of Tokyo Imperial University. Head Office: 11-1, Haneda Asahi-cho, ICHIGO TRUST PTE. LTD. 7.1 2000 Elliott Company, a leading company in the compressors and Ohta-ku, Tokyo 144-8510, Japan Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account) 6.9 1920 EBARA CORPORATION was established. A plant was constructed (Apr.) turbines business, became a wholly owned subsidiary. (May) in Minami-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-cho, Ebara-gun, Tokyo, mark- THE BANK OF NEW YORK 133522 2.8 ing the establishment of the Company, which assumed the Phone: 81-3-3743-6111 2001 Ebara Kyushu Co., Ltd., established in Kumamoto Prefecture for National Mutual Insurance Federation of Agricultural 2.0 responsibilities of the Inokuty Type Machinery Office and began (Jun.) producing CMP and other equipment, went into full operation. URL: https://www.ebara.co.jp/en the manufacturing of centrifugal pumps. Cooperatives 2002 The compressors and turbines business was split off into a sepa- New plant was built in Haneda, Kamata-ku, Tokyo. The Head Paid-in Capital: ¥78,815 million Mizuho Bank, Ltd. 2.0 1938 (Apr.) rate company, Elliott Ebara Turbomachinery Corporation, (Apr.) Office and manufacturing operations shifted from Shinagawa to located in Chiba Prefecture. STATE STREET BANK CLIENT OMNIBUS OM04 1.7 the new facility in Haneda. Number of Employees 2002 The chillers business was split off into a separate company, (Consolidated): 16,219 Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account 7) 1.6 New plant was built in Kawasaki. 1941 (Sep.) Ebara Refrigeration Equipment & Systems Co., Ltd. (Dec.) Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account 5) 1.5 2003 Ebara Great Pumps Co., Ltd., was established in China to manu- The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. 1.4 The Haneda Plant was damaged in war. All operations, except Stock Information 1945 (May) facture and sell pumps in China for the oil and gas industries. (Apr.) for a pump testing facility, fabrication and welding shop, and Notes: 1. Treasury stock has been eliminated from the total number of shares issued main building, were deemed no longer functional. As a result, 2005 An in-house company system was introduced with a corporate struc- in calculating the percentage. Securities Code: 6361 (Japan) production was transferred to the Kawasaki Plant. (Apr.) ture comprising a Corporate Sector for headquarters functions and 2. The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd., changed its name to MUFG Bank, three core companies: Fluid Machinery & Systems, Environmental Ltd., as of April 1, 2018. Engineering, and Precision Machinery. Number of Shares Issued: 101,783,253 Composition of Shareholders 1950s to 1970s 2005 Ebara Boshan Pumps Co., Ltd. (currently EBARA MACHINERY ZIBO Number of Shareholders: 21,421 (Aug.) CO., LTD.), was established in China to manufacture and sell large- scale, high-pressure pumps in China. Securities Traded: Tokyo Stock Exchange Treasury Stock 0.2% Individuals and Meeting technological needs Others 2006 Ebara Machinery (China) Co., Ltd., was formed to serve as the Number of Shares 11.1% 1955 The Haneda Plant was reopened to spearhead the Company’s (May) manufacturing, sales, and service center for standard pumps in Constituting One Unit: 100 (Jan.) manufacturing operations. China. Securities Transfer Agent and Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited Companies 2.2% Government 1956 Ebara-Infilco Co., Ltd., was set up to manufacture and sell water 2009 EBARA integrated its water treatment plant businesses into and Local treatment equipment. (Apr.) Ebara Engineering Service Co., Ltd. Foreign (Jan.) Registrar: 4-1, Marunouchi 1-chome, Public Entities Corporations EBARA’s first post-World War II overseas sales office was opened 2009 EBARA integrated its environmental plant businesses into Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8233, 0.0% 1964 and Individuals (Apr.) in Thailand. (Oct.) EBARA Environmental Plant Co., Ltd. Japan 47.6% Financial 1964 Ebara Service Co., Ltd., was established to provide after-sales Accounting Auditor: Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC Institutions Other (Jun.) service for EBARA’s products. 35.3% 2010s and later Major Indices: Nikkei 225, JPX-Nikkei Index 400 Domestic 1965 The Fujisawa Plant was opened as the first facility in Japan to Corporations (May) mass-produce standard pumps, and it took over the production of chillers from the Haneda Plant. Pursuing further growth 3.6% 1975 EBARA’s first overseas production facility, Ebara Indústrias 2010 The Futtsu Plant was newly established in Chiba Prefecture, and (Jan.) Mecânicas e Comércio Ltda. (currently Ebara Bombas América (Jan.) the functions of the former Haneda Plant were transferred there. do Sul Ltda.), was established in Brazil. External Recognition Based on ESG Factors 2010 EBARA, Mitsubishi Corporation, and JGC Corporation started a 1975 The Sodegaura Plant was opened to manufacture mainly com- (Mar.) joint venture in the water business, Ebara Engineering Service (Nov.) pressors and turbines. Co., Ltd. (currently Swing Corporation). EBARA CORPORATION has been selected for inclusion in several ESG indexes by various domestic and overseas ESG ratings institutions. 1979 P.T. Ebara Indonesia was established in Indonesia to manufac- 2010 Ebara Kyushu Co., Ltd., was merged into the Company. (Dec.) ture standard pumps in Southeast Asia. (Oct.) 2012 In a realignment of the pumps business, Ebara Techno-serve Co., FTSE4Good Index Series FTSE Blossom Japan Index Morningstar Socially Responsible (Apr.) Ltd., Ebara Yoshikura Hydro-Tech Co., Ltd., and Ebara Environ- Investment Index mental Technologies Hokkaido Co., Ltd., were merged. 1980s to 1990s 2014 Ebara Pumps Middle East FZE was established in the United Arab (Mar.) Emirates to serve as a sales and service base for pumps in the Spreading our technology Middle East. 1981 Ebara International Corporation was established in the United 2015 EBARA transitioned to a Company with Three Committees. (Jan.) States to provide a North American base for the pumps business. (Jun.) EBARA realigned its production systems by integrating the 1986 2015 An Indonesian company that provides maintenance services for As of May 1, 2018 (Jan.) Kawasaki Plant into the Fujisawa Plant. (Aug.) rotating machinery, PT. Turbindo Chikara Surya (currently PT. Ebara Turbomachinery Services Indonesia), was acquired. 1987 A precision machining facility was opened at the Fujisawa Plant MSCI Japan Empowering MSCI Japan ESG Select Note: THE INCLUSION OF EBARA CORPORATION IN ANY (Jul.) dedicated to the production of vacuum equipment for the semi- 2015 A Brazilian pumps manufacturer, Thebe Bombas Hidraulicas S.A. MSCI INDEX, AND THE USE OF MSCI LOGOS, Women Index Leaders Index conductor industry. (Dec.) (currently Ebara Bombas América do Sul Ltda.), was acquired. TRADEMARKS, SERVICE MARKS OR INDEX NAMES HEREIN, DO NOT CONSTITUTE A SPONSORSHIP, Ebara Italia S.p.A. (currently Ebara Pumps Europe S.p.A.) was 1989 2016 The semiconductor manufacturing equipment production facili- ENDORSEMENT OR PROMOTION OF EBARA COR- established to manufacture stainless steel standard pumps. (Jan.) (Nov.) ties and dry vacuum pump service facilities of the Kumamoto PORATION BY MSCI OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES. THE Plant were augmented. MSCI INDEXES ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF 1992 EBARA QINGDAO CO., LTD., was founded in China as a center MSCI. MSCI AND THE MSCI INDEX NAMES AND for boiler production. (Aug.) 2017 A new base in South Africa, Ebara Pumps South Africa (Pty) Ltd., LOGOS ARE TRADEMARKS OR SERVICE MARKS OF (Aug.) was established. MSCI OR ITS AFFILIATES. 1994 Ebara-Infilco Co., Ltd., was merged into the Company. (Oct.) Cautionary Statement with Regard to Forward-Looking Statements Certain of the statements made in this integrated report are forward-looking statements, which involve certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which are valid only as of the date thereof. EBARA undertakes no obligation to republish revised forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date thereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. 77 EBARA Group Integrated Report 2018 EBARA Group Integrated Report 2018 78.
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