History of Dupage County, Illinois, 1857
http://stores.ebay.com/Ancestry-Found http://stores.ebay.com/Ancestry-Found http://stores.ebay.com/Ancestry-Found A HISTOR^^ COUNTY OF DU PAGE, ILLINOIS CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OP ITS EARLY SETTLE3IENT AND PRESENT ADVANTAGES, A SEPARATE HISTORY OF THE SEVERAL TOWNS, INCLUDING NOTICES OP RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS, EDUCATION, AGRICULTURE AND MANUFACTURES, -WITH THE NAJSIES AND SOME ACCOUNT OF THE FIRST SETTLERS IN EACH TOWNSHIP, AND MUCH VALUABLE STATISTICAL IXFORMATIOX By C. W. RICHMOND & H. F. VALLETTE. CHICAGO: STEAM PRESSES OF SCUIPPS, BROSS & SPEARS, 45 CLARK STREET. 1857. 5 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S57, by C. W. EICIIMOXD AXD H. F. YALLETTE, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Northern District of Illinois. '1 Culver, Page & Hotne, BINDERS, 128 and 130 Lake Street. TO THE READEK. The authors propose to oifer no apology for tlie appearance of tins work. They are, however, con- scions of many of its imperfections, to which it wonld be nnwise in them to draw the attention of the ]3nblic. The original mannscript was j)repared more than a year ago, and placed in the hands of a printer, whose establishment, with all his effects, including said mannscript, was carried down stream at the time of the high water last spring. To this cir- cnmstance may be attribnted the delay in its pub- lication, as well as some slight errors of omission and commission, Avliich anybody is at liberty to find in the work. If the reader chances to discover anything of the kind, we here take the liberty to inform him beforehand, that " we knew it." And if anybody thinks he can write a better history of Du Page Comity, we can only say to him, in tlie IV TO THE READER.
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