ECC/ District Local Highways Panel Scheme List 2012/13 Version 6 Minor Schemes

Estimated Timescale Parish / Assuming Town Requested smooth ID Division Council Location Scheme Problem Justification / Comments By Estimated Cost (£) progress RAG

Slight misalignmnet of north/south B194 New route Guidance arrows on carriageway 5k to investigate 47 IT358 NW&N Nazeing Road/North Street/Middle Junction improvement/Road Markings to ensure cars turning right in each Unclear what issue is. N/A Amber timings Street, Lower Nazeing direction pass behind each other rather than in front

A VAS was positioned some 100m North of Tatsfield Avenue in St Leonards Road, Nazeing. This is about 300m after the entry point of the 30mph zone. It has no impact for the 300m and the pedestrian walkway is inadequate and narrow. Therefore a request has been made for the sign to be supplemented by a village gateway erected at the beginning St Leonard's Road, Village Gateway and repositioning of of the built-up area on both sides. The B194 (St Leonards Historic 48 NW&N Nazeing Speeding £15,000 6 months Amber Nazeing VAS Road) is a busy route and is de-restricted immediately prior to scheme list the urban area leading to high approach speeds. The original VAS was located at a point that met County Council criteria. This sign is 300m North of the speed limit signs. Gateways are possible, providing sufficient verge width is available (may need to be custom made), but should be Parish responsibility.

Currently users of the Church car One advantage of a crossing would be a reduction of the Installation of pedestrian crossing park, preschool parents and pupils parking on the verges by heavy lorries while the drivers visits £80,000 for a (zebra) adjacent to the present exits and residents of Elizabeth Close and Historic 49 NW&N Nazeing Nazeing Road, Nazeing the shops. Officers have concerns with the proximity of a controlled zebra 9 months Amber from St Giles car park and Nazeing Road weave their way scheme list proposed crossing to the existing traffic signals at the crossing Nazeingbury Parade. between traffic. They don't walk to the Nazeing crossroads lights at Nazeingbury crossroads.

Officer advise that the installation of rumble strips too close to Outside Greenwood and Chequers - residential properties would conflict with current guidelines. traffic calming in the form of different There have been a number of However road surfacing treatment would be possible, but £2,500 signing/lining road surfaces, rumble strips accidents involving vehicles leaving Epping would have maintenance implications and high initial Historic scheme; £20,000 50 NW&N B181, approaching bend, speed reduction the carriageway. Residents are 6 months Amber Upland installation costs. Signing can be reviewed. At first scheme list anti-skid application as for the 'Chambers Manor' corner, concerned due to the increase in consideration there appears to be insufficient space for crash on bends signing (e.g., bend, ice) and crash traffic. barriers. Information plates with warning signs could be barriers incorporated in a scheme.

Existing junction protection in force (sections of 'no waiting at Wellington Road and North Weald Traffic calming and parking Rat running (and on street parking any time' restrictions). Difficult to locate traffic calming due to Historic 51 NW&N Hampden Close, North £40,000 humps Over 1 year Amber Bassett restrictions restricting visibility). accesses / parking. Will require consultation - unlikely to be scheme list Weald popular

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Estimated Timescale Parish / Assuming Town Requested smooth ID Division Council Location Scheme Problem Justification / Comments By Estimated Cost (£) progress RAG

Erection of signs warning 'Access Only Unsuitable for HGVs' or 'Unsuitable for Sat Navs' at both entrances of Water Lane. HGVs are using Water Lane as a through route and it is totally unsuitable for such vehicles. Watery Lane is on strategic network - switching priority will require formal sign off. No recorded personal injury collisions in the vicinity. Officers have some concerns that turning of Downhall Road/ Little large vehicles such as HGVs and tractors may not be possible or will Inappropriate HGV use on Watery Historic 52 NW&N Matching Laver Road/ Watery Re-alignment of priority of junction raise safety concerns. Altering priority may cause safety issues. In £5,000-£7,500 3 months Red Lane scheme list Lane, Matching addition, centre lines and cat’s eyes would also be required to highlight the trajectory of the new alignment of the bend and to delineate the new road layout, after historically Road giving way to Watery Lane/Downhall Road. Vegetation to be removed to increase and improve the sight lines. Double yellow lines will need to be installed opposite the junction to prevent the current parking.

Commercial vehicles parking in Historic £3,500 waiting 53 NW&N Luxford Place, Sheering Waiting restrictions For parking partnership (not panel). N/A Red Luxford Place scheme list restrictions

LHP Agreed that restriction is required but this should Approx. £3,000 Church Mead junction be passed to the parking partnership. However ECC do Historic 54 NW&N Roydon Junction protection Commuter parking blocking visibility. Pass to parking 6 months Red with High Street, Roydon not install junction protection unless there is a proven safety scheme list Partnership issue due to maintenance issues.

New request North Weald A414 Canes lane j/w Replace one-way system with a 55 NW&N Scheme validated Parish £1,000,000 TBC 2 years red Bassett Vicarage Lane roundabout Council

New request New footway and lowering of speed Mill street used as an alternative route 56 NW&N Mill Street Scheme validated Parish TBC TBC red limit between and M11 Council

£3k (provisional, Middle Street (Bumbles New request Scheme requires validation Engineer: Additional depending on 3 months 57 NW&N Nazeing green to PROW FP59), New footway Narrow road Parish information required answers/further info (provisional) bumbles Green Council from LHP)

To limit HGV traffic through Nazeing or New request Middle Street/St could put up more advanced signage Scheme requires validation Engineer: Additional 58 NW&N Nazeing Weight restrictions Parish TBC TBC Leonards Road for existing weight restrictions on information required Council North Street/Nazeing Road

New request Scheme requires validation Engineer: Additional 59 NW&N Hastingwood Hastingwood Road HGV restriction 19:30 to 18:30hrs Parish £10,000 TBC TBC information required Council

Wellington Road and New request North Weald To alleviate problems from Saturday Scheme requires validation/parking partnership. Engineer: 60 NW&N Hampden Close, North Parking restrictions on Saturdays Parish TBC TBC Bassett Market Additional information required Weald Council

New request Common Road /Waltham Busy distributor road, deceptive bends Scheme requires validation Engineer: Additional 61 NW&N Nazeing Traffic Calming Parish TBC TBC Road, Bumbles Green with frequent accidents information required Council

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Estimated Timescale Parish / Assuming Town Requested smooth ID Division Council Location Scheme Problem Justification / Comments By Estimated Cost (£) progress RAG

New request Epping 62 NW&N B182 j/w B181 Review of signage Vehicles travel at speed down hill Scheme requires validation Parish £3,000 TBC TBC Upland Council

New request Epping Narrow bridge, causing problems 63 NW&N B181 Cobbins Bridge Priority working over bridge Scheme requires validation Parish TBC TBC Upland when two vehicles try to pass Council

VAS Sign half way down road and New request existing speed limit 30 mph this does 64 NW&N Sheering Sheering Lower Road Traffic calming measures Scheme requires validation Parish TBC TBC not seem to be adhered to and the Council sign is ineffective.

Historic Harlow Road nr jw High request 65 NW&N Roydon Pedestrian Crossing Difficutlies crossing the road Scheme requires validation TBC TBC Street Parish Council

request to move to a location further New request 66 NW&N Roydon Hamlet Hill Relocate Vechicle Activated Sign down the hill where vehicles build up Scheme requires validation Parish TBC TBC speed Council

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ECC/Epping Forest District Local Highways Panel Scheme List 2012/13 Version 6 Small Works

Parish / Requested Estimated ID Division Town Location Scheme Other issues / comments Timescale RAG By Cost Council

BH&LS No Schemes identified C&LB No Schemes identified LC No Schemes identified NW&N No Schemes identified O&R No Schemes identified WA No Schemes identified RAG KEY Division key Green A high priority scheme against strategic criteria BH&LS Buckhurst Amber A low priority scheme against strategic criteria C&LB & Red A scheme which is against Essex Policy or there is no appropriate engineering solution. E&TB Epping & Pending validation LC Scheme prioritised for funding 2012/13 NW&N North Weald O&R Ongar & Rural WA

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ECC/Epping Forest District Local Highways Panel Scheme List 2012/13 Version 6 Bus Stop/ Route Improvements

Division Priority Parish / Town Type of Issues / Comments / Reason Approx Estimated Location Details of Scheme Scheme Origination (RAG) Council Scheme for Scheme Timescale Cost

BH&LS No scheme identified C&LB No scheme identified LC No scheme identified NW&N No scheme identified O&R No scheme identified WA No scheme identified RAG KEY Division Key Green A high priority scheme against strategic criteria BH&LS & Loughton Amber A low priority scheme against strategic criteria C&LB Chigwell & Loughton Red A scheme which is against Essex Policy or there is no appropriate engineering solution. E&TB Epping & Pending validation LC Loughton Central Scheme prioritised for funding 2012/13 NW&N North Weald & Nazeing O&R Ongar & Rural WA Waltham

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ECC/ Epping Forest District Local Highways Panel Scheme List 2012/13 Version 6 School Crossing Patrol Sites

Division Parish Site No School Location of patrol Work required Problem Origin of Total Timescale RAG /Town request Estimated Council Costs

Roydon Primary Site safety 6 NW&N Roydon 10413 Epping Rd, Roydon Extend school keep clear markings Issues raised with site safety assessment 1.2k 3 months Green School assessment

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ECC/Epping Forest District Scheme List 2012/13 Version 6 Essex Intelligent Traffic Systems Local Highways Panel Parish / Budgetary Mandatory Ref Division Town Location Measure Benefit Cost work Council RAG BH&LS No schemes identified C&LB No schemes identified E&TB No schemes identified LC No schemes identified NW&N No schemes identified O&R No schemes identified WA No schemes identified RAG Key Green A high priority scheme against strategic criteria Amber A low priority scheme against strategic criteria Red A scheme which is against Essex Policy or there is no appropriate engineering solution. Pending validation General Key SCOOT Split Cycle and Offset Optimisation Technique. This calculates the flow of vehicles along each spur of a junction and can then calculate the timings of the signals required to deal with heavier or lighter amounts of traffic during each cycle of the signals. Particularly good for peak and off-peak periods.

OTU Outstation Transmission Unit. These are in signals and are controlled via the SCOOT system.

RMS Remote Monitoring System. This allows the signals to report back to the main system in Threadneedle House to say that something is wrong with them.

MOVA Microprocessor Optimised Vehicle Actuation. Similar to SCOOT but works better for isolated signals rather than larger junctions.

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ECC/Epping Forest District Local Highways Panel Schemes List 2012/13 Version 6 Cycling Schemes

Parish / Town Estimated ID Division Council Location Scheme Problem Scheme sponsor Cost (£) Timescale RAG BH&LS No schemes identified C&LB No schemes identified E&TB No schemes identified LC No schemes identified NW&N No schemes identified O&R No schemes identified WA No schemes identified

RAG Key Division Key Green A high priority scheme against strategic criteria BH&LS Buckhurst Hill Amber A low priority scheme against strategic criteria C&LB Chigwell & Red More information required. E&TB Epping & Pending validation LC Loughton NW&N North Weald & O&R Ongar & Rural WA Waltham

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ECC/Epping Forest District Local Highways Panel Scheme List 2012/13 Version 6 Public Rights of Way

Parish / Town PROW Division Parish Status Scheme Problem By From Timescale Cost (£) Notes RAG Council Number

Improvements to the sub base, wearing course and Surface and Heavily rutted and waterlogged. Only North Weald North Weald Essex improvements to the drainage system to enable the 1NW&N 36 Byway drainage passable to skilled off road motorised Internal 6 weeks 30k Green Bassett Bassett Highways byway to tolerate passage by the various types of improvements users users and the increase in volume of traffic.

Division Key RAG Key BH&LS Buckhurst Hill & Loughton South Green A high priority scheme against strategic criteria C&LB Chigwell & Loughton Broadway Amber A low priority scheme against strategic criteria E&TB Epping & Theydon Bois Red A scheme which is against Essex Policy or there is no appropriate engineering solution. LC Loughton Central Pending validation NW&N North Weald & Nazeing Scheme prioritised for funding 2012/13 O&R Ongar & Rural WA Waltham Abbey

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ECC/Epping Forest District Scheme List 2012/13 Version 6 Casualty Reduction Schemes Local Highways Panel Division

Parish / Town Ref No. Council Location Proposed Solution Timescale Cost (£) RAG BH&LS No schemes identified E&TB No schemes identified NW&N No schemes identified

RAG Key Division Key Green A high priority based on Collision history BH&LS Buckhurst Hill & Loughton South Amber A medium priority based on Collision History C&LB Chigwell & Loughton Broadway A scheme which is against Essex Policy or there is no E&TB Epping & Theydon Bois Red appropriate engineering solution. Scheme pending Validation LC Loughton Central Scheme prioritised for NW&N North Weald & Nazeing O&R Ongar & Rural WA Waltham Abbey

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