South Hill Park Conservation Management Plan As a Basis for Its Future Management
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(ITEM ) TO: COUNCILLOR IAIN McCRACKEN EXECUTUVE MEMBER FOR LEISURE 9 DECEMBER 2005 SOUTH HILL PARK GROUNDS CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLAN (Director of Environment and Leisure) 1 PURPOSE OF DECISION 1.1 To adopt the South Hill Park Conservation Management Plan as a basis for its future management. 2 RECOMMENDATION 2.1 That the South Hill Park Conservation Management Plan be approved. 3 REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 To improve the visual environment of the Borough. 3.2 To conserve and maintain the heritage importance of the site. 3.3 To maintain and improve the recreation provision of the site. 3.4 To aid communication and working partnerships between the various landowners / leaseholders, stakeholders and local residents and users. 4 ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSIDERED 4.1 Having had a grant of £42,200 from the Heritage Lottery Fund to write this Plan, the alternative option would be to disregard the outcomes and revise sections of it. 4.2 Not to approve a Plan would involve returning the grant monies. 5 SUPPORTING INFORMATION Background to the Management Plan 5.1 The Parks and Open Spaces Strategy categorises South Hill Park grounds as a Borough park, whilst the site is also listed in the English Heritage Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest. As such, it is of strategic importance in the borough’s open space network. The grounds have the potential to be improved and utilised for greater public amenity. 5.2 A grant of £42,200 was obtained from the Heritage Lottery Fund to pay for the development of a ten year management plan. 5.3 Land Management Services were contracted to undertake the preparation of the Conservation Management Plan and a partnership steering group was established to guide the process. Scope of the Management Plan 5.4 The land ownership and maintenance operations of the site are complex, with the following partners involved: BFBC, Bracknell Town Council, South Hill Park Arts Centre, Thames Water, English Partnerships and local residents group, North Lake Management Committee. The management plan process, working alongside the partner groups, addressed the following issues: land ownership, leased areas, park management structure, maintenance responsibilities and a ten year financial plan. 5.5 The history and historic landscape of the site is intrinsic to its character. A detailed historic evaluation of the site was conducted. The history of the site is included in the management plan, and focuses attention on the site’s future use and management needs to protect and enhance this aspect of the park. 5.6 A full assessment of the existing facilities provision and landscape condition of the site was undertaken, including neighbouring land use, roads and parking, heritage trees and vegetation, the balancing ponds, paths and bins, play areas and public sculpture. 5.7 The views and wishes of local residents and users were considered though a variety of means, which included: a widely distributed questionnaire, a special interest workshop, an on-site visitor survey, and an on-site public consultation on the possible options proposed in the document. 5.8 A range of issues were considered during the consultation, including park management, wildlife and heritage issues, youth involvement, links to the Arts Centre, art in the park, means of access/parking provision, toilet facilities, park staffing and policing. 5.9 All information was assessed in relation to local and national policy context. 5.10 An Audience Development Plan was also produced as a supporting document to the main Conservation Management Plan. Outcomes of Management Plan 5.11 A vision statement which draws on its history and strong arts connection to aim for a vibrant and safe park asset for the Borough: To revitalise the Park as a thriving, vibrant, varied open space which builds on the special qualities of its historic landscape, its natural beauty and its arts activities, as a safe and attractive oasis in Bracknell town which benefits the whole community. 5.12 A range of general policies aimed at ensuring strong management and maintenance, including: management and security, landscape and setting, structures and planting, archaeology, ecology, access, sources of information, the relationship between the arts centre and the park, and its use for arts, heritage and educational activities. 5.13 A range of capital improvement options, broken down by scale, cost and priority. Further discussion on priorities will follow and will depend upon the availability of resources. Future works/issues to be considered are also suggested, split into smaller interventions and larger projects. 6 ADVICE RECEIVED FROM STATUTORY AND OTHER OFFICERS Borough Solicitor 6.1 There are no specific legal issues that arise from this report. Borough Treasurer 6.2 The Borough Treasurer is satisfied that there are no significant financial implications arising directly from this report. Should any of the capital improvements be considered in the future than these will be subject to a separate report. Impact Assessment 6.3 Approval the Management Plan poses no implications beyond raising expectations in the minds of local residents who have already been consulted. Other Officers 6.4 None 7 CONSULTATION 7.1 The steering group partners (see 5.6) were consulted on the draft version of the Management Plan and returned comments to consultants Land Management Services before the final plan was prepared. Method of Consultation 7.2 Steering group meetings between partners took place in January, April, June and September. Representations Received 7.3 Comments from partners on the draft Management Plan were made to Land Management Services and incorporated into the final document. Background Papers Parks and Open Spaces Strategy. February 2002 Draft PPG 17: Stages 1 & 2 Open Spaces Assessment. Strategic Leisure Ltd. October 2005 BF 1500 Recruitment Survey Report. July 2005 Contact for further information Helen Tranter, Environment & Leisure – 01344 354102 [email protected] Doc. Ref. Insert name of document, folder etc] SOUTH HILL PARK CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLAN Bracknell Forest Borough Council Land Management Services Ltd Time Square With Market Street Sarah Couch Historic Landscapes Ltd Bracknell The Tourism Company Berkshire RG12 1JD November 2005 CONTENTS Summary Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background to the Project 1.2 Purpose and Scope of the CMP 1.3 The Conservation Management Planning Process 1.4 Presentation of Material and Structure of the Document 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION AND CONSTRAINTS 9 2.1 Location 2.2 Current ownership and management 2.3 Neighbouring land 2.4 Roads 2.5 Geology and topography 2.6 Hydrology 2.7 Vegetation 2.8 Facilities 2.9 Site services 2.10 Planning status and designations 2.11 Policy context: Local policies 2.12 National policy context 3.0 UNDERSTANDING THE ASSET: EVOLUTION OF THE SITE 24 3.1 Chronology of the site 3.2 Period 1: Early history to 1750 3.3 Period 2: 1760- 1810 William Watts’ ownership 3.4 Period 3: 1810-1853 Limerick – ownership: expansion and Tithe map of 1843 3.5 Period 4: 1853 - 1930s: High Victorian period 3.6 Period 5: 1940 - 1963 institutional ownership 3.7 Period 6: Arts Centre and public ownership 1973 - 2005 4.0 UNDERSTANDING THE ASSET: CURRENT CONDITION OF THE SITE 62 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Natural features: ecology survey 4.3 Historic Landscape: Surviving features 4.4 Social use 4.5 Management and maintenance 5.0 SIGNIFICANCE 118 5.1 Introduction 5.2 General statement 5.3 Natural features: Geology, Hydrology, Topography and Nature Conservation 5.4 Designed features: Archaeology, Landscape and Setting, Structures 5.5 Social features 5.6 Conclusion 6.0 VULNERABILITY 132 6.1 Introduction 6.2 General issues 6.3 Natural features 6.4 Designed features: Archaeology, Buildings, Structures, Landscape and Setting 6.5 ‘Social features’ past and present use 7.0 Policies 148 7.1 Introduction 7.2 General Issues: Understanding and protecting the significance of the site 7.3 Natural Features: Geology, Typography, Hydrology and nature Conservation 7.4 Designed Features: Archaeology, Landscape and Setting, Buildings, Structures 7.5 ‘Social’ features past and present use 8.0 OPTIONS APPRAISAL AND OUTLINE PROPOSALS 164 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Options appraisal 8.3 Consultation results: ideas for improvements 8.4 The Future: A Phased Masterplan 9.0 MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE RECOMMENDATIONS 194 9.1 Character Area A: North Woodland 9.2 Character Area B: East Park 9.3 Character Area C: West Park 9.4 Character Area D: North Lake 9.5 Character Area E: Balancing Pond 9.6 Character Area F: Arts Centre 9.7 Character Area G: South Lawns 9.8 Character Area H: Birch Hill Banks 9.9 Character Area I: South lake 9.10 Character Area J: Shrubbery 9.11 Character Area K: Birch Hill Woodland GAZETTEER 1 Geology, topography, landform and views 2 Ecology 3 Archaeology and early landuse 4 Parkland 5 The lakes 6 Woodland and trees 7 Ice house 8 Shrubberies 9 Front forecourt 10 Terrace and gardens 11 Kitchen garden walls 12 Site Boundaries 13 Access and path network 14 Social history and public use Appendices Appendix A: Brief Appendix B: Drawings Appendix C: Statutory Designations Appendix D: Consultation Appendix E: Options Appraisal Appendix F: Schedules Appendix G: Leases and Licences Appendix H: Ecology Survey Appendix I: Bibliography SOUTH HILL PARK CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT PLAN A SUMMARY November 2005 1.0 INTRODUCTION Bracknell Forest Borough Council (BFBC) is seeking to conserve and enhance South Hill Park, a significant and historic open space south of Bracknell town centre. Land Management Services Ltd, with Sarah Couch Historic Landscapes and the Tourism Company, has been appointed to write a Conservation Management Plan (CMP) and Audience Development Plan (ADP) for South Hill Park. The CMP has been written in accordance with the brief prepared by BFBC, based on guidance issued by the Heritage Lottery Fund.