Town and Country Spring 2018
Register for a self-service account: Spring 20181 Brought to you by Bracknell Forest Council What’s inside Sign up to The Lexicon Bracknell Half Marathon See page 3 Get active with Everyone Active Thursday, 1 March 2018 sites will continue to experience the reputation and importantly is An innovative new marked the start of the leisure same high levels of service under the prepared to invest in our facilities community website services partnership between new provider. They will also beneft and staff. I look forward to working See page 6 Bracknell Forest Council from the introduction of its talent with our new Everyone Active and Everyone Active, which development programme, Everyone management team.” Active Sporting Champions, award- has taken on the day-to-day Ian Cook, Everyone Active’s winning swimming lessons and more running of Bracknell Leisure regional contract manager, than 30 years experience in the said: “We are delighted to have Centre, Coral Reef Waterworld sports and leisure industry. offcially started our partnership with and Downshire Golf Complex. Vincent Paliczka, director Bracknell Forest Council to manage The transformation of leisure for environment, culture and its fantastic leisure facilities. The frst services, by outsourcing the communities, said: “We carried out couple of weeks have been really management of the leisure sites, an extensive selection process to positive and we are looking forward will generate signifcant income for fnd a partner that could build upon to making a big difference to the Improving and transforming the council while protecting jobs, the excellent reputation our leisure experience of everyone who comes our services as well as securing more than £1m services have established over the through the doors.
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