Chapter 9: References
CHAPTER 9: REFERENCES Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE). 1970. New England Division. Small Navigation Project - New Bedford and Fairhaven Harbor, Massachusetts - Detailed Project Report. ------. 1988. Wetland Study Report for the New Bedford Superfund Site. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division. Prepared by IEP, Inc., Final Report. ------. 1990. New Bedford Harbor Superfund Pilot Study. Evaluation of Dredging and Dredged Material Disposal. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England Division. May 1990. Bartlett, M. 1997. Letter to Jack Terrill dated February 12, 1997. Battelle Memorial Institute. 1990. Modeling of the Transport, Distribution, and Fate of PCBs and Heavy Metals in the Acushnet River/New Bedford Harbor/Buzzards Bay System. Volume I. Final Report. Contract No. 4236-MOD-0019 to EBASCO Services, Inc. Belding, D.L. 1909. A Report Upon the Mollusk Fisheries of Massachusetts. Boston: Wright and Potter. ------. 1912. A Report upon the Quahog and Oyster Fisheries of Massachusetts. Division of Marine Fisheries. ------. 1912. A Report upon the Alewife Fisheries of Massachusetts. Division of Fisheries and Game. Bellmer, R. J. 1988. The infaunal community of a polychlorinated biphenyls polluted harbor, New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA. Waltham, MA: ACOE New England Division. Bigelow, H. B., & Schroeder, W. C. 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. Washington: USGPO. Boss, J. A. and J. D. Thomas, 1983. New Bedford - A Pictorial History. The Donning Company. Norfolk, VA. Brady, Phillip, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, Sandwich Laboratory. Personal communication to James Turek, VHB Inc., 1996. Buzzards Bay Project. 1991. Buzzards Bay Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan. Cardin, S.X., A.B. Howe, S.J.
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