NUMBER OF INHABITANTS ·Massachusetts LIST OF TABLES [Page numbers listed here omit the State prefix: number which appears as part of the page number for each page. The prefix: for this State is 21] Tnb,c !'ago 1.-Population of Massachusetts, urban and rural: 1790 to 1950------------------------------- 5 2.-Population in groups of places according to size: 1950------------------------------------- 5 3.-Population in groups of places according to size: 1900 to 1950______________________________ 6 4.-Population of urban places of 10,000 or more from earliest census to 1950-------------------- 7 5.-Arca and population of counties, urban and rural: 1930 to 1950---------------------------- 9 6.-Population of counties by minor civil divisions: 1930 to 1950------------------------------- 10 7.-Population of all cities and of unincorporated places of 1,000 or more: 1950 and 1940 ------------- 12 8.-Population of cities of 5,000 or more, by wards: 1950------------------------------------- 13 9.-Population of urbanized areas: Hl50 _____ --_____ --_---- -- ---- ------- --- ---- ----- -------- 14 21-1 072218-52-2 MASSACHUSETTS-SECTION 1, WESTERN PART .......Nl MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-CITIES AND TOWNS ~ 2 3 4 5 Cl.All.K••URO FRANKLIN. l~=~~ . ~•ca. c6 8 B (f.l~ 6::r: c c ~ .......... l...·-·1 •IUMPIJL• ~ ! M'""" D ....... , D SCALE 2.11 2 .4 ta 10 tz. 1.C ti ta 20MILES e---'9 e-----9 I Cl~" INDJCA'l'J: l~RPORA.Tll> PLACES HA.VlNG LESfl: THAM 25it INHA.Dii'.t.NTS lJHINCoRPORATED pUCE NAMES.All~OWM IK IT.WC$ 2 3 4 5 Large-sea.le copies of this map may be purchased from Supei:intcndent of Documents, U- S. Govo:.rnment Printing Offico, Washington 25, D- C. MASSACHUSETTS-SECTION 2, NORTH CENTRAL PART MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-CITIES AND TOWNS 5 6 7 8 9 10 A A • WORCESTER co. w........ \ MIDDLESEX CO. ~ ·.:'"\ ~ "0YAl.STOM '\.... .} ·1 WIMCHS:Hl>O"' ... SH8UJUtH•N j (J:l}. z B f ~ ,· ·/ B / ~ ( \ ~ i / ( { j ~to c c 3 ~ ~I,;;:'.!. c!:J D SCALE D 2. f 0 2° .& IS S 10 12. 1-4 115 18 ~ MILES H A ......----.. E+3 E+3 e--a I CJFlCLES INDICATE UNINCORPORATED PlAC£S HAVING LESS n.tAN 2!iOO INHAB:ITANTS UNINCORPORATED PLACE NAMES ME SHOWN IN ITALICS ~ 6 7 8 9 10 ....... 5 caI MASSACHUSETTS-SECTION 3, SOUTHEASTERN· PART ......NJ MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-CITIES AND TOWNS I ~ 8 9 10 ·- 11 12 l~~~!:.':<71.~.l. A)_\~ 1'wtli:Sritllol1-StitllattCtllltr ,, - • ~ "S1orrAmi-.5a!liHm. !•Hltf.r:IHAM . ~~,:.:_er; ' Tr~ ! ~<z2> ·~ 0 ~ "\:;/;;•~·~-, 0 ~ E E I F F ~ SCALE %TO 2 4 6 8 10 11 1.4 16 18 2DMIL£S h H ee+i E+3 e+5 = CIRCU:S INDICATE UNINCORPORATED PL.ACES HAVING LESS THAN 2500 '.UNINCORPORAT£D PLACE NAMES ARE SHOWN JN ITALICS ~--~------ 1· NANTUCKET CO. G i ./ G Q" 8 9 10 11 12 NUMBER OF INHABITANTS 21-5 Table 1.-POPULATION. OF MASSACHUSETTS, URBAN AND RURAL: 1790 TO 1950 [For description of new and old urban definitions, see text. Minus sign {-) denotes decrease] The State Urban territory Rural territory Percent of total Oensus date Increase over pre· Increase over pre· Increase over pre- coding census Number ceding census ceding census Population o! urban Population Population Urban Rural places 1 Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent ~ ______ ., _____ _,. __________ New urban definition, 1950 {Apr. 1). 4, 600, 514 373, 793 8. 7 84 2 3, 959, 239 ------------ 731, 275 ------------ 84.4 15.6 Old urban definition: rn50 !Apr. ll-------------------- 4, 690, 514 373, 793 8. 7 122 4, 122, 138 202, 662 6.8 568, 376 111, 131 24.3 87.9 12.1 1940 A.pr. 1~-------------------- 4, 316, 721 67, 107 1. 6 122 3, 859, 476 28, 050 0. 7 457, 245 39, 057 9.3 89.4 10.6 1930 (A.pr. I -------------------- 4, 249, 614 397, 258 10. 3 122 3, 831, 426 302, 510 10.5 418, 188 34, 748 9.1 90.2 9.8 rn20 (Jan. 1l---·---------------- 3, 852, 356 485, 940 14.4 116 3, 468, 910 473, 177 15. 8 383, 440 12, 763 3.4 llO.O 10. 0 !G!O (Apr. 15l------------------- 3, 360, 416 561, 070 20.0 115 2, 995, 739 583, 862 24. 2 370, 677 -22, 792 -5.8 89.0 11. 0 moo !June 1). __________________ 2, 805, 346 566, 399 25.3 105 2, 411, 877 576, 989 31.4 393,469 -10. 590 -2. 6 86.CL 14.0 1890 Jlme ll------------------- 2, 238, 947 455, 862 25. 6 97 1, 834, 888 503, 308 37. 8 404,059 -47, 446 -10. 5 82.0 18. 0 1880 (June ll- ·----------------- 1, 783, 085 325, 734 22.4 80 1, 331, 580 359, 499 37.0 451, 505 -33, 765 -7.0 74.7 25.3 18001870 (June!)(June 1 ·------------------___________________ 1, 457, 351 220, 285 18. 4 65 972, 081 238, 872 32, 0 485, 270 -12, 587 -2.5 66.7 33.3 1, 231, 006 236, 552 23.8 57 733, 209 229, 348 45. 5 497, 857 7, 204 1. 5 59.6 40.4 1850 (June!) ___________________ 994, 514 256, 815 34.8 43 li03, 861 224, 407 80.3 490, 653 32, 408 7.1 49.3 1840 vnne l) ___________________ 50. 7 1830 June 1) • ._ ________________ 737, 099 127, 291 20. 9 24 279, 454 89, 797 47.3 458, 245 37, 494 8.9 37.ll 62, 1 610, 408 87, 121 16. 0 22 189, 657 70, 470 59.1 420, 751 10, 651 4.1 31. 1 68.0 1820 (Aug, 1\------------------- 523, 287 51, 247 10. 9 14 119, 187 18, 570 18. 5 404, 100 32, 677 8.8 22.8 77.2 1810 tAug, 6 ---·--------------- 3 472, 040 49, 105 11.6 12 100, 617 3/i,317 54, l 371, 423 13, 878 3. 9 21.3 78. 7 1800 Aug. 4l------------------- '422, 845 44, 058 11. 0 8 05, 300 14, 098 27. 5 357, 545 ............29, ______ 960 9.1 15.4 84. 6 1700 (Aug. 2l------------------- 8 378, 787 ------------ ---------- 7 51, 202 ------------ ---·-------- 327, 585 ------------ 13. 5 86.5 1 According to the new urban definition, tho urban population comprises persons residing in urban territory but not necessarily In an urban place, which ls defined as an lncor· po rated Place of 2,500 or more, or an unincorporated place of 2,500 or more located outside an urbanized area. Under the old definition, Incorporated places of 2, 5-00 or more and plaoos urhan under special rule are classified as urban places. · 'Incluclcs 604,559 persons in urban territory outside of urban places. 1 Excludes population of Maine, admitted to the Union as a separate State in March 1820. The population of Maine was 228,705in1810, 161,719 In 1800, 96,540 In 1790. Table 2.-POPULATION IN GROUPS OF PLACES ACCORDING TO SIZE: 1950 Percent Percent Type of area and size of place Number p 1 ti of total Percent Type of area and size of place Number Population of total Percent of places opu a on popula- of total of places 11Po1;1a- of total ----------------1-------------1----11----------------1----1---·-tion ------ The State__________________________ ---------- 4, 690, 514 100. O Urban, total-Con, Ontside urbanized areas ________ ------·---- 55 563, 540 12. 0 14. 2 Urban, total. __________ --------------- t') 3, 959, 239 84. 4 100, 0 Places of 50,000 or more___________________ 1 53, 348 1.1 1. 3 Places of 25,000 to 50,000._________________ 4 155, 247 a.a 3. 9 Within urbanized areas_____________ -------- ---------- 3, 395, 699 72. 4 85. 8 Places of 10,000 to 25,000__________________ 12 187, 929 4. 0 4. 7 Central cities, total.. __ ------------------- 9 1, 683, 787 35. 9 42. 5 Places of 5,000 to 10,000 ••• -·-·------------ 11 72, 578 1. 5 1.8 Cities of 500,000 to 1,000.000.____________ 1 801, 444 17.1 20. 2 Places of 2,500 to 5,000-------------------- 27 94, 438 2.0 2. 4 Cities of 200,000 to 500,000 _______________ ---------- -----------· --·------- ---------- C!t!es of 100,000 to 250,000_______________ 4 587, 037 12. 5 14. 8 Rural, totaL---··--·---------·-----·-- ---------- 731,275 15. 8 100.0 Cities of 50,000 to 100,000---------------- 4 295,306 6. 3 7. 5 Cities under 50,000 ______________________ ---------- ----------·- ---------- ---------- Places under 2,500-------------------------- 69 104, 758 2. 2 14. 3 Places of 2,000 to 2,500____________________ 7 16, 1!37 O. 3 2. 2 Urban fringes, totaL--------------------· ---·------ 1, 711,912 86. 5 43.2 Places of 1,500 to 2,000____________________ 23 39, 682 0. 8 5. 4 Incorporated places of 2,500 or more____ 20 1, 047, 353 22. 3 20. 5 Places of 1,000 to 1,500.------------------- 39 49, 139 1. 0 6. 7 Incorporated places of 100,000 to Places under 1,000 ________________________ ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- 250,0QQ __ --------------------------- 2 223, 091 4. 8 5. 6 Other rural territory·---------------------- ---------- 626, 517 13. 4 85. 7 Incorporated places of50,000 to 100,000. 5 391, 484 8. 3 9. 9 Incorporated places of 25,000 to 50,000. 9 344, 870 7. 4 8. 7 Urbanized areas, totaL---··---------- 9 3, 395, 699 72.4 100. 0 Incorporated places of 10,000 to 25,000. 4 87, 008 1. 9 2, 2 ------------- Incorporated places of 5,000 to 10,000 .• ---···---- ------------ ---------- ---------- Areas of 1,000.000 or more __________________ _ 1 2, 233,448 47.6 65,8 Areas of 500,000 to 1,000,000 ________________ _ 1 32, 539 o. 7 1. 0 Incorporated places of 2,500 to 5,ooo ___ ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- Areas of 250,000 to 500,000 .
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