23 FEBRUARY 2021


The Mayor (Councillor W H Lewis), Councillors Mrs Allanach, Mrs A’Barrow, Bearne, Brader, Mrs Bragg, Mrs Brown, Brown, Butlin, Cade, Mrs Crane, Cranham, Douglas, Miss Dumbleton, Eccleson, Ellis, Mrs Garcia, Gillias, Keeling, Miss Lawrence, Lowe, McQueen, Mahoney, Mistry, Mrs New, Mrs O’Rourke, Mrs Parker, Picker, Poole, Ms Robbins, Roberts, Mrs Roberts, Roodhouse, Mrs Roodhouse, Sandison, Shera, Mrs Simpson-Vince, Srivastava and Mrs Timms.


Apologies for absence from the meeting were received from Councillors Leigh Hunt and Pacey-Day.


The minutes of the special meeting held on 2 February 2021 were approved.


(i) It was with great sadness that the Council learned over the weekend that one of its colleagues had passed away. Keith Appleton worked for Rugby Borough Council for 39 years and was a valued member of the Revenues team. He would be missed greatly. All Members’ and officers’ thoughts were with Keith’s wife and daughter, his colleagues and wider friends and family at this time. All Members and officers present at the meeting joined the Mayor in a moment’s silence in memory of Keith.

(ii) With the government’s publication of the road map to the end of restrictions there was renewed hoped that the pandemic would finally be over later this year. The promise of normality depended on beating the Covid-19 virus. Part of that was making sure that we all take up the offer of a vaccine when it is offered, but for now case numbers were still too high. The Mayor urged all residents to continue to take great care to wash their hands, keep their distance from one another and wear a mask. Soon we would be able to live life normally again, but we must remain patient and keep going until that time comes.


A. Councillor Douglas asked the following question of the Communities and Homes Portfolio Holder, Councillor Mrs Crane:

Recent research shows that one in five secondary school children may be a young carer. Caring for someone can be very isolating, worrying and stressful. Each year, The Carers Trust has organised a Young Carers’ Action Awareness Day. This year it will be renamed Young Carers’ Action Day and will take place on Tuesday 16 March 2021. Will Rugby Borough Council commit to promoting the day and help raise public awareness of the challenges faced by young people and young adults because of their caring responsibilities?

Councillor Mrs Crane, Communities and Homes Portfolio Holder, replied as follows:

I’d like to thank Cllr Douglas for his question, which gives us all the opportunity to place on record our appreciation and admiration for the work young carers do in our communities every day.

Nationally, one in five young people find themselves taking on the role of carer for loved ones, from looking after brothers and sisters and carrying out household chores to managing the family budget and giving medicine to a parent.

It is a demanding role which can present young carers with many challenges – missing school, social isolation, and both mental and physical health problems. And the pandemic has proved particularly challenging for these young people, who so often put the needs of others ahead of their own.

Young Carers Action Day highlights the amazing work these young people do and aims to raise awareness of the challenges young carers face. Young carers themselves have chosen the theme of this year’s Action Day – Protect Young Carers’ Futures.

The theme promotes the skills young people develop through being a carer – skills such as resilience, time-management and empathy. Skills which can flourish in higher education or the workplace, given the appropriate support and encouragement.

As a council, we fully support the aims of Young Carers Action Day and the work of charities such as