VOL 44 2015 MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA President PROF. B. N. JOHRI Past President PROF. T. SATYANARAYANA Vice President DR. M.V. DESHPANDE Secretary PROF. N. RAAMAN Treasurer PROF. M. SUDHAKARA REDDY Editor PROF. N.S. ATRI Editorial Board PROF. NILS HALLEMBERG, PROF. URMAS KOLJALG, PROF. B.P.R. VITTAL, PROF. ASHOK CHAVAN, PROF. S. MOHAN, KARUPPAYIL, PROF. M. CHANDRASEKARAN, PROF. K. MANJUNATH, DR. S.K. DESHMUKH, DR. R.C. UPADHYAY, PROF. SARITA W. NAZARETH, DR. M.V. DESHPANDE, DR. MUNRUCHI KAUR Members of Council PROF. N.K. DUBEY, DR. SAJAL SAJU DEO, DR. RUPAM KAPOOR, PROF. YASHPAL SHARMA, DR. AVNEET PAL SINGH, DR. SANJAY K. SINGH, DR. CHINTHALA PARAMAGEETHAM, DR. K.B. PURUSHOTHAMA, DR. K. SAMBANDAN, DR. SATISH KUMAR VERMA The Mycological Society of India was founded in January 1973 with a view to bring together the mycologists of the country and with the broad objective of promoting the development of Mycology in India in all its aspects and in the widest perspective. Memebership is open to all interested in mycology. The Life Member subscription is Rs. 3000+50/- in India and £100 or US$ 200 for those in abroad. The annual member subscription is Rs. 500+50/- in India and £20 or US $ 40 for those in abroad. Subscriptions are to be sent to the Treasurer,Prof. M. Sudhakara Reddy, Department of Biotechnology, Thaper University, Patiala-147004, Punjab, India (Email:
[email protected] ). All general correspondence should be addressed toProf. N.Raaman, Secretary, MSI, C.A.S. in Botany, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai-600 025, India(Email:
[email protected] ).