Staff Achievements M.R. Jain M.R. Jain attended 3 workshops:  Cyber Crimes & Securities organized by BCAS on 9/12/16  Returns under GST organized by GMCPE on 24/12/16  NBFC M KYC Guidelines organized by MGCPE on 25/12/16 A.M.Solanki  A.M.Solanki attended 10 lecture meetings/Study Circle Meetings organised by professional bodies like BCAS/CTC/ICAI. Rakhi Madnani  Successfully completed Minor Research Project of BCUD in June, 2016 on QA Study of Investment Preference among Self- employed Women in Ulhasnagar, Thane DistrictR sanctioned a grant of Rs.29,000.  Presented and published a paper on QA Study of Financial Planning Among Salaried Women With Reference to Ulhasnagar Municipal Corporation AreaR in International Conference on OMake in : A Myth or RealityP organized by K.M.Agrawal College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Kalyan on Monday 23 rd January,2017 having ISSN 2231-5063 with Impact factor of 4.6052 (UIF). Pratik Lalsetta  Pratik Lalsetta attended a two day Mega Conference on Valuation & Indirect Tax Aspects- Dahisar CPE Study Circle.


Department Activity  Numero - On 26 th $XJXVWWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI$FFRXQWDQF\DQG)LQDQFH %$) FRQGXFWHGDRQHGD\¿QDQFLDOVHPLQDU More than 1000 students from across the city attended this seminar.


Department activity  Guest lecture on E-wallets and plastic money - A guest lecture by Mr. Sandeep Ghule, on the topic QE-walletsR was organ- ized on 3 rd September, 2016 for the students of SYBBI and TYBBI in Seminar Hall. Mr. Ghule, CFO TranServ brings with him a good understanding of consumers, marketing acumen, ability to understand & manage various moving parts of a pay- ments business, and deliver business growth.

0U*KXOHVSHDNLQJIURPKLV¿UVWKDQGH[SHULHQFHLQWKH¿HOG DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (BFM) Department activity  Guest Lecture on NPA - A guest lecture on NPA in the Banking sector was organised by the Department of Finance and Management on 26 th August,2016. The session was conducted by Mr. Firoz from Fitch Ratings, which is a one of the three Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (NRSRO) designated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commis-

12 sion in 1975. The lecture was conducted for the SY & TY BFM Students.  Stock simulation Game by ICICI Stock Mind - A national level game was organised in association with ICICI Securities Ltd. for the students of BFM course.  Industrial visit - $QLQGXVWULDOYLVLWWR%RPED\6WRFN([FKDQJH'DODO6WUHHWZDVDUUDQJHGIRUWKH¿UVW\HDUVWXGHQWVRI BFM on 3 rd October, 2016. It was an immensely knowledgeable experience for the students.  FINANZAR17 M Intercollegiate annual academic festival and seminar organised by the BFM department Intercollegiate $FDGHPLFHYHQWEDVHGRQ¿QDQFLDOPDUNHWVZDVKHOGRQ rd January 2017. Staff Achievements  Rohini Badheka - She was selected as the University Board of Studies member for BMS Course for development of new syllabus in the subjects of Commodities & Derivatives Market & Wealth Management.  Mandar Thakur - Co-authored a book for Sheth Publication. Student Achievement  Achieved 100% result in April 2016, University exams; the department has been achieving 100% results since its inception.


Department activity  Storytelling and Screenwriting Workshop - 0U6DW\DQVKX6LQJKDQDWLRQDODZDUGZLQQLQJ¿OPPDNHUFRQGXFWHGDQ insightful seminar workshop on OStorytelling on Film: An Introduction to ScreenwritingP on 9 th June, 2016 for the second- year students of Mass Media.  Lost StoriesR Music Making Workshop - The department of Mass Media in association with Paparazzi R16 organized a workshop on music production on 14 th July, 2016 by the internationally acclaimed Lost Stories member Rishabh Joshi.  Press conference and Movie Promotion - The Department of Mass Media organised a press conference for its annual fest Paparazzi. That was graced by the veteran and highly talented actor Mr. on 15 th July, 2016 in the Juhu Jagruti +DOO7KHDFWRUYLVLWHGWKHFROOHJHWRSURPRWHKLVPDVWHUSLHFHµ0DGDDUL¶WKDWDLPHGDWDFRPPRQPDQ¶V¿JKWDJDLQVWWKH corrupt system of our country.

Actor Irrfan Khan getting candid

CSR activities M The department undertook various social activities under its media fest Paparazzi:  The team enacted a street play, QAnna ApoornaR that highlighted how different food items are being misused to gain maxi- PXPSUR¿WVRXWRIWKHLUVDOH0RUHWKDQSHRSOHJDWKHUHGDURXQGWRZLWQHVVWKHSOD\DW-XKX%HDFKDQG&DUWHU5RDG (Bandra) on 10th July 2016.  On 31 st July, team Paparazzi distributed lunch to more than 250 underprivileged and homeless people in Vile Parle and Andheri.  The following week in August they celebrated FriendshipsR Day with more than 200 senior citizens belonging to two old age homes in the city.  On the eve of Independence Day, they visited an orphanage in Andheri and Goregaon.

Lunch distributed to the underprivileged

13  Guest Lecture on Television Copy Writing - The department of Mass Media organised a guest lecture on 30 th August, 2016 for the third-year students on Television Copy Writing by Mr. Vijay Iyer, the Creative Director of Publicis.  Paparazzi R16 - Paparazzi is an inter-collegiate media festival organized by the Mass Media department of Mithibai Col- lege. It was held on 31 st August till 2nd September with a theme of Superheroes merging with Supervillains. More than 6000 media students from various colleges were seen entering the venues. Actors and Manjari Phadnis had also graced the festival on its third day for the promotional event of QWah TajR.  SJ Studios Visit - 7KHGHSDUWPHQWRIPDVVPHGLDRUJDQL]HGD¿HOGWULSIRUWKHVHFRQG\HDUVWXGHQWVWR6-6WXGLRVRQ th September, 2016. Two seminars were held by FACE academy in the studio premises. The department also organized a semi- nar on 27 th 6HSWHPEHUIRUWKH¿UVW\HDUDQGVHFRQG\HDU0DVV0HGLDVWXGHQWVLQDVVRFLDWLRQZLWK0$0,0XPEDL Academy of Moving Images.  Folk Media Performance in JJH - 7KH'HSDUWPHQWRI0DVV0HGLDZLWKWKH¿UVW\HDUVWXGHQWVFHOHEUDWHGIRONPHGLDGD\ on the 28 th of September, 2016. The students were given the topic, QEqualityR and had to represent it based on the folk form given to them. Folk forms like Bhavai, Tamasha, Nautanki etc. were performed.

The group performing Bhavai, Students performing on Equality for Men traditional folk media form of Guja rat.

 Workshop on Theatre and Communication - The Department of Mass Media organized a guest lecture on Theatre and &RPPXQLFDWLRQIRUWKH¿UVW\HDUVWXGHQWVRQ th September, 2016 which was conducted by Mr. Atul Satya Koushik, Found- er and President of The Films and Theatre Society of India, New .  7ZRGD\&HUWL¿FDWH&RXUVHRQµ*HQGHU6HQVLWLYH5HSRUWLQJ¶ Students of the Mass Media Department attended a two- GD\&HUWL¿HG&RXUVHDERXW*HQGHU6HQVLWLYH5HSRUWLQJRUJDQL]HGE\µ3RSXODWLRQ)LUVW¶RQWKH th and 27 th of November, 2016. QPopulation FirstR is a communication and advocacy initiative whose key objectives are to help eliminate the falling sex ratio in IndiaRs population, sensitize the youth and media to gender issues.  Trip to Times LitFest R16 - Students of the Mass Media Department attended the three-day Times Literature Festival organ- ized by Times Group on 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th of December, 2016. Mehboob Studios at Bandra was all set to witness a large gather- ing of renowned authors across the world. This year the theme was OThat Man Woman ThingP and all three classes from the ¿UVW\HDUVWRWKHWKLUG\HDU%00VWXGHQWVDWWHQGHGWKHIHVWLYDO)URPGLVFXVVLQJWKHIXWXUHRI86SRVW7UXPS¶VYLFWRU\WR Olympics in India, LitFest gave students an insight of how media works today in the world of Post Truth and Echo Chamber.  Film Appreciation Workshop at Mumbai University M As a part of The Film Society of Mithibai College, BMM stu- dents received a golden opportunity to visit a Film Appreciation Workshop conducted at the campus of MU as a part of the Yashwant International Film Festival 2016 on 9 th December. The session began with an opening speech by the Honourable Vice Chancellor of MU, Dr. Sanjay Deshmukh.  Film screening for Understanding cinema by SYBMM students - Students of SYBMM organized a movie screening for their Understanding Cinema project on 5 th January at 12:30 pm in the JJH hall. Six movies made entirely by students were screened. The judges included Ms. Sukriti Vadhera Kohli, an Award-winning Art Director, who also teaches the subject to students and Karan Bhanushali, a key member from the QMithibai Drama TeamR and a former BMM student of Mithibai &ROOHJH9LFH3ULQFLSDORIVHOI¿QDQFHGFRXUVHV'U1XSXU0HKURWUDDOVRJUDFHGWKHVFUHHQLQJ9DULRXVWKHPHVOLNHKRUURU romance, thriller,etc. were chosen by students. Staff Achievement

Deeksha Chamola  Paper titled OSocial Networking Sites and Adolescents in MumbaiP published in journal titled OCommunication TodayP.  Paper titled ODiffusion, popularity and uses of mobile messaging applications among college studentsP published in book titled ODigital DemocracyP.

14  Participated in TYBMM syllabus revision workshop organised by Usha Parveen Gandhi college of Management in August, 2016.  Organised and participated in syllabus designing workshop by IQAC in September, 2016.  2UJDQLVHGQXPHURXVZRUNVKRSVDQGJXHVWOHFWXUHVDV¿OPVRFLHW\FRQYHQHUDQGFRRUGLQDWRU%00  Organised BMMRs media festival M Paparazzi, 31 st August to 2 nd September, 2016. Zinat Aboli  Ms. Zinat Aboli received BCUD research grants for minor research project.  Ms. Zinat Aboli was invited as Resource Person for the paper Indian Regional Journalism at a Workshop on Semester V Revised Syllabus (TYBMM) at VES College of Arts, Science and Commerce on 9 th July, 2016.  Published a paper on QSocial Media in a Democracy: A Double-edged Sword?R in book titled ODigital DemocracyP.  She was paper setter for University examination of FYBMS held in November, 2016.  Invited as special guest for BEYOND BMM, a platform-cum-seminar with the objective of bringing together teachers, media professionals and selected students, in a kind of melting pot that will enable sharing, discussion and listening, so as to empower and raise the BMM curriculum to a global standard. The seminar was conducted on 20 th September 2016 at St. PaulRs Institute of Communication Education, Bandra.  She was external examiner for the Newspaper Making and Design paper (Semester V Journalism) at Lords Universal College on 26 th Oct 2016 Dalmia College on 22 nd Oct 2016  Moderator for the following papers at St.XavierRs College on 16 th Nov 2016 Editing - TYBMM Indian Regional Journalism- TYBMM Introduction to Journalism -SYBMM Introduction to Literature -FYBMM  Edited the book RTI Act-Authentic Interpretation of the Statute by Mr.Shailesh Gandhi.  Presented a paper OOnline News: A Poisoned Chalice O at 4th Media Summit 2017 M a media conference on Globalization M Media Beyond Borders on February 20, 2017 organised by Department of Mass Media, Kishinchand Chellaram College, Mumbai. Sanjay Pal  Participated in a workshop on OCurriculum Design and DevelopmentP held on 24-08-2016 in Mithibai College.  Participated in orientation programme for QRevised Syllabus of TYBMM semester VIP organised in association with Board of Studies, Department of Mass Media, University of Mumbai on 3-12-2016 in Deviprasad Goenka College of Media Stud- ies.  Participated in Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology with Special Emphasis on OResearch Paper WritingP held on 12-12-2016.  Participated in Faculty Development Programme on OCASE WRITINGP held 4-2-2017.  1st place in (Teaching Staff) Event in College Festival.  1st Place in 100mts. Running (Teaching Staff Gents) Event in College Sports Festival.  1st Place in Shotput (Teaching Staff Gents) Event in Yuva Hashtag Sports Event.  2nd Place in 400mts. Running (Teaching Staff Gents) Event in Yuva Hashtag Sports Event.  3rd Place in 200mts. Running (Teaching Staff Gents) Event in Yuva Hashtag Sports Event.

Student Achievements  TYBMM batch of 2013-2016 had 100% passing result.  Salwa Sayed from TYBMM-Journalism got her E\OLQHSULQWHGLQµ7KH+LQGX¶ edition of August 29 th , 2016.  Som Prem (SYBMM) secured 1 st position for Acapella event named QEnsembleR at Intunes festival of St. Andrews College.  Illiyana Gogoi (SYBMM) secured the ¿UVWSRVLWLRQ for Western Solo Singing Acapella at Intunes festival of St. Andrews College  Aahan Desai (TYBMM) and his drama team bagged the First Position in Umang R16 for their stage play ORishta Elec- tronic Taar KaP. The play was about an anti-social nerd.  MithibaiRs Drama Team won the ¿UVWSUL]HLQ,QGLDQ3HRSOHV7KHDWUH$VVRFLDWLRQ ,37$ IRU their play Khar Khar based on Usha MehtaRs struggle for freedom. Students from the Mass Media Department were M Aahan Desai (TYBMM), Prem Modi (SYBMM), & Anaita Pednekar, Jinal Sanghvi, Raj Shrivastava from FYBMM  Mithibai BMM VWRRGVHFRQGLQWKHµ3KRWR6WRU\¶ event at Wilson CollegeRs BMM festival Polaris R16. Winners were Krishna Sharma (FYBMM) and Ruchi Desai (SYBMM)  Mithibai BMM VWRRGVHFRQGLQWKHµ1DDWDN%D]L¶ event at Sophia CollegeRs Mass Media Festival Kaleidoscope R17.

15 Winner were M Joy Bolda, Amit Pandey, Prerna Shah, Harshvardhan Shastri, Anusuya Nanda, Varun Chopra (FYBMM)  Detour 16-17: Jai Hind CollegeRs Media Festival - This year, Mithibai collegeRs BMM department participated in the annual media festival of Jai Hind College named QDetourR. The media festival was held on 13 th , 14 th and 15 th of January, 2016. BMM students won 12 awards at the festival.  :RQWKH¿UVWUXQQHUVXSSRVLWLRQDW1DWLRQDO&ROOHJH¶V%00IHVWLYDO&XWWLQJ&KDL


Department activity  Workshop on Revised Syllabus - Department of Management Studies (B.M.S) organized a one-day workshop on 28 th June, 2016 for the ORevised TYBMS CurriculumP. This workshop was done under the aegis of University of Mumbai. Nearly 125 participants were present for it.  Workshop on Leadership by Dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai - Department of Management Studie organized a workshop on Leadership on 28 th July 2016 by the famous management consultant and author of Bestseller Book OCorporate ChanakyaP, Dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai for the TYBMS class. Radhakrishnan Pillai from the University of Mumbai, Department of Philosophy is the founder-director of Chanakya Institute of Public Leadership (CIPL), a leadership academy which trains political leaders and aspirants.  Music Launch 6HOI¿QDQFHGFRXUVHV¶PDQDJHPHQWIHVWLYDO&RORVVHXPSOD\HGKRVWWRWKHHQHUJHWLFDQGYHUVDWLOHDFWRU in the month of July when he graced the college for the music launch of his blockbuster QDishoomR. The event took place in Bhaidas Hall and the energy surged when singer Raftaar made his presence known.  Guest Lecture on Ideating Startups - The Department of Management Studies conducted and organized a guest lecture on 5th August 2016 by the Asian Institute of Family Managed Businesses for their Second-year BMS class. The topic for the lecture was QHow to Ideate StartupsR.  Tree Plantation at Cooper Hospital - Team Colosseum held a tree plantation campaign starting in the month of August at Cooper Hospital in Juhu. The students cleaned up a huge patch of used space in the hospital compound. They then invited FHOHEULWLHVDQGWHDFKHUVWRSODQWVDSOLQJVRI1HHPDQGRWKHUYDULDQWVZLWKPHGLFLQDOEHQH¿WV  Guest Lecture on Investment Awareness - The Department of Management Studies organized a guest lecture for TYBMS students on 22 nd August, 2016. The nature of the lecture was on investment awareness programs. The lecture was conducted by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) which is the regulator for the securities market in India.  Guest lecture on Statistical Research - The Department of Management Studies of Mithibai College organized a guest lecture for the FYBMS class on 2 nd September 2016. The session was about statistical research, conducted by Ms. Pallavi Mhatre from the MET Institute of Management Studies.  Lower Parel Station Painting - 6HHLQJWKHVWDWHRIUDLOZD\VWDWLRQVLQWKHFLW\&RORVVHXPFRQWULEXWHGLQWKHEHDXWL¿FDWLRQ drive undertaken by railway authorities at Lower Parel in October 2016. The members painted huge panels with the theme of QMill to MallR at Lower Parel railway station.

A wall painted by Colosseum R17 The team that led the initiative with at Lower Parel Station Principal Dr. Rajpal Hande and Vice Principal Dr. Nupur Mehrotr a  Seminar by Aditya Tiwari - When surrogacy and adoption were raging topics in the news, Colosseum went ahead and FDOOHG$GLW\D7LZDULWKH¿UVW\RXQJHVWVLQJOHIDWKHUWRDGRSWDVSHFLDOFKLOGFDPHIRUDVHPLQDULQWKHPRQWKRI2FWREHU He spoke about his struggle to get the law changed to allow single men to adopt kids. The audience was mesmerized by his story and an active discussion also ensued amongst them.

16 Mr. Aditya Tiwari in conversation with students  Emblaze R17, A Business Management Festival M This year being the inaugural year, helped students to engage their eclectic PLQGVLQDOOWKUHH¿HOGVRI0DQDJHPHQW)LQDQFH0DUNHWLQJDQG+XPDQ5HVRXUFHVXQGHURQHURRI,WZDVODXQFKHGDWDQ event in support of India Unites For Animals, which is a peopleRs movement against animal cruelty. Staff Achievement  Shalini Padhi was appointed as University Paper setter for TYBMS Sem V exams to be held in November 2016.  Dr.Charu Bhurat was appointed as resource persons for Business Economics-I for FYBMS revised syllabus orientation held at Thakur College, Kandivali and CKT College, New Panvel in August 2016. Yogesh Kamath  Appointed as resource persons for and Principles of Management for FYBMS revised syllabus orientation held at Thakur College, Kandivali and CKT College,New Panvel in August 2016.  Published a research paper named QThe sustainable development model of Hiware Bazar, M an alternative to QGlobalisation-basedR development model for rural IndiaR at the International interdisciplinary conference on Enhancing employability through educational restructuring and technological upgradation, organised by Ramanand Arya D.A.V. Col- lege, Bhandup (E), Mumbai. Shabana Khan was appointed as Teacher In-Charge of the Rotaract Club of Mithibai college. Swarupa Bhatia, was appointed as Board of Studies member for BMS syllabus revision in 2016 by University of Mumbai. Student Achievement  Pushti Manek secured 1 st position in State Wushu Championship.  Shlok Bhatia won the 1 st position in Junk Instrument at Umang Q16 N.M. College Festival  Ankit Dutta won the 1 st position in debate at Umang Q16  Krushmi Kaku secured 1 st position in Ramp Walk at Umang Q16  Won the 2 nd Runners-up position and best contingent at Jai Hind collegeRs BMS festival Entourage  Won the 2 nd Runners-up position at NM collegeRs BMS festival Drishti

Students accepting the Trophy at Entourage, Jai Hind College


Department activity  Guest Lectures on Omes & Omics and Biobanks - Biotechnology department conducted guest lectures on September 20, 2016 about Omes and Omics and Biobanks. Dr. Narayana Rao, scientist from Bhabha Atomic Research Center and Dr. Vikrant Sangar from Pancea Care Pvt. Ltd gave valuable information to students regarding Geome and Geonomics, Pro- teome and Proteomucs and biobanks. 120 students attended the guest lecture.  Workshop on Primer Design and PCR - A two-day work shop on PRIMER design and PCR was conducted for the stu- dents. The students get a hands-on experience of it, the Department of Biotechnology organized the sessions on October 21 st and 22 nd , 2016. 25 students attended the workshops from 3 different colleges.

Guest Lectures By Dr.Narayana Rao on OOMES AND OMICSP and Dr. Vikrant C. Sangar on OBIO-BANKSP. Staff Achievement Dr. Jayaprada Rao Chunduri  She attended the Institute of Marine Engineers and Tolani Maritime Institute, Pune - All India seminar on Environmental aspects of coastal and Inland waterways (3-4 March 2016)  Attended the Multidisciplinary international conference in association with Indian Society of Aquatic Biologists, Hyderabad and Naushad Ali Sarovar Samvardhini, Mumbai - OScience, Sustainability and society in the current scenario: challenges and opportunitiesP (20 February 2016) Dr. Rency Thomas and Dr. Shruti Singh Workshops attended:  Multi- Disciplinary International conference on QScience, Sustainability and Society in the Current Scenario: Challenges and opportunitiesR organized by Vikas College of Arts, Science and Commerce in association with Indian association of Aquatic Biologists, Hyderabad and Naushad Ali Sarovar Samvardhini, Mumbai on 20 th February 2016.  Attended symposium on OBio nanotechnology: Future ProspectsP organized by Dept. of Chemistry, Botany and Biotechnol- ogy, Birla college in association with National center for Nano sciences and Nanotechnology, University of Mumbai on 17 th February 2016.


Department activity  Environmental Awareness Day Celebration - Department of Biochemistry celebrated Environmental Awareness Days from 7th to 10 th June 2016. An expert talk was given by Dr. Francin Pinto, Founder Director, Garbage Concern NGO. Dr Rajpal Shripat Hande, Principal Mithibai College inaugurated the talk and spoke about the importance of environmental conserva- tion, recounting the systematicity of the monsoons in the recent past.  Photography Competition depicting environment - On 10 th June, a Photography competition was held with several en- tries, each depicting an aspect of the environment. Simultaneously, Biochemistry students calculated the carbon footprint of other students, thus sensitizing them to the increasing carbon load on the planet.  Luminescence R16 - The Department of Biochemistry organized OLUMINESCENCEP-academic science intercollegiate festival this year on the 26 th July 2016 on theme QGrey to GreenR to highlight all positive transitions be it related to envi-

18 ronment or life, in general. Luminescence 2016 received a stupendous response with 267 participants from 21 colleges. A cheque of Rs. 35,000/- was presented to QSMILER Foundation, from funds raised by registration and sponsors. Performance Improvement Program - Conducted for students of Biochemistry who were appearing in Semester V examina- tions of University of Mumbai. Staff Achievements Dr. Nupur Mehrotra  Guest of Honour at OOne Day Natioinal seminar on OAcademia-Industry Collaborations- Issues, Challenges and Sustain- abilityP.  Judge for Oral Session at India Dietetics Association Conference IDACON 16  Visiting Faculty at SVT college, SNDT University  Member of Syllabus revision committee, University of Mumbai Dr. Sara Khan Published a book  .KDQ6$3UL\DPYDGD6.KDQ0:$JKDULD(5DQG


Department Activities  On 1 st July, 2016, the Department of Botany, participated in the tree plantation drive organized by the Maharashtra Gov- ernment Forest department and Police department at Palghar Shirgaon beach on the occasion of VANAMAHOTSAV. Dr. Sashirekha and Dr.Bindu accompanied 40 students.  Department of Botany,under NISARG, programmed their annual inter-collegiate competition, OSAPTAPARNIP, on the 29 th of August, 2016.  Botanical excursions were conducted to Pachmari- Jabalpur for the BSc and MSc students from 21 M 26 th Dec 2016. Dr. Sashirekha, Dr. Bindu Gopalkrishnan and Mr. U. R. Rathod accompanied the group. Staff Achievements Dr. Sashirekha Sureshkumar  Dr. Sashirekha, participated in workshop on TYBSc syllabus and has been appointed as an Organising Committee member.  She was a participant at a Workshop on OChallenges emerging from RUSA and New Education PolicyP.  She has been appointed as an advisor of G. N. Khalsa College, under the DBT M STAR COLLEGE SCHEME from 2015-16 and has been Re-elected as member executive of BUCTU.  Dr. Sashirekha S. published two papers  * Raut Asmita and Sashirekha S (2016) Insight into Endophytic fungi in medicinal plants M A Review, Int. J.of. Life Sci- ences, Special Issue, A7:102-106. ISSN: 2320-7817 (Print) SJIF Impact Factor 4.23  * Usmani Asra and Sashirekha S (2016) Fusarium oxysporum as a potential fungus for bioremediation, Int. J.of. Life Sci- ences, Special Issue, A7:52-56. ISSN: 2320-7817 (Print) SJIF Impact Factor 4.23  Dr. Sashirekha S., as Chairperson of Mycological society of India Mumbai unit conducted the National conference on Fungi from Diverse habitats and biotechnological applications in collaboration with Dnyansadhana College, Thane on 2 nd and 3 rd Dec 2016  Presented and won third prize for oral presentation Fusarium oxysporum as a potential fungus for bioremediation at the National conference on Fungi from Diverse habitats and biotechnological applications in collaboration with Dnyansadhana College, Thane on 2 nd and 3 rd Dec 2016  Presented a paper titled Insight in endophytic fungi in medicinal plants M a review at the National conference on Fungi from Diverse habitats and biotechnological applications in collaboration with Dnyansadhana College, Thane on 2 nd and 3 rd Dec 2016  Dr. Sashirekha S. participated in the DBT sponsored Star Scheme Activity, One day Training program entitled OSkill En- hancement for TrainersP organized by K C College at Rambhau Prabodhini, Keshavshrushti on 12 th Dec 2016.


19  Recipient of the S. Radhakrishnan award as an Educationist by International Human Rights Council on 3 rd September 2016. 6KHDOVRSXEOLVKHG¿YHUHVHDUFKSDSHUVLQDQLQWHUQDWLRQDOMRXUQDOZLWKLPSDFWIDFWRU  She also attended a workshop on T.Y.BSc Revised syllabus, and a workshop on Examination pattern revision for FYBSc.  She delivered a talk on career options in Botany at Sathaye College.  She was a RESOURCE PERSON FOR: Fruit & Vegetable carving workshop at Rizvi College, Bandra on 17 th September 2016. Workshops / Conferences attended  Dr. Meenakshi V., Dr. Shailaja P., Dr. Ulka C., Dr. Bindu attended the F.Y. Syllabus Workshop at Jai Hind College  Dr. Sashirekha S., Dr. Meenakshi V., Dr. Shailaja P., Dr. Ulka C., Dr. Bindu, Dr. Yojana D., Dr. Udaysinh B, Dr. Manisha C., Dr. Meeta M attended the T.Y. Syllabus Workshop at Jhunjhunwala College. Student Achievements  The Department of Botany achieved 100% result.  Arpita Doshi won third prize for a presentation titled OLED lights leads the wayP at Eureka M 2016 held on 1 st December 2016 organized by G M Momin womenRs college.  0V=HHQD*KD]QDYL06F%RWDQ\VHFXUHGDQGZRQWKHJROGPHGDODVWKH8QLYHUVLW\WRSSHUDQGUHFHLYHGFHUWL¿FDWH from Mr. Mukesh Ambani.


Department Activities  T.Y.BA students visited YMCA NGO to impart value education to students on 6 th February 2016.  A Mock Stock Exchange was conducted by Mr Yash Rabadia for TYBA and SYBA  students on 23 rd February 2016 in Seminar hall.  Mr. Dharmendra Goyal, Director, Shreedhar Cotsyn Private Limited delivered a guest lecture on 28 th July 2016 on OExport management: Policy, Procedures and RisksP for our T.Y.B.A Students.  The department has created a Blog OMithibai Economics ClubP for its students to discuss contemporary socio-economic issues.  A digital magazine ECONOMIC TRANSCRIPT was launched by the Mithibai Economic Forum. The magazine has articles on various current economic issues written by students of various Mumbai colleges. Staff Achievements Gorakhnath Uttekar  Gorakhnath Uttekar presented a paper entitled OGrowth and Performance of MSMEs in IndiaP at a one-day International Interdisciplinary Conference on OEnhancing Employability through Educational Restructuring and Technological Upgra- dationP organized by Ramanand Arya D.A.V. College on 1 st October 2016. His paper was published in the peer reviewed journal of management research Management Guru (ISSN 2319-2429).  Gorakhnath Uttekar M completed Refresher Course from the Department of Economics, University of Mumbai. Student Achievements  Arjun Shetty won the second prize at the Power Point Presentation on OPublic Participation in Promoting Integrity and Eradicating CorruptionP held by Life Insurance Corporation of India during Vigilance Awareness week observed from 31 st October 2016 to 5 th November 2016, winning a cash prize of Rs.7000.  Gnaritas, the business-economics festival of Mithibai College was held on 26 th , 27 th and 28 th of August 2016. The theme of the festival this year was Economic Sustainability.  Adityalpal Singh Jaggi and Kathit Parikh won the second prize in the Sink or Sale Business Idea competition  Mithibai College won the second prize in ARTHMONOMICS the business-economics festival of Jai Hind College. Individual prizes:  Malay Savla won the second prize at the Mock Stock Exchange  Malay Savla, Monica Sedbal and Parth Parikh won the second prize in the Reign Maker event.  0RQLFD6HGEDODQG3DUWK3DULNKZRQWKH¿UVWSUL]HLQWKH5LQJRI3RZHUHYHQW  Parth Parikh and Yashraj Pandit won the second prize in Quiz at Arthonomics, the business-economics festival of Jai Hind College.  Shivendra Singh and Soumya won the second prize in the Under the Table event at Arthonomics, the business-economics festival of Jai Hind College.  Discidium, the business-economics festival of Jai Hind College: Mithibai won the Third Position

20 Individual prizes:  Adityalpal Singh Jaggi and Ayush Jain won the second prize in the Revive to Survive event  Adityalpal Singh Jaggi and Ayush Jain won the third prize in the What an Idea! event  Ritwik Upadhayay, Kush Shah and Madhav Ashar won the second prize in Earn the Goal event  Shweta Mehta and Khushi Sanghavi won the third prize in the BizOlympics Quiz  Hetvi Variya and Darshan Vithlani won the second prize in the Ad O Meter event  Ritwik Upadhayay and Vinita Bhuta won the second prize in GrannyRs Treasure Hunt event  At Arthotsav 2016, Business and Economics Festival of D.G. Ruparel College, Mithibai college secured 3 rd position.  The Bcom students won the second prize at the economics festival, Ka Ching, organized by NMIMS School of Economics on 18th January 2017.The following are the individual prize winners:  'KUXY0DQGDOLDJRWWKH¿UVWSUL]HLQWKHHYHQW:DURI:HVWURHVDQG-D\6KDKDQG.UXVKDQJ5DWKRGJRWWKH¿UVWSUL]HLQ Ka-pl.



Visit To Juhu Police Station

 Department of Business Law organized a Guest Lecture on OAdmissibility of EvidenceP by Adv. Jay Shah on 27 th August, 2016

Advocate Jay Shah addressing students

 Dept. of Business Law organized a visit to the QRegistrar of Partnership and District Consumer Redressal ForumR at Bandra on 27th January 2017R. Staff Achievements Vishal Gadhave  Vishal Gadhave participated in International Conference on Human Rights M Current Scenario, organised by Department of Law University of Mumbai on 9/12/2016. Gopal Mantri  Gopal Mantri participated and presented a paper titled QRGood Governance vis-- vis Human Rights & Corruption - at the International Conference on Human Rights : Current Scenario, organised by Dept of Law, University of Mumbai on 9/12/2016.


Department Activities  The Department of Chemistry, hosted their event, OCHEMTREKP on August 23 rd and 24 th , 2016.  Department of Chemistry also conducted Concept test in Chemistry (CONTECH-2016), organized by Association of Chem- istry teachers (ACT) and HBCSE at Mithibai College on 24 th September, 2016.  PIP M Performance Improvement Programme was organized for TYBSc students. Examination papers were solved and discussed by the staff members. The students were guided by the staff members regarding how to answer questions in uni- versity examination. Staff Achievements R.A.Mirji  Ms. R. A. Mirji,has co-authored Chemistry text books of Himalaya Publication for F.Y.B.Sc., S.Y.B.Sc. & T.Y.B.Sc. Dr. Shaila Dagaonkar  Dr.Shaila Dagaokar, has been offered extension of service by the Management. Dr. S.S. Mangaonkar  Dr. S.S. Mangaonkar was Guest lecturer at UD Chem M.Sc. Part I/II. M.M. Sajid  Dr. Ingale and Prof. Mansuri Published a research paper in International Journal. Dr. Aparna Bharadwaj  Dr. Aparna Bhardwaj attended three day workshop at SIES Nerul on 18,19,20 Jan,2017 on GC,GCMS.  Dr Aparna Bhardwaj has cleared stage 2 to stage 3 in CAS and she also got recognition from University of Mumbai to enroll PhD students. Dr. Prajakta Sarang  Dr. Prajakta Sarang has attended the orientation programme.  Dr. Prajakta Sarang and Dr. Hetal Sampat organized Elocution competition.

Dr. Hetal Sampat  Dr. Hetal Sampat was invited as a visiting faculty at SD SOS, NMIMS. Dr. Hetal K.Sampat has completed successfully UGC sponsored refresher course in chemical science conducted from 10 th October to 29 th October, 2016 from University of Mumbai.  Dr. Hetal Sampat visited IIT on 19 th Jan,2017 along with B.Sc & M.Sc students.  Dr. Hetal SampatRs oral presentation Abstract has been accepted at IRCS-2017. Dr. Ajay Gole  Dr. Ajay GoleRs oral presentation Abstract has been accepted at IRCS-2017. Dr. Satish Ingale  Dr. Ingale and Prof. Mansuri Published a research paper in International Journal. Divya Chenna  Divya Chenna attended the workshop organized by the Film Society List of papers published:  Mansoori M. Sajid, Shruiti Bhatkalkar, Viral Mehata, Satish Ingale 2016. Proximate Analysis of New Hybrid Varieties of Cotton seed (Gossypium), IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 9(6), Ver.I, pp 36-39. (ISSN 2278-5736).  Manohar A. Bhosale, Divya R. Chenna, Bhalchandra M. Bhanage, One-step sonochemical irradiation dependent shape con- trolled crystal growth study of gold nano/microplates with high catalytic activity in degradation of dyes. ChemistrySelect, 2016, 3, 504-512 Student Achievements  Amantia DRSouza from TYBSc Chemistry has received 18 prizes in the college prize distribution ceremony.  Hetvi Parikh , a student of FYBSc has been selected for NIUSCamp for the subject of Chemistry.  TYBSc Chemistry results declared. 92% passed and Ms. Manisha Patel secured 93.37%, There were 5 O grades and 17 A grades.  Students of the Department of Chemistry, won many laurels at Rasayanam-2016 a Chemistry festival at Institute of Chemi- cal Technology (formerly UDCT)

22 Laurels won by students of Chemistry, Mithibai at Rasayanm-2016 D&KHPLVWU\IHVWLYDODW,QVWLWXWHRI&KHPLFDO7HFKQRORJ\ IRUPHUO\8'&7


Department Activities  Mithibai College and Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (MACCIA) signed a MOU on 13 th December, 2016. The MOU is expected to provide guidance to our students to set up business units, organise guest lectures, and facilitate placement of students in various sectors.  Ten scholars have registered under Dept. of Commerce for the Ph.D. Programme.  Guest lectures by Mr. Niraj Trashalwala (alumnus) and Dy. General Manager ICICI Bank on OTraits of Successful Profes- sionalsP and OPreparation for CET/CAT Examinations (MBA Entrance)P were conducted in August 2016.  Guest lecture by Ms. Pearl Dumasia (alumnus), Export Coordinator, CWC Impex Park on OExport Marketing with special reference to documentation and custom clearanceP was conducted in September 2016.  Mithibai College and Hungama Music presented Reclamo 2016, Parallel Universes. This Advertising fest organized by stu- dents of BCom and BA of Mithibai College was held on 18 th and 19 th of January 2016. The mascot was OThe PegasusP and there were 12 fantastic and mutually exclusive events which were held for these two days. 400 candidates from 20 colleges all over India participated in ReclamoR16.  A Logo Competition was held on 23 rd July 2016, wherein three colleges from our campus participated for the event M Mithibai, Narsee Monjee and Usha Pravin Gandhi.  On 3 rd 0DUFKWKH5HVHDUFK&HQWUHRI&RPPHUFHRUJDQL]HGIRUEHQH¿WRIUHVHDUFKVWXGHQWVD7DONE\'U6HHWD/DN - shmi on QHow to write research proposalR.  On 2 nd August, 2016 a guest lecture was conducted for the students of FYBCom on the topic OHow to Prepare for MBAP. Mr. Niraj Tralshawala was invited, who is a Deputy General Manager (Business Head-Debit Cards) at ICICI Bank.  Three Guest lectures were held in the month of January 2017. On 16 th January 2017, Mr.Pankaj DRCosta CEO, HR Sculp- tures enriched the FYBCOM students regarding career options and corporate interviews. On 20 th January 2017, Mr. Ninad Vardam, Business Development Manager, 26FIVE.COM guided the SYBCOM students on creative pitch in the subject of advertising in areas of preparation and presentation. On 20 th January 2017, Mr.Niraj Tralshawala, General Manager, Credit Cards, ICICI Bank addressed the TYBCOM students on QRPolitics at Work PlaceRin the subject of HRM.  The Department of Commerce conducted interviews for PhD scholars for the purpose of selection of candidates.Six research scholars were selected.  $WWHQGDQFHRIWHDFKHUVLQWKH¿UVWKDOIRIZDVPRUHWKDQVDWLVIDFWRU\6RPHSURIHVVRUVOLNH'U1HHOD1DLU0V Aurora Vaz have not taken a single casual leave.  Books published: Five professors (Michael Vaz, Neela Nair, Parag Ajgaonkar, Anjali Patkar & Aurora Vaz) from Department of Commerce had written books on various titles. Some of the books are followed at National level- Maharashtra, Delhi, UP, Haryana, Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP, TN, Karnataka, WB & AP. Staff Achievements Mr. Micheal Vaz  Mr. Michael Vaz wrote two new books viz., Strategic Management, and Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility for M. Com Students.  Visited two colleges viz., Behramji Jeejeebhoy, and K. C. College as a member of LIC to recommend the continuation of DI¿OLDWLRQWR8QLYHUVLW\RI0XPEDLLQYDULRXVFRXUVHVRIIHUHGE\WKHVDLGFROOHJHVLQ2FW Dr. Neela Nair  Dr. Neela Nair was Vice ChancellorRs Nominee for selection of BMS Faculty members at St. Andrews College, Bandra in Oct 2016.  Appointed as a Member, IQAC of Valia College, Andheri(West).

23 Dr. Parag Ajgaonkar  Dr. Parag Ajgaonkar has been appointed Principal, Narsee Monjee College Shatrughna Patil  Attended a Workshop on Research Methodology at J.M. Patel College, Goregaon (W) on Sept 30, 2016.  Completed the refresher course (26 th Dec 2016-14 th Jan 2017) conducted by the University of Mumbai. Aurora Vaz  Attended a Workshop on Research Methodology at J.M. Patel College, Goregaon (W) on Sept 30, 2016. Alpesh Mehta  Presented a paper on OA Peep into the World of e-walletsP at the National Conference held at DAV College.  Attended a Workshop on Research Methodology at J.M. Patel College, Goregaon (W) on Sept 30, 2016.


Department Activities  Holiday Assignments were uploaded on Blackboard for the all the students, which was completed on time by them. Staff Achievements Neelam Jain  Ms.Neelam Jain attended a workshop on MSc Computer Science Practicals conducted by UDCS. Amol Joglekar  Mr.Amol Joglekar presented a paper in 2 nd International Conference on Applied Science Engineering & Technology (ICA- SET-16), which was held at Swetha Institute of Technology and Science, Tirupati, on 18 th - 19th October 2016.  Amol Joglekar attended a workshop on MSc Computer Science Practicals conducted by UDCS. Student Achievements  100% results were achieved by the students of MSc (Computer Science) for the past two years.  0U$UQDE6DPDWKDVWXGHQWRI06F &RPSXWHU6FLHQFH SDUW,,SXEOLVKHGDUHVHDUFKSDSHURQ³&ULPH&ODVVL¿FDWLRQDQG Criminal Psychology Analysis using Data MiningP at IJMEIT October 2016 with impact factor 3.15. under the guidance of Mr. Amol Joglekar.  6WXGHQWVRI06F &RPSXWHU6FLHQFH 3DUW,KDYHFRPSOHWHGRQOLQHFHUWL¿FDWLRQVRQYDULRXVWRSLFVOLNH&RPSXWHU*UDSKLFV networks and so on. DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS

Department Activities  Mr. Shivendra Singh, alumnus, delivered a guest lecture on 29 th June 2016 for our TYBA Students on OBREXIT CrisisP  Mr. Shivendra Singh, alumnus, delivered a guest lecture on 30 th June 2016 for our TYBA Students on OBasic Accounting PrinciplesP  Mr. Dharmendra Goyal, Director, Shreedhar Cotsyn Private Limited delivered a guest lecture on 28 th July 2016 on OExport management: Policy, Procedures and RisksP for our TYBA Students.  The Department has created a blog titled QMithibai Economics ClubR for its students to discuss contemporary socio-econom- ic issues  The department of Economics conducted preliminary examinations for TYBA students from 27 th September to 3 rd October 2016. The topper of last academic year (2015-16) Ms. Shubhada Kalkoti interacted with TYBA students on 21 st September 2016 on QStudy plan and preparation for Semester V Board ExaminationR.  The department of Economics organised a guest lecture by Dr. Indradeep Ghosh, Faculty member of Meghnad Desai Acad- emy of Economics on 28 th September 2016 for FYBA students on QEurocrisisR.  The Department of Economics organized OECONOMANIA 2016P, a festival of Economics, under which various competi- tions such as product positioning, debate and skit competitions were held on 15 th and 16 th DecemberR 2016.  TYBA Students were taken on a visit to Meghnad Desai Academy of Economics to attend a Mock Stock Exchange session on 5th January 2017. Staff Achievements Geeta Meneze s  Geeta Menezes has been recognized by the University of Mumbai as a teacher of the University for M.A. Degree (By pa- pers) in Economics w.e.f. 14 th July 2016 upto superannuation of services.  Published a research paper titled OGender Budgeting in India: Concept, Initiatives and ConcernsP published in Episteme, an

24 online peer reviewed Journal, Vol. 5(1), June 2016 with ISSN 2278-8794.  Published a research paper OFarmer Suicides in India: Trends, Causes and PolicyP published in Research Horizons, Vol. VI, July 2016, indexed refereed international journal with ISSN 2229-385X and impact factor 0.210.  Attended a workshop on QCurriculum Design and DevelopmentR organised by the IQAC Committee, Mithibai College on 24 th August 2016.  Attended a workshop on QRevised Syllabus for MA Part I EconomicsR organised by Pragati College on 29 th August 2016. Megha Pai  Appointed moderator for TYBA Economics Paper M IV (Advanced Economic Theory) at CAP, University of Mumbai in June Q2016  Appointed member on the ad-hoc BOS for FYBA Economics Paper M I for framing syllabus and developing content under the new CBSGS (100 marks) pattern of Examination introduced by the University of Mumbai in this academic year 2016-17  Attended State level Syllabus revision workshop in FYBA Microeconomics Paper M I organized by D. G. Ruparel College on 15th July 2016  Attended a workshop on QCurriculum Design and DevelopmentR organised by the IQAC Committee, Mithibai College on 24 th August 2016. Student Achievements  Megha Sethia, Piyush Sarawagi and Mitesh Sanghvi cleared Chartered Financial Analyst Level One Exam in June 2016. Megha Sethia and Piyush Sarawagi are among the worldRs top one percent of students who have cleared the CFA level one exams with a ten on ten grade.  T.Y.B.A. students Megha Sethia, Piyush Sarawagi, Mitesh Sanghvi, Yamini Pant, Jesslyn Arora and Rishabh Khaneja won the Best Contingent trophy at Christ UniversityRs National level Economics Fest QAltiusR in on 17 th September 2016  9LMD\3DUHNK¶VDUWLFOH³6WRFN([FKDQJHDVDQHFRQRPLFEDURPHWHU´ZDVSXEOLVKHGLQWKH¿UVWLVVXHRIRQOLQH(MRXUQDOµ7KH Economic TranscriptR December 2016under the Mithibai Economic Forum.  Mansi Mistry, a TYBA student was selected through the Placement Cell, Mithibai College by QAufklarenR company, working for IIMUN as Senior Business Development Executive on 15 th December 2016.  Kajal Sharma, a TYBA student represented Mithibai College and won 2 nd prize in Hindi Self Poetry Competition organized at B M Ruia Girls College on 16 th December 2016.  Garima, a TYBA student won the Campus Princess title in pageant, part of Miss India Organisation conducted in National College on 14 th February 2017.  Megha Sethia, Piyush Sarawagi and Mitesh Singhvi attended a training session on Investment Banking by Mr. Varadharajan Raghunathan, organised by Finnacle from February 11 to 13, 2017.  Megha Sethia, Piyush Sarawagi and Mitesh Singhvi attended series of talks on QPharmceutical IndustryR by Mr. Ankit Gupta andRBehavioural FinanceR by Mr. Rajeev Thakker, CEO of PPFAS Mutual Fund organised by Finnacle Investment Academy in Surat, on February 18, 2017.  Vijay Parekh won the 2nd runners up position in S P JainRs Inizio Festival Mock Stock Exchange on 17 th February 2017.

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH Department Activities  Students of TYBA English went on an educational trip to Keshav Shristi to understand ecological methods of energy produc- tion and other organic ways of living.  A poster making competition was organized for T.Y.B.A. English on OSubversion of Gender Roles: Characters from Dance Like a Man on 9th -DQXDU\6WXGHQWVH[SORUHGZKDWLWPHDQWWREHD³PDQ´RU³ZRPDQ´DQGKRZVRFLHW\GH¿QHGWKHVH roles through discussions, followed by portrayal of what they understood about it in a visual form.

TYBA Students Engaged in Making Posters

25  A poster presentation competition was held for students of SYBA on Robert FrostRs poetry. They visually interpreted FrostRs poems and presented it to the judge Ms. Priya Joseph. The winners of the competition are:

)LUVW3UL]H6DXP\D.DXOJXG-LQDO%D[L1LGKL6KDK'KUXYL0HKWDDQG.RPDO+LQGXMD  The English Department, in collaboration with the Mithibai Alumni Association (MAA) hosted an alumni Dr. Swati Save Raut on 22 nd February 2017 in Juhi Jagruti Hall for a talk on OWritten Words, Natya and OHalf of MePR. She spoke about the interpretation of the written word, historically and in contemporary context. She placed this in context of the current interdisciplinary performative piece she is currently working on. Staff Achievements Dr. Suresh Wakchaure  Was invited as a chief guest to inaugurate acitivities of English Literary Association by Arts, Commerce and Science college, Shahpur on 12 th September,2016.  Was invited as chief guest at Muktangan.  Dr. Suresh Wakchaure was invited as the Chief Guest at the 49 th Annual , St. George School, Malad West.  Dr. Suresh Wakchaure was the moderator at Kirti College, Dadar for F.Y.B.Com Business Communication and F.Y.B.A. Communication Skills, Semester I  Dr. Suresh Wakchaure chaired a technical session in an interdisciplinary international conference at Mandangad District Ratnagiri on 30 th January 2017.  Dr. Suresh Wakchaure was felicitated for his contribution to J.I.T. University at the annual function on 30th January 2017. Dr. Vidya Premkumar  Recognised as Post Graduate teacher by the University of Mumbai in July 2016.  Dr. Vidya Premkumar was invited to judge the prestigious Sam Berkeley Hill Memorial Elocution Contest scheduled on Saturday, 10 th December 2016 at YMCA International House, Mumbai Central.  Dr.Vidya Premkumar has been invited as Visiting Faculty for the course of Written Analysis and Communication at NMIMS for third trimester of MBA- Core Full Time.  Dr. Vidya Premkumar was invited as moderator in the subject of Business Communication at BhavanRs College, Andheri.  Dr.Vidya Premkumar was in the organizing committee of the A.D. Shroff Memorial Elocution Competition held on 14 th December 2016 in Mithibai College.  Presented a paper QMyriad WomenRs Engagement with Patriarchal Society and their Survival Strategies in the The Inner Courtyard R at the UGC sponsored National seminar on Q Gender Issues in India : Challenges and PerspectivesR on 9 th -10 th January, 2017 at SKC College, Alipurduar, West Bengal. The same paper was published as a collection of seminar papers in Gender Issues in India: Challenges and Strategies, compiled by Sonal Som, Published in 2017 with ISBN no. 978-93- 81669-69-3  Presented a paper on O Chak de! India, Mary Kom and Dangal: a case study of transformational female representation and demarginalisation of womenRs sports in QBollywoodR cinema P at the one day multidisciplinary national conference on OCon- temporary Trends in Language, Literature, Feminism and CultureP on 25 February 2017 hosted by DSPMRs K.V.Pendharkar College, Dombivli (E).  Invited as the Guest of Honour and to present a Keynote Speech in the Student-led Seminar on QPopular Culture in the 21 st CenturyR which is being organized by the Department of English, Maniben Nanavati College, on the 27 th February, 2017. Shripad Samant  Recognised as Post Graduate teacher by the University of Mumbai in July 2016.

Priya Joseph  Recognised as Post Graduate teacher by the University of Mumbai in July 2016.  Priya Joseph was invited as a judge for Kevalramani Elocution Competiton at Jai Hind College, Churchgate.  Presented a paper titled QPlurality and Multiculturalism in Neo-Colonial Trinidad and Tobago in Earl LovelaceRs Salt R on

26 25 th February 2017 at a National conference on Contemporary Trends in Language, Literature, Feminism and Culture at K.V. Pendharkar College. Shweta Salian  Recognised as Post Graduate teacher by the University of Mumbai in July 2016.  Attended a One day workshop on the Revised syllabus of FYBA Optional English, Communication skills in English and FYBCOM Business Communication at Changu Kana Thakur College of Arts Science and Commerce and Science Col- lege, New Panvel on 29 th August 2016.  Received an invitation to give a Guest Lecture on the topic OThe Tragedy of Othello: A study in the Devastating role of Jeal- ousy and Distrust in Human Relations during the Elizabethan AgeP organised by the Department of English, at Kirti College of Arts Science and Commerce on 3 rd September 2016.  Ms. Shweta Salian completed the Refresher Course conducted by the UGC Academic Staff College, University of Mumbai in January 2017. Dr. Sanobar Hussaini  Recognised as Post Graduate teacher by the University of Mumbai in July 2016  Co-authored Business Communication for Unaided Semester I. ISBN 978-93-5149-571-0. Sheth Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Mum- bai, 2016  Co-authored Business Communication FYBCom Semester I. ISBN 978-93-5149-48M8. Sheth Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, 2016  Co-authored Business Communication for BSc IT. Semester I. ISBN 978-93-5149-617-5. Sheth Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Mum- bai, 2016  Co-authored Communication Skills for FYBA ISBN 978-93-5149-621M2. Sheth Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, 2016  Marsiya: Elegy to Epic. ISBN 978-93-5207-403-7. Authorspress, , 2016  Feminist Consciousness and Contemporary Indian WomenRs Writing. ISBN 978-93-5207-033-6. Authorspress, New Delhi, 2016 Student Achievements  Sonali Jindal attained 79.16% at the TYBA English (2015-16) Semester VI examination.  Dias Jeanona Agnelo attained 79.00% at the MA English Part-I (2015-16) Semester II examination.  Shaikh Asna attained 76.75% at the MA English Part-II (2015-16) Semester IV examination. She is the University gold nedalist for the year 2015-16.  Prajakta Vibhute of TYBA English participated in short story competition conducted by Law College, Churchgate and awaiting results.  Mitali Madhyani and Prajakta Vibhute of TYBA English participated in the Essay Writing Competition organised by St. $QGUHZ¶V&ROOHJHLQFROODERUDWLRQZLWK81(6&2RQ³7KH5ROHRI(GXFDWLRQLQ&RQWH[WRI5HOLJLRXV&RQÀLFW´DQGDUH awaitin g results. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES

Department Activities  The Geography Association under EVS Department jointly organised a Nature Trail with the Nature Club, at the Sanjay Gandhi National Park on 31 st -XO\DORQJWKH

27  Dr. Sunita Maral has got PG recognition in Geography. Dr.Pradip Saymote  Dr.Pradip Saymote presented a paper titled OImpact of Environmental on Health Services of Mandangad Tahsil in Ratnagiri District (MH)P at a National Conference on OAdvances of Geographical Research in India (Agri-2017)P at Shivaji Univer- sity, Kolhapur.


Department Activities  The Department organized a screening of the play Mithiyabhimana for the students on 20 th July, 2016  Dr. Hetal Barot of SNDT University delivered a guest lecture on the 27 th September 2016.  The students of Gujarati Department accompanied by Dr. Dashrath Patel attended the one day Workshop on OANUSWAR SAMAJP organized by Gujarati Department, SNDT University, Churchgate, Mumbai on 21 st October, 2016  Attended the Workshop on QRSPINNING WHEELRR organized by SNDT University, Churchgate, Mumbai on 6 th October, 2016  The Department of Gujarati, Mithibai College and the Department of Gujarati, University of Mumbai jointly conducted a one day National seminar on the Oliterary works of Anton Chekhov O on 6 th January 2017.

Staff Achievements  Dr. Dasharath Patel attended the seminar on OGujarati Sansdhodhan Ane SanpadanP organized by Gujarati Adhyapak Sangh in Dharampur, Navjivan Arts College on 20 th September, 2016.


Department Activities  The Department organized a guest lecture on 23 rd September, 2016 on OYashpal ka UpanysP Barah GanteP. Dr. Madhuri Joshi, HOD of Hindi Department of Ismail Yusuf college, Mumbai was invited as the speaker for the talk.  Dr. Madhuri Joshi, HOD, Department of Hindi, Ismail Yusuf College delivered a Guest lecture on QAdhunik KavitaR to Hindi Optional students on 30 th January, 2017. Staff Achievements Rakesh Panse  Presented a paper at a one day international seminar on 16 th March, 2017 at Sathaye College, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai on QMahadevi Varma ka Marmsparshi Nari ChintanR  Presented a paper at a two day national seminar held on 24-25 March, 2017 at Birla College, Kalyan on the topic QMuktib- hodh ke Kavya ki Mool SamvednaR  Presenting a paper at the international seminar at S. B. College, Shahpur on 8th April, 2017. The topic is QPremchand ke Upanyason mein Nari ke Shashwat RoopR Student Achievements  Kajal Sharma, a TYBA student represented Mithibai College and won 2 nd prize in Hindi Self Poetry Recitation Competition organized at B M Ruia Girls College on 16 th December 2016.  .DMDOVKDUPD7<%$ZRQWKH¿UVWSUL]HDQG$\XVKL-DLQ)<%$ZRQWKHFRQVRODWLRQSUL]HLQ(ORFXWLRQFRPSHWLWLRQRUJDQ - ized by Mumbai Hindi Sabha.  Kajal Sharma, TYBA and Priya Ozha, FYBA participated in the Hindi Essay competition organized by Mumbai Hindi Sabha on 29th January 2017 and are awaiying results.

28  Sama Thakore and Insiya Rupavala, students of FYBA participated in Hindi singing Competition on 28 th January 2017, at R J College, Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai

Kajal Sharma being felicitated by the Principal


Staff Achievements  Dr. Jyoti Parab was deputed to attend the Judges Seminar organized by Maharashtra Body Building Association. In the exam for judges held by the Association, Dr Jyoti Parab was secured QAR grade and was awarded a license to judge Maha- rashtra Body Building Competition.  Dr Jyoti Parab was invited as judge for story telling competition organised by Mazgaon Dock, a government venture


Department Activities  The Department of Mathematics organized a guest lecture by Dr. Ananth Narayan Hariharan, Professor from IIT on Math- ematics and its applications.

Guest lecture by Dr. Ananth Narayan Hariharan of Department of Mathematics, IIT Bombay on OMathematics and its applicationsP .

 The department organized and conducted their annual 2-day Fest OMithimaticaP on the 6 th and 7 th of February 2017. The four main events of the fest were the Seminar Competition and Poster Competition on Day One followed by the Mathematical Games and Quiz Competition on Day Two. The Chief Guest for the inauguration ceremony was Mrs. Veena Kamat, Head of the Department of Mathematics, NES Ratnam College.

29 Staff Achievements Dr. Ujjwala Deshmukh  'U8'HVKPXNKFRDXWKRUHGRQHWH[WERRNIRU)<%&RPDQGSXEOLVKHG¿YHUHVHDUFKSDSHUV  OGraceful and odd Graceful labelling of graphsP International Journal of Mathematics and soft computing, V0l 16, No.2 (2016), 13-19. ISSN No. 2249-3328 Impact factor 0.5714.  O Mean Cordial Labelling of some star- related graphsP International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics,Vol 3 (2016),146-157, ISSN No. 1937-1055 Impact Factor 1.416.  O Cordialness of Super subdivision of graphsP International Journal of Mathematics and soft computing, V0l 16, No.2 (2016), 43-56, ISSN No. 2249-3328. Impact Factor 0.5714.  OMean Cordial Labelling of Tadpole and olive treeR Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol II,No.2,(June2016),109-116, ISSN No. 2279-0888. Impact factor 1.0285.  OCordial Labeling of arbitrary subdivision of Wheel, helm and close helmP Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences (JCISS),ISSN: 0250-9628  Paper presentations by Dr. U. Deshmukh:  OLaplacian Energy of GraphsP International Conference on Discrete Maths , ADMA, June 9-11,2016,Tumkur, Karnataka.  O Global Equitable Domination GraphsP, International Conference, IMSCT 2016- FIM XXV, Jaipur, Dec 22-24,2016.  She was a Member of Review committee of OR.S.VermaP best paper award, ,International Conference, IMSCT 2016- FIM XXV, Jaipur, Dec 22-24,2016.  She was invited as a speaker at an International Conference on Discrete Mathematics at Tumkur, Siddhaganga Institute of Technology.  Dr. U. Deshmukh has also been appointed as member of RRC. Ujjwala D. Kurkute  Ms. Ujjwala D. Kurkute participated in the six day workshop on OAn Introduction to Matrix GroupsP, 12 th -17 th December 2016, organized by the University of Mumbai. /D[PDQ1DLN  Mr. Laxman Naik successfully completed the orientation programme in Nov-Dec 2016.  0U/D[PDQ1DLNSDUWLFLSDWHGDQGSUHVHQWHGDSDSHUWLWOHG³+RZPXFK3UR¿WDEOHLV'LVFRXQW"´LQWKH7ZRGD\1DWLRQDO Level Symposium on OMathematics and Women in MathematicsP on 27 th -28th January 2017, NES Ratnam College. Krishna Maurya  Mr. Krishna Maurya successfully completed the orientation programme in Nov-Dec 2016. Mignon Baptista  Ms. Mignon Baptista participated in the Two-day National Level Symposium on OMathematics and Women in Mathemat- icsP on 27 th -28th January 2017, NES Ratnam College. Student Achievements  Dhruva Divate (S.Y.B.Sc.) participated in mini-MTTS(Mathematical Training and Talent Search Programme) 2016 at Ruia College.  Dhruva Divate (S.Y.B.Sc.) participated in SageMath Workshop at ICT Matunga.  Sneh Pandya and Dhruva Divate (S.Y.B.Sc.) participated and won in the intercollegiate Quiz completion during the Math- ematics fest at Ruia College.  Sahil Patel (T.Y.B.Sc. Mathematics) won the Best speaker award at the Royal Institute of Technology for his presentation on OChaos Theory.P  'KUXYD'LYDWH 6<%6F SDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKH6HPLQDUFRPSHWLWLRQ&RQÀXHQFHFRQGXFWHGE\6W;DYLHU¶VFROOHJH  Devesh Agarwal (T.Y.B.Sc. Statistics) and Dhruva Divate (S.Y.B.Sc.) won the 1 st prize in the intercollegiate quiz competi- tion R3 organized by St. XavierRs College.


Department Activities  The Department of Microbiology, organized an invited talk on Heart-fullness to de-stress students. The talk was presided over by Dr. Nayak, from BARC and KBP College.  A workshop on SDS PAGE and Western Blotting sponsored by Hi-Media Labs, was also arranged by the Department for WKHEHQH¿WRIWKHVWXGHQWV  Microfest, an academic and extra-curricular event was organized by the department of Microbiology. The students partici- pated in Science Quiz and Art Mela.  Performance Improvement Program (PIP) - Academically weak students were guided by faculty of Microbiology depart- ment.

30  The Department of Microbiology conducted an event R.I.T.E R16 (Research, Ingenuity, Technovation and Exploration Q16) on the 21 st of December, 2016. This year the event was held at the college level and aims at becoming an intercollegiate event in the years to come. Staff Achievements Dr. D.V. Kamat  Dr. Kamat D. V. published a research paper in the International Journal. Dr. Sheela Kamat  Dr. Sheela Kamat published a research paper in an International Journal.  Dr. Sheela Kamat successfully guided students for Ph.D. in Microbiology Dr. Krutika Desai  Dr. Krutika Desai was invited to present her research work on QSelenium nanoparticles in control of Pseudomonas aer- uginosa infectionsR at Fourth International Conference on Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering (ICNT 2016) on 12-14 th Aug 2016 at International and Inter University Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IIUCNN), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam-, India  Dr. Krutika Desai presented paper (oral presentation) entitled OEffect of C-phycocyanin containing protein extract on human matrix metalloproteinasesR at International conference on QInnovative Approaches in Applied Sciences and TechnologiesR (iCiAsT-2016) at Kasetsart University Bangkok (Thailand) during 1-5 th Feb 2016.  'U.UXWLND'HVDL DORQJZLWK6DJDU&KKDEULD DOVRSXEOLVKHGD5HVHDUFKSDSHU³3XUL¿FDWLRQDQGFKDUDFWHUL]DWLRQRIDO - liinase produced by Cupriavidus necator and its application for generation of cytotoxic agent:AllicinR Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences (2016) xxx,xxx-xxx ( (article in press) Thomson Reuter impact factor : 1.2 Ms. Selina Shah  Ms. Selina Shah attended workshop on Revised T.Y.BSc. Microbiology Practical Examination pattern. Dr. Pooja Mehta  Dr. Pooja Mehta published her research paper in an International Journal Student Achievements  In Microbiology Department, 1 student was awarded Ph.D, making the total count of 5 students being guided.  One of Dr. D.V. KamatRs students has successfully defended her thesis for Ph.D. on 18 th October 2016. This is the depart- mentRs 11th Ph.D. student and 5th of Dr. D.V. Kamat.  Ms. Simran Patel (TYBSC) received a Prize during Prize distribution ceremony held on 28.9.2016  TYBSc results of SEM V were declared by the University of Mumbai. Department of Microbiology has 100% passing percentage  M.Sc students Mr. Tabrez, Ms. Sadhana, Ms. Heta, Ms. Ashwarya and Ms. Khadija participated in National level Research Meet on 18 th January 2017.  Micro-Olympiad M A state level Micro-Olympiad was organised by R. C Patel college Shirpur. Ours was the only college selected at TYBSc, SYBSc and FYBSc levels. SYBSc students secured the Third place in the competition.


Department Activities  The Department of Philosophy called the Ex- Students who were excellent performers last year on 7 th July 2016. The Ex- Students and current students interacted with each other. The Ex- Students provided motivation, guidance and methodology of how to prepare and excel at the graduate level. They also provided information about the career options after graduation.  The Department of Philosophy showcased the movie QRannR on 14 th -XO\7KHPRYLHGHDOVZLWKWKHLQÀXHQFHRIWKH media and exposes the unethical practices within this important pillar of democracy. A discussion with the students followed about the general ethical principles that the media ought to follow.  The Department organized an Educational visit to various places of worship in Mumbai on 19.08.2016. The students study- ing Comparative Religion get an actual idea of the various modes of the worship followed by various Religions.  The Department organised a guest lecture on 29.08.2016 by Professor Mrs. Namrata Maun on the Kundalini Yoga and the importance of the importance of Chakras in the body. The lecture was well received with questions and active interaction with the guest.  The department organized a visit to the Yoga Institute for a one-day camp for TYBA students on 3 rd September, 2016.  Signed MOU with Kaivalyadham Yoga Institute, Lonavala on 28 th Sept 2016.  The Department organized an Educational visit to Keshav Srushti on 19 th December, 2016 for the T.Y.B.A. students. Kes-

31 hav Srushti promotes organic farming, has a OGaushalaP and vermicomposting pits. They also have several acres of herbal gardens and medicinal plants. The students were exposed to healthy ecological practices. The visit to the old age home sensitized the students to their moral responsibilities.  The students also visited the Golden Pagoda where they were educated about the life of Buddha through paintings and a VKRUW¿OP7KH\SDUWLFLSDWHGLQDWHQPLQXWHPHGLWDWLRQVHVVLRQ  The Department of Philosophy organized training of volunteers for the Mahayoga at the Yuva Hashtag 2017 on 18 th January 2017  6<%$&RPSDUDWLYH5HOLJLRQVWXGHQWVZHQWRQD¿HOGYLVLWWRSODFHVRIZRUVKLSRQ th January 2017

Prof. Vimala Chaube and Students with Hansaji Prof. Vimala Chaube introducing the speaker Namrata Maun at a visit to the Yoga Institut e

Comparative Religion students at the Synagogue Staff Achievements Vimla Chaube  Vimala Chaube participated in the Syllabus Review Workshop (undergraduate) organised by the Department of Philosophy, University of Mumbai on 31 st August 2016.  Vimala Chaube attended the workshop on Curriculum Design and Development organised by IQAC in Mithibai College on 24 th August 2016. Dr. Dipesh Upadhyay  Dr. Dipesh Upadhyay attended the workshop on Curriculum Design and Development organised by IQAC in Mithibai Col- lege on 24 th August 2016. Deepa Jaydev  Deepa Jaydev attended the workshop on Curriculum Design and Development organised by IQAC in Mithibai College on 24 th August 2016.  Attended a workshop of syllabus revision for TYBA philosophy papers on 7 th February 2017 at Ruia College.  Attended a workshop of syllabus revision for Foundation Course on 9 th February 2017 at St. Andrews College.  Participated in a workshop of syllabus revision for TYBA Paper VI as a member of the syllabus revision committee on 18 th February 2017 at Khalsa College.  Presented a paper titled QThe Paradox of Representation: Women in Hindi Soap OperasR on 25 th February 2017 at a National conference on Contemporary Trends in Language, Literature, Feminism and Culture at K.V. Pendharkar College.

32 Student Achievements  Drashti Mehta of TYBA has been appointed the Placement coordinator for Arts and Celebrity manager at Nyka events.  Prapti Jani has also been appointed the Placement cell coordinator for Arts. She has also cleared TISS NET and will be go- ing to Hyderabad campus for round 2.  Nidhi Raj represented college in other fests like mood indigo (IIT Bombay), Umang (NM college), Hashtag (SVKM) in photography competitions.

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Department Activities  Under Performance Improvement Program (PIP), students appearing for ATKT examination and academically weak stu- dents were guided by the faculty of the Physics department.  The Department of Physics organized a visit to TIFR for SYBSc and TYBSc students.  A guest lecture on ONuclear MedicineP was organized by the Physics department. The resource person was Dr. G.H.Tilve, from Seth G S Medical College & K.E.M Hospital. It was conducted in the Physics department on Saturday, 2 nd December 2016 at 11.15 am. This lecture was intended to make our students aware of the currents applications of Nuclear Physics in PHGLFDO¿HOGDQGFDUULHURSSRUWXQLWLHVLQWKLV¿HOG

Guest lecture by Dr.G.H.Tilve, on ONuclear MedicineP.

 Dr. G.H.Tilve is working at Seth G S Medical College & K.E.M Hospital, Parel, Mumbai-12. He was Ex-Head of Depart- ment of Nuclear Medicine. Using PowerPoint presentation, he explained how Nuclear Medicine utilizes radioactive Isotopes for the investigation and treatment. He also explained how Thyroid gland needs Iodine for manufacturing Thyroxin. He also emphasized on how radioactive Iodine can be used for treatment of hyper functioning gland and also for cancer of thyroid gland.  Seventy six Students from science subjects and the faculty members of our College attended the lecture. The interaction of IDFXOW\PHPEHUVDQGVWXGHQWVZLWK'U7LOYHFODUL¿HGYDULRXVGRXEWVUHODWHGWRQXFOHDUPHGLFLQH  A seminar was organized by Department of Physics on 06.01.2017 at 10:30 am in the Department of Physics, Mithibai Col- lege  The Department of Physics invited Dr. S. Kailas , F.A.Sc, F.N.A.Sc, Raja Ramanna Fellow , an eminent scientist and renowned DFDGHPLFLDQLQWKH¿HOGRIVFLHQFHVWRGHOLYHUDVHPLQDULQWKH¿HOGRI1XFOHDUDQG$WRPLF(QHUJ\WRXQGHUJUDGXDWHDQGSRVW - graduate students (as part of their co-curricular activity). The lecture titled O Role of Atomic Energy in National DevelopmentP was aimed to enlighten the faculty as well as students of undergraduate and post-graduate classes about the role of Atomic Energy in national development. Dr. Kailas is currently Raja Ramanna Fellow at BARC, Mumbai and Senior Scientist at UM-DAE CBS. He was formerly Director of Physics Group at BARC.

Seminar Organized on OThe Role Of Atomic Energy In National DevelopmentP by Dr. S. Kailas.

33  Dr. Kailas pointed to the well-known role of the Department of Atomic Energy in facilitating the use of nuclear power and in strengthening safety in the operations of nuclear facilities and in waste management. The lecture was attended by more than 125 teachers and students of Mithibai college and other reputed colleges in Mumbai.  The Physics Department organized their annual Technical fest OEinsteinium 99P on 6 th and 7 th January 2017.

Staff Achievements Pravin More  Mr. More completed training programme on OPhysics Education Research Oat HBCSE. Mumbai  Mr. More presented research paper at a National Seminar on ORecent Trends in Science and TechnologyP organized by SSR college Silvasa.  Mr. P.S.More has participated and presented a research paper on OThe effect of controlled vibrations on bulk crystal growth of GaInSb ternary semiconductors: Growth by VDS techniqueP at a national conference on New frontiers in Chemistry- from fundamentals to applications, at Bits Pilani campus K K Birla Goa campus, on January 28 -29, 2017. Bhanudas Arote  Mr. Arote conducted a lecture to guide students in preparation of NET, SET and GATE examination.  Mr. Arote was recognised as a Post Graduate teacher by the University of Mumbai.  Mr. B G Arote,(Center Coordinator for NGPE examination) conducted the National Graduate Entrance Test, which was held on 22/01/2017 in Mithibai College. Dr. Tushima Basak  Dr. Tushima Basak participated in seminar on OLatest Trends in Environmental Engineering and Water Resources Technolo- gies Oat NMIMSRs MPSTME.  Dr. Tushima Basak attended a one day workshop on ORecent trends in Nuclear PhysicsP at VES College, Chembur on 4 th January 2017. Student Achievements  T.Y.B.Sc student, Arjun Iyer, received 5 awards in prize distribution of Mithibai College.  TYBSc Sem-V, Mr Arjun Iyer scored 98.87% marks.


Department Activities  A guidance session by Dr. D.B. Yedekar, Ex-Chairman, MPSC was arranged for students interested in appearing for com- petitive examinations on September 1, 2016  Students attended a Round Table on Nuclear Policy Planning & Options at the American Consulate on 29 th Sept 2016.  Department of Political Science and Mithibai NSS Unit jointly organised a programme to celebrate the Constitution Day on 26 th 1RYHPEHUDWDPDWWKHJURXQGÀRRUIR\HUDUHD  Department of Political Science, Mithibai College invited Smt Anuradha Gore to address staff and students on QSiachen Glacier and IndiaRs Security ChallengesR. The talk was arranged in Juhu Jagruti Hall on February 7, 2017 at 11.00am. The talk was attended by the Principal Dr Rajpal Shripat Hande, students and faculty of the college.

Dr Bhagwat introducing the Smt Anuradha Gore addressing staff and students VSHDNHU6PW$QXUDGKD*RUH RQµ6LDFKHQ*ODFLHUDQG,QGLD¶V6HFXULW\&KDOOHQJHV¶

34 Staff Achievements Dr. Mahesh Bhagawat  Dr Mahesh Bhagwat has been appointed as the Samanvayak (Co-ordinator) of the Dnyan Mandal for the Marathi Vishwa Kosh by the Government of Maharashtra.  Dr. Mahesh Bhagwat attended a three day workshop of Organic Farming at Govardhan Eco Village from September 10-12, 2016  Dr. Mahesh Bhagwat is appointed as member of syllabus framing committee for TYBA (Politics) by the ad hoc Board of Studies in Politics, University of Mumbai  Dr Mahesh Bhagwat was invited by the Maniben Nanavati College on 26 th November 2016 to deliver a lecture on the Im- portance of the Indian Constitution on the occasion of QConstitution DayR.  Dr Mahesh Bhagwat was invited on 6 th December 2016 by G. N. Khalsa College to deliver talk on QCompetitive Examina- tionsR.  Dr Mahesh Bhagwat was invited by the XavierRs Institute of Communication to teach a module for the Communication for Development course on 6 th December 2016.  Dr Mahesh Bhagwat was invited by the UGC-HRD University of Mumbai to deliver two lectures at their Refresher Course on Human Rights on 12 th December 2016: Concept of Human Rights and Development of Human Rights.  Dr Mahesh Bhagwat was appointed on the Syllabus revision committee for Third Year B.A. (Politics) Paper IV (Compul- sory): Maharashtra Politics and Paper IX (Elective C): Local Government on 19 th December 2016.  Dr. Mahesh Bhagwat was invited by the UGC Human Resource Development Centre, University of Mumbai to deliver a lecture on QCompetitive ExaminationsR on January 12, 2017 at the Orientation Course.  Dr Mahesh Bhagwat continued with his commitment to the social cause. He initiated the process of building a library for children in Asose village, Murbad. He started mobilizing staff and students at Mithibai college into donating books which evoked very positive response. Dr. Anuya Warty  Dr. Anuya Warty successfully completed a UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in Research Methodology in Social Sciences (ID) conducted from November 3 to 23, 2016 by the UGC HRDC, University of Mumbai.  Dr. Anuya Warty was appointed on the Syllabus revision committee for Third Year B.A. (Politics) Paper VII (Elective C): Research Methodology and Paper IX (Elective B): Political Marketing on 19 th December 2016. Student Achievements  TYBA Political Science students, Deep Raja and Mukund Raut participated in the Model Youth Parliament organized by the Political Science Association, St. XavierRs College (Autonomous), Mumbai on 4 th , 12th and 13 th January 2017.  7<%$3ROLWLFDO6FLHQFHVWXGHQW0XNXQG5DXWZRQWKH¿UVWSUL]HDWWKHLQWHUFROOHJLDWHHORFXWLRQFRPSHWLWLRQRUJDQL]HGE\ Kirti College, Dadar.


Department Activities  Invited an alumnus Ms. Niyati Ajmera to speak to the current TY Psychology batch on OHow to Apply to US Universities for Post-Graduation in Clinical PsychologyP  On the 3 rd September 2016, Mr. Amitabha Gangopadhyay, an Associate Vice President from Sun Pharmaceuticals, delivered an encouraging and informative talk on OThe Psychology of People Applied in Marketing and Segmentation O to the third year Psychology students  On 17 th September, the Department invited Mr. Sachin Dedhia for a talk on OCyber Crime Dangers and Its PreventionP for the IInd Parents-Teachers Meet.  The second session of SWASHODH- a short term project undertaken with an aim to help students enhance their well-being was organized on 15 th December, 2016 between 10.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. The resource person was Ms. Michelle Pereira, a practicing Psychologist from the Mindful Spring Organization

35  Ms. Niyati Bapat, an alumnus was invited to address the TYBA Psychology on OOrganizational TheoriesPon 15 th December, 2016.  Mr. Mahesh Sanghavi was invited to speak to the SYBA Psychology Stress Management students on OYoga and Medita- tion.P  7KH'HSDUWPHQWRI3V\FKRORJ\LQFROODERUDWLRQZLWK'HSDUWPHQWRI6RFLRORJ\DUUDQJHGD¿HOGYLVLWWR.HVKDY6KUXVKWL Bhayandar on 19 th December, 2016.  The third (last) session of SWASHODH (a short-term project undertaken with an aim to help students enhance their well- being) was organized on 30 th January, 2017 between 10.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. The resource person was Ms. Michelle Pereira, practicing Psychologist from the Mindful Spring Organization.  On the 6 th January, Dr. Shrija Dirghangi and Dr. Alexander Wong from California State University, spoke about the impor- WDQFHRIUHVHDUFKLQWKH¿HOGRISV\FKRORJ\  On the 9 th January, Asha Mukudam, an ex-student of Mithibai College, currently working at TISS University, discussed the YDULRXVFRXUVHVDYDLODEOHDW7,666KHDOVRWROGWKHVWXGHQWVDERXWWKHLPSRUWDQFHRI¿HOGZRUNDQDO\WLFDOWKLQNLQJDQGFDVH studies while doing the masterRs course at TISS.  Ms. June Desai was invited to engage a lecture on OLeadership StylesP on 13 th February, 2017 for the TYBA Psychology students. Students found the lecture very engaging and interesting.

Ms. June Desai addressing the students  Mind Labyrinth- The inter-collegiate department fest was organized on the 14 th and 15 th February, 2017.The theme of the event was OWalking Down the Memory LaneP. Various games, competitions, and talks were arranged for the students. Sev- eral prominent speakers addressed the students.  The last ParentsR- TeachersR Meet was organized on 25 th February, 2017 in the Psychology Laboratory. Staff Achievements Ramola Thangiah  Ms. Ramola Thangiah was invited as a Chairperson to chair the second session of the One-day National seminar on OAca- demia-Industry Collaborations on Issues, Challenges and SustainabilityP on 26 th August, 2016 by Lala Lajpat Rai college  Ramola Thangiah attended a workshop on MA Psychology on Monday 29 th August 2016.  Ramola Thangiah was invited to deliver the Concept Note at a National Multidisciplinary Conference at S.N.D.T Mumbai.  Ramola Thangiah, Keshmira Shah & Khushali Adhiya-Shah participated in a National Multidisciplinary conference at S.N.D.T Mumbai on 13 th January, 2017  Ramola Thangiah and Keshmira Patel attended a one-day workshop on OCurriculum Design and Curriculum DevelopmentP on 24th August at Mithibai College Keshmira Patel  Keshmira Patel and Ramola Thangiah attended a one-day workshop on OCurriculum Design and Curriculum DevelopmentP on 24th August at Mithibai College  Keshmira Patel and Suchitra RoyChowdhury attended the workshop on OChoice-based credit system for the FYBA stu- dentsP at Vaze college on 6 th August, 2016  Keshmira Patel pubished a research paper titled OA Comparative Study of Male and Female Managers in Emotional Intel- ligence and Managerial EffectivenessP in Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, February 2016 edition.  Keshmira Patel published a paper titled OA Comparative Study of Male and Female Managers in Emotional Intelligence and Managerial EffectivenessP in July Issue of Research Horizons

36 Panna Mehta  Panna Mehta, Suchitra RoyChowdhury & Khushali Ahiya-Shah guided students to present research papers at a National Multidisciplinary Conference at S.N.D.T Mumbai. Suchitra RoyChowdhury  Suchitra RoyChowdhury, Panna Mehta & Khushali Ahiya-Shah guided students to present research papers at a National Multidisciplinary Conference at S.N.D.T Mumbai.  Suchitra RoyChowdhury published a paper on OThe Relationship Between Defensive Pessimism and PerfectionismP in OThe International Journal of Innovative Research and Development for the August issue ISSN no 2278 0211  Suchitra RoyChowdhury participated in the National Conference on QHolistic Approach Towards Individual Mental HealthRR on 7th , 8th and 9 th December, 2016 organized by the S.N.D.T. University, Churchgate Khushali Adhiya Shah  Khushali Adhiya-Shah conducted the QJacobsonRs Progressive Muscular Relaxation TherapyR for SYBA students of Stress Management in December, 2016.  Khushali Ahiya-Shah, Suchitra RoyChowdhury,and Panna Mehta guided students to present research papers at a National Multidisciplinary Conference at S.N.D.T Mumbai  Khushali Adhiya-Shah published an article OBook Review: ManRs Search for MeaningP in Frontiers in Psychology (Psychol- ogy for Clinical Settings) in the September Issue (Impact factor 2.463)  Conducted a group book review discussion on OManRs Search For MeaningP authored by Victor Frankl for the TYBA Psy- chology students.

Student Achievements  The TYBA psychology students participated in the OPSYCINSIGHTP--- the department fest organized by the Department of Psychology of Jai Hind College on 22 nd July,2016. Students participated in various events and have won awards in events like OPsych-SurpriseP (Ist prize), OFix MeP(Ist prize) OPsych-on-saleP(IInd prize), , OElaboratoryP (Ist prize) and have also bagged the Golden Trophy for scoring the maximum points of all the contingent teams.  The TYBA psychology participated and won various positions like the Best Delegate, Verbal Mention that was organized by the Department of Business Economics of Mithibai College on 27 th and 28 th August,2016 for GNARITAS  7KHVWXGHQWVZRQWKH¿UVWSRVLWLRQLQWKHGHEDWHDW80$1*WKHLQWHUFROOHJLDWHFRPSHWLWLRQRUJDQL]HGE\10&ROOHJH  The TYBA psychology students attended a session on OMindfulnessP organized by the OInner Space CounsellingP and OMindful SpringP on 11 th September, 2016 at OHiveP, Khar.  7KH¿UVWVHVVLRQRI6ZDVKRGKZDVRUJDQL]HGRQ7KHIDFLOLWDWRU0V0LFKHOOH3HUHLUDIURP,QQHU6SDFH&RXQVHOLQJ &HQWUHEHJDQWKHVHVVLRQE\GLVSHOOLQJWKHP\WKVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKPHGLWDWLRQVSRNHEULHÀ\DERXWWKHWKHRUHWLFDORULJLQRI mindfulness, and taught some simple techniques of mindful meditation like breath meditation, sound meditation. Students found the session refreshing, and rejuvenating.  18 students from TYBA Psychology participated in the National Conference on QHolistic Approach Towards Individual Mental HealthR, on 7 th , 8th and 9 th December, 2016 organized by the S.N.D.T. University, Churchgate.  A TYBA Psychology student participated in the Two-Day National Conference on Emerging Trends in Human Capital De- velopment: New Perspectives and PracticesP on 8 th and 9 th December, 2016.  The gold medalist Ms. Kruti Shah (2015-16 batch) was felicitated by Mr. Mukesh Ambani at the convocation function held on 16 th January, 2017 for her outstanding academic achievement. She got the highest marks in Psychology at the TYBA level securing 91.67%.  Debyani Haldar participated in the Two-Day National Conference on OEmerging Trends in Human Capital Development: New Perspectives and PracticesP on 8 th and 9 th December, 2016 at the N.K. College, Malad.  15 students from TYBA Psychology participated in the two-day National conference on OResponsible NetismP organized by Welingkar Institute, Mumbai on 20 and 21 January, 2017.  The students of FYBA, SYBA, TYBA and TYBCom actively participated in the Bombay Psychological Association Mul- tidisciplinary National Conference on 13 th January 2017. 10 groups of students presented their research papers and were appreciated for their work.  8 TYBcom and 4 TYBA Psychology students participated in the three-day International Conference on OTransforming India 2030: Strategies for Sustainable Developmental GoalsP, at SYMBIOSIS Institute, Pune on 15 th , 16 th and 17 th February, 2017  0V'HOVKDG.DODQWDU\D7<%$3V\FKRORJ\VWXGHQWSUHVHQWHGDSDSHUWLWOHG³6WXG\RQWKH,QÀXHQFHRI6RFLRHFRQRPLF Status on ChildrensR Educational Aspirations and Attitude Towards AcademicsP at the three-day International conference on 15 th , 16th and 17 th February, 2017 at Symbiosis Institute, Pune  The TYBA Psychology SEMESTER V results were declared. Out of 47 students, 46 students got OOP grade and 6 students got OAP grade


Department Activities  Saturday August 6 th , 2016 the students of MA Part II organised and conducted an Orientation Programme, inviting the new Part 1 students to the MA course. Dr. Nupur Mehrotra, Vice Principal of the Self-Financed courses graced us with her pres- ence. The students organized games and in to encourage the new joinees to acquaint themselves with each other.

 On August 24 th 2016, a one day industrial visit was organised for the MA Part II students to Volkswagen, Chakan, Pune. It helped students understand the working of the factory, production, assembly lines as well as how robots help and aid with the production of the cars etc.  A 2 nd Industrial Visit was held on 3 rd October, 2016 with MA Part II, to Go Cheese Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm) factory, Pune. The IV helped students understand the working of the farm and factory, production, assembly lines etc. We ended the visit on a fun note with all cheesy delights given to us to eat.

 A workshop held on Sexual Harassment in the workplace on 10 th October, 2016 for M.A. Part II, by Mr. Anand Ambodskar from Kaivallya HR solutions. This workshop helped the students gain an insight about sexual harassment in the workplace, looking at it from the laws enforced on sexual harassment on women. Truly it was a great learning experience.


Department Activities  SYBA Social Work and Welfare students prepared posters as part of syllabus activity on 21 st June 2016.  Two Social Work and Welfare students named Akanksha Das and Jyoti Devendra volunteered for NGO VACHA to teach at bastis located in Mumbai to underprivileged girls (May - July 2016)  A screening of the movie Dhanak was organised for TYBA students on 2 nd July 2016. The movie depicts the apathy of dif- ferently abled children, the crises of education in Rural India and the struggle of poor children migrating to urban areas.  $OHFWXUHRQVRFLDOHFRORJ\ZDVFRQGXFWHGRQ-XKXEHDFKRQWK-XO\WRJLYHWKHPD¿HOGEDVHGH[SHULHQFHRIHQYL -

38 ronmental degradation caused by consumerist life style in urban areas.  On 29 th July 2016 SYBA Social Work and Social Welfare students visited Industrial Home for Blind Women accompanied by subject teacher Ms. Mittal Chauhan. The visit was organised to generate empathy and create awareness among students. As a voluntary service students pooled in money to provide undergarments to blind women.  On 4 th August lecture was held on the Tribal group -TOTOS of TOTOPARA by Abhijit Anil- a photojournalist working for the Indian Express.  Two TYBA students participated in two day workshop on Child Sexual Abuse on 14 th and 15 th August.  Movie Lakshmi was screened for SYBA Social Work and Social Welfare students which deal with child prostitution as part of syllabus.  Guest lecture was organized for TYBA Sociology titled QQuantitative Social Research MethodsR on 1 st and 2 nd September 2016. The guest speaker was Prof. Trusha Engineer (former HOD, Department of Sociology, Mithibai College).  Social work and social welfare students visited C. V. Dani School, Kandivali on 19 th Jan 2017 as part of extension activity to inculcate sympathy and generate awareness among students. The visit included donation of stationery, food grains and snacks for school kids

Staff Achievements Nilima Raval  She participated in one day workshop on SYBA syllabi revision pertaining to Semester based Credit System organized by the Dept. of Sociology on 15 th Dec 2016 at Satish Pradhan Dnyanasadhana College. Dr. Khevana Desai  She was invited to deliver a lecture at Department of MSW, M.S.University, Vadodara jointly organised by the department and Sahiyarstreesangathan on 10 th May 2016  +HUUHVHDUFK¿QGLQJVIURP3K'ZHUHFRYHUHGE\QHZVSDSHUVOLNH*XMDUDW6DPDFKDU6DQGHVKDQG0XPEDL6DPDFKDULQ Gujarat and Mumbai respectively on 10 th and 11 th May 2016.  She was invited to be a panel member for conducting personal interview for students of B.A. (Hons) Liberal Arts- on 18 th June 2016 at NMIMS University.  She was appointed on the board of studies for of B.A. (Hons) Liberal Arts- for designing the syllabus at NMIMS University.  She attended a syllabus revision workshop for FYBA under choice based credit and grading semester system at Jhunjhun- wala college, Ghatkoper on 8 th July, 2016.  She has been selected as an editor of Gujarati literary periodical QPriyadarshiniR.  She has cleared CAS from Stage I to Stage II.  She has presented a paper on QDisappearing daughters in Vadodara: normative construction of girl child in GujaratR at a national conference on Qrevisiting the discourses on womenRs rights: new forms of violations and contestationsR at K.C. COLLEGE, Mumbai on 1 st -2 nd Sept, 2016.  She was appointed a visiting faculty for Sociology at School of liberal arts, NMIMS University for the period August 2016-December 2016.  She wrote a radio Play in Gujarati on QShodh ek dikri ni (searching a daughter) to be aired on Akashvani and FM radio on girl child day on 24 th September, 2016.  A Gujarati translation of Mahashweta DeviRs story QRupaliR was published in Mamata Magazine for the issue of Aug- September 2016.  'U.KHYDQD'HVDLVWRRG¿UVWLQZRPHQ¶VPHWUHVUXQLQ6SRUWV'D\&RPSHWLWLRQKHOGRQ th Dec.,2016.

39  Dr, Khevana DesaiRs minor research project on QAccessibility and availability of sanitation facilities for women at workplace in MumbaiR has been approved by BCUD, University of Mumbai on 16 th Jan 2017.  Dr.Khevana Desai delivered two lectures on QGender Discrimination and Child sex ratioR at the Dept. Of Sociology and Qnaari pratishtha: sahitya, pratha and parivaarR at the Dept.of Gujarati at Saurashtra University Rajkot on 25 th and 27 th Janu- ary 2017.  Invited as a resource person and also presented a paper QRight to sanitation of Working Women in Mumbai : Accessibility and Availability of Toilet facilities at WorkplaceR at the UGC sponsored National seminar on Q Gender Issues in India : Chal- lenges and PerspectivesR on 9 th -10 th January, 2017 at SKC College, Alipurduar, West Bengal. The same paper was published as a collection of seminar papers in Gender Issues in India: Challenges and Strategies, compiled by Sonal Som, Published in 2017 with ISBN no. 978-93-81669-69-3 Mittal Chauhan  M. Chauhan cleared CAS from Stage I to Stage II. Merlin Joseph  An article titled QSuper-hero Stereotypes and woes of Post-modernismR was published in the newspaper QHinduR.  Merlin Joseph was appointed as a visiting faculty at NMIMS for conducting lectures for liberal arts students in November 2016.  Merlin JosephRs minor research project on QThe scope of Sociology in the current job marketR has been approved by BCUD, University of Mumbai on 16Jan 2017 Student Achievements  Sukanya Rane secured 80% in semester Vim 2015 -16 and is the college topper  $QLQWUDGHSDUWPHQW¿HOGWULSWR.HVKDY6KULVKWLDQG3DJRGDZDVRUJDQL]HGIRU7<%$VWXGHQWVRQ th Dec 2016. The stu- dents learned sustainable ecological practices, organic farming techniques, gerontology and religious pluralism.

DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS Department Activities  On the 27 th of August, 2016, Statistics Association, Statistics Department, organised a Seminar on OCareer opportunities and Industrial Applications of StatisticsP.  Nahush Sathe, Alumnus and fellow of Teach for India and Tarang Shah, Risk Analyst at Kotak Mahindra were the speakers. Staff Achievements Amrit Rajwadkar  Mr. Amrit Rajwadkar, as Convenor of Hiking & Mountaineering society, conducted for students four hikes to Nane Ghat, Anjaneri Gad, Sarasgadh and Koraigadh & Dukes Nose respectively. Manjiri Vartak  Ms. Manjiri Vartak attended an International conference on recent advances in statistics and was invited as a resource person at the workshop on proposed syllabus of F.Y.B.Sc. in statistics. Daksha Gurav  Ms. Daksha Gurav attended an International conference on Recent Advances in Statistics. She also attended the workshop on F.Y.B.Sc. Syllabu s. Student Achievements  Mr. Devesh Agarwal and Ms. Nisha Pandya, T.Y.B.Sc. Statistics won the second prize in the paper presentation competition at Royal College.  Mr. Devesh Agarwal and Ms. Nisha Pandya, also participated and secured the second prize in the quiz competition at Ruia College.  Mr. Devesh Agarwal won the 1 st prize in both the quiz and presentation competitions at Khalsa College.  In the Semester V exam of 2016-17, 5 students scored over 90% and Devanshu Mehta topped with 94.75% marks


40 Nahush Sathe and Tarang Shah addressing the gathering


Department Activities  The second and third year students of Zoology Department visited the Bhandup Pumping station to study Biodiversity.  The Department also conducted an excursion to Aarey Fish Seed farm to understand the Aquaculture practices. Staff Achievements Principal Dr. Rajpal Shripat Hande  3ULQ'U+DQGH'U3DSL\D'HEDQG'U6LQJKDGLDDUHOLVWHGLQ$VLD3DFL¿F:KRLV:KROLVW'U+DQGH¶V%LRJUDSK\ZDV LQFOXGHGLQ$VLD3DFL¿F:KR¶V:KR9RO;,9  Principal Dr. Hande was appointed as a Vice ChancellorRs nominee on the Governing Body of P.S.P. SansthaRs Indira Insti- tute of Pharmacy, Sadavali (Devrukh), Dist. Ratnagiri.  Dr. Hande was a Governing Body nominee for conducting interview for the post of Principal in Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College, Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai  Dr. Rajpal Shripat Hande (Principal) was invited as:  Member, NAAC Peer Team Visit : (1) 14-16 December 2016-Shyamlal Pandviya PG College, Morar, Gwalior 474006, MP (2) 29-31 December 2016-BhavanRs Shri I.L. Pandya Arts, Science and Smt. J. Shah Commerce College, Dakor-Umreth Road, Dist Kheda, Dakor-388225, Gujarat.  Member, Committee constituted for selection of prestigious awards to be given by Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

41  Dr. Rajpal Shripat Hande (Principal) was nominated by British Council as a part of a Delegation to the United Kingdom (UK) from the 29 th January 2017 to 4 th February 2017 to visit seven Universities & Higher Learning Institutions. Vinayak Dalvie  Prof. Dalvie V.V was a guest of Honour at Prajapita Brahmakumaris Ishwari University, Abu. He addressed 10,000 teachers from various countries on Values in Education and also published one research paper and authored 10 books.  He was invited by Prajapita Brahmakumars Ishwari University, Abu as Guest of Honour to address international conference on values in education, which was attended by 8000 national and 1000 international teachers.  Mr. Vinayak Dalvie and Dr. Anil Singh published two books. Dr. S.M. Patil  Dr. Patil S.M. published one research paper in an International journal.  Dr. S. M. Patil attended the NSS Camp at Murbad. Dr. Papiya Deb  Dr. Papiya Deb published two research papers in International Journals.  +HU%LRJUDSK\ZDVLQFOXGHGLQ$VLD3DFL¿F:KR¶V:KR9RO;,9  Dr. Deb was invited to contribute to a book on Advanced Research by Elsevier. Dr. Hitesh U. Shingadia  'U+LWHVK86KLQJDGLD¶V%LRJUDSK\ZDVLQFOXGHGLQ$VLD3DFL¿F:KR¶V:KR9RO;,9 Dr. Venkatesh Thakur  Dr. Thakur attended National Bee Keeping Workshop at Kolhapur. Student Achievements  Arpita Doshi won third prize for a presentation titled O LED lights leads the wayP at Eureka M 2016 held on 1 st December 2016 organized by G M Momin womenRs college.  Payal Gupta won second prize for a presentation titled OBiomaterialsP at Eureka M 2016 held on 1 st December 2016 organ- ized by G M Momin womenRs college.  $NVKDWD=DQG)DUKDQ6ZRQWKHVWSUL]HWURSK\DQGFHUWL¿FDWHIRUWKHLUSUHVHQWDWLRQDWWKH6FLHQFH3XOVHLQWHUFROOHJLDWH science exhibition 2016 in M D College on 17 th Dec 2016.  Hetvi Parekh Selected for 10 day training camp at NIUS Homi Bhabha center  Gunjan Soni and Pradip Mishra won two gold medals at Chem Hunt at Somaiya college.  Mr. Divesh Agarwal and Ms. Nish Pandya participated and secured second position in the paper presentation.


Department Activity  Accounts department of Junior College conducted guidance lecture on 5 th January, 2017 for S.Y.J.C. commerce students. Students were guided about ruling in accounts paper and various mistakes which should be avoided in the board exam.

Guidance Lecture for Book - Keeping and Accountancy


Staff Achievements Mrs .Smita Phatak  Presented two research papers on Antimicrobial activity of Eclipta prostrata(Linn) and pharmacognostical study of Barringtoniaacutang ula at the All India Conference at Ranchi, organized by Indian Botanical Society from 21 st to 23 rd Oct. 2016.

Mrs. Smita Phatak at All India Conference

Dr V. K. Vaze  Attended and presented paper at National seminar in Mycology at Vales University, .  Attended a national seminar in biodiversity of fungi and co-chaired a technical session at Dyansadhana College, Thane.  Gave a talk on preparation for HSC exam at Versova Welfare College.  Guided students of Ruia College on preparation for NEET exam  Appointed as academic board member for All India exam Vidyarthi Vidyan Manthan jointly conducted by Vidyan Bharati, NCERT and Vidyan Prasar of DST.


Staff Achievements Mr. Bhushan Parshuram Nazirkar  Awarded Ph.D in Chemistry in February 2017  Published research papers on-  Synthesis, SAR, Molecular Docking and Antituberculosis Study of 3-Methyl-1-Benzofuran-2-Carbohydrazide, Asian Jour- nal of Chemistry, 28 (11), (2016), 2346-2352,  Synthesis, SAR, Molecular Docking and Anti-TB study of 3-Hydroxy-1-Benzofuran-2-Carbohydrazide, Asian J. Research Chem, 2016, DOI - 10.5958/0974-4150.2016.00021.3.  Secured second rank in poster session in the National Conference on Innovative Research in Chemical Sciences held on 1st and 2nd February 2017 organised by the Department of Chemistry, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Staff Achievements Mrs. Poonam Hingmire  Paper published in IJSER journal on special topic as Analytical study on Collaborative Filtering techniques for Location- based Recommendation.  3DSHUSXEOLVKHGLQ,((((;3/25(,QGLDQ6LJQ/DQJXDJHWR)RUHFDVW7H[WXVLQJ/HDS0RWLRQ6HQVRUDQG5)&ODVVL¿HU

43 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS Department Activity  The Department organized a visit to CIDCO EXHIBITION center on Oct 3, 2016 at Navi Mumbai. Two Professors, Mr. Sunil Uchale, Dept. of Chemistry and Mr. Abdullah Khan In charge Dept. of Electronics with ten students of Electronics Department attended the workshop which was inaugurated by the Honorable Union Minister of Defense- Mr. Manohar Parrikar, Honorable Chief Minister Government of Maharashtra-Mr. Devendra Fadnavis, , Secretary of Steel M Ms .Aruna 6KDUPD,$6DQGPDQ\LPSRUWDQWKLJKSUR¿OHGHOHJDWHV

Department of Electronics Mr. Sunil Uchale and Mr. Abdullah Khan DW&,'&2([KLELWLRQ&HQWUHDW&,'&2([KLELWLRQ&HQWUH


Department Activity  To address the issue that a reading habit needs to be encouraged among students, the Department of English constituted a Book Club which began its proceedings with George OrwellRs popular and well known book Animal Farm. The next book under discussion was Charlotte BronteRs Jane Eyre. The students from Arts, Science and Commerce streams attended the session. Several students of the Degree College have also expressed a desire to be part of the Club.  On the 26 th November, the English Department hosted a workshop conducted by Dr. Vidya Premkumar, on Creative Writing. Arts, Science and Commerce students of both the Junior and Degree colleges attended in large numbers. Dr. Premkumar, a talented artiste and author in her own right, infused the participants with both hope and a passion for the written and spoken word, which made instant converts of all.  7KH'HSDUWPHQWVFUHHQHGDIHZPRYLHV7KH¿UVWRQHZDVWKH0DUDWKL¿OPµ%DQJDUZDGL¶GLUHFWHGE\$PRO3DOHNDUDQG originally written by well known Marathi writer Mr. Vyankatesh Madgulkar. The second movie that was screened is called Rain Man and starred Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise. The department also screened The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and As you Like it. Movie sessions were arranged for students by Ms. Suma Narayan, Ms. Raseshwari Chonkar, Ms. Dipali Salunkhe and Mr. Pradeep Sawant.  On the 6 th December, 2016, the English Department conducted several co- curricular activities that had a direct relevance to the FYJC and SYJC English textbooks.  Essay-Writing Competition was conducted for the Junior College students.  An exhibition was organized in collaboration with the college library. The Librarian, Ms. Archana Garate, and the assistant librarian, Mr. Chavan had accomplished a very commendable feat, in zeroing in on these books and transporting them to and from the library. Students and teachers perused the books and the Head of the English Department, Degree college. Dr Suresh Wakchaure appreciated the efforts taken by the department. Staff Achievements Ms. Raseshwari Chonkar and Ms. Dipali Salunkhe  Participated as Keynote Speakers in a symposium organised by MEET (Maharashtra English Educators Team) and RMSA (Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan) British Council and Education Board Maharashtra.  Ms. Raseshwari Chonkar also presented a paper on Q Reading Habits and Language AbilityR in the symposium which was organized on 10 th December 2016

DEPARTMENT OF FRENCH Department Activity  The Department of French of Junior College celebrated French national day i.e. 14th July through class room activities. Fol- lowing activities were conducted for SYJC students

44  A quiz on France  Mrs. Raseshwari Chonkar (Dept. of English) read a short story by the French writer Guy de Maupassant,translated into English.  The Department organized an exhibition Qla Mode en FranceR M the fashion In France M on 20 th December 2016. It was in- augurated by Principal Dr. Rajpal Shripat Hande. The students of FYJC prepared posters to show evolution of fashion in France through 15 th century till date. The students also organized live counters for make-up and food. The exhibition was well received by all staff and students.


Student Achievements  Students of Junior College participated in the festival QGurjari NamostuteR organized by Kandivali Education SocietyRs B.K.Shroff College to participate in various events like Garba Competition, Essay competition, Housie competition based on literature.  Ms. Divya Nandwana of SYJC Commerce got third prize in housie competition.


 Hindi SahityaParishad of Junior College organized an elocution competition on occasion of Hindi Diwas with Hindustani 3UDFKDU6DEKD&DVKSUL]HVZHUHJLYHQWRWKHZLQQHUV3DUWLFLSDWLRQ&HUWL¿FDWHVZHUHJLYHQWRDOOSDUWLFLSDQWVDORQJZLWKD gift. Student Achievements Following students won prizes in elocution competition on occasion of QHindi DiwasR-  Ms. GehanaVerma(FYJC MArts) First Prize of Rs,3000/-  Ms. Janhavi Singh (SYJC-Arts) Second Prize of Rs.2000/-  Ms. Muskan Sharma(FYJC Commerce) of RS.1000/-


Hindi Diwas Hindi Diwas Winners

Winners at Hindi Competition at Lords Universal College


Department Activity cejeer Jee*dce/e ceb[U  efJevee&eke3 oeceesoj meeJejke3j efJeefJeOe iegCeoMe&ve &ee efJe

46  ke3efJeJe&e& keg3megcee epe GHe&3 efJe

Marathi Elocution Competition

Swatantryaveer Savarkar Vividh Gundarshan Vyakhyan


Staff Achievements Mrs. Jalaja Somakumar  Appointed as the Chief Moderator by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Education for the 12th Stand- ard Examination conducted in July 2016.  Appointed as the Question Paper Setter of XII Standard for the March 2017 Examination by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.  Delivered guidance lecture at K.J. Somaiya College of Arts & Commerce, Vidyvihar & Prahladrai Dalmia Lions College of Commerce &Economics ,Malad West, to the XIIth Standard Commerce students appearing for the Board Examination in February -March 2017.

47 Mr. D.N. Kurkute  Attended Combined Annual Training Camp (CATC) from 25 th May to 4 th -XQHDW9DVDLDQGZRUNHGDV7UDLQLQJ2I¿FHU  Delivered guidance lecture to SYJC Commerce students of Maniben Nanavati WomenRs College Vile Parle.


Department Activity  Department of OCM AND SP conducted the contact lecture for HSC exam students on 7 th Jan. 2017 with prior notice to all SYJC CLASSES. Ms. H.B. Dalal, Ms. Sheela Sachde, and Ms. Sujta Hule conducted the same. The OkeyP to successfully at- tempt the Board Exam of OCM AND SP subject was given to the students. Question wise guidance was given on the method of writing answers, the length of the answer and organizing data with proper presentation to score the best. Students were also guided about time management. More than 90 students showed up for the guidance lecture. The faculty members made themselves available on WhatsApp and in person during college hours for the best interest of students.


Staff Achievements A.N.Patil  Mr. A. N. Patil was invited on 16 th January 2017 to conduct the Academic Audit of Dnyansadhana Junior College.


Department Activity  The Psychology Department of Junior College organised Aptitude Testing and Career Counseling for std 12th Psychology students on the 15 th of July at Juhu Jagruti Seminar hall . It was conducted by an Institute named QBLISSR .  Along with the Students Guidance and Counseling Association, the depatment organized a workshop on OBox of possibili- tiesP conducted by Jigna Dedhia (Psychologist and Pranic healer) on 18 th Jan 2017 for FYJC students studying Psychology.  The department organised a two hour workshop on OTime management, Positive Thinking & Exam PhobiaP for Standard 11 Psychology students on 31 st Jan 2017. It was conducted by Ms Jigna Dedhia (Spiritual , member of Shrimadrajchandra Mission) NON-TEACHING STAFF

Achievements  Shri. Mahesh G. Kolhe had secured 1st Prize for Best out of Waste at the & Cultural event OTarangP for Non-Teaching Staff organized at Shri. M. D. Shah Mahila College, Malad (West).

Mahesh G. Kolhe receiving 1 st 3UL]HIRUµ%HVWRXWRI:DVWH¶  Ms. Pooja Chavan secured second prize for Rangoli at the Sport & Cultural event OTarangP for Non-Teaching Staff organ- ized at Shri. M. D. Shah Mahila College, Malad (West)  Shri. Ravindra N. Desai secured 2nd Prize for Best Out of Waste at M. D. College, Parel, Mumbai Sport & Cultural Event OUstav M. D.P organized for Non-teaching Staff.



SVKMRS Mithibai College of Arts, Chauhan Institute of Science and Amrutben Jivanlal College of Commerce And Economics, NAAC Reaccredited QAR Grade, CGPA : 3.57 (February 2016) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for one year with the Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture (MACCIA) on 13 th December, 2016 at the Mithibai College Seminar Hall in the presence of Mr. Shantanu Bhadkamkar (President, MACCIA), Mr. Sameer Dudhgaonkar (Vice President, MACCIA), Dr. Rajpal Shripat Hande (Principal, Mithibai College), Mr. Michael Vaz (Vice Principal, Mithibai College) Dr. Anjali Patkar (Associate Professor, Dept. of Commerce, Mithibai College) and various members of the Department of Commerce and students. The MoU was signed by Principal Dr. Rajpal Shripat Hande and Vice-principal Mr. Michael Vaz on behalf of Mithibai College and by Mr. Shantanu Bhadkamkar, President MACCIA and Mr. Sameer Dudhgaonkar, Vice President MACCIA on behalf of the Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce. The MOU aims at providing better opportunities to administer the various facilities for students and teachers. It details four areas of collaboration which are-  Holistic Environment Creation  7UDLQLQJ 6NLOO'HYHORSPHQW VWDIIVWXGHQWVLQGXVWU\  )RFXVRQ$FDGHPLFDFWLYLWLHV SHUIRUPDQFHVNLOOEDVHG  Recruitment/Placement related Act LYLWLHV (PSOR\DEOHSURGXFW  Each area is carefully chosen to provide the best educational amenities to college students and teachers. Holistic Environment Creation: The area of holistic environment creation would help create better communication and interac- tion between students, parents, teachers and the management. This will be achieved through educative and inspiring content on notice boards/sms/mails, regular sensitization workshops, by intimating the students and parents about the importance of being successful professionals and entrepreneurs and by exposure to the various industrial activities organized by the Maharashtra &KDPEHURI&RPPHUFH7KHVWDIIRIWKHHGXFDWLRQDOLQVWLWXWHZLOODOVREHEHQH¿WWHGE\ZRUNLQJZLWKYDULRXVLQGXVWULHV Training and Skill Development: The students will get the opportunity to attend various industrial training programs and visit GLIIHUHQWLQGXVWULHV7KHDFDGHPLFLQGXVWU\LQWHUDFWLRQDFWLYLWLHVVXFKDV\HDUO\H[SHUWOHFWXUHVFHUWL¿FDWHFRXUVHVWUDLQLQJZRUN - shops and skill development programs will broaden the horizon of the students and the faculty. These activities will build better value systems, aid in character development, leadership aspects and soft skills. Focus on Academic Activities: The international experts from MACCIA would help in developing an apt syllabus and curriculum which incorporates latest developments in the world. This will help the students cope with recent changes when they complete their education and start their professional careers. Recruitment and Placement Related Activities: This is the most important area of co-operation between the above mentioned two parties. The students will get several job opportunities in various job fairs conducted by the MACCIA. Moreover, the de- velopment of Employment Cells, will aid in creating entrepreneurship skills in the student and faculty. All these activities will LQFUHDVHUHFUXLWPHQWDQGVHOHFWLRQRIFRPSHWHQWFDQGLGDWHVLQQXPHURXV¿HOGV In view of the above, the MoU will have far reaching effects for the betterment of the students, faculty and educational institution.

49 Department of Philosophy of SVKMRS Mithibai College of Arts, Chauhan Institute of Science and Amrutben Jivanlal College of Commerce And Economics, NAAC Reaccredited QAR Grade, CGPA : 3.57 (February 2016) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Kaivalyadham Yoga Institute on 28 th September 2016. This MoU will help promote yoga for the youth by forming a Yoga Club in the college. Yoga can play a vital role in health and healing as practised at the Kaivalyadham Istitute. The college,in agreement with the InstituteRs vision, hopes to inculcate Yoga into the students` daily routine. This MoU would lead to combined effort toward a common goal i.e. making Yoga a part of the education and lifestyle of todayRs youth.


Mithibai College received 80 lakhs through FIST(Fund for Improvement of Science & Technology), Government of India. This JUDQWLVIRUWKH¿YH\HDUV5HVHDUFKLVRQHPRUHFRUH&RPSHWHQF\IRUWKH&ROOHJH7URXJKWKH),67JUDQW7KHUHDUHFRQFUHWHSODQV WRUHLQIRUFHWKHUHVHDUFKFXOWXUHGXULQJWKHQH[W¿YH\HDUV5HVHDUFKFRUUHODWHVWRWKHPLVVLRQVWDWHPHQWRIQXUWXULQJVFLHQWL¿F attitude, temperament, and culture amongst the students. This will be achieved by  Creating research culture at the undergraduate level.  Improving the laboratories with modern instruments.  Intensifying research and taking up consultancy services, undertaking major research projects with the help from Govern- mental and Non-Governmental funding agencies  Increasing the number of postgraduate teaching faculty and Ph.D. guiding faculty. Honing their skills by encouraging them to participate in skill based workshops and conferences.  Organising national conferences/seminars in the college.  2UJDQL]LQJKDQGVRQWUDLQLQJZRUNVKRSVIRUWKHVWXGHQWVE\WKHFRPSHWHQWDXWKRULWLHVLQYDULRXV¿HOGV  Increasing the number of publications in high impact factor journals. 7KHFROOHJHLVLQWKHSURFHVVRIDSSO\LQJIRUDXWRQRPRXVVWDWXV2QFHLWLVJUDQWHGWKHLQFUHDVHGDFDGHPLFÀH[LELOLW\LVERXQGWR IXUWKHU¿QHWXQHWKHTXDOLW\RIXQGHUJUDGXDWHDQGSRVWJUDGXDWHWHDFKLQJ


Mithibai College has received a grant of 66 lakhs for the improvement of teaching in science at the undergraduate level. The objectives of the grant are:  To provide effective teaching of science subjects at undergraduate level and thereby encourage students to undertake UHVHDUFKLQWKH¿HOGRI/LIHVFLHQFHV  To provide a platform to the young generation to acquire technical skills in science during their basic education in science and thus effectively contribute to the growth of our country and also help bridge the academia-industry gap.  7RHQFRXUDJHWKHWHDFKHUVLQVWUXFWRUVWRZRUNWRZDUGVWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIDSRVLWLYHDWWLWXGHWRZDUGVFLHQWL¿FVXEMHFWFXU - riculum amongst the students  7RHQFRXUDJHVWXGHQWVWRFRQWLQXHWKHLUDGYDQFHFDUHHULQWKH¿HOGRIVFLHQFHE\LQFXOFDWLQJDVSLULWRIVFLHQWL¿FLQTXLU\LH to develop the ability to sense problems, analyse and predict solutions.  To facilitate the students to develop a thorough knowledge of fundamental principles, inter-dependence, and relationship among the different branches of science.  To equip students to acquire appropriate skills in science experiments, i.e. to handle advanced equipment, to write SOP etc.


The Mithibai Economic Forum, an initiative of the Department of Business Economics, was created by students in December 2015. The objective was to use social media network to engage students who are interested in discussing current economic and political developments around the world. The students not only stayed connected through social media but also met regularly after college hours to discuss and debate topics of their interest. After the Mithibai Economic Forum gained traction, Ayush Jain, Dev Shah and I formed The Economic Transcript, which is a combination of a blog and an e-magazine, in December 2016. Our objective was to inculcate in the students a desire to transcend the curriculum through research and application and to give them a platform to express that through their writings. The Economic Transcript exists in two forms: as a daily blog and as a monthly magazine. On the blog, which is registered on Wordpress, we publish posts daily. These posts address topical issues as well as topics of public interest related to Economics and Current Affairs.The Economic Transcript (TET) magazine, which is a monthly, is only available through subscription. To be eco-friendly, we have restrained ourselves to generating only an e-magazine and thus the Economic Transcript is sent to the VXEVFULEHUVDVD3')¿OH7KHPDJD]LQHFRQWDLQVDQDO\WLFDODUWLFOHVEDFNHGE\LQGHSWKUHVHDUFKDQGRSLQLRQV7(7KDVEHHQ receiving very good reviews and feedback from various sources. The Transcript has already reached 450+ subscribers. We have increased our reach through being active on social media platforms especially on Facebook. Due to TET being an e-magazine, we have defeated geographical constraints and have taken it global. Our main readership after India is in the U.K and the U.S. We also have readers from Canada, and . The Economic Transcript was created with a view to empowering students to write industry-standard articles. We are thus proud to inform that The Transcript has subscribers from ICICI Securities, KPMG, CRISIL, among others. As Economics is an inter- disciplinary subject we have many students working on different articles on subjects such as Psychology, Politics, Corporate Finance, and Current Affairs.

PANEL DISCUSSION MEUROPEAN DISINTEGRATION On 9 th March 2017, Mithibai Economic Forum organized a felicitation ceremony for the team of The Economic Transcript. All the students were felicitated by our principal Dr.Hande and invited guests. 7KLVZDVIROORZHGE\DSDQHOGLVFXVVLRQRQµ(XURSHDQ'LVLQWHJUDWLRQ¶7KH¿UVWWZRSDQHOLVWVZHUH'U,QGUDGHHS*KRVK 3K' MIT), Professor Meghnad Desai Academy of Economics, Mr.Rajrishi Singhal, who is an independent consultant on Policy, Research and Strategy and has been a part of the Gateway House think- tank, former executive editor of Economic Times and the writer of a fortnightly column for Mint. The third panelist was Mr.Pankaj Karde who is currently the Sr.Vice-President and Head of Institutional Sales and Trading at Systematix Stocks and Shares. The panel discussion was moderated by Mr. Mustajab Khatir, faculty, Department of Economics, Mithibai College. The discussion was an insightful and a highly enriching experience for the students.

51 I would like to thank our principal Dr. Rajpal Shripat Hande for his support and his continued encouragement to our initiative of using collaborative technology for learning. Our special thanks goes to all the faculty members of the Department of Business Economics for encouraging us to create such collaborative learning platforms to generate interest in economics. If you are a student and wish to write for us, send an unpublished article to [email protected] , with QWriter for TETR in the subject line. If you wish to join any of our other departments (PR, Marketing, HR, Creatives and Admin) send us an email to [email protected] with QAdmin for TETR in the subject line. Adityapal Singh Jaggi Editor-in-Chief

The Economic Transcript


NMIMS-ChancellorRs Challenge, an initiative of SVKM President and Chancellor of NMIMS University, Shri. Amrishbhai Patel, aims at selecting three best entrepreneurial ideas forwarded by students of SVKM institutes. To involve Mithibai College students in ChancellorRs Challenge, Principal Dr. Rajpal Shripat Hande initiated its planned promotion and incorporation of its stated objectives on the campus. Awareness about the initiative was spread through several communication channels that included regular email correspondence with students, notices, direct student interaction, use of social media networks and announcements at major college festivals. There ZDVVLJQL¿FDQWHQWKXVLDVPJHQHUDWHGDPRQJVWWKHVWXGHQWV2XWRIWKHWHDPVIURPGLIIHUHQW69.0LQVWLWXWHVWKDWUHJLVWHUHG in Round 1, 99 were from Mithibai College. From the registered teams, 60 were selected for Round 2. From these 60 teams, 15 were from Mithibai College.The College conducted the following mentoring sessions for the selected teams:  On 15 th February, 2017, Prof. Samir Virani, MET Institute of Management conducted a session on QHow to convert Ideas into Viable Businesses?R  On 18 th February, 2017, Mr. Manish Jain, Founder Partner, SageOne Investments LLP conducted a mentoring session on QPreparing an effective Business Plan.R  On 20 th February, 2017, Mr. Deepak Ghaisas, Chairman GENCOVAL conducted a one to one mentoring of selected teams on QAn Entrepreneurial Journey: Be Job Givers Not Job Seekers.R

Manish Jain, founding partner, SageOne Investments LLP, advising students on how to prepare an effective business plan as part of ChancellorRs Challenge

Samir Virani, faculty, MET Institute of Management, mentoring students

53 Eminent business personality, Deepak Ghaisas, Chairman, GENCOVAL at one to one mentoring session with students


The enthusiasm shown by our students in pitching their business plans for ChancellorRs Challenge made Principal Dr. Hande initiate the creation of the Mithibai College Entrepreneurship Development Cell.The objective of the Mithibai EDC is to create an entrepreneurial environment in college and to encourage students to take entrepreneurship challenges in the future. The Cell was inaugurated on 20 th February 2017, jointly by Principal Dr. Hande and eminent business personality Mr. Deepak Ghaisas.

Principal Dr Hande felicitating eminent business personality Deepak Ghaisas, Chairman, GENCOVAL at the inauguration of the Mithibai Entrepreneurship Development Cell



June 2016-March 2017  New IQAC was constituted on 1 st April 2016  The Proposal for grant of Autonomous status was s ubmitted on 28 th June2016. First round of scrutiny was completed on 8 th Nov 2016 while the second round constituting the visit of the Local Inquiry Committee (LIC) was completed on 8 th March 2017.  A One Day Workshop on Curriculum Design and Development was organised on 24 th August, 2016 between 10:30 am and 5:30 pm in Juhu Jagruti Hall for the members of faculty as a preparatory step towards securing the autonomous status. It was attended by all members of the faculty at the Degree College. Honorable Joint Secretary, SVKM, Shri Jayant Gandhi graced the occasion at the Inaugural Session. 4 sessions were organized. Principal Dr Rajpal Shripat Hande started the workshop- with tracing the timeline for the college and discussed the QRoadmap to Autonomous Status for Mithibai CollegeR. The next session was conducted by Dr Dnyaneshwar Harichandan, Director IDOL, University of Mumbai. His session focused upon resources that can be harnessed for the teaching-learning process. Dr Arvind Dhond, Associate Professor at the St. XavierRs College (Autonomous), Mumbai addressed the faculty on Curriculum Designing and Development. The last session was ad- dressed by Mr. Vinayak V Dalvie, Associate Professor-Zoology, Mithibai College, wherein he gave an insight to the different approaches that can be used for curriculum design like- Flexi-syllabus and cafeteria approac.  $GKRF6XEMHFW%RDUGVZHUHFRQVWLWXWHG7KH¿UVWPHHWLQJZDVKHOGLQWKHPRQWKRI6HSWHPEHU±2FWREHUDVSHUJLYHQ VFKHGXOH7KHIUDPHZRUNRIDOO\HDUVRIGHJUHHFRXUVHZDVGHFLGHGDQGWKHGHWDLOLQJRIWKH¿UVW\HDUFXUULFXOXPLVXQ - derway.

ARTS COMMERCE SCIENCE SELF-FINANCED COURSES Subject Date Subject Date Subject Date Subject Date Psychology 21/09/2016 Business 14/10/2016 Microbiology 08/10/2016 BMM 20/10/2016 ¿UVW%26 Economics meeting) 10/10/2016 (second) 22/10/2016 (third) Sociology 22/09/2016 Business Law 19/10/2016 Physics 20/10/2016 BBI 22/10/2016 Economics 05/10/2016 Commerce 21/10/2016 Mathematics 20/10/2016 BAF 22/10/2016 Language 07/10/2016 EVS and 22/10/2016 Biotechnology 20/10/2016 BFM 22/10/2016 (Hindi, Travel & Marathi, Tourism Gujarati) Philosophy 17/10/2016 Accountancy 24/10/2016 Biochemistry 21/10/2016 BMS 22/10/2016 English 18/10/2016 Statistics 22/10/2010 French 20/10/2016 Chemistry 24/10/2016 Political 22/10/2016 Botany 24/10/2016 Science F.C. 24/10/2016 Zoology 25/10/2016


Young Ambassadors of Mithibai (YAMI) was conceptualised by the Principal, Dr. Rajpal Hande and students were inducted into the same based on the recommendations received from the heads of the departments considering the academic and extra-/ co-curricular excellence of the students. Several meetings were held where the students were addressed by the Principal, who made them aware of their responsibilities and

56 the expectations from them. Students were also handed exclusive YAMI badges that they are required to wear when in college. The YAMI students were extremely active during the admission process of the college. They manned the enquiry desks and helped mitigate the anxiety that parents and students tend to feel during admissions. The help rendered by the YAMI students was appreciated not only by the parents and their wards but also by the college faculty. <$0,YROXQWHHUVZHUHDOVRSURDFWLYHGXULQJWKHFRQGXFWRIWKHRULHQWDWLRQSURJUDPPHVKHOGIRUWKH¿UVW\HDUVWXGHQWVRIERWK degree and junior college. They helped maintain decorum in the auditorium and guided the students when they had queries. YAMI students have also been allocated duties on various committees/ associations of the college based on their preferences. This will help the faculty in charge of these committees/ associations for the conduct of the activities of the same. Many of the YAMI students have been proactive in several initiatives of the college and been at the helm for the conduct of various programmes. They were also actively involved in several aspects of the organization of the Annual Day programme. The assistance given by the YAMI volunteers for the organization of the OYoga MeetP on 18 th January, 2017 was appreciated by the authorities.

Dr. Geeta Narayan Convenor YAMI

57 INTERNAL COMPLAINTS COMMITTEE (ERSTWHILE WOMEN DEVELOPMENT CELL) The internal complaints committee of Mithibai College organised a talk on Teenage relations by the NGO QYuva AadharR, which is working in the area of youth empowerment, on 21 st July 2016. The lecture was delivered by the founder of the NGO Mr. Aadesh Chavan and his associates. Owing to the interesting and highly relevant nature of the issue addressed, an overwhelming response from the students was received. More than 100 students from across the different faculties attended the talk with zest.

Principal Dr. Rajpal Shripat Hande chaired the session. He highlighted the importance of such talks for not just students who undergo hormonal changes during their teenage years but also for the teachers and parents who need to be aware of problems associated with teenage relations and their long-term impact on their childrenRs academic, social and psychological wellbeing. He also expressed concern for young girls who fall prey to such fragile relations quoting startling statistics from different sources.

7KHLQWHUDFWLYHVHVVLRQE\0U&KDYDQZDVDQLQWHUHVWLQJEDODQFHRIVFLHQFHDQGSV\FKRVRFLDORXWFRPHV4XRWLQJVFLHQWL¿F researches on teenage relations he covered the aspects related to the reason for falling in such relations, the impact of such a rela- tion, its failure rates, its reason for failure and the gender based difference in approaches to relationship failure. The session was highly energetic and interactive. Students found it very useful in dealing with their own and their peersR problems of relationships.

The Department of Sociology in collaboration with Internal ComplaintRs Committee (erstwhile Women development Cell) organ- ized a workshop on gender space in digital age on 10 th January 2017, at the conference room of Mithibai College.

The workshop was conducted by FemPositive- a feminist Initiative founded by Riddhima Sharma (an activist, lawyer and acad- emician) and Chirag Kulshreshtha (activist and media professional). Around 30 students of TYBA (Sociology) participated in the workshop. This highly interactive and innovative session covered the issues of gender identity, stalking, trolling, harass- ment and misuse of social networking sites to humiliate women and other marginalized groups of the society. The facilitators also guided the students in preventing such experiences in digital space and mechanisms that can be used when faced with such incidents. Students shared their personal experiences of deep seated violence existing in the real world extending to the virtual digital world. The session was enriching, informative and enlightening for all the participants. Dr. Meenakshi Vaidya, Convener, ICC along with the Committee members and Dr. Khevana Desai, member ICC and Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, co-ordinated the workshop.

58 TALK ON DRIVING SAFETY The Internal Complaints Committee of Mithibai College also organized a talk on Driving Safety, by Mr. Vinayak Joshi from the Global Safety Forum, a registered Charitable Trust, on January 25, 2017. The lecture was delivered by Mr. Vinayak Joshi and he was accompanied by the Secretary of Global Safety Forum, Mr. T.K. Unnikrishnan. Principal Dr. Rajpal Shripat Hande chaired the session. He highlighted the importance of such talks for not just students who are eager to procure their driving license at an early age of 18 years but also for the teachers and parents. In the interactive session, by Mr. Vinayak Joshi, the reasons for ac- FLGHQWVDQGKRZWRDYRLGWKHPZHUHKLJKOLJKWHGDQGWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIIROORZLQJWUDI¿FUXOHVDQGWDNLQJVDIHW\PHDVXUHV2ZLQJ to the interesting and highly relevant nature of the issue addressed, an overwhelming response from the students was received. More than 100 students from across the different faculties attended the talk with enthusiasm

WELLNESS FOR YOUTH IN MODERN INDIA The Internal Complaints Committee of Mithibai College in association with Rotary Club of Bombay Juhu Beach & the Mumbai Obstetric & Gynecological Society, organized a Talk show on QHealth of Youth in Present IndiaR on 16 th February 2017 at 10.30 am in Juhu Jagruti Hall. Prof. Michael Vaz welcomed the speakers on the occasion. Ms. Neha Savla, the President of Rotary Club of Bombay Juhu Beach was present. Dr. Reena Vani Professor Additional & Head of Department, HBT Medical College & Dr. R. N. Cooper Municipal Hospital Ex-TNMC & BYL Nair Ch. Hospital, Mumbai spoke on Changing trends in contraception and child bearing age for married/ unmarried women. She explained that the percentage of young girls and boys having pre-marital sex is on the rise and that all sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, Hepatitis B are not totally curable. She explained the pros and cons of different methods of contraception. She informed the audience that being clued in on these facts was the best method to be safe. The aim of fam- ily welfare is to improve maternal and child health by reducing the number of children and spacing of the children and abortion should not be used as a contraceptive tool.

The second talk was on QIncrease in sexually transmitted diseases and lifestyle DiseasesR by Dr. Dhrupti Dedhia who is a Con- sultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist in various hospitals. She presented startling statistics that most STDRs are contracted by 15-25 year-olds. One in four contracts an STD by the age 21. Teenage women have highest rates of Chlamydia , gonorrhea etc which are STDRs. She explained that women have higher rates of psychological distress, depression, and physical morbidity than PHQ7KHIDFWRUVZKLFKKDYHVLJQL¿FDQWO\LQFUHDVHGVWUHVVLQZRPHQDUHWKHLULQFUHDVHGZRUNIRUFHSDUWLFLSDWLRQULVHLQGLYRUFH VLQJOHSDUHQWKRRGDQGWKHDJHLQJSRSXODWLRQ6WUHVVFDQDIIHFWWKHQHXURKRUPRQDO±HQGRFULQRORJLFDOSDWKZD\VDQGFDQUHÀHFWDV menstrual irregularities or changed reproductive behaviour.

Smoking among women in India is on the rise. Smoke is a toxin and smoking has multifactorial effects including higher incidence of heart disease and malignancies. In addition, smoking during pregnancy has serious risks for the foetus too, especially that of low birth weight. Similarly, alcohol not only causes psychological dependence, but is especially harmful during pregnancy. It is a preventable cause of birth defects, developmental disorders and foetal alcohol syndrome.

The third talk was by Ms. Hiteshi Dhami, who spoke on the Importance of nutrition and physical activity in everyday life of

59 youth in the present day. The importance of a balanced diet with proper physical exercise was stressed upon. She explained that the avoidance of junk food for better physical, physiological and psychological health in detail.


Ms Neha Savla addressing the audience Dr. Meenakshi Vaidya Convenor


DLLE (Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension) was started in Mithibai College in 2009. The goal of DLLE is to make students aware of the socio-cultural needs of the society. The Department has been carrying out the literacy mission, reach to the unreached through its e-learning and National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) centres. 7KHWRWDOQXPEHURIVWXGHQWVHQUROOHGIRUWKHDFDGHPLF\HDULV7KHIDFXOW\ZLVHFODVVL¿FDWLRQRIVWXGHQWVLVDV given below: B.Sc. : 42 Unaided : 49 Total = 704 B.A : 191 } B.Com : 422 7KHFODVVL¿FDWLRQRIVWXGHQWVDVSHUSURMHFWVFKRVHQE\WKHVWXGHQWVIRUWKHDFDGHPLF\HDULVDVIROORZV SM : 15 ICTSDE : 161 IOP : 125 Total = 704 CP : 262 } SWS : 141 7KH¿UVWWHUPWUDLQLQJSURJUDPPHIRUWKHH[WHQVLRQZRUNWHDFKHUVIRUWKHDFDGHPLF\HDUZDVKHOGRQ nd July,2016 at KES Shroff College, Kandivli (W). It was attended by extension work teachers and student managers from all streams. The ex- tension work teachers who attended the programme were Dr. Sunita Maral, Dr. Geeta Narayan, Dr. Tushima Basak, Ms. Shweta Salian and Dr. Aparna Bharadwaj The student managers subsequently trained the students enrolled under the department on the dates mentioned below:

Arts : 28 th July, 2016 Science : 28 th July, 2016 Commerce: 27 th July, 2016 Unaided : 28th July, 2016

60 The second term training programme for the extension work teachers and student managers was held on 7 th December, 2016, at Hansraj Jivandas College of Education, Khar (West). It was attended by 05 extension work teachers and student managers from all the streams. Teachers who attended the programme were Mr. Gorakhnath Uttekar, Dr. Tushima Basak and Ms. Ujwala Kurkute. Other Activities  A poster competition on QIndia of my dreams -2030R was organised by DLLE students on 20 th August 2016. Two best posters ZHUHVHOHFWHGDQGZLQQHUVZHUHJLYHQFHUWL¿FDWHVDWWKHKDQGVRISULQFLSDO  The annual QCareer FairR, was held over three days - 5 th , 6 th and 7 th January, 2017. The students put up stalls with posters display on various careers options and related information.

Dr. Sunita Maral Chairperson, DLLE

61 TRAINING & PLACEMENT Placement Overview

&ROOHJHKDVD3ODFHPHQW&RPPLWWHHFRPSULVLQJRIWKH3ODFHPHQW2I¿FHUWKH7UDLQHUWKH)DFXOWLHVDQGWKH6WXGHQW&RRUGLQD - tors. This committee is the prime force responsible for all the activities of the Training and Placement Cell, providing opportunity for Part Time / Full Time / internship jobs in reputed Organizations to eligible students. The college is also associated with a web portal to assist in the placement program. In addition to Final Placements the College actively encourages students to take up internships and WUDLQHHSURJUDPPHV7KHSODFHPHQWUHFRUGRIWKHFROOHJHLVDSURRIRIWKHFRQ¿GHQFHVKRZQE\WKHLQGXVWU\FRUSRUDWHLQRXUVWXGHQWV Soft Skill Training At Mithibai, emphasis is placed on the all-round development of the students, thereby equipping them to face life after college. The soft skills training provided to the students assist them in identifying and achieving their own personal potential. To make WKHVWXGHQWFRUSRUDWHUHDG\WKH¿UVW\HDUIRFXVHVRQOD\LQJDIRXQGDWLRQRQWKH(QJOLVK/DQJXDJH6NLOOV7KHVHFRQG\HDUIR - cuses on Self-management and People Skills which include programs on Personality Development, Presentation skills, *RDO6HWWLQJ&RQ¿GHQFHEXLOGLQJ&RQÀLFW0DQDJHPHQW,QWHUSHUVRQDO6NLOOV1HJRWLDWLRQ6NLOOV7HDPEXLOGLQJDQG'HFLVLRQ 0DNLQJ$SUHSODFHPHQWSDFNDJHLQWKH¿QDO\HDUIRFXVHVRQ,QWHUYLHZ6NLOOV*URXS'LVFXVVLRQV5HVXPH:ULWLQJ,QWHUYLHZ Skills, Corporate Grooming, Business Etiquettes and Work Ethics. Companies that visited the Campus for recruitment include names like Kotak, Morgan Stanely, KPMG, Wipro, Edelweiss, Futures First, Direct I, Infosys, JP Morgan Chase, Teach For India, Axis Risk etc. Salary Range for 2015-16 (In Lacs p.a.) Highest salary: 7.5 Lowest Salary: 2.0 Average Salary: 3.5 3ODFHPHQW6XPPDU\RI0LWKLEDL&ROOHJH  Streams Students registered & Eligible for Placements Students Placed BCom 65 14 BMS 61 26 BAF 31 14 BFM 40 16 BBI 47 23 BSc Computer Science 25 17 Bio Chemistry 18 1 Biotechnology 4 1 Microbiology 3 1 BA Sociology 3 2 Economics 3 2 BMM 5 3 Psychology 1 1 MSc Statistics 6 1 Biotechnology 11 1 Computer Science 7 5 MA Industrial Psychology 8 8

203 136 Total


The report of the hikes undertaken by the Hiking and Mountaineering Society in the academic year 2016-17 is as follows:


Amrit Rajwadkar, BhanudasArote, ONE DAY HIKE Sanjay Hasabnis, 1. JULY 3, 2016 9 17 26 TO NANE GHAT Gorakhnath Uttekar, Karthikeyan Subbu, & Ms. Janvi Shah.

S.V.Mudaliar, OVER NIGHT Sanjay Hasabnis, 2. HIKE TO JULY 31, 2016 21 11 32 Amrit Rajwadkar, ANJANERI GAD Gorakhnath Uttekar& Karthikeyan Subbu

ONE DAY HIKE Amrit Rajwadkar, AUGUST 21, 3. TO 19 11 30 Sanjay Hasabnis, 2016 SARASGADH Karthikeyan Subbu,

TWIN HIKES TO AmritRajwadkar, KORAIGADH & SEPTEMBER Sanjay Hasabnis, Bhanudas Arote, 4. 9 12 21 DUKES NOSE 25, 2016 Gorakhnath (NAG PHANI) Uttekar & Karthikeyan Subbu

TWO DAY TREK S.V.Mudaliar, Sanjay Hasabnis, DECMBER 11 5 TO 12 12 24 Amrit Rajwadkar & & 12, 2016 SIDDHAGADH Gorakhnath Uttekar.

Sanjay Hasabnis, Amrit Rajwadkar, OVER NIGHT JANUARY 22, Karthikeyan Subbu, 6 HIKE TO 13 19 32 2017 Gorakhnath Uttekar, BHASKAR GAD Shatrughana Patil, Ms. Maruti Gupta.

Sanjay Hasabnis, ONE DAY HIKE Amrit Rajwadkar, TO FEBRUARY, 7 8 7 15 Bhanudas Arote, TRINGALWADI 12, 2017 Karthikeyan Subbu, FORT

63 Hike to tringal Wadi Fort on Febuary 12, 2017

Day Hike to Nane Ghat on July 3, 2016


Hike to Sarasgadh on August 21, 2016



Talking about oneself is considered as one of the best stress reliever therapies. Communication improves relationships, brings self-awareness and prepares one for a better future. Counselling is based on such principles.Counselling services are silent features but the results are astounding where a studentRs issues are concerned. It has been four and half years since the inception of counselling services in Mithibai College. Students come with their issues RUUHIHUUHGE\WHDFKHUVIRUJXLGDQFHDQGXQGHUJRFRXQVHOOLQJZLOOLQJO\3DUHQWVDUHDOVRZHOFRPHWRYLVLWWKH&RXQVHOORURI¿FH A positive feedback has been received from parents. Counselling services has also been extended to the teaching and non- teaching fraternity in the college. TeacherRs feedback regarding the referred cases of students has been very helpful. Their cooperation and support is invaluable.

Counselling services provided in different areas:

 Unfair means committee.  Defaulters: Students with less attendance, meeting with parents etc.  Workshops for the students.  Individual / group counselling Sessions with students, parents.  Orientation and motivation sessions for students.  Follow up sessions.  Monthly Reports  Annual report.

6WXGHQWV¶FDVHVKDYHEHHQFDWHJRUL]HGDQGWKHIROORZLQJLVVXHVLGHQWL¿HG6XEMHFWRSWLRQVFDUHHU(GXFDWLRQ/HDUQLQJGLVDELOLW\ / dyslexia, Molestation, Suicidal tendencies, Personal Issues (Family / Communication/Adjustment), Inter personal relationships, Personal issues of staff, Parents

CounsellorRs work schedule: Karuna Jaggi, Counsellor Monday to Friday 0930 to 1630 hrs. and she is available in BNCP, Room no. 213 Contact: 42331410

Ms. Karuna Jaggi Counsellor


On the occasion of VANAMAHOTSAV, on 1 st July 2016, 40 student members of the Nature Club accompanied by Dr. Sashirekha Suresh Kumar and Dr. Bindu Gopalkrishnan, participated in the massive Tree plantation drive organized by the Maharashtra Government Forest department and Police department at Palghar Shirgaon beach. 10000 Casuarina trees were planted along the beach as wind breaker belt. 500 people from various colleges, schools and NGOs also participated. Appreciation letter and trophy was given to the College for participation. A Nature trail was organized by Nature Club along with Geography association to Yeoor, Sanjay Gandhi National Park, on 31 July, 2016. 78 students accompanied by Dr. Sashirekha Suresh Kumar, Dr. Sunita Maral, Dr. Dipesh Upadhyay, Vimla Chaube, T. V. Bicheesh Balan. The group was guided through the forest by Jagdish Vakle and Rajdeo Singh participated. The participants HQMR\HGWKHVHUHQHEHDXW\RIWKHIRUHVWLQWKHSURWHFWHGDUHDRI6*13DQGREVHUYHGWKHGLYHUVLW\RIÀRUDDQGIDXQDPDLQO\WKH

65 various fungi and insects in action. We crossed Ashok Van and reached the highest point at Kanheri from where the canopy of the forest and a panoramic view of Mumbai city could be seen. Students enjoyed the walk as it was raining heavily throughout the day. Operation Tricolor activity was jointly organized by Nisarg Nature Club and the Rotract Club of Mithibai College on 16 th August 2016. 30 students scanned the roads of Vile Parle east to Juhu and Irla to Milan subway for collecting Indian Flags as a mark of UHVSHFWÀDJVZHUHFROOHFWHGDQGVHQWWRWKHUHF\FOLQJXQLWRI%0& Nisarg Nature club and NSS volunteers participated in the International Coastal Clean-up Day program organized by the Indian Coast Gaurds on 17 th September 2016. 120 student members participated. They collected post Ganpathy Visarjan waste, broken idol pieces and assorted waste strewn on the beaches. They were accompanied by Dasharath Patel, Department of Gujarati. &HUWL¿FDWHVIRUSDUWLFLSDWLRQZHUHLVVXHGE\WKH,QGLDQ&RDVW*XDUG

Palghar tree plantation Palghar tree plantation

Tree plantation Appreciation Stream crossing trophy recieved for Mithibai college


Joy of Giving To further the cause of the welfare of society and broader outlook , the college has set up the Institutional Social Responsibility com- mittee. The committee is headed by Dr Anjali Patkar and supported by teacher and student members. Some of the student members are Yashashvi Doshi, Devisha and Vijay Parekh. The committee is dedicated to social work and welfare and attempts at cultivating an attitude of social responsibility in students and staff members. Joy of Giving, an initiative for social cause taken up by Mithibai col- lege turned three this year. Joy of Giving is an annual donation drive. It was held from 29 th August to 3 rd September 2016. The dona- WLRQGULYHVHWXSLQWKHPDLQIR\HURIWKHFROOHJHDWWUDFWHGDVLJQL¿FDQWUHVSRQVHIURPQRWRQO\WKHVWXGHQWVDQGWKHWHDFKLQJVWDIIEXW also from the local community. The program was inaugurated by our Principal, Shri Rajpal Shripat Hande. He emphasized the need to cultivate a sense of social responsibility and belonging towards society. He said that every individual is directly or indirectly sup- ported by the society and in return the individual must take the responsibility of giving back to the society. The donations collected during this week were in the form of usable clothes, stationery, toys, biscuits, books and new shawls. We collected approximately 100 cartons of donations. This year, the number of donors was approximately 500. The donations collected were handed over to 20 NGOs. Aadhar, Jeevan Anand, Missionaries of Charity, Robinhood Army, Samatol Foundation which variously work with orphaned children, disabled children, street children, the families of farmers who committed suicide and the school fees of the girl child

66 are some of the NGOs.The event was graced by the Honourable Charity Commissioner of Maharashtra State, Shri Shashikant Savale, the honourable mentor of the college, Shri Sunandan Divatia, noted Marathi actor Dr Nishigandha Wad and others. We aim to organise this event on a larger scale in the years to come.

Inaguration of the Joy of Giving Harshad Bhai,Trustee Member handing over the Week by the Principal JOG contribution to a housekeeping staff

Popular Marathi actress Ms.Nishigandha Wad makes her presence felt at the JOG 2016

Principal and the ISR team with Mr. Shalin Divatia

67 Principal interacting with NGO personnel Principal along with the NGO Bazaar team

To further the cause of welfare of the society , the college has setup its very own QInstitutional social responsibility committeeR. The committee is headed by Dr Anjali Patkar and supported by the teacher and student members to name a few Yashashvi Doshi, Devisha, Vijay Parekh. The committee is dedicated to social work and welfare for cultivating an attitude of social responsibility amongst students as well as staff members. We hope and pray to reach out to as many people as we can in our journey to help those in need. The Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) committee of Mithibai College organised ONGO BazaarP on 13 th and 14 th February 2017. NGO Bazaar was a unique exhibition cum sale of products hand crafted by destitute women and children. This shop for a cause event was the brainchild of Ms Sonali Chatterjee. The committee members proactively took up this noble cause along with student volunteers. The exhibition was inaugurated by the Principal Dr. Rajpal Shripat Hande who appreciated the items on display and encouraged the participants. The exhibition got a good response from students and staff members not only from Mithibai college but also from visitors of adjoining SVKM institutes. Jewellery, woodwork and handbags, paper craft and dry snacks all were made to perfection. Among the eleven participating NGOs were Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care -Mahila Griha Udyog, Kshitij-SHG for development challenged adults, Aftertaste-empowering destitute women and Vivekananda Youth forum to name a few. Ms.Shalini Datta, Founder and HOD of Aftertaste also addressed the Sociology students and sensitized them on women empowerment and livelihood. CULTURAL COMMITTEE

The Cultural Committee of Mithibai College taps the potential of students, trains them and sends them for various competi- tions. These students then bring name and fame to the college. In the beginning of the academic year, Annual Talent Search was organised from 2 nd August, 2016 to 4 th August, 2016. Nearly 350 students participated in the elementary rounds of the events in 3HUIRUPLQJ$UWV/LWHUDU\$UWV)LQH$UWVDQGWKHOLNH7KH¿QDOURXQGVZHUHFRQGXFWHGZKHUHFHOHEULWLHVIURPUHVSHFWLYH¿HOGV worked as judges to select winners. Students of Mithibai College have given spectacular performances and bagged several prizes. Following is a brief list of the vari- ous prizes that our students received this year.  %HVWFRQWLQJHQWDQG2YHUDOO7URSK\DW³,1781(6´IHVWLYDORI6W$QGUHZ¶V&ROOHJH%DQGUD0LWKLEDL&ROOHJHZRQ¿YHRXW RIVHYHQHYHQWVZLQQLQJWKH¿UVWSUL]HLQDOOWKH¿YHHYHQWV 2. Mithibai College won the Zonal Trophy third time in a row at Mumbai UniversityRs 49 th Youth Festival with maximum number RITXDOL¿FDWLRQVRI,QWKH¿QDOVRXUVWXGHQWVZRQJROGPHGDOVLQ:HVWHUQ6RORDQG/LJKW9RFDOV0XVLFDQGLQ3RVWHU Making, Rangoli, Folk Orchestra are some other events the students bagged the second prize. 3. Mithibai College bagged the First Runners up prize at Malhar, St. XavierRs College, Inter Collegiate Festival.  0LWKLEDL&ROOHJHZRQVHYHUDOSUL]HVLQYDULRXVHYHQWVDW10&ROOHJH¶V)HVWLYDO8PDQJ7KHVWXGHQWVEDJJHGWKH¿UVWSUL]H in the Fashion Show, while the Best Play, Best Writer, Best Director and Best Speaker at Literary Arts trophies were won by Mithibai College.

68 5. Poddar Junior College festival, Impulse, also witnessed Mithibai CollegeRs shining, with students bagging gold and silver medals with trophies in events like Neon Table Tennis, Mr. and Ms. Impulse, Treasure Hunt and many more. 6. At Kaleidoscope, Sophia College festival, we bagged the Second Runners up prize competing against 21 other colleges. 7. IPTA is a movement of people who love theater and drama. Our drama OKharr-KharrP was highly appreciated at the IPTA FRPSHWLWLRQ7KHGUDPDEDVHGRQWKHOLIHRIIUHHGRP¿JKWHU8VKD0HWKDKDGDSDWULRWLFDQGHPRWLRQDOWRXFK7KLVGUDPDLV also selected to represent Maharastra at ORangarejP drama competition at all India level and bagged trophies. 8. Mithibai College also won Second Runners Up Trophy and the events day trophy at Entourage, Jai Hind College Festival. 9. At Laher, Gokhilbai College festival, Mithibai college bagged trophies which are Best College, Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Literary Arts. 10. Our students also won Best Contingent Leaders Trophy at Soul Q16, LordRs Universal CollegeRs festival. 11. Our students also received prizes in other festivals like Vividh, Aahaan 12. Mithibai students regularly participate in Mood Indigo. Kshitij is an intercollegiate festival which is organised by Mithibai College. This was tenth year of Kshitij and the decennial celebration was organized with great pomp and show. The initial preparations started with the visit of to college. The actual festival was organized on 1 st December, 2016.This was the biggest event with participation of 124 colleges. The pronites organized were attended by thousands of students from all over Mumbai.

Malhar 16 - 1st Runner Up Trophy

Cooking event at KaleidoscopeR 16

OMONO ACTINGP at MithibaiRs Annual Talent Search 2016.


 On 22 nd 2FWREHUWKH¿UVWPHHWLQJRIWKH6WXGHQWV¶&RXQFLOZDVFRQYHQHGDW-XKX-DJUXWL+DOO7KHPHHWLQJZDV chaired by the Chairman of the StudentsR Council, Principal Dr. Rajpal Shripat Hande. Dr. Suresh Wakchaure was an- nounced the Convener of the StudentsR Council. The N.S.S. teacher in-charge Dr, Mahesh Bhagwat and the N.C.C. teacher in-charge Dr. Satish Ingale too were present. Dr. Anjali Patkar was announced the Co-Convener of the StudentsR Council.

 The students were felicitated for being part of the StudentsR Council and were given letters of appointment and a token of appreciation. On the spot elections were held and Miss. Pranita Jajodia was elected as the General Secretary of Mithibai College unanimously. Miss. Riddhi Shah and Mr. Satwik Gupta were elected as the Jt. Secretaries of the Student Council.

 The StudentsR Council organised the Traditional Day and StudentsR Day being held on 21 st and 22 nd December, 2016 respectively. The decor used during the college days matched the theme and added glamour. A traditional welcome was extended to the teaching and non-teaching staff on traditional day. Selected students lectured on studentsR day while the teachers in the respective classes attended as students.

 The StudentsR Council put up a stellar Annual day show on 23 rd December, 2016 at Bhaidas Hall from 9 am onwards. The felicitation programme was followed by the cultural programme. The trophies for the felicitated students via sponsorship was arranged. The Annual Day witnessed our Principal singing, the teachers dancing to Garba tunes. Kharr-Kharr, National Award winning play was beautifully performed by the students in addition to music, dance, fashion and literary arts.

 The StudentsR Council also arranged the second felicitation of the meritorious students on 24 th December, 2016 at Juhu Jagruti Hall. The prizes were distributed by the Principal and the Vice-Principals.

 The StudentsR Council planned and executed a stellar Yoga Day as well on 18 th January, 2017, in coordination with SVKMRs Yuva Hashtag festival.

 The StudentsR Council is looking forward to planning and executing the third felicitation ceremony of meritorious students on 25th Februrary, 2017 at Juhu Jagruti Hall and the Convocation Ceremony in the month of Februrary.

70 Traditional Day Celebration Degree College Traditional Day Non-Teaching Staff

Felicitation Felicitation

Mithibai Music Band The General Secretary and Joint secretaries


Enrolment Drive N.C.C. Committee started its activities with the enrolment drive in June, 2016. Elegant charts, posters and power point presenta- tion at the orientation attracted the students and this year, 3 new cadets are enrolled. Independence Day Celebration Independence Day was celebrated with the usual fervor and enthusiasm on 15 th August, 2016. A platoon of 27 cadets was com- manded by S.U.O. Sandesh Parab. The National Flag was unfurled by the Principal, Dr. Rajpal Shripat Hande, Associate NCC 2I¿FHU $12 /W'1.XUNXWHDGPLQLVWHUHGWKH2DWKWRWKHFDGHWV&XOWXUDOLWHPVDQGDGYHQWXURXVDFWLYLWLHVZHUHSUHVHQWHG by the cadets. Prizes were given by the Principal to the cadets. The programme was attended by Lt. Col. Sumit Datta (Command- LQJ2I¿FHURI0$+$50'6411&&8QLW H[FDGHWVVWXGHQWVSDUHQWVDQGVWDIIRIWKHFROOHJH Training Camps attended by cadets Our cadets have attended following different training camps and adventurous activity camps all over India in this academic years.

No. of Cadets Name of Camp Duration Place attended

Special National Integration Camp (SNIC) 14 to 27 April, 2016 Lakshadweep 1

Combined Annual Training Camp (CATC) 25 May to 3 June,2016 Vasai 12

G. V. Mavalankar Firing Camp 15 June to 29 Jun, 2016 Navy Nagar 1

Army Attachment Camp (AAC) 27 June to 9 July, 2016 Ahmednagar 10

Thal Sainik Camp (TSC) 4 July to 14 July, 2016 Nashik 4

Thal Sainik Camp (TSC) 17 July to 26 July, 2016 Nashik 1

Thal Sainik Camp (TSC) 28 July to 7 Aug, 2016 Nashik 1

Thal Sainik Camp (TSC) 8 Aug to 18 Aug, 2016 Amravati 1

Pre-Republic Day Camp (PRDC) 29 Sep to 9 Oct, 2016 Goregaon 2

Scuba Diving Camp (SDC) 4 Oct. to 23 Oct.2016 Colaba 1

National Integration Camp (NIC) 7 Nov. to 19 Nov.2016 Rajasthan 4

Advanced Leadership Camp (ALC) 10 Jan. to 21 Jan. 2017 Ahmedabad 2

Achievements 2QHRIWKH1&&FDGHWV9LVKDO6DOXQNKHKDVEHHQVHOHFWHGLQWKH,QGLDQ$UP\DVDQ2I¿FHUWKURXJK1&&HQWU\DQGKHKDVEHHQ XQGHUJRLQJRI¿FHUV¶WUDLQLQJLQ,QGLDQ0LOLWDU\$FDGHP\ ,0$ 'HKUDGXQIURP-DQXDU\9DWVDO-DGLDRXUFDGHWZRQWKH Gold Medal in Mike Compering and Bronze Medal in Swimming at the Scuba Diving Camp held at Colaba. One of our NCC Cadets, S.U.O. Rahul Adhival won the Gold Medal in Debate Competition and silver medal in Overall Best Cadet, J.U.O. Pratik Sonavane, SGT. Saurabh Catale, Cadet Parth Goria and Hrishikesh Vishwakarma won silver medals in the Cultural events held at the National Integration Camp at Rajasthan.One of our cadets Sergeant Ajay Gupta has been selected for the G. V. Malvankar Firing Camp at Navy Nagar, Colaba. Thamke, a girl cadet won the Cadet Welfare Society Scholarship of Rs.6,000/- for the year 2016 M 17. She has been selected and completed the Basic Marathon Course from 1 st to 26 th June, 2016 held at Manali, Himachal Pradesh.One of our NCC cadets Pratik Sonavane won the gold medal in Mike Compering and silver medal in the cultural events held at the Special National Integration Camp held at Lakshadweep. Gananayak Jha, an Air Force Wing NCC cadet has been selected for the Special National Integration Camp at Lakshadweep and All India Vayu Sainik Camp at Jodhpur, Rajasthan and he won 2 gold medals in SNIC at Lakshadweep in group singing and extempore and 1 silver medal in the Drill at

72 the All India Vayu Sainik Camp, Jodhpur, Rajasthan. He was leading the Drill Contingent of Maharashtra and won the overall Best Directorate Champions Trophy in AIVSC Camp.One of our Air Force Wing Girl NCC Cadets Drishti Thakkar has been selected for the All India Vayu Sainik Camp.One of our Girl NCC Cadets Gauri Sawant has been selected for CATC at Panvel, CATC M Pre RDC at Ghatkopar and IGC (Intergroup Competition Camp) held at Aurangabad. Others: Group Captain, J. S. Lohakana, the Group Commander, NCC Group Head Quarters Mumbai B visited the College NCC Unit on 26 th August, 2016 for Annual Administrative Inspection.Group Captain P. Bakshi the Group Commander, NCC Group Head Quarters Mumbai B visited the college NCC Unit on 16 th December, 2016. NCC Cadets get an opportunity to interact with such DQ2I¿FHURIKLJKHU+41&&µ%¶&HUWL¿FDWHDQGµ&¶&HUWL¿FDWHH[DPLQDWLRQUHVXOWLVIRUWKHDFDGHPLF\HDU± 1&&&DGHWVDUHJRLQJWRDSSHDUIRUWKHµ%¶&HUWL¿FDWH([DPLQDWLRQWREHKHOGLQWKHVHFRQGZHHNRI)HEUXDU\ Social Activities As usual every year our NCC Cadets had done social activities like Tree Plantation, Blood Donation, Polio immunization and Ganpati immersion activities. 32 NCC Cadets performed Yoga at the International Yoga Day on 21 st June, 2016 in the Mithibai College premises.12 NCC Cadets helped maintain discipline in queues at different bank branches from 21 st to 26 th November, 2016 during the demonetization drive. 26 NCC Cadets participated in the peace march on 26 th November, 2016 from the college to Juhu Beach to honour the victims of November 26, 2008 tragedy and to support the soldiers. NCC Cadets helped in maintain- ing the discipline on College Annual Day held on 23 rd December, 2016.

1HVW&DGHWWURSK\WR6825DKXO$GLZDO*URXS&RPPDQGHU *US% &DSWDLQ$6/RKDNDQD by the Principal on Independence Day & Col. Sumit Dutta

NCC cadet Vatsal Jadiya won the Gold medal in the Scuba Diving Camp at Colaba Navy Nagar

NCC cadets visit Army attachment camp at Ahmednagar

NCC performed yoga on International Yoga Day 21 st June 2016


NCC Cadet Kajol Thamke in River Crossing training in NCC cadets doing drill with arms Basic Mountaineering Camp at Manali on Independence Day

/W'1.XUNXWH  Chairperson, NCC FILM SOCEITY 0U6DW\DQVKX6LQJKDQDWLRQDODZDUGZLQQLQJ¿OPPDNHUFRQGXFWHGDWKUHHKRXUZRUNVKRSRQWK$XJXVWRQWKHWRSLF ³0RWLRQ3LFWXUH6WRU\WHOOLQJ$Q,QWURGXFWLRQWRWKH9LVXDO/DQJXDJHRI&LQHPD,WZDVWKH)LOP6RFLHW\¶V¿UVW:RUNVKRSRQ 9LVXDOGHVLJQ+HXVHGWKHRSHQLQJVFHQHRID)UHQFK¿OPFDOOHG³%OXH´DQGH[SODLQHGWKHFRQFHSWVRIµ&HQWUHRI,QWHUHVW¶DQG µ,PDJH6L]H¶DORQJZLWKYDULRXVRWKHUFRPSRQHQWVRI¿OPPDNLQJ0V0DQLVKD/DNHD¿OPFULWLFDQGFRPPXQLFDWLRQFRQVXOWDQW conducted a two-hour session on 26 th $XJXVWRQUHYLHZLQJ¿OPVDQGDQDO\VLQJGLIIHUHQWPRYLHV 0V$MLWD6XFKLWUD9HHUDIRFXVHGRQEDVLFWHFKQLFDOLWLHVRIVKRRWLQJZKLFKLVEHQH¿FLDOIRUEXGGLQJ¿OPPDNHUVDWWKHZRUNVKRS conducted by the U.S Consulate General on 22 nd and 23 rd of September, providing a great learning experience on how to go DKHDGZLWKWKHSURGXFWLRQSODQIRU¿OPPDNLQJ 7KH'HSDUWPHQWRI0DVV0HGLDDQG)LOP6RFLHW\RUJDQLVHGD¿HOGWULSIRUVWXGHQWVWR6-6WXGLRVRQ th September, 2016. Two workshops were held by FACE academy in the studio premises. They organised a seminar on 27 th September 2016 for students in association with Mumbai Academy of Moving Images(MAMI). Mr. Satyanshu Singh (Screenwriter for QThe PuppetR, QUdaanR) conducted a session on 9th of December 2016. In this lecture, he VSRNHRQWKHWRSLFRI¿OPHGLWLQJWKHIXQFWLRQVRID¿OPHGLWRUFKDOOHQJHVIDFHGLPSRUWDQFHRI¿OPHGLWLQJDQGWKHWRROVXVHG LQ¿OPHGLWLQJ7KHVWXGHQWVZHUHVKRZQFOLSVDQGVFHQHVIURPGLIIHUHQW¿OPVVXFKDV9HUWLJRDQG3V\FKRE\$OIUHG+LWFKFRFN DQGWDXJKWWRREVHUYHWKHQXPEHURIFXWVLQDVHTXHQFHRID¿OPDQGDQDO\VHWKHVXVSHQVHDQWLFLSDWLRQRUWHUURUDFFRUGLQJO\ Film Society of Mithibai College organized a workshop on 13 th December, 2016 on QBasics of Film MakingR. It was conducted by Ms. Ganga Mukhi from FTII Pune who is currently associated with Children Film Academy, Paris. Ms Ganga spoke on the power of cinema and how it shares a symbiotic relation with the real world. She threw light on the fact that a powerful cinema is an organic mix of script, sound, camera angles and editing. Film Society of Mithibai College organized a four hour long workshop on 21 st December, 2016 on OScreenplay WritingP. It was conducted by Mr. Parlav Choudhary, alumnus of New York Film Academy. Mr. Choudhary, who is also associated with Hollywood and production houses, spoke on the different stages involved in screenplay writing wherein a single OLog lineP is developed into a detailed script. By involving the students into an interesting discussion, he threw light on terms like OTreatmentP, OPlotP and OThree Act StructureP, which are commonly used in writing a screenplay. He further elaborated KLVSRLQWE\VKRZLQJKLVRZQ¿OPDQGVFULSWLQZKLFKKHKLJKOLJKWHGWKHQXDQFHVRIJRRGZULWLQJ$WWKHHQGKHFRQFOXGHGWKH session by exhibiting a movie from Kashmir Film Festival.

Ms. Ajita Suchitra Veera with the class Ms. Manisha Lake addressing the class Ms. Ganga asking students KHOGDWWKH86&RQVXODWH      DERXWWKHLU¿OPYLHZLQJKDELWV


 On International Yoga Day on 12 th June, Mithibai NSS Unit conducted yoga session. 12 volunteers participated for the event. On the occasion of International Yoga Day, University of Mumbai conducted a 7 day yoga training camp from 15 th June, 2016 to 21 st June, 2016 at Vidyanagar campus. Three of our volunteers attended the camp. R.D.National Col- lege had conducted yoga training session for 3 days from 16 th June, 2016 to 18 th June, 2016. 3 volunteers participated for the camp.

 On the occasion of 159 th Foundation Day of Mumbai University, the University of Mumbai had celebrated the founda- tion day at Sports Complex, Kalina Campus on 18 th -XO\YROXQWHHUVDORQJZLWKRQHRIWKHSURJUDPPHRI¿FHU attended the event.

 Mithibai NSS Unit organized a Gurupurnima function on 19 th July,2016. The Principal inaugurated the function. 14 volunteers actively organized the function.

 On the auspicious occasion of the death anniversary of Lokmanya Tilak on 1 st August,2016 , the Maharashtra government organized the QLokmanya MohotsavR at Yasvantrao Natya Mandir. 37 volunteers attended the function.

 Kranti Divas was organized on 9 th August, 2016 at August Kranti Maidan to commemorate the Quit India Movement. 29 volunteers actively attended the event.

 Swatchata Bharat Abhiyan was conducted in our college campus on 10 th August,2016and in the nearby locality of col- OHJHDVSDUWRI,QGHSHQGHQFH'D\FHOHEUDWLRQV$ORQJZLWKYROXQWHHUV3URJUDPPH2I¿FHUVSDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKHHYHQW

 $0XPEDL8QLYHUVLW\UDOO\ZDVRUJDQL]HGE\166RI¿FHUVRQ nd August, 2016 to create awareness about Independence Day. 4 volunteers participated in the rally.

 The NSS unit Of Mithibai college organized a blood donation drive on 22 nd August, 2016 in the Mithibai admission area. 183 bottles of blood were collected. 100 volunteers participated in the event.

 On World AIDS Day, on 1 st December, the Mithibai NSS Unit organized a AIDS Awareness Rally spreading awareness DERXW$,'6DQGKRZWR¿JKWZLWKLWYROXQWHHUVSDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKHUDOO\  The Mithibai NSS Unit organised a special seven day residential camp at Asose Village, near Murbad District from 22 nd December,2016 to 28 th December,2016.

40 volunteers, 9 teachers members and 1 non-teaching staff member stayed at the camp. The volunteers performed a number of activities such as teaching at the local primary school, collecting soil samples and the like. Swami Vivekananda Jayanti was commemorated on 8 th January, 2017 by the Vivekananda youth connect group joining hands with Mumbai University to organise a marathon. 28 volunteers participated in the marathon.

 On the occasion of National Voters Day on 20 th January,2017,the NSS unit of Mithibai college organised a rally starting from Mithibai college to Vile Parle station. The rally was organized to create awareness about elections and voting. 30 YROXQWHHUVSDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKHUDOO\DORQJZLWKRQH3URJUDPPHRI¿FHU7KH166XQLWDOVRRUJDQLVHGDQ(VVD\:ULWLQJ competition to commemorate National VotersR Day, in Mithibai college. 14 volunteers participated in it.

 The Mithibai NSS organized an election awareness rally on 7 th February,2017 starting from Mithibai college to Vile Parle Station and back to Mithibai college. 30 volunteers participated in the rally.

 On 7 th February,2017, a talk by Smt. Anuradha Gore was organized on the topic OThe Siachen Glacier and IndiaRs Secu- rity ChallengesP in the JJH by the department of Political Science and the NSS. 30 volunteers participated in the event.

 A presentation on Solid Waste Management was given followed by a talk by Anuradha Gore on 7 th February,2017. 30 student volunteers participated in the event.


The staff colloquium and welfare committee organised a talk by Dr. Goyal on Preventive cardiology on 22 July, 2017. He spoke about mild heart attacks and preventive measures that can avoid angioplasts. Ms. Reshmi Varghese gave us an insight about burns and the procedure of skin grafting. They also enlightened us about skin

76 donation procedures. She was associated with the Inner wheel NGO. Ms. Meera spoke about the NGO and organ donation drive carried out by Rotaract. Staff Colloquim/Welfare Committee organized a presentation on 03 February, 2017 on Dena BankRs Digital Banking products to the faculty, non-teaching staff and students of the college. The presentation dealt with Next Gen Payment Solutions, Dena Bank Debit Cards / Prepaid Cards, Offers on Platinum Rupay Debit Cards, Dena Easy POS, E-wallets, IMPS etc. and demonstration of Dena Aadhaar pay POS, Dena Bank E-UPI app and BHIM app. BankRs DGM-IT, Shri. Sitaram.B.S. and AGM-Marketing, Shri 9*6HQWKLONXPDUDORQJZLWKRWKHURI¿FHUVRIWKHEDQNJDYHWKHSUHVHQWDWLRQRQ'LJLWDO3D\PHQW3URGXFWV Mithibai Staff Colloquium hosted a talk by our Principal on 13 th February 2017. Principal, Mithibai College, Dr. Rajpal Shripat Hande was nominated by British Council as a part of DICE (Design Innovation Creativity Entrepreneurship) Immersion 2017 EducatorRs Delegation to UK held from Jan 29 th to Feb 4 th 2017. The delegation was led by Dr. Indu Shahani, President and Chairperson ISME and ISDI- WPP and supported by British Council. Study areas covered during the visit were Opportunities in Higher Education in UK, Indo-UK Trade, UK Political System, Brexit, School Education System in UK etc. Some of the prominent institutes visited were Kings College, the University of Westminster, London School of Economics, London Business School, Warwick Business School, Bath University, Before the delegation left for the UK, they were hosed by the Honourable Governor of Maharashtra Shri. Chennamaneni Vidyasagar Rao, the British Consulate and the US Consulate. In London, Lord Karan Bilimoria received the delegation at the House of Lords, Mr. G. P. Hinduja at the Hinduja House and the British High Commission at British Council.The Principal shared his experience and suggested opportunities and collaborative programmes for both faculty and students. He highlighted the learning and takeaways as possibilities of Memoranda of Understanding with the British Universities,designing educational programmes for International students and designing International Programmes for ourstudents drawing ideas fromYork St. John University,University of Bath,University of East London ,University of Liverpool, London School of Economics and University of Oxford. Crafting English Language Courses ,Proposing India Studies Programme, Blueprinting Semester / One year Programmes ,Mod- eling Research Internship programmes, Drafting English Language Course for a semester- English Lab, Planning Collaborative Programmes with International Institutes, Visiting Universities for Student and Faculty Exchange Programmes , Appreciating and understanding the process of Event Management, Understanding International Protocols, Etiquettes and Ethics, Planning and Management of High-level Delegations and Organizing International High level Delegation are also possible takeaways. The Principal formed a cell for providing information regarding UK studies to aid the faculty and students regarding the same. Dr. Anjali Patkar has been appointed the convenor.

Dr. U. N. Deshmukh



The 52 nd A.D. Shroff Elocution Competition for College students was organized on 14.12.2016 by the committee. 29 students registered for the competition. The topics were, QMake in India M as I See itR, QSmart City of my DreamsR, QThe Challenges of Water Management and Road Development for Urban M Rural ConnectivityR. The event was judged by the invited teachers, Ms. Usha Subramanian, Ms. Rajni Nair and Ms. Chitra Thomas. Cash prizes worth Rs. 1250/-, Rs. 1000/- and Rs. 750/- were awarded to the WRSWKUHHFRQWHVWDQWV$OOWKHVWXGHQWVZHUHJLYHQSDUWLFLSDWLRQFHUWL¿FDWHV7KHQDPHVRIZLQQHUVDUH3DQNWL0HKWD 6<%6F  Mr. Shivkumar Yadav (S.Y.B.Com) and Ms. Simrell Bennet Creado (F.Y.B.Sc). The annual Essay and Debate competitions for Degree college students (both aided and unaided) of the college were organized on 25.01.2017 and 30.01.2017, respectively. 24 students registered for the essay competition, while 7 teams registered for the debate competition. The topics for essay were QThe India We WantR and QGlobal Terrorism M The Fight Against TerrorismR. The three best essays were JLYHQSUL]HV$OOWKHVWXGHQWVZHUHJLYHQSDUWLFLSDWLRQFHUWL¿FDWHV7KHZLQQHUVDUH9DLGHKL0DVXULD$VWKD9DLVKQDYDQG7DQYL 8ONDQGH7KHWRSLFVIRUWKHGHEDWHZHUHµ'HPRQHWL]DWLRQ,V,W-XVWL¿HG"¶DQGµ6RFLDO1HWZRUNLQJ6LWHVLVLWD%RRQIRU6RFLHW\ or is it a Means of Stalking People ?R

7KHEHVWWKUHHWHDPVZHUHJLYHQSUL]HV$OOWKHVWXGHQWVZHUHJLYHQSDUWLFLSDWLRQFHUWL¿FDWHV7KHZLQQHUVDUH$QXUDJ6KXNOD and Gannayak Jha , Jyoti Singh and Komalharini Tiwari and Niteeka Chandel and Tanvi Ulkande. Both the events were judged by experts invited from other colleges.

78 LIBRARY REPORT 2015-2016 1 Library Users  Statistics of daily walk-ins, transactions, and on-campus reading and database hub computer usage by library users during the year 2015-2016: Transaction No. of walk-ins Students 26243 95961 Staff 2726 225 Inter Library Loan facility 109 NA  N-LIST usage: Year No. of Users No. of Pages viewed 2015-2016 (June 2015- May 2016) 369 17392

 SVKM Consortia Database usage: Sr. No. Month and Year Usage 1 June 2015 1369 2 July 2015 3638 3 August 2015 3839 4 September 2015 3040 5 October 2015 8209 6 November 2015 12427 7 December 2015 5078 8 January 2016 4296 9 February 2016 9595 10 March 2016 9885 11 April 2016 9682 12 May 2016 5097 Total   Web-OPAC views: Sr. No. Month and Year Usage 1 June 2015 286 2 July 2015 168 3 August 2015 215 4 September 2015 158 5 October 2015 246 6 November 2015 367 7 December 2015 275 8 January 2016 541 9 February 2016 347 10 March 2016 303 11 April 2016 296 12 May 2016 178 Total 3380


Books No. of books $PRXQWVSHQW 5V Text Books 3004 9,37,481.00 Reference Books 45 15,973.00 Total 3049   Periodicals

No. of periodicals $PRXQWVSHQW 5V 182 2,87,661.50  Book- Bank Facility: Book Bank Facility was revived after a decade for Low Family Income students. 354 books amounting to Rs. 45,291/- were issued to 34 students from Degree Aided college for both the semesters.  Institutional Membership: Membership to IMD- Indian Meteorological Department renewed for the academic year 2015-2016.  Computers: Total number of computers in the Library are 25, out of which 2 are being used for OPAC, 12 for Database Hub to facilitate library users, while 11 are for the use of library administration staff.  Library Documentary Video: For Library orientation and marketing, the Librarian with the help of the students of TYBMM prepared a documentary video of 7.29 minutes. The video depicts services, sections and infrastructure of the library. 3. Library Orientation :  Students of First Year Junior College were orientated for the services and facilities offered by Mithibai Library on July 14, 2015 in Bhaidas Hall, Vile Parle (W).  On 12 th December, 2015 a library orientation and user training session was conducted for the students of S.Y.B. Sc. Botany in the Library at 11:15 am to brief the services and facilities offered by our Library.  Library orientation was conducted in the classroom 602 of our college on 07 th August, 2015 for the T.Y.B.Com (Psychology) students at 9.30 a.m.  Library User training session was provided for T.Y.B.A. Psychology students in their Psychology Laboratory on 29 th June, 2015 at 12.00 noon.  S.Y.B.A. Psychology students of A & B division attended a Library User Training session in the Seminar Hall on 4 th August, 2015.  An orientation Programme was organized in the Library for the Post MGraduate students of M.A. Psychology Part II, wherein 4 batches of 10 students each were carried out on 28 th January, 2016.  On the 08 th February, 2016, orientation Programme were conducted in the Library for the S.Y/ T.Y.B. Sc. and M.Sc. Part I MPhysics students from 10:00 am onwards.  A Library Orientation cum training on Law Databases was organized by the Librarian on 12 th February, 2016 from 2:30 p.m. onwards in collaboration with Ms. Amrit Manchandani, a visiting faculty for BBI. 56 students of F.Y.B.B.I. were given hands-on training and assignments were given to students to ensure that they acquired the knowledge of databases demon- strated in the session. 4. Library services  QCALIBRER- e book CALIBRE an open source e-book library management application was introduced through the Library Web page from Febru- ary, 2016. This application converts e-book into several formats such as EPUB, MOBI, PDF, TXT, RTF, ZIP, HTMLZ, etc. and enables the users to download e-book without any login and password on our campus.

80  Bibliography A Bibliography of references for the thesis of Ms. Selina Shah, Ph.D student, Microbiology Dept., University of Mumbai was prepared using Mendeley Software. 7UDLQLQJ3URJUDPPH A three hour lecture with hands-on training was offered to the Students of F.Y.B.A. Psychology in Research Skills Course using Mendeley On-line Referencing Tool, on 30 th March 2016. 6. Book Display On the Day of 9ƗFKDQ3UHUDQD'LQ , 174 books were displayed for readers in the New Conference Room on October 15, 2015. 7 Database Hub: Mithibai Library enhanced the Database Hub with 12 computers to facilitate students and faculty members, where in 2005 students and 292 faculty logs were reported. 8 Facilities for Low vision students: A Life membership of M.P. Shah All India Talking Book Centre of NAB (National Association for the Blind, India) was subscribed from the month of December 2015 to facilitate Low vision students of our college, in addition to our Screen Read- ing software NVDA (Non Visual Desktop Access) installed on library computers to facilitate low vision students, an Open Source Screen reading software, which runs on Windows operating system and support for popular applications including ZHEEURZVHUVHPDLOLQWHUQHWFKDWWLQJDQGRI¿FHSURJUDPVDV06:RUGDQG06([FHO  $UWLFOHLQGH[LQJ In the year 2015-16, 130 research articles from print journals subscribed by the Library were indexed using Library automa- tion software Libsys7.  ,QVWLWXWLRQDO5HSRVLWRU\ '6SDFH  College question papers (from 2012 to 2015) and Research papers authored by Mithibai faculty members were uploaded on Institutional Repository software QDSpaceR. 11 Newspaper Clipping: A display and compilation of news clippings on education, career, science and Technology from daily newspapers are dis- played on the Library Notice board to keep the students abreast with the new information. /LEUDU\6DWLVIDFWLRQ,QGH[ $SLORWVWXG\ZDVFDUULHGRXWWR¿QGWKH/LEUDU\6DWLVIDFWLRQDPRQJWKHXVHUVRQWKHSDUDPHWHUVYL]6HUYLFHVLQIRUPDWLRQ Resources and Infrastructure facilities with the help of established pattern of LIBQUAL+ (2000). The study revealed that the users have placed their satisfaction with the adequacy mean of 0.63 and the library needs to make more efforts to meet the Superiority Mean of -0.70. 13 Library Staff Development and Activities: Mrs. Archana Garate, Librarian, and Library staff participated in various workshops, seminars and during the academic year 2015-2016, as detailed below:  Mrs. Archana Garate and Mr. Shrikant Chavan participated in one day event of QNational LibrarianRs DayR conducted by NMIMS, Mumbai library on August 12, 2015.  Mrs. Archana Garate was invited as a Vice-Chancellor Nominee, Subject Expert, University of Mumbai for the interview held for the post of Librarian at Pravin Gandhi College of Law, Vile Parle on November 17, 2015.  Mrs. Archana Garate was invited as Library Auditor at Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management, Vile Parle on 21 st March, 2016.  Mr. Aniket Warang, Library Attendant, participated and successfully completed the 7 th Annual One Week Training Programme on OChanging Academic Library Scene: Upgrading The Skills of Library Support StaffP organized from 25th to 31 st December, 2015 by Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College. Ghatkopar, Mumbai.


Lawn Tennis  Rohan Samant won the singles title and the doubles title with Karan Pandey at the University of Mumbai Intercollegiate Tennis Tournament.  Ms. Sharmin Rizvi won the Bronze Medal in the above tournament.  Rohan Samant was selected to represent University of Mumbai at the West Zone Interuniversity Tennis Tournament. He was the member of the Runner up team.  Rohan Samant participated at the National Level Tennis Tournament.  Ms. Karishma Wadkar represented University of Mumbai at the All India Inter-University West Zone Tennis Tournament at Latur.  Ms. Sharmin Rizvi participated at the All India Tennis Tournament held in Mumbai. She selected to represent University of Mumbai at the West Zone Tennis Tournament  5RKDQ6DPDQWSDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKHDOO,QGLD1DWLRQDO/HYHO7HQQLV7RXUQDPHQWDQGUHDFKHGWKHVHPL¿QDOLQGRXEOHVDQG TXDUWHU¿QDOVLQVLQJOHV  Ms. Sharmin Rizvi participated at the All India Tennis Tournament held in Mumbai. She selected to represent University of Mumbai at the West Zone Tennis Tournament Badminton  Ms. Karishma Wadkar won 2 Bronze Medals in a Mixed Doubles and Doubles Badminton Tournament senior level held Kadappa.  Mithibai College won the girls team championslhip title at the Intercollegiate badminton tournament held at University Sports Pavilion, University of Mumbaj. The team members are: Samana Karachiwala ,Isha Kulklarni , Drishti Surti, Karishma Wadkar  Mithibai College boys team won the bronze medal at the intercollegiate team championship in Badminton held at University Sports Pavilion, University of Mumbai. The team members are :- Mehul Thakkar , Anand Nain, Vrushant Thakore, Sushtur Karmarkar, Sonawala Tejas  Karishma Wadkar participated in the all India National Championship in doubles. She won the Maharahstra State Badmin- ton Championship title in doubles women.  Miss Karishma Wadkar won the AAI All India Badminton Tournament in girlsR singles and also won the Gold in the Team Championship. Miss Karishma Wadkar represented India at the European Badminton Championship in seniors held at Poland Belgium and Prague.  Mithibai College Girls team were second runners up at the University of Mumbai Intercollegiate Baseball Tournament held at Panvel. Martial Arts  Ms. Pushti Manek won the Silver Medal in State Thai Boxing State Championship in Pune.  Ms. Pushti Manek, won the Silver medal at the District Level Competition in Wushu and also won the Silver medal at the State level Wushu Competition at Vardha.  Ms. Pushti Manek participated in chest boxing at the state level Mayors cup and won the silver medal.  Pushti Manek participated at the National level Wushu Competition held at Ranchi. Yoga  Ms. Prachi Shembekar won the Gold Medal in Yoga at the University of Mumbai Intercollegiate Yoga Competition.  Ms. Prachi Shembekar and Rahul Patel are selected to represent University of Mumbai at the All India Yoga Competition. Carrom  Ms. Heena Panchal won the carrom singles at the Intercollege KES College festival tournament.  Ms Poorti Purohit represented University of Mumbai at the All Maharashtra Inter University Ashwamedh Basketball Tour- nament held at Parbhani and she is the member of the Gold Medal winning team.  Mithibai College Girls Basketball Team reached the Semi Final of University of Mumbai inter collegiate Tournament. Table Tennis  Mithibai College Girls Table Tennis Team reached the Semi Finals of University of Mumbai inter collegiate Tournament.  Ami Shah and Krupali Patil were selected to represent University of Mumbai for the All India Softball Interuniversity Tour- nament held at Kerala.

82 Karate  Chetan Raj Pant won the gold medal at the Maharashtra State Karate Championship held at Pune. He has also been selected to represent Maharashtra for the National Level Karate Championship. 5LÀH6KRRWLQJ  $EKLUDM6LQJK3DUPDUZRQ6LOYHUDQG%URQ]HPHGDODWWKHVWDWHOHYHO5LÀH6KRRWLQJ&RPSHWLWLRQ  Master Shrey Mehta is selected to represent Mumbai for the State Level Handball Championship. Taekwondo  Shantanu Sagar won the Gold medal at the University of Mumbai Taekwondo Championship and is selected for All India Inter-University Taekwondo Championship. Activities conducted by Gymkhana for the year 2016 M 17:  Mithibai College conducted the University of Mumbai Inter Collegiate Tennis Tournament for Men and Women at Kalina Campus.  Mithibai College Sports Day was held on 17 th December, 2016 at Jamnabai Ground for students, teaching and non-teaching staff  0U-DLUDM%DMDM6SRUWV2I¿FHU*\PNKDQD'HSDUWPHQWZDVSUHVHQWHGDPRPHQWRE\9LYHNDQDQG


Athletics results for degree college boys/ girls/staff/non teaching staff Sr. Boys / Girls Name of the Game Result No. DEGREE BOYS 1. 100 MTS. ANURAG MISHRA SILVER 2. 200 MTS. ANURAG MISHRA SILVER 3. SHOT PUT HARJOT SINGH SILVER 4. 4 X 100 MTS. RELAY MITHIBAI COLLEGE SILVER DEGREE GIRLS 1. 100 MTS. SHRUTI NAYAMPALLI SILVER 2. 200 MTS. SHRUTI NAYAMPALLI SILVER 3. 200 MTS. TEENA ATKARA BRONZE 4. 400 MTS. TARUNA VENKATACHAM BRONZE 5. SHOT PUT NEELAKSHI CHATRU GOLD 6. 4 X 100 MTS. RELAY MITHIBAI COLLEGE GOLD TEACHING STAFF GENTS 1. 400 MTS. SANJAY PAL SILVER 2. SHOT PUT SANJAY PAL GOLD 3. 200 MTS. SANJAY PAL BRONZE TEACHING STAFF LADIES 1. 100 MTS. KHEVANA DESAI GOLD 2. 100 MTS. KARUNA JAGGI SILVER 3. 200 MTS. KHEVANA DESAI GOLD 4. 200 MTS. KARUNA JAGGI SILVER DEGREE COLLEGE BOYS The footvoleyball team, the table tennis team, lawn tennis team were winners and the badminton team, the teams were runners up. Rohan Samant won the individual gold in lawn tennis, Parth Shah in carrom. Aniket Engineer won two golds in swimming and two silver.

83 Degree college girls The footvoleyball team, the badminton team were winners. Heena Panchal won the individual gold in carrom. Prize winners for Yuva Hashtag M 2017 - Non M teaching staff Sr. No Name Event Position 1. Mr. Aniket Warang Athletics 100 mtrs. (Men) 1 st 2. Mr. Ravikant Dhekane Athletics 100 mtrs. (Men) 2 nd 3. Ms. Swapnali Rampurkar Athletics 100 mtrs. (Women) 1 st 4. Mr. Ravikant Dhekane Athletics 200 mtrs. (Men) 1 st 5. Mr. Ravikant Dhekane Shot M put (Men) 1 st 6. Mr. Rajendra Chavan Shot M put (Men) 2 nd 7. Mr. Sushant Warkhade Shot M put (Men) 3 rd 8. Mr. Samir Mehta Table Tennis (Men) 2 nd 9. Mrs. Kalpana Pawar Carrom (Women) 2 nd 10. Mr. Dattaram Jadhav Carrom (Men) 2 nd

Ms. Krupali Patil represented Ms. Ami Shah represented Univer- Ms. Poorti Purohit won a Gold Ms. Pushti Manek won 2 silver University of Mumbai for Baseball sity of Mumbai for Baseball at the medal in Basketball at the Ma- medal at the state level in Wushu at the All India Inter University All India Inter University Baseball harashtra State Inter University DQGFKHVW%R[LQJ&KDPSLRQVKLS Baseball Tournament Tournament Ashwamedh held at Parbhani and represented at the National level in Wushu

Rohan Samant won Singles Mr. Shrey Mehta respresented Ms. Prachi Shembekar won a Gold and Double title at the Univ. of Mumbai for Hand Ball at the State Medal at the Univ. of Mumbai Mumbai Inter Collegiate Tennis Level Tournament Intercollegiate Yoga Tournament. He also won Silver competition. She is selected to rep- Medal at the Inter University West resent University of Mumbai at the Zone Tennis Tournament. All India Inter University Yoga competition Ms. Sharmeen Rizvi won a Bronze Medal at the Univ. of Mumbai Inter collegiate Tennis Tourna- ment. She is selected to represent Uni. Of Mumbai at the West Zone Tennis Tournament

84 Mr. Abhiraj Parmar participated at the National Level 5LÀHVKRRWLQJFRPSHWLWLRQ

Rahul Patel selected to represent Ms. KarishmaWadkar represented Univ. of Mumbai at the All India India at the European Badminton Inter University Yoga competition. championship held at Poland, Belgium and Prague. She won two medals at the national level and also represented University of Degree and Junior College Staff Cricket Match at the Mumbai at the all India Inter uni- Mithibai College Sports Day versity west zone championship.

Mithibai College Girls Badminton Team winner of Gold Medal at Mithibai College Boys Badminton Team winner of Bronze Medal the University of Mumbai Inter College Badminton Team at the University of Mumbai Inter College Badminton Team Championship 2016-17 Championship 2016-17

Our Trustee Shri. Kirit Bhai giving the prizes to the winners at the Mithibai College Sports Day

85 Athletes in action at the Mithibai College Sports Day Players getting ready for Throwball match at the Mithibai College Sports Day

Kabaddi Players in Action at the Mithibai College Sports Day Football players in action at the Mithibai College Sports Day


Basket Ball  The Girls Basket Ball Team winner at DSO Taluka level, at DSO District Level and Runner up in Division level. Swimming  The boys Relay Team won the Gold Medal at DSO District Level.  0RKDN3DUDEZRQWKH%URQ]HPHGDOLQPHWHUVIUHHVW\OH PHWHU%XWWHUÀ\VWURNH%URQ]H0HGDO  Ayush Thakur won the Bronze medal in 100 meter back stroke. Lawn Tennis  Simran Kejriwala has won the singles and Doubles 1 st place in the AITA women National Ranking Lawn Tennis Tournament at Bangalore. Fencing  Pradnesh Sukthankar won two Gold medals in DSO Fencing District level and won one silver medal in zonal level and selected for state level DSO Tournament. Athletics  6KZHWD,QGXONDUZRQWKHJROGPHGDOLQKLJKMXPSLQ0XPEDL'LVWULFW/HYHODQGTXDOL¿HGIRU'LYLVLRQOHYHODQGTXDOL¿HG Division level in 2 nd SODFHDQGTXDOL¿HGVWDWHOHYHO  $QXUDJ0DOLZRQJROGPHGDOLQVKRWSXWLQ0XPEDL'LVWULFWTXDOL¿HGIRUGLYLVLRQOHYHODQG nd place in discus throw and TXDOL¿HGVWDWHOHYHO  3HDUOLQ'HORUDZRQVLOYHUPHGDOLQPHWHUV'LVWULFWOHYHODQGTXDOL¿HG'LYLVLRQOHYHODQG rd place in 400 m division OHYHODQGTXDOL¿HGIRUVWDWHOHYHO  Anurag Mali stood 2 nd place in Shot Put and selected for State Level Competition at Aurangabad.  Shweta Indulkar stood 1 st place in High Jump at D.S.O. Division level Competition and was selected for State level Com- petition at Aurangabad.  Amay Kulkarni stood 2 nd in triple Jump at D.S.O. Division Level Competition and was selected for State at Aurangabad. Table Tennis  The Boys TT Team Runner up at Division level at DSO Tournament. Handball  7KH*LUOV+DQGEDOO7HDPZRQLQ'62'LVWULFWWRXUQDPHQWDQGTXDOL¿HG'LYLVLRQOHYHO

86 Athletics  $U\DQ6KDUPDZRQ*ROGPHGDOLQPUDFHLQ'627RXUQDPHQWDQGTXDOL¿HGIRUGLYLVLRQOHYHODQGUHSUHVHQWHG0DKD - rashtra.  Stuti Joshi won Bronze medal in 100 m hurdles race in DSO District level.  $PH\.XONDUQLZRQJROGPHGDOLQ7ULSOH-XPS'62'LVWULFWOHYHODQGTXDOL¿HGIRU'LYLVLRQOHYHO  0XNXO.KDUZDUZRQ6LOYHUPHGDOLQ6KRWSXW'62'LVWULFWOHYHODQGTXDOL¿HGIRU'LYLVLRQOHYHO  The Boys Relay Team won a Silver medal and DSO District level.  The Girls Relay Team won a Silver medal at DSO District level. Water  The boys team won Gold medal at DSO District level. Throwball  The girls throwball team won the District level at DSO Tournament and selected for Zonal level.  The boys throwball team won Runner up DSO District level Tournament.  The boys Roll ball team winner in DSO District level tournament and zonal level winner and selected for State level tourna- ment. Lawn Tennis  Simran Kejriwal won the Gold medal in DSO level Tennis Tournament at Division level and selected state level.  Vatsin Thaker won Gold medal in DSO Lawn tennis tournament at Division level and was selected for the State level.  Mohak Parab won two Gold and one Silver Trophy at District Level Competition of Mumbai Swimming Suburban Associa- tion Throwball  The Throwball Girls Team won a Division level D.S.O. Tournament and selected for State Level D.S.O. Throwball Tourna- ment. Softball  Bhavya Jain won gold medal in Softball at National level Competition, 2016. Lawn Tennis  Vatsin Thaker has participated in State Level Lawn Tennis Tournament and National Level Tennis Tournament.  Simran Kejriwala won gold at D.S.O. State Ranking Tournament.  Simran Kejriwal won Bronze Medal at D.S.O. National Level Lawn Tennis Tournament. Speed Skating Naasha Pithawala  1. She won a gold Medal in 1000 m, 300 m Rink Race at D.S.O. District level.  2. She won a gold Medal in 1000, 500, 300 m at D.S.O. Division Level Competition  3. She won two gold medals in State Level D.S.O. Competition Event 300, 500 m  4. She won two Gold medals in D.S.O. School Games National Level Competition December, 2016.

Simran Kejriwal won The Bronze ANSHIKA KANOJIA Medal For Team  UGSODFHDW-U1DWLRQDO Mithibai College Overall Winners Of Yuva Hashtag With Maharashtra Basketball Championship, Principal Dr. Rajpal Hande And Faculty Of And Also Won Yuva Hashtag Pondicherry 2016 Department Of Sports Singles And Doubles  6HFXUHGWKSODFHDWUG

87 MOHAK PARAB *ROGLQPHWHUVIUHHVW\OHDQGPHWHUVIUHHVW\OH silver in 100 meters individual medley and bagged individual championship trophy *also won bronze at 43rd junior state championship ZRQVLOYHULQPHWHUVEXWWHUÀ\VWURNH *won gold in 4*100 freestyle relay and 4*100 meters PHGOH\UHOD\ '62GLYLVLRQV ZDWHUSRROJROG PXPEDLZLQQHUV DQGVLOYHULQ division DSO

Winners Of Yuva Hashtag Team 0LWKLEDL-XQLRU&ROOHJH


Shweta Indulkar participated in High Jump in DSO State Level Competition held in 2016-2017

School National U19 2017 basketball girls YUVA Hashtag Winners under 19 at Krishna District, Andra Pradesh

State Level Throw Ball Junior College GirlsR Team


FILM SOCIETY  The Film Society, Junior College, screened the awardwinning movie, Life is Beautiful on 29 th November, 2016. The movie was attended by junior college students and a few staff members in the Seminar Hall. The movie screening was followed up with a brief discussion on the movie.

GUIDANCE AND CAREER COUNSELLING COMMITTEE  Guidance and Career Counselling Committee of Junior College conducted a programme on career counselling by Prof Naresh Sukhani of UPG College of Management on 22 nd September, 2016 for the students of SYJC Commerce. 120 students participated. The response was overwhelming as many students could clear various queries related to their choice of career DQGRSSRUWXQLWLHVDYDLODEOHIRUGLIIHUHQW¿HOGV

SCIENCE ASSOCIATION  Science Association of Junior College conducted quiz contest on 19 th August, 2016 for FYJC Science students, in which 89 students participated.  Students of SYJC Science, Melisha M. Saldanha and Saaimah A. Patel participated in quiz contest held at T.P.Bhatia College and won 2nd runner up trophy and cash prize of Rs. 5000/- .

Melisha Saldhana and Saaimah Patel 2nd Runner Up Trophy

STAFF WELFARE AND COLLOQUIUM COMMITTEE  Staff Colloquium and Welfare Committee of Junior College organized a talk on Yoga and Meditation by Dr. (Prof) D.J. Upadhyay from the Department of Philosophy, Degree Collegeon 23 rd September 2016. 25 teachers of Degree and Junior College attended this programme.


118 FRENCH LA FRANCE Les souvenirs du pass perdu Qui ont t associ s avec lui -LA TERRE DES FcTES  Janvier Il les a amen s avec lui  Le 1 er Janvier- le jour de lRan Et mRa laiss seul dans ce monde avec ces souvenirs  Le 6 janvier- lREpiphanie Pour toujours  F vrier JRhabitais dans lRobscurit  Le 14 f vrier-le jour de Saint Valentin Me cachant et fuyant de tous  46 jours avant Pques- Mardi Gars NRayant jamais le courage de leur faire face  Mars JusquR son arriv e  Premier dimanche de mars Mfte des grands-m res JRai pens  Le 8 mars- journ e internationale des droits des femmes JR tais une menace pour lui  Avril Mais il a dit que  La fte de Pques JR tais un don b ni pour lui  Dernier dimanche dRavril- jour des souvenirs des D por- Je ne me suis jamais aim t s JusquR ce quRil est venu  Mai Je nRai jamais pris soin de moi  Le 1 er Mai- fte du travail JusquR ce quRil est venu  Le 8 Mai- fte de la Victoire JRai pens  Le 9 mai =Journ e de lREurope Il me fallait fuir de lui  Le 10 mai- journ e annuelle de la m moire de lResclavage Mais il a pris ma main  Deuxi me dimanche M fte nationale de Jeanne dRArc et Et mRa serr e fort du patriotisme Comme si jR tais quelquRun  Cinq jours en mai du mercredi au dimanche M fte de la Vraiment cher  lui Nature  JR tais heureux Le 22 mai- journ e Internationale de la biodiversit  Dernier vendredi en mai- fte des voisins Parce quRil mRaimait tout le temps  Dernier dimanche de mai- fte des m res Se mettant  mon ct  Jeudi de lRAscension Il mRa donn le soutien pour me tenir  Lundi de Pentecte Et le courage dRaffronter le monde  Juin Mais le moment  Le 8 juin Mjourn e nationale dRhommage aux morts pour O il mRa donn la France en Indochine Un baiser au revoir sur mon front  Troisi me dimanche de juin- fte des p res Avec un sourire sur son visage  Le 21 juin M fte de la musique Je me sentais comme ce fut la derni re fois  Le 24 juin M fte de Saint Jean QuRil se mettait  mon ct  Juillet JRai fait un sourire  Le 14 Juillet- fte nationale fran aise Mais jRavais peur dans mon esprit  Aot Cependant, je fus soulag e  Le 15 aot- Assomption Parce quRil mRa dit  Septembre << CRest  toi que je reviendrai toujours >>  Le 23 septembre- fte de la gastronomie Le moment o on mRa dit  Le 25 septembre- journ e nationale de lRhommage aux << Il est mort dans un accident de voiture mortel >> Harkis Je suis devenue sans voix  Dernier week-end de septembre- rendez-vous ESports Au lieu de pleurer je souris Sant Bien ctre F Parce quRavant de partir, il mRa dit Au Revoir  Octobre Il est ma pierre angulaire  Premier dimanche dRoctobre- fte des familles Il est ma lumi re  Le 31 octobre- Halloween  Novembre Il sera toujours  mes ct s  Le 1 er novembre- la Toussaint Parce que les souvenirs de lui  Le 11 novembre- Armistice Sont toujours dans mon esprit  Le 20 novembre- journ e internationale des droits de Je vais toujours lRaimer inconditionnellement lRenfant Pour tout ma vie et pour lR ternit  D cembre La seule chose que je voulais lui dire  Le 5 d cembre- journ e nationale dRhommage aux morts Si jamais jRaurais eu lRoccasion de le rencontrer pour la France pendant la guerre de lRAlg rie et les com- << Ce ne fut pas moi qui tait un cadeau b ni, bats du Maroc et de la Tunisie CR tait Lui >>  Le 25 d cembre- Noel - Nidhi S Masalia SYJC ARTS Dhruvi Gandhi S.Y.J.C Arts D-16

119 GUJARATI 'GyGT 9GXG^{GG^ 9GCNG'G, +^ lG^ W U^... qT8HG1oGP 9GXHP yGlGP ~G ~G<^/GG 2G9GGq{GG^ UGCG^, +^ lG^ W U^... Q'GGP H{G^... R 9G'GTr lGiGP 4GG

{G^ ~GmG /GL)GG^ {GoGP. /GLGTC lGG^ HG^{G^ /GLGCT ? ~GmG PG-+GCNGiG'GGC LG^/GlGGC HXqlGGC 'GG^P oG> 'GGP 'GG^ +^2GG{G^ /GLG2GG^ X^>+^ H^ Y2G{G'GGC eNG/G^{G^ ~GNG/G^ +G~G{GP 9GGoG^ 9GGG-{G9GG Hq2G9GG^'GGC ~GiG 9GCNGGoG oG> 'GGP 'GG^ 9Gq)G 9GGoG^ 9GCH1G)G^/GP +CyGGP NGT!G'GGC +2GG)G^/GG )GGmGP 'GG^ U^. +G~GlGG^ 9GG2G ~GGiGP W ~GGiGP W, ~GiG +^ ~GGiGP ~GGiGP+^ P~G^ +^H GHG4G'GG{G HHiG, +^ lG^ W U^... P~G^ WTqP WTqP W PlG^ 2)GGlG oGlGGC

120 +^Hq'G HG^'G1 >q)G{GTC H^ {GGWTH H> qPyGT ~GG^lGG{GG G^'G{GP +H%G2)GLGlG HP 9GGG-{G9GG G9GCNG^ +'GTH W^'G H^ /GN{G{GP H2GqG)G ~GiG 2)GLGlG+^ Y2G{G'GGC HC> GNGlGP HP +{G^ SGCr{GP Y2G{G9GCHNG{GP #G{G2GG{GTC +^iG^ <8GE%G^ +G2GG^ UG^. 9GGG G9GCNG^ {GPH1P +G2GG^ UG^. l)GG^ LGT4GP{GG 92GPHG)GET. 9GTLG'G)G /GN{GY2G{G 2GPlGG2GlGG, G^'G%GP 'GPcP 2GGlGG^ +GC9GT {GPH1P +G2)GGC +^'G H<^2GG'GGC +G2G^ U^. HlGGC +^H +{GG^LGP GlG^ lGG/GP+^ +l)GClG Al9GG<%G^ 9G'GOG #GPY #GGWT X^2GG W>+^ lGG^ l)GG^ lG'G_ WlGGC SGCr+^ ~GG^lGG{GTC +qA%GXlG 9GGcq)GE.~G yGGiG HP. lG^'G{GGCoGP qX oG> NG> U^. lG^{GG qT&LG{G^ <12GTC H2GG 'GG^ lG'G^ lG^{GG LGG9G H'GmG qH)GG'GGC ~GG^lGG{GTC GHlGH#GC#G ~GGeP lG^{G^ +G 2GGlG 'Gqq .~G oGG+G^ UG^. HP. SGCr{GP LGX4GP X^>{G^ +G{GCHqlG oG)G^/GG qH)GG+^ ~GG^lGG{GG 'GG^XC CUG1P CUG1P{G^ SGGCqG{G^ SGX'GP /G^2GG{GG^ G)GG9G H)GG`. yGlGP lG'G{G^ +G2G2GGC 'GG^ +G'GCmGiG q^2GTC ~GelGCT {GoGP. Y2G{G'GGC #G{G{GGG ~G /G~G^G)G^/GG^ H2G4GG1, 4GGClG qH)GG^ SGCr{GG^ #GG1~GiG{GG^ 9GGoGP G9GCNG +{GT9GG lG'GGTC +GNG'G{G oGlGTC <^ U^. {GG{GG #GG1HoGP {G^ 'GG^G 2G\u 2)GLGlG 9GTyGP lG'G^ q^H{GG Y2G{G'GGC 9G'GG)G^/GG UG^. 'GG^W{GP ~G1G^ #G{{G^+^ 9GGoG^ 9GGoG^ 2GPlGG2GP 2)GLGlG ~GG9G^ LGG^TC HG'G HG2G2GTC 2G9lGT X^>lGP {GP 2GGlG 'G{GG2GP 2G9lGT{GG^ %GG <^/GG^ +~GG 9GTLG{G^ 2GQyGlGP +4GT%G PG{GG #G{GP. SGGCq{GP{GP 'GG{GTC 'G\l)GT q)G q^2GG{GTC +9G@ qT&LG SGGCqG{GG >q)G lGG^ HG^>{GP )GGq'GGC, H2G<'GGC lG'G^ 9GP ~GeG^ UG^. HG^> 2)GLGlG PG- 9GG_9G2GTC {GPH1P NG)GTC. SGCr+^ lG^{GP H G)GG{G^ ~GG^lGG{GG +G%G.~GP iGG 2G8GG` ~GUPoGP 'G12GG{GTC oGG)G l)GG^ ~GiG lG'G^ W^ 9GP ~GeG^ UG^. 9'G\HlG~G ~G ~GGoGP {GGLGP. {G%GlGG/GP{GG^ 9GGoG NGT'GG2)GG #GGq qTH{G)GG LGX#GW H2G4GG1 U^. qTH{G)GG{GP q^H 2G9lGT+G^ +^H#GPX{GP ~GG^lGG{GP X{GoGP ~GiG 2GyGT W^{G^ SGG WlGG^ +{G^ lG^'G{GP 'GbmGP{GG 'GW^qG HH99GG qTH{G)GG'GGC HC>H {G^ HC>H %GGNG %GW2G^ U^. lG^2GPW PlG^ lG'G^ ~GiG 9GC%G1G2GlGG^. +^/GTC W 'G. SGGCq{GP .~G^P ]GC] TYBA (A-113) 2GG1G ~GNGoGP qH)GG ~G {G\l)G H2GG /GGNGlGP. +/GGbHHH {G\l)G NGTWGlGP H2G%GGNG HlGP SGGCq{GP{GG 9G<2GG9G'GGC qH)GG^ ~GiG ~GG^lGG{GG 'GG^X AUG1P Al9GG




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``~GiG 4GTC H2GTC, 'G{GT8)GG^ ~GG^lGG{GG 9lG^ qG^e^ lGG^ +G~GiG^ ~GG^lGG{GP <2GG'GGC AeP+^ UP+^. 'G{GT8)GG^ +^ +G~GiGTC 9GWE{G H)GTF {G^ <2G^ +2G{G2GP ~G^9 H{BG^/G{GP q2GG+G^ UGCP-UGCP{G^ +G~GiGG H'GmGG^{GG^ W {GG4G H^ U^. +G~GiG^ 'G{GT8)GG^{G^ 'GG{G +G~G2GTC X^>+^ ~GiG +GLG^ lGG^ +G WNGlG `9G2GGE>2G/G +G^! yGP H!^9 {GG NGTiGyG'GE ~G SGG/G^ U^. +G~GiG^ ~GiG Y2G2GTC lGG^ U^ W.NG2GE +{G^ H{GG4GG, +G[GG +{G^ HW[GG9GG W^2GG H2GH2GyG %GG2GG^oGP lG^ #GPX^ 'GSU +^H 7GG9G'GGC +G #GyGTC #GG^/GP NG)GG^. lG^ #GPX^ 'G/G^H)GG !^/GG2G2GG H2Gq^4G WlGG^ @G^ lGG^ lG^{GG H'GmG A~G)GTGlG 2GGG)G{G^ /G>{G^ PlG^ !^/GG2GG2GP +{G^ lG^ #GP'GGP{G^ 2GyGT PlG^ #G{GG2G2GP. +^H +9GHGH e^{N)GT !^/GG2G{GG 'GSU H> PlG^ #G{G2GTC lG^{GG ~G G%GG2G4GG1P %GG8GiGG^ +G~G^ U^. 'G{GT8)GG^ ~GiG LGG U^, H2GH%G} G {GG'G{GG 'GSUG^ H2G8G^ 'GGH

123 ke9e ceevevee nw ke9er Deiej nceejer Fppele mener - meueecele nw lees ogefve,ee ke9er yeeke9er meejer KegefMe,ee ke9oce 'etceWieer Deewj Deiej Fppele veneR lees yeeke9er meejer KegefMe,eeB yeske9ej ner ueieWieer ~ keg9 ueesiees ke9er ]KegMeer De'er veewke9jer Deewj ye_[e Deeoceer yeveves ceW nw ~ Fmeer lejn meyeke9er DeHeveer Deueie Deueie je,e nw! Hej ]KegMeer Heeves kes9 efueS Fleveer ceMekeEke9le keE,eeW? keE,ee pe"jer nw efke9 ]KegMeer Heeves kes9 efueS keg9 ye_[e ke9ece ner efke9,ee peeS? keE,ee ]KegMeer eser eser yeeleeW mes veneR efceue meke9leer? pees ]KegMeer Heeves kes9 efueS nce Flekes9 ye_[s ye_[s ke9ece ke9jleW nQ, Jes KegefMe,eeB keE,ee me'e ceW Demeueer KegefMe,eeB nQ ~ ke9Yeer yeeefjMe ke9er Henueer yeewej ceW Yeerie ke9j osKees, pees 'esnjs Hej nueke9er meer cegmke9eve DeeSieer, Jen Demeueer ]KegMeer nw ~ ke9Yeer efke9meer YetKes ke9es Jen efKeueeke9j osKees, pees meblegef< efceuesieer, Jen Demeueer ]KegMeer nw ~ ke9Yeer efke9meer DeHeves ke9es DeHevee Lees_[e JekeEle oske9j osKees, pees GvnW Keesves ke9e [j efcesiee, Jen Demeueer ]KegMeer nw ~ ke9Yeer efke9meer yegpegie& ke9es jemlee Heej ke9je ke9j osKees, pees DeeMeerJee&o efceuesiee, Jen Demeueer ]KegMeer nw ~ ke9Yeer efke9meer kes9 DeeBmet Heeske9j osKees, pees ceve nuke9e cenmetme ke9jsiee, Jen Demeueer ]KegMeer nw ~ ke9Yeer efke9meer pe#jlecebo ke9er ceolele ke9j kes9 osKees, pees mecceeve efceuesiee, Jen Demeueer ]KegMeer nQ ~ ke9Yeer ogmejes kes9 efueS peer ke9j osKees, pees DeHeveeHeveve efceuesiee, Jen Demeueer ]KegMeer nQ ~ ke9Yeer DeHeves ye'eHeve ke9er lemJeerj osKees, pees ye'eve peie Gsiee, Jen Demeueer ]KegMeer nw ~ ke9Yeer DeHeves Oetue He_[s ke9He_[es ke9es mee]He9 ke9j kes9 osKees, pees ieJe& cenmetme nesiee, Jen Demeueer ]KegMeer nQ ~ ke9Yeer efke9meer ke9es nBmeeke9j osKees, pees ceve efKeue Gsiee, Jen Demeueer ]KegMeer nw ~ ke9Yeer DeHeves ceeB-yeeHe ke9er mesJee ke9j kes9 osKees, pees H,eej efceuesiee, Jen Demeueer ]KegMeer nw ~ ke9Yeer DeHeves ceve ke9er yeele efke9meer DeHeves ke9es yeleeke9j osKees, pees ceve nuke9e cenmetme ke9jsiee, Jen Demeueer ]KegMeer nQ ~ KegefKe,eeB Heeves kes9 efueS ogefve,ee ceW Yeke9ves ke9er pe"jle veneR nw, Jen ceewkes9 lees nceejs Deeme-Heeme ner nw ~ yeme pe"jle nw lees GvnW Hen'eeveves ke9er ~ ]KegMeer meyeke9es H,eejer nesleer nw Hej efke9leves ueesie Demeueer Deewj veke9ueer ]KegMeer ceW He9ke&9 ke9j Heeles nQ? efke9leves ner ueesie nw pees yeme ]KegMeer ke9es neefmeue ke9jvee 'eenles nQ, Gmes cenmetme ke9jvee veneR ~ ]KegMeer lees yeme Ske9 Snmeeme nw ~ ]KegMeer lees Ske9 nJee ke9e PeeWke9e nw pees nj JekeEle ncemes iegpejleer nw, yeme nce ner Gmes ve]pej Deboepe ke9j osles nQ ~ pe"jle nw lees DeHeves efoue kes9 yebo ojJeepees ke9es Keesueves ke9er Deewj nj uecns ceW ]KegMeer osKeves kes9 efueS DeHeves ve]peefj,es ke9es yeoueves ke9er ~ Deiej Ske9 yeej ]KegMeer ,en nes ie,ee, lees KegefMe,eeB 'eejeW lejHe9 efyeKejer ner efceueWieer... iegHlee Hetpee veboueeue ]KegMeer... meye Fmeke9er 'een jKeles nQ ~ ]KegMeer Heeves kes9 efueS ner lees nce meye He{eF& ke9jles nQ, veewke9jer ke9jles nQ Deewj ve peeves keE,ee keE,ee ke9jles nQ ~ ]KegMeer efmeHe&9 Ske9 ue#,e veneR, KJeeefnMe nw yengleeW kes9 efueS ~ Hej ,es ]KegMeer nw keE,ee? Deiej meyeke9es DeHeveer yeele jKeves ke9e ceewke9e efo,ee peeS lees meyekes9 efueS ] KegMeer Heeves ke9e lejerke9e, Gmes peerves ke9e lejerke9e Deewj Gmes osKeves ke9e vepeefj,ee Deueie-Deueie ner Hee,ee peeSiee ~ keg9 ueesieeW kes9 efueS ]KegMeer Hewmee nw ~ Ssmes ueesiees ke9e ceevevee nw efke9 Deiej Hewmee nw; lees ogefve,ee ke9er meejer KegefMe,eeB Gvekes9 ke9oceeW ceW nw ~ keg9 ueesiees ke9er ]KegMeer Gveke9er Fppele nw ~ Ssmes ueesiees

124 how a night is supposed to be spent, before being faced with ENGLISH WKLVSDUWLFXODUVLWXDWLRQDQGKDYLQJWKHFRXUDJHWR³JRZLWKLW´ I slept beautifully. PROSE On the other hand, despite the ambiguity of right and wrong, I believe some things we intrinsically know are wrong. If the ac- SURRENDERING TO tions of those who surround you, lead to suffering of any being, it is not the moment to surrender. On the contrary, it is important SURROUNDINGS WRWDNHDVWDQG,I\RX¿QG\RXUVHOILQDVLWXDWLRQZKHUHYLROHQFH 7RVXUUHQGHUFDQEHGH¿QHGDV³WRDJUHHWRVWRS¿JKWLQJKLG - is being committed against someone, joining in and perjuring ing, resisting etc., because you know that you will not win or yourself is not winning. As simple as, if everyone jumps out succeedP. Etymologically, surrender comes from the French a window, you donRt jump too. Additionally, developing the ODQJXDJHVXUDVLQ³RYHU´DQGUHQGUHPHDQLQJ³JLYLQJXS´, VWUHQJWKWRIROORZ\RXU³JXWLQVWLQFW´LVHVVHQWLDO6RPHWLPHV EHOLHYHLWLVHVVHQWLDOWR³JLYH\RXUVHOIXS´WRWKHVXUURXQGLQJ you surrender, you start a conversation, you accept a meal on you choose: when you surrender to surroundings, you win. a train, and you agree to go meet the family and then a small Firstly, it is important to understand a little bit of my back- YRLFHLQVLGHZKLVSHUV³1R´$OZD\VIROORZWKDWYRLFH5LVNEH - ground. I am a solo traveler. For four years I havenRt spent more ing rude, get up and leave. Ask someone for help, if necessary. WKDQ¿YHPRQWKVLQRQHSODFH,KDYHZRUNHG,KDYHLQWHUQHG, One evening, while walking home, I noticed a man following have volunteered, but, mostly, I have gone to places and done me. After crossing the road twice and him following me twice nothing more than sit around, observe and talk. I am a kick- across the road, I stepped into a shop to wait for him to leave. boxer as well. I like to push my boundaries, both, mental and Eventually I came out, and he was standing a few meters ahead physical, to train myself to not entertain thoughts of quitting at an intersection. The road I needed to take was dark. Feeling for longer than the last time. I change my surroundings often extremely uncomfortable, I walked towards a caf and asked and I do not like quitting. These four years of making my own DFRXSOHWKDWZDVVLWWLQJRXWVLGHLI,FRXOGMRLQWKHP³

125 After all you canRt start a new chapter if you keep re-reading their childRs progress in their studies. Every now and then, we the old one. And remember- starting anew doesnRt mean itRs a hear them sigh, QIf only I had tried harderR. death sentence it simply means you have been given another Today, we take a degree in hand as the supreme authority to- opportunity to start a new life full of adventures, discoveries, wards success. But have you ever thought about it this way? lessons, and insight. :KHQDFKLOGOHDUQVDOJHEUDZHEDVLFDOO\WHDFKKLPKRZWR ³$QGPD\EHVRPHWLPHVLW¶VQRWDERXWWU\LQJWR¿[WKLQJV isolate the variable (for instance RxR) from the rest of the equa- sometimes itRs about starting over and creating something WLRQDQGWKXV¿QGWKHFRQVWDQW7KLVLVH[DFWO\RSSRVLWHIURPWKH much betterP fact that we want the child to learn the importance of unity. As for geometry, a student is always asked to prove something or Dolly Dholakia, FYJC Commerce A-16 the other. This eliminates the trust factor from his personality. As for languages, at school, the student is expected to speak in English and not our native language because speaking in Hindi TREES-A BEAUTIFUL or any other language is considered lowly. Let me state a fact that the best literature of the world comes from India. If you GIFT OF GOD donRt believe it, you should look up Kabir, Rahim, Tulsidas, Meerabai and many more. Science teaches us how the heart or 7UHHVDUHDYHU\SRZHUIXOVRXUFHRIHQHUJ\7KH\DUHVHOÀHVV the brain works, but it never explains Qwhy?R. always bringing joy to others. They are pure, have no feeling of hatred, and are full of positive energy. History is a mystery to us. In fact, as per history, every other country except ourswas bad back. And trust me, this happens in (YHU\RQHFDQEHQH¿WIURPWKLVHQHUJ\E\LQFUHDVLQJWKHLU the textbooks of all countries. But, if you are good at geometry, consciousness and awareness. For example: during my board would you ask me to prove that too? examinations, I used to go for regular walks in the park. It helped me to stay calm, refreshed and focused to a great extent. Azra Mukadam, SYJC Commerce H-65 Respect trees, and they can bring a big change in your life. I have learnt many important lessons of life from trees, and they have stayed with me. MUMBAI Trees have no competition among themselves. Each one is do- - MAJESTICALLY ing their job honestly and perfectly. The smaller trees are not jealous of the bigger trees. They are like a team, working in METROPOLITAN perfect synchronization with each other. They give shelter to Discovered in the 13 th century and established in the year 1507, animals and humans, provide food, and form the basis of life, the city of dreams has come a long way since. The metropolitan yet, they do not have pride.. They are grounded, never forget- Mumbai happens to be a commercial concrete jungle, stand- ting their roots. People are attracted to tall, majestic trees. They ing strong with a beating heart. As much as it is known for its donRt need to show off to attract attention of others. commercial endeavors, Mumbai has its own charm and beauty The best part about trees is that they are governed by certain as a city. Excluding the overrated comparisons with cities like laws of the universe thus playing the part they were meant to New York and Paris, Mumbai, or our affectionate QBombayR, play.On the other hand, we humans can create our own environ- has its own authentic individuality which sweeps a migrant or PHQWZHKDYHQRODZVDUHIXOORIMHDORXV\¿JKWLQJRYHUSHWW\ even a domicile off his feet even today. things, and always competing with each other. :KLOHPRVWRIWKHFLW\GZHOOHUVWDNHLQ0XPEDL¶VPHFKDQLFDO I think God gifted us with higher faculties to serve the Earth and monetary aspects, the cosmopolitan sub-continent has its more than trees but we got deviated from our path. own intimidating and awe striking charms to hypnotize its admirers. Every corner has its own story to tell. MumbaiRs In the end, I would like to say- always bend before a tree and diversity is one of its main features; the city is a fusion of every address it as QYOUR HIGHNESSR. Respect them as they are culture, which just adds to its multicolored personality. From more responsible than us and doing a wonderful job. ancient gothic pillars, to modern furnished skyscrapers the city Archit Bhargava,FYBMS A-48 gives you the best of both worlds. From the highly sophisti- cated south Mumbaikars, to the buzzing energized crowd of west Mumbai, the city provides home to every different soul. Valiant and successful in its approach, the city has a huge heart EDUCATION providing comfort to those in need. Unlike other metropolitans, Mumbai is not only known for its infrastructure and comfort, TRGD\DVDQLQGLYLGXDOHYHU\RQHZDQWVWREH¿QDQFLDOO\ but also teaches a person to live on the edge and provides great independent. In everyday life too, it is essential to be literate. adventures to those who wish to explore its beauty. Only education can provide us with these. And to be frank, in this evolved century, every parent is over enthusiastic towards The city faces the enormous Arabian Sea, which has its own shades with every passing season. The beauty of the sea is

126 that it brings stability in the fast and unstoppable lives of the the white citizenry who found themselves at loggerheads with people. Standing strong, the sea urges the city to keep moving the elite in DC. These people felt they were being left-out ahead with solidity and valor. The street fairs and art galleries E\WKH³HVWDEOLVKPHQW´RQ:DOOVWUHHWDQG&DSLWRO+LOOZKLOH provide color and vibrance to the city. Not to forget the joys VDFUL¿FLQJWKHLULQWHUHVWVDWWKHDOWDURIJOREDOL]DWLRQDQGIUHH of trawling the book-lined pavements at Fountain, where one trade. Such people wanted their jobs back. Mr. Trump, true to can browse for hours, and see the world go by. The scrump- his businessman instincts, saw an opportunity to capitalize on tious food available at the age old Parsi canteens is a sure this anger and ride on its waves against the elites in DC and delight for the ones who like to devour tasty delicacies. The big businesses. QueenRs necklace is a breathtaking sceneat night. Places like If in DC it is Capitol Hill, its counterpart in Delhi is known by Colaba causeway, Hill road, top the lists for shopaholics. For the name of Lutyens Delhi, where a few people living in their the elite, several malls are spread across the city, making it a palatial relics of the colonial era determine the fate of a billion shopperRs paradise. people. The people of the nation soon tired of Mr. Singh and Thus, the city of seven islands not only gives us an immense his consultative type of leadership. They wished for a decisive MR\ULGHEXWDOVRWHDFKHVXVUHVLOLHQFHDQGÀH[LELOLW\DQGNHHSV leader who would be free from the burden of coalition politics us grounded no matter what. Befriending every stranger with and hence they gave Mr. Modi a mandate that had never been a smile, and blinding every entity with its bright lights and seen before. glamour, Mumbai keeps you asking for more. If in the US it was about the establishment v/s the outsider, in Nivedita Mukherjee,SYJC-82 India it was about corruption v/s development.

Disenchantment BROTHER DEMAGOGUES The subsequent win by Mr. Modi in 2012 in the assembly The rise of Mr. Trump is strikingly similar to that of Mr. Modi elections of Gujarat paved the way for his ascent as the BJPRs if seen in a purely political sense. Prime Ministerial nominee. However, his ascent had its share of bottlenecks and challenges in the form of party patriarchs On 9th November 2016, the whole world faced an unpleasant and stalwarts like L.K. Advani and Murali Manohar Joshi. surprise when Donald Trump was elected President of the Same was the fate that was to befall Mr. Trump when he was United States and the free world, defeating Hillary Clinton in seriously opposed by the two Bushes and Mitt Romney. In an ugly battle lasting almost one and a half years. Although fact, Jeb Bush even went to the extent of saying that he was she won the popular vote, the fact is that Mr. Trump will be not going to vote for Trump. VLWWLQJLQWKH2YDO2I¿FHPDNLQJLPSRUWDQWGHFLVLRQVIRUKLV nation. The impact of these decisions may well be beyond its Exploiting peopleRs disenchantment with demographic inequal- ity, Mr. Modi and Mr. Trump came up with interesting and VKRUHVDFURVVWKH$WODQWLFDQGWKH3DFL¿F2FHDQVZKLFKPD\ not bode well for others. catchy slogans that resonated with the general populace such DV³$FKKH'LQ$D\HQJH´³$ENLEDDU0RGL6DUNDU´³0DNH The Background America Great AgainP. However, the environment to which both the men were exposed The MediaRs wrath LVGLYHUJHQW0U0RGLLVWKH¿UVW3ULPH0LQLVWHURIWKHQDWLRQWR have been born in independent India. He was born to a mother Apart from opposition within the party, both these men had to who often went to othersR houses to wash clothes and utensils face the wrath of the media as well. In case of Mr. Modi, some to earn a living. Mr. Modi lost his father at an early age and SHRSOHZHQWWRWKHH[WHQWRIQDPLQJKLP³0HUFKDQWRIGHDWK´ used to sell tea at railway stations (which came to his help in Mr. ModiRs relationship with the media has been testy and not 2014). He also joined the RSS where he was hardened by the on good terms-it can be seen in a video where Mr. Modi is seen discipline imposed on him, and the values through which it naming some journalists for fomenting trouble in his native runs its shakhas all over the nation. state of Gujarat in 2002. Mr. Trump was born in Queens, New York, to reasonably well- Mr. Trump too has had to bear the wrath of the liberal constitu- off parents and had to be sent to New York Military Academy ency of media in the US, Mr. Trump is himself to be blamed for it, since unlike Mr. Modi, he did not restrain himself and WR³GLVFLSOLQH´KLPVHOI8QOLNH0U0RGLZKRKDVNHSWKLPVHOI aligned only to a particular ideology, this has not been the case went ballistic at each petty accusation. Politicians are sup- with Mr. Trump who was once a Democrat, then chose to waft posed to be thick skinned, however Mr. Trump proved to be towards the Reform Party, and then turned Republican. Mr. the opposite of it. Trump has had the privilege of living a relatively luxurious life. And the rest is history. Anger of the working class Ameya V, SYBCOM The meteoric rise of both the men has one element in common, There is always something special about sitting alone and and that is QangerR. Anger of the working class in the USA, getting lost in your own thoughts. A Sunday evening, spent on

127 the park bench with the cool breeze brushing through my hair my bed brought me back to life. By this point of time, I had PDGHWKLQJVDVSHUIHFWDVSRVVLEOHIRUPH:KLOH,FRPSOHWHO\ woken up completely. As I sat on my bed thinking about the submerged in my own thoughts, few school children were GUHDPDJDLQWKRXJKWVÀHZULJKWLQWRP\KHDG7KHNLGWDXJKW enthusiastically playing badminton right in front of me. It was me a new lesson! getting darker and the beautiful lights were lit up. Thoughts The kids - they donRt care about winning or losing. They just try of life and death, of my dreams, of the things I had wished to their best to achieve what they want to achieve. The little kid achieve in life M they all popped up in my head right at one was just so brave to challenge people who were more skilled go. Back in those days, I was too fond of writing. A 19-year- WKDQKLP+HZDVVKRUWRIUHVRXUFHV\HWKHZDVHDJHUWR¿JKW old freelance writer back then, I had this Dream of starting +HZDVVRFRQ¿GHQWEHFDXVHKHQHYHUNQHZZKDWLWZDVOLNH my own website, promoting my thoughts and of others too. A to lose. He trusted his own capabilities rather than fearing dream to become an entrepreneur in an industry I loved always those of his opponents. For him, just trying hard and playing excited me. But harsh reality of life made me understand that the game was all that mattered and not the result. Remember not everything is as easy as it seems. how as a kid we were all the same? How we would climb to I was a chartered accountancy student and life was tough. absurd places without the fear of falling? How soon we would &ROOHJHLQWKHPRUQLQJIROORZHGE\RI¿FHDQGWKHQFODVVHVRQ JHWRYHUDZRXQGDQGWU\DJDLQDOPRVWIRUJHWWLQJWKHSDLQ":H few days in the evening virtually left me with no time. More- all fell number of times from our cycles but we never gave up over, how would I manage so many things at such a tender learning despite all the blood we lost. Back then everything was DJH":KDWLIGRHVQ¶WZRUNRXW":KDWLI,GRQ¶WVXFFHHGDQG possible for us, even the Superman existed and we all wanted it ends as a terrible disaster, a failure? At the age of 19, you WREHRQH6RZK\LVQ¶WLWWKHVDPHQRZ":KDWKDVFKDQJHGLQ are largely bothered by the peer pressure and the tag of failure all of us that makes us scared to take even a single step ahead in is something you just donRt want to attach yourself with. My life, that stops us from doing what we want to do only because KHDGZDV¿OOHGZLWKDOONLQGVRIQHJDWLYHWKRXJKWV,KDGORVW we know that weRre probably going to fail? The little kid also my senses, and was barely aware of what was going around knew that he had a chance to QloseR, but as he said, why would me in the park. The world seemed to have taken a pause, until he lose if he tried hard enough? something caught my attention and dragged me back to reality. Going deeper in my memory, I realized something that gave The incident changed the way I started looking at life. ELUWKWR-XVW:ULWH7KLQJV7KDWGD\LQWKHSDUN\HDUVDJR A little kid, not older than 10, wanted to play badminton with I had lost that game of badminton. However, even though a children who were probably 15 and above. There was no chance little later after some 20 odd days and number of games, I did IRUWKHOLWWOHNLGWRHYHQSXWXSD¿JKW%XWWKHDPRXQWRIHIIRUWV manage to defeat one of them. Exactly like I said, why would he was putting in was impressive! I lose if I tried hard? A little later, but I did win. As a kid, we all believe that nothing is impossible. The trick is to remember QBut I want to play with youR, he cried. it throughout. Now I knew what I had to do to live my dream. µ+RZFDQ\RXSOD\ZLWKXV":HDUHROGHUWKDQ\RX*RSOD\ I just had to become a kid again. with kids of your ageR, one of the children replied. Parth Parikh TYBCOM E-19 µ:KDWLI\RX¶UHROGHUWKDQPH"¶WKHOLWWOHNLGDVNHGPDNLQJD completely innocent face, as if he was not at all aware of the truth. THE WOLF QYou will lose, since we have more power and skillR another one followed. The wolf wants to come out and play. The kidRs reply though, won the hearts of all the spectators ³'RQ¶WOHWLWRXW´ around. ³,W¶VWRRGDQJHURXV´ µ:K\ZLOO,ORVHLI,WU\P\EHVW"-XVWJLYHPHDFKDQFH¶VDLG ³7KHZROIVKRXOGQ¶WEHOHIWORRVH´ the kid in a bold voice. ³7KHZROIQHHGVWREHFKDLQHGXS´ 2QWKH¿UVWORRNLWPLJKWVHHPWREHDQRUGLQDU\UHSO\IRULWLV obvious for little kids to be stubborn. He was no different. But No sane person should leave a wolf out in the open if you care his efforts were so extra ordinary that he got a chance to play about your safety. Only fools allow their doom to roam around ZLWKWKHP7KHFRQ¿GHQFHRIWKHNLGZRQWKHKHDUWRIWKRVH with a free spirit. children and they did not want him to be left disappointed. I wasnRt a dimwit; I didnRt let the wolf out. I did what I had to Suddenly, something very absurd happened. I could not see do; I bound the wolf in chains. anything in front of me; it was just way too dark. My eyes ThatRs how life works; you chain up what youRre too afraid to were burning. Seconds later, as I regained my senses, I saw show to the world. my bedroomRs ceiling fan right in front of me. And then it took me another minute to realize that I was on my bed. I had just It was the right way, the safest way; the only way I knew. been dreaming! A few sips from the bottle of water besides Taming the wolf was too hard, and trust me, I had tried. The

128 wolf only pretended to listen, but the moment it was freed of CAN YOU HEAR ME? the reins, it only did what it wanted to do. I tried to negotiate with it, but it stayed resilient, hell bent on never giving up its perilous ways. Finally, I had to admit I was too weak to tame My hair lusciously flowed, as I showcased my capac- it. So, I did what cowards do when things get out of hand, I LW\WRÀHHWRWKHPRXQWDLQVLQWKLVVSHFWDFXODUUDFH ZLWK decided to destroy it rather than ever face it again. I locked the my friends. And I won by reaching the highest mountain wolf inside a cage, chained it, multiple times, to make sure it in my vicinity before my mates. They congratulated me had no way of getting out. as if it was the greatest milestone I had crossed. Oh, my VDUFDVWLFPDWHV:HDOOGHVFHQGHGWKHPRXQWDLQWRJHWKHU The trapped wild wolf cried and howled for weeks, taking on every attempt that he could fathom to break the chain, get out Along with me were my two mates, Taffy and Sandy. Taffy of the cage, to do as he pleased, but after a while it grew tired. was a blonde mare, Sandy, a pitchblack mare and I, a shining Its energy burnt out, and the wolfRs desire to be free died along chestnut mare. I have no idea who my mother is, nor do Taffy with its hope. It sat like a sedated tiger sits in zoos. And I got or Sandy know who their mothers are. And thatRs how we grew the respite I was working so hard for. up, helping each other and being the only family we needed. Because now, I didnRt have a wild wolf repetitively trying to :HORYHGUXQQLQJUDFHVWLOOHWHUQLW\ZHORYHGWKH IUHH escape its cage, constantly putting me in discomfort, making breeze, the high mountains, the fresh water, the human- me question myself, trying to coax me to loosen the chains, free world we lived in. None of us had ever seen humans. just a little bit, or maybe just grant it one last chance to come :HKDGRQO\KHDUGRIWKHPDVUDJJHGSHULORXVFUHD - out in the open. The temptation rose every now and again, and tures who arenRt generally nice to animals. Since it was it was a battle I fought each day to keep it inside, but I was night, and all three of us were tired, we went off to sleep. smart and I was determined, despite all the wolf tried, and Boy! Did it try! It screamed and roared threats and abuses against Next d