DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES AND ACHIEVEMENTS 11 DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTANCY Staff Achievements M.R. Jain M.R. Jain attended 3 workshops: Cyber Crimes & Securities organized by BCAS on 9/12/16 Returns under GST organized by GMCPE on 24/12/16 NBFC M KYC Guidelines organized by MGCPE on 25/12/16 A.M.Solanki A.M.Solanki attended 10 lecture meetings/Study Circle Meetings organised by professional bodies like BCAS/CTC/ICAI. Rakhi Madnani Successfully completed Minor Research Project of BCUD in June, 2016 on QA Study of Investment Preference among Self- employed Women in Ulhasnagar, Thane DistrictR sanctioned a grant of Rs.29,000. Presented and published a paper on QA Study of Financial Planning Among Salaried Women With Reference to Ulhasnagar Municipal Corporation AreaR in International Conference on OMake in India: A Myth or RealityP organized by K.M.Agrawal College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Kalyan on Monday 23 rd January,2017 having ISSN 2231-5063 with Impact factor of 4.6052 (UIF). Pratik Lalsetta Pratik Lalsetta attended a two day Mega Conference on Valuation & Indirect Tax Aspects- Dahisar CPE Study Circle. DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTANCY AND FINANCE(BAF) Department Activity Numero - On 26 th $XJXVWWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI$FFRXQWDQF\DQG)LQDQFH %$) FRQGXFWHGDRQHGD\¿QDQFLDOVHPLQDU More than 1000 students from across the city attended this seminar. DEPARTMENT OF BANKING AND INSURANCE (BBI) Department activity Guest lecture on E-wallets and plastic money - A guest lecture by Mr. Sandeep Ghule, on the topic QE-walletsR was organ- ized on 3 rd September, 2016 for the students of SYBBI and TYBBI in Seminar Hall. Mr. Ghule, CFO TranServ brings with him a good understanding of consumers, marketing acumen, ability to understand & manage various moving parts of a pay- ments business, and deliver business growth. 0U*KXOHVSHDNLQJIURPKLV¿UVWKDQGH[SHULHQFHLQWKH¿HOG DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (BFM) Department activity Guest Lecture on NPA - A guest lecture on NPA in the Banking sector was organised by the Department of Finance and Management on 26 th August,2016. The session was conducted by Mr. Firoz from Fitch Ratings, which is a one of the three Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (NRSRO) designated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commis- 12 sion in 1975. The lecture was conducted for the SY & TY BFM Students. Stock simulation Game by ICICI Stock Mind - A national level game was organised in association with ICICI Securities Ltd. for the students of BFM course. Industrial visit - $QLQGXVWULDOYLVLWWR%RPED\6WRFN([FKDQJH'DODO6WUHHWZDVDUUDQJHGIRUWKH¿UVW\HDUVWXGHQWVRI BFM on 3 rd October, 2016. It was an immensely knowledgeable experience for the students. FINANZAR17 M Intercollegiate annual academic festival and seminar organised by the BFM department Intercollegiate $FDGHPLFHYHQWEDVHGRQ¿QDQFLDOPDUNHWVZDVKHOGRQ rd January 2017. Staff Achievements Rohini Badheka - She was selected as the Mumbai University Board of Studies member for BMS Course for development of new syllabus in the subjects of Commodities & Derivatives Market & Wealth Management. Mandar Thakur - Co-authored a book for Sheth Publication. Student Achievement Achieved 100% result in April 2016, University exams; the department has been achieving 100% results since its inception. DEPARTMENT OF MASS MEDIA (BMM) Department activity Storytelling and Screenwriting Workshop - 0U6DW\DQVKX6LQJKDQDWLRQDODZDUGZLQQLQJ¿OPPDNHUFRQGXFWHGDQ insightful seminar workshop on OStorytelling on Film: An Introduction to ScreenwritingP on 9 th June, 2016 for the second- year students of Mass Media. Lost StoriesR Music Making Workshop - The department of Mass Media in association with Paparazzi R16 organized a workshop on music production on 14 th July, 2016 by the internationally acclaimed Lost Stories member Rishabh Joshi. Press conference and Movie Promotion - The Department of Mass Media organised a press conference for its annual fest Paparazzi. That was graced by the veteran and highly talented actor Mr. Irrfan Khan on 15 th July, 2016 in the Juhu Jagruti +DOO7KHDFWRUYLVLWHGWKHFROOHJHWRSURPRWHKLVPDVWHUSLHFHµ0DGDDUL¶WKDWDLPHGDWDFRPPRQPDQ¶V¿JKWDJDLQVWWKH corrupt system of our country. Actor Irrfan Khan getting candid CSR activities M The department undertook various social activities under its media fest Paparazzi: The team enacted a street play, QAnna ApoornaR that highlighted how different food items are being misused to gain maxi- PXPSUR¿WVRXWRIWKHLUVDOH0RUHWKDQSHRSOHJDWKHUHGDURXQGWRZLWQHVVWKHSOD\DW-XKX%HDFKDQG&DUWHU5RDG (Bandra) on 10th July 2016. On 31 st July, team Paparazzi distributed lunch to more than 250 underprivileged and homeless people in Vile Parle and Andheri. The following week in August they celebrated FriendshipsR Day with more than 200 senior citizens belonging to two old age homes in the city. On the eve of Independence Day, they visited an orphanage in Andheri and Goregaon. Lunch distributed to the underprivileged 13 Guest Lecture on Television Copy Writing - The department of Mass Media organised a guest lecture on 30 th August, 2016 for the third-year students on Television Copy Writing by Mr. Vijay Iyer, the Creative Director of Publicis. Paparazzi R16 - Paparazzi is an inter-collegiate media festival organized by the Mass Media department of Mithibai Col- lege. It was held on 31 st August till 2nd September with a theme of Superheroes merging with Supervillains. More than 6000 media students from various colleges were seen entering the venues. Actors Shreyas Talpade and Manjari Phadnis had also graced the festival on its third day for the promotional event of QWah TajR. SJ Studios Visit - 7KHGHSDUWPHQWRIPDVVPHGLDRUJDQL]HGD¿HOGWULSIRUWKHVHFRQG\HDUVWXGHQWVWR6-6WXGLRVRQ th September, 2016. Two seminars were held by FACE academy in the studio premises. The department also organized a semi- nar on 27 th 6HSWHPEHUIRUWKH¿UVW\HDUDQGVHFRQG\HDU0DVV0HGLDVWXGHQWVLQDVVRFLDWLRQZLWK0$0,0XPEDL Academy of Moving Images. Folk Media Performance in JJH - 7KH'HSDUWPHQWRI0DVV0HGLDZLWKWKH¿UVW\HDUVWXGHQWVFHOHEUDWHGIRONPHGLDGD\ on the 28 th of September, 2016. The students were given the topic, QEqualityR and had to represent it based on the folk form given to them. Folk forms like Bhavai, Tamasha, Nautanki etc. were performed. The group performing Bhavai, Students performing on Equality for Men traditional folk media form of Guja rat. Workshop on Theatre and Communication - The Department of Mass Media organized a guest lecture on Theatre and &RPPXQLFDWLRQIRUWKH¿UVW\HDUVWXGHQWVRQ th September, 2016 which was conducted by Mr. Atul Satya Koushik, Found- er and President of The Films and Theatre Society of India, New Delhi. 7ZRGD\&HUWL¿FDWH&RXUVHRQµ*HQGHU6HQVLWLYH5HSRUWLQJ¶ Students of the Mass Media Department attended a two- GD\&HUWL¿HG&RXUVHDERXW*HQGHU6HQVLWLYH5HSRUWLQJRUJDQL]HGE\µ3RSXODWLRQ)LUVW¶RQWKH th and 27 th of November, 2016. QPopulation FirstR is a communication and advocacy initiative whose key objectives are to help eliminate the falling sex ratio in IndiaRs population, sensitize the youth and media to gender issues. Trip to Times LitFest R16 - Students of the Mass Media Department attended the three-day Times Literature Festival organ- ized by Times Group on 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th of December, 2016. Mehboob Studios at Bandra was all set to witness a large gather- ing of renowned authors across the world. This year the theme was OThat Man Woman ThingP and all three classes from the ¿UVW\HDUVWRWKHWKLUG\HDU%00VWXGHQWVDWWHQGHGWKHIHVWLYDO)URPGLVFXVVLQJWKHIXWXUHRI86SRVW7UXPS¶VYLFWRU\WR Olympics in India, LitFest gave students an insight of how media works today in the world of Post Truth and Echo Chamber. Film Appreciation Workshop at Mumbai University M As a part of The Film Society of Mithibai College, BMM stu- dents received a golden opportunity to visit a Film Appreciation Workshop conducted at the campus of MU as a part of the Yashwant International Film Festival 2016 on 9 th December. The session began with an opening speech by the Honourable Vice Chancellor of MU, Dr. Sanjay Deshmukh. Film screening for Understanding cinema by SYBMM students - Students of SYBMM organized a movie screening for their Understanding Cinema project on 5 th January at 12:30 pm in the JJH hall. Six movies made entirely by students were screened. The judges included Ms. Sukriti Vadhera Kohli, an Award-winning Art Director, who also teaches the subject to students and Karan Bhanushali, a key member from the QMithibai Drama TeamR and a former BMM student of Mithibai &ROOHJH9LFH3ULQFLSDORIVHOI¿QDQFHGFRXUVHV'U1XSXU0HKURWUDDOVRJUDFHGWKHVFUHHQLQJ9DULRXVWKHPHVOLNHKRUURU romance, thriller,etc. were chosen by students. Staff Achievement Deeksha Chamola Paper titled OSocial Networking Sites and Adolescents in MumbaiP published in journal titled OCommunication TodayP. Paper titled ODiffusion, popularity and uses of mobile messaging applications among college studentsP published in book titled ODigital DemocracyP. 14 Participated in TYBMM syllabus revision workshop organised by Usha Parveen Gandhi college of Management in August, 2016. Organised and participated in syllabus designing workshop by IQAC in September, 2016. 2UJDQLVHGQXPHURXVZRUNVKRSVDQGJXHVWOHFWXUHVDV¿OPVRFLHW\FRQYHQHUDQGFRRUGLQDWRU%00 Organised BMMRs media festival M Paparazzi, 31 st August to 2 nd September, 2016. Zinat Aboli Ms. Zinat Aboli received BCUD research grants for minor research project. Ms. Zinat Aboli was invited as Resource Person for the paper Indian Regional Journalism at a Workshop
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