In Defence of Religious Liberty (1972-1989)

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In Defence of Religious Liberty (1972-1989) ISSN 1392-74-50 Vilma NARKUTĖ SOTER 2002.7(35) The Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania in Defence of Religious Liberty (1972-1989) THE START OF THE CHRONICLE IN ITS HISTORICAL CONTEXT The article is the first part of the work 77ie Šis straipsnis - tai pirmoji dalis autorės darbo Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania „Lietuvos Katalikų Bažnyčios Kronika religijos in Defence of Religious Liberty (1972-1989), laisvės gynime (1972-1989)". Jame pateikta which is an historical analysis of the Chronicle „Kronikos" ir jos vaidmens kovoje už religijos and its role in the fight for religious liberty. laisvę istorinė analize. Straipsnyje išryškina­ The article highlights the start of the Chronic­ mos „Kronikos" ištakos. Čia diskutuojama dėl le in its historical context by discussing the „Kronikos" kilmės, atsiradimo, ketinimų, tiks­ origin, appearance, intentions, aims, publica­ lų, išleidimo, platinimo ir Sovietų valdžios re­ tion and circulation of the Chronicle as well as akcijos į „Kroniką". Išvadose teigiama, kad „Kro­ the Soviet government's reaction to it. A conc­ nika" atsirado dėl vis labiau aktyvėjančio ir lusion states that the Chronicle arose out of the organizuoto Bažnyčios pasipriešinimo sustiprė­ increasingly active and organised Church resis­ jusioms antireliginėms sovietinio valstybinio re­ tance against the already intensified anti-reli­ žimo represijoms. Jos leidimą inicijavo kun. gious repression by the Soviet state regime. It Sigitas Tamkevičius SJ. „Kronikos" leidėjai tu­ arose, precisely, out of the movement of the rėjo silpninti sovietinės valstybės antireliginę active priests, with the initiative of S. Tamkc- politiką „Kronika" ketino pakoreguoti tą tei­ vičius SJ. The publishers of the Chronicle aimed giamą įspūdį, kurį Sovietų Sąjunga bandė sukurti at the eventual relaxation of the Soviet state's apie savo vidaus politiką. „Kronikos" faktai ir anti-religious policy. The Chronicle intended komentarai su priešingais parodymais turėjo pa­ to correct the positive impression which the siekti Lietuvos ir Sovietų Sąjungos gyventojus, USSR attempted to create about its internal Vakarus ir Bažnyčios hierarchiją Vatikane. „Kro­ policy The facts and comments bearing con­ nikos" išleidimas, platinimas ir perdavimas į trary witness were to reach the populations of užsienį buvo įmanomas tik didelių jos leidėjų ir Lithuania and of the USSR in general, people in platintojų pastangų ir rizikos dėka. „Kronikos" the West and the Church hierarchy in the Va­ leidėjų pagalbininkai Vakaruose ir Vatikane „Kro­ tican. The Chronicle's publication, circulation nikos" žinias platino radijo bangomis ir peri­ and transmission abroad was possible only due odiniais leidiniais. Be to, visa „Kronika" buvo to the efforts and risk undertaken by those išversta ir iš naujo išleista atskirais numeriais involved in the publishing and disseminating. bei tomais, išplatinta daugeliui redakcinių kole­ Thanks to the people in the West and in the gijų, radijo stočių, organizacijų, politikų ir Baž­ Vatican, the news from the Chronicle was spre­ nyčios narių. Būtent „Kronikos" populiarini­ ad by radio and periodicals, and, moreover, the mas užsienyje buvo pagrindinė priežastis, sukė­ entire Chronicle was translated and re-publis­ lusi priešišką sovietų valdžios reakciją ir jos hed in issues and volumes and spread to the atstovų laikyseną. numerous editorial boards of the periodicals, radio stations, organisations, politicians and members of the Church. It was particularly the wide publicising of the Chronicle abroad that caused the hostile reaction and altitude of the Soviet government. 60 Vilma NARKUTE INTRODUCTION I encountered the Samizdat while li­ ving under the Soviet regime in Lithuania For riders hold no terror for those who do right. for twenty years of my life. In my childho­ but for those who do wrong. od there were many evenings with the fa­ Do you want to be free from fear of the one in miliar Yankee Doodle tune, followed by authority? the words: "This program has come to you Then do what is right and he will commend you. from the United States of America. The (Rom 13,3) following program is in Lithuanian," or similar ones. Later in the evening the "Lau- St. Paul's advice seems reasonable, but datur Jesus Christus" introduced the Va­ in history people have often found them­ tican Radio. Listening to these programs selves in problematic political and social was not easy. Sometimes my grandfather situations caused by governmental poli­ and my father switched the radio off after cy. They try different ways out, one of searching in vain for the radio waves with them being civil disobedience. One of the the announcer's voice comprehensible des­ many forms of civil disobedience was the pite intentional radio interference. If they publication of illegally produced, repro­ succeeded, however, we could listen to duced and distributed literature. This phe­ unusual programs which, unlike the state nomenon emerged in Belgium, Chile, Chi­ radio, did not praise the achievements of na, Czechoslovakia, France, Hungary, Iran, the Soviet government. On the contrary: Poland, USSR (since the 1950s called in they presented the facts and commenta­ Russian the Samizdat or "self-published") ries in the way which much more corres­ and other countries, during times of war, ponded to how we actually experienced occupation or authoritarian regimes. Ha­ life in Soviet Lithuania. The phrase "the ving appeared when the official media Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithu­ were censured by the governing power, ania" or simply "the Chronicle" used to the Samizdat literature escaped its con­ sound time and again during these news trol. This literature's ideas differentiated broadcasts. My knowledge about its me­ themselves from the recognised ideolo­ aning was limited to the fact that the Chro­ gical and ethical norms and received no nicle was a publication which was issued adequate reflection in the state press. The and which was to be kept in secret. After Samizdat often was meant to provide cor­ the collapse of the Soviet regime, I found rect information in the atmosphere of the the enigmatic Chronicle publicly placed ideological information, to encourage and in the library of my college, St. Anthony's to organise people for common action or College in Kretinga. It was a ten volume defence against the regime and to streng­ edition, mostly in hard cover, published in then their belief in victory. Therefore it the USA. In the Theology faculty library was seen as a dangerous threat to these of the Catholic University of Leuven (Bel­ regimes whose control of information it gium) 1 found a part of another USA edi­ challenged. The ruling powers often used tion of the same Chronicle. It was transla­ the Criminal Code and every means of ted in English and published in separate police harassment- house searches, in­ issues. I also saw the Chronicle mentio­ terrogations, detentions, imprisonment and ned as a source of most of the information forced exile- to stop the writing, copying on Lithuania in The Tablet of the 1970s and passing on of the Samizdat literatu­ and 1980s. While working on my thesis2 I re.1 found the Chronicle's time in print has THE CHRONICLE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN LITHUANIA IN DEFENCE OFRELIGIOUS LIBERTY (1972-1989)1 61 been a clearly distinguishable period in been the Chronicle itself. More specific the history of the relationship between information can be found in the introduc­ the Soviet state and the Catholic Church tory note of the bibliography and the bib­ in Lithuania. liography itself. The Chronicle of the Catholic Church While doing our historical analysis we in Lithuania, the most regular, lasting and will divide the paper in three chapters. informative Lithuanian Samizdat periodi­ The aim of the first chapter is to highlight cal, was published in Lithuania and smug­ the start of the Chronicle in its historical gled abroad for seventeen years from 1972 context. We will discuss the origin, appe­ to 1989. This was the last period of the arance, intentions, aims, publication and Soviet regime in Lithuania, which had be­ circulation of the Chronicle as well as the gun in 1940. The Lithuanian Catholic Church, Soviet government's reaction to it. In the encompassing the majority of the popula­ second chapter we will concentrate on the tion, around 80%, together with other forms main issues with which the Chronicle de­ of belief, were repressed by the atheist re­ alt, that is, the situation of Soviet educa­ gime of the Soviet government. In the con­ tion, the laity, the seminary, the clergy, text of the Cold War, in its internal and the hierarchy and the religious situation foreign policy, including the contacts with of the USSR Catholic minorities and of the the Vatican, the USSR government claimed Russian Orthodox Church. The third chap­ the constitution-guaranteed freedom of re­ ter will be dedicated to the responses to ligion existed under its rule. The Chronic­ the Chronicle and its survival: to the sur­ le, however, became a serious challenge to vey of the appeals and addressees of the the reliability of this claim. Chronicle's documents; responses of the This work3 then will be an attempt to recipients to this Samizdat publication; make an historical analysis of the Chro­ its reflection in the state's treatment of nicle of the Catholic Church in Lithua­ the Church, and the Chronicle's survival. nia and its role in the fight for religious We will close with the end of the Chronic­ liberty. Our starting point will be the be­
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