Department Heads, I R- I I the 'Honorable Calvin O

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Department Heads, I R- I I the 'Honorable Calvin O * 1932 * The Students' Voice for Over 55 Years *198~* Vol. 57 No.5 Baruch College, CUNY April 11, 1989 IThe Report: Students !An Update Protest Department Heads, I r- I I The 'Honorable Calvin O. Pressley has been appointed as a. Budget Cuts Are Optimistic Imember of the Board of Trustees of ! The City University of New York. I : i April lOis the deadline for all Low Turnout Of About The Effects Ibudget proposals. The interviewing i period is from April 10 through Baruch Students i April' 19. Of The Budget Crisis I Shows Apathy I A stuaent survey being con­ Iducted by the Day Session Student Government and WBMB radio has I By RITA LEAHY received 2,025 responses out of the By BARBARA MEISSNER I I 9,334 surveys which were mailed I lout. On March 14 the Day Session I Contrary to statements issued by been with the department for a Student Government, in conjunc­ J City University of New York significant amount of time. She also Celia Pacbeco, editor-in-ebief of tion with other City University's Chancellor Joseph S. Murphy man­ stated "I expect to have a (1989-90) Lexicon. and State University's of New dating that the University will be schedule very similar to the one we York, held a rally in Albany to pro­ I forced to lay-off more than 1,000 had last year," and said "We Baruch test the proposed budget cuts, ac­ full and part-time staff and faculty haven't heard anything about cuts cording to Ainsley Boisson, DSSG if the governor's proposed 1989-90 to our budget.... In terms of our president. budget is adopted by the state supplies and equipment budget, I Yearbook1. ~ Boisson said that ' 'The idea legislature later this month, several have heard nothing." However) behind the rally was just to get as Baruch department chairpersons Murphy's statement issued M a' es many people as possible up there to nave stated that they believe their Feb. 6, states,' 'full-time k make an impression." departments will in fact not be af­ position reductions are a certainty" I Publl·sher.'C" The proposed budget cut CUNY- fected by these budget cuts, which and , "Actions to minimalize full­ ct: ! IJ wide. is $70 million, of which total $60 million. time staff layoffs do not avoid Steve Lilien, chairperson of the other staff reductions - part-time . 1,<,~!l Top Ten ~~;;f;~it~r:~;: -....~~~!to---,.....".....•J!IIl•.:'....~, <f.J?:il List I wh~o~~"~;k~~ t~~l'~~_· I .. --_.:"t'"'~; c;"-- ct: I !- u~.·:·~, By·TONI COLAVITO i 1r~~ t~~~~~'a~~~~~hel;ahyeO,~~~ : Summer intent forms must be submitted I I I .,1:1 ' I' to the registrars office by Apri se»; ; The 1988 edition of the Baruch just don't know what the difference i------! I College yearbook, Lexicon, has I IContin ued on Page All coiumn 1) i • ! been recognized as one of the top 10 -----1 i Provost Promises: yearbooks published by the Taylor I i IPublishing Company, according to Computer i Full Summer Celia Pacheco editor-in-chief of : ILexicon. V·r s : Program or Pa~heco said that it cost $30,000 1 U J !to pnnt tOOO yearbooks last year. C· t Cl, ,"We charged $10.00 a book," she. ontannna es asses Isaid. Funding for the Lexicon, ex- I plained Pacheco, was provided by Baruch's By GEORGIA KONTOS the Day Session Student Govem-I ment, Evening Session Student MI-cr0 , Summer classes 1989 at Baruch Assembly, and a private account. l will be unaffected by the current The Lexicon was selected from ; budget crisis, according to Provost more than 6000 yearbooks. It was Computer l John McGarraghy. judged on its page design, theme ; Rumors that classes will be development, copywriting, cover Lab II cancelled due to a budget cut are design and special page design. James Murphy. c="allCfllor of CUNY. l false, McGarraghy said. I------------:------! I "Even if the college ex­ By WILUAM ST. LOUIS t~at [periences some cuts in it's budget, Iaccounting department. stated staff would be separated in far his department is actually expectmg greater numbers. U It bas also been !we don't expect that to affect the According to Frank Werber to add several new faculty members I summer program." he. said. I projected that there will be a S4 manager of Baruch's Micro Com­ Ito irs staff and said HI don't expect million reduction in equipment Summer classes which begin June puter Lab, a division of the Educa­ Icuts in the number of faculty in next allocations to the colleges. Baruch 12 and end July 31, will offer the tional Computer Center, a com­ :year's academic year." However, in College President Joel Segall has . same range of courses as the past, puter virus was detected in the ,a series of fact sheets compiled by stated, in addition. "If the cut is as and there is "no reason to expect microIab in February. IJay Hershenson, director of deep as the governor purposes, we . classes to be smaller." McGarraghy The virus itself is believed to be a Ispecial projects in the governor's (Conunued on Page All column 3) , added. variation ofa famous virus. As near Ioffice in Aibany, it is stated that the He also said that the state as we can tell what we have con­ CUNY senior colleges are facing a I le~islature has not yet passed the tracted is a strain of the Pakistani Ibudget deficit of $45 million and budzet for the next fiscal year Brain. "The Pakistan; Brain is a 6·s ch harsh' cuts win mean the ~ ~ u which .starts the first of July. The .. program that was written in, I cancellation of thousands of INSIDE: budget is expected to' pass within believe, 1986 by two brothers in i classes, dramatic increases in class the next couple of weeks. he said. Pakistan. The story goes that they size and massive reductions in stu­ EDITORIALS A2 "We won't know the seriousness were writing software in Pakistan dent and academic support of the cut and exactly what it will and people were making services." OP-EDS A3 effect until we actually have a unauthorized copies of their soft­ budget for next year. All we have ware so they wrote a program that Pamela Sheingorn, chairperson BUSINESS A12 now is what the governor proposed would cause you lots of problems if of the art department, said that FEATURES 81 to the legislature some months ~ilillFialiiCiI_nroi.,lIftiiiiiiiiil~ you tried to make copies ofthe soft­ although it is too soon to say for ago," stated McGarraghy. .Oft Y ware they sold you. Eventually this sure exactly what the impact of ARTS 87 The last day to file a summer in­ 1IGIdI.. tile ncG&1IbM edldeII of 1Ax­ virus, which is a very well written these cuts will be on her depart­ tent form is April 28, according to ~~:"'-------------tkM. and powerful virus, spread allover ment, she doubts that it will be los­ SPORTS 813 McGarTaghy. (Continued on Page A8 Column 4) the world," Werber said. ing any faculty members who have . ' •....- . i.e _0 ., • t .. ,, =e.. _..... 1 j. ..&QS _ ." . qc.¥ :e:= J :0. Paae AZ The Ticker April 11,. 1989 April 11, 1989 1beTicker P-.e.A3 - EDITORIALS ----_._-----------_._--------- OP--ED' course, we are not tolerant of peo­ ple who leave great jobs and homes SIGN OF THE TIMES ·IIDDIIIBIJ in the Caribbean to come here only II, to end up doing domestic work. This we find quite nonsensical. DOWN DON'T CRY WOLF When you say, "The exploitation N.Y. BRIDGES ARE FALLING of Caribbean peoples," what are By RANDEL S. STUBBS When Chancellor Murphy and President Segall announced the upcoming budget Caitlin Mollison you referring to? Aren't you aware editor-in-chief that these individuals have a choice ''The IH1dge Is In bad shape. need the appropriate funds and funds Mr. Sander quest fOf can't cuts earlier this year and predicted dire results for Baruch College, we took them at as to whether they want to be ex- What can we afford to do this . inspectors if they are to be well damage the possibility of some Anne E. Schwimmer ploited or not? Of course I agree y&ar?' mai ntained. improvement for the city their word. Suddenly hysterical rumors raged through the school about the elimina­ with you that many Caribbean "Not much. It's an awful year. For fiscal year 1988, the ad- bridges, it is not the answer. managing edi tor tion ofsummer classes and of much needed staff members. Fearing a disaster similar All typed and signed letters are ac­ peoples are blinded by preconceived No money." ministration bUdget displayeo The city officials must observe cepted. Send to: Correspondence, ideas of the United States being a "But the bridge needs pain­ only three inspectors who were honestly and closely that the to the 70's budget cuts, students began sending protest letters to the State Senate and Barbara A. Meissner The Ticker, 137 E 22nd St. NY, NY panacea for their plight, but this is a . ling. If. covered with bird drop­ responsible for the examination answer to the problem lies news editor 10010, Box 442. problem that weall haveto coalesce pings, COIToslon. " hasn't had a within the transporia~jQn the Day Session Student Government travelled to Albany to take our grievances to the and solve constructively. We cannot of the 2,098 city bridges. The senators in person.
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