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A ~~~B~=~~2:Med ,En S 19 ,, .. • ) I, , , .' ,The NI9WS Can. Go To Any College Hon'".e of the Newl , * * * I Don't, LE!t Your Student Miss The Pointe CALL 'rUx.do 2.6900 , L fI ews Complete 'News Cov;erage', "01 All 'the" Pointes . , ~ t • • , VOLUMEr7-NO. 47 , Entered M. Second 'ClasS MAtter . , at the Poat Offit.:eat' Detroit. Web. GROSSEPO[NTEI"~M[CHi'GAN, ,,NOVEMBER 22. 1956 SC Per Copy " .' . 13.50 ,Per Yea2 24 PAGES Fully Paid Circulation I - BEAJllLINES •Men's Garden Club. Hands Out Honors . , " af the "VOQdsPlans Fight Unanimous WEEK ' ." D.' Vote Cast As C01'1,rpiled by the • By Council Grt;JStl ,Pointe News A.galnst etrolt .s Farms Officials Hear Argu- Thursday, Novembe:r IS Water Rate Hike ments from Both Sides THE POLICE FORCE of the United Nations is rushing to the Before Deciding to Suez Canal to prevent. Egypt Council Voices Bitter Opposition to Shift in ,Source of 'Ban Additive from becoming the trigger for World War III. UN Secretary- Supply~ See Waste of $60,OQO Spent for New Main, The C'l)ntroversial question General Dag Hammarskjold is~' ' Woods councilmen, at a regt+lar meeting held on MDn- of whether or not to add the sued orders for the force to go-" day, November 19, voiced, bitter, opposition to Detroit's chemical fluorine' to 'the ahead, hours before the Egypt~ plann.ed switch 6f supplying the city with water from Farms water supply was set- ian Government r e q'U.est e d 'another station. , - 0-'- ' tIed Monday night, by the Russia to send "volunteers" to aid her in her fight with Israel, - Recently, ,Detroit informed B d Ch unanimous decision of the Britain and ]'rance. He left by the council that it plans to sup- a ecks Farms City Council against plane from New York to super~ ply the Woods with water the addition of the chemical" vise the occupation of the now pumped from the Northeast S d 'P l The Council's action was con- quiet battle zone. Pumping Station rather 'than en UfO ee trary to an advisory vote asked .. ... from Waterworks, Park, and of the Farms voters ,on a special Friday, November 16 that 'the price for this, water Back to Pen proposal on the November 6 would be' hiked from 65 cents ballot. The 3,036 to 2,086'final IN NOTES to the prime min- .per 1,000 cubic feet, to $1 per _ tabulation r.evealed a scant ma~ isters of Britain, France;!':and t'1,000 cubic feet. Wallace Helies Must Face jority of the citizens wished to Israel, Soviet Premier Nikolai - ' !Juilt New Main have the chemical added to their Bulganin warned that the Unit- . The' bittern.ess ,arose from th~ Further Charges in Detroit water, but over 1,000people did ed Nations' international police fact that the Woods completed After Serving Sentences not vote either way on the pro- force must not be stationed. in a"24-inch .water main, along --- posal. the Suez Canal Zone. lie also Vernier road, from the city lim- A parole vicrlator, charged Chambers -lammed demanded that the three na~ tions pay l::gypt for material its at Harper avenue to Mack with' passing phony checks in The council chambers Monday losses suffered through their in- avenue, in 1950,at a cost of $60,- the Wooqs; was sentenced to evening were jainmed .with pro- , 000.' Plans for this main and its a Federal and State prison, ponents and opponents of fluori- vasion. Egypt already has in- , installation' were drawn up ac~ ' dation. The CoUncilheard from sisted that the UN police force ' 'demands of the on two separate days. ~ording to the . 40 f 2000 all who wished to speak on the.' ,be posted only on the 1949Pal~ Detroit Water BoarM ,which had Wallace F. He1les, , 0 estine arniistice' line between • "'t Gulf boulevard, Indian Rock subject. ',' ",". :-'Pictureby'FredRunneDs: promISed,the water from Water~ ' In arguments before the vote, Egypt and Israell and that Brit- , It was Civic Awards Night at the meeting of the President, Jack WgIianis, Shores; Andy, Graham :'Shores~ ': works, situated at E. Jefferson' ~:'~~~l i~~e a:;:~e~ ~~~~ the .Councillistened to four citi~ ish and French troops be pulled Men's' Garden' Club of Grosse Pointe in the ,War Mem:- W. C. Osborn, Jr.~ St. Paul, Lutheran 'Church;"Thoma;", and, Cadillac. ',The Northeast on-'Thursday, November 15, and zens who spoke for fluoridation" out immediately. ... ... orial Center on Thursday, November 15. CertificateS Robitaille:, ~tobert 4\[;, OJrr;'Lib~:ary; Mrs.' eameron Water- Pumping Station is located at was sentenced to two years in arid five who spoke against. 'were, presented, to "various public bu'ildi,ngs',for the bea'u'ty :, '. C tt" 'H 't"L J"hn Eld ' ,'" Conner and Six Mile road. P . f Mayor William F. Connolly, f h m~" 0 ~age OSPl'a:.; 0 er, '-Library; Custer The new main would cost an Milan rison, for violatIon 0' Jr., made a recommendation Saturday. November 17 0 t e landscaping they"have contributed to the Poirtfe. ',. H9.meier arid ,FraI;lcis,Duffy, Kerby Schoo1~',. ' , estimated $i,000,000; it was parole. , against restoratiQ~. The mayor RUSSIA OFFERED to destroy Left, to, ri~~,t .ar.~:.-, M.ayor,W, illi~ Connolly, Far$,:" ; -' - .. ,' _ 'r' brought' out: at' the council , Sent Up for TWo Years Isaid he believed he had'read its H-bomb and A-bomb stock- ------ ", .,' ~,.', ' meeting but'~Detroit will, 'not Helies had appeared before thin' ~ t' 'th' pile if the nations of the West ", ' ' , ' , , ", : . oJ';; !~,.i"""''''''''(''._J,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,)'<~'lI' ' ,,' ,'" / every g m prm on e ques- =~dp~~~~~e;.,~=erJ'~Gitrtl:eners ....."X ;eo'MmUiii~Clit)fn~t6'Give. Poi~r:at$~;~'':~\i~~"':;~,:~~:~ ~~g~~~in:p~ 1;~~ ~~da~~n, at:~ec?~= Big Four, plus India, "In view G'. A' d " , - , stall the pIpes. prison and four years probation medicine in water wpich also. ~fo~~ef~~:~o;n;~:t Un~~~::i~:,I,Ve,:" U?ar s Special,C,hristmas' C:on~ert Weig'ht-Gas ..~ii~:a~Zn~~hc=~~aid ~:l{:~k~t~e~in~~:~e:~~~~:s~GrossePointe City,resi~ Eisenhowerai"{:;" messagesand totoprimePresidentminis~ FOll" Bea,uty At Pa,rcelis~ on December_ 9 Tax,..8hare ::!.~~;{~£~:3!:~~:. C~~~::::~~!~~~ge~tp'po~~~e:S ~eabXyS~o;.~~ --- ,-,' ' ';,. - . ~ . e", ,,' ~ " ,". ". ", '. err'Detroit:':wouldfinance the'inj his probation officer to move to recommendation. ~~~i~tf ~~~~ain'a;;a~~a,COt~; Pubiic'Bu11dings' W'ith Out-' Progra~ Divided'lnto Fi~e S~tions WiII.l=eature Number State Highway: Deparment st8Jl~~ion, ~r' i~ 't?e project Florida. City Also A1fec'ted Russian premier warned that st~nding Landscaping Given Dedicated to Organization. Receptlcm to Follow' 0" t "b t" T t I f would be th~-~oods problem. His probation Violation came The decision' means that the h b If. R " " b M' I L- • " . I - IS rl U ""9 0 a, 0 'He, also saId, It is still unde~ to light when he passed two City' of Grosse--Pointe, which ;h:nge~ a~:t '?tOd~;~~~ ~~vi~~ eco~'"'tlon y en s C uci The Christmas season will soon have officially arrived , $6,597 ..94 in Tax"Monies ci~ed which of the communities checkS, totalizig $301,54, in the buys its water from the Farms, forces could -rakeover the whole " . --. but the Grosse Pointe Community Chorus has been pre- ---, :vIll'coIlstruct the 'proposed wat- ,(Continued on Page 2) won't get fluoridation either. of Western Europe without the .The Men:s. Garden Slub of paring for their contribution to .the joys of December fO,r The five' Pointes will re- ~ar~tora~e tank m Ghesquiere When the Farms began to add, use of rocket or nuclear weap- GroSS4!,Pomt7' met m: the sotp.e time. Since early September, t~e ,e~horus has' be~n c~iye~a. ~o.t~l".of,16,597:9.~ a~\ b' the~~eet:k;as demanded Young Teeners flu~rine to its water in 1951, it, ons." Bulganin's message also War Memorial Center on, re~earsirig a v~ri,ed progr.am to present to the Grosse their'.shar~'in:-the,weight~anc;l ,w~ter can ,be tstorO~dfo~ ::r: was one of the pioneers in tak-' proposed aerial inspections up to Thur~day eyening, N ov~b~r !'oltnhte COdi~t~l~y topn Sun 9-aYJ''I?eceH~1?ehr:S9;h:'at'I.3: 30P::n- :tghas?ISlne~;.:taHx~Sh'coJlecDtep::ptY suInmer 'water' periods; Confess Thefts ~:~~~~n~~~~~ inFf;:~~~~~ ll V t i~~t~l::t ~~r~i:;t~~ S~~o~e.the 15, to present six CiVic' In e au ,ormm a aree .s "umor 19.' c po, ,e:l.'-nIe~',e. a"'1=">., ,lg .wa.-r. "ep.ar ~ '. ¥embers of the Woods coun- follo-wirigan advisory referen .. ... ... ... A is f th b t d and Mack avenues. ,~ , ,,' ment ,)~.urmg:",.:th~ thIrd. (Continued on Page 2) "A 'groU' p' Af 14-y'ear,-oldboys dum, in which 1,832 vote~ ware or e es g,ar ens Sponsored by the,'Communlty '.,'m ,'It... ',' 'ed quarter"of 1956~ . v ~ Sunday. November 18 d d f G P . t ' .' , conce a ye,ar. IS govern , ',,' - ------ arre ted 0 tobe 22 by H agamst. the 1,366.who we-orein THE SOVIET NOTE tlin. g an ~roun so rosse om e Se!vic~ pepartment. of the by a board of direCtors chosen Michigan' ;Highway"CO~iS~.S • Ch. f s on c r ar- favor of continuing adding the plans for world ciisa~~am:t public: buildings. :Business qrosse Pomte'.Board of.,Educ~- 'from the group ancl is open to sione;-: Charles',~.~ Zlegl.e~i:an~ " ,!OOzlng, ze per Woods police for breaking chemical.
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