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Taking Aim at Everyone Pdf, Epub, Ebook FOOLS RUSH IN WHERE MONKEYS FEAR TO TREAD: TAKING AIM AT EVERYONE PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Lecturer in Historical Theology Carl R Trueman | 241 pages | 27 Feb 2012 | P & R PUB CO | 9781596384057 | English | United Kingdom Carl Trueman - Wikipedia On the whole a great read. May 12, E. Thought-provoking and hilarious. The definition of "pikestaff" alone was worth reading the book for. Apr 14, Andrew Mulnix rated it it was amazing. Even the Glossary was enjoyable to read. Nov 28, Christopher David rated it it was amazing. I think anything by Dr. Trueman automatically deserves 5 stars. He's such a great writer and this collection of articles prove that point yet again without any doubt. May 30, Mathew rated it it was amazing Shelves: history , theology. Taking Aim at Everyone Although having some familiarity with Carl Trueman and appreciating his take on the church and culture, I had never read one of his books. Shame on me. The subtitle to the subtitle sums up the books best Taking Aim at Everyone. And lest you think he plays favorite, Trueman f Taking Aim at Everyone Although having some familiarity with Carl Trueman and appreciating his take on the church and culture, I had never read one of his books. And lest you think he plays favorite, Trueman frequently takes aim at the Reformed crowd as well as broader evangelicals, Catholics, and pop culture. But there are some broader themes which frequently take stage. I will focus the remainder of the review on those. Culture The knot that kept the rope from slipping was the examination of culture. What was most ironic to me is that it is in vogue in evangelicalism to fancy yourself a student of the culture and to use words like contextualization, etc. Many of the issues addressed by Trueman are a result of poor interpretation of the culture. First, I have said here multiple times that what the church lacks most of all is pastors, leaders, and people who are familiar with church history and theology. And this is what Trueman excels at. Last, Trueman handles the Scriptures honestly. Eating Irish Babies Trueman also demonstrates his skill with turning a phrase and poking the sleeping giant in the exact right spot. My copy of Fools Rush In is littered with highlights, scribbles, and notes. He had provided me with verbal cud that I can re-digest for months to come. I read it. Read it again. Then had a good chuckle for a few minutes. Indeed, I suspect one would have to go back to Jonathan Swift to find a broadly orthodox Protestant churchman who was able to write sustained, elegant prose that still proves capable of provoking laughter. Now, I love Irish babies, but I could never eat a whole one. Kindle Location of Dragon Skin If for no other reason, it would do good for most evangelical pastors to read Trueman to develop thick skin. Chances are you will not pass these pages with out having your scab picked off. Sep 10, Brian rated it it was amazing Shelves: christian-living , collection-of-writings , social-criticism , ethics , church-life. Let's keep funerals for grieving and lamentation at the outrage that sin has perpetrated on the world! These short essays take aim at everyone and delivers the blows quite effectively. There are going to "To celebrate life at a Funeral is nonsense There are going to be some hurt feelings while reading this book, Christians who are self-absorbed, will probably cry foul, because feelings matter more than truth. We must as the title says rush in, find out what's ailing us according to Dr. Trueman and perhaps get some perspective. These articles deal with the changing ways of the modern culture and how these actions affect the church and its people. The Church is supposed to change the culture but Dr. Trueman points to ways the culture has changed the church and how a shallow grasp of Theology and History allows you to be shuttled off into something hardly orthodox and quite possibly dangerous to our survival. With wit, logic, satire and brilliance he uses the pen in a mighty way to hopefully set the church on a new course to wake up and plant seeds of reformation. Is it obvious in today's church that, Repentance, Reading and meditating on the Bible, Prayer and fellowship should be a staple in the life of a believer? How many people will read this with genuine reflection? Or instead dismiss it as grumpy white guy syndrome. I hope we let the insight seep into our soul and ask God to reveal our blind spots. Great book highly recommended. As a side note to how gifted Dr. Trueman is: I was at small talk with Dr. Trueman, Peter Leithart and Fred Sanders and this Biola Seminary student who sat in front of me had scribbled on his pad: "Check into transferring to Westminster Seminary to study under Dr. Feb 18, Steve Hemmeke rated it liked it. A fine bit of cultural punditry - collection of essays - from years ago. Trueman writes well, though rather snarky and brash at times. He is well read, and some of his literary references went over my head. He even-handedly critiques our zany secular culture as its inconsistent worldview shows itself in current events, and also the church for rushing in after it, many times. Here are some zingers worth passing on to you. On Alcohol "The way that Christian freedom seems to be judged in some R A fine bit of cultural punditry - collection of essays - from years ago. On Alcohol "The way that Christian freedom seems to be judged in some Reformed quarters by the ability to consume alcohol and tobacco is quite bizarre. Now, don't misunderstand me here. I enjoy cheap wine, British beer, fine brandy, and good Scoth; and I do not even regard smoking as a sin - stupid, yes; sinful, no. But to judge the vitality of one's Christian faith by the consumption of these things is as silly as to judge it by abstention. It does not: it increasingly regards us as fringe lunatics, rather as it did in the first century. Often manifested by a failure to see the lighter side of oneself, or of anything else for that matter. Feb 25, Dana rated it really liked it. Carl Trueman is an author published by my friend, Aimee Byrd's publisher. He also has a podcast called the Mortification of Spin, which he interviewed her on. His podcast interviews are funny and kind of a roasting He is not shy about pointing out bad theology "like a hot knife through butter. He approaches the gospel with the seriousness it deserves and uses the example of a doctor visit in which the doctor enters a room in a clown suit with "Take my breath away" from Top Gun playing in the background. Taking aim at the churches who fill a "worship" service with entertainment rather than the ordinary mundane means ordained by Christ himself. An Unmessianic Sense of Nondestiny. He challenges the Cultural American way of individualism within Christianity. Feeling as though, "God has a plan for me. My special destiny as a believer is to be part of the church. I can't wait to hear his podcast roast of my friend and new author, Aimee Byrd! Jun 03, Todd Wilhelm rated it it was amazing. I loved this book. Trueman is an amazing writer; humorous and wise. After all, it is the papists who produce the funniest writers, from Newman to Chesterton to Waugh, with even Walker Percy having his moments. Need I say more? Can I rest my case at this point? To put it in logical form: Catholicism is bad; Catholicism has produced funny people; therefore, funny people are bad. Thus, given the religi I loved this book. Thus, given the religious provenance of its best exemplars, humor must therefore be intrinsically evil: if they make you laugh today, then, by good and necessary consequence, we know they'll be forcing you to kneel down and kiss the pope's ring tomorrow. I might even propose a new law, to go alongside that of Godwin's. Let's call it "Trueman's Second Law" Trueman's First Law is known only to a few close friends, but, trust me, it has never been broken. Trueman's Second Law would be formulated something like this: in any exchange of views, sooner or later one or more of the participants will describe themselves as hurt or in pain as a result of somebody else's comment: and at that point it is clear that they have lost the real debate. May 06, Ho Christopher rated it really liked it. I have to say this is a hard book to review, not because it is not well written nor was it was a bad book, but the topics discussed was so well spread it's hard to find a phrase to describe it other than the one that Trueman has provided: "Taking Aim at Everyone". This is really what the book is meant to do, take aim at everyone. Trueman writes in a wholesome manner, being able to be sensitive to the culture that we're in and also critical of what is happening, don't get me wrong, Trueman is not s I have to say this is a hard book to review, not because it is not well written nor was it was a bad book, but the topics discussed was so well spread it's hard to find a phrase to describe it other than the one that Trueman has provided: "Taking Aim at Everyone".
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