' ! . .' , ..II- . -- 11


-- :.- :,.:-tj--- s .v7 - r';viM fii.a--'--- ;'.t . frtm : i.i Francfect 1 - -- .'rW':- .?: 'xvrywi4i'i., .SbBot; Oct;. ' " Fsr Can. Francisco: t Tear Mint, Oct. 8." '.. " X Frcm Vancouver : , ?.Kitrira-- - OtL'C'-44V- -. r 1 ? var.ccuvsr... Oct. 15 ' ; ti. lips uuueun. ul ltiz. na uu - l .V

4 Li

- ' yto- Ff V 1

WMP " - McCarnlSays: He Hopes; Wew United. States Carries Out Rrst-Aid to Enl'. a fiati: n-C-cm- Rumania Will Attack-Dulaari-

Made'-;Pi&n(M6re.:00,C03- At-torne- y pretcF - C T n -- Assistant u;fS.;District Report tor First Eiaht f.!chlii5 cf :n:rnist::n: if: Ferdinand Joins Tcutcns, Arr,:r;:-- Tel:phone ; ?Tc!e-- Q - 1 Has Plenty ; of As ahd Hellenic PeopleWill Company Experti Has En: rr::h U Says-Geracimo- s bestos in , His ; Constitution 'fvjH, B iter .Var;," Wcrkcd Since itsibclated ' ' June; Last ? t. E. 'i ; vl: 'complete - vf-v.- v i ..i;i vl . ' - first -- ..' r't : " : :;t to fiefore . Federal Judges ' Sanford - B. Pto1'' What vll! happen When, tbe peatt I Lictcncd Operator eefgium covering tHe'flrst el months reveatathat:ln P. Clemons, and ;ht Cerman-Anstrla- n array 200.000 Dole and Charles' la Income and eipenditur orcahlxatlon 'forma. relrefTmove of wr USp;aking.tHingtonVai . seTeral11 weH-kno-wn thr the presence of tKB'tt" TO-fnilli- rolla into Serbia?? George Ceractaoa " ment of history. 'The commission Kas collected d'ttburstd ? local sttorneys nd court" officials, ar.i' manager of the Union 1 dollars, 15 million of which been. In the form of money of? Grilwas asei U A V Y C 0 0 7 ER ATES VITH Horace W. Vaughaa .of has contributed night; rill they rent their way Tezarkanar Blft foeoT by the people "of the' United, States. and thf British Empire and';: last n E;i7E:.;;;isi:;G:EXFEiiTS Belgium Itself. ; The- - bulk of the Income hasiome frtrw other than purely :; i - - " philanthropic sources, but the - raisinj cf this encrm; s sum us been'ex ' ' :: clusively the work; orthc ccnmittlon," whieh ty.Cns..:' t arrangements with;. : ly Sys- - vU:?e-'r'.'-- v Pc : cf Permanent Eelgtum individuals' and Institutions, exchan;i,cf curr;ncy;r withdslgium Associated press C:nlc3 ty I ! .V Hcnc!u!u and a system of providing the Solvent "hasfmalntained v Ccr,.:::l;na Celaji.lnhabl'.ints, . LONDON, . England, Oct. 1. It the entire : population. of a; riatibn for almost a ;ear. . . Inclg'nificcnt fai&VJfiM'frftr. ;;:..:':;J; 'Ut-Tj British forces in Franco, now : A remarkable feature of the report Vhich. has hlthartb received but r:.:.J ' ) ... I V.w.il llUi bwl tie notice is the effort being mads by- - Belgians help themselves. Over. by i.l the ta ' creased the addition cf a half mill;. C f. S3 per cent of, the nioney expended by We commission In benevolence Is . w 3 i!2 Ttilk being rurhished by Ceigians abroad, and a iars amount tlso ia being sup-- - v -,v ' iln U th center ef. pneo cy ceigiana in ueigium.v ;v 'r The relief operations are divided Into one to provision : .'iverr.ir.t ef world-wid- e threec!mV' CUr-- . tne entire population, another to' conduct financm r;Uef and exchange oper- A itch to the . tit, 'ea're-or'this-- ds'.litute;-'- in ations, and a third M -'. :J its ttccr.J ys - brovislonlng'departmer.t, s-- the- report,,! charged v.1th , L;ir;'.r.3 firtt news cf V"The the't j ;ny frcn Arlington, duty cf revictualling. the whole 7,C::,C.J pi:;Te wii '? necessary v l" ts, t-- . and up to. dune 39 had either delivered i In si;c! over C,CC0 i cf ; : j tr 1 ( . l!:nclulu, 'w fi!!owei - BEKLIN. Germany, Oct. . . foodstuffa- for :the Belgian section to vz), j of over 13,C .- -0. f . uccei:ful tests, Xt xnzs ihtr :-- - Cif-'CuMetii- putllshei The whole of these foodstuffs are resold t tl.a r i.4hr6u;h.a Lroad on the west end have ccr.ccd their :.tl ' : - system of reticulation,: and prof.t earned c .'rations-'!- dsVcteJ c r:r.isvernent.v .. i the "cn.thtsr tions. Tho'Germans have'mat! 3 fr.rtl. lisn-mideV'posslt- cut to the. support cf the destitute. Cuch prcr.ts hve ls' by .viment wrcujht the1 Hoi: el. rtn Arlir,;tcn ttaticn the volunteer executive, commercUI ini trar.ipirtii.'rn jtsrvice," and the ; and Trench 'attacks east cf , amount of these prof.ts about $4,CCC,CC3 to date is the measure - of the a.cfistznco cf more ' in the Champagne district have all ... ,'i.r.i rr.sis potsltla by valuev of: r ; i i v"v- - i f ?.rf .., ., ;:.,:... . v- - c trti cf the Aner. After referring to the work of the financial relief ran J benevolent de partments, the states that- - a ml'lion people who oth- . "rt!r;rph Company committee half imihf ' - ' "--2 cccceratlon cf erwise have fallen ilnta destlt j Uon havebeen rrovidii for through; the re-- cnonsz cnnAc. V mlttances mads available,. by i Is department;' to! June V SO totaled : wj -- arriTed uaostea to Constantinople? What will happen iS;LONDON,;En-land,;Oct- .: 1. T- 1" : 'I a. cuESni2n by when that great 'army smashes .into l- : cf 'riew SerbIarr.'y'?-v.y-v:r.,,,..- . western front, arc bearing 'tho Lrr.r.t rf t!. : J r: J a . local ti ".Greece will happen," said Geraci at ; eountcr-attach- - t - .''-.;- meat "and' the'-- s att,:r. , v ::vi v.ty c:c::!a!3 v moa quietly '.- ; . v i.r; ? cf tc:t3 "Greece does not'"vcar what happens TheY-:are,harnrncri- n at the Gcr:.:an i ' :: ia ! "S . f ia'.ECiczi: hirtcn'. A "': (a thiawar ea'far.as the 'struggle, out 'giinr.:r3 "..c; were crtct-- : 7 side the Balkans I3 concerned: But their and aviators are pii. Etaticzs set the moment ' the striiAjla 'enters'' the linear:. I ?tnticr to prcvcr.t rc:.. fore on - u?fI ;.: ... - in. r!r. Ill region - ' te between.the lower Canute end . - UP.fr;- r- -.t tha llc'cspcnt cn of dc it teconiu affair '- ' - 1 ' .itlcr. ; the Cr:!T eorle. i.-- j t'.';trrr.e:.v.-r-- :rn Etr; " Tths':?rr oolitl..!!:: tlior.newlr-c-. . :...! . ; '.. .,,,. "cour'ssQ- -l t.trie Lortia,1 of . .! .. . - J' A?k rally t 3 Nr. . ;han, former congress-- ' her; armies alon? wf'.'Ta .. eg frontier and Eertl 1 . t.. a c: . min from Texas, 'who. was today attach c.cr sworn in at Honolulu- - as assistant Chi.'c.i.of City Will Be Treat; CortctcrsiSuilCaucjTlintcr sld eU. Serbia 'will fall. T; .3 ii n;:h- - the tlu?-rri-t-- t Ing.ia'thc world which r.l her U.'Sdistrict attorney.; . ; ! .;Cd.at ciin:o at WithUi Pc;tiiihd:Cui!d.itt l.tp 2. Etrtct freni the WWMillii.ni in Pamafcri: from 'fauing."'' She has' for. it throush .3 cestraL - Texas, this morning was 'sworft In as f;extyhreeyf.!cnth'3v' the two great Balkan-war- 3 end seen y iPARIS, Franco, Oct. 1 . C -- I . i: rse may be' as assistant United States attorney for her jsoldlers; dje dike sheep, After the 3 j cilf further pro2-rcs- in the Artcis i : 1 ).2 si:;,le arrratus the district; cf Hawaii. , Foster. L.TJa-- . t 'Honolulu will have: afree; dental Thred New Yorkers arrived on the Balkan wars she entered -- on the bitter-stru- ' v -- ggle'.ag'alnst 1 trcr ht is worth vis, deputy federal court clerkadmln-Istere- d clinic for children;-fdr- i threemonths. Wilhelmintr last .Tuesday'to tdke part .Austria, and the grenader; driving. the Gcnr.ar.s fr, : tl.:ir t: . Yet, vUli .CJs appar--- 1 the' oath., k i This was "decided upon' last evening in; a legal battle' which promises td Austruns brought 'with 'them,', say the .The :...:I:e - tb; .Germans attempted to , . haidfist-fough- a , r:icr.t, last rne occasion marked the .retire at H final meeting of the :cljnic torn-- be one of the t that court Serbians, the typhus ;which .has been -- .! i:2-:-!- - 'W the cca- ment ;of J. esley .Thompson,; who, mittee, of 4 Society: Ha- a long more deadly, than bullets: At One time Champa me but were repuhed. the' Dental of circles have seen for tfme 'The ' ' for the last year and a half,' has been waii;;, Dentists iwho belong to the lo; principals Col: z; s. ) Spalding; of S . t ' 'arr -;; At, Sonpir" the Gcnr.r.r.3 violently IcmL.: cf wctcr and more assistant to District Attorney Jeff Mc--, cal aociety will :."tender their services Kauai ana. james Kiewan et company :rA (Ccntbued on par two) : Carn. Mr. Thompson will pri- everyr ; oner trenches but made no imantry attacks folio .. cf iniks cf land.!" enter free of charge afternoon ;fdr the ot Ke,w York, of the biggest and pr 3 until tlie closing vate Maw practise in Honolulu. Tri- next threemonths", .whose. best-know- n ' contriictihsr firma of v the O'-'O-if- paid------.;r Uspenschjed was butes were to Mr. Thompson's parents Ate ;unable to pay for' dental tmaiiJland.V ' - r in . addressesT- i J-h- work brief by Judges work- - The clinic wMU; be held, at e .The New York:".:Ki;;rvcompany Is 'sulag ' ri pa e" two.) Dole, and Clemons, District Attorney Palama,- - Settlement, and. -- all children Col. Spalding;, tot 5G,C02.-'p1usinter- ; - - . McCarn: Mr. Vaughaa and;- Attorney will be;. able to-- secure, dentati work est . for1 several years back the total Clem K. Qulnn, - k. ;. , every ith" exception of amount being ' estimiied "between ' afternoon .the at NEW. YORK, N. Y., Oct. 1. Tho books 'frr 'Attorney' Qulnn spoke W behalf of Saturdays rand. Sundays.; Therewill WfiW ind MOfiQOJ i ': .V':: - I the Bar, Associatlon.-II- e said, in part. be no charge .whatever for the work: 'n Ther sriit'l over iliel big' Hpaldlng i.iJ to the half billion 'dollar lean vrl. !i the Ar . :r.Thefe Is always tlng a of sadness i ,The move was first : started by "the build ihg "on the comer ofi Third and sion "has negotiated ...with American capit.. : in.' the passing of one official and' th members of the Dental Society, of Ha: Washington 'atreets; Portland Oregon, T ; 'cs: t 1 1 n ' f or wait "who.; believe thai this work is erected- - 11 vei; years ' ago1? by. the "New bpeh opened. It is tira'a that already all - ; 1 m (coatinueat on .pa' two! i necessary,: nd tali ; the membersi win York concern fori Col. Spalding, t The ... a of th amount has been subscribed. Accord in contractors claim' " Col..' Spalding ciycrtheirVUmr.to.the.4oTement that financial-circles- Prominent- - businessmen of the city stin owes them the ISrOOQ- - now with iij , one individual subcril d fc; -- - ; CoH Spalding bave' donated the appliances which tnteresi eharg'esyand Associated Press by Federal TTIre! :ss J Numerous1 banks took from three to 'five millic:: . -- will i be .used at Palama 'Settlement, declares ,that o far from his. owing .WASH IN GTO N O- - C, Oct, 1 ' instruments contractorsanymoneyfdr vaifous tropical .A A - and' the are' the best that the storm is sweeping northward AO kO k kilt ? ohhte'r-claim- s; i reasons ' . - could.be procured, The'dentists hiire :he li t entitled to through the; Ohio,' river , valley and - i ' -- , and '.damages in considerable ''Virginia. ..'(. C .Warn-fng- s " beta trying to interest a number of southeastern tDrm 1 AA L W iUSEOFDEbW- citizens c in . movement;: and have been,sent'out'frcm Norfolk, 3 rJ oa f.nished," remarked the it - after", - AEd iG liberty C. H. VCarsleyVind Hl Me.1ii-;- i ' ' . ;:. Crittenden this mornins expected that the :three- mohths': Vaito Portland, '- Rowan! : ' 'v France, Oct. 1. The '.Temp - In--, up the, city or some organizar Are the.1 New York"en vfho PAKISr Paris t" 9 - . trial ii naval board of Uestify: Sri ."Une'V. te,eays; has completed i tion will take over thrwork and mak6 hAvecotdeta Hie. JAPANESE WINS AND dajr4hat both. France and Great Britain hav. V ; af-- ;r: It permanent-- k' FrearPro8serAtdersonT&?Mari.Teni i .' . result of yesterday LISTER n CASE Vesent the plaintiff and: Lindsay DAUGHTEH OF f measures; to defend Serbia and Greece in ca : U n ::r t3 predicted In the Ode ot;the members: of the conunit: VEDS . ; .- 'morning: .the v dfehdanJUyyTbd ease wfll ir-Lj..a- is a great teer said this ' "We "want' to mef ENGLISH MINISTER break with them and declare war, followed iTy ir.v,. l: jtr:iay. nt ap; ' ' :: clinic herei as it; come, for, trial before judge. Whit- .A. " ' work for .free' is -' ' - - -- r : to t t. r: .. . he added.' The t the fprritnrv '.c'- '. ...""'". -- V -- F-4- ney Monday .Cot Spalding's ;der ' 's neededLV Every where throughout the next ! wts tiL:: J to examine the KakutaniYBones Not Knitting rense; - (Special Cable to .Hawaii C hlnpa); '!! : world, clinics are being establish, It: Isuqderstoodi' is" thai the . free to vlit caused the disaster. and Delicate building, developed defects -- SAN FRANCISCO, OcUlr Takethl ..'e-lcre- Silver Plate - t ed, have been :ahd thkt we c:a get. the report In ihd thedehtal aocleties Takamlnay . Or.' -- son of Takamlna, the -- jf the contractor did not crry out. the t'. : i!3 a Operation theprime :ttovers.T We teei.that we - i la tic: for the next mall Qt: f.ecessary - eminent New York rpnys'clan, was - '-.- ' child- contract ' termsv The- buildings itself t -- e ;yF" e ,r ided. Jf we ; '.'' can donate our services to the. l 7 i I cant r; ?- :- r was at a cost ot approximately married tociy to1 auhter af , an ? ! ren a period three months that .erected .V3 it. all tniwi.tteft by tliat time. Pcatppned yesterday 'for ot :'M " English minJater rih .New .York City. - - because one of 562,(?00. :l v i:i ga AVedaei-a- y on Wilhel- the .city will continue the work. There V: - COPENIfAGEN, Denmark, Oct. 1; 'Nc: it the the .'parties, was t?W j Takamfni recently jjfaduated The unable to appear , in ,?s:. .wat - ! ' if. f .. ;'- .i -- t " - will be no charge whatever, : add the. u'.A 's i .'.'. ccurtrV the- 'case i from ' with hlgM Hia . c . of Kakutani versus i OFFICERS DISCOVEFT BAD '.Yale honors; Actis was hal ted by a. German submarine and th2 .TLarF-- X was' floated but of.drydock nurses ot Palama Settlement wfll be &f&i Archie Uster, participants ; in .? the COIN. PLANT;T MAN. ARRESTED father la" president of the N rw York eta moved to her berth at. the navy fight the judges as to whether the children Society ' to' the boats, after, which the vessel. on fir. . which occurred on August 27 at Japan v and an authority , on vras?t i: ck shortly after" 1 : 30 o'clock this af--. ' ate eligible for the clinic. . We", shall the cannery: medicine. The marriage .ceremony , .' : of the Pearl Clty Fruit TDENVER,; ColaWaanea Deatonr. 39, crew were saved. j--1- , t mco'a-Weu- t he begin our work at the Settlement Mon- a Crittenden said had Company,-wa- s aet; again Fay, con- which ? took placelrti the . Christian for October day '.afternoon.- ; alleged,ccompllce of llartin t. rr ived no further advices' from Hare - Qhurch was by 1 many . ":,- r .. victed counterfeiter, iwas arrested by attended promi ; JlONDOn' Eniand, V . V as ,wrhen nent-America- sailing ship ir.zti to the third submarine i4.,mi.i4:4'Kakutani failed tor appear yesterday trs. City , Detectives Joseph v Watson' and and Japanese citizens. oTlir ,":... d i Isirns, hoataj will- - ; on CYCLIST KNOCKS DOWN .the' start owing, to the ;fact; that doctors had HoUeartn- - and United has been.sunk by a submarine. The crew were : aire portn'.-v---?-- CHINESE GIRL; Frank States Y . th.irvcj to thls operated on' pre-viou- a. LITTLE ;. . his arm on "the day XSecfet Officer i , : 1 f ..Servlce Goddatd, GOLDEN 'GATE SEES LAST ';.?;; iv ,".;c.f j j , T t As tioca as the submarines arrive! he-operation iras held at the charged with iCounterf eiting. x?. p .. S. ; e . F-J- Ji F-- " -- h re, the will start fot Quefen's . - BIG LIN ER S 10 ER IA " Fif hospital, "cand the. Japanese H Thei officers say they- located' Bea- SOR' w v I'ranyisco, Aowed by the three will b taken; At1ll:45 :oddckllthis alternoon; ;V.plant ' hack to the ity Jail to ton's at234t31ake street ah A A A. . ';:".? oconToy ;the - Chinese, baby VUsAai::VA..Aiya 4 f .taw ;Tec:el' wtlch:are day. ,' : . white a girl uncovered. si complete comtterfeiting ; to' port ' t ;K tflvlsioa lhl3 ."Kakutani'i: forearm, was rr'' was crossing King street at the Junc outfits : iiore. BAN F RANCH SCO. Oct. 1 ftL JC fractured thare 20ia counterfeit . ?R X. U K King Beretanla, a' bicycle : UK'S S S S S8 S 3 In the fight on August 27," said Dr. R. tion of and left here . toda for London . via fWNDONEiahdOct'l Q; Ayer, police strgeon to- ridden.1y . a. Chinese ran' into the tint jfoundA . ' ; K;a i. 8 when seen ters'were hidden about the the; Panama canalThi will be the ofestate for foreiffn affairs, announced . t day. t. vr fit CQVERNOPi GETS NIGHT vV day at the police station. H".The arm tot, knocking iher : down. Thevcwid: placed according textile';6ffjcert ' "'V Pacific :' lasttripof thiallner'on ths t : : W S6 . er gbvemnient GAS EN was set by a Japanese' doctor and the was severely Injured.. The Chinese .wilf-.hereaft- ffy flaj of hasjearned that German ?.tj At: -- ! a;she 'the' . 1 ftV V VVr. r :..- - bones did not knit well, as they had cyclist did not stop to eee what ixid theT Atlantio Transport1 Ccmiany of arriving .in '.Bulgaria to direct the Bui ..rlaii a: , -- , .''rSaff Tmnclsca: California. S evidently happened, but-- kept . on going, The V : 1-- sot been: 'fitted together West Vlrgiaia on' Atlantic trips.;, .Oat-grn- 30, 1915. V v'. ' on the situation, as of the uti: September right;, . , t child lay unconscious 'the8treet" H STO RK AN 0 CU PI D he said, ' ; 'v: by- - RVrOovernor tclup E. Plnkham, i "As the arm failed to get bettefwe until she wai picked up by the., .i 4 B, USJJE R VTH A N. 'LXST. Ye7i R IAPAP1 ' - X-ra- WILk'OeconATE llcflolulo. v v- . finally jan y etanders. On investigation the youhg-h-i had' picture made" ot f. - ' 1 f JS'jhe Gas Congress welcomes k it," says the surgeon, "and discovered ater was found to have received a deep September ;was a., busy HEROES OF; GERMAN WAR I'R.VbQf'gxadons message S month:. and by the more . gash I over forehead.' - that work would have to be her Shewaa a tor the .department ,ctx vital sta- i v- issam ev destroyer 5 of distance we- - done upon 1L taken' to the hospital in the first au- w tistics or the board of fiealthot r-- (Special to Hawaii Shinpa) 1 R glye . you the ."best wishes of the Accordingly tomobile' Chat came by. The. 'man on 1-- The f "Kakutani was taken to I'whichMiss M. :Hester Jmbtf Is s TOKIO, Oct heroes' of . the S5LpNl5pN, vEhland, Oct. 1 BidaHa' has r: t '::, & gas Athetf , and Jthe people of Sari X the hospital, where Dr. per- the bicycle has not been apprehended. general according "to Japanese ' ' Straub F .reglstrdr;. .war with Germany' will b , PJ ancl8cb . assembled. K formed an operation, . placing silver the monthly report now being tfecorated ' at the coronation" ceremo the5 Greek sugprestion 4hat the armies be, demobll::. t.. SC V K -- i'vPALEX E HUMPHREYS." plates on the bone. The arm seems Germany,, has established four, fac- a prenared. The.'reprtl-sho- M nies on November 10. v , , . ';, being ominous. 1 -- tht uatioh nTh6foregolngvmessage, ln the to be doing nicely and the Japanese tories that turn out 300,000: .shells : during September 97 deaths, ro-- Ut v ox a i night , f Marconi letter. will he taken back today to the city weekly,, at tLibau, Russian Courtiand. X marriages; 220 births an ftiun-i- ? ' w ' - a TvK. KJ VILL BUILD NEV i ' v,eceivedA this .'morning, by jail."! , ;- . Bufglers; opened : a 'I safe",ftTKauf recorded' births "werjlr.registered r ja, : ; Governor Pipkham In .reply to Kakutani-Usie- ' - the Full pt rUcuiars of the r hat store 6nFulton street m. witn tne bureaus With the, ex- - m$Ml FRANCISCO WHARF I greeting sent by him to - j C iwlrlesa "case were. printed some time Brooklyn' and escaped with ,31,600ltt h? ception pt lha- deathe; alt the 'it'A'-- XA ThejU2rt:rly rr erf cf fl'S ; the Gas Congress now meeting in ago In W - 1 c the StarBulletln. The fight, cash ures show- - a .gain over Septem- (Special: to Hawaii Shlnpo.) Curry. . United f...'s " - . inviting Ka-louta- -- r- ; t$an rrinclsco,'and the which resulted in' the breaking of nl A specfes of tree of "unlimited ..br,r;19M'I:Jn month Mst SAN FRAN CISCO, .Oct s T. for; t!. Crce er.: . p;eonsre$g A t - I ... lLJ.-i- f tt.1 1Th .to1 cenrene 4ome time S ,arm, ; also brought, , m. i Ai.i w re-ar- irj a . f W several sju wiji un,ijiert;uiwe .rei;aruc44 ear ;?aeatnsv a.marnagesr, ana K.,K.1lne is t t.'!J r:w ; , - - f -- in ;r wounds to Lister, cojnmercial C .n ? 3-- TI-j-'r ' -. and.- men' as worthless "Jn 1 1 -.. both warf" : : . '. .: -- -- ::; had Frs t r: . ;. 1 "";-:?- llawall..i.' v'.-' r been ;summ'one to .court - to answer j found (to yield - juice 1mil dohtalhs "raV ;ZVH-:z'- j " CT. ifST Tr ;A. A--?--z- 1-- A'-:: A-- A, ' 1 ::;; ' : ; OCTOBER i; ibis: . , ;e' ir . ;.r. - . .- 7. I i i: . v- - 7 '"rpr:

- V- - ' , - f' :J . . Anne mrvr 1 j- -!... --

.14 -- 1 Zu.zXj ; i - ;; CcaHnned f; -- u : : e c ; t- -- cl.I.c3 j cat) ' ' - - :l7ayct " 7 T cy - ; a. A Ml r ! Ija-.?- r:r:a:r::s.-bi3.j:;nr;ta- ,x.aklng 1 rJi ..." :;Br;,:cf; cofr.inc fcf new ,T Serbia- : l?a:id. tcaVf. aai I. ... -- i 1 reUe;ed men.--'- ; . fiLe an place barely. I rj!..:aary teats, wi'ie-th- e Aaerlcan ill llr.Tlu.ii.aCa ha iif 2W - valuable aervlcee tere. : lie baa beea 'XtU; oae'fi ;TeI rap' Coupa-iy- ex-pfe-rta ' ;Wa?h:;.-- ; citremsly, rourteoutT to;, the raerabetf Buljarla . Awl Re v a jeiH? t A tar lea wre .wcr ctl f dl-r.- ;: ..a;..-t...- : , .'s . rf 'rep-utatk- IreleU L .rem : r.-taL:- cc Abra Li',' iecte aty and cf iL'o l.zt hed ni ;BttlsrUnt;'.Si Crebraad, of tbltal-Itans- ; a rt.. lid'hii' rcarl-'IIartc- fMnp-piaesSa- tbe HawalliD Ctrj' ' atmcsf-ha- r, ts raravi.Vtl.e n rTrust Wh'.ra l lc. s twCl StauJhim 'hates Serbia . with; a exceed fag was cf cLet i L. crr-irn- . and Samoa. will rat. be e4 trfor Clfcult in c& faeaa stead" ia'tHe-iuiaf- i j batrd. In the 4 ecoae :Tirkif. w'av Fraacica 1 ' r5 nc ,W. Ash ford at; 9 rrt-fyte- of-pow- be a rrality witbin this next 12 monUs, C'larf Is partfcclarly .to she Wiapartlyespyilf mfeff behiafi5 the messages" that VIt t actt-f- : :: given-ou- t t.r.c ??i tattutsx-'- 'a cLar?:e ee a cal.-e- of. Wr. two 4espoiJc icfcJi to lafcrmatL a by ! : of Ka- - ta cf tt c bates the errantries that wvuri'i4 cfj'Bhocillart ' - ' Craiuates sad exsta Vtd; fce'rti r. bfriitTGSBeQtrentiy'.wtKj 'tlie iavy tr.li rrarnrng.'S Yf-;.a- : 1 . OermatU mtiy tiCUvlndclir.1 VGradtfllly - t t'.a fpec'il -- ta l'- c:.ia.rha !:.:'::: r.t U. covcfLt t wtiv tv'iat.' If knw laf r-- drawn Ttslde Ibd' shield of Ser power at tbe sending station -- was 'In T'or Lai'jjst t'eea'fetarted at Pearl tacvr.a' tyi:.) cre.a;..; comnlt: r,t-- Mf. - ! JIarbor, putting In foundations the -- vill le d to Abraraa 'ind o( hinvrof his . records la Confrtss bia; Bulgaria''haH fitab Iter tinder thi creased and- tbe apparatus-- for of the new Ca any "K" of the':' he EP.kei lft-t- . wireless masts... Plana for the- !:'-- ; ',rcla 't to itntrr asd tatlre ;'xfife am: t:aaar?Cr.::d it' t..:,::. .try . I .ttorref, f cvevr. mar ofcfir (ttL"h6 ftieat'ttafe Vnatt wlrf-'babr- n Vc teeAerViis 'Cce rhattaiplite fl'lC3,knowait'IDtV ":...'.:- t.k taced. that le tuff fthe ;$ Ti.$Hetriti hi .ias..la"lar3 l:j. -" Ecifei:2-,tl..U'4mtf-'as-;t'hat'-at- ? iaurt t triilcfr the i..: of bis com- WItfc ittilnaoU? 1lumftnii can' rhit tbdJftVeitiMi September 1,:.o1i:t::e-r:r- t:.l3 n; autttrfe U' by-th- Is ...;'v! ' d e govern c1ofs o:vlk miiaoaexfeliently-drille- : t ing bave stated lila to 1&M'&:-f- fetsetiSe tbatiAlateIfa'rilstotlo-- ta'aapiaaJi . .. .ai ehl.", 'aia-'To'cld- c ryr ir M&Tzo&t pow. is the case will .be sat- n! Bjrt-g- Ccit'ar Jiama, of a to-'-hel- fxpcted tbat tet Attorney Qulnzt also expressed inen tbe Held; Sbe conld eatnp tween'6 EstenScbTed i c3 r"ada"at-- Were ta Land be. . e"ffftt,and In for trial at on ar!y date. On the Vangban , belnj; a ii' ts6iitbfu In tb e ;eecoa d listening in hlsv littlet statica efficient the worlds - : . ' isfaction: at Mr' li Jh' t at ('alllO Vl0u.U4li"'"'if; .. - c tfr; hard,.' to-.li.l-- .fldf Deraocrat. At 'the ; tlm ;wfcen Judge lialkan.wor'abe aim ply mobilized hef btafd toi tbei first4l' tbe tlstcry' i !rnre-cl-t- f ; "(.baT'rKfVi-- .cr XAi rront::r.Cfd' Dele ."was - go vifnoi- - ofi tKe tlriiLorjw tinny on ibe BnJgaIanfrontIer atui oftaeWd.til0vB1lBiaW'r1bke mu'!caU'car cat' t'e rtadTdir ect; ...wlttt txizrli " Lhst-.- - fat. Phr:ip-:iaes;"fS'an- lated tha-- y the !f or for a few daya. rrnd ?'fi.eneral of the Republican-fof- made demands- fcbe Across Uti Pa'aaL. iri ;tSe' Fra tf ciiet - y - - :i - : . fc-i- 6eeaigiytii47:Intel-llr!l- - AKcrn-- .XI." tr- i e t:a'::"- A. waa s then- "tlmcst-'a- political atrtbe territory. UWat do ;Ter;woTdr-wer- e iwt eatifely c" ; ?, LL'a ' DA 'o.'aad pciats- furthc :.ra C: r?" tad-"baT-'-ca- ' 'daj-i:.':.- ;:, r It' r. ! . r :3 ;i'f:-!ac..- tie Abrtsxr.it-if- a Democrat,"' Mr. Quinn mow that: Bnlgarta la sbout fi?jt kneiir-tbe- a that tbe ex laiaz Me;aa; is, AVashicgtcaiwin th t cffens to be br 6ht be 1 U - a.i-,'ca- - Jury. ' , -- tastract- Try. c"'.!- ffore, the tcrrltcrlal rrand concluded.' -" s Vi poiranow. kui jr sne miaaF p riaaent auccee'd,rr From ?tfaat h s rr t toi f ia "Fraaciaco a rtUyedj t!.t ''!u csaia 'ould', td toys-dari- ; iAi-a-'i- : rner.-lrr- c trltu-tc- l 1 g i: V. Tt cre Here 20 s i the .':!' that this war ant to produce a arr3 t:'i:i25i:.t';la$t-:algil''- i fieri' the' EtatLa' "fccTJe-ia- ty:;' . r:: Varwi: :eptin. if deal-c- wc:'-- Lill re-nrar-ks, M r:::t:ry rrfseat.r A true kts Tttursfd Unlraria Albert" Ttmnanfa . will ra'1.!ara;la:arl. vThSrikty rr.f:reu t to Attorney Qulnn's ' fibtllt thi"testIri6utiTBwlnstrttment3.: V:':t i : ' ahortly e 'at'-1- in i report to Judre ARhford Mr. Vaurhan' spoke feelingly czv t : :i lifcf J1 IL a iC a t 4 f br And thsra' lait iislt-iame'tB- eionclu" ir:pa: t t.CT:ere-':a'' a rettlv- 4 o'dCHTk.. AJan, Davig, jin .era uu-;3- tr:;3r-ig:- - .a-'ca cfttr cf the wsra'rcrrrilan with wEIca be .t! tri.v Ited' I.rar.testa.''' iaj- 'G.aat l.'Sia i r;'r- - j . I '.rye of the Hawaiian Trust Company, claao,-jVfc-- .v. ivt-.:- j has -- been .met Id.- IlnnoMto titer icj 'i ;.:sA:-rcap- r J "t'tettef : ,vy.!;;Cfiidera,rbea4e ,. .;. A?.:rs, as. expert tcconntent, '. . r. A x-a- a;arac-t.-v...- : I;C. :Ycar per: le are'the Host pleasant i.i'Atatiz&tX$lW by gatbered. around .c - 1tnefse8.-;Acr-er!!!3- Adairal Bousbi cr!y- 1 v,f re the re-se-ts have ever ct ia tay life," thsr': f c . r 3 exc.'.:..:v!y." i ;.r- tbe tfrriratusvlaat aisafc'and. listenei C.'ty At:craey Iirown, At! s id Frc'.-3'ii: AZLZ to he raid, rrhey ne-- feel tit - ...araTaia' Paaatii. '.i hare cade - - lov'tLe toaea.W .voice- trtyiteriocsly X- - li Late L:en cvcr.'Ai: tone. "1 Matcnd t&'Tsa-- e liawall 'ny j Creece will 'cat ta;.:3, to iiaai.a tha s u..acj iircot-.at- : ' relative to cn alleged ahcrt' : "47i3"f:2e?:-Tbe- ! Lcnie, probably always: I will do my si.'wfi: was : t wia tit, I'23,CO - AAAl- Arxt& ycar< sweiir' taef;;iirs raore than in them; t-- st . - ere ff to prorote u jitiisx i i--t. .i: iu ,i. . - thsnatical, rcral formal sentence Uhat came.: It ;was u tta re- JA- - lr rnt ; r.d ' (Ecc:;..li cf'tt.cij Isi f C. . i . . .. t cpe fifth: cf c.-Ua- sr. tha wcii;. J 'frcrress rejfeated fttee tltaee.'UTbea' tbe, ..d li:: .:. ;:r ts. u. rc: ;lt ct. ft tcr v,. jt.G; ... aii Eca'as9,'th'e!t3'' itaUca'.wUlrta::' -- r- - to last Saturday by CHr : .t j ?r: Itiief -; District Attorre McCarnUotd ol i up. : ZO: numoers tr! 'ce'cf the prtsiat'- caa ab thi- - 3V- .. - At from v to j Tiie wtre l char"!?T rs'is v, : v-- rd V. :tar"? Itbt Mr. I perfeci - sequence. naVyyArJ .Here '.lie kat suticaL' ; .. f :..:,. ..ileil 't' ; icfetrlf i'ltt.H Tie - tceaTraprDVrl triv,' 'iO Tbooica.cafciat:.-.- tl.at' latter was . - GodtlghtJithat'aan'- said, taaipracat has c:S , fraud-- r te be t r: '. t that Atraina a ( . tiid-aliadlyr- dL-a. ; i"fed a ncse r.uzTiiy, tv.a. laitmni-Jr.cbs'-I.:- .t, a"5''It rwlll. te' ..tla i h ! ; a iran vrrtFd orn use v A. - a a . . ... vU, Lvcr;lr:A tcillwJ 'iato iuesT . : atfon&;-W..:H- i aftc frie"new"taJ:racre po.r.rfl ;.;.;:-- l,or.d of tr.e 'par value t : astf r '- d cf T.Ir.. iT't!f A" A'. id ?leW- T:AA-J- -'i ticn. lie alro trc.e viitshan'd " ' : 'Aha .'auecesa the" wireless Le prcrefty iof CcrJelia C -i : '...... 6t r a-'- record' in puLIic c- private life, a!l- - ;ic 3' tad; beeft preceded wireless ;Ljt i". ';'"'' I!. by ' '"J0i-:;:Veric- k -- - 'iag hha a. i will icok as ; ever--: a youth who la deal '.v s : v.- r.t liUrty ch .twlo .te :apby. 'Virtuajry! siate ine r ii lofid h1 t6" Hawaii. e and du:a"?,was''.-U- u'ck: a .traia J be-- ratich as Troises frt aate-na- were bntrup messages nty troia c' i tf ?CCt, the sureties ' Mr.-.- call wh.Ia-T.aeJ- 'Va't'- - , ntln'gf en Vaughan's ; - vralkiag Fcrestvlllr IL-Lnxy- Coche f i coast-- of. : United States izr. J. C. Cchtn- and J. The :. I the teast the -- that he tas i:: ...."cr to a CcaiLV'Tterevis .a: a cf-i- :.! was furnished la&t Saturday, nf-t?- r 'atatiiitat , were received by .wifeless telegraph a - to Jlorio-lulu- jaVy ttit he" Wa3 : s'eat" to" tha "New Cir-r,'-..- received warih .welcome - C ? :.t by :, ' -- Permsr.sr.t i Pcsaible : been fixed ;:v-- - J.A t . -- a:." tii -- f tA. ran s Was h : - --- . Mr. McCarn tald: ryet-unabl- Erirala hc'c'tital as'it' Teared r i ';Mf. Cspeaschled-i- as to " : I V arm UaJ'teen'burfinttMially j "I also receive a receilion sayacythlasrrt'esa'rdinsf ' , instaila A;A'r '?1 bVt!.erar:i wc'rlJ Vrrow 'this.vbut the : r : ca-ietc- rer Tbe does ubt the 3:t 3 . a k El3 'I. .. s hea'fI it bis been Uele--i he lea :.tc ai e . t . , maJe aJ Byzantibeefia-pir- e tlan pt "petraanent;'; wireless i.o Vitatlon. Staal--;-Szlrsk- rrowlng warmer ever alnce. And"-- 1 fact is that the great Fi:.,:cff;v:;jX)hIorv (aa-..Re- f : e cr i raau hoojts, rornior phone system between the. mainland to JIf. ;Vturhan "I hc3".tbat your Is 'still as Grecian today as It was now; was shot la" the" tack tya.. I4awa.!I,Jwho. :?-'5y,- and Honolulu. KBiit Is known : .3 l'iz' cf is in the days of Justiaian. it uavi...:";lii:;:assaaat;:--"".''":l'..-- , ccnetitution .ccatafas Eufiiclent asbes- in. 'vt--- C"f'i "e . f r.tcszled certain v ''Did you know that ha tos ..'ta".wIthta:.J tl.a tteption , 'weeks vari fcJore-thai- f COO,' A'fTt will be contfaued fbr ' ow-en- le 3 iatelllii:.-- aa ,tht-wil- l he given you frcra '' 1a Castaatinctie many.i T':;j ..ti tct t: 2 J.::y-fc.- .d --a; t COO a sbc rt titTr for experiaaental purpose, "to ; VerrarVrs are Greeks? That flea the ccast they f were. v.ire: t : Mr were txief. 'Lca'ask-r-i !'. one week to Thc'rscn' Minors-all then We' ghairAJuit,' td said .1 't ta'U d 1 1. a warhi-l- y cf western sAsia. .alrtir? the have heard, then ia Hawaii is in Itsi ,lu.-!:- lie ILa aL ha j tsea ! tcMay; lag''-th- Ashfcrd,- in a ' beautiful-'- islands and c pities bf wLa regard future. .The to :r...-- : ..receive! i$ ITcr ' cad that his . . J ti.e a.Tir..? J'sr was5onC8;t!ld- lenia;. the r.tastbtflk 'of t r? wer;t6 dsracatfrat'eUheJ poski A.t hied' that the wife jh t.lLvai : :.-- att'-n.-Althou- aloha fcr these is soreat that J t:.:.I;3' cf wirelisa teIephcae.?But as' kls-vdop-'at'- thepcpnlatjn. laGreekT-- la the tsew tr- r.:? will Laa'CwC'Lv-- 1 o i --.a!a la Hcaohf to-- future . ; oftlcja! he ' 11.3 fut'are-i-wa:- :,i While- - ; A. Les.is, Jr., -- cf1 which tha' strides U.ic'-- D.-'-t- T terrttaryr Jiisi tiertb Greece lirciy'ct'me- il 'lie ailag th Judges 'Crr.c'a& 'hcth tel-rhen- y .. sf.hpof r.aed "ts "wit- - lu. Jed- - wifeless and"' wireless are wire - ale recentlylad after thesecaad rf r" .:a!vcr'?-3'c- f c a .. welcoTT"! Mr. fed- : - : - cr'"atus last VrvLaa -- .: t3 :.d fcensns-thowe- i Jc J a IV : ? t that-- Balkanvwar, a careful' i t :V r: t ia i !. ...aa. :. ; ; av, r ;. afsenda th.. Ti- y thi t tial "3 ' a" i. .11 v. ;y Yeplacl f pcr:v.lat! :.IL. AizA: : ca." . . ; - A- ; r thaerfnenlhs'-c- Jhe t .:..a tha r:! Incldea; .rtrarl:.v- r- A - ; ;v;; wlre-ati-i'..- .pi:r-- . tLc'T't-w- it a;;wir - was Creek. ;In the ;.f"T: ,- a a cf ;T hct e present ia t tho . court . room : tuai i...s'uu.ii. littla throughaut- - tr,9 Aeseanv and 1 1. Uth .ay8tem;,'sua.aacu--'tave''':givla',"-e!x-- wireless will te iatcreated la knowlas were Ttderal Ji:da;r3'Dole,and Cleta ? Medlterranear, tire-tenth- s' 'of cellent service on t Oahu, will remaJa. - 41 x J- -J - that'.abcut- her. power was used ens, .cu:t 3 C. V7.'Aihfrf, Ila- tLa aad-'fa- s habitants 'Gret : a.-,,--r. : T i if eless' will sappleAeat to th,a ' at lAr....to.r .J' '&ucccaul I ... . , i v. ; ' ir-- v.iuc f''Tbesa' facts i Imply- fae'an that there L y"efaai!as "tha: 'eatfre'" field keiss-3-t- a rcr':I ::n:.;rf."-"- v V.'edey TLouipson, Jeff -- h villi fviian, J. llo Is a Ilellcal-populatlcai-whic- of UeL, Laae will '? - "ast thi tTl4tiUess i,::ri3'ia:iIoncIalu for Carn Cecrr S; Curry.- bailiff Sidney te'-hc-.y is not yet fcyfrorerata'edt, make p6s'?ible.';.yer;.plact ftLe'-:- C .tilth, Ckiiw'-Pcstsr'-Ca- tls. and W. cruized a'iw'i.t'f tcsts. Then a lid 1 1 is th e Cr e U: e Gree ks v v. &d and under1 conditions"'1 Where jthe wire 2 c.ar.r.i-tr- n ;.-- .' IIc:j, r;:ra raul at of he. will" go4 tad: to'New'York. Vhfla Clittr r:i:;.r, telephone Impossible . futcre-i'arrang8- !.- -r 3 o dwelt a'l to' Etsr xae .would be either hs''"ca-aact'- ' .:a i..e1 Fart!-ft,"th- Etrcrr-:hfR-t- the. d& thewcrli dLcisS- ' Grecian-:- Haiptre or iaipracticahle:: Fcf'T fistarice; J' j v 'recoastfucte.l:'3rf:it itta iafeats,it-i"i3iii:ive- lontthiz. will- trict attciasy .ad l..J bette'f-tlays-.'- cf ! was la tbe- illeraciliia. Wlr'elaSs wilT'te Invaluable Of if great f:r tamcrrcv.cftcr.-:- 'a- c tatlve.-r,- i tha crista Te!;t.atae aid riawsr-- r coRstatlr-opra-vcl- ts Etretchsit.-Waiey''or.'thfQu5'a''-s'parse- with cmtef. ShTvrc-rap- U Cc:.:;.-- 'toJc-:ah::.- tilers tf Ilcnolulu' :. -h a' i : - ; Coastant:a . r.ler to V ly" eltleddirfWuIt-aaaa- re'gio;nXiV: eTma-'.- 4, cf Schofleld Bar- i-- ' ajf cf.iccrs "A' tcfcr.t ' f ' cft-- e interstate 'i at lyili ai tchhectln Ila - i rt: right of posi4,ioar"declared Geracinioa. Tort KarachamehardSa- 3" ' with theit:a:IaaJPr';'MV: ;v Cc.rr.racrcerCcaaa:: Tiv3l,C09,218 r""- 1 v 1ti I" "We own by cf-- blood . Ve .The eooperaticnlan'd toe t v r g - rs ? tc'al x u . c r cf .men'-- ' and: tU.?y'Od"cpartm'aL.-,J&bthJ- r- y Own by bWri and LI;: fefcta ihaveulJbccn f - it ilA'.t cf ar.r'is;i .Ye here ria i"2'::.Mach;ia ua- e: "the'mahi-'fai- ! - : by TI h t; c f th s ,.l a V, ) 3 Washington,' are much appreciated by " 5 . v i x ty several lieutenaa is ways n the United States. it. entire 'V.'r t Point,' iouai in u j r.a;ae i r. ..'a the: experts of the5 American' agaia.--t ah'-Tu.-: :v r .$er f.nd Tf-I C;u:'t'. c af-fcrd- -' a;t- e ed. e .'Cor.".r. ? r 'i'v- us p.ce w.t re Earal station Arlington - '.V .r- xtasiaatoiiieas0- rdid' at' nonoi".il'tt taiAa triei- eiptik.-i- pM l.:i o't!.: I- the Greeks caa assemble iron all Ov?er facilities for the" iests: At trP ' seven ycara : agov - lisfngHb'e wlreles3 $'.-.- iegtea ..theexpeHs' are:not acccfdta'g'v tO'-Ucal- - cavai t.7c6f3?vaad plaiiVibutVaimply' il - i A entire the antenna civi::atif tddw-"Thesra?te- ft that- t f v,'e a; Ily,-icatttr('- I, - Ado-- tin . 3. I.. tut dls applying thalr own apparaus- lot wblleU:e;-At!aa'r.ft.Cefer'.wts"bfer,Hi- y,10V. .v... - " L.ice aiean3 nothing.' Many beeOnife 1?C3. w r;..Arith: ,;c - "taf Il.5rf aJadus truhrS" firoira.d tbr A ? I . v, 1 '. ' .t A . Ala- .f ; ti: t: boftr" modestly any '" - f c!J Espe n d isdaimar a- - -- schied I . tele phon e ... " Ire mess&ew- r .? i i ; ia they. cW .? epeciaP credU I for tbe.aehievement, wero- - nrifgd'KcesstnlfyS-'dls- :rcla: Lav, - trafs ' IHkl.ll.vlUl j t .id:. . v.. e ..;fa'..cict- but --certainly :;H'sBbiine'thlngtb'baVe-. Urea" a '.14W-..VfV.,-."- :aU" "cMC'feet.-- -- .. Wife Cid'C.rtc2s'.the'ilawal Wcrked Ia Honolulu oti these-Inrpdr-ta- nt t0"Lflay's SritJrbn"t 13,; WwCK5 CNCING CLPT. :3( 13.3. f l thri l V'camel can o' a .. Ian wefit -- Islands. and four others test tor' months without: the. fact riak bet v, ho wants to be a can el ?'. ;ic.;: to f Thtr for, Greece.r, I and one feat tmg the tsblicHe has been with was transmitted i,l ...... 1 the;tnerrs:s "distiieUf 1 e u r H 1 w'a 1 - rv t c l aedi th e M the Anierican Telephone; & rTelesraph iy.: teUv'eeff t.'. 3 'taftleshln? Wlsciaism,- :r .'.a- t. : will, go s'-be- s Liued by the TefrltCflal Marketlas Dlvkioa; "3 fc Caaec5 Uiinyr'cf ..tii Company for tive yeaf f ore that abchoted at nJLIaka 'vbaffaba the. n.wa''in'terested'-jnwlrelesiia- s rafoC-Elatiot-r lacks-awayv.T-b ai navyyar'dV twoi f ;: StitA- tntateur? aadatudid'atr'ayteebnicai is' wait I 'fallowed. by--' the; . . AD.ys" . wi(ft ..Ger- - - the-coh-: -u- xiod. - CroUers, fat, 2 to S lbs..V,53 to wr' school: And he Iookb: tipon words .crdhyei--- ' goodbye,' good hjegAj f-' tvaai 74 (laraGlmoa"': was .it t --.4 t 'i in 28 to Young roosters', 'lb.. .35 ttaiyf andvAustrlav? summation tbe Uts' with" the pride ivrThe jaeaageLWas heard 'by means of i ;a-go- od . iu-- ,' v.tl..vv.i ...fio Ilins,' la faod coadftion; lb.25 to 376 : iS;?i:r:' of ttericani-- the regular wireleas Teteivin g'eti At ?glad jthafctttnie-:'4be'relessteiephdire4'.aa-- f askedr-t- .TEf that tbU:ifstvUcices&Td ' ; beafded, 't , ' "but the 'Greeks lvrsf. cross shas been carried LthO-Atianu- e , ' ; Ducts, irraecTy, lb;; :,V; --?5 to 3 testa thetcean in" use wtween.Vesseu of -- I " ..t AitffiivSahTiiKd '.ber'atf : Ilawail-rf- of -- , YOur - ' 1ucLs? .SO fr.iied Platei out W ItMiaa ill ,b?eo A off1.' the-- cruise rts1mahnunT jr. , j;. ,f tttia, to Sett s I3...'.i.'f.tt.:t5 - . . : ? . . . " - ' ,Wby' cunaotiwfeido- tbi''s'iiad - range f I - . Hawaiian, yoa aald? done kedto- rwffS "25 Wiles ;and thfcilastru" . i . ' a V .V.i&W DA ;0titMa''E-;ttiiaCrtWtT- r .... 'belplesi meat-wa- s ,mdt tnitreiy-flatlafactoWa- s 'interfered sending and . VEGETABLES AND fV r.i2iarrai-lac- 9D;05(rHr it with rec'ev PRODUCtViv In oblya? months It! reerTar;.'t WirHJe--- a Itrls' few aince the fnw,f:'.it if v string, rreenT . . , ;';.03 Peanuts, small, lis 300,000 " ' lb.. jb.V. ul;;.,03 to .04 theeki' Germany rending first .wireless 'telephoning was rddne '? 'A 3 rat. lb.. ;J)4tanuta.'larr lb, ;..-,,;!o- Ciore;Hi.Tit3 TCakess-W'Hata- l f M,00o by thtf" experts or.histsonipaflyr "'Last eren:wbk tbe tTculoificreii4tfcua't be Slarcb theyi' talked betweena Montana", -- , 1 '.Green peppers. belUJb.. 05 to .fli in the .WBnlmgtofty , Dela - v . Creen ?r(rA?raisr tb tote bav-Sfblaf- toi5lsEddi cwt...... ;....,i,.ftV ptrs;bili? lb.7iV.V2r.'.;i.05 ware, ar distance of "about zCi talles J I 4. ,..,".'...,.,., Potatoes, Isl.rIrLtf, be'irr.v.lti to it 2S0$S9r tdittben wttKae tOO.Ooa men Shortly fieldrwasextendei 14. 1 -- potatoes. Greec itfterthr 'c w.r&.i'a weet. tnw,;.i;eo.t6-?.- 2 tan Jitrrbwi fdrwaf if untfl ; MOAiniW m Uad bitir tioteL wEatmea'tlie anies a3 s"eil3 ciiaid - "taerew&s arsuccesstur test rrom tofllrr,itfint h mfaaalans- threw Arlington to be Cuial Zohe atatiob, c . . acrtir . w-jbaT?-y Tomatoa. in. iVjtT;wii v . 703i)t)me vtlde wLIth lit- - fcfwavr miHV beF Cermed oce- - c. ,.!. a M?a ? c x.t acbes o i:. naycJ ofca,5fl0,00fl, fierce afft: jjfntt''yife'f-:UtetWa1sir4ite- ,....t, .i Green neait. Y"r TToT, r ' of-4- iBe-tiSsa-g- ; 18,,M wtctmiier.r.doaV:,-ti;;.X?35;- Id' .33 elmrt'tfkeet'ttwoiiIcVFAniee h disubca xsfaveied Cv.. i..Wi.n-i.:3w.z84o-""v, to pumpkins, ootbr of' stbei Jnber-overWbclfe- f Cera, lla.wiir;a;yc::3w.35.a iw "DI'ad:'tBlttMacnfiaIa'WaiI-4allt- r td'8S.00.dp4 C6dsttttinotaRA:ail ... St. fVKfeaders .oytiVruletl will w meotilaM'itinchiendatition memberAcow; a. few rmontb a . ago, the tciiiiCfrtce.lsiue ZU? etand byi her old ally, rWaAndJwitb Greeds Pfc.ildeht Va tf mreTAfeXrlcalf Tele- - goeabet !Weat wesita: brTOiltto ha"d .01 bbettttlle-;Medite:rtabi- l'tTelea'DhL .otntian U "aiij bovei -- talked WJth :San' .rranciswi ; by wire leretJhane; marAiayor.witcnBit or wew ,CS-q- i' t!sy 1 5 J f iV: " tBi'lX Vnrb-h- d 4raVfcK.Tthtti!rof ftffbh . t , , i . . i - - ' , : i Tf. tv v . .- w 'J, cacua tzeep fciscO" bad"a.CBangedm.essateft f, taa are et bought Ullve walgiti.yrhey are -- -- teiepnony-in JtU v taken wen wireless tne ; ;" A:; AA i y.t:.?rr:cit aadrpaid 1- i Srs!a;crte4 Jcfby fesaed Welghtj mcrathsY frota Ulafcn ? lovocTdber A .tlaU's'titiwEH Hcgs, wp tolitf JbilUji ;torl5 made 4ban that. 'ROQUEFORT, VAI.lijIIiJIiiiT, CALIFORNIAr AIiD . , .i I"' f'l JT . ' 1 , ' Mnttoi itwiu Tirfteresr a mar? tnanr fcb : V -- a charge- "ofr dritine-- f an ktrtomoblle tii is to il3 Pork. Ib . i rv w. , i s tA is t pfo to bea :thai while peascbied .'. wftbootl lfwbsep?ktni?igls4flreil was! conducting XMsA testa iati Peart Clark is line city and county roaa over: Harbor be --:beardrmesageiblch the steers, No. lb. g rid-- . - - a i.i v, 4SH beep iaklna. aci;, 5i, Je to Jft' seer wbo was Aaccusedalofryi beuevedT wej sent jout .by itae grett :,- Inst ind wVeck- - anen" GeT-- totte'-.,'!NfJrL'.- : A!A i i ; '"r iuiactiircrs ' -- . -- v '.r ''.-'- ; , : . - - yHhi'-ta- was i ponond.lgaTfir r ' i.. - '-- f a ' eir1;'- Sen-temb- er i ,7,4. riL v.; j'' - police Gtt - : morning in fkmrt n.rej ' . ; FEED. . the 1 5 Clark, appeared-I- conrt The foUowms are lwayi-go'w1ta-i1i3i- a qnotaUonalmi r j;thecasqf .toast fro&poned&'Utwtfar afespt feeUn Which Corn -- teftwnrptly taking pwnBd from the l2tb-- o r then 7tl, fruhr xav2d.y ccra. large yeiiow, ion.. to 41.:.Wheat,;toii fw.v..,K.f;.,;37.00 Ufe'l7tb to tba-2tth;-r6- the 24th t ; v c , cracaea, , . . ; . 4 3. ion i..so TOddtoga, ton . -- i ; . .Vj .57JI0 to "39.00 Octoberi 1 st;, Todafyvlt jra postponed ua 3ii50 ton JS.X10 A1 T. to2.00 Ilaywbeai; .'.23.00 to agfflff"iittt . . r': 1 Qctom?r3vU i ,kV7 Tt 3' 3a.oo tts:t;aJd-,thi'foftnia- .' TT'It--- .c- IIly,alfalfav'ton ..24.00 td23. very j IJ ; - mesSr&YimL-'!'- td1 H-- al:h fod, ton 42.50 43.00 Alfalfameal. j.fl.Viff ,.t- AT I m.. hnsyin the. highfrcburts - ...' Smith! CeVlW l.i .'. . . . ' i . ? . ' ... i ' i ; J - ... . . - c v - J" - - T te. ii.,. - t. li, v ': , T ' ..)". .; ; :-- V." " ' ' . v V. - - 3. -

-- - ' . . : w f ' 'i-- r S a

.... - j - ; 4 U-:-- :;

- ' . . - i - t : HONOLULU : STTAB-BULLETI- Ni jPRIDAYOCTOBER 1; 1015 nnnirrrai nitnnrn i FOR THE OFFICE SIIEttlFF GIVES liltUiltlii UUUUtll . s!i:s; 1 0n ther ground Vr! laJhai becn;grted a lvorcrora

7fvf'-Wa- t Paper Oatkets; ' i Mw to Well will have work in degree -. v Ink first - cenes night at 7:30 o'clock;' z: f ;.,; Pens,-fPecllvShfpne'r- t Bponge Cups, Pencils, : . ' ";-- " l ;;. v'--i?- :.-- . . OF - -- ; - i;-- ' WAVES i;-i- . ElERKY ' j,-'- J 4 ; .'; - ' in Judge .dm-sio- tt .' .f;; y''y:; Paper Clips - aonje Trinurprs Stuart's i JUrAty; that, ex- ' Qfct court; v;jSs'r ' L - .Pe oclrctilt. hateheen: ;. yl' -- v. i ! rpins heayy-faca- d burly,, Russian does not cused up til bext Monday.. morning at -- ;"- - " - ;i: 4 kk - . - 10 o'clock. ,4v, H t&V- Carbon' Paper Sheriff Denies i He- Beat IH slump down on the prisoners'' tenc HawahV ConqfessidnalVDefe-;tjate"an- d y ' ' 1 and o It fnr. nfnia fnr. fpfinVftn. 'p'f Memp ; Books, Pads, Ledgers From Scene; Says Officer Fronds HavHafd "Thirp' will tie no tmblic band con y acss. Alex Lukianoff Is tlVc.1 latest Yr Journals, Cash Books ' bri Beat Not at Theater GeWntjBacklQ pdrtT cerns during October as the membenr ;": -- ri .?;-- !h ' hero who, baa tried io;' (rtake up in Ifp Jim of. the Hawauan band negan a.montn a .'i V" ' '' ' i " everytMinq WEEDED f nolulu, fcr, the drouth in the throats vacation; today. ' ' ' ' for ,fTbe n Advertiser accuses .me of ; Becalmed for Id; hours about 48 or . , ' '; - a flgbt'.was in pro- - of his countrymen at home. He. was 20 to leeward of Lanai, with j v V E F fl CI EtfT, 6 F F I C E .WORK, f 'bcatlnx if while miles mventory Sarah eresa Wednesday evening, aald Sher yesterday fined 3 and $1 costs. the ship's rudder tgonf,. and with a An of the esUte of Ha- Davis, late of Honolulu has, been .filed. , C. H, Ilbee this morning. "The tremendous sea coming down the iff In by trust paper also states that the officer who Yesterday morning a telephone waii channel which threatened to circuit court the Trent, la -- message came from Lunalilo Home a-- Company, executor. iThe estate va been cn the' beat at the knock' thelr.craft Jlnto - "mass, of , n tup should hare lued at about $419 time of the fight was enjoying a moY- - asking that an officer be sent out to wreckage, was the experience of four ing "picture snow. take on Kahananu in custody. Ka-hana- well known local resid ents who start- The- - Satarday. night' dances at the ."AU of. these statements are un is charged with having form- ed out on fishing; trip. last Tuesday t exer- a Seaside hotel will be resumed tomor- IlawtiianKeiysCo.'Ltd qualifiedly false. ; They were made by ed a singular habit of taking his afternoon and who tmado ft difficult .. - i - --. row management has sent r cise by . bumping the heads of ;, the morn-Ing- .; night The a, man who made no effort to iarn return to ; Honolulii Thursdajr. ' a large number of Invitations" and I : -- tut me, aged Inmates of the home against the ' :- I V. Jn, tnt:.yvfatBiidi.nfl:.; the real truth. He aid not: see w' -; i . : . malL' t by v'-;:'-- wall; ancient individual ' flrjbadgea He did not learn the name of; the ffU An. vnamed Prince Knhio, delegate" to Congress .''!-p- .'.;' vv r Kaluna was the latest ; and " ' He "did not . know sufferer. ' - - cer on' the beat ; Carl Widemann the county road ?.y& ; v' ,;,v he appeared in court yesterday bf Hearing on an order to show cause vlf ;"' . t i, of 'what the beatconsisted.1 department. Captain Schmidt and En- ? ; McQueen with an ambitious .lump On his . fore- In the case, cf1 Pauline Rose made this statement ' ! " ' Sheriff gineer Kraemer ofjthe German, refuv McQueen, divorce, . .''. ' ;s.-.- ' . - : ' was third, thLi against James baa ' ' v head, It the offense of t: ' w"" ' this morning' concerning Uhe brawl gee Hrrnies, two: Japa- ' ' - at achooher ahd " nature for Kahananu: and Judge Mon-sarr- been contmuea tn circuit Juage WfW, Ztye. on" H6tel-stree- t -- in which Walter and nese were' the principals Iri the adven- ney's tmtU .tnoyed pn,:.. : V:;. ror en,. women ana enndrsa " committed him to Jail ,for three ' court. j Jimmy' Jarrett arid Rudolf Stein were . ' was' ture, and "the" yacht La Paloma f.-- ;V;'A,k.'UYEDXi4-- - months.and fUiedhlm O costs. con?erned.' ' the vessel. Although the; La'Palbrija The faculty and r educational X com-- , ' - -- If Having, taken over th - ;: 1C2J Nuuanu Etv;1::-.- Getting down to- the' truth of 'the -- ' j for,- - ; was' well Stocked with provisions; and mlttee of. the Y;' M. Ci. night school - uFifty,vdollars one turn of the 1 Rose, "we find- injur"-e- d, Records; and Talldnj 1. matter said that the at r although none of the crew waa will, ;llbia steering wheelT-th- , Is the,' price meet atv CookevVhall this 'wl "started 3n an "Argument "over the plans for 'fishing trip off KaP evening 6 : 30,' where dinner; will' be tend; ; hearty 'to r.U ; whicli one,. YamamotQ iapaylng. ;,He a at H a. invitaticn c European war . In the ,Twa Jacks ttpset, the ;. lua, Kona, Hawaii; were, sadly arrangementa made for. the was iVfc.und;;t guilty v yesterday., of served and Prospcctlvc-- ' purchasers cf saloon where the men wrere drinking t angler-yathtsme- n have decid night gchooL t izlAzi " making a wrong turn on the' road., at, and the work in, the i.:Vt:!crl!0uscCo.Ltd1 m nlgbt'of SeptU 29: The argu 1 - '5,. the Waikakalaua,.!comin'g towards , Honv ed that they willvnot attempt to make to call and inspeet.cur nc7 line. the men -- ment became' sd violent' that ; 'Judge Monsarrat him thi voyage' again thU t.The', caseMVoi - Matilda v.Kituca Stein lulu, and fined 'earr f iC were ordered to leave the saloon. f50. Moreover, he ;wm Jje Jhaledtto 'The la "Palomatreft Hoholultt,'ha against :. Albert . Lucas,: divorce, , has went but first, with two Germans ' other a .higher court, to. appear in ia. for bor at ? o'clock , last Tuesday aftern- been'cbntlnued in ClrcuU Jodge .Wbl ; nd corner until the :'--At -- morning- rwaited ' on.the damages, which .will be opened against oon5, bound ' for' Kailua; HawaH. ney's .court i until next Friday came out. .,They4 decided - to TP-- Jafretts by. W Rathburn; the driver of a Z 54 o'clock Ule , teasel passed lhe Diar for hearing on an order to ahow this-tira- e hinr - continue the arghmehV,anxi ! machiriJust-behin-d ;Yaraamotoi-wh- mond Head light; and at 4:47 o'clock Walter Jarrett . used Jbls - fist -- instead collided ith the latter when be made Koko Head waa reached.'-- . The, VesseL - ' , : of a word. The punch landed equare ;s fn ;cir-cu- lt MCLCA the turn and euff ered 1100 . damage 'wtth".CapUIhSchmWtatithe;helm. Adelaide C. Franca lias filed i USES THE ly on.. Stein's. eye.l.i. fromv.the crash,;The accidents occur- then heat southeast with a stiff; wind .court a petition asking, that ."she -- was. secn Ya-mamot- o, vf' ! MASON 4. HAM-LI- N. ."This blow by'IsaacIaea, red, on the night of September 12." filling: heralls-'a-j::- be appointed administratrix of the' es- ' - ;' the officer of. the beat, who Immedi driving right-ha- nd tate of- George R, Drullard, who died Fbrit above C!::: c on. the ii'. jo'clock thatight, .wjben the " Street The ately over and held two 1909. Ac-ccrdi- ng CCRGSTnOM ; rushed the side of 2tjie road, without givjig any vessel was about 18 or 20 miles to lee- in California in January, men apart : In I t -- owh-cdi MUSIC CO, ; the meantime had signal-.tha- hia intended to thange his ward the island, bf LanaL' the win(I to the petition,? Drullard passed r by scene of of the action. Hotel course, ; veeredover to; the .leftani died CnVoyjiTejyachtV lay there ail considerable property In. Honolulu. and Celhel streets, , and saw ' nothing ; : smashed Into RathbUrni causing ..the. nlghjt? and, all 'day tiWednesday.- - The was : ' September 20 because a car sianajngp wnicn damages.,5 , currents, drifted, the. yacht to and fro', Since 1; divorce cases blocked the view. f When. I had' pass yjtr;. have been rfiled iln the local circuit ;()NLX - and. a tremendous seay coming down ed further along,- however. ;Ii noticed ' your court; one being "of Ko-tar- o? 'Diagrams made by waving; the , v Hawaii channel banged .and. the last that ; r HCZNIX H03E people Sugi-.mur- a. t that the In the car were stands hands vin theaifdon't make things! Sugimura; against Tome V' crashed against. th La and : - lng up to look at something." I imme .; , - at- clearer in T the police; court ,a ( did vminor damage "iolthe rigeinfc Q- This, number is less than the diately stopped the car . and rani back number filed . during 'August when a E demonstrated ?eBterdaywhen; ;Ii'., shortJr.after; & tfrfocki CLARION 1 ,.TH to locate the trouble. 1 arrived ; in Hopel charged ! by cntdnea. record of about one 'divorce a John S Grace "wli iday , eyeningr .it iwaa .discovered. . that suit time to grab Jimmy. Jarrettiwho was having-'mad- e 5 4ay was t 'a iwrong corners turn. the' rudder iiad been tojrn from thel Vestabllshedf ijmft:- about to attack the group indl liberate leaned- - over the "rail of the .witness La. Paloma. A breeze sprung . up, and his brother. A.petition , ' box and made diverse confidential sig -- '. was filed In circuit court " these aboard 'the;.. Paloma began I L "The one' tree fact In the Advertiser toMludge infi- hU today 'asking - Harry Halp'crn nals. Monsarrat to the the arduous task of. drying to reach that bcl account of the affair is wasj di3gust,-.ofrv- l ,;;rChllling-wprih-j "" r ': 'it"" that there nite Attorney HQnolulu.vuslng; thefjsails to steer by; appointed "administrator of the estate arngnL f Tnat ngnt was short lived. rHope explkmed where he; was of Bernard" Lieb'm'ah 'whbcommitte' & Cah -- Thei vessel started, o.ffron long tack, J " W' - a - -- The officer of the "beat .interfered Im and 'what he might- - have- - done, and suicide near the Country-Clu- b 'oa .... CJLa ' attheiend; ofwhichithe Paloma A ., mediately, .vi arrived, on', the scene he, did,, and how. Tuesday.' Circuit Judge Whitney will . i - ' ' what the soldier'who , ther, -- wM about threa-- jdor cr.Y ;cood3: ,;4:.v r j shortly afterwards. The crowd Twhich aat4n;r-th- : back 1 seat ; ot hia machine m'frpm hear thevpe.tit lOkai lighTJiUtW'oout-i4-.o,1c- k Fort ctr :i1;V;. assembled- - is'.thq, crowd whicho.ssem-ble- s saiduthat he had Jrcea through narreW i5nThursdayn6rafff mornln g, November .3 at 9e c!ockv ; tol-ValcS- any arreBt tn siT. public escapw and, terrible 'b'attTea; but never tni was1 theldeafrthosa on hoard place ,Th offenders were taken down ; Here vChHLngworth commenced ; ' ivqng ' to aBchoKhnder'ithalea vof ' Mplokai; Korean namea. jn joowas to the station quietly and :a charge to ; for long, oecause ljt. fi: indicted' grand-jur- talk; But not of was laid Hope;heganr but, It .vas discovered.- - that ratremen-- ' assault against 'Walter to demonstrate all. over - yesterday r afternoonon a, charge : of 5',.-t;..f ; "dous sea1: was'" ruhnihg and that the Jarrettr again fingers and ? on .degree" burglary. -- (the wjnd was jcoming down between Mo- - first IV ia alleged . w k C t -- Was' and thje ; J iii calms of his hands what. andJ LahatrVSo- - decided... that ,. Korean entered a , Japanese 'might- - been.vv'Judge. ilph-8arra- t; lokar itwas what have -- ' s indward; Oahu. a. I0wrdays to try . and." run in stored 1 DAILY-REMINDER- edge. , a i J . --- attempted Ho n iword ; ago . stolea-- ; quanUtyt; of cloth-- rower 5 Vhile under, lee-o-f and i.iics I only the Molokalthe now' and then, but fthe tlmahis Jng. : ' 4 mainsail 'was Itaken "intiHhe t fore1-sai- ls it i? ) , I To get .value, sell, by auction; See voice : could be heard .was when he J. it . $15; .werejjreef ed, and the 'Ik alcana' sentenced 'Hope' to par-- a': fine of " ;T"3khen'. auction asAdr;' was fallowed ttf."int.tmder Jibsf and' the members of the federal colliding of. -. , . - for vwittt the rmachlne J.. -- court trtaf Jurors for thp October, 191 5; i - .'- Round. , the Island In auto, '$(.00. 1up r . ' ; foresails;; :As the wln3 freshened Ci r! ' ' ' T S; Grace slightly; damaglngit': term they will ' A 1, Lewis Stables, f Phone 2l41. . i and meet oh October, i i adt. -- , - .'.'MC-fiv'A- ther mainsail was again": hoisted. By ' Popular Lat- r - face- - an ' unuEually; large y amount ,oX halsjat popular prices.' he' jputtIng:out'a.rdrag in the shape of' a etyles that and. his wife . and daughter wcrk ln tho form of 72 criminal cases, CTYLC est how; arriving; at ,Milton4& small -- anchor .the end of a jlong ..I had- - gone ;. rooms ' Helen 'at' pending to; their at -- no?5 in the; federal Court' for ALL- KINDS ROCK: AND CAND Z7I Farsons'.Adr. CJ rope,' a 'drag waa secured on . La 'OP FCIt CC.'Sr. - - apartments ;on, nlghf of Sep; the MlsppsltIpn.',.The of; fed - ' The Goodwin, excluslTe Court the stop imembera the . ; . . FIREWOOD AND COAL Paloma which; was. 'sufficient to 1-- .. v " REIGN SUPREME ;17 and the. deep grand 19 - ,'-- - shop in Honolulu ;: absolutely new 11T1S terober. .that rwhlle drifting of eral Jury for. the October 'tar QUEEN feTREET :.'; C. - quiet ; j domestic--- : felicity reigned her 'from to windward term will; meet on 'October models. Pantheon building. adr.- i of : : ;;: . : Rochester-Adle- r throughout ; the .apartment aeveral oahu. .. 51; Circuit Judge Ashford's alen--. clothes, ther .ones In'-th- ' court is manner, and still ; steering ybu so men had burst into --the roomand i tak dar ""for tomorrow morning includes hear much about, are carried bv the sails, those aboard the'La Pa by the Ideal Co. It It's style en 'htnr hy;the; collar and fshaken; Tfim the following cases: ! Chan Tat,' chefa; him-r-suc- loma finally" were 4ble to 'reach an v-- " and quality you are after take 'a look and ' threatened .to strike J h two charges, ;for ; dlspositlpniW; R: ,wtV'; "' 9 i r J v-- : anchorage, in Honolulu harbor at about : i:ac;:feld co. is at these for men-an- d boys. V" v - waa the" tale of "the head of the Chilton and 4. ,T. Scully, conspiracy,' ii r 1I;30 o'clock - Thursday morning ' . new. inr disposition ; Kohara, carrying dan-- . Limited. V, Mrs. Zeave will .return Tuesday, Greavesfamily.' arrivals .Hono for ; harbor, fWilbelmlna,-bringin- : Yhen outside the the Amer wpaiuin Ijparfn. rin i nlpd fn September. 28, 'on . lulu from-- Australia,' as, told? in ; police teroiift - - ' the lean ensign was holBted (ipside down, ; 7'"-- : ;' : .'w? - mitigatfoh Louis AbTams,r;,embeMle-- r Ccmm!r:!en Merchants, with her as. usual a full stock court this morning." Furthermore,1 his " jLv" U ;,s 1 ..ZZ3 -- as a signal the La Paloma was ar 'that of personally ready-to-we- daughter testified to the ' ments arraignment; Kong in.Joo, IJOr.'OLULU selected i wife and his - :' nrat ' .; '; '. : y In distress. . V"- degree-burglar- arralgntoepC ' x, ; garments of the Very Jatest models. sme "thing--- 'He described: how a main ' i . - ; . - - "Shortly afteiv the anchor wasr drop AdV.'...... -'.,.- V,,-- ;S-.-- i- - l - had taken him by the collar' and actu- - v i ptldoung Brothers' sent ;the launchr You notice . that employers ' save ; allyoffered to engage in physfcal comn lio- ' Gila - coware : 'J Hukihukl out to tow the La Palonia HAVE YCU HAD YOUR FEET they like bank. account For bat with him.' . ; r- ' ' ' ' '. '' ' -- very same in. . FOOTC GRAPHED" the reason employes should Jack Duggan, proprietor' ot Helen's ' , The latest invention. A. hit with housewives everywhere. Ni g'.isi YETt;': . This question and MHow to Prevent save; they most need to. Open a sav- "who was said to be the princi- Upon inquiry, those aboard the 'La heretofore produred could withstand sudden change of temper Court - J the bank-ersno- wl Palpma; learned that word had been Colds'V- asked 'a.' thousand times. ' ings account Bishop & with Ca, pal offender, had a different tale', to Incident to baking. Glass :is easy; to .and shows . tv HtCAL COOT SHOifS;v') - cleanr . My . . . telephoned to Honolulu, from the Dia- ' t telL- - He stated that ter was slthg on every aay.jV a coia is ,reaii)r.a;ieverr , slightest. .trace .of dirt, plainly if the cleaning has not. been thorou;!.. fortsnd;HoUI Strsela you any way mond Head lookout station that' the -- - v! It are particular about the front porch . when the man who not always caused by the ateather but Glass doesjwt flake or crack- like many other kinds of ware. paloma" was beating In. . V theway your i clothes: are' laundered rooms under the apartment the , ; whre 3 due to a disordered condition of the you -- .Those, aboard the La Paloma5 "speak Pyrex ware Quicker; Better," Cleaner, Cheaper It will appreciate the; work of the staying; ;food-elebient- b for Eakinz. Greaves. were rushed but'and btood or ? lack? of important s; iench' laundry.Two offices. 777 King told 'him that he had heard a girl's in" glowing terms cf the excellent work has been tested and approved by; GOOD ; HOUSEKEEPINO ItiZlU " J39L! " by Captain Engi- 'Tn ch'anging seasons fat J HONOLULU MUSIC CO. street, telephone and Hotel voice. crying, "l 'will" Jump; out of the done Schmidt and TUTE. Made in Bakers, Custards Pie . Dishes, Bread Tans, Shirre Untari, : neer" Kraemer the foods essential because ;they' dis-- . , . . street. Just at telephone 2919. window I At the same time' a couple of Hermes. Their are Egg Pans, Casseroles, Etc . ;r . . " , - knowledge then) Evrylhlnf Musical v V, Ask the"; particular, 'stenographer ot windows slammed. of seamanship stood tribute' heat by'enridiinj the blood ' v" . "'.;.' ;-: paper har-In- g good pre- v:;--i;;J- now what, carbon she insists on Filled;with ai premonition of dlsas: in stead and served, help and so render the boty-tette- r able on display at and' we think It safe to say with, -- vent what otherwise might have been r Fort, ntxt to Ctarlon Vj that tet he ran upsfUre, a couple' of to withstand the varying elements. - th r.,- : the majority will answer 'Kee Lor.v men attempt; a serious accident or tragedy. - ? "r other and when Greaves This U the underlying' reason- why. ... i Arlelgh.fe Co; are the sole agents in ed to bar the way into the' room thrust in Emulsion W. W. Dirridnd this territory . for "Kee Lox" carbon him aside arid, turned on the light The "Uniform State Laws" Is the subject the medicinal fats Scott's ; - ' The Houit of Houiewarci papers. room in the of an address which R.VB. Anderson quickly overcome, colds and build - commotion In. the had I . ttrfc ; VIEIfflA-.-BAKER- Y r meantime .been subdued, but as there will deliver at a meeting of the Social strength to prevent more; serious sick-nes- v was no doubt in his mind the pair Science Club at Dr. J. M. Whitney's yThs Bsst) 1oms-Mad- a i that It contains nature's medicinal tiad were abusing their daughter,' he or- home, Bingham and Punahou streets. '.; r, In 'Town.' :v i'v; ' fats, so skillfully prepared that the apartments at 8 o'clock next Monday evening7. STAR-BULLETI- dered them to leave the and N 112 blood profits from every drop, it is CEiJTS 1 Fort tL Phons 2t24 . It was at this moment that; he had free from drugs or alcohol. 75 doubled up his fist and threatened to harmful. Lit 14-4- 7 acottJt Bowse. Bloomfiekf. N.J. i. spoil Greaves', face if he ever heard of him maltreating his daughter again. f. . 1498 ; Phone He didnt remember whether-- ' orThot i' FRANKW.,HUSTACE. he had laid a hand upon. the collar of , v Automobiles and Motdrtiycles : ;Cream Delivery; Greaves Judge, Monsarrat, did not WORK- - WANTED. Pure Ice ; palriid., The local society people, tourists push the point and the officers and ladies of the AZT 'OuVtfnV SU rear - Judiciary Earlier in the evening Duggan stat- A gentleman who few to. F.reshButtcrmillc r Twice Dai! 7 crmy and navy are cordially invited has a hours a - tciI, (A guiidinp. r...,,,. ed that Greaves, evidently under the spare In the evening wants to do V. to attend the. dance at the Seaside influence of liquor, had rushed into his some clerical work, bookkeeping. fmi Fancy DaiProdufcts t&Phbric 4225 Hotel tomorrow evening Adv ' I . office and said in a loud;, voice, "For etc. Address "R," Star-Bulleti- n ot-fic-e. God's sake save my daughter!" . 6283-3- t BAD TEETH ARE LAID Duggan . ran upstairs and entering JUST REMEMBER HIGHER ' TO EDUCATION the room found the daughter sitting q.g,5A. th Number---" in a hplnlpsR heart unort th floor hnld- - , rv V MB T I I... J r r. J ra r r ui. ... l,, .u ur. i. o. wet towel agninst hy? forehead or 2919 ley. In charee or the deiartmnt of, Raising the towel he saw a large , (. dentistry of the University of. Califertd bump on hfcr forehead. t08i4JUNDRYWORK nla, an Investigation TH!!5; have started as "Who did that?" he asked. YOU CAN: TAESE ADVANTAGE OF 'J. '! to whether the fhifst for higher edu- .ii "My mother threw a shpe at me," We furnish tables, chairs and every equipment social gatherings well nectary cation causes bad teeth.. for of all Jdndsas as the said the . girl, feebly. i According to the dentists, it has He noticed then that the entire floor f JANTO" DEVELOPING been recently demonstrated over ' that of the room was covered with shoes rt:: PAPER study an of blood ICE CREAM, CONFECTIONS, ETC causes attraction and hair brushes and oth- $ ?S4x $10 the box mirrors : to the epidermal covering of the skull er ammunition. al For select parties we have special ice cream moulds of many designs, initial "moulds,; card characters," etc.; for tHONOCULU PICTURE FRAM. from capillary tubes. This, is ING the it Mr. Greaves referred to this dispute and AND SUPPLY CO, declared, takes blood away from th distinctive service. These moulds are serving as place cards at many social functions. Our products are the best .v Bethel SL,' near Hotel. today in court as a slight argument in teeth, and as a result they are which his wife may possibly have the prices are lower Bear us in mind when preparing for that next entertainment. We also maintain an excellent cafe "starved." -- San Francisco Examiner. ".;-- -- , raised her. voice. Try your V"'--"'- SSfr for meals. 0- it i per- 31, Judge Monsarrat evidently Edward Freer of Ellenville, N. ceived a difference between raising a Y was killed when he fell from his motorcycle while learning ride. voice and lifting a shoe. So did - to Charles Chilllngworthjmd jyheiL JLJ ,:'Vf PALACE OF,, SWEETS- HAWAU A SOUTH fcgie, wno naa Been .accused . by ".lledasis'BeautifulV Greaves in his confusionJ began to call EAS CURIO COw : rpYr;:.i::HETEr.r:'i: HaTjiiakea . . Bed. Welc, WMery rres nd. f witness after witness to to King and Streets ; A good place to stop to and from cr 'depot. Young Dulldfnj : t 'v the stand crlrct s.. . . , : 4 Jf

- V 'v If

4 . .v T. . Ot V. 1 i

rrr : . v 111 i .... r "I n j i: i 4a(iaM w 4

AGAiN;cEl:::"-d:7lEiibi- :ss nAV7Aii wit:so ingratitiide-,- i f f l Tfcrte I.! 5ti cnsSSy ofert Cases jtyv' Enmnc'ch" Sends Out. 27 Heeling Thb '.Evening toHchr Requests end, Explains Legal - Finer,::-- ! n:::rt cr,J con--; v'TangJa to Property Owners cd the world in irelcgs cotnmunicd- - stainedlbattiefielda of the war tKere4wiririH ; e on Reqnestlnsf property wnera wbp TonJjht , Charter Co3Tent!oi lion years ago when ihe fir; rclaj-'comm- ik. vIiJnaAr ftr:iSsnnrtii2 ire f tie t k Uvi within the firei iixaiti' and wfcri meets as was originally planaed sone cial use of. radio was inade in inter-islan- d mcs-age- s: time aga It was. hoped that,by. this hare . not yet"'tttit sidewalk down In 1; time the full report of the committee From that tiitie to Ahis Hondluln property- - to do so - - front of their al -- . ' i - v I . - . : , ii : I 5 ready the considera- - i t i ' ' ' ' s ' . t would be for iias ueeii tue center pi. acnai marvels;: "Tlie seas j GBCSSIVE motions No. &wf l and case No.vS on of.the conreatlon. ,ut the. time V seeding, tilrififi ; U'- out letters to the said owners. required for the committee's prlzti;. z Motion 'U-i- t riJ, Vi' ,.;,v;. '.w'K-v- :' hasj proved s so great that not taUi H.hU Esther PiUpovet al,s. NetUel i T r"4 r-!- " U next .Wednesday, probably, will; the ;..V final report be.o?ered. r . uui uui umiiH uverjvyiumcipajiiy lor aetuemept or exception no. l, or in, wie. maiier, accorjun .iqv.v ?5i-thn-t Honolulu. Ltttmnking a tne'biH tceptlons. but.;he, believe the; people; of 'Tonight's meeting will be devoted-- minds call this it. jrnvinitiinVnnf or-bus'- mira bf thU vi;rV? ns nasaaoptea ttonplulure1 puhllc, .s?lrlted. epoush the routine rrernrations ele. H logical cenven 3 In reality is bnt the acuicvemcnt rests the over 300. American Cities, Jamca Oswald Lutted. deceased. Tax- - to. avoid the. difficulty... rUhfca that so that when the ccr.venticn in fact that to hear the Important reports cf lis of man's conquest cf thc forcii of naturei'ahd of;nll sizes -- nnddeseriritionsvWrsaken PnezuaJ pin, eery - j. , w u. will, comply at committees It win have a .f.oor c!tl.r the logical development iqvehtive- - he-'saya- of man .uvi-i - V Qld system government .i?;?!::3-i- or. ohce or action. : The report cf the f.r?n:3 ' their of for the commit 'thetoattcrofkthesjtat I ? jm f A t: ecss; tM& committee,. wi!l..be. the rr.ost Imrcrtant Bionform in;nbt a singiednstance:Vlias;iiL 1 rrr at d:il cf c - v , ; ation,ot contestant safplemefttal bill cient.r grade con? event, of tc!ohVs. meet:r,t. tc:thf r r-u cnly,thlng ln.t' H-- s -- and-whic- i American enterprise, through" the American to sisted; or with a consideration of. who shall, ta CI-- city jeverted its former antiquatedrule;" of costs .three b prepe : ( jv;iv r'v igiv?n: authority : to e.3 cc .? the dlsrense l-- ciepiione eicgrapli , .Uompahy, ' - retained. i s l and the motloivrDy ' present. .. ;: ; ;T 5 Vh LXiZ. iplaint ffS JoKsuih: the repubHc, aod li mory. , r m. formal any natldn-Wld- e - - rr.r:r.3 th3 American spirit of patriotic cooperation, as ex N.1 J.,' sums' VLpi the, movement.' government.- It was this grade com- look ; pc.:- lor marydgm"ent''7'V;l?r l .for a bltter fghf.. sali -l f;r a r"" emplificd in the.encouragement given the com Chairman .M. C Tacheco, thi3 r.:cr:v i, , ... .. ' - V Mf" Martin TS4AAA dspti: grades, most of the ng. "It seems , cow .thit. .th3 jrz'a pany by the navy department, have once again contained m a pamphlet ne JmsWAttea entitled EubM-irom-fei- busihessdistricto:?'';' point, of contention, will te ever tl:3 r.....; achieved a deed of international importance -- ' SecnringjEflicient A(lministrati6ri: 'Under the '1 fie.;;:tr''e'--- ' .wmmissVoieraVec. establishment cf.the.wari eystera cr 13 n: :p?Hu5l offen lieslisent.-- says Mr. Whitebouse, he- - election; cf the Burc.rvlccrs- at net to n ; Cornmhsion,V - ana one of winch" every 'American may well be Plan ; ' ,anci. cS(yifiWhlbey, judge; drcuij fcpurt. only. arge;- .' . . v ) .4easwnerein.A.iniS rind as a result of Jt...w have '.v,..' ." eer -- - . '; - proud. ;. f ijarapniei enpears ine iouowiiiz:':c-Ttr'- e i."v H4i,e Apw.M"u' iwq raae ,maps: wiui2n,ujis..nm; "One 6li!2cant fact li the prcrc"! rower t er...... The to elect tha clt7 er-'-;- I e i f : - : "v vwv ra. niiijoi njaps ure correct, du Micy are not.le strort!y la favrr tf.thv, : 1 t ' 1 '" ii "'ti equestlons vanebmnt-o- f time, instead-o-f progressilJg.Wlll H.Voney, .et'ai:iilSryed gal, and unfortunately; there .la, a vast ' from court, . ..; - ?iVmvoK-Vruii.utt- i- es, circuit .first circuit difference- between,, the two .terms.; lind ettinerate. ;: ..Terrjtpry of ; Hawaii, vsf vymie i.Mo?t.of the grade maps Tirere wished 7 o trying position of .Americans of German the manvimnrovement's iind accomrilishments Meyer, et aL ?thLce'pUras? from circuit, carelesslythat is.. the v were ined hie I is vividly pictured in a recent issue, of 1 yswaw. t.OTteg,. aeceaseo Apr he II : inburger Kremdenblatt, whichv rcyiew-i- n commission government ;aammisiraiionasiaeHme8: i the, .commissiqners,; and irwer? . not frnHnnial iifi1rWptithtilfl?hi:''hnr; pea i. m circuJl J"aee rei; circuitr(. signed by ;the, Superintendent. of pubr Dr. 'llv.jo iunsterbcrg's w.Peace in Ameri- - irom tne ,6. Territory orvHawaU rs. Antonio by the minister llcwOrJts.lorniier : v c; dcring on the lmpossiple. We naVev Witnessed rela Crus Palais Exceptions from fclr- - of the interior, ' i - v" v r i v ' ' V, lit vrill toroorrpw bring to tlie Ainencan the destriiction-o- f tpaHisan politics 'inHhede- - race ? For the American nation as a whole "this liberations' of 6ur governing body, noi 6ne par JMitM v, ; r has very ojiprcssivc consequences, but for tisanvote having,been,tak tvLe .- ;.;iili..:.s cf German-American- s it is the bit--t years of its ;estence;and Ithis. in: face O the Mill; Co- Reserred Question; frphi clrf JJSJj"h Ja bMlle?al grade m'aps, should con- - : t cf .tragedies. They 'feel themselves fact that the commission comprise T?UfhvfS? choosa to he : ;H t ,: n- ? i t'rettv . burjalovr' j ec:.: ; :.t . The .soil on which they, stand shakes cratrahtwt, EePnbliea- v - S'S 1 ; ! deWy expense cityh:, -- 1 :! Instead'of aiming eliminate S-- S - of and to the ; . , eliasms yawn on all sides. Their tb asS. ti&tt! v;;; and ready for" occupancy can i r.ii : :id and acquaintances have become tisaiiship In city affasHlieinenhd aarent: Vand'?-Mzim grsfeaaheu easy, monthly .pnyrv.r.4. .. ! :s :r. opponents; the count iyr: in lv controbtKenrbholuIuharter Convention are thecity, would have to go.to thetrou; r.vyoursbn - :. 1; ir fatherland J; as be-- ( aiding eorefac f!lrestl0D ;1V4 Pay $vK)) .tl'own'and the balance C'3 m01;.petty'-WritScmi'eyi4r- for'-tLeyivcFtlia- e le-- al techncah- - : i- tO goinrthrbugh.aU . ' . :. foreign .land, t ailllll- breed SSffi&Sthe : vu--- ' : ::: ..:...... va. month: i .; ;'; - .'r.wck'cmc to their neighbors. trying to give, tne city a charter tnat wi t .be v; ,i;Trritorytawa James

- IW - ; ;etkattoiuH- beerid ? J illation of the slaves no people it .v'-'- Located oil beautiful AVildcr Ave. t i i i j efriciehcv,,-a- AMco holder, made his. waik, r ;: v ii'" idlei td 'vViW' JTor, nave lougnt- against tneir mare ;vt rVfe'S or at least pay the city's laylng:it - ;' ,. , - xriM&ii tax appeal-iro-'' :. Win the car..line, Piikoi. V ; j i .s.il::-:-;i'j- assessor'T n tax tear c' as the1 German-- - w it'r f.elr bitter tears - appealcourt, Birst Taxation Division. 0- i W-- V"pn. many;oc.cAsions;,the Wiv.'.-?; Vt - . have beep doing for thV past seven , In" various twnmand. V-'- ;iu v;;. lf ,.;.v.k'; " r A O ; ::'PEICK i! . evil influence or; the saloon basrjij'rTgeb'gr: ;yyU'U-Ut!r- """ 0300 ricrc than five, million American ' 1 bound, nizedd;ppmle5uTt , f themselves to Central Eur 1 X '.:r 1 s ' xl .... ' .3'!. 1 ..i. '. f is ; e 1 cf blood. Germany rs victory is . - id impression iw1 . !r ? iLut hope; America's'-neutralit- .their havei'souffht cbnyeytue 3hatIt tcnT.T TAtrf i kt)ic t t'i J .'fri ' k. : ycr. : ,';;y;: there was some ccmmoh ihtersiwe VW;:yfei;K ' ina iro r n r m nnnre n n ri - imui n k :t the e five millions feel that they are unionism; ana. tne manmaeture anq.saie-oin- - t6;hate 4 fVcOhex accompanied by Mrs. ' 1 fcvjery jplans 'drawn1 up otbe;c(ffSideraticm fcphent; to , oause their political powers were toxicants, this". suggestion; IS repelled' 6n relairned .ttonoluld in the i'c. aS;. .WilHelmifla Taesday an 4b--, ot It oXtho ,prpi)er.adUMritIesV;; last after : when the matter, presented; to the; ; and-one-ha- if v i in mutual action. They had never occasion is sence of two years. Mr. - ; Cohse-iiii::t1,- y, ; 'pef Cohen engage, . t h: :i an interest in practical politics... labor men in its trtie ligbt and- when th'e malign .joiiji. ws.nojv, ithat; thft . win in business here; amongst the members of Congress at imnnise ot ti liquor interest is;4kl.;to v. V ; VV. .hi: ;lcn there were but a inere handful: of View.Jolin.- - Mltenell,bf;UnefHhltedv'Mine draggled hppearace,;arpdKc&,nie.iOit Been appointed V to vtae 'charge ?.ot gfgt; ; Home vnlley, a n Castle; Manoa for' WnrVpr4 Ot.Amenca-anoVIQrnie- fjBa.lheir..hnig; ;'Ja:e;nsll6 X; Gc::::,::. Americans, whereas those cf Irish htmrnin$Mi evening whejv w.Qfeod.9. moatB, during which, Ume,Mi8a IYa4- - J ; 'and-seventy.- :BVdcrtlOlt-TOif0K-1..- Ihein,.-- ,wh.e,4- - - one hundred " Of dent-o- f the American" TelttMl theMegltio ceaM. Goold wflt be away;on herta- ; -' ' spectal-e- f - i" '' 1- V 4 ;i i. ; .T "";- ;;;'.i, iay.; again. Tjntan to,'make: cation: kvV-it- i A' i eourt-- the hundred, and seventy Irishmen' c'oif-- ":iV': At t)iir: feedctibn -- Sale of 'AVatchc?, Ju ttitnte no special party; it would be nnfortu . ;The" American ship whiclrhit a mine up near4 matched, : bubodgk of.xh hoardof harbor !rV

. i e . in,' ;tp i: if .the re .we're such racial parties the V XU& Wednesday r ;twaHinontha " house of representatives. But. the Irish can, become an international InflUlentipa prer ationt or c5Edbatioh.rbetween;;mwnl-- 1 for, a vapi' i bilverwarei end baturday, Uct. -- u,'at u v. iu. Irish-Ameri- Aipaf departments, i -c sumntidn is thtishiiyakngaged Urimar- - laxitousoneas nevertheless, get the wishes of the that l0,Ve;seiwatl6tta Pn'rthfe;tate?t. Pleasare andbnslness.f:t; V 1 In ko-otw- . s fdt and fulfilled. If the" Gennans follow y War trade and under those. circumstanee$ in8taics is big aine ;jl-t;W- : iake-her'fcmineesrrt- ; - .... 1' . tljCy will' become aTespeetabI(?. must iiu -j- : i the life, of the nation. There would f .v ..- 4 c : -- It r.-f- ' si ; , .papers say: xnax -- newn w i a hundred or more Democrats or&icwft Uainland ine 1 Octc-.l,'18S3- r .unoo? Wnobr, - 4 recaii arrfv.eA Inonplnlu. ' ' - mrnat similar '' . ,

, la-th- Vhit'j IIouj .,,,.1 . nU;nn n';iT:rrnirfr.iriifprlVTrVfl Hf hp;ip i thev KnoWiltsi roads six years ag0.sY '" -- ' I ond. dentist to-- practise. e 'islands. tir- - cf t!:e twenty: millions bf Gennan- - first ?name .WeUingtonrr';i: . V .ArtVtiH-wvr-ul- FinpiriokFAftVisTK- in future be rendered an im; : - t?! vrs- -. SjCorps. U. 3. HawaUan Deoartment:! He bfcnbi CCKftlKf W - J i." : i v li. I article, ;ont tne reniarKaDW- l- iy; dcvu'j'- - L,-,- !,, ::::in culture, which'for half a-e- Democratic eaders,vwislK to retain the, sugar gaWifof Jcia,cffe,shipnients f?oni; :i to ;Aniericaa: "life many:of;tlie;best tann ior revenue. pmyLrv:i-- u ' , tirnrrri-iL- : --riXL'JiZlvr: -"H - ?J' - rj : , 1:: iiow- in WUen we; .2Q00J filing.iot .declarations, priAten- , suddenly ;lecome no thing oegan 8nippIngy(B sent jatae !''; - t - re-soun- -- jas-- oipmenv ; . to be- echo" ds leakins:, St Way- tlie Situation PounoAt ime vuuf ijpn.yecome. Amerjca. piweu.w but object scoffed at and the ';- ih 'miiltarr:-- - '! 3 yi rn.. vv . - c ' was WOO pounds. We are no ship concerpedr:4La St. month ;there were i ii o from Germany it-ina- y Jbelieardv bn seetOS to be, strategically taT)raJie for tue ping about sixth of the crop to the declaratons .filed, ;,Thls, accordjng-t- " aU sides that thp Germans trwmsitp ; iJleOt'r-l- - Wtppinea for atmyeexcjuslelyi; casCsUr;-V- UiJf .., Aas-oee- t. fc 1 ajtime, Uritiottato. be filedto ady on but a smau atoqnnt n paiaa-..'J- riDl UcXHcD eilWhAV lUotdnlya :blg;bc$t WvAylett superintendent Shi " of -- tiivlne-rifv- f - t, 'll HM fsr.HnFIFrTl nf.fhR 22 were Bled garbage-departmen- hoid84ilghest rec- niflF.inrJnirtAvhv 'rim thftl v ;IloyaUGroT cwtikflO) - ord so fai as 1 knOwnhte; dellnQuenf u i v-- : or .jUDio-neaaerpasepa- jf wui do wie taxes having reached the heat sum - . Spaniard. ;oneJ - 9$5.43w:Ith; but :threer paymentslbf feaire'MStthaXjriooii'o ' JFortusuese. one Chlle- Schc-fiel- d -- rncVme'of?6rtuVlr;aiFjlLnl Atistf ran. cnie'lPbrto:Rican - - Barracks diamond. The' first Set one and $13.60 each inade so far.- . f.; '.."".' LL.uLtlAllAilJli game; .to ' Ve ; in?j Wats'- durmtr.-liSl- S ?'tB3o5.(k).lOM.V4nw& Aatlves'bt Gfeat'Brttaui:flled.their v;Tw6 members vt bi polite depart- - .is cUed. iClo'c!ock - mwi v,. o r ivaianiei , ana- - w aesww itecaooxu; .itw.eeJfigna.jnttn; ec5ease of ,$6,000,600 f j anaV'jlenty .. r H7tfrTrrnijift-rjMa-inbffH,- try nd. theSlht lnfanky, yyn iv'. r? ' ' gnaranteetC ' ;'( t ; V I I 3 lows.; , cf excitement la ' . iJA h A Keawepoooje's 'JeliniC A sum r with $31.80 l222.80, Out 4U I ft i Ml M I lw - Ui lilliLlJ fa ; J i.i and Kalakiela has; S216 O "fred uxveryan ine? inaoiiyMiBa mm . uL - . against htmof ;wnfch he'i.apald ; - Cn; loyes of both' the:'cityand couoJ ' " DIlFURinSHED en . . : . . .iflgiy IS be-we- Falr Ave Kaltnuki .... 'I: bedrooms; ty . v Deputy Attorney - 'snappy' as irtvalrti keen and of the territorial government CharlesViT..Ch.ll- Prospetft ,St. vi . StKOO the,' . . up . jail, anSnperned.s v. .2 who have not paid their taxes for Center JS.O) ROjal ..;.--' thig period, V.for.,otber tnethed $5.25 "ofi his delinquent sum ...r--- Grove iKo. avenue) w.V. 2 3C3 and at times Tantalums 3 45.00 RoyatGiOTe-CFrinceEawar- 26C.hS ; 1 f i d ave) .VvVi f periods long distant. faced .again .to- of . and Jalter Joseph J "Rer EPIOEMIGJOFrWHASLES nit UNFUftlSriEb v2r' day and yesterday the unpleasant prr has 'made tip, $66.55 but of a'charge ,of . IS REPORTEO;BY BOARD 811 XI. - bedi-obms- . of-the- Lunalilo St.. .. 6 . . . ceeding of having 23 per cent ir ..." .I6ii0 : ';.i-.:;2&"- ' 172a,Lliha 2 .17.150 4.4;lindoncaai;t;(LUIha .23X3 ; respective salaries withheld ,when the ... j St.,...... r..:... 8t).. Auaiior.vv territop; - , '" it, t isner.orthe . The board of report flor; 1473 Thurst0n;A,ve 6 " 4O.Q0 17U Kalia, . . . . ; . : . 5 ; . . v " jiwx . , D bills were presented $ iav saysvinat health that ...... Jtd, .Waikiil i ROTernmen5' the: lists ,:f.:----'-.;..V:-;v 1940 2 . , - "v-'f According to-Cit- y Audi- nolulu.f8 being visited by an epidemic Young 8t 3oJ0 t. '. and County ;.yhlch ,; have been.rnrnished" him.; for of-th- - de- cTthe- - measlesSC cases e disease x Lunaiflo - 2 ...... 35j tor James Cicknell. the number of terrltorlat employes bear for. the. most St :.v.':t. ' -- .Majtlock-Ave- having been reported during ...... v KainiukL . . . . ; ; , . linquents, is. rapidly growing lets, al- -- the last 421 lOOWth. Ate, .V.v.i.V;-- ? T.r part only small sumk.1 . - highest ir'-:- The. is - ..'.Vi.'-.i-iS-:::- ;. - e ' fire days. majority Of. cases 1058 14th . . , " 20.00A 102AAlolis(;Lajai-- ;'. 1..; .. though a. few still hold out nd pro-mif- $101.40, and; The are and Palolo Aves. ,...'. the lowest $15: fv : - ! : " 35JDQ to hold out for some time. ;; NarneS fpr'employei dn jthelfajttaaltcv an4 e.waJo dlstricJLs. If95 Anapuni St . 3; cn.the Jlsts'are -- - - Vclally 'long is the'iist of.delln-"t- s the.; jsjl,' King St...... "..'.... a 25.00"- wuuanqj Ave.y, .;...... ,,..;- 5:'.. ,;.,: ."i, f . T s"L; in the department pf publle 2130;; ;". in the road department the to--- 1 nunawai- Lane fi";:iV1:,l(lfciv KaroehameheV Avev . ' Ina.trucUcn.'Uh 9 harbor. tboaxa. Hc r v...... clng 200 tOTiahdle ercmaitfaj - affair5 was izuV iiauocs Ave. S'! J something more than" works, ; agriculture "and forestry won-rea- u, .w;..,.....;..z discussed-a- t ; t a taeetihg 'of the French f ;iusb St. i near, school) S. A ...... 1 cf the tax charges for board of health, public-land- s de-- .. rrp from partment- - so on cabinet JLita 1 UUl DIUU AVC. tnd The "nlgher ...rusi- ' v r: ,: ,7. . .

.. 7- . - i . - . . j , . 7 -. - ..7 - "7 . - , i. - 7 . . ' I ' ! a --a v . a ...... ' ...... - :.',--- . i a a a 1 .: r : -- r ' " 4, v - b 1 - ., 44. . a : a. .''. ... 4 a v'iV'r .''4 ' ' .' . "..',y.4 ' Vr

' C. . C- - 1 ill

1 . . . '', i . I.' . ) .) i L i "

--- It cl Co, A;.; . ; - V-i .5-; .

- , , . I - . ' - ' -- t

from- - Puget ?Scufi3;ili;:VW whit mar Drnszc reanciion m qtirt rr;i5'Ur ,ttr:eat-cc'al':r!Jc- 3 csa; frter r fcia.r iiir -- -: .ri

, l ,f 4 ;Vrf. :" r. - 2ucpd ' ':. a -. 3 f u .tr l.v tea .4U fretet ?7''7 t'jsvxn ?, f.a I. ed :i Elect reluct ;1 "

7, V'-- -- t:. - -- --3- viv . .V.':.-v irectic r cf r 7-- ni x. xita x;it pcr 00 pouc Jii j r'T j-- Tt"atf : y72.be'irftt Oetdtrfio - e tca,vriieJfornMf trV' r 'aitt ritel 7v .,a i' ! ta.5 ifeeltie r?a ? as ;se lr tlit , '' ' ' v ,a ti tb"; cess : riile jtrT--' 7'ta"cekbrat3! YCUR 'Declaxa-- u r . V; v ;:.V-V-V-.'- "'.' '; i tLU '.iifluenee, on Xhf canal shlpperat j ;;tica' rcf,;.C; :i? :tace. Curt' TO CET VALUE1 SELLtT. CY - : CXlciag inforaed of tliexewrcra ?y7f' lartftlca'auat : tai" "A U CT f w N . b f .. ,"'t.'- - - ' tl.-.7y.!!..,tla- Ccc HaulecT FI ZZ tome '.ri f;7ka:.-.- t 'x;afs. Auction; He. . f - :7tT.fviv.Ti-!:rryt'.:.j- baia, fa ManllVta utilize amy t. - ? 4' c:::aaVKaaaclal I- : ' - port f r eam - T c c : 11c r : ;l frr : t, 7;-i- - t. . ' -i .. .. , p V- - '.. i''t '." . "tv-- t t t fr- . - - ladepcaiJcace w71. tM r cf t': iy - V ... ''.- tlat bc f v " - ..-i. - . ' ?. ..' ; i J 7'" - . xbb Hiti 1 ; v. r: r:ies'r" tar:? rcciie f .;. ' ' ' ...7t - 7 "'7 r vtl U: Oi; wr C Uli this I .7;! . :iCoJL:;; vI8i- 13 ;yoara,'7. U Zc, v u tvev .U tlcy - can "t carry

--- ery.; '. - - I V4 - - TtrcZz It ?ef trip as tt is,? Is i ( . li 4 r . V'"i- - ' taw.,,. V.. ; Ir4.444 aaa 7C:rr:rT;n'a'.J f:r:-7- 7 it!-'- t - ; ':: 1 i- : f1'?'--' :::r . .... - t: pr;:::?';'-:- . - . 'c? a .r'' . '4.3- . a ' t " - ' . . ..v . ' 4 ... MI'M't' itV' -- lt 1 1 lo : H 7, Jo. 1 . T " ? C 1 n.U- V l -- ar - a, Ii4ilIt'V ". ... .,4. 4, 4 A. .... 4.V4S . a v a a aaa -'- -"-. i4.w. a h i.Jaa- aa- a a ar w . J CI CvO.a X ' IlCa. . 3 4 a 1.4. 4. . ' V a. . ,4av ; ,. a a a a' .... J. . J. ..Ik.... i:aa:i-ny- cx l 7. .;;v.:.-it3- ,v f f 1 : Uc rc r passcrser vire 1c V. t'i i a - . .. I (I' i 4 - . , .()' 4 1 Jr .. .. '' aa,a'4a x... fOI ,'J ' - .. a Cw.'1 1 J- it". C 4 l3 aa 4 C ' ta-- . . 4 1 lyvr -- a 4 a . C IJCllC - 1 W a C..'a J. a 4 a i J latT 3 - ..aaaaa aaaaa.-- . 3 .,::J;lPa:---Tl- ' C . vr cli c.w . - a a' i a 4 C . m 4 J r aaaa - 4 4 4 a ; a : a a a'as t. - a 44ta v. a.. a.. a. a CO. Cj.aa' "7 a.,"- - "-- T P'r: t'Ci 7 ii C:f all Vf ala'ai1 ArjrL Co. ' Cs a 'a i ,t7r;v 7 -a- 1 ' -- f j5t!5 . r re- - 1 , : . II.-- ( . : i :.' Id a V At law XV. V Ji X n - L. Ita. Ticlts-U.(.-Ot,--- a .:a-- . . Tim' :t of a ; : frarCirc21ia carrot iV? 7Tift'-Circui- t, Cj lC5;?"-- - Ti . ..a.a-y'- of Hawaii; v:7to lie..., itAKCaaar-l'srs-I- .' .4 A ? ' c: .7 ? 7, Tift. boIUs feclrr Clersheaf, irith ;7la tl2-r:itt:r'- 7 7 : j . 1 il s s : 5 7il 7 a i 1 ; i- - CO-to- rs ; v,; " ' i. f 7 r I rf rrtlt v pic let f :r r- -l I'-'- atJ. aW. W 4.V T7'" ' is-T- i : r:;77:tsrv(-.;---4- v. Ca'-'ic;- .:s llllasftlrpetillall ia i. J: . r ... -- 1,1 -- ' X- a c. . " -- v - al. IIr".c"j . . - . cf - lJ,-r.- 7 . :..;;vi.L:rl'Lt:V- ret a. i. ' " ' . - - ' c'i - -- ' 1 v Ieft:tlf re'tbout w . . U - ..... ' ... a. L itv-1 . . "la . Ztii: . . . . ( . . . . a ...... xj . . 1 v porttle . . 1. ia t. - . v - - a r ( a -rr, 1, acccrdias-1-1- .' ' ,: 4V, 41 VT. Vrestervelta '. J.T4. r r ta(. - : ' ( - - - T' Tl T- L 1 r, 1 : a 7a z . a f a 4 ...... - - ' . .V D. :i s f7C7 rt 7 7 M' .r V. 4 Ji . j l . ...-..-.."- , . . , - i - J .... .a i.i :: t - T V , ''-'T-.- tf its.t-J.lzUnx- 7 . raryvto :af, . . pAA.M'..A-w.:- a- . aa 'aaaf t i : - fcU crt; Miss- QSJ 'Sail--a-, call; will- arrUe Ia i:ttr:;.:5, a .UaUHa. laa.V Is.'.kC.ta. V i iU iM i i j i. 3 'A:Ca Albreclt. lia" ' r .r:-- 1 - . R; it. lr d is r cvt '7 it C - v t . Lu2- to.IIarry'i::'. ra: 7. K C'ttcn; irir.laMas: tvi' j. - - . w . 1 .ji-f.-- i-- L. -- Ta f J a li. v.7, . " : I . 4" 4 . - , 4. .-- C . 4. . Ifc. C :n. I.: .'...Y.Vn.' .w. . ;.a.I. .'4 a. 'lViV4 - .V ai"'f 4.44. J J, , i ;n..v4!."-- v E.J. - !;a,-latA;:A- i . ' - J t 9 7CC:7' !. - . . a- - . a: Ciy:t:f 1315,. at t. i.uu..- . ...,' J i ' a . ; 7 ) I - - -- ; :-- ML-- lO v T' aJ- A . i to- 'o'cIicK Si 'tzii. (' i s.ad hereby' 1 -- !3 M? 3 Vali Z Is - 7v 41 'C i.r C."P.,Grec2 la..i'aL.0 ':.7 . 4 . . . ' - -- -- . a r 4. i 4 -, r j it. T .vr ?...T:i'rtcrlv Alien JI: r- :t 3 cr 10: Vita 'plae; : r?s.frcai'tl tar1"! eiirit "'rail- sJa.aa.N ; a 4. . .. ! Mr:r.-;T)..jC- l irrrltj-r;- ccaif-.i- ; i - :;. iri..:rt: 77 V'7f77v.7 tl3 t .; v jz:z:itri-?.'- - 7 77v7i 't 4tt 7c:tr- - 7' 7777 - a, .: 2 . :,: Cc atyraMTa tla: rtii: ... II. i i.:fVrcrrr:iv?ii.3 ifrCIv.i.aj a.cr trta: xl:Z: .tciriaeMle - laiX tt .trlial li 7 FC.7T tT, KC'.CLULU,' T. H. - I", .a--- a'. t.ayt-- T. ; Clew Cl:a,vi.!;7 IcEcwt, fctner7pCafIc- Cliaa r :f i,: cr.r.T . j..iiu.t:.Cp., - .-- .? caa-Sr- r v.; 7 lrs';.:ii.vA?.C. TesesJsy: I ff-l 1 ..a -lf tat: tier taTi,' a 7 ?.v:i - . a; . -- :..Ja.Ml3'.,A'.ice'jiiotrt8t5tri j,;sa!J 'pttitJoa- fcet tt? graV ;4 ' . sloilX ';:'v'r ' "7 V rli tlU i ; ' . Kerr. Is; it. . 'i-ia- l WW... : : Ja'Irs N..Goett,.V .. .44 v" .. j. E!r:c-.:r- V.'la; P.lEifrzK lira. r':vi:-- '7TriaaJ :' ' .' I . v Liat ;Cfi'c:;!cra'ial i ' j. a - . I I rV" .:.7-.7- .7. If.-- : Mis's 7" Ec!er T7.. Strittd.rI.Ils3 A; port ; .vv.rKjrtl.t-7- "?..:..;..Prc.';v:-a- t 4 I Crrtflrricra. 'Mr; V.taaflW,'D..Vsi. late X:rt:.'7r t A.E.P7,, 7 71: ..Ifcr-- ' ..T;irV:YUlerri::a. fo.itV'.Kc i.itj on. .7 7r'.Yi;e-Pres- . "rat. "sad 7. 9 :.i IabfrinV AlidUe'iea; ottoraey-.for- : peti ;.;:U-.!..:- .... tldaer.V i.ri'r ; w: V7. 7 7' ''. -7 .7" .17 . C i a.. . 1.. E. A. , Tl, .It;; 1 " , 17.. JV.rh-xtr.'ar-a'- 7 r ;..;.;.Ti C It::3J5ct;I,TS.lr?7t' '7:.7 , . v.. ... c. j v 4 V t ' .....J 1 ra.'cr.. :;t . i ...j i '.,-.cu- - Lr Mrs.V,-i:- . a' J.- - "7.'7' i . .. 7 ; TC7. r - - IiLearu. haw, j:. c :;.7:'.i; c.4 r; irr. . .. T ., ."4-- :ibMr-:c;-ii.-r:,-:.:.--Mfar:r..- f i'7 :t7'r:;? 1 LliLaj.'A. .3 ;T 4 1 . , . 7ATIC . .t77v-.ai- at ' .iracss,. 1 ..' t '. ..lii'fc'f.'. r:;t. .. 7;yf7V'-7"jv7.t-- ! t 7 "Ji4 7i ;.7 7 y L ( 7-T- 4.J i rlaVtTrp'r. rctt,-Mrs.'.--Ci- o;Vi: : : j -- iali'fcrC'ta'lt : iU's'izi -- t . Q KV-'A-- tsi c-- c ti.- - -- jirix)- - 7 1 'ere. - t : a - - : : Her 2 0ct4-- 1 nV S.r. JAIa4.i-.Y...V.7- t r : mat a tl c tl cf A. ...1 ta-Li.--' - .4v..o!;tvk. ' . 7' ' MrsC-IVl-UvM3;- : le-rfet- . ; ae 5 : . will . J j; : 7 7 lat tl4' tf GA' 7r&i:. D. G. MAY..;;. l.v:.:. A 1 IIc;:aa,.i:i-s;V-.1I..TJce.v;Mr- s. Tc: 3 : . . ;c -- :r ' zti. :.clil-rla- r; Ccaar li. i-t- active 71astfi.iTl4-:'0- ; .12 Lac . Ca acaia-'iai-'j- ua: c r. . a- - itsi--- 4; - ;.Mtl. r ti ' ..V tea? o'doct,' 7 caa)VCctol?r lA.C.l..r: ciit 7taatitcloc';tMc;ay1f ir.v3 ."ava ivw iUaVa "itliCaf 1 la'ai'-Yorii- '.Jaay 1 s obtaiaed epeb 7 77r r'-7i- :.kZ:5j&?j"' : nx. irpiiCAtlon' at tle-cf ficfe:.of . tie Coard, J- F-- J d:aa-Aus.trai:i- - N N OTI CZj ar "i 1.7. C1AV f l.rtf i . I." VCJ ". wta.-a- . iti S d c ? k : ?f rcai cc uVer .. rt.? rem : :jf' :; . 4 - 3 a. ; Ail neniL-- ra;. 'jif ilV'.tlat, sfv a:7fa'r; ,Cliia77at!,v acar.J vcf 'I. --iter .Cc .aaia . &tC-Sfc&H-- j lf Mc JeraCrier ;t PhceiilAr;'?-- Cai7A-icadtad- ' 7".. siaaerti.; okyi p7i qaesua to ctteai me faaeral otntar r'v late tnrber, TJeraardebaaana'.' Cc b la :XtteVlla-ii"- t ...W .JkaalJ te-e- ?: leaves ?3rIlJiamsl vtTatJertaillg ria J era' will tziV claca.; i".y . , r a.O . V a. p; SatoT(Iky; OcLJ-- tctSZinttri " . lciT.4tvi; jtni W4-a-t?tix-,- .,-'- .. ' .;....- ra 7. r k - - :irr:r J J a iTORtAa7-v-tr- : iaiia era i.7 ili HafJ 1 -- 7 w ra,': : l-- t: 7H lis i;: :x.4-;r- ' er'o Xai7ty5itaa.-.- I.y.Tla -- V 7-'-- ' Secretary,1 ': "' 'j''"" 7.'"" XaM 12 " f'S'ii C )0 tii ' VaU ta4' C a, .i CITY- LaTlTa i t.' f .V. a-- ; ; '...a" - tVi - '7; The'i c fa'ii': t Cl r '"" : '. j . JLa t"a " I: :t:ra cr ...... c! t' 3.1"" r '7.:7 r:: - v .v : r- ..::ilJ."',Trl:tJ l3Tr,'.fcJ'i'l:V- ;- rj,;' v.,'f ta.c.4 "r' . 7. :r v -- ; t ... -- 7- t j..r cri:r rrc:t-r- p.reseat iCv7aaI!vi?-7- ; a. 2iUSr- - ftt'.4afc.:U.Uit:;. 7 - 7.: 2 li aiaat tid--4t- h ' :j 3 cr arcilL . I cf nea:7:?. i:io. 7 : Vre3'tr' later . r 'Xft dar - t:;l3 c! lcu:ca"ta tlla.cirjsr 1" aufeI4Tstarr-- tweea X VCT. I : atal y t a 1 c : . v.a r rcc-7tait';f- r

ia7tlls.-ior- t TTkcrStlay I'ivai'c!.- taetfi cettau c c. t:. i ' 1 - 3 v'.lxxn8e''5i.joonii-..--ctf- a' 1'4. 4l - JFuraislied IeftaW 6fC.astoia3fKaya-frC- a;.n 7 - - McCuliy:- - f V 7r.t- '5.- . t; 'and 8ta4;i'iiioqa!tv - - Kit' iJishoplTTUtt- - proof;i CavV 'V CCSDt Do4ied,ieaiaea . 7 L V '. v a a waa Ure;7 cen' .lniWatr 'tatta 7 .r , , 7MNi( tas tcea tit:: . ,. py. "Deptity 7Coiiectora W. Lr. 7 . . :r , i '. taTpctolerCl, a;.J ..Union CtrMtt''--- ;.t7 7-- Lirtura ;nocrrTliree-bedrciii.u- C 1anpil6it'9 of vIVKiiiV .i' ...s .. phone - .17JJ ..lU p:pff,.jiainls$Ionera,. tax, as i ... 7 .., i .r , 7 as tie 1 r&iai'talitaalaila'iiH. TAjr l of tie Jawial.j aai j v t firrtaer iTarticuIarippayrtl . ,,4u .ujro jiajru a ,ia a latii; . jfrqia ;yolapaaaia-o- r; llilo. rv ? ; v .1 r , - - 1 y- w Jf .jsiffiwf :FCfl "SALE csui .t i . cv 7 icma Torce.'jUterjWaiicaM: 2 j tdfBIfoAumteaa?T: 2 Vrftlife "7; llTe iOctaleri V;a-d- r Lasr a. c 1 ' ' f . V! llajalaa 41 UtAlilnJt k4at .'i' ipeKbtaJl'ecaraatrCle let 7: . ;':7' -'- 5 I ;' t ' : 1 .a J v even . S Tv ertl .stbifltlee. 2 r-- - 1 ' 4r urt ' ? '7- v 7 Vi Coetf . -- SQtr f; rtz ina: Jbao4 . I I Mil ..... iitfaiw r a - at - nAaitiaa t 7here. Saaday 77 v-- iar:7j t 7 ', unuuat chance for4tve party.- - '. dt A Tef further particular writ v lite... . i' L; a 4. ;:. -- ' 'K'Czitf rctrV StBu!U$.e,vK7 ry.rr r ) 1 ;i c. 7 j. j 1 :

7-7:- i- C ' 7" , '. .. ' '4 ' :. 4. .

' ' ' .. '. i. v ' i i : , ' '""V''.'- W- - ,' ;'"'"V tU.'f"V .liiiJ.Clutfiuii.fe f ' ' ' ' --a ; '' v.,, . 1 ! 1i TONIGHT i PASS SEPlEHEIi iiKinjprail ; liia.liE IS i Lilt : i. t v,4 . . ,;x( 1 W''- - mm ;: L 0 i"

; -- Tl : - TVT-Tl- 4 - M ( ; 1 4 VT. v 1 i f t i i i '11 it

-' c- . Iftor. thet puTpoaeVif-slTr- r atrell--. A- - uu f .ouyu iinu is - :'.. murium earned- - racatfotf, and Tistting- his many ftues Listed Off fChange Ois friends and lormer s taUow-ofTlccr- a ; i' ftusn urder sent to national: - : : purse 99- the hillpplnea. Mai; DaTid.B. Caae. y.. rrpiiis;;' SJufcPitchfcrks V.-- '. .- -'i parunen the-to-ti z ww cater. than: iiuanermasier oere': . tenrortea : -- ror ieate-probabl- . are generally ..nsed; paymfents of .dividend' e ca thi month' trans purposes,; butw ?oday IN last Jalrlind a asricultarab Na - port for and OrlenW-t- be Jes by. H0.5C0.75: than 16U1 pay- 'tie tibcal-Guar-d thlx -- headquarters feceiTed a 1 UU0 ,lVUr,IDUDUl.WlUi,IU9 laiuMj il.. - tneou in Aost.fh 'dJndendi; paid : ruali; ioT,derfor- A dozen of them Jar nut' In September hy local sugarconi' ePct -to leare . .here . oa the military: ssa- - They are not being used October .transport there are Ticcora jTheTfinKTIiariira SllIlECTEplLlIS;. panlea . and rajscellaneousfv industrial If In bayonet drlilbut merely to help In -- modatlons for us," said Mat: Case to and public , eerylce corporatlona listed gathering- - up ,the , dky; s tb'apndVtronlAlS brush, .cactus and onT the.-- . Honolulu', Stoek'i Exchange i W other debria from the clearing Opera- Airir, amount to; a total. 19,704.25 a days to" ar month: Itf Manila,UandI.tb , one vziio sat; thghov; : - off 14 tow.'golng on. In ask 9- f pasV emaiader-f-. . - In tional .Puncbbo! the the time : compiled UwXwugp. shBeta. 7 preparation , estate Lr touring" Umd VJapanVi.wblca crater b" for the Dccrs bpenat 7 o'clcc!:. k ,1fogt'of the; paymeutaare' oa Tegu Chlnav nshaent the National Guard's rifle :'5H-- . In. yea jjir-- 4l v.7 ' , hare noi risited; nine Pictures start :')0 o'clock. . : mith k Tew special - ranger there.. J: K at lor di?ldends and tog- bi i In 1 t?feS:" r leen .'"decosiitrieirlast to-the- - present 2 be-i- ns r. r - quarterly" payments; The, totals., for VVP time the crrl Musical Comedy 8:20 o'cln-l- v v. ; at .'uvv?s aa-fouo- : ; working . clearing each atock' stand Haiku :: toiiajprtsoners at 113,000; ; .$22,600 ,13 aiaj. uase Knows ';ine miiippines k range whlch:i will be.- - S00 yards &SgSPiiicz3: io, o;cd AiiDto cz:;. J . .V. Patsir Kekaha. the perfeclJym' aa;he --waA atetioned 'there long'aad nearly as' wide,' succeed- 000r PioneerLt40,000; ,Watmea,.1250; ,1SS9. to 190tr;and from 430J,to hare rPHOIID 3037 :s ? from nearly two-thlrd- a Kotoa.; 750O; Ha waiian Connnercia been-grante- ed in Weiring of the 1506; He; has: d tsa four and Sugar. Company;, $ 100,000; ... Hono-- space.r6moYing algaroba trees, CactU month . of . absence rand, as be , $ J ;HutchJ5SoxCiVI25.CCa; leare weeds, lantana, and other ncurn-brancer-.! 2:3-- mu,t W50r.f aaya, .wllUje' leaa-- J nATniEE SATUIlDAY AT 15 Ai: i - the' trip only'on ? 425.C00 tVailunku,- S0.C02; the ''unobstructed: s view :'. Paaubau, f ure bent, and aolely for vacation puir-- to', fi-La- - ' sid C2.- -. - J," ,.- Oahu Rillway; Companrr neccssafy- is he ranged poefea.-.,:,- iyi! i --. . i J.'-- ' bhikgtii inDri::3 5 Grcit 500; HavalIaaSusurCorapanyr,?lC5,' 7r':;-V- 'hraJiltlon' to'the dozes pitchforks; P2rl3"''?A XflO; Pepeekeo,'. lS.7C0M,aialaa,, J 15, POP0un-KAr.:EHAnEH- Jfationar Guard' headquarters Is'fur COO ;' Oanu S ugar. Company, $50,000 sishlag tbcf prlsoners one of its heavy Oaomea. $15,000; 4 IJawalian -- Agricul jir;sTr,ucTon.:nAisEO;o wagons to be used-- in carting bru ah" to turai; $2O,0J;TAiexandef 'BaUwln. " - 444 4, .. P4. '44. . n444tt( e burned atjcTplacing it In piles ready t 0,000; v Hawaiian Electric , 410,000; lo'r-b'urnln- g.-- - conflagration 'will -, The ' -- , . - ...... Uwa. $150,000 i CJ Brewer & Company. r: ; -- start Mcnday s' morning r and citizens Ueut,-'A- tl50.fift0? WatmaBaTn;?tr04fl! illnnnliv. former. 2 J.;Booth.,inllltary seeing much smoke- - rising' from ' tne - is t tsrewing--- ftj Mamng?.. company, Instructor: at'tlie ? Kamehameha extinct, crater should not get-th- e idea Iriter-islan- Children 10c $C2S0; d Steaia.NaYlgatloa schools. :Js receirtag 'congratulations that 'an eruption Is- - in progress.:- TO III GUT i :on'be-In- Ei Ccmpany,.!i $16,873;f Kahuku,- - $C00; from the faculty afld. graduates The prisoneraare camping. In tents Iiawaiian PJneapcple :Companyr $S7-- a; Promoted during the week to-- the cn.the; rifle range site, and. after they Ilorplvlp CaB;Company v(preferredX grade of captain! have finished "clearing If, the -- r enslner ; J. $7C0; Honolulu Caa --Company icon Capt.' Booth, aa hewtir be known company; N. G. 1U under the dlrectloi V monK $1230; Uonoluultt Papid Tran hereafter, bas been .in charge of, the ci Capt Charles R., Forbes, win start - - 1 - t It, ,$24, 50 ; Mutual-:iT- $ lephone. . Com military iwork. at the lachool- for- the laying-bu- t ,'the range after the", most yeara'and has kept cadet ? two the . (JXUI last . 1 approved, manner. 'Z.f'-'.- hi'?;1 o ' i...: O v Present, plans are' to have the ranjrs military . work, f.Capk Booth trom his completed - In 'November or , early in hds been aetive in s'ch6o alTairs. Duf Target practise will net ing President: .Webster's absence h December."' " ' annual shoot - start until .orders for the ilk. iJ the States 'he acted aa president, of r. . ' ar Issued, by CoU Samuel Jchnscn, .Mbf,! the.schocls. ;; .t-- ' 7 the. adjutant-general,- ; now .on Hawrfl. shown much, la1 - '. In. athletics he bar CcJ. vjohesca. will return hers- a week present time, is- the TULLY t.'Ar.CHALL teret. and at the t"2ri, fcricrrow ani may pr;rar2 cr--: Crcit'Ccr..:-- v: fhctpby;?- head coach f the footbalMeara ct tae :s Jce Crocks fi He .13 . planning a schocl. The cadets received the ws that. tlme.. t trtiV.Jtcrri the' purpose .c' .in- - of his prbm&tion'wlth- cheers llj-ls- ' .lautlor spectii:y-nfi- oaiJiu.is, wiere. . - - . rrcr nrctive are t"rl"ir j ( 1 new y K tue1 ( . , -$zat.l corar cf itlcnalGar' T ;Vanu!cu-aa4- : at Kahulufs-i- a aucces'i." r;'"-- af 'V'' rfv k Baldw'ia. af'fi'' z ' and rigar mill mcst bT.tt 3'ircv . c -- Y a Li . . -- I 3 - i.;...vf jafv,:: TO ciLtoiVEni pecUve. t: e raVersrare. employed .era - : . . D H u J . - , z AVAY, LASTNICf cooperates la" every? way; to "aid., the ; j q ;M'n:T;.i::hiiiFTiivor; ' - ' '"" fc"c'iae.-The- establls: nent'ef the cbrnpinica. ' INC12Z OF THE A. ; Tr f i . TH. iaenia U.-S.'- 1 c!s8sfCAl&ir.lur . :riavVC.".V.-h:teaer- the -- y. a ? tonight ,an3. lhapectQr-instruc- 1 y ill ,a'p'e r i.Salrday t or, wllt'rret'urn; with i ' rrom. 1 .Mccclay nlst?., ,Admission, $2, fl.50, WASnrXGTOXvr Col., Joanscn Octo&er ? tne 'aese'-'-jjiaTltlme- : C: f $1; End'"50cAdr.-:.- tot ntie" Icu$' tsIhtidv''Bcta t::a have been 'stupcndpiisf.-.i'COD.- "VD 1 : ci Vv vt vvi-- " ;rh8 . .;i j toTrsofflee-at- v itaurla. reporrei to ; - I ihrf' hutean , Term, and doestu; oa- - Hawaii, ;a-nd- front' alii rerorU moment athriHcr. cl)c;i't cii- - i 't':-- cf ',.V;;ni;tiC.Tifttutt ;bt;.';. :ar Is In x.:re to'-'pr- i ;1 i ! ! . ter c t r. en 1: a n t c tt t : t Y.lieeler.-the- . Aiifericaa Charge, ficurbliing icCadiUon -- thfeVeUhaa evr d 4- - .v; r 1 r Ir-i- n ' i r JkM 4. ... fairs at 4.Tokl3.",--xh"- 3 ?a.greeoent Wa3 slzned Iby Ube'" Japi-'cs- oi miaiter:..tix China and the .' ector :ot. theXhlaeso Aieut.thii. ' customs serTlcer'aidcame Ihtor fprci& S4R 'am.- - '. . 4 4 4 i .MM ' . ' ,4 Septemuer-1- ,4. xne JapaneseW4.4.4W ? .v: tlind 'bur' -'7' 2D per...... - ) covernmeht; afHreddetliig . t to' exist-- ' cent fOf thevirnprtiduty, as-- 1 provided .i: In the ' tevisj 1 Haiteementitib'eteen, A t rcat ticral Tha c -- ruber of men'tvlio are taklas - v Germany. and CIil5a; out yet ;the cus- c:;- d v-- great 1 0 sale', at 4 a : 3 cf -- jwi----- 4- -- J IUt.' ' the li44 -1 ' My - t . .. - . 1 toms 'receipts', .levied to the rdate ' lLJ " ; i ' ' J ' re ;i T. , . ' l:ci. ; . ' ... ? Tee liuD Eoowa cieany mai not by ' ;.cnly: ; who vkriowi a bargain. r the ;:reopeaiE''of customs. the ':iost;:forc-':- : wenen Japanese ..'Tslngtau, :A. d authcritles.at A'o- - - RcTj.ar.lJU-an- Vo suits', selling for" ' - i"- 'r.-- d Intelll4 over; .Hvct!f7; Pcrfcra-- $13,", WULia.'Ppea' fbi3 'eYfning turn the remain,der tv tha. trtl ' Ttcre' r;iid-c"Uloni- 'neass .of. 3 jntJ.orltliTIiniwrtr.'ftt 44-. t.,4kJ V 41 44 j - -'- I ... ; v. 'these ncrirrllly'Vexceed $S,G0 3,0 Oft. j ; J , 4M. 'V M 4M y - f 4 .Tsiaa tair. i Assist cd'.bj ; I :e .vprcbv Wit acnum-i'to'italu'jrol- particulars 11 " It' Ik ! . .lefore tiia. cccerhlng-- tb & tradft .at .TsiasUuVwefe - - recently issued- - by;the bureau otr for- Vatider-- and-domestt- copimerceia p-- JN el( . ... t.le a ent xo .Cbniiaercei Reports datea v . . 1. I Newnan :Ccfnrnrni. That Never juiri7;;i8i5vo:;;lir3 CHARLES R. BISII 0 P ILU.L F " . whtt-'a-ils your-- child,, a ' ;Y.' Herald; iNafiiiatter .'.r. gentl8,f taorouso ; ,E ao'u 14 a ' - . : . iaiave f- ' 6v t; .. iif ft '4 7 - IT; Ycj.-'Voo- - wars fttf. the. first treatment riven. nrUKSDAY, OCTOBER IP.:", r corn4toPers, 'wUh.' corn- jjAlJld'H-lfoaDl- i cn'e 1? half-- .' 1 . '. If your little' ' i - . v . . . V L Y ; A N D T H TY,CC FITS; V - wrii'ilti and-- fieart." rriUiar "Sit down V.T T ; Ch'aldf - tlzzt:, CI- .- r: jof-MGet- ?Mi5Mp; Ufi 'an4;,itr.tau resting,- eating-- ana aciuig J.Rc::rvcd ten!-- t cud puT trreWvdro'ps ; $ick,'isa't PhflIpVfoad;::Jrajr King-- c treqtjaJi naturalIy--lb- ok r tcrigue 1 e p l corn .remeay in;; ine; Mother see.if It, 1 'Elm esr '.Kalakaua aveoue7i' T sign it'B wcrld bn. y ou r cc m .You 'ciil!;.apiy f is coated; This ir a.sure that r :;fv'Ticlcts on Sale at Tcrritc DESHONAt tb8 Departtaant Hos little;; stcpach,iiver and: bpwel are -- DltallTort Ehaf Uf,THttoialu Sei...... - - x v - . . s , Jr I,. t ' r: i ,Lagi3,'to-L.ieuk7iua- i ftirsi tember , stomach breath ' 1 . tabids feverish. 'qsr . . . , , - , Vercyl BfcsHonsba'HP ebrge Ellea: a3?,or- has, iatomac9-ache,- i dli rrhoea, ' - - . 1 ... f; . . AHICThrt5 Hoppltluxeptember sore" throat, fall of coid .give a tea-- i 1','" ' t'"i?0;.4Si5tv;Mit and Min; Knaack,; spooaful orCalifornia Syfup or 1 igsr . .... x ! - - i . tSi-i- ghterageJScfrgk- and far afew ; hours all .the- cons t pated food and sc : r "bile poisoniundigested V-- gently mover, out of, its little 'bowels LL u, 4. i4 S-- i without griping, and "you hive well, ii. - KOCGycnt!tt;' llOntliiuviSepienv layfuchild agamv a.?.Viy i . , , m.ffM (. 4 easy tfvlng ' , ' 4--4 4r wxeo Fr Mothers caa Test after '." . ma I " "fit i r hlone ort'hiltei cents pef.Coot jJILHuntf Ttt(rcTet;-."" this harjaless ffrult-- htxatlve,''because pastor. bfSiU" Peter'j-ehurchvoffi- ci- IV never to7 cleanse mue laus -- - 1 bn:8 liyer and ' bowels and , sweeten 0:M'ri;fH. ,'. ", .. ud- - , stom'ach-.as-d Chui;-il;- the; tney dearly . love; ita v.., i - "Vi ; i-- . . , .. ' l.-- ;ages and:;for .... . ;....(;..,. ' J (' i , bahtes; ,'hhildrenr pfali inr'j'if'; : c:;o cn ' i MisaMaxy Anntoiaa.f Kiriiirnes-- growiTrups-- pnntea ,on ' eacrr Douiei .vaio joys, an "unpusirucica view oi: ocean 'Cora- - ltj--t?'6iti- Eii js njeware of ;. co.unterf eltz; fit. , syrups . .. t-f- - mhT! nt runs-- - Ask- yourr dnigglat;for' a ot rrl at' few's econta,' Without fiias it ln::iust f jhg; vWitnesses-iJosepl- i- K; 'Kauli 1 tie ofci'CilifQrnia Syrup of. Figs i' then or trotlbJe.tWht iX$i&&&Jik ' falake 'and see tnat! t isvmaae .oy;ine "uaurornia .ii-"f-':'''Yt'- ? salTes that' Y6es;rW ;6re, Simp 'jCmpany-Adv..eji;- , that daker corns' swell; handagea that u.: T. '. 'walk, v tape . tnat mak9 lmiaery'. tr f SrfAFTER AEROOOME HASvt ' i- -: Orders Only. -- 1) easy-blnmen- v ti cOn n I atlckaV arid othef a. mobpjw. OG RA M; FOR. TO NIC HT 4r;:r DtionsT- - OT corna.j "eaay PUleuiAie-'WBe- HJWltit.PR :: tl'-- v; :' tra Ce t'itii the h c Bethel Street;. way. QurcV:aImpre;4?ute, bas-i- ' aafiraerodVme'r r ;''- -' ' ' ' Vfi Y ';: - v V ;: k;. As. v v Y.'i l V-- Vrt-rAi ,f 4 w- --' j. 4. . brIafylandearsTold . jf., - ., - - - ; - l4i-- -. t . , ... . . ; ' : ' ' . .. ,w.v.v - . - . r- i - ' v can't- r hurWtKef-- ;T:ortt'i:lb68enSi knd WSeptemberWiS.ri .Tii48affettofs;6ftfn0a 1 cornea Hght'offieafiolfc : .f?.. IflU"stfTC Kalial.?:iatiTV f .KHla, ?44 fbiraIt,',ahrfOTt llnitf r ditionl tfiercwilli of V9o sent.-dfreo- EL ' - lit4iumber A 25c Lottie; ixr bf Liv TV V' J4444i444.4Mi4.414444444mm4 r- Ktfl; . . "'Inli'ultn "W f , rence C.Chlcag' "SaidrHi (Hono-luluan- Hl tiling ' aithorMr -Xa M EW. A M Vfi AIM K Mana ftiimc4Airi ' h .nwnaiV m9W . t&h ccA'Temedy by - ' : :BensbSmi$ifc. jl Mats-V- - "handc-li- r . Fort and Hotel St : tte. Xlns and Misr ' :'MpPWMiczyli fifote) ' ; Ci.trv; Hrt ioid atrkts; jaddj 4lflit SHtttiTi'i?'' - : r 1 a - - 11 :15 i ; ; HoI1.8te pfoiC-dvk- I j X OpeTJnt! YsTm&X H; v "1 "'' 11 .Iiinv.y," t- - 4si44. tJbrd lea:,td3W Isfejal &er;gop?a wa wwnistegenerair'in WhlcbAit Is ; 1 - ' i larmY. histedis frtm.:heoi'vTli.keriy-Lor- ?X?liifyew-wa,- 4bii) oat',Ou . . r- 3tetie9ibfJ : . v oCibeiSbuth. African. waJ Yst vplaying"thei v- ; a'teteran. cvenfas liveliest and -' When in dumps; go to Vi; r' the '':i?;tfeMfe :,MU's eomeunnr un;ereDi. sttingt ne was lormer. coonei w m wum poa-popUIa- numbers they harreV-- birir'-bir'ailntniejit;$- - ,00$. IihffoatrHaMetjardft Smfce'tbie ;rvn. saturnay mgac qnnr-- utmna wu y ay.ysft-..A;?- ; tr;-'- ' bk the hlC4 e'rwter'prTtwonieaaad; fha "chiefly "barej$pipabeent in-- coniiecttori an--- ; eye - V - A m m hi . ' . . ties Jrennsed opefle v:M-a;:;lt - ,u. -- 4 44 44 444- - 4l4447. V.I with- the raisingv'afld,. training?or new , ... , . IWWII. J rf ; am' to bebald; et flialiawliatirai twiF-itttlv4- nelghj evBAf jTL-rr-st?i;t ; happen if your hair does not Itop failing bothcOfZnls nernei Arinsban V QHi't..";Vi4IT.TJm.'Z': ' " Rates $3.50 per ay,; $21 pefeiweelci tie" fbrmelsa'tTyieri -- Gbnld. Good Bathing, GolfPaMJ.reals Vrwmrli.l'Tiiii.''" . -

iart-Er- t ' ; " Corrfort Af - c 30 JHles City ; ( . - - '- Railway.?;. reni i 1 Bi; -s r 1 is our coinioa uJtbi besilbiironw 'CTfcerfceyi jt WiclcSiCclParJs.' N.- t 1 - ; . ; : ; . Dnr !sta $3e "7 - : rattlv i.-- U by.ua-oeat- a. n rr tia n-- .'" ' 1l20Kcnubt4 tleiriarket..-So- cy J rt'r irrih -i Af iT'll ' '.''.. ' ':J VU WrXt;:'l;Tv:r : , - .. . i - '

vTlie quality-o- f patriotism is measured by IBTSQlSSIFIED ND BHIPPIXG vUielioiintf real welfare and happiness it fj section: .conduces to humanity. Prof. Henry Olericlt J IK

JS I'.



,0511111 HUPLT- - - MM ILEAMiTOS ALL ALCNli WEST f pain offenilvo , in ; .the t.X'hsmpagne " T are.rriow; club was organlxed a year the' French' within' two'and a f Jones'is alleged to have stated that fTcni'Vir f nolnla.. The 1 Y. W. .C..A. Has Hard, Time half .rail esbf ..the ir" !maln ijbjectlve, the fiajnelrji Bujlttppse iderVto oth- 1 ! Of ago with .4 mere handful pt members it .would . be,useless to pltce 'any n, . ; 'triangle ; Mssslgnes;t ; ' - -- il....- - -- a WMK MakingJheiTi JGive.Mp ' to start iwith; and 'since that time lias railroad at The ear:pafnraa er xuunes on the ballot' aa ho , other LmikJ Phase battlefronC which' is v betoe; driven - be'en growing steadily. There are : 40 candidate would . have any show'what- yard by yard against the desperate re-- ".' ' ' , ,01 Pacts for Relaxation v members now, and. new ones are com As RepubHcan Choice? eyer.":;. ..;:,T s o j vrown-.jrTinc- e, - .Fc.iy Pcnsons Known-t- Have fiafejn AlK the .Theclub lasdl- - Sisiance pt xne exiena- With these reports I came ; rumors Honolulu Ed'JCtcr G!.:: ::.t tine. 12-mIl- a; ; ed night alonr ft froht Is K brewing among ? Is vided 3nto two;;parts, one of Juniors, last C-Co- Lv thai .there revolt .tle.SpmeInci-y'TrL,.- Lcci Lives and Hundreds-y- 'Xearning to become Americans - V WASHINGTON, D. Thee - ;: t ,10- - to; age, from .Auherl to Vllle'snr. Toubre:al- the ' young Republicans of Indiana, hard and long work for the Chfnee from 16 jrears ofk and, the dore .Roosevelt la a candidate for the oArlnjuredi : most within,' sight 6f the who say they are. tired of voting for Abcut us girl,: sayg AnnetU ? TMechmann, other proidej: girls. r.; ,Zk ' Republican, nomination :. for, president along which';!the.'pemans !hftve.cc , secretary V- AY. . The, Juniors lnto.a club having bully Fairbanks, and who threaten to back educational et the arealhered the colonel is a I V.'Ir 3 lieu-ant- ItooYehV:;-;?- (Associated Press by Fc :ral DA!.! AGE vfcTrWPRTY W. CX A.; "and we are trying - to based joa the old tradition jof Arthur'a e hunting up In; Canada .his s plies : depend r.-i- 's ' point Bound Tabled but .'Instead of a,; cold and which they uponfbr arrangements j In "addition to all. this Republican i SE.TTLE. Wash, Oct 1. Tl : help them' out all we can out - ; have perfected V,' RUHS INTO ..MILLIONS " .. grUmihg Oag6net, ' a. the mam sustenance .or their .armies headquarters Jaere have received word tiohal convention of the Galahad a, or : ; easier' and) simpler 'methods. he'-Argoe; tor place hla. name on the Republican :tAAcelot,'.the-quain- in K Missionary Society in TO : wrorat - no stately t little Chi possess- from l New Hampshire to the effect make! It an tna In'-the- ; ballots In nearly , every . state sen They .lAt1: "polatir Oiairipagnfe. by I : tt go nese, girls chattering jclrcie i other systenv. - that. Roosevelt also la to have a place Was. told last nlsht Tai of Pent Up Wat'ersjat play. Chinese girls to Amer- father la a ing..the direct primary V ;i Fcrcs Uuie C;:.--!-.-.- notably'' Ouvrsge Lla . FajtevGer- - ; . . at ,de n on the primary ticket in state. superintendent of the -- . morning ' and '.play' games. , .vv ...! information, reached Washing-io- tht " Drives-Ship- ican schools Irom the until This u Gulf s : ; ; Wesley Home, Honolulu, !' r.o-lul- pert SO go rThis' ls,tbe jsost ;.lmportant .part sources friendly Colonel Plans to Get Jump. that 2: In the afternoon,: and 'then regain from three not. to Was., t! : : them t6 a foothold and hold the Significance of this lies In without morals and Over ;Vhanres straight to Chinese school l where of our, wrork,. with them, .1.think, said Roosevelt ?H , IThe 'all . a' k .'.' sion3ries'are needed there. Ths s'.ite-me- nt . B o'clock. . Front Hiss Dlechmann, ; easily; news came an organ-ixe- r the fact that Minnesota; Indiana and they remain unUl fori jan : .The. first from was in cc;:r an T teach h em acts they Memorize facts Fleet Combards .rstUrtq'asL-- scouring west New Hampshire are the first three made the i" rrew uy federal Wireless) until they might have ft little tune nbs has been the r.. fA!aUd connection ; with the l Sin& , presidential addres3 on Hawaiian condiiLa?. oral 1.1 ; with, aridity It Athena In !tnera. states to hold a primary , ?,l LE, AIju 1 bfr, but; they are generally too tired but J hard for In, the interest of the Weeks of Massa- r. 0 Oct ,the Ubhs,yesterday;;7the '"nayal year, and p hysical, befcro sc::l-f- v 5 ;.get; ,spIrit-o- care- .and. air ; . 7 directly next and If Roosevelt get ths wept nervous play; 'Beside they tb the Occidental f chusetts boomlet He came : jpassir of the hurricane. which and to of Allies assucBd .offensive the Jump on regular Republican In the course of th'.3 adlrfo.s ?Irs. Gulf and Wisslsslppl sections iid hardly know hoiif to take their recre. less playfulness, JX wre .can ince loos- forces the from Minnesota, to; Washington and the the cooperation with the; heavy aspirants those, states he would be- Barrett also announcel thit tao y ? v supper, they study en.! the chains, la .their mlh4B If .we tactlcs'.In sought ft : with the Burton in the recKtaUisbment of telegraphic com atlon. After their conference Koreans Hawaii r.ro bui.ir It until into the night preparing their can only.rejax their uIeadly seHousne83 of Ohio supporters. He sald he Jaad come factor in the' preconvention la inunlcation. has been .learned ithat far ejalqr engaged In training wltli n; ;as Many the ilritishmbhltors' bombarded . campaign, and possibly such' a factor woilen 40 next day. found , indisputable evidence that ; t. lea ft rcrsons havebeea titled! double lessons for the fr-.r- ' ' Belgian coastpositlcns.:':'' ; la anticipation cf free!?.-- Korea studying American: v 1 & the to- - go. upon that his nomination either would be end .')') cr more Injured, . The dam of them are at the same time fgtds.:i' Roosevelt's jiame isr the taught-Jipuse- - v A: French'.aenT.squaiiro:! . Japan. . . "raided the . M Inne-sot- a, forced or the battle of 1912 repeated. sEge is : It Is estimated la music and the result Is that the 'only " The plder.glrls ate Republican . primary ticket, in imcnie. GeTman positions " - advance the v traveling Is Is Jvoped In :of. : . . ? :v:.-- The Weeks emissary, who JS'ew Orlc .r.s alcne to be 42,000,000, time they 'can practise their lessons' hold economics. It. that the and, he added ' lac forces '..In', - brought- - news : of was great early In morning before breakfast. teachers of domestic science In - the I;' t I Prom.- all I learned Roosevelt will the from Minnesota, The fcrce th? food bo the ' 'ftv'lators "dropped '72 U Culfi-crt- , eagerness 10 local schools will donate services .Ouignlcourtthe carry primary: of; state; just said there need be no hope, that It at Mississippi, lhat . our "They show a reverisn telr. the. that' " ' bombs.'acnareittlv'many taking effect. ' alarm.- : ; 'y - 4: - a nervous, for tthls ; work. couree wiube a as sure as the GreaC Jehovah made a filse tcan crs. Including: the British. Birch- learn all things, and alert The - ': "wooj, a of 1800 "tons;" ,were ness which' Is astonishing. The hard, seriea ofi .talks .kooni such things as Theajrcraft:ere! Uttlevepple8.T.K.-'.K-.;k- H T.'R. to Force FlshtJnj. : :' vcrsd m r- e w 4T n ; , aid, neavy DonDaramept ,bui aoagea"tne v-- - was reminded Col.' Roose- f I'wbeJ c ' over the Verves and sre now est thing to teach them Is that the household hygiene.. first; .'menus. Montana Strong for MooserV.': i that of .the gunners and ft Republican, house ibulldlng eccjatloa land,' econor efforts all.returned jQuIckjy. following -- this., a Burton velt is not but a Bull any small craft greatest; lesson In the world is that - j " : .'.fact l at j - : ' ':-'"- ,' rV':-'- to'thetr base' inr safety;' V&jSi?:-J- emissary : from Montana.. Mooser. :' the New Orleans waterfront7 were which teaches us to live for the skfr - arrived In - ..Which '1$ one- of living.'; They ' cannot understina An interesting 'outcome: of , the- Chi- At Eeauvrains, not. of that state Burton has the support of f "Say,"! he retorted,' "that doesn't cut the point --where French -- ad- - any more Ice among tho Republicans Tr-- r f r (he fifety of the Southern ow recreation' ma? luild up the' mlnJ nese .Girt8 Chfo Ja tnat t --nas hrought the iave the.sblest of the old line Republicans. they a ;of curiosity .among ;tho: yanced frbm.;thelr trenches' French openly Bur-Ia-n who are out to nominate him than if (,r TrrSpus and other; big and stimulate the imagination, for about revival They are for him. But the ' 1 -- children, ;They sappers 'iyesterday 'sublg, you told' them Roosevelt is too rich. til; n (lisslpated, late deS' attack education on the principle iof Chinese mothers of the ;icarried;ut t man like the Weeks man, had - : t ! - la a labor for a pound oMacts .wish tO;know how--to ..read the .news- mining .operation, blowlnr up the ert discovered a movement ; to. : place They wont listen to that! kird or talk. that the froteus of J . "." ' " JT-- J' I. . man trenqhfppjolt laJconslder-abledistanc- e They want T. 1L : . t..o l )wcr MlssigglppU'and Club Crowinj FaV" " f Roosevelt's name on the primary tick That's their collese shop--. and, roccupj lag Jhei ;cra- - yell. And If we find some way 1 r:i the ethers have been "Miss 'Diechnann Ms vorklng nam so that'they wilirbe ahie'jtq go, et and, again like the Weeks man, he ; can't with a ? Chinese Girls Club which plJjg. ,t And 1 abpye ;allJ tthey, want: to said that if this could not be prevent to keep him off the primary ticket la Workers Prelect to ":.- -; - ; : - primary good Lord only promises to develop Into a great factor Keep pace to a certain aegree wun trench line.' ; .r. 'v;, . ed Roosevelt would, get the delega- the states tne " f Vd- - ; 4' tlon.;'-..;:- :. V.- -f J;r:Ku- ? I - in, Ho- advancement of their laugb.trsy; knows what those hoorah boys wont the 'Alabama n the lives ,rf C nen the :. ' ' ' ' m r . r . . '. ; f.nrpp.F v s . do to us. . . . to Ti r "Montana simply la' full of fools who '::,..; ; !cr and Manshack " . Erutity l. :. At-TCcr- WAHTORN SER31A. m" don't know anv .than , vote "If you pick out the states In which th TIT"' better to : LONDON. Eng., la colonel ,every so in 1912 you 'XlCT ;c . r eight whites Oct for vthe time they are Roosevelt ran fast will Associated Trca by Federal V,'lr f every 't on v crowned 20 preparing oreventuall ties and given .the chanced be sald . be 'the ground where the fighting . 111.. 1. A and and s CHIC HO. Oct. i.L' thing-indicate- government - cr. 1 . '.. despatch that the at But both; these bearers of bad news will have to be done. ptr!' Ar.ctl.cr' : hand baltlo between Ti ys -- r-.- already f:: . : .aa and 16 negroes Athens considers thecpuntry.4 for their "cBief were of the opinion "Look at iilchfsran.' ,Taft had most raeat workers and an e'; ial r..;. .a, - !": t. cr in siaie pi.:War wn lurxey. ana that while .Roosevelt could . carry the of the delegates because there wa3 no police occurred here yc:- "T.7n:i. a " " ' elec-tic- A ready to cooperate .with ,Serbia Against Republican .primaries two presidentlar primary, but la the inva-led.th- i r,i!"i . the .jprrirts, of these the strikers Ir - ' --y M- - Bulgaria any Bulgar r r C o cisturhed V In the event of states he could not carry them against Koosevelt beat Taft and Yllson a hard encounter the re;, ? tl : - ' : V 'v ; 'i wires .and Wilson in the election.- .'.;.. tor rt her. ::''.';, out of the ! strikers d'Aitivn V. r '. 5 Serbia called "nponGreecevto ; "Look at Illinois! Look at Per .syl- ) i z . ccrrect re T.CM has' Washlnaton for 'the PolohelK and across tho river ia? t: ; i ; . van you - r .come to her assistance and has rafter The third report arrived, in the la. I tell If we can't .stop tha Strike leaders li:-:-t ' district- r' ff ed. large shape boys, r re rc; orted to have t'm I territorial Inducements to her of a letter stating that Roose hoorah Roosevelt can just t 't tested to ::ay?r Tl. a t :: vie: ity Ola .J former ally,. believln.grthat an attack name was to go upon- - the Re- back'ana look rn 1 they, wi.l rf Iianshack. :;-- telt's ir.ntcr.t cl:.e wcr tratal. -- t. i v ; 1 'rna-- , -- frbin Bulgaria, In cooperation publican primary, In. Washing come. ;the cc-t- - .:'-- - ' rt to be with the ballot to Tr 3 r f : 1 an ton quoting. 'Wesley L. pu-- ' ' I i.n,i Trenlcr. '; AgentVAVell threatened' sAustroerrr attack and Senator pl;i..u tj itcciL'veit to li a.Tray rr :aq;"rstrike sy-it- Rccii'ccsWcrkino Hcurs and Jntcrnal.lBevenue - 1 Cle, - Vy froin' horth,- is 'soon':(tO: be made Jones of that state as say in 5 the us rf;bt . c'd. c! - : ; Jiren tbe -. br'I",'i..,tl") rr'lt :,ara:cr.t r:'. rr- ' 1 . colonel wouIdBWeep-theWuillot-- La-- I. have" - to hnve bftcn lncrcr:s?Pay . With, JSnz':h. H:re "P'.'its Job Er.th Turk ptren;them-- a"ft'-f- .' been out amons 'eia and work. Nearly lr'" ' ,1. ' : ; . . primary'-;- ':r"-v!- r' ' i 1 1 !; ,I,"wLca That Bulgaria s intentions 'are not I A hy 1 ':t rr: .'were n Bonuses er-Tha- Llake Oregon Home - plain Is Istlll r Tv d r.;cd r at ail; from the l.: 'a .. 1 1 : rt:,er deaths auspicious "that, the mobilization .1n lapse and cr.:.:' 1 "i 1 5 .Wireless V According word .'just Veceived atj country i i 1 ... J sections in Associated Press ty Federal to that may yet be intended for s V. - revenue offlee, Bert 1. The the .locallAternal A cooperation with the Quadruple En 11 -- 1 I i- J PITTSBURG. PaV Oct nterpar revenue -U p;!!L:DELnsi:;:i 5 frcm New Orleans Electric Company; faced M.'.Thomas, former tente is evident, In a despatcb: to. the Li Westliishouse and"- - f ; en. find add ' --bf- agent; for tthe California Hawaii Times from Salonika, .: Vhlchy states r' that by a general strike of employesr - foicc; fluid .posf-tlo- d e , r new- Injured. J)am-ther- con- - district,: has resigned the that .German . military ehglneersi em ercd them . yesterday substantial MANY ARE r will require tendered him by the UnltedStates ploying aboat,304000 Turkish Iaborersr i . F4::.i. ' ' ' ' ;. ' " government In .are 1 working, Iff ; The company offers !Juy:lii?5tfi at a ..feverisa; rate?' it i3 learned that was sh'lfted.from Calif brnla strengthening . tTchatalja v;llnes," . a feame ;pay r Thomas the ; ;ul.'.:-;:l- . a., - i two ..hours week at, the .iia t: ? r;rcat, , , ' hut the tO.oruanz-ure,,- ; vjaece ue wo. w running from ea of, Marmora -,- a of six per cent on earned the to 1 Scores of newspapers on the'--- ; ..dropped ': 'off a i:-k c: c with bonus taken;-charg- the the Krestle anchor Tl atdl err' t red 10. The have' e, xtt .collections In. he Black. Sea,' in .the rear of Constan quarter , . .'. 1 : wa c:es progressive " by I'. payable in : I s mainland served the United Press shadowy tropical Isle. Wood hopped sc. dr: v; " Oregbh'.vWashIhgton ;and Alaska., :He tinople.-- 'CL".'" ,ur Is that ?C"iy';i ro-e- y ly instalments. It estimated " new? service are printing,, under a Into .a ship's ;boat and ashore.' st" 1 la thii city " -.- us i i.i the flooded area 10 had sDent-25- years'; In California.' and .yesterday the Greek; vgovernment this is equivalent to. an Increase of Angeles ,datT,lihej the following --story, Tnera he found a colony of .cannibals. 20 ; rrr .r.s are 1. tracks are said to "state 'was. "home to hlm.. Jl$ ,!s proclaimed .Tnartlal ,law, ln : the yrcsirat. per. per annum In wages. '; the tdl purported to have .been given out by Who' ate when , we.- wiarla-.v away. cent -i- ' .bananas there wa3 vied .for saw to nave aeciarea ,uan oawKijr; trlcts of Athens, the Piraeus, Salonika, ; .; 's ' : i' ' 7 W.arrentJLX, Wood of Honolulu. '.The nothing else handy r he' would.' qutt . the ...department Florlna;Serea l,'" Mr.r-Wbod, that .ind'ICavala,; vessel in which -- left Ilono-- ;,: He managed .to keep out of the fry- leaved CalltQl;-- c , a. nespaxen jrom , ttome - ratherthan ' t vaJii'ans Julu was Jthe Kestrel, called, the "Kres- ing pan, for five wctks. during whlch 0 V quotes the Klornale .d'ltalia jas saying lit seems ithat Thomas; stood the tle":ittr the ; despatch, The United. the savages fed him like!a kin?r, and EJiEElIitylliiife lias-offere- - d ; J, Greece- Press-Item.-iollow- change for about twt,vand.rom-hal- f that Serbia the in ;tfullv '.? viewed his increasing weight with evi- Cau-forn-ia GuleVgelt ; 3 months,: and then longing --for districts of and Doiran ;in hla '? WTood, dent relish. The situation was beconv ' Slacedonlft .exchange, tor.. Grecian Varren D. former commodore tpulled .to the.; Golden in of-th- him back e South Coast .yacht Club;: and m Ing a. bit embarrassing when the little '"in participation M ?ah expedltion' : State.' i He has written 0 his frleuds to be - Norwegian f"!T ' 1 Vknown Angeles- steamer Thorns arrived. - Jby - well Los cluhman; is ; despatched the Allies. against Bui- ' - " - l.J ll:iiii iLd tutiuri lh the .Honolulu office to the effect Sack at his luxurious home here today Disguised behind a five' weeks thathe wiavengagin Wsbes J; afte'r W.'series ,bf; adventures! the beard. Wood approached the Swedish I Ci -- Thomas'- - Is well knbwh' In Hawaii; south iea3 calculated to make Robln captain and asked for passage to Ho- - iC.i LABOR UNIONISTS !i !i hsivlng been' 'here 4itwvarIoua times to son'Crusoe jealous.' ; (? Jnolula. He told the captain he had MONDAY ' ' ' : Ho JOIN RECRUITERS. m JaU Install,different collectors In the WTpod went Honolulu six months mansions (Los Angeles, and lots of ' Oceanic Loda No. C71; C 1 f LONDON.Eng,Ocfclin to f to, nolulu office.: ilHls ; first visltiwa: .in .ordr money; The captain elevated his beet- 1 demonstrate 'exists good ago on a pleasure trip. while there ed; 7:30 p..m. 1900 and he came afterward" In'Qlw that there no ling, brows; but lowered them again, ' thev by parlia he received an offer 6f the tlxlrd mate's-Jo- TUESDAY nd ivlslt reason' tor enaciment - growled menacingly, and finally con All 19071910.1911 .1915.HJ ,xtt British 'ship-Krestle- and Qzz:ViZ7 Harding Re "Papc's ; Diapepsin" Ends lay 'was made for the purpose o( ment of a compulsory service Jaw. the 'the sented to let - the society man work Honolulu Lodse No. Z; last accepted. a r-- Lz': libor unloa representatives .yesterday .it for ';' hisway cial. Third Degree; 7:0 ' . Distress in plactag Collector John F. Haley in the lark:; to Sydney, Australia.' p;.,: V.';':rvay Closed Till F Stomach rive in1- - London'; stuff pez&ni of fl c& -- Collectors- Chamberlain l?rake. announced; that, they (proposed to. fiThenthe :Jack. 1 At - Sydney, - Wood told, himself he V.'IDr.'ZCDAY ' r augiirate; speqlat campaign When far out on sea.SkJpperTIn . : 21; and CottrllU who preceded Haley; iwere. a : tecrulin. the would cable home for a money bag Hawaiian Lci;a amongst - die of began to that' 7:-- aiso'established InWoffice; bygent unioniats and other woriung- the Krestle notice that" would astonish, the natives! But cial. Third l.src; J i'.' will", x tA: '. r: re's ty rc!craj."v7irejet5s3 Time' it! Pape'a. Dlapepsln di m9n.These:representatlves believe bls;t?thlr$jlufn sha he did not He was unable to Identify ZZ '.V Thomas.r i 1 THL" - gest anything you eat and overcome a that ail the:, necessary men for the peared on declc wearing 6ilk neckties. himself to the Satisfaction of the cable II. .Oct.:l.TboJpan- ThomaihSarly history breads , Hu.oL:.a Chapter No. 1. "iTo:;, out-or-ora- er I tir - objectedl r army through The hardyj'sklpper - . jrassy or siomacn -- may be, obtained volmj io company, which; Aiz'-- ar--- ' pnonnj sour' J . John'pt.-Fo- it wanted cash for the If.; Special, Royal i L TVS much like, the storjes by ' ' exciting ' : -- tncly wit" ia tiye ' . There were tense ecenes and message ', in - r dr. . ..: : f il ! .Jiauies. ago was, In' serv teers.' advance.'. The American rgrce; 7:33 p. ra. than U .S; years he the -- ri:r idur-mea- cotnrortabiy, altuatibns, with., use ot, ) belaying Mf 'd6a;t fit -- the 1 1 ; ; consul wouldnt the amount Oct. : '. r: s at Gold Hill ice amongr the . Kentucky mountains, risk ' FRIDAY or --what ou eai JIes4lke. aJum.Cpf BRITISHERS TAXED. JON pins .peemingiy v In Cv.wl.ra' Cut's tsieruay 'enforce 'the riding on. horseback, among the moon-- 3 imminent. you aawi-that'Veventu- ead In your stomach, or II have - HALF BILLION LOAN. 'v v- - ? , f JRnaliy. Wood Two : weeks "later V.'od overalls, .delay. Cel. Chester Harding, acting ; Shiners and', eeelhg; whole- chabtefs of , ,is ; sign of Indigesp LONDON, 1. sbmebody - ab- heartburn, that Vfth t Chancellor. would:itave to tie 'Jknocked. beard and alt asked for a job on the goYe::..r of the Canal Zone in the ' '- " life in hls advntures his fln.Oct SATUHDAY '.-- ther:f g - Ion. '. z - i '.. . '. qfvthe Excbeauer ;McKenna anhounc-in- into; ; lee scuppers,..and; .Delng ran liner Yentura.- He got one peeling sence cf General Goethals, has ? resignation venue department ahe ' - fifty- - - ;--: your pharmacist a theTe ,, yester-- , jUtoes-;?:','-sV- ':.- ' so re. ortci to the war department.', r Get from: loses one' of ;Jts 'oldest agents. in the .house, of, commons athlete .jind riiard I as the . ptovtarWai vi:.:-- . cent case of Pape s Dlapep8lii and take day. the terms under which the Anglo nailshe decided to .quit bis job vraJLher v But he got his revenge. He obtalnel a Hose just as pn as you, can. xnere Frehch..l.oanfor a: half billion dollars than hurt: the. captain's;; feelings moneyin Honolulu, and when the Ven- pov: c 1 ; v expSds tor H?t no'TJelchlng .or wUl beii(J sour risings, of UHQES . anythlng - tura came through on voyass SHEEDY J.10RE has been floated in the United States, ielse.VvButt it Is to Its next CCHOFIZLD LCD"." raciq, no quit-ft-.thir- rthe-mid- EuTc:.;ds 75 ::i:jers ndlgested jfood. mixed "wita suted' the JBdUsh r .investors in vihls mate's" job' In dle to California; he appropriated the best . stomach i cas or heartburn, fullness iWPROVEMEttiaifVMGa Joan,;: whether theyi)e' to the .United ot; the:;Sduth' . Paclfidvf mMp suites and sat at tha captain's risht WECriZCDAY ftomach, nau- w bulallarerescped or' heavy f&ImS ik ,the CITYHVATERFRONT States tir Great Britain, 'would 'be --re f 5vood was JDne night band all the ay to San Francisco. in.Ttlrd V sea, debilitating headaches, dlxslness -- -- ' quired to .pay the British income tax p. r ; I; bjT&&-yiUf&9in- t J m. ,; Associate 1 pro wgrlplngi .will all go. y- - t or IntesUnaJ mils; "r cn the;. r CATUrtDAY- - Oct- an and.; besides, there wfll. be no sour Urging the .adoption:by the publlo -; t PEORI.V HU J, Catini Ja American, and other foreign invest Work ia Tr'-- ! Dv-r- -- -- .or mine-sha- ft todajyihe ood left ever in stomaca to poison authorltlesjof thlslclty olga.4?ollcy X burying a here the orswfll:beiJSxempt: ,': A.A, -- :rr ' Niplosion tof a .powdery iJJjuse, at. the your ibreath with nauseous odors, lower port charges and better.ifacui- - Inasmuch: las .the interest :xatft iis t - tlpaoe's :.la cure ."warehbusUic mouth ot a mine killed ohe and fatally Olapepsln Obtain ties foryandllnc;iaftd lgher than the-- loans floated la 'Great vorimanwhlla It for. out-of-ord- er stomachs, because It Cargoes, as a means :ot.,:buildlcgnp Britain; f upon Jhicb bonds:; that-I- n "2 entombed". 73 ; others. " belief gatifs ia&es noia 01 your iooa juft.vise? u shipping trade Jn iM jKrt,.Jpseph. E. come tax is collected, it Would beun' ; - were : In immcdlately-'nti- a aftpr ust? the , Bame; as if your stomach Sheedy, general superintendent of he ,tOs-ex-em- pt sent ' " fair to other pSritlsh Investors ' ' ' Cota-pan- y, . I . ' - cbm- - wasn't there.5 Inter-Islan- Steams Navigation 't:.rr.r 'rir.Zt two hours of heroic work effected towartts - Britishers Suhscriblnr - - ).-- -' - an Relief in five minutes from all stom yesterday told .the Rotary Club .... .A" Of munlcatlon with th burled men the American loan same tax, ' front the ondpn Hawaii's, Lheau-- . are .bringing the big company . v- - misery waiting for you at any be R one the Y dori found, of. ,the"m They were ach is Honolulu can made bf , ' wlUea.rf ' . all. alive. explained chancellor.. ': " ;." ' - - - , " the. ot-b- here r : .;. - ...... all reieased'nona havJcg jsuffered any drug store. ." sreatest distributing centers' of .the ty and the tragedy and iiarnx: er I yesterday-frar- - fifty-cen- t A letter came the : . . These "large cases contain Pacific. injury.. ..-- . - :r THREATEN Walton Tol; " tEPPELINS a-e- oldedstfbfldhafdl : rs r-- '. . enough Diapepsin" to keep : Curtis Ccr: ny,. p'i' j , . C. O L "Pane's , Outlining . the of --the; inter RAID ENGLAND.'' ;.; M. t family ON ty'svtirtma of :the Eit irday jzveniu V the entire free from stomach island provide better coaling and X)ct;L-Engla- nd SENATOR L0RIMER IS many to. j, iXiONDON: EA&p Whichhaa tor ft'long' tlme heen a fa- - stating that they ' id received tho l:t lie;: disorders and indigestion for Ha'cDJtlea : zz l' : drydockmg lfctekmers.ctiri-- waned last sight .torftzeppeiui;atr Prcno-tloa- : c-.- - r AGAIN. FACING JUDGE months. It belongs In j'our home. yprlteT.thrpiighput .the states, will be tertfromA. P. Taylcr.of ilo l Sheedy aoidothe.fk ln.' - -- ttr,teitAlri." wortf havingbeen sent ont'from' tacit -- .pro-is- . ; ' . V presented shortly, in ;LondohiTully Committee', 'a box . - ftdV- ; cf ' sighted 'policy ;of ,hls companyVin' plan home bfflcei vraid might; I the' that. a be is ; present time the world's pineapples. These letters ar? corning Vr MORRIS.' flWSept SO. The trial of ningTor'.ithe ntute, by .its - atthe ia barging expected- on Scale larger tharf any metropolis produc ?.!1 . associates. The Morgan" line steamer El Sud largest' ship 4uid thlnka that,the ia from editors over the states. "William Lorlmef and his coaUng plani pstjbki the v ed ' beretof dre".4ttempted. v ,!; .Ex-riv- -- Which went aground during the hur tion wil succeed there In spite of theJ "A directory yer.:y frc:i who are charged wrecking T -- with .the which call bere inay Te coaled quickly expected, were -. hat The raiders headed eppeuns, s-- Chattanooga. , . . - r- frc-t- c":;.' ' was and-ffteietttl- aeroplanes ana itaey The La Salle Trust Company, of Chicagd, ricane at Galveston, Tex a'B-- j "i v V l.t early1 vnlghtf er, Iravlngr w-- 1.-- nere a. cnange or 4'&'$'&?Ml to the forlKrf .Word r has. come tbv. the? promotion city the' cT 1 T rr ' began yesterday on inter-Istan-d lanii lie !l'd" he' 's ffor Ha-wlia- 1;.:::,:.-.- ; -- Wood,' irom Chicago, xKj of Philippines Cbminittee front HPv, the Promctiaa .Comrailtca is ventie Health official the -a deVeKipmentlpf property pbrtheast'f Brussels, wordeKng Fran-Cisc- o .cf.-dir0- Jthe :w8ett; sent representative at entire list ': up to date. .LULU LC rv--r Arendea-vrtngt- o jn.--. the San develop .an t cat Tor .djedsfng;t6 slips' prbvidlng at oncetohe Tvar office bere. exposition. that Angast Wplf of dustry in the dried juice of the papaya 6000 ; ' a ter 'frontage, Hlmatery of ';The Teporb3.statid that the Zeppelin the Kerrigan; Victor- - nia; Company is I aatz lie:-:- : !'Ll3 .v:l" for. .medical , use as a substitute for )of f concrete docks; iNerw. fleet' conslsted-o- six -i c . feet modern . De- r C " 0 pepsin.5-- ' coming tere in the latter j- rt of n T P ia and end-uu(k------Sick headache, tDiousnessT iiw and iarger' btiniers) are included wlthl flying ione behmd thether cember with a troupe of 24,ftlmiAc.t'rT3 fsh :h, Tv r t :r I reath axe tiroaJly.causea by in&o-- ,;. f 'bad United States government irrigation and; that they avIII etay; ere to t-tt- v.'zr. tive bo wcls. Get a: box T Rexall projects, completed or;under way. rep- enolef vessels to take, on jtnuca duringf.atlea?'t ffee-Vtivc- the :. : gently'and b.'. fitonfrora ;J. rtcr.C. Orderlies. They act an expense $85)00,000 more'' present! v' ie'.ru-ary..Th- resent of and 'quickly .'thin .at This cemper-t- p tce.car:ivai t s in SoUonly by.ua 3 c involve the reclamation of more than system, Mr Sheedysaid, wnitje In op j etr Ottawa,' , J '.--nd va-'- -' j al,. ' .Cada- xuriy. c:-- the Italy, ca Ca C e nson, Smith A Coi Ltd. f 2,500,000 acrea. eratlon by Joly of; next year. A:- xs Flburiv'MllIs,tLtd capltalOOtfog: of scenery Tare the attracticzs-- wi'J; his actre.;3 v.i:

.... : J r'.r.--- . "c i J


. - rar Comment , ; m m m & v )m Y1! t-- Local Fcr- .

li l- 1 : Zfcf..:t IaYQx m .: -i .SJi.A V" ' Snort Field Cc v i J v i !h :V: : - ' --' 4& 1 I ': i VV;-1- - i 1 1 IF 1 . , : ' V H.svi'(iVj" Jtm 9 1' I1M1 A' 4 11 Ik HI 111 lrr Jl' T VJ 31 i (11 It 111 ill' i.r n

m 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 w w : r . T H ' ni I II II V"I I i . I J ' I I f I I III I II . . I? ' : . II Tl .x'eireci ii 13 '' Lcuts Last Evening at Rink Filled With Thrills Throuahbut Ml i F II 4hl f I Hi 1 1 FX I X Duke Kahananioku, Ludy Unner and Bud Gocdv.ln H:!.i L:;r - III 'v- Umcgatani Appears in Feature Match of Evening, Winning luiiiuuuuH niuui m iuuii uuiluiu m light in Great Water Sport Seven Swimming H :c: : rra Xjj- Fr:nUrnvy4)ppcnt Man in Crowd Gives.Money to Urn- - Smashed Durinn Year By Speed Merchant: Li ' L: :r will 63" nrnch nerrlnt?nt In a newly arranged achedule for Cl-r- s -- ,; - r?J of Los Angeles Breaks Many Marks Mada By Fcrr.;;r J -s- . ",VJ .K4JL' . :. : i,w:.v .. f'6ng ? the atrfnnt on Ssiardi the football season changed last even ' tuning tt.il. v w Th einr nr ilm' log at the Y; M. C. A the College of j II old TJiiij Jortun, tn famous an Big a Houta. t v . m m. . at It ' " t I 1 Practically every national swimming Herbert Voliraer of tho N. Y. A. C. . iL.i : ::' I ire Hawaii was, given games with the dif- Umeealtnl wise : tefpj?fC8ent last evenlns th. unuk ltt:'-.- "r '"wrw nm ' record for a atandard went haa been bettered his own loon yar-- l r. rk Ii ferent v teams . of the Interscholastlc 1 and not a Steeplechase pxA Cos;cy Kt the . Fort, ptreet ; skating rlqk ne 7 ; was dia-cussio- n bettered this aeason. few? the at nl ; League There considerable .11.' L j- V m iL. 1 new will find acceptince as rrom 11:19 to 13:59 3 3. t : - . college the marks L Ouij.hate uuweur ins neaa.in eaame quite awhile to et set and bota looked KUT as to whether the, Tictorles.i.'". In iIH".fine fash league, worId8figurcavwhen submitted to the Locals Set Mark. ' -- The famous B Jllj i$ some announcer. as big a a transpacific liner.-- z Con celebrata their should be allowed in the but i:,fi youns men International Federation of Swlmners ' ' siderable time was taken TJme- - Ion. A big majority of the it was finally decided that the college The Invincible teirj IV j - jrCljerCiore before Duke Kahanamoku the local pride, he baa the pick of of the city will be going' harborward would not be allowed to try for the Club,.. l rry tatani could dock, but after hr was In gained sprinting honors A Athletic Harry llrbrur, bunch years games haa the p- -. 1 the for oi the nialnland: .; - tommcrow even'ng if the conversation champlcnshlp, but would have McGillivray Arthur Ralthel V. port. ha. stood still nd made; Koshl- Panama-Paclfl- e , .: ' Exposition w.ter r Ave - Saturdaya, after the' Vosburgh, int. EUIv Hk.a'wh,-i'7- tacM look sick la about Half minute for the first July he covered 1M yards made n rrliy At the Healani Boat Club the mem-- which ' balance of schedule carnival in !'r-- Tr'V the the. 2-- 5 at the exposition. This q.;.irt t t Orand play, 5, rrl H..JcE.,W rMhe .Official of -- 0:54 2-- and 220 yards In 2:26 If f -- kers tfrJ.".guesta will entertained arranged ' in w r ; .T'ho . a - th , ne Wr, vDurlng" the" matched and would be for the series. brought down the SOVyarl r! i'a rt4 threer tmplm ever made for these " wrt the time 1 A ft fact n f erK vi v btvi1j4 w cstraniental .selections - The' committee baa arranged to se- fasitst figures from 2:44 25 ; i Clf nitt 4a irere used. They, had an wnplr ,tor distances in a pool, or under to.U. ll a : . iters f Jutca-.l- n f cure some excellent officials for the dead heat with four i , :; Ke tr Mil wlt, t- - Si Iloaci lriv; - the-eTeof- .: - conditions similar those in the feature- of games - this year. ; and- Xapt , Taylor, 'headed .'by Kahanar;cX:i. V; JeD Lrrsith. and rrocftcf to rhwt th clasa rumps," was thebig show of the 5"1 San Francisco, : where the -- tro Baths, .c.-rr-c Two youngi warriors who, had Lieut.;Jones, : . ; w : : . 1 of th rfclteri. It 'mndd JIV ivn!n'r. '.ir rrfrft. nn.r m..m .a.W bare .Lieut, PhJloon and Lieut championship meet was held. ' the litter In t' s U ca fSM : . flowing .. - -- 1 Lyman ',were selected ..to. officiate at lmrroved the time t ) -- j; 4;xir nM.b mentioned crlcr seen; him. garbed m" his.. HI S5pe"e Ludy Langer Leads... :J .. fnr games. made, ; meni ne ....wouiu nare quit hi jon in 1 v "I, " IT'-- . Z ,ViT the One of the rules at beyond furlon;; The breast stroke r: ! at. thit-n- o :Ovar courses the lTT the meeting was school should 1 the" referee, bnsine8i1iw)nto:ShUlJtoe Angeles Ath- tended to by Mirhn? ' .1 cf - to-hand- le Ludy Langer of the Los 1 ; an- games Pttlh tn h r-- - " allow alumnus the v, :j '. r!rk Ut wufch flrvf mon wsls appemted to introduce ine J r" r T . . r. .' letic Club msda.a clean sweep of the the Illoinols AthlctT? C In Is competing. The 200-yar- - matmen with the aprons made of ailk which that school ' cov- the d chani;.'u,5. .. ' ox- ' ' five of records. In the Sntro Baths he ft." AVrristHnisr'ABaoHjtffnh "nf gold f vpn 'V, - schedule for the first weeks ." : Trnt'l and lace.v;All appeared in Jte '"'f1' ?. i.- . ; ered 500 yards In B:J3 rosltlon in 2:10 2 year x s K'.TV;'i.''TJi msfmfi sbirtd' art with fhelr rihlv rfbvtratat firAn the is as follows:' , roarTc, two-firt- of a seorr J i r fa'm New - former American . j. 5 '"Wlc jto o Schedule.' iV v.: ijce arind' nl nrvcd' that totaled an expenditure of close .rT'T-tJAft- , more advantageous condi- standard, of his. own : made under ' tn n I Keaiania"'Vto nave reea.'--- October . 4of. Hawaii ' vs. raaralhon until whrn ih 4-- 5 ?t TTma.i -- ,16 a T.ud Goodwin ti n l:a.' .n... I J will gather Kam- - tions, by iconds. and settlns cf Znrnn ih.f ,.f moo MAt, U At7:S0 the members Kamehameha,; at field Punahou Outdcors, over r:-- . new. world's .standard. letic Club set a rcrnl - d vs.' Mclvlnleyrat f Punahou. f i 2-- to be. close to 500. iurlngi the uf Wi""1 stretch, across tide, he Cifnutes 33 3 scr- - ! ,ys. (art-- J - 16tCollege of: Hawaii H?! October 440-ya- rp ntr1r - rd It wrrk tron matches the diCferent wrestlers wtre MOT ATt "v lowered Kahanamoka'a national the three-mil- e at; ! -i McKinley,at MoHUlI; Punahou vs. f fri j 1-- nRll. and r" thn dozen given money,1 and to cap the cUmix. w It 4 3 to 5:32 3, C. Harbor, Sa:f to-b- e from 5:37 Yacht 'frt n- I - ? : -r- - time ' - i claimed best and Mills, . at Punahou-- . Iu . Ttifth wrr .n..n?.J'niiddltIon .to.. ...t cia SSO-yar- d 12: ho. f nun-mone- y fisures from tliere seems to umpire. Imagine secured in manr years and the October 23 Punahou vs.. KamehaV M.:Dan!els' the riving an umpire - ?! 18 2-- 5 "!12:Ot5, Bud Goodwin's length V. "Duffy" Uewlar to and.. actual of Ty members .will be taken care oT one of the real stars me at Kam field ; ; McKlnley vs. M11I3, . was e from the bleachers. That :'. one-mil- 3 -- i:- may eauso mar:; - of the Boston Red Sox, who Is expect ' '.';-.-'- : f- :, mart from Sj:i to the nne rtjirf ocwuu at Punahou. ? . ' th 59-2-5- th RtranM that haehalll" ct 6..v - . : y whpn no f , ed to play an Important part i in de ! '.. it como3 M-sed- who desire to continue the gastronom October 30 College of Hawaii va ,jfcv 'stamped their feet tov fans ho watched the show could not : ciding --' ''.".-- , Ic l,-- $ the world s aeries. Lewlfft !s understand. v'-V-- exercises;. y' Punahou, at Punahou; Kamehameha " wiv'? Well In bavingplay- - ' ! rThe. Myrtles wlU gather t 8' 6cIock known Honolulu vs. Mills, field. ' . . at Kam , ihrn ttsrted to call each: other Will Appear Tonlohf - :- - rf sharp and will receive a supper pre- ed here ..with .; the last November 6 College of Hawaii vs. y --v - The matches were exciting from men; December. During - of a start to finish once they were pared especially for hungry Tney the series Mills at Moilllll ; 'Kamehameha vs. started. games average - ' i will have music, glee; club selections. here he hit for: an. of McKlnley, at Kam field. ' . MrM. boi'Ctbtr. tlmd thv :frldM and the many spectators weretreated - CZAUTIFULLY Z -- 36$, season o - and his record this is air - This schedule calls for four games ' TTth"t'i'''e onnnrtnn momDt to sojme .excellent .work in all the "1- - ' . high," being over 300 mark. Lewis Li3"Ki;:c:;o nd walked hdn't.more matcnes. v an win vi a uui uante jj; iwo eipm the at Punahou, four games at Kamehame- v ''' aroimd for as exhibition it -- ' ' - ri vas Jth Speaker Hooper, should Slillij Trr-nt- r-- 1 - dancers. William Hampton will ren 4 and ha and two games rri "iffirfl'' fcalt beforo they about "the .fastest work- - seen- in the ' atMoillili. y V der a few sol6s. Prof. CaCeres will startle the spectatbra with their work will have no game on October 9. Ka- nct;:!tfp. "Onco off to world of matmen In some time.; The . - ' a 1 t n a im. t i j if this year aa they have gained, much no game on 16, the wrestlers will begin- - their, .bill with f?1 alV 1 , 1iVa,t, " mehameha October In $ experience snce the season t oi game Octo- t". ,of- - how., UJ.ilu-i- , v,- , College of Hawail no on ns to throw mn rractise at 5 o'clock this evening, and """"". "1Ilcr "tr-- liv-i- y - . Dctwcen rj ft ihe Trtmn wre handled it tt viav . I Juaae tiDDerworr ax iwyriica. i ti ber; 23: JIcKInley High no.game on " y. " , . III M. will pre-- 30, . no game on r t ! Tha rosulta nf lrhfi Judge A. 0, "Robertson October and punahou .m.trha -- -- ti ui.f"-.-- ; 1 m ; - at the meeting and will present November 6. - . : ., vrRfonnv Fecurd hold? fl:fniirtwa Jslde PUfJAHOUtSECOfJD TEAMvv: ' :p - I r;-i!- we tropnies to. ine Juage boo- Gotch envious! Sanuklyama beat Tazlmayema, two cW. -, HOTJOLULU-- ' memuo- r WILLv PLAY s , r. ...e 'as a. rule bold out of threes Hakuzhutan beat Iwa- - """P" nner. oi uib t ' wrrstlrs ''6rALL-STARS;T0M0RR0- CLUBS rr. FIVE BOYS' OF - ' en r. night they did : two out . cub; " porker W t"t last rainada. of three; KInnrui J haf hlstor.y.of .' v, brrv thev do lose their tern-- . beat, Onlshlyama; two straighf : Edo- - d Hl, tell of the :early . ;Y. M. C. Ae VILL START : iw., jvcrla. while to watch It fn takora beat Raisanra. tun. nfrafht? W wyruea ana compare iue t Punahou second team:wiU ooen the - Ed-th- e . H, present. AU members are requested In-- ATHLETIC AVORK. SOON ' 'ch- Ittwefen Chlnrelzan and r.hin7.pj7n hpst Knnnwr football season locally k game with a ; 'i present. a-- a good time awaits - t cctetfsrts were pecvel. Edozakora f beat Cbinzeizan, two out be; the Vllonolulut JuniorsVSaturday after- aU who club .(o-sak-l. J .a ilout the middle of the. rnatcb of three;: Chakasatake beat CbIbaga-- gather at the Joubo inpcA.atAQ ,;A.fexandr; Field- - Al-- ; The boys' clubs' of the Intermediate -- j AV: Ve-gi- kicked his friend In on fall:" Rhlnnrtn' .morrpw nlghtj :, rTifr ' mpn omy department . of., Y.. n frr;cr the hnr.Titnnw inougn. tner at jtunanou nave the nS ; net vrJike'.a ipiace hana, one fall: Tamateyama beat Kyu- - been .working , In scrimmage, at" few their athletic, season' on Saturday -- . TLen competitor threw salt shuzan; one fall; ICyushuzan Jbeat Ta- - days, Coach. MldkiJ will tryuout a num evening, when; they ; wilt. hold.- - their basket-ball-; year. '?"?s rye. and they started. taatubaku two out of three; Nishinou ber ,;ot jn enand : give 'them - all a test first practise , of the j back end- - forth between ml. beat Tamatubakl. one fall;'-Um- e before, the openlirg games 'of the year. They will also engage in water sports, MilkGr : : . x ar.d gatanl-bea- t diving, . racing ; the the water bucket and KosMtachI, one fall A inumber of new men will be v trie.d including and for 1 ' 'ac-cordi- J ;rinkle each other and This evening the two champions I . Lwu out against Uiq locaL juaiors. and first four weeks, then the regular sea- - : c ; lirrcntary things between Uneataui: and Nishinoumi will meet f tor the . players ; on . the town son for basket-bal- l play will open with : In a special match; team, they:Jw ill f have" a thorough try?' games' between the teamsT , s ' out ; Manyjof-jthev-player- on the ju- A ? number, of the boys are back iio;:cilulu d:!:v:;:;:'5 nior team, hav, placed witb the school from last year'a ;teams,, and the clubs !; !; teams In city, and Captain Leal are looking forward to a successful ! the ' I : L1..D V states that hetlt make H Interesting season. Among the players r'who will for" the5 Punahotf ggregatlcnrThe be out on, the floor this year are Da ; j...t.-- ' 'f. '."t - Kahalewal of tho ''.r Hneujj . r.. . :. ?. ," vid Bent and Sam Scrubs-Nobl- e, . Knights Kamehameha, Methvin and j '. of i fa- Of Detroit Tournament. - Punahou right; end; Notes the Club, W. Ser-- , . Wakefleld;Jlefti end ;:zane. right Lanquist of the Double X Max ' Marston's regular caddie is a ' tackle; Mc-Caule- A.; F. Rodrigues of . ' J of. lance, who has developed tackle; Waterhouse, left to, Serraoand c , sort free An- W to csd V:zlz up," nearly r every- right guard ; . center; thev El ; Globos; jperc'y Bull, and attend Chcciias 1 a habit of turning; Pratt " Peterson," quarterback ; 'J; Smith, drew Boyd of the "Get Ready" Club, - where that Marston plays, HIa home ' "'a is la New;Vork and he ia a genuine and Kal ;Luke and Kong Tai of 7the ;S-- Scotchman,' bora in Glasgow. ? r ;S- - cock." ,ift halfback;" Norrie, J. Pratt, Washington' Club. f) &X?t vionrney Glbbsu,iw.''-6.- During the progress pi rtne ' : -'- JuniorsFranjc,'rl gh( en d; a newv tee was built, at tne , twernn. Honolulu on all outgoing fifeatuers without incoavcniEncD to ' l r When Millard dragged him lengthening and : improving whaf .was LeaUleft end;! Mulav right tackleJ.Ca-brai;- I YESTERDAY'S SCORES self across San- - - the line at' Francisco not an especially, good . hole: .is leftZ, tacklei- R., Boyd, Tight I In August Ko--' - l?J LEAGUES We also make a specialty of Furniture Uovb. inches behind Hannes i Ned ; Sawyer, legam bis golfing ca gdsrd' j:BpT6; left guard;. Valentine, THH.BIG lehmainen,- - he startled ' the ; athletic reer as, a caddie., at v waeaton, . wmcn. center; Ty Decker. Tquarterback f A; ; .Ccr.nie Mack should hold. posl-t- H world. No one before had ever made may, the icradle, of TM-- Decker, fullback'; "fCummlngs,. right NATIONAL LEAGUE his. well be t called ' the Finnish distance runner, exert him-- J cago golf! halfback;; Quintal, left halfback.' - ; :.::::'':':'-.'.-W.0- "Pet. the American League ,vrace ' ' '' nre-mu- e - v. i .V; sen me : 00 r Philadelphia ;'L61 vTLcutbrkicg JJush but in event. eastern Max Marston will .never forget; the i87 orvWyckoff - er8 wondered if Hannes had gone .putt Which,- - missed, on f the AM E R IC A"N LE AdU EWINNE ni. .69 .531 - - little he Brooklyn'Vj..yVw..79 f turn. - I eemi-fina- 7 ;.. 69 ; .534 r. telr. back, and westerners wondered why home hole in the l roondl i It Boston ; .'.ti ...t ... j . D.,lfaU CarrisnL" Oliver ; didn't - win. Norman ,'Ther, l,was pott Bob Gard-- 1 Pittsburgh .;.71 T9 ;473 ,'.-;;tJ.- ' such a short that .i'..i'i A Tf'eral League player is said to t ernie waiers ana scores ot otner ner was all ready, to shake hands, and Chicago ;.,',;..V.X.....71 r:79 ; :.473 J " ve inherited a million dollara.' It la easterners didn't' believe it possible probably wrould have' conceded it if it l!K2hlladelphla lilO-Phnadelp- St Louis ,v. King fit next to Young Hotel ttti-- - Jt?1f-7Phlladelp- 81-;- . ';;, t 3 to te a tueer world. You can-ne- t that the West could produce such dis- bad come. at any other, stage of . the hia: CtncinnaU . .i . . ;7I ,. ,.467 : rt : - v : t904-i-Bosto- 1912-Bost- en K .;-:...- write a Ulng about the Federals tance men. but "they dldV and f cnlr match..- ' rJ New York .. 68 79 .463 -- - l9CS-hil.aderph- :rcwsiaya unless you mention 11,000,- - inches behind Millard came Guy :Hob-H lt:'tr hard for Tom Sherman W nri Ia 1913Pt)(ladelphia c - good -- ;:; J 19C6-Det- ro1t k - 1914-Phlladelp- of . Corvallis, Oregon, andI two derstand how 'te''- cam e to lose to ti New York Brobklyri oVew westerners had made the great Koly Gardner in' the second round.t; Sher-- Detroit f915--oat-6rt York 2;v'.:h--xz- m run a real race. I man played but everythlrig; z, Boston u. czricw tQUaTiherkaeH-:e- f .oartlne Vf $:: greatolf, v At Boston Phiradelphia 'lKb I -- ! - , Now they are talking about another including. the luck, was 'against; him ? NATlONAL; ieACUC?WlNMEK3i ?. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 3, Chica- y ' race between the trio of . runners. worried him most was the f. - . .';&f-i'- ' ' Tbr t'.U-- ar--i iWlnl pJaJy o'er the What late gd '2. ''1 They want Millard and Hobgood to I that befell him on the sixth, seventh 1875 Chicago 189 Baltimore At St Louis Pittsburg e. et. ouis - - -- come East to meet Hannea again.t The and eighth holes in mornihg On -- 1897 Innings).-- I , 1 to pay f our-blt-a to : see them the 1877 Boston Boston 5 (ten ' ''-;'- distance year Sixth was stymied, on "the sevy " ' . , classic will be held this the he 1878 Boston IW Boston AMERICAN LbAUUb ,r ' arrange- - enth, , won to " yet the game looks just the same at New , N. J," and Gardner the hole in 1879 Providence 1899 Brooklyn Pet mc the man 'with $50 in Ih 2 . 2, : ; .683 'Give .tayne-- "' ;"-- ments are now being made to send the and on the eighth another stymie 1S80 Chicago' 190 Brooklyn Boston ...... ; .99 '46 - ten-- 1 , --. ? 18at-Chlcago- two weaternera to a cropped up. v i; . -' 1 ' - 54 .645 the mark in vr SOI Pittsburg Detroit ,v ? ..98 bank money tie has Earned; liii mile race 'against Kolehmalnen, Ky-- 1 Eben M.Byera is ;"a keen photo- - 62: .581 "ecpewants to kaowvvjhen Phil-- : 1882 Chicago 1902 Pittsburg Chicago ...... "...... 86 i', : ; ronen, Glanakopulos, golfing scenes. keeps 18?3-Bost- on ' ' ,557 a pennant In Pores, Hanahan grapher of He 1C03 Pittsburg Washington ...... 83 .66 saved and Lw show;you wontta. last the -- J.;ila and others.: expos! albums home, one for each Nevy, 67 80 .456 himself ; ." liccal IvC s ue. , It ' waa the year Pores ran at the a.set of at 1884 Providence 1904 York New 'York ...... 2'A tlon show and-- ; splendid collection .420 5 K 'J-'' ; and tailed .to enough class year,' has" a 1?5 Chicago 1905 New York sC"Lbuls r.; 63 .87 ajyoiingl iiian Avho is started on tlic u? Ccsar broke into the -- I to warrant hia making a race against of photographs. So interested did he 1S?e-Chl-eago 1906 Chicago Cleveland ...... 59 93 .389 the men from the. WestJ Honolulu i becotne in taking pictures of the Saw 1??7 Detroit 1907 Chicago " Philadelphia ...... , 41 108 .275 road to success, I cannot impress on I yer-Eva- nr " " followers of track athletics who have match that the committee 1S83--Wewt.- Yorlc 1908 Chicago . Fan is now " : iter at wort ; : ' J get seen Millard In , action win' welcome bxdTto send a? boy after; him to 1889 New 1909 i Philadelphia Philadelphia 4. ;employcrs "too strdrigly the wisdom litre the latest I teamr -- Lapp, c; York Pittsburg At the news of a victory for the Olympic him to the first tee. for his own 'match iS90-i-Brbok- lyn , Ludera,-XhiLaJol- e, 1310 Chicano Washington 3. :r, p; -- 2b; v :rt'-tv- f : cs: against Howard Lee. iv , Louia-r-- St z encouraging employ to , ss; Lobert, 3b Lewla, l?)! Boston 1911 New York At St Loula 8, Detroit of :i their ; Leach The long xfriving fJesse ' Guilford lebbld, outnelders. :v. i 1?92 Boston 1912 New York No other games. backstopTsnyder: live? C couldn't, kep on. the course during his 1893 Boston.. 1913 New York ccodomize, to save, to start a bank , - - th-- j Max Marston. On : !U. UPTO EARLY FORECAST match with 1894 Baltimore 1914 Boston . England must be having .i wf would .an Mi team got Miller, Folk in f - SEARS- - - last hole of the match, the sixteenth, 1895 1915 Philadelphia a place to speno W. IT: rs i llathewsoa. 1 Mitchell : Mc-- Baltimore bard time accoiintR- Have you hooked ch to any rookies Guilford managed to hit one straight, S appear f --C'.iilarr,- Marqnard,, p:J Mclnnla, - lb; their money. Jack Johnson is that look good r . i Z " whereupon Marston outdrove' him by Regarding Huge which h. in 1 jnArxn sa tha KtUr In a tnnitirA.1 ' the stands "II organ, Ib;j MalseU h; Milan, Mur-- yard-o- - t ' That waa the auesnon put to. Miller a f two. .. - ' asea, outfielders, with. Moran, are t being? built. 'Are they getting comedy, and is surrounded by a casiO A A R A NK 'A CCO IJNT SIOW! it. . Hugglna In February, Sawyer played a great many fine spectators VP! ST ART ; fiiaa..-:er- .i.'iVt' i' 914i them 'too bigI Are too far "?.: "Yen.r".waa :the anwVr.'--t "Hft'ii a shota while engaged in beating Evans, away; and la there as a result too catcher and in less. thanr two years 1 but the best otr tnemwas ms an-- J player . lS i the. time of year men, much aloofness between" and Tr when hell rank as the greaa5t'.in the land." j proach at the tenth in the afternotuv , ; . :. patron too much formality and keep Puf pa .their football togs again high-pitche- d . ; Hugglns', prediction concerning his re- - It was a ball that drop-- i : lnj one's distance with a dying out At4.6masithe line and tear the eara . " cruit catcher Frank Snyder has J ped squarely, on the green not more ami-friendl- y Qf.old-tlmeNEtar- s of closer relatloashi pa and volunteers.' come than yard cup. the -- ' true. a from the The ball familiarity -- player & .1 between fan and ::',. I BISHOPr- Modern baseball has never known did not move more than a foot after Inter- 60 yT" Is is' the time of year when we which did much to sustain local iWv a backstop who Is the teerof Snyder nit tne ground. est?: ; ofrythat It hatr-to- r bevr iKtel v. j Dudley Mudge Bight v. wno was secured by Huggins from the dropped from ' ; .IU nevtfmisa ii ta'sM' Springfield. Ill, club In the Three Eyes I soon after his elevation to the pin many, new wrinkles contributed to the '! (Hi V !' v And x "yellur heads off Just the aame. league' rCv - nacle of fame, but his feat of winning championship by the Detroit golfers. v the medal will not be forgotten In , Another feature that, haa not been A P The fleV YorVSuti Tlses to remark i PRATT A GRIDIRON . icidentally he was one of the eroun tourneys -- coach seen At previous national is ;" Oae who was there saya that before Derrjll Pratt, second baseman for of golfers who made 85 in the prelim-- a practise driving ground on the scale vitoXoij.il . slgftlng : ; ;,with the ; BravesC Snodgrass the St Louis Browns, will be assistant I inary qualifying round and just of the one here.. A big field has been 3 Brooklyn - V weal to and offered hia aer- coach at Washington university this I sqseezed in mown. and along the edge of it are : Vlcea to the Tip .Tops yeara for two Pratt, formerly Played., halfback Hign over the pavilion in which , . Took ; ' fall the about 14 small tee boxes which for 113.000.: This,' Is gave - it said, the on the . Alabama university- team and U. S. G. A, officials were sealed flew like a row of beehives. Fifteen golf- ' Wards - the biggest laugh they nag , STAIi-BILEIl- ' have has coached several football teams In a red with .U. . G. A. on la ers practising driving at the-- same K CEPJTS PEli L It x 75 : : ; Jilli! 111 18 SfioUli 'white letters. It is only one or the Ume make a rather, novel sight v Y'i - ? '.' V.-- a;:' " . r. ;:r-- .,::.;, yV.V"' a ? i : v t- - -. l V ) . .V

' - t - ." i - '. '. ""; v'.,-- : ;v JVf.i V '

rrnxmr err J- f XX ttt tt AX--at tjtttUXJX4CJ A XX X.rnm.X nmvMTTt tmeXCJAvJ.. : ... : - V-v- VX.-f- Vi J JJ U OX t frnif XXiX lt Wl SXiXk X.

I A I liafc fill ffiiy n I sr if yvu I t v t 4. i 'S HVra JWv

... l : .... i . . . i . i ... r ' nil f V T v., : ; ' ."

1 .. I l .1 .' . 3 .11 . A '1

. - .. . i. - j 7T TH PLUMBER. Wlv rUK ntriT, Flve-roo- m "modern C. Iraoto, 515 King, nr. LUfht, expert ' cottaaeS eleaanttv furnlahed. J. Rent S35. Apply ... plumber. and tinsmith phone 2073. " John Doe,' 7t Rabbit lane. . 4 .. J v ,v. --.v...v. foh nEHT ; : , x. AUTO POULTRY, AND FRUIT ' - .7 PAINTER CAFE f Desirable bouses ia various parts cf Its TrtzrD tz ' City Pttatlag Shop, Kfajg. nr.; South Notaa Sbokatwatermeloni; Aalalanf the city, furnished and unfurnished, veatica. Jo r at 15, 118. 820, 823. 830, 223, HO r ' ijistg, expert auto and carriage palnt-- Yee YI Chan, chop aueyI house; clean tzl ia stait I ,1. up to $125 a month. See list in our ncl-I- a CU; - . m style of 'ad.,; err a!! work ruaranteed. 621341 . dining-roo- upstairs;, nice and cooL Tiy this ."display" clasaifici I office. Trent Trust Co.. Ltd.. Fort t i All. kinds of chop auey; open until : mldnighL7:ilM23 Hotel street. St; between Kin; and 'Merchant RESTAURANT. FomcIi'BoDHlta''" ::::, , : BLACHSM.THINQ 6201-6- m Sc firt PEE U1TE PEIl DAY JSJ-rCoafor- f-;- hoae. 10 ttly. a. cm : :; ' ; - g45c PER PEH 7L rooms, two baths (Ruud ttitcr), 'Sidewalk crating, iron doora, ; Honolulu Chines Chop 8uey House, UirC Boston Cafe, coolest place In town. , - - cwqul'.o-rrccf- v.- S3 ibardwood floors, all repaired and general blacksmlth- - Open N. King at nr. Maunakea tir. Jfi-i- , After the ahowdrop In;. day V vji XjX4.iju ii AU.. :'? large shady yard. by - ing. Nelira 133 new, saniury and up-td-da- ta'l l;t? ru ti.uu k?rt c" :r. rt Workshop, Mer and .BlJoo Hotel SL ' . sight theater. 1 ca ::. . 1 'X J JveeauwOku Cj., ! 204-6- m Chinese Lea st Blshc?' Trust .is i kinds dlnnera. --- r.rhant at u 53tf ,.y. f r ' ".r ! Chong," preji Now open. Phone 713. that looks this pagfi will see glance.1 Hf :- -. ?v AY BUY AND SELL Columbia Rooms; quick service-an-d at it at a t":t:::i t: Lunch r My tenant releases -. clealiness oar motto; open day satisfied Diamonds, watches and jewelry botight opp. . cottase only .because of . e:c :xt.z and night Hotel, Bethel street - ( salaried- n. i som and exchaaW, , J. Carlo, Fort ! 3 form of ' adycrtisirig , better position out cf t: ;? for those;' ", ' .. ' 'fir .'V: t- :)X Electricity, gas, 4 mosr--' roor, - 33wishinsbm little inore attractive; thaivtlie new, xlean; modern;, rent j per. 'The Eagle- Bethel, bet Hotel and ' ' : : SODA WATER e:;j-t- Tra-s- li Lu I- CAM Address. "L" this . f COO W0RK8. King. . A nice place to eat; fine adr4:yietdip;j office.: li cooking. Open night acid day. ;jinariri Ltd. - home Tha best comes from Hon.' Soda 1 space IJalkl.- Eamboo furniture; ,663 Cereta 'the Tgointo larger display fttjyejag.fifii t caakract ; Finely located; in Hotel . street r ! i 607S-t- Water Wks. That's' the kind jou 'pooL' hail,' suitable for' p-- op 1D14,' h. .'p. ania st i. f t barler a 1 ' ' want Cnaa.; E.:Fta$aer, Wgr.. ? t of' 8hinbg !p3rior. :, Apply- - A. R. .color, rry r: New " S Orleans Cafe. Substantial meals. v.: 6106-lr- ; " . v r bjr k'Svcr?;! . tl:c.-- . DICYCLE STORE - : ;:1rCNo cptracfIs Ala lot Usew." Hotel Street BnUard Tarlcr. four ne moderate. "Alakea.- cor. Merchant st ora ' r iesaf i v IT. 8HIRTMAKER. tisinand ybiican take as nluehstface as yotx wisk-- Vcrhlnasa, Emma,.nr. Beretanla at. ' Two-bedroo- n - , i 237o of , on all bicycles and bicycle ; Ivngolow;:'- rcrsrilto- r.:.l c:'..t3 la Home Cafe; Beretanla nr. Alakea at :t v : .r - - .yamatoya; i : rh:-3- .- 6079-tI- - " proof;' furnishel (?27); or unfum-- city. '.r ' - - . - Shirts,; pajamas, made to order; now ..vi.f,v Ia-:- : r opp, TIII:,ADUA1T.,, lshed (IZZ)i Puihou Uxtensica., M. Hanada,' baby carriage re-- at Haw location, 1305 Fort st, quire Co ph'cr.a tires Aloha BIt. " cr . t Kukul Tel.. 2331-.- 6236-t-f ' i jri.uuanu 'iX-VA- st , : CJTS-C- t tired.., sL Tel. 5013,: .V: . r 1576. : ; C089-t- ;, .1:09 L .. l v , . ccaac'.IrT' .. ; Umo-- , 8. Yamatoya, shirts, v pajamas." - DRUMMERS 863 Brand new bou3cv furnished; at ToC i. 3, X. J & . nos to order. , Nuuanu, near Pauahi. -- - JJocja, Bicycles, Tunchbowl & King-- ' T-r- head "of Mikiki tcJ-- 5 ' this uxvitkd states uisnutrri r i stre!;; three 1 . 5533-t- t 12 f ; 6076-t-f - - ' If you want good quarters to display rooms, living room, etc.; "mc3uito-- ; At'a tr.rci!a ' good cca.; - your aamplea in HIlo, use Osorio s f Action brought ; In said .District proof.-Bisho- p Trust Co.i Ltd. - r ;' - ! H. AkagL ihlrtmaker;i218 Nuuanu at: ' ' . CAKERY . . , ' . 5910-t- ; store. . i f - Court," . ... 6273-tf- - V- f, ' and the Petition filed In the . ' . . r?.r., v V--: 6098-t- . v ' .;' office of the Cler of said District r Ucce Bakery, Beretania near Alakca -- J .' New z sra lr: p rov . nod 60FT DRINKS Court ln Honolulu,'; J. ,v cctti r THE UNITED. STATES OF A1IERI AVAfiTED ttc.; Sth are., IIt!uil, nr. i - - - car, TeL' 272 L- . - . - 21S-t- ! - EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Our- soda will make your business CA, Plaintif f,- LUCY PEABODY, lina.t BUILDER- ts. i All ;S grotr. Hon.' Soda Water , Wks.,1 Chaa. et' als Defendants: - ' i' j- - friends. Louis Mbore, former - : Rpoms -. Ga K..I lara. Builder, f40 King; tel. S921. Y. Kakanishl, 34 ; Beretanla? nr.t Nuu- ET. Fraaher, Mgr. 6106-ly-r ' TUT? DUrQinUrf TOffi I UlTITL ;i manager? of i Somma's' barber shopi fcf, l!h,t. tcusekecjlrs. : - - r.:V ":r, 6147-t- f anu, ; gooa cooas, yara. ooys. - ft to knOw.r that has opened the zel Place, Fort and Vineyard sts. i:o!::l lor ED; STATES, OF, AMERICA;. GREET- : te Fhone 4511; residence phone fan hew', Progress barter shop' at King" 5 Smith . wherei all are con-- LUCY PEABODY; GRACE KAHO-- land stsi. ' ' re-- 5 Modern'. bnsr-lo- w; . first-class- 'rea'sciible t; TEA - - dlally invited for " .work, HOUSE AUI,- THE PROTESTANT.. EPISCO- ; 3323 Ka;!olizl t. Inquire 1 Phone 4136 for. all' khids of help, or T Mr. Moore'?, makes a . specialty of ): ,t . - PAL CHURCH IN THE HAWAIIAN -' c::7-tf- ; . . . i CONTRACTOR : 1166 P. mas-aag- a I'- - ' call at Unioa st,' or write to tkesu, Japanese dinners. .W. Oda, fhalrcuttingr aco ;, ", best ISLANDS, a corporation organized and and' f t t :,,;,.';' ,,-' ; ut : Box 1200: . Responsibility: and prop.- - 3212 V 183-t- Shop 8 :p. - T'-ii- ". I 0.r Tel.. f open.until m: vSat- cotta-e,- 1 5 C23 C.::-'- U: !t Co;j6 existing under andbyrirtue' of Furhizhed roens, Hotel " Construction Berttanla promptness our specialty.t'J;iK; Na 'the urday, until the cows' edme :. ' I t ,v lawsjof ; hdnie" ft.; phone 5058; building, concrete the Terrltonr of' Hawaii; ST. st, r.ir;Al3p:i 11 Citi. . ':x:j:. , r f':ru8e,--manager..v.v;f-.'':- tt TAILOR rei32-tf;-- ... I ; :6234-t- f ANDREW'S J"HENRY BOND ' ' ' ; i. work. cndlot clearing.; PRIOai . ;,...,. .. . . Japanese' lM;f: of :aU klmfoSnalaod. O.' Okazakl, tailor, Hotel, nr. River RESTARICK;- - SISTER 'BEATRICE, ' ' " "painting, st Everyone" with ariythiaj for sale' to Eur-ralo- Th cr. 9 1 S I . IluIIild ccnient work, - a, 6106-t- f whose full and true name la unknown; ng, , female.- 1210 Tulimn st, i. rlu-bi- Aloha Bldgi Co., 1464 rPlay, Safe." Coaslderiag the fao ' etc t ' 6054 SISTER ALBERTIAvhoae full and phone J4?0. C tf - I. K " - . r tors ; of sales, success FUr.NICJIZD COTTACZ. . Ir Et.. . phone 1576. K. Goto, UMBRELLA MAKER v - la rbaslra t .. . ; true name vla ?nnkn6wn; THE - v-- - v : - 6056-ly- r. - an ad, Is more satisfactory tiin YT Queen &"Milila- to Filipino' M. C. AV QUEEN'S HOSPITAL; s , corporation " Pcs'.iively. the newest cp-to-!-- ccn-- , R. Mlzuta. Umbrellas made and re--. d knowing'."howvIt happene4"' after , nl ats' will supply a!i Rinds of uelp. organized and existing under-an- by ' ..pletely furnished cottage-- , ca' 1 tha Y, Tukuchiphone 4822; t general con-- " wards, v , Yr&st; : Ada C. lUmlrex. Mgr.fhon 5029. i paired. 1284 Fort nr. Kukul; phone virtue of the Idws of the Territory of rtarBalletia surronl-s;- - ; C i'-' i' beach; tropical rooi tractor and .builder; house painting, ;,;x,.-V:-- f ; :'v.'8745.:'v i :V..vy ? "Bring Home the Dacca? every . 6i264f : Hawaii. f BRUCE CAkTWRlGHT. ;bathlng. - m 2311 i rprr hanging. 6222-6- Cressaiy's, llzllx rd. BY, AUTHORITY. Trustee under the Last Will and Tes :IVC';V'.?f'334f J. Phone 2SCS..--....--.- . r - 6 : : 1-- 1 n Aloha Employment OfflJ5, Tel. 4889; tament of EMMA KALELEONALANt ():.u Tainting Shop 695 Beretanla; -- Alapai st J fPTW R!fld Transit Office. ; CFy furnished nouseVbyOct 1; r . S709, SC96;; carpentry, paper SEALED TENDERS. deceased THE TERRITORY HA -- liw v. telo. "CTC ; rwiiiii.lkJ :. All kin la of help fufhlshed. s ;,.mustvbe..niodcrn; ".on the. beach or .c:--:-;:- 6123-e- m WAII; H. BELLINA ; HONOLULU ; . : -- a , Manoa valley; permanent tenant; Martlzs r: Sealed' tenders will De received vby PLANTATION COMPANY,' a corpora-- ' ;Ttj clcsaest a'd t:c;l V. Tr1 ;ya, contractor & builder, ma- - Pogue,.: tion organized and eliating1 under and state rent when answering. Box S, ionabla robma ia tha cltv: hct 1 gardener, 6109-t- f William E. Chairman of; the e; For best rlnc 413i.v5 i v. 6260-t-f ; to; pVocf; . wall!.-distanc- : i vcrk; phone 1837, Beretanla st Vi by of laws of Territory thla;office.;3 :;! , cold;bath mesial - . virtue the .' ' Maul Fund Commission, Wailuku, the 6031-t- r : 'IS to $10 per cc-t- h. e.I f MauL up until. 12 noon.: of Saturday, of Hawaii; and s JOHN J BROWN, An expert ion magneto coila electric K '3.; Beretanla sL U October 23, 1915, for the Construction JAMES BLACK,- - MARY DOB i and starters," .etc.; must capable H "q1uIu Draylng & Building Co; el. v be a of the . Kula Sanitorium Dining-roo- m JANE: BLUE,, unknown owners and ' ; ' - Roy-- 19S5.; 6180-t- f FtOWERS man on automobile repairing. : LEGAL fiOTICZ: f :i6i; stable tel. ; CUT and Kitchen Building, Kula, MaiiL T. claimants",3. j i'al; Hawaiian 'r-fe;- hereby appear Garage. " 604 teL'; 3203. You are directed to : ::.:: .;5 v 628i-6- t. FOR'PRINTING AND. BINDING VOL K. Scgawa, contractor, Beretanla. tlarada, fresh cut flowers; " ' i s : : :. ;. , : . c, The Chairman of Maul Iioan and answer the Petition 'la an action i UM j . RE - 6076-- 1 yr '. i v.. 6i2l-t- f u& the' ' E'23, HAWAIIAN PORTS. . ' 4 ' ' ' ' L " ' you Flrsf-das- a ' . .. , riclocray's i Fund. Commission reserves the right entitled as above, trought against plasterer for "out of town :v" .!:. .'. . ' - , 7 ?rrri:'!.' Vvyi Contracting & Building Co.. Pala--' Klraura, flowers. Fort st- Phonn ,5147. to reject any or all tenders.. v" f r In; the DiatrlctY Court the United work- -' of several months ; j- state Tenders will be received by the un- i. a; irtUmates furnished. 6184-t-f : ; 6084-t- f Plans, 4 specifications and blank States,: In and for. the Territory of Ha 'wages,, etc; , Address "Plasterer, dersigned Office of " u In the Clerk's tha , ' ' ' : , r v f 1 627?-6- ml1": t forms of proposal are on" file In the waii, within twenty 4ays:. from., and care, of StarBulletin :, t Supreme Ccsurf Judiciary-- . bull izr. J:. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Wakita,"cut flowers Aloha Lne. office of y the. Chairman of; the Maul after, service upon lyouV of sk certified Honolulu,' : 12 . o'clock ' v ".up to '. Cia!:!3 laztru;:: ., 6106-t-f 'i v - , ', Everybody know' Krj'QJ A, Loan ;;Fund" ' Commission, Wailuku, copy.oT Plaintiffs. Petition ; bereixu- - to- to that hbon onk Monday. October 11, 291 Z, for r;:-- V (leo. II. Yaaada, general contractor, Yes'ttmed" charge of 'bar-- ; and to!a ' t Maui, gether," with., copyV'of Somrfi" has C-- - and in the .office of the Super certified : tbis fclidlng Volume -- 3 cf the r:a I ; Mc-- : MoillilL a rit-st-- ; printing add 11S7 j furnished. No. 208 Taklguchi, cut flowers fruit - her ahop S.rKlag intendent of Public. Works,- Capitol Summons. et-- atNd. I5 St Supreme Court Reports in accordance . 2157, 6106-t- f icanikss Euildlnc." Telephone T.-H.-.;- . building, Honolulu; . .' And you axe Jiexeby.notlf led that un class service. ;. 7T t."-!571?1- with specifications obtainable upon 62C5-t- . : w v f . . trmw 'wH w rtrr H'.i " i FIREWOOD. less t you. appear and answer, as, above application to the undersigned. Did3 viOLi.-- i; . by, vWorksC - ' Dealers to Increase their business V2 -- Vineyard." TeL Superintendent of Public required;- the: said Plaintiff win Uke - to be accompaned with certified check nto Co Vuuanu and selling ' soda from the' Hon; Soda c. paper-- s Tanabe Co Pauahi," nr.' Rl ver sC tel. .' September 25,: 1915. Judgment condemnation - of U tha "? and otherwise to comply with the pro- Geo. Casper's tc-- i 31S1. ,!;rtk)ntracta building, ol Works; Mgr. " - v- - 6272-lO- Water Chas Ef Fraaher, Aca'puai Et. I" 2657;- firewood and charcoal, whole; i t . ' : 100, tunln.g,?cement work, cleans lota. lands described In the. Petition herein jA';-::- 6i06-lV- r "i-- 'V visions of Chapter Revised Laws : 6140 6rn : . kC327-t- f . sale and retail. and. for any other .demanded in 1915. 'j : SO, r AEALED TENDERS. tae-- Petition. '.,t To-- 'buy furniture for cash;rr;TeL!535. Dated,"; Honolulu, ; T. IL, Sept Y. KoayashL general contractor, 2034 ? WITNESS THE HONORABLE SAN-FOR- 6281-t-t .."'..Vv;vci! : - - received and-TH- , G. Kir Fbone 3336. .Reasonable. Sealed tenders wIlLlw' by B. DOLE E HONOR. THOMPSON, HAWAIIAN FRUITS the Superintendent of Public ,Works ABLE CHARLES F. CLEMONSi Judg WANTED ;:r??.yc- - - Clerk," Supreme court. Lady's r-- 'i watc! up until 12, noon of Tuesday, Novem- es of said District : Court) thuv ,10th 23Sept 30. Oct 1, 2, 4," 5, 6, 7. 8. 9. saaia' by provl: CRYSTAL W0RK8. . ''ukaShokal.lHaw. fruits; JPr'.son Td ber. 2. 1915. for the filling, and drain- day of June. In the year of our Lord lr. for a1. '4 ' ' ' ; - v - 6i3:-t- f ing Ha-- -- m weevil . quarantine was of the Waiolama Swamp, HfJo, one, Clean. ,raga for virfplng. . 6tarBuUetin Cotton boli' m v v thousand nine hundred fifteen y, I r Ikno, Pauahi, nr Maunakea sad Gr-J- tsravlng. -'-' - wait .. - and of the Independence of the United office. ... i - 6181-t- f declared against Decatur, 6211-t- f ' . ' '.; HAT CLEANER' i The Superintendent of Public Works States the ' one hundred and thirty-- fti Thomas, and Brook counties, Georz'.a. ' reserves the right to reject any or. all . . - - :, CHICKENS. Iarada, hat cleaner. "Telephone 3029. ' ninth.: " : - tenders. A .:.,v::,:,-.- V -.- 6235-t- r (Seal) (Signed) A.. 11, MURPHY, ..'".';..'..-. f N NIshinaura, flshmarkeL' fresb. chickens. Plans, specifications . and blank SALESLADIES WANTED ' ' JJ- " ' 6221-3- m . . ' forms of proposal are on file in the (Endorsed). - ...... :. s ."V v Five bright capable ladles in' each i- office the Superintendent of Public ' of 87, UNITED ., 8TATE3 V.DIS - s fNa state to travel, demonstrate and sell ; : CLOTHES CLEANING Works, Capitol building, Honolulu, and TRICT. COURT-for- . the Territory of i t"'! ; KONA COFFEE R, Hobby, ',1 dealers; 25 to $50 per week; .rail-'roa- d artth W. Agent Public Hawaii THE UNITED : STATES OF re-- s-,- fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co k The Pioneer, "clothes cleaned and Works Department Hilo. Hawau. T AMERICA vs. LUCY PEABODY et - m i palrpd. , Tel 3125, BereUnla-Euuna- . fCona Coffee Co, phone 5422; roasted CHARLES R. FORBES," X Dept 119, Omaha; Nebr. . 6120-6- ; 4 ' ' : 1 als4 SUMMONS. JEFF UcCARN and u 6081-- u coffee; wholesale and retail; 62 Superintendent of Publie Works; ': , . K2Rfi-4t- n J. w; THOMPSON, ITslntlfrs Attor- SITUATION WANTED Beretanla street j t -- I Honolulu, September 22, 1915. ,V; ? . 71 ; ' TeL 3029. neys. $?$i$pS::?l llaradai ' clothes cleaned; 6275-1- 0t '&,' 'i v United States of America, District of - f desirer'positIen;f SEALED TENDERS. Hawaii, as. ':- chanlc Address F. ' ';7- 'r . "vr-- : Bultltorlunl ladies' and gents' clothes MOTORCYCLE. E. MURPHY, Clark of theDls ' U. UVti.OH, ,UJ. ; ''" Fr-- cleaned.' 1258 ttuuanu, teL 3350. - Court the United) States of Sealed tenders will be received up trict of NOTICE OF LOST CERTIFICATE OF to 12 o'clock noon and opened at said America; in and for. thoTerritorr aid Cycleryr-Motorcy- cle sup--; District HawaU. do Jiereby certify V: - Honolulu , hour, on the 8th day. of October, 1915, of . A. BC Renoratory; clothes cleaned. the foregoinkT to be ttaji true and ' plies and repairing; old motorcycles City - m office of of NflLy 6104-6- . at the the Clerk the Certiflcstff 255L- for (10).; ten . ' bought King correct ; copy''(of the - original Petition and sold. sn4 Bereta and County of Honolulu, Room 8, MC shsres r($tW)' ? ofastx hundred : dbllara street; telephone 1092. Intyre building, furnishing ma- and Summons'"tor case of v THE Steam cleaning. Alakea st, nr. Gas Co. nia for all thr each, - of the capital stock-o-f ? Walal ua 'Y - ... UNITED. STATES t OF AMERICA TS. 6234-t- f (195m terial, tools and labor necessary to Agricultural Company Limited, ?. has 1 if LUCY-PEABOD- als as the same conatrucTa Skew Through 'Girdet Re-- et , persons -- beettost o destroyed. i All r" InforrAri Rrtdcm nri thn Knrth remains of record and on file In? the , CLOTHING f!nnrrtft are herebyf warned against negotiating ; - .' - 'v .v PolrvTrt r1of--H fit", office, of Clerk of said court - nwit- P1n!n vallav the or; otherwlseodeaJlng hi orwitlc-auc- h 111 Pay your clothing as convenient IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hate been-mad- e, for PRINTING Honolulu. City and County of Honol: scares. AppUcatlod has to ( open a charge account with The lulu. i H 'iit?V hereunto iet my hand and affixed the ; thetfeasareSofTeald'?bmpany the 6064-t- f it Model stv new-certificate: '-; :,r. Clothiers Fort low whlcti Plsns, specifications aadfbrm b -- ; We do not boast ot prices day W;M7WWp Issuance of a proposal may be had.uikm'aoDlicatlon mfc V ;; usually coincide with poor quality: CHAS. "ATHERTON, 4 . - ,' DYEINQ J5l; r'r It ' v. CLEANINu AND (Seal) " A; B. MURPHY, : ; but we "know how to put life, and a deposit Of Fire Dollars ($5.00) i? Treasure" Walalua Agricultural .."'- -' ; at the City and County Clerk's office. Clerk of United States District Court lv : :. :' . v. Iloyal Clothea Cleaning Shop, TeL 3149 hustle and go into printed matter, ' Xompany, Ltd. ,'. ; -- Territory of HawaiL ' ; .?v - and is talks loudest and The Board of Supervisors reserves Dated, September 7, 1915. r that' .what By F. X. PAVW. ; longest Honolulu Star-Bulleti- n Job the right to reject any of all tenders 16262-Sept- - 7,10, 14, 17, 21, 21. 23, ' and to waive all defects. '. . ' Deputy. Clerk, '''U..-:.:.::"--vO- v CARD CASES Printing Department Alakea Street; ' l.':,.;" Office, D. KALAUOKALANt 204-3- m t-. If'A " Branch Merchant Street UustnesT Ihd vlaltlnTg cards, engraved ' 5299-t- f. Clerk, City and County of Honolulu. 6279-1- 0t :?or. ted,r In . attractive Russia VassssBSBBssVaJssBSBsMMBssUSB REMOVAL NOTICE leather-cases- - j 1 - ? patent detachable PAINTER r-- Star-Bulleti- n 5540-t- A capitalist Oakland, . Is c:: to JcHrds- - office. t at Cat, Drs. A. C. and C. E.(WalI announce aelinaMBatti 8. Shlrakl. 1202 ; Nuuanu; TeL 4137. fighting for a fee of S the court " i i WHOLESALE HOUSES. Fajnting and : paperhanging. All He was a trial juror and had; started .that they nave moved their offices to Cigars it''' work guaranteed. submitted ' Bids the,Boaton;J,uUdutg. .o. OraU Shoten, mdae--. King ) k522S-t- lv: .the iourth floor vFfTziAtnfc;c cr.'o:: nrlfnakea tree, , : f s

, v1. .

rwi f 'i,'" '..!V.';- ;. 'V A WOllWO HOTEL v n, vX)GEMie?gTESHIp:CD; : : ; fc Co: Ltd. ; IB A ItB peering - "illI, ly X. Contractors ' V DAYS TO SAN' FRANCISCO Cfilneert and w,.L -- HV r CipbeJl Cldg .Honolulu, T. - GAH . w Fnir:cicco K Telephones 2510 and .4587 CMViec. conrenr, FOR, .SAN FRANCISCO: . ; , ; ' ; omcuit cv, t V.FOR aYDNEY: J - ' (;::C7v.-,--'-- - V ' i v i VMCrar. ? nt rrot. Ventura v ...... S.OcU. T Sonoma ; . . v . , , .V.OtL 4 Rum : Sonwrva .VW. . ..'..'-No-V 4 Ve ntura 't.;. & . ;V. ; U ov. 1 r:XIiES?;EYCOFPECD. Ventura . . ; ...... "I Sonoma ...Nby. 22 Sonoma ...... :...... Dee S3 Sierra ...... Dec 1J ,w - - ROASTERS ;:- ,. i COFFEE 3?"0HPOII.ff. H.-- -' :? : v;i:-''-:- ; : : - '" a "On the Beach . ... 7" ":v f Dealei-- In Old Kona Ceffee ilEVERai ETHEIEA i XiO M PAN Y, D - daUW'lJJLll - BRlWER A LT , Cenerat . Asenta trrnrniMT tJ HONOLULU a -- At --WaMf - t Twice ;Usi'iW.V it: cjpacity ;udf- . YOU WILL FIND THAT Opening. Performance-facks:- Bijou and Audience Goes Home ience at the Itw,ui theater wnn8sd M V--- VV:'"'00 in Good Humor.With New ComnanyNotably Good Sing- the' Initial run'a af the S.r'clogicst,. ff ELECTRICALLY expose ing and Solo Dancing is Shown During the Performance search Association-- V of the act . . ,. whiter Am Navicratiori V7 . . ivities of the slavera" in Ilatsoh unbecoming erica .through the, medium of aphoto-pla- y Cast: Even in a somewhat White v Direct Service Cctwccn San Francisco and Hcnclulu Aeeofnmodatlont for Lav nurse's she made a personal entitled TThe Inside of the Hat Johnny Hick .Fritz Fields Fop purpose r--f , ity felt across xhe fooUlghta.T Slave Traffic the a ?V7 ' Qantlaman. 222M Tom Cunningham.... Le Roy Klnalow Wltlra photo-pla- y 1" dlas and Phona mezzo-sopran- o and to make .the film tell ; , and-- ; melodious FROM 8AN FRANCISCO: FOR JBAN FRANCISCO: Laurie Farnham Homer Long rich a atory iof lintereat; the .truth la de-- Niccolinny Raymond voice i and. consistently capable work ap-- L- Pedro Teal )iarted from to the. extent that It i yfi (IE FENSND SATES - Jasper Simpson Claude Kelly in. the dialogue she carried through .;..Oet.8l WllhtlmlnaiVOcL : one of main burdens of the plot 8.;Sanoa,. : very itst f tvtry . Officer Moore Art Phillips the However, Is minor de 8TMataonUi.; 12 Ttit o? -- bested. this a 8, ...Oct. 8. 8. Maneavi.V.U.i.OcL 12 Jimmy Kelly Ross C. Miller and did it very well indeed. She ia - tail and according :to : the Indorse- '.8.-.8- r ,aeelng In other 8. S Luriine...... , . .OcL . Matsonla....i.,UOcL 3 4. C. AXTELL8 Lillie Murray., ..Mildred, Mannlngtog JtQbePrth ments received the ' DU1S. that this film has i . lire. .Corrlnne . 'f 'ij i8.'S.;LurHnelA.;;6ct. S itvliBirtiio Talbot.... Carkek g.eneraI..i:on4ItIona.. . . B. WUhelmlna . ..Nov. 2 .4 'v Alrkaa tract ... lun ' rAnd then, to keep on with the fern- - aa ..ahown in the S. Margaret Simpson.. . ."..Haiel Lake many . . i COMFORTABLE v . part of cast, Mildred Manning film, revolting though of them STRICTLY . FIRST CLA8S t Molly Kelly...... m. Ine the inay be. are true to life. m, Qionae mi&o 8. 8. HUonlan alla from Seattle for Honolulu about; October 4. . is Eiunntng wim iisot 100 ROOMS. : 60 BATHS o Choruar I Honoiuians .were unsimtea in tneir : soprano voice, was not v.-- Minnie Vandevoort, Martha Mamay. which heard at V f 7Z ClAL SALE , applause ', last night . .whenever-th- : rowers, ransy jjacour, aia ita .bestVUntll near the close. She la Waltt Aiue plenteously with good looks lavera failed In their efforta to be CASTLE&COOKtV LIMITED, Ac:nts,4Icn:!u!u C rsr Llntn and Pon: s rlon Rochester, TessIejGprdon, JPfora .endowed tray, girt.-- ,New York City and lit a classic dance was extremely. an innocent lieacon, uane jberoy,:uny jerome, ia taken, as the basis jfrpm which, the -- -vf graceful ..and ; effective. i'm"n I.A.MV v Babe Sterling.- - in ,arr Hazel Lake la as clever as ingenue trafflckera ymans irork. The raving - vessela,'. carrying - emigranta llMliiliiSl ' as Honolulu ' has ' had occasion to no--. brightest, nearly 1000 fact deration; near depot The snapniest,' cleaneat dainty 4aring.ainga ih Jjoodly pmnbera are, the particular ; ' tlce. .She is and and ., cleverest' musical comedy com nrey of men and women who fol grand tccntryi',cae caej For - ..spontaneoua enjoy the csttix. pany ' : well, ; enters with oT.heljr - Honolulu has seen:4n yeai- low thia trafflc. meana- and -- v a.-- .,. -- i - j- , a . ' ' ment into the' spirit of the evening...... : CUIU03, jETmUlT AND that' is the unanimoua Verdict' or a methods - of are z clearly .v..i , song and i.. And ahe has An '.eccentric ,7 crowd that literally packed 'the?Jitjou shown this film.'; which, from, an . r'' V-- K .. per. dance that is a rkhockout? to ; em theater last night opening educational standpoint, a revelation a i ahnvfl will .. and teava Honolulu en lor the ploy; : Fields gets ia , mmmm'99x--aamM ...w - demean. sv es'l at t ' BIg the sling that FriU 1"v i.'f ... formance of Raymond .TeaTa . '' The film wiU,.run for one wek' at the mt'ntfentd - v ; " .... or about the datea bslow: ..'.x.avzLTT.co.;. across'' so, effectively. :t- f .... . v . Son -- r Show?h ItPXj-- Corrlnne Carkeek aa Mrs. Talbot Seaside- irijthout ,lt I 1 V .7 H'i. Hotel i It f a hw X.lapUck; ia s.mal.1 part performance, CHARMINGLY SITUATED AT' hasn't a' couple "of comediani rwhoso has ln thia' !cFOR THEjaniENT: FOR AN FRANCISCO: adequately.;- - lUFIlT ,r WAIKIKt -.- v:- consists In kicking each oth but carriea it .1 I humor : : ' -- 1 There Is much talent in the mascu ' Dellahtful Roomti Perfect . er'a anatomies; its masculine element J:- ; 8. 8. TsryV I 'zra...... C : !, 5 b-orl- -- - division.1 may - M Chlyocrirtt.Ct.;. , 1lto n line Here and how oe I t?&'Z)M ny bscnce from the VMIfH IW doesn't purvey nasty, evil lines; and '8.' mm . : - f- . 1L rtllllp wUI bay , prophesied one Jong aeriea of succesa-for- . I 8, 8.'Tenyo' r,sni....V..Ot 2' ) r c!tyj Ilr. Its feminine element la whoTesome ln ' ; Fields.'1; comedy work fl. CChlnyo T!sru 2 chirrs ,cf nil vrork and gtT speech, aong and dance. If success Fritz Hia V8, Nippon Mamri kNoyf. ;i ii ( and I CD ctrcful ittcation to all detaiti. J is' sure, leancut,' continoous the Shlnyo 3 S. 3. Chlyo f..aru,.....f.';v, has to be woo' by coarseness, this , en- 8. 8. Maru...... tov. rtiee the Wenderfui I'.trlr.t JW-- Jls kind that makes frienda for the ISECIHlf ! - ' show wont succeed ;Ibut;lf. success ' company plays. id- In KANLCHE CAY ; tire wherever it In r'turel' tp .be won by principals who can both ' Ctz:s-bottome- d the opening show he la Johnny Hicks, :: call and ' nw act : and sing:' and ar;horus well I!:-- J 1 Jy square ready , CASTLE S COOKE, UNITED, A::nt:, Good 'well-costume- well-man- gambler, from whbse and Sky," :' tcitt for hire Meila trained, d and -' "The Diamond From the the tongue trlpa 77 Amazing in-- ; nered, then this show that Raymond versatile an new aerial photdhdrama; tfieflrsf r?2 A, L Prcprlttor . flow, of aiang. Frank Adams, and Will staiment: which was ahown at f.'icKAYC Teal and , er Doyle have brought of the Hoiighi ; Chicago, bora who - v A VV .r to Honolulu ought td.be a genuine hit two Liberty theater last night, gives prem- wrote the show, are mastera of catchy exciting" epi r.;:A A with the theater-goers- . y ise of "sensationalTand vusznrCAfWLV.VAiiAri c ceo. t::: c v T slang, and Fields is the man to 'make ny ?S;A will be frcra YC?... r.r . ' L'J -- to come.. steamer dssntcici i;s7 : - ! Is" by? sodes The scenario is " ' a 'rrrmriTf Allof this Judged" the flrat a.go of their .picturesque ..language. lRoy; ccast peril every TV.'Zr.'TY-FOU- H DaVYC. McCardell and the stara are .Let Pacific : night -- - t E A and ..the first. performance, of 1 :i FORTY-THRE- C CATTLE A!TD V. , La Roy Klnslow "as Tom fCunnlng tie .Pickford.iaister, of the. irresistible ; time In transit DAY3. "The Timei;The Place and The Girl,' ham falls considerably; behindt the oth Mary, Irving Cummings. v TO HONOLULU. S. S. ARIZONAN, to call about Oc'.:Lcr ' i comedy familiar, years and i Neither ' :. a musical for V gave gh era as a ainger. but he Evidence appeared in: first Instalment, "aalllzs TWENTX-FOlJl- DAY3 IllZllZXinZ?. ; past and yet with elementa.of .wide.ap the - s , of being' able to dance. to good effecC according to the photo-play- 1 .For particulars aa to ratcs- .eic , a;jij 1.1 vrytMr2 J : peal TFhlch jnake it popular, year.after upheld and throughout the evening hl were on . same night, ; they born. the' mainland, The - ' ;' yearon' the circuit: events occurring" In episode. .Oeatrxl l -:zL-- - Teal company ! presents,: shortened said .this rr;''M a : Homer Long" adds to the talent w interesting of of version, thetwo .acts ; running' from Another feature this mistakably.-- familiar tBong. . 210,000 a ,waa -- i rThat fering Is. the fact that; ' S:30 nntir 10:30 lengthened I last ; When Your Pipe Goes. Out,'!! fell to pald ; to mentioned an.d ; a At ' . many en the author nleht' because' e of the :;ADl:l;i-;.u3Tn;.L!- - t lot; and .the man ,whp ;made fa person A: cores but ;ln 8hortenhig neither hia If like amount is offered to the hoyal iiail, u::: the mous .'Henry ; Woodruff.' would', haVe - ::?: big , making the best suggestion for a se- ,ch?.rza without. r.itlca. ,7 .. ; continuity of tory;or any;pf ,the; J-b- Cf JTM8 CTORS FCn'CCCD complimented': after, ie. .finished Looks like"; easy money for !w.u.:.ubiect..t9 sone-hlt- s oeu v ; v-'- has been eacririced.. Vanco uver.: Fcr Cuva, Av:'UnJ I CLOTHCC V: Km v :pi ' ' somebody and Honolulu Jfahs' as For Victoria and s'J ' ; j. tt' f f bate C-i:i- opening night ahowed . , EIka Ir.;. .Klr.j 'ice that the iKelly" lygpara'td wt very good. chance '. 1 . . O c t. .1 $ r'T-ra- Clrat company 4a i .Claude W a aaany'?-- Uaku ra , ...... cleverness in this not con - ra capable . man;, ,Jjh4 s this '4 The feature film .for the last 'half ;12 : f-'ev- character Nlarara-li.;- ! i .Nov. to ,one9or .two. principals. d, fined JThere sketch he Js .Jasper SIm,pson, a tight-fiste- qf theVeek at the liberty Is one well Is .talent primming in the Xanier.riMany-ailaug- Captive''- - - J a; wgfc overtalent rich'pld worth seeing. :.,"The ia the THEO. H DAVIES CO., LTD., CL.:r,:.L three main branches of jnusical com i a did he give the ; audience laat, nighL title: and it: deal with ;the late Bal- edy-6lngln- g,- v dancing V j and acting. Art Philllpadoubled aa a porter and kan wars.- -. Blanche Sweet and House I;ir6t, Jiaypaond Teal, greeted like an dpmg jhare. tpmake are; seen In leading roles Ctllvtred f la any qvrr.tlty at , a policeman hls Peters the old friend.: He has little to do in.thU ,way.- - 1 - . any tl.r.s. Phono '.1123. the plot iroli me,rrllon its and both are good. , Ah especially hot- v phompt szr.vicz -- show, out part as .an ? r J r ''". his email Italian fef - ! able' fact is that neither of these stars' 3 1 r, JTlo wera went "generously across , N D ; CAHU JCS CO.- r organ-grinde- is well done.':.?c the -- 47j.lAIL:SjZAra-:n- F ?. m 3 HT A PA' v;.' 4t play: to Hthe t icameraC'iExcIUng -- footlights on the opening night and . Madeline Rower prima donna. ; i the Scenes come thick" and fast during the rnighU feature waa the tfresentatlon vof iels t : f - i ' became an instant favorite last filming of The Captlye," .and every by; the" HonoluldiiTnca A number of " lis ' " : :;BYAUTHORrTY.".; the men in the '.ahowf,v'areElk8.'nd fbot of .film full ..of .action. ; 1 1 -- a? A ypnthfui; actor worthy of note In fe apecial kukul nut If -- ex--, , - r l S i l s there .were lels 4 saw roay. TV p lrlc - -- r , offering- jO'erald "JVard, r this is who ..Hild-Mauna'Ke- I.-- ''RESOLUTION design for everyone, including JErnest f a,' I. str. :. NOr28V"f plays part of cripple and playa It r, V Wplff; the musical director. By the the a f I ? r TSuhday, Oct: 3. f y- r:f Hby si - , : .... - t Be resolved ithe Board Su way, deserves, special wbrd..,The Hell. v'.i...- I.-- L V - : it of ' he H -- ' MauL Claudine, atr. . LCWERS A COOKE, LTD. . . The fPathe, Weekly" la filled with L-- ' pervisors .City. and. County of "runs ;,wlth f L - . r ' of the" musical end of the show' Klnau, W. G. Hall, str. .ff..f i.,jf- "f , Kauai , VHZN " current ...news 'features covering an - I.-- - ...... marked smoothness . and. .not a: little Molokai, Lanai Mikahala, L str. area extending rom. jthe the sum of , six,.: Hundreds. Dollars of the success of the dances Is due to f ..European .cvlMonday, Oct.' 4..;.'-'--r-:- FRED L. VALDr.cri, LTD., zone Richland, CaL, : (S600.00) eame Is hereby handling; -- war to oilfields. : Orient-rTeny- o " t be and the the.: able .of the director's Yokohama and Maru, ' r" appropriated put,: 6f all tmoneya in .the baton over the .piano down where the K.' str.r r.Mr.-ACTisrii"--'r!?-:r- T. K. w- ' v , . ; ' .' Permanent Improvement Fund of the musicians labor:. v-;- ' -' r and PiutM Cia. City, ' i.r.j Treasury , of the, and County of v A special' iword valao might' be aaid '; 1 u - xsn rur.raTU HonoluiR j;or the .following purpose, ,vj fpr "Some noveV.:but: rather, effective, I F - i! r ; wit: ' costuming. In'i bizarre ;effacts V re- l'-- ':Crt) "CaIIi!Rl';f-- ; . that Saturday,. Oct. 2. .Yoer.3 'h ' a ' Reconstruction, bridge on road to one Bulgarian modes L--L T t C II z FuSton-Te- si mind of the The Hllo Mauna Kea; str. . ( t ; : , vafley;". ,".3600.00 lmu-sic- al 3.--- -- Also..,' j i Woodlawn, Manoa choruses ivere colorful a well as :.r;.' .. ;.J'r' J5unday, Oct. ,'7'. rcrr.':t.i 3 Presented ; And the ladies ia the audience iNo" ships scheduled.): V?1. .'' any pci--t' c-- i t'3 ; ' : f ; were '. a coatnme A.14, , J tT'-i:- much interested : ii V V t Monday, Oct. 4. vi'"-- ;'ni!:!i:l, f.OTHING COUNTS LIKE f- " rrt fi. wfiupervlaor: with pantalettes w.orn ?by, Mlsa Manr Maut-iClaudin- ei X--I. f. LLC-F- -- CERVICE. v atr. 'l. C;s , W Z A -.-- WE 'GIVE' IT. , ,Hilo v Date of introduction . September '2S, hjug, bopteesr-i- 1 M:r:lulu and ' and in Hazel Lake'a f Kauai W atrj &. V ' "; KERCH NCR' .VULCANIZING V Because of euqeese thevPppuIar GHaiyi. Ik CO CO 72 0. Oiey were. -- . 7 j bootees ia what ? Jtf 'Kinj Ct. . CO- vV-v-- Tel. i::3 - LTD. rUf the first night ia a Criterion'iir.Ahis: theaters new policy of "ving a ape 1177 Alzkea St. Phona .434 company .should be 'made . welcome in ciai iamuy snow eacn r naay evening jtiiira i FUk and Millar Tlraa; of Supervisors of the City Is to continue indefinitely .and is- - the n i the Board Hon cflulu good season- m. and assured a - 11 m a. a. I r'r '. program , 14 and . County "of Honolulu,', held TTuefr It Is a real relief to find that the Teal ior .onign ai.;sne.tzy piay: Beginning :: o'clock se- points aa;foIIows:.iv :;7.-Sa- n bouse. lat a - Honolulu . .i Francisco Sonoma, 4. , C: A.r.;' l " rapid-fir- e ries of five selected feels will be; di .Oct : TjiC. r.iforRont ; lng Resolution; was Jiassed on. First and is giving a dean, show A.Cr?yt-- Co, LtJ , M cIN E R NY PA R K played, 8 p'clock the old stage YnVnhama Tpnvh' Marti. Oct. 5. ) Reading and ordered to print on the , evr and at ;; i;.a a:::--.- , iili:of vim xest nd' laughterfor Ventura, OcL f;- - - ;.-- : i ;r i;;Ulra )' ' In ,wiH Australia a following vote of said board; ery body. - bills are as tavorite, ;Paid, .Full,: takethe. 7 I If the other 8creenrfy:i.!.-.- ;vf'v?-,- yancouver Niagara.: Oct.' 6,-- : 4', ha Ayes: Ahia, Arnold, Hollinger, Hor well done as this,-th-e company Is here ' ; t ) will following ' . barely , eacapea Malls depart for; the CHAS. S. DESKY, fcoL, ner, Larsen. Logan. .Total 6. j. f6r a long i This, picture the atay.' class of stage production known as polnta.aa follows: . Merchant, nr. Noes: None. SUff: JA'-vr' S. Fort. . t1 Ran "PranHafn tenvn Marn.'Oct. r ,. voting: Shingle. the problem play. t ' i Absent and not Raymond . Proprietor. ' i Teal ; okohama-Ghly- o Marti; OcL 8. Total 1. J. Walter Doyle.. Manager i The situation at the . climax has an ; : " - rapera , shad Auatraaia sonDma-.iuc- x. .? d;d-:- cf and E. BUFFANDEAU, - . trader and all around Ros8iC..ailller.i.. ',1 1 A r 16. i -- "fc v. : - Izg Writing .J I. J. .1 Vancouver Makura,1 OcL .. Trv:"-.- i '; .ill- asd Patera. , Deputy City and- - County ICIerk. r ; ; .v.'. . . . , .Advance Representative .y..jf.loior, . AN 6281-Sept- A' ;C All PAPER v j ;. 30, Oct I. gritz Fields Producer, Hon of a young, wpman and theifuturp E. W. ELLIS. t:?r. 11 : rrLY .CO..LTO.-vV.-v:- MILLINERY of a wak.ypung man.- - He iwanted to TBAJTSrCIIX 2J3YIC3 : Roy Klnalow; . Stage Manager Fanthson XulWr.z. F. :::2 - Q- -a NOTICE CHARTER CONVEN- . t ,.4" .'1 ...... OF getrld f the; man, he might, r : rtre'stai nonolala . . -- that: i r Minnie Vandevoort. . Ballet Mistress. iet Philip-- r- - J r. Ctx O. Guild, Oen. Uar. HONOLULU HAT CO, TION MEETING. the .woman. The author . shows hia jJbgan, from San. Francisco for " great faith In humanity by causing t pines, at Manila." : ' Hotel St;,nr. Cetnal SL ' - The delegates to the Charter Con JAPANESE GLEE CLUB .the villain.; through ills love for the Thomaa, froni Manila to San Fran- D AH U --RAILWAY Tl U E TACLE ' ventlon are; hereby called to; meet In' - CONCERTiFROPRAM ;T0 ' girl, to save both .her and the man In IcIscodueihere'OcDS"" m regular session at the makal pavilion of wrecking-bot- h lives. Sheraai, ;froiit .Manila to SanFrancia- - INCLUDE NOVELTIES stead r;v. OUTWARD V- - :. rr.-'.,- ' of the" Alexander.'' Young TIoter,roof co, now at coast v. : v . ' 'v ' watch ' . Walanae, Walalua, and vellHave protect your carden on Friday evening. October 1, Sheridan, due to sail OcL 6 from San For Kahukfl ua' . charge 3J50 p. The In of ar -- a. m m. home or atore while you at: 7:30 o'clock. committee Francisco for Honolulu and Manila. waratations 9:15 ' , All members are requested to he rangements for the Japanese Glee Club DIx. in port; ; sails In 8 or 10 days for For, Pearl City; Ewa Mill and war eleep. . i T, present, as the committee of 15 la ex: concert: which will be held at the Ha ' San Francisco.' ' stations f7:30 a. m 9:15. a.' - mf r .. , Opera oh Saturday. Oc ; tr-- vs ! im ' - f a. m p. SJW pJ m Bowere pected to present a Teport. October waiian House Warren, stationed at the Phillpplnea. 11:30 2:15 bm Merchant Patrol m- p. m. 1 will be the 21st day of the session. tober it, met Wednesday at the Union '4-- 6:15 p. - J9:50 p. nu fll:15 the; program 0; 20 eed-Accura- cy C. PACHECO, Grtirand planned for the I For Wahiawa and Lellehua ! -- f Cheapneja M. PASSE5GEB9 DEPARTED evening. - The opening number will be HVIflLPST P- - m, 3.Q0 p. m, ?U:00 : M e I Chairman of the Convention. aim, t2:40 s&a g c to othe r tlanda 5 ;: will i.-- p. . ..-:- hip at' Sea'PaBo" Pago, - September 27, 1915. a march by the glee club, which Pr I. Ktri 'W. n'.HarL for Kauai. m. r Canton Dry Gccds 6282-Sep-t. 30, Oct. 1. be followed by the following events: September 30 E. Glesecke, Q. H. Or-- INWARD .;V ; v' ' , ' ; MUTUAL WIRELESS Japanese story 'by I. Komatsu; steel! Patrons of Punahou and all music A. Knuasen, Mrs. u. u. uaia-wln- Honolulu Kahaku. WaL -r'f''rr; tel. C Arrive from Can, 1574 - tompany NOTICE. guitar solo by a. member of the glee j lovers , of Honolulu are eagerly await-- Mr. Camara, M'R. Jardin. alua and Waianae 8:36 a. 5;21 a e ciud; instrumental trio,-geisn- gins ing-m- cencertito be held in the P. m. SL, near - 4 .Hotel Bethel Jit The Board of 'licehse1 Commls&lon- oh kbto.' flue aad samlsen, and violin Charles JEt. Bishop j Hall , tomorrow PASSEKGEB3 "BOOKED from Ewa ..'v;:Mill and .t ' Arrive Honolulu era for the City and. County pf4Hono; solo by . George Caspar. evening at 8 o'clock. . i?v PACfFICJEfGIWEERIMG Pearl City f7: 45 a. m 826 a. .mv lulu will hold a 'meeting Assembly of theiprogram will I.-- I. at The second half The musicale Is under the direction ;Per str. Claudine, - for . MauL 11:02 a. nu 1:40 p. m, L2S p. m, hall, Mclntyre building, on Thursday, J)yr J.T-Dr.,- W.-D. COMPANY, LTD. be featured exhibitions by the of Miss.; Margaret Clarke, who . will October Baldwin and 5:31 pvm. 7:30 p. m. 4 t?Aw&. rs, 1916, 3:43 p. m., Xcp.-ulti- Y TAKAKUWA A 3. October. 21t at to geisha girls In new dances, followed then appear for the first time here wifeV.Mr.-an- d Mrs. C. P. Durney and Petsnlng and . Con Arrive Honolulu from Wahiawa and - Cbong r ; t'-ructi- Englnera.v Limited. consider the application of Lee by .George ilosaman in an ukulele since her year abroad. , infant aad. Ozawa (maid), .Miss Dur- Lellehua 9: 15 a., mu, p. nw ' second-clas- s tl'55 for a restaurant license. solo: Japanese song by a geisha girl; chiefly Ogden. t- ? Er t : : ?. Uuiliinst. 8ttuc CRASS-- , The concert ia a recital for ney, Misses Baldwin (2), Miss 4:01 p. nu 7:10 p. .m.",-.----- NAMCC;; packed In I a, to sell intoxicating liquors No. 93, violin by George Caspar; kot? - and-Mra- . Ala-- turc:. ;ccl Structnra, Sanitary Sya-Uci- C""J; at solo Edwin H. . Ideler, ;the new Pnnahoo Mr.- Heromoto, Mrs. The Haleiwa Limited, 'a two-hou-r King street; Honolulu, pro- quartet by girls; Hawaii-- : Heorta Xnd Estimate on' Po-cts-t; under the geisha duet, violinist. Mr.v Ideler 'has alreadf in paL Mrsj Mary Carlos, :B Morris, .W. (only first-clas- s tickets honored) j pttonA 10AV':- : ' r.- (uuanu si. near King St. visions of Chapter 122 of the Revised an song by two members of the glee many aemt-form- al gatherings enduar-club- ; Mlsa Terrada, Dr.. Bald- leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:36 Laws of Hawaii, J.915-- dancing by geisha girls; music led himself to'niuIcianaof-JlawalL- win, Mr. and Mrs. John 'Arnasln, Mrs. a. for Haleiwa hotel; returning ar- All protests or objections against by the glee club; a mandolin solo, and j Lester G. French, baritone, :a PupuhL Mrs. Mi H. Kulani and ; will Sam rives' in Honolulu at 10:10 The ' P.tf T the issuance of a license uuder said a comedy by the entire company. sist in the program.'rhia Mra.-";E- RodgersJ V NEW YORK CO. aiusicaie is ? I , x Limited stops only at Peart Cny.and; application should be filed with the first ; of a" eertes " ' " H. F. DAVISON, Designer the of Punahou Walanae. :;' ::5 secretary of the board not later than - Females'of the Austrian wild turkey oe by: faculty w Follow Z by - Amerl Dvher A citals to presented the in s exploration Dally; fExcept Sunday. tSunda only." v''ifcxrfi!aa In Plaaoi visit will be profitable for g - -- ' the time set for the aaid bearing. lay their. eggs In common nestshold-In- of can geologists, experts 'from? the - V ' FLAYER PIANOS you ladies. Oahu,ge:':':i.;- G. P. DENISQN- . F. C SMITH,. CARLOS A. LONG. b.ushpl or more, " V J half a cover them ITnited States are Investigating the SuperintendenL G. P. A. - THAYER. PIANO CO,' LTD. Pantheon Building, Secretary Board of "License soil vegetable' mat- Wctel-Stroe- with and decaying Studenta of the University of Wash petroleum deposita of Northern China; :. t' Ulv Phona 231t: Fort and Hotel Phone 3857 ' jTAE-BCTXE- Commissioners. ter and leave for the heat of decompo- ingtont hare "protested against the j which may become one of the world's m' ia7X tot; G277-Se- pt 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15 " c - : sition to hatch. compulsory- - military drilL great oil fields. ;; v: v TODAPS 5ZITS T0DAI ,

' v 7 . 7':. '' :.'..':7 iv-V- '

HV'..ii.;TA-A- .: