Social Axioms on High School Students in the North African Context: Validation and Fit of the SAS-II
PLOS ONE RESEARCH ARTICLE Social axioms on high school students in the North African context: Validation and fit of the SAS-II 1 2 3 Manuel GarcõÂa-AlonsoID *, Miguel AÂ ngel Gallardo-VigilID , Patricia Melgar Alcantud , AdriaÂn Segura-Robles4 1 Doctoral Program in Science Education, University of Granada, Melilla, Melilla, Spain, 2 Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education, University of Granada, Melilla, Melilla, Spain, 3 Department of Pedagogy, University of Girona, Girona, Catalonia, Spain, 4 Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education, University of Granada, Ceuta, Ceuta, Spain * a1111111111 a1111111111 a1111111111 Abstract a1111111111 a1111111111 Social axioms or general social beliefs represent people's cognitive map of their social world acquired through social experiences. Empirical research has related the central constructs in the study of psychology and social axioms, establishing a broad nomological network in various cultural settings. This paper studies the validity of the Social Axioms Survey II (SAS- OPEN ACCESS II) short form, Spanish version, on the individual level in Melilla as North AfricaÂs borderland. Citation: GarcõÂa-Alonso M, Gallardo-Vigil MAÂ, Participants were 410 high school students from 14 to 18 years of age. The reliability analy- Melgar Alcantud P, Segura-Robles A (2020) Social sis, the discriminant validity analysis, and the confirmatory factor analysis through the struc- axioms on high school students in the North tural model equation, showed similar results to previous studies in other contexts and African context: Validation and fit of the SAS-II. allowing the use of the survey in Melilla. In addition it is presented a fitted model that PLoS ONE 15(11): e0241510.
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